Repairing a gearbox on a VAZ 2109, removing and installing a gearbox without an assistant

Removing the gearbox on a VAZ 2109 is necessary, first of all, when replacing the clutch, repairing the gearbox, eliminating a leak in the rear engine oil seal or the front gearbox oil seal. Also, removal is not necessary when replacing the release bearing and replacing the front starter bushing (if it is impossible to do the work directly on the car).

Although the weight of the box is relatively small (about 27 kg - without oil), it is still recommended to use the help of an assistant. Removal must be done on a “pit” or a lift.

Removing the VAZ 2109 gearbox

First of all, you need to remove the mudguard and engine crankcase protection (if installed).

drain the oil from the box, remove the drive nuts and wheels. If removal takes place in a pit, it is necessary to jack up and hang the front part of the car on trestles or other reliable stands. Be sure to disconnect the battery terminals. The next order is:

- remove the clutch cable

disconnect the speedometer cable;

— with the car raised, unscrew the ball joints (it is recommended to unscrew the two bolts securing the ball joint to the “knuckle”);

— tear off and remove the left longitudinal brace;

- with the help of an assistant, pull the drive out of the box - one pulls the inner grenade with a pry bar

(to prevent disassembly of the drive in another place), the second one sharply pulls the wheel, pulling the drive out of the box (after removing one drive, in order to avoid turning and scattering of the differential, it is necessary to insert a special stopper or an old grenade into the box);

— unscrew the central nuts of the drives and remove them;

- remove the starter,

disconnect the ground wire

and reverse speed sensor connector

from the box, flywheel protective cover from below

and disconnect the gearshift link (having previously marked the position);

— then unscrew one by one the four mounting points of the gearbox to the engine;

— it is imperative to fix the engine by supporting it through a hydraulic jack from below, or by hanging it, resting it on the spar cups;

— holding the box, unscrew and remove all the supports (“pillows”) securing the gearbox to the body;

— together with an assistant, slightly shaking, try to move the box away from the engine; it needs about 10 cm for the input shaft to come out of the clutch disc and basket;

- When removing, be careful not to damage the clutch basket petals with the input shaft.

Signs of a faulty VAZ 2109 gearbox

  • noise in the gearbox;
  • difficult gear shifting;
  • spontaneous transmission shutdown;
  • “crackling” when the gear is engaged;
  • increased noise when disengaging the clutch.

These signs may indicate a serious breakdown of the gearbox, which will require replacement.
It should be remembered that the gearbox of the VAZ 2109 (aka VAZ 2108 and the rest of the family) weighs a decent amount from 32.7 to 33 kg. The piece of iron is heavy. And if you also take into account that you need to remove the box from a level above your head, then you should calculate your strength, especially if you work alone. It is necessary to prepare a place for the box in advance so that you do not have to lift the gearbox from the bottom of the inspection hole.


The VAZ 2109 manual transmission is installed after all problems and defects have been eliminated.

It is necessary to make sure that all components and parts are in good condition (clutch disc, basket, release bearing, etc.), check the alignment of the clutch kit, and lubricate the splined connection of the input shaft and the release bearing flange. When installing the gearbox, you must use the help of an assistant and perform the following steps:

  • lower the engine, fixed with a jack or brace, by 10-15 degrees;
  • lift and insert the box as far as it will go (it is unacceptable to tighten the box and the engine with bolts; you must manually achieve a tight fit of the gearbox close to the engine);
  • tighten the four main fastening points and install the gearbox support;
  • put on and adjust the clutch cable (the clutch pedal should be 1 centimeter above the brake pedal);
  • install and connect the starter and reverse speed sensor;
  • install flywheel protection, speedometer cable and ground wire;
  • connect and adjust the gear shift mechanism (put it on the mark or put the gear selection lever in “neutral”, to first speed);
  • assemble the chassis (insert the drive, screw on the ball joints, install braces);
  • lower the car onto the wheels, tighten them and the central drive nuts (force 23 -25 kg/m, approximately 1-1.5 m lever length);
  • Fill the oil up to the level.

Step-by-step instruction

Drivers who do not want to tinker with their car use the services of a service station. The procedure for removing the gearbox can be done by yourself. True, you will need an assistant to carry it out.

What will you need?

To carry out work with the gearbox, the car must be driven into an inspection hole, raised using a lift, or installed on an overpass. Before you begin the process of removing the gearbox from a VAZ 2109, you need to drain the oil from it.

To remove the gearbox you will need:

  • a set of keys;
  • mount;
  • for draining oil, a container with a volume of about 5 liters.

It is recommended to perform the procedure with an assistant.


The procedure for removing the gearbox on a VAZ 2109 includes the following steps:

  1. Before carrying out work, the car must be de-energized - disconnect the negative terminal on the battery.
  2. Next, the protection from the engine crankcase is removed. To do this, unscrew the screws with which it is attached to the body.
  3. The ground wire must be removed from the stud by unscrewing the bolt holding it.
  4. Next, release the clutch cable by loosening the nuts on the tip of the clutch cable. And then remove it from the clutch lever.

    Disconnecting the clutch cable

  5. The next step is to disconnect the block supplying the power wires from the starter.
  6. Next, unscrew the nut and remove the power cable going to the battery from the stud.
  7. To disconnect the starter from the clutch basket, unscrew three mounting nuts.

    Removing the starter
    By carefully pulling the starter towards you, you need to remove it from under the hood.

  8. To perform further work, you need to move under the car. The gear shift drive rod is disconnected from the joint tip by loosening the clamp.
  9. Then the reverse sensor is disconnected.

    Disconnect the reverse light connector

  10. After unscrewing the fastening nut, disconnect the cable from the speedometer drive.
  11. The next stage is working with stretch marks. There is no need to remove them, just loosen the nuts securing them to the suspension arms.
  12. Then, the bolts securing the bracket to the car body or the nut that secures the braces to the bracket are unscrewed; the braces need to be moved apart so that they do not interfere.
  13. Next, the cotter pin of the nut is removed, with the help of which the ball is attached to the swing arm and the fastening nut of the ball is unscrewed.
  14. Now, using a puller, press the ball joint pin out of the strut swing arm.
  15. Then the steering tips are disconnected from the steering cams.
  16. At the next stage, using a small pry bar as a lever, you need to rest one of its ends against the drive hinge and push the grenade out of the box.
  17. After removing the drive, you need to install a technical plug in its place; you can use an old grenade. Now you can start removing the second one. If you do not install the plug and start removing the second drive, the differential gears located inside the box may shift, which will then be difficult to install due to the fact that the grenade shanks will not be able to get into place.
  18. Next, the mounting bolts are unscrewed and the shield is removed.

    Removing the shield
    After this, you should loosen the screws and nut that secure the clutch housing and cylinder block together.

  19. The next step is to fix the engine in a suspended state. This must be done, since when removing the VAZ 2109 gearbox, the mounting bolts of the power unit supports are unscrewed. To do this, a reliable wooden beam is installed on the front fenders, on which the engine will hang. First, material should be laid on the fenders to protect the paintwork, and wooden support bars should be placed under the beam in the area of ​​the front pillar supports.
  20. Next, the engine is suspended using a strong rope or wire.

    Suspending the engine

  21. Now you need to unscrew the nuts holding the rear support of the unit.

    Unscrew the left support fastener

  22. After unscrewing the nut, remove the left engine mount bolt.
  23. Then unscrew the nuts securing the motor to the gearbox and remove the support.
  24. Next, you need to finally unscrew all the fasteners on the other side of the gearbox. Then you should remove the box from the car by pulling it towards you. In this case, you need to act carefully so as not to break the clutch basket.

The procedure for removing the gearbox on a VAZ 2109 with your own hands is completed. Then you can continue repair work.

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How to remove the box on a VAZ 21099

How to remove the gearbox VAZ 21099 (09, 08). Let's consider this issue step by step.

You need to work on an inspection ditch or on a lift, or on an overpass. In principle, it doesn’t matter where, as long as it’s convenient to stand under the car. You need to work with an assistant, the box is still heavy, and an extra pair of hands is always useful.

And so let's get started.

First of all, we disconnect the mass from the battery and drain the oil from the gearbox. How to drain the oil from the gearbox, see here.

Then, remove the engine splash guard (protection) if there is one

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