Replacing the steering gear on a VAZ 2106 car

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Installing electric power steering

If a car owner wants to install an electric booster on a VAZ-2107, he should give preference to factory units. Before setting up and upgrading the system, the transmission speed sensor should be adjusted. This will avoid turning the steering wheel too “tight”.

Among other additions, when installing an ESD in your car, the vehicle owner will have to install a new choke cable (you can purchase it as part of the ESD kit for the VAZ-2108), replace the gearbox and install a MUR1100E diode.

Electric power steering on a VAZ-2107, when purchasing a ready-made kit, requires the presence of a speed sensor, various fasteners, a choke cable, an ignition switch, several switches and a casing for the steering column.

When assembling an electric power steering for a VAZ-2107 with your own hands, you need to start with the adapter plate and cardan. After removing the crosspiece, you need to select a cardan of the appropriate length. The welded and assembled crosspiece, or rather its bearings, are equipped with new lubricant. After this, the steering device is installed and the electrical component of the power steering is connected. The red wire should go to the battery, and the brown wire should go to its mounting stud. The blue cable for the ignition switch should go to the orange one. The tachometer wires should go to the dashboard chip, and the connecting elements between the speed sensors should go to the ninth pin of the ECU.

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How to change the steering gearbox on a VAZ 2106

Owners of the VAZ 2106 believe that the steering gearboxes of the “sixes” are almost beyond repair. An exception is made only in case of wear of ball bearings, gaskets and seals. Then the car owner disassembles the gearbox and replaces the above parts with new ones. And in case of wear of a worm, gear or roller, there is only one solution: replace the entire gearbox, since it is not always possible to find on sale, for example, a worm shaft from a “six” gearbox or a gear. The reason is simple: the car was discontinued a long time ago and spare parts for it are becoming less and less every year. To remove the gearbox we need the following tools:

  • set of socket heads and wrenches;
  • special puller for steering rod;
  • set of spanners;
  • new steering gear;
  • rags.


Having prepared everything necessary, the car should be driven onto an overpass (or into a viewing hole). The wheels of the machine should be securely secured with shoes.

  1. The left front wheel of the car is lifted with a jack and removed. Access to steering rods is provided.
  2. Using a rag, the fingers on the steering rods are thoroughly cleaned of dirt.
  3. The rods are disconnected from the gear bipods. To do this, remove the fastening cotter pins on the rods, then unscrew the nuts with a spanner. After this, using a puller, the rod fingers are squeezed out of the steering bipod.

Video: changing the steering gear on a “classic”

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Signs of breakdown of the gearbox and other elements of the steering system

The steering gearbox on a VAZ 2106 very rarely fails alone. As a rule, a gearbox failure is preceded by the failure of several elements of the steering system, after which the gearbox itself breaks down. That is why it is better to consider the problems of this system as a whole. We list the most well-known signs of a breakdown of the control system on the “six”:

  • when turning the steering wheel, a characteristic grinding or loud creaking sound is heard from under the steering column;
  • the driver observes a constant leak of lubricant from the gearbox;
  • turning the steering wheel began to require more effort than before.

Now let’s look at what exactly can cause the above symptoms and how to eliminate them.

Steering system noise

Here are the main causes of noise behind the steering column:

  • The clearance on the bearings installed in the steering wheel hubs has increased. Solution: adjust the gap, and in case of significant wear of the bearings, replace them completely;
  • The fastening nuts on the steering rod pins have become loose. It is these nuts that usually cause loud squeaking and grinding noises. Solution: tighten the nuts;
  • The gap between the bushings and the pendulum arm of the steering system has increased. Solution: replacing the bushings (and sometimes you have to change the bushing brackets if they are very worn);
  • The worm bearings in the gearbox are worn out. A grinding noise when turning wheels can also occur due to them. Solution: replace the bearings. And if the bearings are not worn out, it is necessary to adjust their clearances;
  • loosening the fastening nuts on the swing arms. Solution: tighten the nuts after placing the car wheels straight.

Leakage of lubricant from the gearbox

A lubricant leak indicates a violation of the seal of the device.

Here's how it happens:

  • The seals on the bipod shaft or on the worm shaft are completely worn out. Solution: replace the seals (sets of these seals can be purchased at any spare parts store);
  • The bolts holding the steering system housing cover have become loose. Solution: tighten the bolts, and they must be tightened crosswise. That is, first the right bolt is tightened, then the left, then the top bolt, then the bottom, etc. Only such a tightening pattern can guarantee the tightness of the crankcase cover;
  • damage to the sealing gasket under the crankcase cover. If the above tightening pattern does not lead to anything, it means that the seal under the crankcase cover has worn out. Therefore, the cover will have to be removed and the sealing gasket replaced.

The steering wheel turns hard

If the driver feels that it has become very difficult to turn the steering wheel, this can happen for the following reasons:

  • Incorrect alignment of the steering wheels. The solution is obvious: install the car on a stand and set the correct toe and camber angles;
  • one or more parts of the steering system are deformed. Steering rods are usually deformed. And this happens due to external mechanical influences (flying stones, regular driving on uneven roads). Deformed rods will have to be removed and replaced with new ones;
  • the gap between the worm and the roller in the steering gear has increased (or vice versa, decreased). Over time, any mechanical connection can become loose. And worm joints are no exception. To eliminate the problem, the roller gap is adjusted using a special bolt, then the gap size is checked using a feeler gauge. The resulting figure is checked against the figure specified in the operating instructions for the machine;
  • The nut on the swing arm is too tight. The peculiarity of this nut is that over time it does not weaken, like other fasteners, but rather tightens. This occurs due to the specific operating conditions of the pendulum arm. The solution is obvious: the nut should be slightly loosened.

Problems when paying with bank cards

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  1. There is a restriction on the card for paying for online purchases
  2. A plastic card is not intended for making payments online.
  3. The plastic card is not activated for making payments online.
  4. There are not enough funds on the plastic card.

In order to solve these problems, you need to call or write to the technical support of the bank where you are served. Bank specialists will help you resolve them and make payments.

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Failure of the steering mechanism

When the gearbox finally fails, the ability to drive the vehicle is completely or significantly lost. How to timely determine the “quick end” of the steering mechanism of a VAZ 2106 car, so as not to encounter this at the most inopportune moment? There are several “warning lights” that indicate that the mechanism in question needs replacement.

ProblemCauses and consequences
1. Extraneous squeaks are heard when turning the steering wheelThis may indicate that a foreign substance of an abrasive type has entered the gearbox, or an internal breakage of the worm or gear. Possible jamming of the unit, loss of control over vehicle control functions
2. Significant play in the steering wheelIn most cases, play is caused by loosening the adjustment bolt and is eliminated by tightening it. If such a measure does not produce results, therefore, the gearbox of the VAZ 2106 car must be replaced
3. Oil leakThis may mean either a rupture of the sealing gasket or a crack or hole in the housing. This is fraught with high oil consumption, insufficient lubrication of the steering mechanism and acceleration of its inevitable failure.
4. Difficulty turning the steering wheelThe reason is insufficient lubrication, displacement of the engagement angle of the worm and gears, partial jamming of moving parts and mechanisms. It is fraught with increased driver fatigue during a long trip, complete jamming of the unit, loss of control over vehicle control functions
5. Knocks and vibrations in the gearbox, which are felt through the steering wheelThe reasons may be: a loose adjustment bolt, failure of sealing couplings and gaskets, or wear and tear of mechanisms moving in mesh. Possible jamming of the unit, loss of control over vehicle control functions

Replacing a vehicle gearbox is not a particularly difficult task, but this does not mean that it does not require careful preliminary preparation. First of all, you need to decide on the tools that will be used for the removal: which ones are available and which ones need to be prepared or purchased.

In order to replace the steering mechanism on a VAZ 2106 car, you need to acquire a set of wrenches, pliers, pliers, and a device for pressing out the pins of ball joints. Without the latter, the replacement process will become quite noticeably more complicated, which may affect the quality of the work performed. Therefore, you should not save at the expense of your own safety and comfort.

Because due to poor installation of the control mechanisms of the VAZ 2106 car, they can fail at the most inopportune moment, which will expose the lives of the driver, passengers and other road users to unreasonable danger. Next, it is necessary to carry out a superficial inspection of the gearbox housing for damage and assess the external condition.

It is located in the engine compartment, under the main brake cylinder of the car. In case of significant contamination, it is advisable to clean it from dust, dirt and oil stains. This will increase the speed and convenience of replacement work.

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