Error code P0422 - decoding, what it means, reasons for its occurrence, how to remove it

Error codes for the Lada Vesta, like any other modern car, are recorded in the system memory and can be retrieved from it using diagnostic equipment. If any malfunction occurs in the system, the error is recorded in memory and the Check Engine icon is displayed on the dashboard. To read Lada Vesta errors, an OBD-II connector is used, to which diagnostic equipment is connected.

Lada Vesta engine error codes

Error codeDecoding
U0001CAN bus faulty
U0002CAN bus, general fault
U0009CAN bus, short circuit of line L to line H
U0073CAN bus disabled
U0121CAN bus, no data from ABS controller
U0122CAN bus, no data from ESP controller
U0155CAN bus, no data from instrument cluster
U0167CAN bus, no connection with immobilizer
U0415CAN bus, incorrect data from the ABS controller
U0416CAN bus, incorrect data from ESP controller
U0426CAN bus, incorrect data from immobilizer

These are, in principle, all the errors that can occur when operating a Lada Vesta car. I hope you will never need this material, but if you do, then let your car be repaired very quickly.

Hello, I bought a new Lada Vesta on December 31st. Problems started from the first day; after driving 84 km, the car, after a long period of work at a traffic light, began to stall and stalled. An error popped up. I stood for 5-10 minutes. The car started and worked fine. There was no way to sign up for the service right away, either it was work or the service had a day off. When installing the alarm with a mileage of 220 km, they said that the errors were misfire on cylinder 4 and a catalyst error, but since they reset the negative terminal, the error was cleared.

At 300 km the car started to stall at a traffic light again, I came for service. They said it might be the spark plugs and replaced them. I drove 300 km and it all started again, it stalled and would not start right away. I came to the service, told about the problem, and hinted at the coil. They said they'll sort it out. We sorted it out))) When I arrived, they said that this was a unique case. The check light is on, but there are no errors in the real memory. Since there were no errors, the engineer canceled the check. Then I remembered that I could look in the saved memory, but it was too late, since they had already cleared the check and could not start repairs. The check has been cleared, it will pop up again, then come. Unique specialists. OK.

150 km after removing the error, when I stopped at a traffic light, the problems started again. I hobbled to the parking lot, next to the auto shop. The car was still running smoothly, I opened the hood and started checking the coils, disconnecting them one by one. Self-diagnosis showed that cylinder 4 is not working. I went to the store and bought a new reel. Changed it. All OK. After replacing the coil, the car no longer sputtered or stalled.

After 1000 km (1750 km), when returning from another city, an error appeared on the highway. So I have a Lada, I’m already a trained person and I have the elm 327 diagnostic module on my new car. When stopping, we connected the module and saw error p0422. The catalyst error that occurred 5 days after purchasing the car returned. Thanks to Gazpromneft for the application, which displays all my gas stations (ai 95 or ai 95g).

Arriving at the dealer, I reported the error and my thoughts that a new car should not behave like this, and gave it to the dealer. Having warned in advance that there was an error with the catalyst in the first week of using the car, he also showed receipts from Gazpromneft and said that the verdict about bad gasoline was inappropriate here. We took the car for diagnostics. The car spent the whole day in service, and it was returned in the evening. They said that they had sent the data to AvtoVAZ and were waiting for AvtoVAZ’s decision. The next day they called early in the morning and told me to come for additional diagnostics. Again in the service all day, picked it up in the evening. They said that they would have a response in the first half of the day and would call back immediately. At 19:00 I called myself and found out that AvtoVAZ’s conclusion was that low-quality gasoline was used and warranty repairs were denied. After visiting the dealer, I called AvtoVAZ and found out that it was the dealer who took responsibility for the refusal to provide warranty repairs. OK.

I went to another dealer and paid for diagnostics. I found out the same thing. There is only one answer: AI 95 and AI 95 g from Gazpromneft allegedly kill the catalyst from AvtoVAZ. An error of 100 km should have been indicated immediately.

Expectations and reality from the new car did not really come true. I take a new one and come for maintenance, it didn’t work out that way. In principle, the car is not bad. Going back 2 months ago, I would not have paid almost 900 k for a car. And in a conversation with a friend, I learned another piece of news about warranty service, that in most cases expensive repairs will be refused, even if the windshield breaks in front of the dealer when accepting the car, they will find a chip, which will be the reason for the failure. AvtoVAZ and warranty are a strange item. I’m sure that the gasoline was normal and the error at 100 km indicates that the problem was already in the new car, but AvtoVAZ doesn’t care. So, it’s better to pay an auto selector for a used foreign car than to later fight for warranty repairs. And I’m not even talking about the burnt-out low beam))) That’s how it’s a movie in general.

Vesta steering wheel is tight, no errors: reasons

This happens due to mechanical damage to the steering unit. The problem occurs in severe frosts, when the working fluid in the power steering module thickens.

Vesta errors can be read at any service station or independently. To perform the operation, no deep knowledge of auto electrics is required.

Specialization: Graduated from the State Automobile University, worked for 20 years at GAZ-56, now I drive a Zhiguli.

The Lada Vesta line of cars is equipped with two types of gearboxes. The first option includes a manual gearbox, developed earlier by the Renault-Nissan concern. This gearbox is characterized by high reliability, quiet and smooth operation, as well as clear and comfortable gear shifting. The JH manual transmission is also installed on a number of other cars from European and Japanese manufacturers, which undoubtedly confirms its positive reputation.

The second configuration option provides an automatic robotic transmission (AMT), which was previously installed on other cars of the Lada family. The box meets all the necessary requirements in terms of comfort and reliability. As practice shows, this manual transmission is no worse than other foreign analogues, and there is no point in being afraid to buy a robot, as often happens when choosing a car configuration.

Connection errors between electronic units U0422 of a Lada car

Taking into account the fact that OBD2 errors in the operation of a car’s electronic systems do not always directly indicate a non-functioning element, but more often they provide only general information about the malfunction, we came to the following conclusion:

In different brands and models of cars, the same error can occur as a result of the malfunction of completely different elements.

It became clear that a resource was simply needed in which one could find not only general information about the OBD2 error, but also practical data on a specific car.

The experience of auto electricians has shown that if we consider a specific make and model of a car, then in the vast majority of cases the cause of any error is the same.

We are creating, with your help, a directory of cause-and-effect relationships for the occurrence of a particular OBD2 error in a specific car (make and model). If a description (causality) of the error is not found for your car, then do not hesitate to ask a question.

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If the error indicates incorrect parameters (high or low values) of any of the sensors or analyzers, then most likely this element is working, and the problem must be looked for, so to speak, “upstream”, in the elements whose operation is analyzed by the sensor or probe.

If the error indicates a constantly open or closed valve, then you need to approach the issue wisely, and not thoughtlessly change this element. There may be several reasons: the valve is clogged, the valve is jammed, the valve receives an incorrect signal from other faulty components.

Cars are becoming more complex every day, but also more diagnosable. Our forum was created for everyone, from simple car enthusiasts to professional auto electricians.

Trouble P0422 indicates that the primary catalytic converter (bank 1) efficiency is below acceptable levels.

Troubleshooting AMT transmission Lada Vesta

The design of an AMT unit is an order of magnitude more complex than its mechanical counterpart, and troubleshooting and other adjustments may require special, expensive equipment. Therefore, if you are well aware of transmission malfunctions and how to eliminate them, and also have the appropriate equipment and tools, then it makes sense to carry out the repairs yourself. If the cause of the breakdown cannot be determined, we recommend contacting a specialized center for the repair and maintenance of robotic gearboxes or an official dealer.

Malfunctions of the robotic gearbox can manifest themselves in different ways, but to repair an automated gearbox, as in the case of a “mechanical” gearbox, it is necessary to completely remove the unit and check each individual element.

What does P0422 mean?

Trouble P0422 is a general trouble code that indicates that the primary catalytic converter (bank 1) efficiency is below acceptable levels. Catalyst efficiency is determined by the transmission control module (PCM), which uses exhaust gas and temperature data from oxygen sensors located upstream and downstream of the catalytic converter to determine efficiency. If the readings from both sensors match or are almost identical, this indicates that the catalyst efficiency is most likely below acceptable levels. In this case, error P0422 will appear.

Diagnostics of AMT transmission Lada Vesta

The main malfunctions of a car transmission are much more difficult to identify if a robotic gearbox is installed. This box uses mechanisms that automatically depress the clutch, turn on and off the desired speeds, and also change the throttle position depending on conditions.

Signs of a malfunction in an automatic transmission, unlike a manual transmission, are detected through a diagnostic connector, which greatly simplifies the task of finding the cause of the breakdown. Connect a laptop or smartphone with special software installed on it to the diagnostic connector and read the error codes. You can decipher error codes using the technical documentation for your car. If AMT errors are not detected, then perform diagnostics “by ear”, by analogy with a manual transmission.

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How does a mechanic diagnose a P0422 code?

Error P0422 can be diagnosed using a standard OBD-II scanner. The mechanic uses a scanner to view data and gather information about the code, as well as check for other error codes that may be present. The mechanic will then clear the error codes from the PCM memory and retest the system to see if P0422 appears again. If the code disappears, it may indicate an intermittent error or that the code appeared in error.

If the P0422 code appears again, have a mechanic inspect the wires and connectors near the catalytic converter. He will repair or replace any damaged items. The mechanic will then inspect the catalytic converter and also perform a thorough check of the exhaust system for leaks.

If the catalytic converter is the problem, the mechanic will examine other vehicle components to determine the cause of the catalytic converter damage.

Common errors when diagnosing code P0422

The most common mistake when diagnosing a P0422 code is failure to follow the diagnostic protocol, which leads to hasty replacement of the catalytic converter. Before replacing the catalyst, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of its damage, and also consider other error codes present.

It is also a mistake to hastily replace oxygen sensors. Before replacing them, it is necessary to perform a thorough diagnosis, since usually a faulty sensor is not the only cause of the P0422 error.

Myth 4. Adaptation is easy.

Some drivers prefer not to contact a service center, but to repair the car themselves using instructions on the Internet. This approach has a right to exist. But you need to understand that an error during adaptation can lead to the replacement of the entire AMT. The cost of such repairs significantly exceeds the amount you need to pay the technician for service.

We recommend that AMT be adapted only by professionals. This way you will receive a guarantee and avoid problems with the operation of the transmission.

The domestic manufacturer allows the driver to independently repair the car without resorting to the help of specialists. General error codes of Lada Vesta can be read without third-party components and special equipment. Self-diagnosis via the on-board computer shows only part of the codes and can notify the driver of the area of ​​damage.

How serious is the P0422 code?

The severity of the P0422 code depends on the cause of its occurrence. If the problem is a bad catalytic converter, the engine may stall frequently or be difficult to start. In this case, problems with the vehicle's handling may occur. However, if everything is in order with the catalyst, there should not be any serious problems. In any case, if this code is detected, it is recommended that you contact a qualified technician as soon as possible to diagnose and repair the error to avoid serious damage to the catalytic converter.

To resolve error P0422 you may need to:

Additional comments for troubleshooting P0422

If the cause of this error is a faulty oxygen sensor, other error codes related to this sensor may also appear along with the P0422 code.

Car manufacturers are required to provide a 100,000 kilometer warranty on the catalytic converter. If the catalyst is damaged or fails, you need to find out whether it can be replaced under warranty.

Need help with error code P0422?

The company - CarChek, offers a service - on-site computer diagnostics; specialists from our company will come to your home or office to diagnose and identify problems with your car. Find out the cost and sign up for on-site computer diagnostics or contact a consultant by phone

-23 - no problem, start up! - snowfall, road services can’t cope - no problem, we row, we get out where the Land Cruiser Prado doesn’t get out (though I dug out a neighbor here :), at the same time I learned to drive an automatic car. Well, that’s a different story, how to give Klyaks 5 lyams) And here’s another such “beautiful” mother’s day, I’m going to work, having previously dropped off my wife at her work. On my way there are 2 policemen (speed bumps), I successfully jump over 1, roll up to the second one, jump over, give the gas and something shines in my forehead... a yellow light - well, I think we’re skidding. The ESP is hysterical again. I get up at a traffic light, look down, and then CHANGE ENGINE! Well, I think we’ve already arrived, but no, there are speeds, it reacts to the gas.

I get to work and throw up ELMK, OpenDiag-2 errors, and low readings of 2 lambdas (I changed it that year, for the original one - 4000 rubles from the family budget)

I go to the ERROR tab... and it’s empty:

Don't notice anything? And there is no cover, a plastic cover, the cost is 30 rubles, which covers the board from condensation, from rainwater that can get through a rotten roof, and so on... And now we rewind the film: ... 2 speed bumps, condensation on the roof, under the ceiling, we pass a policeman, a drop falls off and lands on the lamp's circuit board... and then magic

Well, now about the positive, since there is little space in the courtyards, a new parking style has been developed:

Solution? -isolon or other material that does not allow moisture to pass onto the roof -3D printer (hello modern commerce) and a cover similar to Kalinovskaya for the board -you can varnish the board, but not the best solution

Diagnostics of manual transmission Lada Vesta

If there are signs of a transmission malfunction, it is important to take timely measures and perform a procedure such as diagnosing transmission malfunctions. To do this, you need to proceed from the symptoms of the breakdown:

  • Speeds do not turn on. The reason may lie in a non-working clutch, worn synchronizers (usually this is preceded by difficult activation), a malfunction of the gear shift lever and its rods.
  • Speeds are difficult to switch on. This also indicates that there are problems with the clutch or the synchronizers are worn out. In the second case, shifting is difficult in one or more gears. In the first case - every time you switch.
  • Noise from the gearbox. The first thing to do in this case is to check the oil level in the box. If the oil level is normal, then the problem is inside the box and it needs to be immediately dismantled and a detailed inspection carried out.

Symptoms of malfunction

The main driver symptom of P2299 is the MIL (Malfunction Indicator Light) illumination. It is also called Check engine or simply “check light”.

They can also appear as:

  1. The “Check engine” warning light on the control panel will light up (the code will be stored in memory as a malfunction).
  2. The PCM will reduce the throttle opening and put the vehicle into limp mode.
  3. If the problem goes away, the engine will return to normal operation.

Error P2299 is not considered serious, the car will be able to start and continue driving. But in some cases, emergency operation will be activated.

On which cars is this problem most common?

The problem with code P2299 can occur on different machines, but there are always statistics on which brands this error occurs more often. Here is a list of some of them:

  • Chevrolet
  • Chrysler (Chrysler 300)
  • Citroen (Citroen C4, Jumper)
  • Dodge (Dodge Ram)
  • Fiat (Fiat Doblo, Ducato)
  • Infiniti
  • Jeep
  • Mazda (Mazda 3, Mazda 6, Mazda cx5)
  • Mercedes
  • Nissan
  • Peugeot (Peugeot 308, Boxer)
  • Renault (Renault Logan)
  • Gazelle Business, Next
  • Lada Vesta

With fault code P2299, you can sometimes encounter other errors. The most common are the following: P057A, P057B, P057C, P057D, P057E.

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