3rd generation gas equipment for cars (device, setup)

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Fine tuning(Online tuning)

After successful completion of self-tuning, you can proceed to the precise configuration of the fuel map.

Fuel correction:

Install the ODB adapter in the car's diagnostic socket, connect to it via Bluetooth from your phone using Torque (or a similar program). Display graph information about long-term and short-term correction. The essence of these parameters is to adjust the fuel. If any situation arises when the engine is supplied with a mixture that is too lean or too rich, then the opening time of the injectors is compensated by this coefficient. For example, clogged injectors will make the mixture leaner and the correction factor will increase. As a rule, this parameter cannot go beyond ± 25%. If a mixture problem persists for too long, the short-term correction is included in the long-term correction.

When setting up LPG, we will need to check the fuel correction coefficients for gasoline and gas and “press” the gas correction to the gasoline one in different operating modes.

Setting algorithm:

Setting up is best done with two people. Driver and adjuster. A more or less flat section of the road is selected, on which the same engine speed can be maintained for a long time.

Each cell in the fuel map corresponds to an injector opening time of 20 ms. Each injector is 8-bit, which means it has 256 time levels. 0-minimum value means that the injector is closed, 255 maximum value means that the injector is open full time.

It makes sense to make adjustments only in operating modes; say, if you do not “turn” the engine more than 4500, then there is no point in adjusting the map higher. The setting is carried out in stages, at each stage the engine speed increases by 500 rpm. The car moves for a long time at an adjustable speed.

Let's start setting up:

In the Lovato Easy Fast program, go to the “Configuration” section in the “Map” tab.

  1. Gasoline supply is turned on (using a button in the program)
  2. The driver sets a constant engine speed and precisely maintains it during tuning.
  3. At these revolutions, correction factors are read out via ODB.
  4. The gas is turned on (by button in the program)
  5. The correction factors are read again.
  6. The cell under the point on the fuel map is configured. If the correction factor is too large, the cell value is reduced, if small it is increased. I recommend selecting the entire column and changing it by several units at once. (After highlighting, press the Enter key.)

HBO lovato fuel correction map

After setup, the card is inspected for sudden changes in modes. A well-tuned map is smooth, i.e. neighboring cells do not differ much in value. If there are uneven lunges, I recommend manually “straightening” the area around them.

If everything is configured correctly, you will get minimal gas consumption and maximum thrust.

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After specifying the information required to make the payment, you must click on the “Pay Now” button.

Official website of the PayPal payment system https://www.paypal.com

Installation of 3rd generation gas equipment

Installation of 3rd generation HBO on the injector is carried out similarly to the scheme of other systems. The sequence is as follows:

  1. place a gas cylinder with a multi-valve in the selected location;
  2. filling device;
  3. highways;
  4. gearbox;
  5. gas valve;
  6. dispenser;
  7. HBO button;
  8. ECU;
  9. nozzles are inserted;
  10. the wiring harness is laid and connected to the sensors.

It is also possible to install a 3rd generation LPG on a carburetor engine, but for its correct operation you will need to install a lambda regulation of the fuel mixture, a vacuum sensor, throttle position, crankshaft speed, and also a gasoline valve.

Such a solution would not be entirely appropriate. For cars with carburetor engines, it is still recommended to install simple and cheap gas equipment of the first or second type.

Payment via WebMoney

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Official website of the WebMoney payment system https://www.webmoney.ru/

Downloading a book

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The main disadvantages and advantages of using HBO

Many car enthusiasts, having learned about HBO, begin to think: should they install such a system in their car? Before doing this, an experienced car owner will study all the advantages and disadvantages of this system. A number of advantages include the following:

  1. The main advantage of using this system is the cost of gas as fuel. After all, gas is half the price of gasoline. This is especially good for those who constantly use the vehicle.
  2. Engine detonation damage is reduced when gas fuel is used.
  3. When using gas, engine life is significantly increased. This eliminates the phenomenon of carbon deposits on the piston and valve systems.
  4. The formation of less carbon deposits reduces the amount of exhaust gases.
  5. Using an LPG system allows you to use less oil and change it less frequently.
  6. The gas is cleaner than gasoline, and this eliminates all kinds of pollution.
  7. Maintenance subtly affects the overall service inspection.
  8. If one fuel is missing, it becomes possible to switch to another and continue the trip.

The disadvantages of LPG include: the appearance of condensation in the gearbox, gas consumption is higher than that of gasoline, dimensional problems, increased weight of the car, and frequent filter replacement. It is also worth noting that using an injector has a much higher return on investment than using a carburetor car.

The use of HBO is individual for each car enthusiast, since everyone has different needs. Installing an LPG system with your own hands is not recommended if you lack experience, since after the operation you will still have to contact a specialist, but the costs may increase.

Author: A. Kopylov

Problems when paying with bank cards

Sometimes difficulties may arise when paying with Visa/MasterCard bank cards. The most common of them:

  1. There is a restriction on the card for paying for online purchases
  2. A plastic card is not intended for making payments online.
  3. The plastic card is not activated for making payments online.
  4. There are not enough funds on the plastic card.

In order to solve these problems, you need to call or write to the technical support of the bank where you are served. Bank specialists will help you resolve them and make payments.

That's basically it. The entire process of paying for a book in PDF format on car repair on our website takes 1-2 minutes.

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Differences with predecessors and the reason for leaving the market shelves

The improved HBO 3 system has the ability to refuse the use of computing power. This also applies to the fuel map, and it is mainly stored in standard controllers as gasoline fuel. Installing this map allows you to work on the system in parallel mode, so another formulation suggests itself: creating an individual fuel map.

Also, the adjustment of this system does not allow the supplied mixture to be adjusted correctly and within the required range, and this happens due to the low level of reaction speed. And this may also be due to a stepper dispenser specially introduced into the system, which acts as a distributor.

When environmental requirements of Euro 3 class appeared, as well as the possibility of adjusting on-board diagnostics, demand for HBO 3 among car enthusiasts dropped significantly compared to the previous generation. This also includes the emergence of an improved gas-gas system installed in a car engine and a pricing policy that has increased significantly.

The development of the 4th generation and high cost had a negative impact on the demand for the system, and the 4th generation practically displaced sales of the 3rd generation from the market.

In addition, it is worth noting that the use of type 3 gas equipment applies to carburetor types of vehicles.

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