How to do tuning of the VAZ-2107 instrument panel with your own hands

The instrument panel of the VAZ-2107, also called a “torpedo”, combines all the indicators that inform the driver about the current state of the vehicle’s components and elements. In order to effectively use such a tool, you should study the designation of all warning lamps.

Knowing the indicators will help you notice a malfunction in time and prevent a critical breakdown by carrying out repairs with little effort. Also, the dashboard is an element that determines the appearance of the entire cabin. This article describes in detail how to tune the instrument panel on a VAZ-2107.

Torpedo VAZ-2107 its description and purpose

The VAZ-2107 car is equipped with a full-format dashboard, which includes a large number of display devices. With the help of warning lights, the driver monitors the movement of the car, keeping an eye not only on the road surface, but also on the condition of the main components of the vehicle. Among the most important indicators marked on the instrument panel:

  • vehicle speed at the current time;
  • temperature in the engine part;
  • fuel compartment full;
  • fullness of the oil compartment in the engine.

The torpedo consists of a large number of measuring instruments, each of which monitors the performance of a particular unit. The instrument panel is located in the car's interior, crashing into the dashboard on the driver's side. The main indicators are protected by strong transparent glass, which protects the sensor readings from mechanical influences.

Removing the instrument panel

This is the first stage of any tuning, which will have to be performed in all cases. Before you begin, please read the instructions.

The procedure is as follows:

  • disconnect the negative terminal from the battery;
  • remove all heater handles on the panel (tread carefully - they break easily);
  • unscrew the nut holding the lever in place that resets the readings;
  • push it inside;
  • remove the plugs from the screws securing the dismantled element;
  • unscrew them with a screwdriver;
  • remove the panel from the elephant.

Directions for tuning the VAZ-2107 dashboard

Domestic vehicles in almost any case are inferior to foreign analogues produced in Japan, Europe or Korea. Owners of Russian cars often complain that the interior trim is too simple, devoid of any design elements.

Correct tuning of the instrument panel, and subsequently some other components, can change the vehicle beyond recognition, qualitatively increasing the level of appearance of the car. Due to its simplicity and classic design, the dashboard on the VAZ-2107 can undergo many modifications, becoming similar to the corresponding elements of expensive foreign cars. There are two main directions for tuning the VAZ-2107 torpedo:

  1. Tuning using kits - ready-made sets of accessories sold in almost any specialized store. To work, you only need a screwdriver and a certain amount of knowledge in the field of installing electrical appliances. Tuning with the help of a ready-made kit will take only a few hours, and even a person who does not have impressive knowledge in the relevant field can cope with it.
  2. Self-modernization is a method that allows you to recreate an individual design and create a unique style for a vehicle. This option is much more complicated than buying a ready-made kit, but the result will be several times better. Finding or creating unique design elements will take more time, effort and money.

Tuning the instrument panel of a VAZ-2107 is a painstaking task that requires a special level of accuracy from the master. All arrows and indicators are highly fragile: you should not rush into work, careless movement will lead to breakage of the part.

Tuning scales

In the basic version, the background of all scales is black. The marks on them look too faded. This style was relevant about 2 decades ago. Nowadays, this design looks rather poor.

A chic, sporty look is achieved by installing white scales with contrasting black markings. They can be made on a color printer using self-adhesive film.

When making improvements at this stage, do not forget to exercise maximum caution - the mechanisms are extremely fragile.

Dismantling the VAZ-2107 dashboard

Removing the dashboard on a classic “Seven” is quite simple. This procedure is necessary when replacing lamps or electrical appliances, as well as if you want to tune the VAZ-2107 torpedo. The work is not a difficult process: it does not require special tools or extensive knowledge in the plumbing field.

Step-by-step procedure for dismantling the VAZ-2107 dashboard:

  • the ground cable is disconnected from the battery terminal;
  • remove the levers of the heating device using a screwdriver;
  • the protective plug is removed from the bolt responsible for fastening the panel;
  • the bolt is unscrewed, after which the panel is dismantled;
  • the speedometer cable nut is unscrewed, after which the device itself is removed;
  • the voltage supply cables are disconnected from the economizer;
  • the wire blocks are removed;
  • The dashboard is removed.

After the structure is removed, you can begin work on replacing any of its components and elements. You can install the device using the same instructions, the steps of which are performed in reverse order.

Video of removing a VAZ-2107 torpedo

This video discusses in detail the procedure for dismantling the VAZ-2107 dashboard.

The author of the video qualitatively explains the main essence of the work being performed and talks about all the stages of dismantling the panel.

Expansion of functionality

The VAZ-2107 is equipped with a minimum of instruments, and therefore installing new ones will significantly increase the information content of the panel. Most often they add:

  • light and temperature sensors;
  • fuel consumption indicator per kilometer;
  • ECU;
  • TV, etc.

Additional holes are cut for them. It is also necessary to install wiring and make changes to the design of the machine (in particular, to provide it with missing sensors).


Installing a dashboard on a VAZ-2107 from another car

In some cases, drivers who do not want to bother with the selection of components simply replace the “Seven” dashboard with a similar design originally produced for another car. If you have such a desire, you will need:

  1. Find and buy a new dashboard from a more modern car. Please note: such a rather expensive purchase may cost more than the “seven” itself. For example, a Ferrum torpedo, with a built-in on-board computer, will cost the car owner 20-25 thousand rubles.
  2. Update the panel in the area of ​​design visual elements - re-stick the stickers and indicator arrows.
  3. Install a newly purchased shield from another vehicle.

Before purchasing a dashboard from another car, you should compare the configuration of the element with the provided connector on the VAZ-2107. In some cases, it may be necessary to adjust some areas of the panel in shape and size.

Dashboard from another VAZ model

The easiest option for changing the panel on the “Seven” is to install a structure designed for another VAZ model. The easiest way to carry out installation and dismantling work is to use a VAZ-2110 torpedo: no problems are expected during the process, and the final result will give the interior a better external image.

With such a replacement, the technician will not have to tinker with electrical wires and connecting devices for a long time: the cables of the two panels are identical and are connected according to similar circuits.

Gazelle dashboard

When replacing the instrument panel on a VAZ-2107, the equally popular Gazelle often becomes the donor. Despite the fact that the manufacturer of these two machines is the same, the work will be more complex. The Gazelle panel has large dimensions and also has a completely different configuration, shape and size. You will also have to tinker with the electrical wiring: you will need a number of adapters, as well as knowledge from the field of electrical engineering.

In such work, you will have to use a jigsaw and a soldering station to resolder the adapters. This is a rather painstaking procedure that should be approached with special care.

Dashboard from a foreign car

Installing a dashboard from a foreign car on a VAZ-2107 is the most complex option, characterized by the greatest efficiency. Before purchasing a device from a third-party car, you should compare the characteristics of the original and new units, taking into account their correspondence to each other. When choosing a panel, you should focus on foreign brands of cars produced in early 1990.


LEDs are now commonly used. The beauty of them is that installation is very simple and quick. Plus, there are quite a few colors available. Choosing one of them that best matches the interior design or body paint will allow you to turn your “seven” into a real masterpiece.

As a rule, it is enough to install only a dozen diodes on one panel to radically modernize its appearance. They are connected to each other by a loop of wires. Additionally, they are matted with fine sandpaper - without this operation they will burn too brightly.

Optimal location:

  • four pieces in the corners of the dimensional devices;
  • one diode for two small sensors;
  • the rest is your choice.

After completing the work, connect the panel to power and make sure everything is functioning as it should.

Along with the backlight, it makes sense to install new hands. There will be a lot of work to be done here. Signs can be purchased ready-made or cut out of plexiglass. Do not do this unless you are confident in your ability to disassemble and reassemble the mechanisms.

Installation of ready-made tuned devices on a VAZ-2107

As mentioned earlier, specialized stores and service centers sell a large number of ready-made kits for tuning the VAZ-2107 panel. The configuration, dimensions and connectors of finished electrical appliances intended for modernization are practically no different from the analogues installed on the standard version.

The work is not a particularly complicated process: it is almost impossible to mix up the connection points, all connectors differ in shape and simply do not fit into places not intended for them.

The only nuance regarding tuning the tidy using a ready-made kit is the procedure for installing the speedometer cable. The standard device provides for its free installation with a certain amount of play - the braid allows you to freely remove the element, moving it towards the car's interior. During dismantling, the cable may come out of the coupling with the speedometer drive on the gearbox, as a result of which the latter element simply will not function. Before fastening the nut, you should carefully inspect the position of the cable and make sure it is in good condition.

Now let's tune the instrument panel

Tip: before starting work, you need to align the speedometer arrow and the limiter, and make a mark on the side to recognize the position after removal.

First, let's remove the old VAZ dials and install new ones. After this, we install the speedometer needles, but you need to remember that the pins bend. But you need to remember that we have drawn where the speedometer needles should be installed. After all this, carefully glue the sticker you have chosen, and before gluing it is necessary to degrease the surface. And don’t forget to glue the film correctly so that there are no distortions or balloons.

To install the LED pendant, I use two methods for installing the backlight. The first is behind the scale, the second is the illumination of the entire panel. Each driver chooses his own method, but you need to know that in the first case the backlight will be brighter than in the second, but you will have to spend more effort on soldering the LEDs.

The power supply for these LEDs must be designed for an operating voltage of 12 Volts. For the first option, you need to remove all standard light bulbs and install LEDs instead. Then we check them, for this we supply power.

For the second option, you can put four LEDs, in different places on the panel (where you need more illumination), or six, put three on top, three on the bottom. But in this case, you will need to solder additional wires to connect the LEDs. If the LEDs do not match the places for them, you can use glue.

Self-production of arrows and instrument stickers

Tuning the VAZ-2107 torpedo can be done using homemade elements: arrows and stickers. Such things are bought on the shelves of specialized retail outlets, or made with your own hands according to individual designer patterns. The last option is a little more difficult to implement and guarantees a greater percentage of uniqueness of the design.

When replacing arrows and stickers, you should pay attention to such nuances as:

  • Before installing a new scale, the surface to be treated should be cleaned and degreased;
  • When setting the arrows, watch your movements: these are very fragile elements that are damaged even from weak mechanical influences;
  • You should pay close attention to the correct installation of the arrows: incorrect installation will lead to the instruments visually displaying erroneous values.

Please note: the arrows can be easily removed using pliers. When pulling out the element, try to move carefully so as not to bend the fastening axis.

Do-it-yourself tuning

In this case, you can save a lot of money. You will also have to spend a lot of time. But the panel will look completely unique.

First of all, you need to decide on the design. It makes sense to look at the photographs, of which there are quite a lot on the Internet.

The easiest way is this:

  • replace factory needles on instruments;
  • install new stickers with scales;
  • change the lighting.

All these require only accuracy and basic knowledge of electrical engineering. At the same time, you can order a set of arrows and backgrounds for instruments in any studio that specializes in finishing cars. The professionals there are able to make them according to your design or develop it themselves. This will, of course, cost a pretty penny.

Installation of LED lighting for VAZ-2107 devices

Tuning the instrument panel on a VAZ-2107, which includes installing lighting elements, will help create a truly spectacular and unique external image of the car’s interior. The work of installing such a structure is not particularly difficult, and the result often exceeds all expectations.

LED elements are mounted behind the instrument indicators, in grooves for attaching standard light bulbs. Also, diodes can be located around the perimeter of devices - for greater effect.

In addition to stylistic features, diodes help to illuminate the instrument panel with high quality, allowing the driver to easily observe the readings at night. When connecting light elements, it is important to pay close attention to their polarity: incorrect installation will result in the backlight simply refusing to work.

Adding new devices

Another important point when tuning the VAZ 2107 instrument panel is the installation of additional indicators. This could be, for example, indicators of fuel consumption per unit of time, on-board computer, temperature and light sensors, and so on. In fact, there are many options. The most important thing is that all this fits organically into your overall design. If you don’t want to do all this work yourself, you can contact a tuning studio. Here you will be offered a lot of interesting options. But of course, in this case there can be no talk of any savings.

On the other hand, if you doubt your abilities, then this is the only option to transform the dashboard of your car. Experts will help you realize your fantasies, or offer one of the options that, in their opinion, is best suited for your VAZ 2107.

Installation highlights

Before deciding which panel you can install, you should take into account that the original VAZ 2107 torpedo can be returned at any time. If such a procedure is carried out independently, it is recommended to use a book on repairing classics. It will take a lot of time to complete the work.

When connecting the wires, you need to remember that one goes to ground, and the second goes to the panel to the corresponding contact. It is recommended to label which connector goes where. To operate the speedometer, a speed sensor from model 2110 with 6 pulses is installed. If the “seven” is equipped with an econometer, it is recommended to install a tee from 2106 on 2 sensors, including a pressure sensor from engine 402..

Video: tuning the “Seven” dashboard

Steering wheel improvement

The steering wheel is the main control element of the car, so it must be comfortable to operate and suitable in size. In the VAZ 2107, the main disadvantage of the steering wheel is its large size, which slows down the steering speed and impairs maneuverability.

I got behind the wheel of my brother’s “Seven” several times when I was studying at a driving school, and there was a catastrophic lack of lessons with an instructor. In my opinion, the steering wheel is really uncomfortable. It is large, but the rim is quite thin, and it is uncomfortable to hold. And it is not located very well - in the turning position it noticeably covers the dashboard and, unfortunately, is not adjustable. Our steering wheel also had a feature - either constructive, or the wheel alignment was poorly adjusted - the car drives straight not with the steering wheel in a straight position, but with the steering wheel turned slightly to the right.

The easiest type of tuning that will help cope with external defects of the steering wheel, for example, abrasions, is to install a braid on its rim. It also makes control more convenient, since your hands will no longer slide on the steering wheel.

To replace the steering wheel, the old steering wheel must be removed. Car stores sell sports steering wheels for the VAZ 2107. You can also install a steering wheel from a foreign car on the “Seven”, but not from just any car; it must fit the mounts. Alternatively, you can go to an auto-disassembly shop with your steering wheel and choose the right one there.

A more technically complex tuning option is to install hydraulic or electric power steering.

Replacing the beard

Between the passenger and driver's seats of the "seven" there is a console where various equipment is located (radio, clock, cigarette lighter socket). This part of the panel is briefly and figuratively called the beard. Car owners pay increased attention to this element, increasing its originality, visual appeal and functionality.

Improving the “seven” beard involves the introduction of various mechanisms and elements:

  • radios with improved characteristics;
  • backlight buttons;
  • hours;
  • switches for low and high beams, side lights;
  • electric fan control buttons;
  • USB connectors for connecting additional devices;
  • devices for monitoring the operation of the electrical network;
  • storage places for small items, usually placed below near the gearshift lever.

In addition, the panel is covered with trim from various materials, which performs a decorative function, improving the classic interior of the car.

Typically, tuning a “beard” is the manufacture and installation of a new console with provided cells for securing switches, indicators and covering it with decorative finishing materials. The simplest and most affordable material is plywood with a thickness of 6 mm or more. For decorative finishing, artificial leather or carbon fiber of the selected color is traditionally used. Replacing the “beard” can be combined with the trim of the doors, ceiling and dashboard.

To make a tuned VAZ 2107 “beard” you will need the following tools:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • Bulgarian;
  • locksmith tools;
  • pencil or marker;
  • ruler or tape measure;
  • glue;
  • furniture stapler.

The work is performed in the following order:

    Dismantle the old beard.

The tuned “beard” differs from the standard one in its excellent ergonomics, economical use of space and stylish design.

Video: making your own “beard” for the “seven”

Changing the torpedo

Some drivers are not satisfied with the appearance of the torpedo on the VAZ 2107. Sometimes this element from the “five” may be installed on the car. In this case, a purely practical inconvenience is added to the unpleasant appearance. You have to close the glove compartment with a universal “lock”, or rather, seal it with tape. Otherwise it will constantly open. Therefore, you can change the torpedo.

Of our models, the best fit is a spare part from a VAZ 2115. You just have to use polyurethane foam to seal small non-joints. Of the foreign cars, the best fit here is a torpedo from a BMW E30

. She will look much more advantageous.

What is tuning and how is it useful?

Car tuning (from English tuning - setting, adjustment) is a modification, technical improvement of a car, making changes to the factory characteristics in order to improve its characteristics. In simple words, tuning is a modification of a car to suit individual needs and tastes.

Almost everything in the car is subject to tuning: engine, transmission, suspension, wheels, brakes, seats, steering wheel, dashboard, lights, headlights, bumpers, mirrors and much more.

Tuning the appearance of a car (painting it in unusual colors, installing cast or forged wheels, stickers, airbrushing, tinting windows, installing spoilers, changing headlights, etc.) is also called styling, as it allows you to create an individual style for the car, making it stand out in traffic.

According to my observations on the city streets, “classics” are often subject to tuning of both external elements and the interior. There were “sevens” that were almost as good as modern foreign cars in terms of comfort: with air conditioning, electric windows, powerful acoustics, comfortable seats, and beautiful dashboard lighting. I believe that tuning offers almost unlimited possibilities that are worth using; it gives a second life to an old but beloved car.

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