Where is the Valet button usually located on a car alarm?

Good day to all! Modern car alarms provide a fairly extensive range of functions. The motorist may not even be aware of some of them, while many do not use the capabilities of others. And this is not entirely correct from the position of maximum vehicle protection. Many people have heard about the Valet mode, but not everyone knows what it is and why it is needed in an alarm system.

This mode is popularly known as service mode. I suggest you understand its features, understand what it is used for, how to enable and disable it.

Interestingly, there are usually many more difficulties with disabling Jack than with activating it. But it’s still easier than turning off the alarm without a key fob, as we recently talked about.

What is Valet mode and what is it for?

Valet mode was developed by car alarm manufacturers to improve their reliability and security functions. Required to perform the following actions:

  • emergency shutdown of the security system (if it is impossible to use the usual methods);
  • alarm programming;
  • turning off the system in case of absence, breakdown or discharge of the control panel.

Most modern alarm systems (Legendford, Starline A93, A9, Jaguar, etc.) can operate in this service mode. To carry out manipulations, the Jack button is provided. It is needed to activate and deactivate the function, turn off the alarm and protect vehicles in the event of an emergency. At the same time, the owner of the car must know where the control button and turn off the alarm are, how to use it and start the Valet mode.

What it is

Valet mode or simply service mode is widely used in car alarms of various configuration levels and budgets. When this mode is activated, key functions that perform vehicle protection tasks are deactivated. That is, in fact, the car is not protected. This mode is used in situations where the car is safe; it is impossible to disarm it completely, but it is also not worth turning off the system entirely. A striking example is the transfer of a car to a car service center. By turning on the Valet, the alarm will not go off and the technician will have access to the interior, trunk or engine compartment without any problems. In this case, the keychain remains with you.

If we talk about older models, then there is another purpose for the service mode. Previous security systems implied the need to switch to Valet if it was necessary to configure the system.

Usually, when installing a car alarm that has Valet, a special button is installed. They try to put it in the most accessible place so that an attacker does not have the opportunity to use it and disarm the car.

Never tell anyone where this button is. Even if you leave the car at a trusted car service center.

Valet is found on a fairly large number of security systems designed for vehicles.

In particular, they can be found on the following signals:

  • Sherkhan Magicar;
  • Sheriff;
  • Tomahawk;
  • Cenmax;
  • Jaguar;
  • Pandora;
  • Ghost;
  • Alligator;
  • Starline, etc.

In fact, motorists have two main questions:

  • how to remove the mode if it is enabled;
  • how to activate it.

Somehow I personally encountered the fact that after activation I stubbornly could not disable Valet on my machine. I had to dig into the instruction manual. The problem was resolved quickly. But I advise you to first look at the instructions from your manufacturer.

Where is the Valet button?

The property owner chooses the area where the Valet button should be located independently during the installation of a security car alarm. In doing so, the following recommendations are followed:

  • The button can be placed at a maximum distance from the central unit, not exceeding the length of the cable included in the kit. Typically, in a car, the block is placed under the dashboard next to the fuses, under the main console, and less often - behind the glove compartment (for example, in Ford Focus 2 cars). And the cable length often does not exceed 0.5 m. Therefore, the switch can be located at a short distance from the alarm.
  • The location of the key must be accessible to the driver so that the Valet button can be easily found in the car. But at the same time it must be hidden from prying eyes. The best option is installation under a removable panel. The key is also often hidden behind the radio, in the glove compartment, under the steering wheel or passenger seat. During installation, it is necessary to hide the wire going to the switch, because it is distinguished by bright colors (for example, in Panther alarms it is red).
  • When installing a security system yourself, it is recommended to schematically indicate the installation location of the Valet button in the technical data sheet and equipment installation diagram. In the event of a sale, the new owner will not have to look for where it is located if an emergency situation arises.
  • The switch should not be in a visible place so that fraudsters do not find it in the car and use it to steal the car.

If you purchased a used car, you should find the Valet button in advance. In the opposite situation, you will have to search for a disconnecting device when the siren is on, which may arouse suspicion among people around you.

What does the button look like?

There are no requirements for the appearance of the Valet service button. Therefore, every car alarm manufacturer can implement it in any form.

However, in almost every model, the Valet button has the same type: it looks like a small cylinder with a circumference of about 1.5 cm. In the center there is a small key, slightly recessed into the cylinder (to reduce the risk of accidental pressing). Less commonly, it is made in the form of a switch that has 2 positions: ON and OFF (turning the mode on and off).

Jack mode

To disable any security function of the alarm system, the valet mode is used - a service type mode. You can turn it on by pressing the Valet switch. It is used in those rare cases when it is necessary to leave the vehicle in a car service center or at a service station. The possibility of controlling certain service capabilities may remain: connect “Panic”, unlock the doorways of the vehicle remotely.

The instructions that come with the installed security alarm system indicate the process for connecting or disabling service modes. Let's open this section and get acquainted with it. If the required category is not available or the instructions are lost, then we try a couple of ordinary manipulations. Each of the signal systems is individual in its characteristics, despite this, certain modes are identical; turning off valet without using instructions will just take much more time.

When getting into the vehicle, turn on the ignition for a couple of seconds, then turn it off. To successfully complete the process, we do this as quickly as possible, otherwise everything will have to be repeated again.

We find the valet switch button in our own vehicle. Thanks to the car's instructions, you can easily find its location. It is mainly located on the signal receiver, under the steering block area or next to the gas pedal. Press the valet button once for a couple of seconds, release it, and after connecting the ignition, wait approximately 12 seconds. All manipulations are performed if the security system is turned off.

The security alarm will send several short beeps, the LED (light emitting diode) of the system will turn off twice, and the parking lights may flash a couple of times. Service mode is turned off, the car alarm can operate normally.

Let's see if the control panel is in working condition, before turning off the valet mode, see if there is a necessary button. If you could not find the push-button switch, that is, your security system has a completely different designation. For advice, you should contact the service center where the alarm system was installed for your vehicle.

You can remotely turn off the valet mode using the control panel. You must turn the ignition off and on while you are in the vehicle. We press two buttons on the control panel at the same time: the button where the speaker image is located, and the button with the open lock. After three seconds, lower the button. The speaker may emit a couple of beeps, large lights will turn on, and the car alarm system LED will turn off.

If the alarm system of your vehicle cannot respond to turning off the valet mode from the remote control, then we try to take out the battery and put them in after a certain period of time - about two minutes. We check if there is a connection between the key fob and the main unit. When the power is connected, all possible icons should appear on the display.

During a service type power outage, the valet mode can be retained, which you can use while servicing your vehicle. When you turn on the service mode in anti-theft systems, the LED indicator will light up all the time. The siren can give a warning signal when the ignition is turned off. Using the push-button mode, the valet is also used to disable the security mode, immo, if the remote control is lost or out of order.

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How to activate

To activate the Valet mode in the alarm, you can use one of two options: using a key in the cabin or using a remote control key fob. But no matter what option is selected for turning on the mode, when the engine stops, the security system emits 2 short signals warning about the active Valet mode.

Push-button option

To enable Valet mode using the key, proceed as follows:

  1. They get into the car, insert the key and turn on, then turn off the ignition.
  2. After 10 seconds, the service function is turned on, for which the Valet switch is set to the ON position. If there is a button (not a switch), press it for 2-3 seconds.
  3. The transition to the mode is accompanied by a short sound and light (blinking LED indicator, low beam headlights, emergency lights) alert.

Remote control

Valet mode is activated using the key fob as follows:

  1. They get into the vehicle. In this case, you need to make sure that the car alarm is not operating in security or alarm mode.
  2. Insert the key into the ignition, turn the car engine on and off.
  3. After 10 seconds, press and hold 2 keys on the key fob (simultaneously). The button combination is different for each brand of security system. For example, you can turn on Starline A93 from the key fob by simultaneously pressing keys 1 and 2.
  4. Activation of the Valet mode is accompanied by sound and light notification.

Transfer to service mode

How to switch the alarm system to service mode without the Valet button? To do this, use the on-screen menu of the main key fob:

  • Briefly pressing button 4 of the main key fob, move the cursor to the “Wrench” icon.
  • Briefly press button 3 - the alarm control LED will start to light constantly, the “Wrench” icon on the screen will do the same.

The service mode is turned off in the same way - move the cursor to the icon, but press button 2 to clear the icon.

If your StarLine alarm system has telematic capabilities, then everything is even simpler. With standard control icon settings, slide your finger to the left the main set (engine start/security status/car search) to see the second set: anti-robbery/service mode/call. By pressing and holding the central icon, you activate the service mode, which will be reflected both in the application and on the screen of the main key fob.

On older alarm models, where the main key fob has three buttons, entering the on-screen menu of the key fob is done in a different way:

  • Long press button 3 until you hear two beeps (first long, then short).
  • By pressing button 3 briefly, move the flashing cursor to the “Wrench” icon.
  • Activate the service mode by pressing 1.

It turns off the same way - by pressing 1 when the cursor is hovering over the icon of the active service mode, you will turn it off.

Something else useful for you:

  • How to register the Starline A93 key fob
  • Why is a CAN module needed in a car alarm?
  • How to enable and disable the turbo timer on StarLine?

How to turn off the alarm using the Valet button

Disabling the security system siren using the Valet button is convenient and easy. If an alarm is triggered without a remote control key fob, you must use the following instructions:

  1. Open the car door with a key.
  2. Provides access to the Valet switch.
  3. Press the key several times with a specified time period. The number of presses and duration depend on the brand of car security equipment. The parameters are indicated in the instructions for the system.
  4. Enter the alarm code, which is a combination of two or three numbers.

After completing these operations, the siren turns off. You can also make changes to the security system software using the Valet button.

When turning on the mode, it is recommended to try the device to disable the siren and security.

How to disable Valet mode

It is easy to disable the service method of operation. To disable the security system from Valet mode, you need to use the following disabling guide:

  1. They get into the car and insert the key into the ignition.
  2. They start the engine.
  3. After 10-15 seconds, press the Valet button on the alarm for a long time.
  4. The mode is disabled. The Valet mode indicator stops working.

After these actions, the security system switches to standard operation.

  • Mechanical anti-theft device
  • Starline alarm does not respond to key fob
  • How to turn off the alarm
  • How to disable Valet mode on Tomahawk alarm system

Car security, Valet button - why car alarm manufacturers developed it

Considering the topic that concerns the statistics of vehicle theft, everyone can say that the situation is very sad. Domestic cars often remain untouched, but foreign cars are stolen right from under the owner’s nose. This situation forces car owners to think about installing a car alarm - the sooner they do it, the better. Motorists are well familiar with many of the devices that are included in standard sets of security systems, but many find it difficult to answer what the Valet button is and what it is intended for. Each driver can easily figure this out on their own using the instructions, but a few more recommendations will not be superfluous.

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