How to make power windows work without turning on the ignition

Window lifters without ignition

On many brands of cars, power windows do not work without the ignition.
Let's look at options for solving this problem and is it worth doing? I agree that turning on the ignition every time in order to raise or lower the glass in the door is not very convenient, and many (about 1,500 requests per month on Yandex) are looking for ways to solve this problem.

Let's look at the diagram and it will immediately become clear why the power windows become active only after the ignition is turned on

I circled the so-called POWER WINDOW RELAY in green, which literally means “window power relay”. That is, through this relay, power is supplied to our power window buttons.

When the ignition is turned on, voltage is applied to relay contact 86 and the relay is activated, closing contacts 30 and 87 to each other. Thanks to this, power supply voltage is supplied to the power window control unit.

Bringing the Chevrolet Lacetti to Mind

13.07.2016 . . Today I want to talk to you about how inconvenient it is to use power windows on many brands of cars. In particular, we will talk about the Chevrolet Lacetti. Those who do not smoke experience difficulties only in the warm season, but those who smoke both in winter and summer, and taxi drivers have the worst situation. They spend the entire working day in the saddle of their iron horse. How does it usually work out? I started the car, drove, it seemed a little hot, opened the window, drove up to, say, a store, and parked. And usually everyone immediately turns off the engine, takes the ignition key out of the lock and gets out of the car. And when they start to lock the doors, they see that the window is open. And now you need to get into the car again, insert the key into the ignition, turn it on, and this will lead to an unnecessary, unnecessary start of the electric fuel pump, then raise the window, turn off the ignition, remove the key, get out of the car, lock it. Agree that it is not very convenient. And if you are waiting in the car for your wife, who ran into the store for 5 minutes, and you have been sitting for the second hour and thinking about how much you can buy during this time,

. . And now your hand nervously reaches for the power window button to open the window slightly, smoke and calm your nerves. But it was not there. You need to turn on the ignition again, the electric fuel pump will start again, open the window slightly and turn off the ignition. And after you have smoked, you need to go through the whole procedure again. Of course this is not the case! So after buying the car, I decided immediately, without delay, to remake this system so that everything would work regardless of the ignition. I already had experience, I did the same thing on my former twin. The only thing left to do was find the windshield wiper relay on the new car. I was lucky here, the fuse and relay mounting blocks were in the table in the instruction book. I quickly cut off a small piece from the car wire, stripped the ends to the length of the relay legs, soldered them and flattened them a little with a hammer so that they became just like the relay legs, instead of which this wiring was installed, bridging contacts “30” and “87”. The markings are indicated on the relay from the side of the legs. Or you can do it in Russian - if you look at the contacts of the board (the holes where the relay legs are inserted) from the side of the front bumper and remember the dial of the clock, you will see that the contacts are located at 11 o’clock, 1 hour, 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock. The jumper must be inserted into those located at 11 o'clock and 5 o'clock. Insert this wiring and the relay into the glove compartment as a reserve. And everything was fine all day, but when I put the car in the garage in the evening and turned off the ignition, I noticed in the dark that the LEDs in the control buttons were glowing green. I thought that I hadn’t turned off the lights, but everything was turned off, I even took out the ignition key just in case. But they kept burning and burning. Then I realized that the LEDs light up when current is supplied to the power windows and are constantly on. I turned on the ignition - the relay closed - current flowed to the power windows and the LEDs lit up. I turned off the ignition - the relay opened - the current disappeared and the LEDs went out. And if you use a jumper instead of a relay, the LEDs will light constantly. You won’t leave your car in the garage overnight every time with the keys on. I was very offended by all of North and South America, took out the jumper and walked home with quiet sadness. I sat down on the Internet, but didn’t find anything helpful except the resentment and dissatisfaction of our compatriots. They suggest installing closers, a power delay or a toggle switch. But all this needs to be bought in a store or ordered and not cheap, installed, but the problems cannot be completely solved. The closer works when arming. If you set the delay relay for 5 minutes, you can, of course, do more, but what to do after this time has elapsed? But the same thing will happen - the delay time has passed, and you need to turn on the ignition again. In addition, during the delay, current will constantly flow through the relay coil to keep the contacts in the closed state. Plus the power supply for the circuit itself, and the LEDs in the keys will light up at this time. The consumption is not large, but still there. In general, this is not a solution. An extra toggle switch will ruin the appearance of the interior and will smell like a collective farm. I had to look for power window diagrams. Out of 20 pieces, there was only one normal one, from which you can understand something. The night was not in vain, and I found a way out, simply and tastefully. You don’t need to buy anything, the asking price is 0 rubles , nothing extra, everything is your own, with your own hands in 10 minutes. All you need to do is put a jumper instead of the relay and swap the wires in the chip. The operation of the window lifters will change slightly, but, as it seems to me and everyone I have changed, for the better. Previously, all windows could be opened on the driver's side regardless of the passenger door lock button. Usually, while driving, the driver does not look at the buttons to open his window and often opens the back one. Then he spits, closes it, moves his hand and opens his own.

. . And after the modification, when the prohibition button is pressed, only the driver's window lifter key will work, only this one key, and the LEDs will not light up. but as soon as you press the lock button, all the keys will immediately work, both on the driver’s door and on the passenger doors, and the diodes will light up, indicating that passengers can also use the power windows. As soon as you press the button again, the diodes will immediately go out and only the driver's window lifter button will work. Now, at any time, you can raise and lower the windows whenever you want, regardless of the ignition key, and turn off the LEDs with one press of the lock button. For those who want to change the operation of the window lifters in their car themselves, I have made a detailed video instruction. You don’t need any knowledge, you just need your hands, a jumper with soldered ends, a Phillips screwdriver and two stationery needles with a curved eye at the end so as not to prick your finger. Video instructions cost 250 rubles. If you are interested, go to the Payment Instructions page. to support the site. Anyone who lives in Kostroma and doesn’t want to redo it themselves can click on the contacts at the top of the page and call me on the phone. We can agree on time, place and for 300 rubles. I'll do everything myself. . . You can watch the first part of the video on how to make and where to insert the jumper in the video:

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How to make power windows without ignition

Obviously, in order to make power windows without ignition, it is enough to remove the relay and bridge contacts 30 and 87 with each other. Let's say on a Chevrolet Lacetti it looks like this

Now the power windows will work without the ignition.

But I won’t do that on my car. Why?

It is clear that this will not necessarily happen tomorrow or not necessarily to you, but it happens and happens without warning. I know many such cases. And the speaker in my driver’s door also failed...

5. And the most unpleasant moment is the children! No, there is nothing unpleasant about the children themselves, but the children themselves can be very unpleasant. Moreover, things could, God forbid, even lead to tragedy. Haven’t you looked at the statistics, how many children died due to careless handling of the power window? I watched. Therefore, I don’t want to leave the power windows uncontrolled. He took the key out of the ignition, put it in his pocket and calmed down.

Have you ever wondered why automakers went this route? I think their main goal is clearly not to deprive us of convenience, but something else, something safe...

What to do? Should you come to terms with this inconvenience?

I have come to terms with it. Or rather, I'm used to it. And I think that everywhere a compromise is necessary, and in this case it was reached at the factory and I don’t want to violate it.

But this is my decision. And if the idea of ​​power windows without ignition does not allow you to sleep peacefully, then there are several more options for solving this situation:

So the power windows will remain active for about a minute after the ignition is turned off, after which they will turn off power. This solution requires at least minimal experience with a soldering iron and also does not satisfy all needs.

As you can see, there is no ideal solution and you still have to look for a middle ground. Compromise for yourself - what you are willing to do and what specific problem you want to solve.

In general, it is up to you to decide which road to choose.

Here is a video on the topic of power windows without ignition

Think, decide, share your opinion in the comments.


Method No. 1 Simple

It is more competent and safe to use the special “Mini ATM Fuse Tap” adapter. Using it we eliminate unreliable connections (inserted wire into the fuse connector).

After completing the work, make sure that after such modification there is no leakage current with the ignition off. Otherwise, the battery will quickly run out. The result of the work done on video:

For Lada XRAY method No. 1


In the photo, only the front ESPs are modified:

For Lada XRAY method No. 2


Method number 2 Difficult

The process is shown on a Lada Largus car. The first step is to remove the mounting block:

Next we move on to finalizing the mounting block:

The photo shows the connection of the ESP to the plus from the ACC; to do this, we connect the red wire to the yellow one.

If you need to connect the power windows to the positive side of the battery, then connect it not to the yellow, but to the red wire (the photo shows the purpose of the wires in the Largus mounting block).

What is the best way to refine the Largus ESP? And in general, is it worth redoing the power window connections? Leave your feedback and take part in the survey. Let us remind you that you can make the control of the radio more convenient using the steering column joystick, and the ride of passengers more comfortable by lowering the back of the rear seats.


How to make power windows work without ignition on a Lada Vesta

On the Lada Vesta family, the operation scheme of window lifters can be implemented by the factory in different ways (depending on the configuration and year of manufacture of the car). After turning off the ignition, the power windows (ESP) can still work for some time (for example, 2 minutes 20 seconds), but if you open one of the doors, you will no longer be able to close the windows. One of the owners told how to modify the design in this case without interfering with the wiring (no need to cut anything). And if necessary, everything can be returned to its original state in a few seconds.


: two relay blocks, short wire.

Now you need to install
the adapter under the standard K4 power window relay
and screw the ground to the nearest screw:

How to make power windows work without ignition on Vesta on video:

Or you can do it without an adapter. Leg 86 on the relay itself needs to be cut to the root. We solder a wire into the relay itself instead of this leg, and screw the other end of the wire to ground (photo by Maks_79 and Aleks Sander):

Three more ways

make the operation of electric windows independent of the ignition:

Will you be modifying your Vesta? Which method did you like?


Operation of electric windows without ignition

Normally, the electric windows (ESP) do not work until you turn on the ignition and this is not entirely convenient. It happens that the driver enters the store, but the passenger cannot open the window at this time because there is no key. You can connect an ESP without ignition in various ways, let's try to understand each of them.

The first method to make the power windows work not from the ignition is to connect the two contacts of the ESP relay. The power window relay is mounted, and is located on the left or in the center of the mounting block. Despite the fact that this method does not look safe and can hardly be called aesthetic, it is the most popular.

The second method is no different in meaning from the first. We also close two contacts of the power window relay, but inside it. That is, a slight modification of the ESP relay is obtained. The last method is to connect the ESP from the cigarette lighter.

Window lifters without ignition

Details Category: Repair Published 06/27/2014 Many people are familiar with the situation - you arrived home, turned off the car, took out the ignition keys and then noticed that you did not close the windows. And when the ignition is turned off, the power windows do not work. You will have to take out the keys again, turn on the ignition and close the windows.

On some cars, or more precisely on those whose power windows operate via a relay, it is possible to make the power windows work without ignition . This applies in particular to Lada Kalina and Lada Priora cars in the “standard” and “norm” trim levels (except for those where the comfort unit is responsible for the operation of the window regulators).

First, you need to understand how the power window relay . In simple terms, it has two contacts that open when the ignition is turned off and do not allow you to use the power windows.

Thus, in order for the power windows to work without ignition , these two contacts must be constantly closed. To do this, many people use various jumpers from scrap materials, but there is an easier way. Let's look at it using the Lada Kalina car as an example.

To work, we need only two tools - a thin screwdriver and electrical tape.

Open the mounting block to the left of the steering wheel and remove the power window relay .

Next you need to remove the cover from this relay. To do this, there are two grooves on the relay body; they can be carefully pressed out with a thin screwdriver.

By removing the cover, you can see these two contacts.

To close them, we press the upper contact and tightly tighten the relay body with electrical tape, which will press it and prevent the contacts from opening.

After this, close the relay with the removed cover until a characteristic click is heard. We install the relay back into the mounting block and check the operation of the power windows.

Operation of electric windows without ignition

The first method to make the power windows work not from the ignition is to connect the two contacts of the ESP relay. The power window relay is mounted, and is located on the left or in the center of the mounting block. Despite the fact that this method does not look safe and can hardly be called aesthetic, it is the most popular.

The second method is no different in meaning from the first. We also close two contacts of the power window relay, but inside it. That is, a slight modification of the ESP relay is obtained. The last method is to connect the ESP from the cigarette lighter.

  1. We remove the lower dashboard valve on the passenger side and find the wires from the cigarette lighter.
  2. Connect the wire to the “+” of the cigarette lighter.
  3. We stretch it to the ESP buttons.
  4. We connect to the white-black wire, you can use any wire, because plus for power windows is common.
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