All ways to turn off the alarm in a car without a key fob

Anti-theft systems have become a part of our lives. Currently, it is difficult to imagine any modern car that is devoid of this useful option. From year to year, manufacturers of the presented systems offer motorists more and more new developments that are strikingly different from their previous analogues.

Having undergone dramatic changes, car security systems become virtually invulnerable to lovers of easy money. But, at the same time, with the advent of such new products on the automotive market, motorists sometimes face a number of problems regarding the use of such protective equipment.

For example, situations arise when the anti-theft system fails and it becomes necessary to disable it without the key fob. This article is devoted to this problem.

Causes of breakdowns

A car alarm may fail due to:

  • Presence of radio interference. Such situations arise in large cities and megalopolises, where a large number of cars and other electronic devices accumulate. Intensely emitted radio waves can cancel out and interfere with each other. To solve the problem, you just need to come close to the car - and its sensor will recognize the signal from the “native” key fob.
  • Damage to the control panel. If the key fob has been dropped, been hit hard, gotten wet, or its battery has simply run out, it may not work. To check the condition of the battery, just press the button and watch the indicator light glow.
  • Car battery discharge. If the battery is dead, the electronics are left without power. Accordingly, the alarm system will not respond to commands from the control panel. You can open the car door with a key. But the alarm will go off. To avoid this, open the hood and remove the “-” terminal from the battery.

These and similar problems can be solved in various ways. At the same time, options are available with and without a key fob. Let's look at each effective method.

The car does not start after turning it off: what to do?

It happens that after the car is switched to emergency mode, the operation of the engine or other important components is blocked, which leads to the inability to use the vehicle for its intended purpose. Most often this happens due to a power failure in the alarm unit.

To restore its functionality, follow these steps:

  1. Disconnect power to the vehicle, locate the main wire and inspect the adjacent wires that connect to it.
  2. Among them you can see two cut wires connected to the remote control unit - these are exactly what the driver will need.
  3. To restore the car's functionality, you need to disconnect the car alarm wiring and connect the cut wires.
  4. After this, you need to return the power supply and wait 10-15 seconds for the system to reboot - everything should work.

In practice, there are cases when the car stops starting after putting it into emergency mode using the Valet button. Such a scenario indicates a serious error in the operation of the system, and it can occur for a variety of reasons - from damaged wires to a software failure. If the driver encounters such a problem, it is recommended to tow the car to a car workshop so that an experienced technician can determine the cause of the breakdown and carry out repairs, since it will be difficult to cope with this task yourself.

Turn off the alarm when there is no key fob

If the “signaling” control panel turns out to be inoperative or useless, to “bypass” it you need to know the location of the Valet button. It switches the alarm to service mode. If the “alarm” is not calmed down, then reliable protection of the machine is maintained.

Where is the Valet button located? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Car manufacturers and technicians specifically install it so that an unknowing user cannot quickly turn off the alarm. This increases the safety of operating the car, because possible theft becomes more difficult. TOP Valet button locations:

  • Fuse box.
  • Bottom of the dashboard.
  • Pedal area.
  • Glove compartment area.
  • Steering column area, etc.

The guideline when searching for the treasured button is the location of the LED indicator - they are located not far from each other. The location of Valet is indicated in the car’s user manual, in the “signaling” manual. And if you are buying a used car, then check this point with its owner to avoid a grueling search.

Jack button

How to turn your car alarm back on

The option to turn on the alarm directly depends on how you turned it off. If the battery has been de-energized, you need to return the negative terminal back and wait a couple of minutes. If you pulled the wires out of the alarm unit, you need to put them back and wait 20 seconds for the system to boot. If you turned off the car alarm using the Valet button, then you should definitely look at the instructions for the device, where this issue is discussed in detail.

Restoring the functionality of the car alarm using the Valet button is carried out as follows:

  • Re-enter the PIN code. Insert the key into the ignition and turn it, press the Valet button on the first number, then turn off the ignition. Repeat the previous step to enter the remaining numbers.
  • Pressing the emergency button. Insert the key into the ignition, turn it, and then immediately hold down the button for 5-15 seconds (the duration depends on the brand of car alarm).
  • Using the menu. Turn on the engine, and after 10 seconds turn it off. On the control panel, simultaneously hold down the speaker and lock buttons for 5-10 seconds.

If you did everything correctly, a sound and/or light signal is activated (depending on the signaling model).

Disabling the car alarm

Not entirely loyal, but effective, is to cut the cable directed to the external speaker. True, modern protection systems are multi-stage. And this method does not always help. But you can try it. An alternative solution is to find a fuse relay for power supply and control of the “signal”. It can be neutralized with wire cutters or simply pulled out by hand. But relays and fuses are often wireless and “hidden” in the most unexpected places. Therefore, their search may take a couple of hours.

The main reasons for blocking the engine with an alarm

For those car enthusiasts who are well versed in the electrical part, the task of determining the causes of the failure is greatly simplified.

The most likely causes of security alarm failures are:

  • blown fuses that supply power to the car alarm. This check should be performed first;
  • Even more often, problems arise due to a discharged battery. Usually the battery still shows signs of life (the sound signal works, the headlights light up), but this is not enough for the normal functioning of the security system. It is not difficult to determine this - if when you turn the key, a characteristic cracking sound is heard, indicating the operation of the solenoid relay, then the reason is in the battery;
  • If the car alarm includes a temperature sensor, it also often causes the power unit to block. To check whether it is the culprit of the problem, just disconnect the sensor, which is usually attached under the hood;
  • The culprits for incorrect operation of the alarm may be the limit switches on the hood or trunk lid. If they are not insulated sufficiently, they quickly oxidize in damp weather. In any case, this is a manifestation of the unprofessionalism of the installers.

How to disable Alligator

Another popular auto protection system is “ALLIGATOR D-810”. It can be disabled as follows:

  1. Enable function No. 9 (see the manual).
  2. Open the car interior with the key.
  3. Turn on the ignition.
  4. Press the Valet button.
  5. Turn off the ignition.

After performing these actions, the “signaling” will be neutralized, but will not be transferred to service mode. Therefore, it is necessary to deactivate it in accordance with the manual before closing and locking all doors.

Engine blocking with car alarm

The system blocks the engine for one of the following reasons:

  • incorrect wiring connection;
  • The immobilizer bypass does not function (variants with automatic start);
  • the relay acting on the starter is broken;
  • software glitch;
  • there is not enough voltage in the control panel;
  • no signal via CAN bus.

The described reasons lead to the fact that the alarm removes the protection, but does not allow the engine to start, blocking it.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the lack of voltage in the key fob - this failure is also taken into account. Because due to lack of energy, the signal is distorted or not completely transmitted to the system control unit. As a result, the alarm does not remove the blocking from the engine.

Signs of lack of voltage on the control key fob:

  • flashing of the indicator in a special mode;
  • notification of a closed lock on the key fob after the security has been cancelled;
  • sound signal;
  • activation of light lamps;
  • alarm buttons operate in abnormal mode;
  • The central bank does not respond to control panel signals.

In case of problems with the security system, the batteries on the key fob should be replaced. If it does not help, then you will have to delve into the study of the alarm system and understand why it blocks the engine.

Accidental activation of the engine lock function

First you need to study the graphic images on the alarm control key fob. Often the function is activated by accidental pressing. It is also worth looking at the LED indicator inside the car (if equipped) - it displays the status of the system. If the lamp flashes, then the problem is the current immobilizer function.

If the indicator is flashing and the “immo” inscription is on the key fob, then you will need:

  • remove the key from the lock, open the central door lock via the control panel;
  • get out of the car, start the security mode, disarm the alarm and restart the engine.

In case of accidental activation, check that the system is operating in standard mode and that no settings have been changed. In 35% of cases, the engine is blocked because the owner accidentally pressed the button on the key fob. After disabling additional features, the problem will be resolved.

For example, the StarLine alarm systems provide a step-by-step system for unlocking. If activated accidentally, the indicator will light up on the screen. To disable the lock, you will need to press and hold key 3. The key fob will beep twice, then you need to press button 3 again, then 1. Only after this manipulation will the security system be deactivated and the lock will be removed.

How to disable Leopard

The most common versions of auto protection are “LEOPARD LS 90/10 EC” and “LEOPARD LR435”. The algorithms for disabling them are similar to Sherkhan. It is also possible to use a personal code. In this case, you should perform a number of actions:

  1. Open the car with the key.
  2. Sit in it.
  3. Turn on the ignition.
  4. Press Valet as many times as indicated by the first digit of the code.
  5. Turn off the ignition.
  6. Turn on the ignition.
  7. Press Valet as many times as indicated by the second digit of the code, etc.

Technical means for unlocking engine start

So, what to do if the alarm blocks the engine from starting, and all of the above methods did not work or were unavailable?

Let us list the technical methods for implementing blocking of the power unit:

  • via CAN bus through special programming of the corresponding modes;
  • through the starter (disabling the breaker relay included in the retractor relay circuit);
  • blocking the operation of the fuel pump;
  • through the power supply circuits of the injection system (blocking the operation of the injectors or the injector as a whole).

How to disable FALCON TIS-010

To transfer the immobilizer to service mode, you will need a PIN. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Opening the door with a key.
  2. Turn on the ignition.
  3. Pressing Valet three times within 3 seconds from the moment the indicator starts flashing.

After performing these actions, the light turns on for 5 seconds and then blinks slowly. Now you need to count the number of flashes. When it matches the first digit of the PIN, press Valet. Then counts the number of flashes for the second and subsequent code numbers.

Useful tips

When installing a car alarm, you should always take into account the possibility of unusual situations arising.

To minimize the consequences of blocking the power unit, you need to take the following measures:

  • Anyone who has the opportunity to use your car should be informed of the codes and algorithm of actions for disarming the car;
  • when buying a used car, be sure to ask the seller about the location of the hidden button;
  • if you decide to sell the car, similarly provide the buyer with the same information, as well as the address and name of the car service center where the security system was installed;
  • Do not trust important information regarding the functioning of the car alarm to your smartphone. It must also be fixed on a solid medium;
  • do not check the fuses if the car is located far from a populated area - you risk damaging the security system;
  • The first symptom of a dead key fob battery is a decrease in range. Do not wait until the alarm starts to malfunction; replace the battery immediately;
  • do not allow moisture to get into the left pillar of the machine (for example, when leaves get into the drainage system) - in this case, there is a high probability that water will penetrate into the alarm head unit and disable it.

If you follow these recommendations, you can avoid unpleasant situations, and if an emergency does occur, you can solve the problem yourself. Otherwise, the only way out is to transport the car to the installer.

How to disable KGB

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Opening the door with a key.
  2. Turn on the ignition.
  3. Press Valet once in the first 10 seconds.

After this, the KGB VS-100 auto-protection will be disabled and the engine can be started. And in the KGB VS-4000 version, there will be an additional pair of sound signals in the car, and four in the key fob.

Factory shutdown method

This button can be located in different places. This depends on the model and make of the car. Most often it can be detected:

  • slightly to the right of the gas pedal;
  • slightly to the left of the clutch pedal;
  • within the fuse box or somewhere near it;
  • immediately under the steering wheel, in a small recess;
  • under the front panel.

Since this is a special service button, it will not be visible and easy to access (this makes no sense). If you cannot find the Valet button in the indicated places, you should study the operating instructions for the anti-theft system. Such information is key, so it will definitely be indicated there.

The alarm is turned off by simultaneously pressing the Valet and one of the pedals (sometimes you need to press two pedals at once). The most common combination is Valet and clutch pedal, after which the alarm will be disabled.

If you don't have an instruction booklet, you can try all the combinations of holding the Valet and pedals. First, you should press the pedals in order, and if this does not help, move on to combinations. You will need to repeat the action six times, but some anti-theft systems can block the car after just two attempts.

On modern cars, there is a different factory way to turn off the alarm. It differs from maneuvers with pedals, since you will have to interact exclusively with the Valet button and the ignition.

To do this, you need to take a few simple steps:

  • Open the door with a regular key. This will activate the security system, the siren, and the turn signals will flash.
  • Then turn on the ignition for a couple of seconds and turn it off immediately. The engine does not need to be started in all subsequent versions, only the ignition.
  • Then the Valet button is pressed and held for several seconds.
  • The alarm will emit a short siren, which will notify the driver that the car has entered emergency mode.

Each time the ignition is turned off, the car will emit two short beeps - another reminder that the emergency mode is activated.

What can you advise if there is a problem with the alarm?

Start with something simple - replace the battery in the remote control, or take the second remote control that comes with the kit, and try to use it to unlock the alarm. If there is no response, make sure the car battery is charged. If your car's alarm light is not flashing, this will be the first sign. In such cases, the door can be opened with a key, and if the security siren turns on, you need to press the emergency alarm button, which is installed in the car and is called Valet. But what to do when the control unit is faulty? In this case, we advise you to contact an auto electrician who will either adjust the unit or replace it. Now is the time to talk a little about the features of unlocking alarms from the most famous manufacturers.

How to start the engine if the alarm does not work

Almost all modern alarm systems allow you to disable the standard security system, even if the remote control is faulty. To do this, a “secret button” is installed in the car. This button, after a certain number of presses, produces an emergency shutdown of the alarm system, including the immobilizer. This function is described in more detail in the documentation for the anti-theft system, in the section “how to turn off the alarm.” If you have a GSM security system installed, connected to the dispatch service, call the operator, identify yourself and the code word and ask to turn off the alarm in the car or disarm the car.

What to do after starting the engine

After you have successfully unlocked the anti-theft system, deactivated the immobilizer and started the engine, you need to take the car to a service center or workshop for inspection. Without this procedure, your car is defenseless against car thieves, because you will not be able to turn on the anti-theft normally and then turn it off normally. There is always a small chance that the alarm's malfunction is caused by damaged wiring or a short circuit. This may damage the on-board electronics and cause the vehicle to catch fire. Therefore, do not delay in diagnosing, repairing or setting up the anti-theft system, otherwise next time you will have to deliver the car to a service station using a tow truck.

How to turn off car alarms with your own hands?

Before completely disabling the security installation on a non-traveling vehicle, read the recommendations for entering a password. This is especially true if you use a complex car alarm system with a GSM module.

Depending on the manufacturer and model of the car alarm, the unlocking process may vary. Let's consider several options.


Unlocking the “Sheriff” alarm is done in this way:

  1. Using the key, unlock the car door locks.
  2. The ignition is activated.
  3. The service key is pressed once.
  4. The ignition is deactivated and reactivated.
  5. The emergency mode key Valet is pressed.

User ardent talked about how to properly reflash Sheriff alarm control panels to further turn off the siren.


Depending on the alarm model, the deactivation procedure may differ.


The D-810 model can be turned off in two ways - emergency shutdown or standard.

Standard option:

  1. The car doors must be unlocked using the key; sit in the driver's seat.
  2. Activate the ignition.
  3. The driver must press the Valet button once within 15 seconds.
  4. The ignition is deactivated.

These steps will not activate emergency mode. This means that if the option of passive activation of protection is enabled, then after the next deactivation of the ignition and closing of the doors, the protection will be activated again. You can try to put the “alarm” into emergency mode by entering a code that is set by the car owner or installation specialist.

How to unlock:

  1. Car doors are opened using a key.
  2. The ignition is activated.
  3. Then it must be deactivated and reactivated.
  4. Within fifteen seconds, the car owner must have time to press the Valet button the number of times corresponding to the first digit of the code.
  5. The key is turned off and turned to ignition mode.
  6. In ten seconds, the driver presses Valet as many times as the PIN number should be.
  7. The ignition is then deactivated and turned on again. The input process is repeated as many times as there are digits in the password, but not more than four. If the procedure is completed correctly, the service option is activated.

User Karabas Barabasovich diagnosed the Alligator alarm system at the stand and spoke about the malfunctions that the car owner will encounter.


The procedure for turning off the LX-440 model looks somewhat different:

  1. The door locks are unlocked using a key.
  2. The key is inserted into the lock and the ignition is activated.
  3. You must press the Valet key within ten seconds.
  4. The ignition is deactivated. This will activate the service function.

To deactivate a password lock, the process is carried out in the same way as in the case of the model described above. But remember that in Alligator car alarms the password can contain no more than two digits.

Deactivation is done as follows:

  1. Machine doors must be unlocked with a key.
  2. The ignition is activated, turned off, and then activated again.
  3. In the next ten seconds, you need to have time to click on the emergency Valet key a certain number of times, which corresponds to the first digit of the PIN code.
  4. The ignition is deactivated, then it is activated again.
  5. In the next ten seconds, you must enter the next digit of the PIN code using the service button.
  6. After this, the ignition is turned off and reactivated.

If the password is entered incorrectly three times, the car alarm will block its operation for 30 minutes.

Please note that Alligator anti-theft installations have an open locking relay. It will not be possible to turn off the siren by de-energizing the on-board network by disconnecting the battery.


The process of disabling a Starline car alarm may differ depending on the model.

Starline 525

A faulty Starline 525 system can be unlocked:

  1. The car door locks are opened with a key.
  2. The key is installed in the lock and the ignition is activated.
  3. You must hold down the Jack key for six seconds.
  4. If the system enters service mode, one beep will sound. Please note that the diode lamp will begin to blink slowly, with a break of about five seconds.
  5. The ignition is turned off.

The avtodopka channel talked about the emergency shutdown of the anti-theft installation using the A91 model as an example.

Starline A6

When using Starline A6, the unlocking procedure can only be carried out using a password:

  1. The car door locks must be unlocked with a key; the siren will sound.
  2. The ignition is activated.
  3. Within twenty seconds, you must click on the Valet button a certain number of times, corresponding to the first digit of the password.
  4. The ignition is deactivated and turned on again.
  5. The procedure for pressing the Valet button is repeated, only now the next password digit is entered.
  6. The ignition is deactivated.

Starline A8

In the “signals” of A8 models and later versions, unlocking is carried out as follows:

  1. The machine door locks are unlocked using a key.
  2. The ignition is activated.
  3. Within 20 seconds, you must click on the emergency mode button four times.
  4. Then the ignition is deactivated.

If the steps are completed correctly, the siren will sound twice and the turn lights will blink twice.


Let's consider the shutdown procedure using the Tomahawk RL950LE alarm system as an example:

  1. The machine door locks are unlocked with a key.
  2. The key is installed in the lock and the ignition is activated.
  3. The emergency button is pressed four times within twenty seconds.
  4. The ignition is turned off.

If everything is done correctly, the siren will emit two signals and the turning lights will blink twice.


To turn off the alarm on your car completely, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the car doors.
  2. Place the key in the lock.
  3. Start the engine; the siren may turn off at this time.
  4. Find the service key. Use it to enter a password.

1. The car door opens with a key

2. The ignition is activated

3. Emergency mode key is pressed


Disabling the anti-theft system is different for Sherkhan Magikar models.

Sherkhan Magikar 2

Unblocking the alarm is done as follows:

  1. The car doors are opened with a key.
  2. The key is inserted into the lock.
  3. Within three seconds, the driver must have time to turn the key from the ACC position to ON four times.
  4. The ignition is deactivated.

If the actions are correct, the system siren will turn off, the turning lights will blink once, and after six seconds - twice more.

Sherkhan Magikar 4

This model is turned off somewhat differently:

  1. The car doors are opened with a key.
  2. The key is inserted into the lock.
  3. Within four seconds, you need to turn the key in the lock three times so that it moves from the closed position to ON and back.
  4. The ignition is deactivated.

If everything is done correctly, the siren will turn off and the turning lights will blink once, after five seconds they will blink two more times.

Sherkhan Magikar 6

In the case of the Sherkhan Magikar 6 model, unlocking is only possible using a password. Initially, the system is assigned code 1111.

The unlocking procedure is as follows:

  1. The car doors are opened with a key.
  2. The key is inserted into the lock. Within four seconds, the driver must switch the key three times from the closed position to the On mode.
  3. The ignition is deactivated.
  4. Then the procedure is repeated with switching ignition modes in the lock. The key must be switched the number of times that corresponds to the first digit of the password.
  5. The ignition is deactivated.
  6. The procedure for switching the key in the lock is repeated the number of times that corresponds to the second digit of the password. All code elements are entered in this way.

When the data is entered correctly, the anti-theft system will flash the turn lights twice and the siren speaker will turn off. If you cannot enter the code within the specified time or find the service key, then you must wait until the siren turns off completely. Then start looking for the button. Once it is found, the car door is closed and the unlocking procedure is repeated. If the password is entered incorrectly three times, the Sherkhan alarm system will be blocked for at least half an hour.

User Zoya Valueva talked about deactivating the option to automatically turn on the protective mode of the “signaling” Sherkhan.


Unlocking such systems is carried out as follows:

  1. The car doors are opened with a key.
  2. The security mode is turned off using the key fob. In some cases, after opening the door locks and activating the siren, the remote control turns off the speaker.
  3. The key is installed in the lock and the ignition is activated.
  4. Within fifteen seconds, you must hold down the emergency mode button for two seconds.

If the steps are taken correctly, the “signal” status diode light will light without interruption.


Cenmax Vigilant ST-5 models are unlocked as follows:

  1. The car door locks are opened using a key.
  2. The ignition is activated.
  3. The emergency key is pressed four times.
  4. The ignition is turned off and the key is removed from the lock.

The process of turning off Cenmax HIT-20 is carried out in a similar way, except that the emergency mode button is pressed five times.

If the system is successfully turned off, three beeps will sound and the turn lights will blink three times.

Falcon TIS-010

To unlock this device you need to know the password:

  1. Car door locks are unlocked using a key.
  2. The key is installed in the lock and the ignition is activated. After this, the system status lamp will light continuously for fifteen seconds.
  3. When the LED indicator starts blinking, you must press the service button three times within three seconds.
  4. The LED lamp should light up for five seconds, after which it will blink slowly.
  5. At this stage you need to be careful. The car owner must accurately count the number of light bulb flashes. When their number matches the first digit of the password, the service button is pressed. The LED indicator will blink.
  6. The steps described above are repeated for all digits of the password.
  7. If the code was entered correctly, the light will stop lighting and the anti-theft system will go into emergency mode.

User Lexin told how you can deactivate the “signaling” if the remote control does not work.

KGB VS-4000

This “alarm” can be turned off in two ways - by switching to service mode and by entering a password, consider the first option:

  1. The car doors must be unlocked with the key and the siren must sound.
  2. The ignition is activated.
  3. Within ten seconds, the driver must click on the Valet service button.

If the actions are done correctly, the “signaling” speaker should emit two short-term beeps. In this case, the remote control will play four melodic pulses, and the diode indicator will blink on the key fob screen for fifteen seconds.

If you know the password, follow these steps to unlock:

  1. The key is used to unlock the locks on the car doors.
  2. Insert the key into the lock and activate the ignition.
  3. Within fifteen seconds after switching on, the Valet key is pressed the number of times corresponding to the first element of the password. Remember that the first click on the emergency mode button must be made no later than five seconds after activating the ignition.
  4. If the password consists of more than one character, then you should deactivate and activate the ignition, and then repeat the steps described above again.
  5. When you enter all the digits of the password, the key in the lock must be returned to its original state and the ignition must be activated again. This will turn off the alarm siren and deactivate the alarm signal.

Independent troubleshooting of alarm systems

As mentioned earlier, independent troubleshooting of alarm systems is possible only if you have knowledge related to the basic functioning of automotive electronics. In general, the list of diagnostic work will look like this:

  1. Finding and checking the functionality of blown fuses. By replacing a known problem element with its working counterpart, you can eliminate the malfunction and get rid of problems associated with engine blocking.
  2. Checking the battery charge, diagnosing whether the terminals are correctly secured to its contacts.
  3. Diagnostics of limit switches located under the hood and luggage compartment covers.

All this work can be performed only with the use of specialized tools, as well as with the use of knowledge regarding the rules for installing electrical equipment inside the vehicle.

Principle of operation

The engine start blocking by the alarm occurs if the anti-theft complex is equipped with an immobilizer. Often the car does not start even if there is a two-channel security system. The principle of operation of the blocker is to open the electrical circuit or supply current to elements that can affect the starting of the motor. The engine does not start or stops working after a while. The immobilizer prevents the commission of criminal acts related to disconnecting wires or disassembling anti-theft systems.

If the alarm detects a break-in attempt, it blocks all accessible components of the car. Immobilizers are activated automatically.

System shutdown methods

The car alarm can be turned off at any time in a standard or non-standard way. If everything is clear in the first case, the complex is deactivated by a signal from the control panel, then in the case when the communicator suddenly fails, the alarm can be turned off in two ways.

If there is no remote control

Emergency shutdown.

To apply the method, you must know the algorithm of sequential operations with the car’s ignition circuit and the Valet button. Information on the method for urgently disabling the standard alarm may be contained in the machine’s service book. If the search for a service key takes a long time, and the siren annoys your neighbors, you should reset one or both terminals from the battery. But you can count on stopping the siren scream in such a situation only when interacting with the simplest or old car safety systems. The sequence of pressing the service button and turning on/off the alarm is different for each complex. Therefore, without reliable information about the algorithm, it will not be possible to deactivate an alarm that has suddenly become hysterical.

Deactivation by code.

The vehicle owner knows the PIN code of his alarm. In such situation:

  • The fuel ignition circuit in the engine is turned on;
  • The service button is pressed the number of times corresponding to the first digit of the secret code;
  • The ignition is turned off;
  • After this, the operation is repeated for each subsequent digital code value.

But it should be borne in mind that the original algorithm is contained in the accompanying documents for the car. You need to start the process only after you are completely sure that the steps to unlock the device are correct.

Another option is possible if the owner knows where the security system fuse is located. Then you just need to remove it from the nest.

How to turn off the siren?

In order to turn off a working siren, you can:

  • De-energize the vehicle's on-board network by disconnecting the battery;
  • Signal from the control panel;
  • By dialing a PIN code from inside the vehicle;
  • Cutting the speaker power wires with wire cutters.
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