Do-it-yourself powder coating of wheels: technology

Wheel rims are in an unfavorable operating environment: they come into contact with an aggressive external environment, are damaged by stones, grains of sand, and if driven carelessly, they also rub against curbs. Wear of the protective coating is a matter of time. When there is no point in buying new wheels, but the appearance of the old ones does not suit the driver, the wheels are painted. After the procedure, the coating will become perfectly smooth, without defects and with any color. The details of painting discs with powder paint will be discussed further.

What is required to paint wheels?

Wheels are painted either completely or in individual areas. Both procedures are completely doable on your own with the help of auxiliary tools and materials. Most often, varnish, enamel, films with a glossy or matte effect, “Plastidip”, etc. are used. Recently, clients are increasingly ordering “Aquaprint” - this is a technology for creating any design or pattern.

Powder paint for painting alloy wheels

Painting a disk surface with varnish or enamel is a classic procedure for updating and restoring its appearance. Car enthusiasts prefer painting with a single-color composition; to improve the appearance, they only add flakes (glitter). An alternative option is to update the look with several shades of paint, which will require stencils and masking tape.

Varnish is a finishing layer that is applied to dried enamel to protect it from destruction and simplify cleaning from dirt. Varnishes come in glossy and matte, the choice depends on individual preferences.

Powder coating of discs, like most other compounds, is applied according to the standard algorithm:

  • Cleaning and washing the surface.
  • Cleaning with sandpaper, sandblasting or a grinder from pimples and other irregularities.
  • If necessary, putty is applied if there are flaws in the disc design.
  • Removing fats with any solvent.
  • Surface treatment with primer.
  • Applying paint in 2-3 layers.
  • Varnish coating.

Powder coating of wheels. color graphite

Preparing the wheels for painting. 5 conditions that increase paint adhesion and service life

Turning to the experience of the masters of the Moscow auto repair shops “Pit-Stop” and “Nayad”, we can conclude that the quality of painting wheels directly depends on the thoroughness of their preparation.

If paint is applied by professionals, make sure that they take a responsible approach to the process of preparing the discs. If you are preparing yourself, follow the instructions:

  1. thoroughly clean the surface of the discs from old paint using a sandblaster, inspect the products for damage or places that need correction and sanding;
  2. treat problem areas with a grinding machine - work continues until the surface is free of all flaws and becomes absolutely smooth;
  3. if you find areas of oxidation or corrosion, treat them with hydrochloric or phosphate acid;
  4. phosphate all surfaces using reagents most suitable for the material from which the discs are made; upon completion of work, do not forget to remove excess mass;
  5. dry the discs using a hair dryer; degrease them and dry them again.

Equipment and materials needed for painting

Painting discs with a powder composition requires the purchase and preparation of a number of materials:

  • special powder for rims;
  • primer composition;
  • varnish for treating automotive coatings;
  • paper with abrasive material - several types of grain are prepared;
  • solvent, acetone will do;
  • putty for metal;
  • rubber protective gloves;
  • respirator.

It is important to understand that the coloring result will be of the highest quality when using products from one manufacturer.

Painting wheels with powder requires not only materials, but also tools:

  • spray gun with compressor unit. They will become assistants for high-quality painting of rims. An aerosol can will not achieve good results;

Optima 650i spray gun

  • a grinding machine can be replaced with a drill with an appropriate attachment, otherwise it will be difficult to remove the old coating and there is a risk of leaving pockets of corrosion. After processing with a grinder, the surface will become perfectly smooth;
  • construction hair dryer, heat gun, in extreme cases - a household hair dryer. Heat devices are useful for speeding up the drying of paint.

By preparing all the necessary equipment, the process will speed up many times and take a minimum of time and effort.

Equipment for work

Car repair shops use special equipment to spray paint on rims; at home, the work can be done with a minimal set of equipment:

  • sandpaper grit 200-600;
  • rags for removing dust;
  • metal brushes;
  • spray gun or spray gun.

In addition, you may need a sandblaster if it turns out that rust is corroding the metal. Instead of sandblasting equipment, you can use an electric drill with various attachments.

When painting rims yourself, it is advisable to have a separate room for the baking chamber, where powerful electric heaters should be placed. In addition, it is recommended to install a hanging system - attach a long wire to a beam in the garage, on which the disc for painting will be suspended.

Good lighting should also be provided - the quality of painting will also depend on visual control of the process. Experienced car enthusiasts advise installing fluorescent lamps.

Their bright but cool light will allow you to see the painted surface of the discs as it appears in daylight.

In addition to lighting and heating devices, according to safety regulations, the garage must have a good ventilation system so that after removing the old coating from the wheels and applying new paint, the smell will disappear faster.

According to safety regulations, the electrical network must withstand heavy loads and have reliable grounding.

Plastidip: why is it needed?

“Plastidip” is a relatively new composition that is used to create a protective layer for parts on a temporary basis. They cover discs for long trips to the sea, on a business trip or hunting. Another advantage of the composition is the ability to change the color of the coating without removing previous layers of paint and varnish. PlastiDip is sold in a variety of colors, coming in both matte black and vibrant, expressive color ranges.

After painting, the discs are coated with a rubber-like compound, which effectively protects against damage from stones, branches, sand, etc., and is also quickly removed. It is enough to warm up the disk and pull one end to remove the “Plastidip”, the original layer will remain intact.

The dye is applied with your own hands, as it does not require complex preparation: sanding, putty, priming, degreasing, etc.

Plasi Dip painted disc

The user will need:

  • Wash the discs thoroughly to remove dirt.
  • The adjacent rubber is covered with tape.
  • The product is applied in 3 layers, with an interval of 15 minutes between each layer to dry.

Car wheel rim painting technology

The entire dyeing process is divided into the following stages:

  1. Removing the wheels, disassembling them and removing dirt.
  2. Preparing for painting.
  3. Application of primer.
  4. Coloring and drying.

The rims must be thoroughly washed to remove dirt and dried.

At the first stage, it is important to thoroughly wash the discs using degreasing detergents (kitchen detergents are suitable). If you decide to paint them without removing the tires, you will have to thoroughly wash the rubber as well. After washing, dry the wheels in the fresh air or in a ventilated area.

The process of preparing to paint stampings in color

At this stage it is necessary to perform the following operations:

  1. Removing rust and old paintwork.
  2. Degreasing.
  3. Pasting with a painting plaster (if necessary).

Initial cleaning of the disk with a brush

When performing the first operation, you need to achieve two goals: completely remove the rust and clean the applied varnish and paint as much as possible. Ideally, the old coating should be completely removed, which is quite difficult to achieve with manual processing. But the varnish should be completely cleaned, and the paint should be cleaned whenever possible. Where it holds firmly, sanding down to metal is not necessary. First you need to use coarse sandpaper, and then finer sandpaper to rub out scratches.

Advice. Do not allow the old coating to remain on the metal in the form of islands with clear protruding edges. After painting, the remaining islands will definitely appear, no matter how many layers you apply. The protrusions must be sanded down so that the surface feels smooth to the touch.

Pouring rust converter into disc slots

There is one weak point in the design of stamped steel wheels, where dirt is constantly packed and where rust occurs first. This is a gap located in a circle between two elements - the rim and the middle part with holes for mounting bolts. To clean and sand it, the following methods are used:

  • treatment with a rust converter or phosphoric acid, followed by cleaning and sanding;
  • use of sandblasting machines.

Advice. The last method is the most effective, use it whenever possible. If you have a compressor at home, you can purchase a sandblasting attachment for it and thoroughly clean the entire disk from traces of corrosion and old paint.

This is what a sandblasting nozzle with a sand tank looks like

After cleaning, degrease the wheel rim on both sides with a rag moistened with white spirit and let it dry. After degreasing, do not touch the metal with your hands or wet it with water. If you left the tires on the rims, then they need to be deflated to the maximum and covered with masking tape, trying to get it as far as possible under the edge of the rim. Another option is to frame the part to be painted from cardboard, cutting it into a semicircle and sliding it under the edge of the rim.

Wheel with rubber, ready for painting

Priming and painting

The first step is to create convenient conditions for performing these operations. In order to paint the wheels efficiently, it is worth coming up with podiums for them, for example, from upside-down old buckets. The ideal option is to hang the rim to provide access from all sides. When everything is ready to paint, proceed in this order:

  1. Shake the can of acrylic primer for 3-5 minutes, then carefully apply the first coat, holding the sprayer at least 20 cm from the surface.
  2. Dry the first layer for the time indicated on the package (up to 20 minutes).
  3. Apply a second layer of primer evenly and let it dry.
  4. After shaking the can of acrylic paint thoroughly, apply it in 3-4 layers with 10-minute breaks to dry. While staining, shake the contents of the container periodically and do not stop in one place, otherwise drips will form.

Painting is much more convenient when the disk is suspended on a wire

Advice. Do not prime or paint rims outdoors, in the open air. The problem is not the rain, as you might think, but the dust particles that settle on the painted surface from the slightest breeze. Dust will ruin all your work.

If the surface of the rim is dotted with defects from impacts, then the indentations should first be puttied and cleaned with fine sandpaper. But due to the direct interaction of the rims with the road surface, which in our conditions is rarely smooth, the putty can break off over time, exposing bare metal, where corrosion will quickly occur. Therefore, for such wheels, it is appropriate to paint them with liquid rubber, whose layer will cover all defects. The technology for applying such a coating is no different from painting with acrylic, only the number of layers can be from 3 to 7.

Using pasting you can create your own design

To paint in 2 colors, after the first paint has completely dried, cover the disc in the right places with masking tape. Then take enamel of a different color and apply it in 3-5 layers with breaks for drying. The drying process is accelerated when using a hair dryer. After the coating has completely hardened, the tape can be removed.

The result of painting in 2 colors

To ensure that the paintwork lasts as long as possible, it is recommended to protect it with a layer of clear automotive varnish. Then, when exposed to abrasive particles and impacts with pebbles, the main coloring layer of the disc will not be damaged. The varnish can be applied 1 hour after painting using the same technology: at least 3 layers with breaks for hardening.

Advice. So that your efforts on the beauty of the wheels are not in vain, before installing the wheels on the car, wait at least a day for the new coating to dry completely.

When you begin to remove the wheels from your car, pay attention to the appearance of the front brake calipers and rear drums. They are probably peeling off and will show through unsightly through the technological openings in the steel disk. To bring it to full beauty, it’s worth painting the calipers and drums in some color that harmonizes with the new coating of the rims.

With a painted caliper and hub the car will look even more attractive

Video about applying paint to stamped car wheels

Aquaprint: fashionable innovation

Painting technologies offer interesting solutions for improving the decorative appearance of a car; among modern trends, water printing (Aquaprint) occupies a worthy place. The popularity of the method is due to the high speed of work completion and high-quality finishing coating.

“Aquaprint” helps to paint not only rims, but also any body elements, interior parts and most other surfaces (motorcycle helmets, seats). If you want to stand out on the roads, water printing will help you create a pattern and a special texture: imitation leather, animal colors, certain emblems and much more.

You can paint the surface using the “Aquaprint” technology according to the following algorithm:

  • A container is prepared and filled with water of the prepared hardness and temperature.
  • A special film with a picture is fixed on top of the tank.
  • The drawing is sprayed with activator.
  • The element is gradually immersed in water with due care.

Aquaprint of discs

Film: inexpensive and beautiful

Treatment of rims with automotive film is a recently formed direction; it is in many ways similar to “Aquaprint”: it transforms the appearance of rims and prevents damage to the main paintwork. The base is liquid vinyl, the material is distinguished by the presence of a wide variety of colors, and also allows you to create an imitation of carbon fiber. Matte film is also popular.

The work of applying film is relatively time-consuming and complex; the best results can only be provided by a technician with professional skills in working with vinyl. To select the best design and color, specialized centers use a computer program.

What is the best way to paint forged wheels?

The difference between stamped and cast models is the average quality of the final product; the highest quality discs are made by forging. Such models are highly durable, reliable and retain an attractive appearance.

Iron discs are predominantly coated with varnish or enamel using traditional methods. The distinctive advantages of the method include:

  • low price;
  • it is possible to perform partial painting at any time;
  • high aesthetic qualities.

In the process of local painting, the greatest attention is paid to the correct selection of shade. The largest range of colors is presented in the field of enamel paints.

Painting forged wheels

Painting options for alloy wheels

A special paint is selected for the discs, which is best able to withstand difficult operating conditions. The modern assortment offers a choice of colors:

  • powder;
  • acrylic;
  • special liquid rubber.

All directions have their advantages, as well as limitations. In domestic conditions, owners often prefer acrylic as the main coating, but if possible, it is better to give preference to powder-type paint.

Option 1

Powder coating of wheels is the best procedure in terms of wear resistance and durability. It is based on special polymers for protection from ultraviolet radiation, moisture, mechanical damage, etc. It is mainly used in enterprises; it is rarely applied by hand, due to the complexity of the procedure and the need for expensive specialized equipment.

Powder coating of alloy wheels

Option 2

The lion's share of motorists prefer to paint with acrylic. Acrylic paint is sold in the form of a liquid, which is applied to the surface using a spray gun or aerosol can. Its main advantage is high adhesion. The paint lasts a long time and provides reliable protection against moisture.

Option 3

Liquid rubber is a relatively new type of material, but it is actively developing and gaining momentum in popularity. The paint is based on rubber. The composition is used to cover most body elements, and wheels are no exception.

Paint Features

Let's start with the fact that applying powder paint to the surface of wheel rims requires heat treatment.

In short, a composition, that is, paint, is applied to the disk by spraying, and then the roller is exposed to high temperatures (about 200 degrees Celsius) in a special oven, where it is kept for 10 minutes.

Manufacturers produce several types of powder dyes, which differ in composition.

  • Epoxy powder. Characterized by increased resistance to acids and alkalis;
  • The polyester composition is distinguished by the fact that it can withstand the negative effects of the atmosphere and corrosion. That is, it copes with those factors due to which rust can form on the disk;
  • Silicone dye. Not afraid of high temperatures;
  • Polyurethane powder. Resistant to contact with abrasive, oil and solvents.

I will also add that reviews say that such dyes are the most durable and reliable. If you spare no expense and order professional restoration of wheel rims using powder paint, you will be 100% satisfied with the result.

Although it is important to note the lack of a wide choice of colors. But wheels are a component that people prefer to paint in fairly standard colors. Therefore, there should not be any special problems with a relatively limited choice of palette.

Dyeing process

Wheels can be painted with powder paint only after dismantling third-party elements that interfere with the procedure: plastic caps, tires, etc. Wheels cannot be painted with powder in an unassembled form, otherwise the quality of the coating will be impaired during the process of unscrewing the plugs and all efforts will be of little use. After painting, the discs should be perfectly smooth and fully comply with technical standards. If everything is done correctly, the coating will last about 7 years.

The process of painting alloy wheels

Preparing for work

Painting discs with powder paint requires high-quality surface preparation:

  • Initially, it is necessary to clean the work surface from dirt. The best cleaning method is to use specialized automotive chemicals; it speeds up the procedure and improves the result.
  • Elimination of defects: chips, scratches, abrasions, etc., they inevitably appear during the operation of the machine. The easiest way to level the surface is to use sandpaper. Initially, the discs are processed with coarse-grain sandpaper, and then the grit is gradually reduced to the finest in the range. In the end you will get a perfectly flat surface. If deep defects are detected, you will have to use putty.
  • Degreasing both sides of the disc.

Types of powder coatings

The following are used to cover car rims:

  • Epoxy Resin: Produces a hard coating with good chemical resistance to corrosion, scratches, impact and abrasion; this type of paint is used, among other things, in the automotive industry and for painting water and gas fittings;
  • Epoxy polyester powder: Highly resistant to yellowing and overheating, with good mechanical and chemical properties, mainly intended for indoor use; the effect of use is a coating that is resistant to high temperatures, so they are used, for example, in hot climates;
  • Polyester and polyester facade: We obtain a hard and durable coating that is resistant to weather conditions (temperature, UV radiation), so these powder coatings are widely used in the construction and automotive industries, as well as in the production of agricultural machinery, garden equipment, etc.;
  • Polyurethane Coatings: Feature an extremely durable and flexible coating that protects the painted surface from very intense chemicals, from solvents, machine oil and other chemicals, as well as from water and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Structural: Used to create decorative coatings;

Anti-vandal: Designed to cover porous surfaces;

Additionally, professional equipment makes it possible to create surfaces:
  • From smooth to rough;
  • From thin to thick;
  • With a different structure or effect (metallic);
  • With different types of gloss (glossy, semi-glossy, satin, semi-matte, matte).

How to paint: description step by step

Do-it-yourself powder coating of discs is carried out in several stages:

  • Surface treatment with sandpaper. The procedure is repeated several times after each application of primer. Pre-polishing will help level the surface before the next coat.
  • Primer of the prepared surface. Primer coating is carried out in 2, or preferably 3 layers. Before applying the next layer, be sure to wait for the previous one to harden.
  • Applying paint. For processing, a spray gun is used, which is held at a distance of 35-45 cm from the disk. A high-quality coating requires the application of at least 2 layers.
  • Varnish coating. The procedure for using varnish is similar to primer and paint, only it will take a little longer to dry.

Do-it-yourself powder coating of rims

Security measures

When performing painting work, it is important not to forget about your own safety:

  • Be sure to wear special glasses that will protect against the penetration of substances from the paint during the spraying process;
  • All work is carried out with special gloves, otherwise paint will get on the skin, causing irritation and dryness. Given that it is difficult to eliminate, gloves are a necessity;
  • The room must have high-quality ventilation. Inhalation of paint fumes leads to chemical poisoning.


Only discs without damage or defects are suitable for painting; even the slightest of them should be eliminated. All minor damage can be easily repaired by rolling. This can be done at a tire shop. It is important to consider that steel wheels are better suited to rolling. When applied to alloy wheels, this method can only be used for small dents. The second nuance that is worth paying attention to is that for high-quality rolling, a blowtorch is not used. Places where the metal has been exposed to heat become less durable and will bend quickly.

If a crack is detected, argon welding will help correct the situation. This method will help get rid of defects of any degree, however, a self-respecting technician will refuse to repair a badly damaged disk, since he cannot provide a guarantee on it. After argon welding, all seams are carefully polished; repair areas should be absolutely invisible.


Along with the presented material, the reader may find some tips useful:

  • The metal is coated with fatty acids, which protect it from corrosion. The paint does not stick to fats; therefore, fatty substances are removed before processing the discs. There are many options for degreasing a car body, from household solutions to specialized compounds;
  • At the preparation stage, it is necessary to completely eliminate minor and major damage. Removing scratches from a car is an art, but the results are worth the effort;
  • It is important to follow the rules for painting alloy wheels yourself. There are a number of recommendations on how to paint alloy wheels with your own hands so that they last a long time and do not require financial investment;
  • painting small elements can be done at its best if you use a special block. A car painting booth will ensure uniform distribution of the substance over the entire surface.

If you have basic tools and time, a person can paint alloy wheels on their own, this will help save up to 50% of the cost of the procedure. To ensure that the result is not inferior to painting at a service station, it is important to observe the drying time and strictly follow the action algorithms.

Processing technology

Almost any city, such as Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Volgograd, Lipetsk and, of course, St. Petersburg, has a large number of car services and companies ready to offer powder coating services for wheel rims.

But what is this technology? In fact, it has important features that distinguish powder coating from alternative solutions and provide clear advantages in the form of resistance, durability, quality, etc.

In total, the technology is divided into 5 stages.

  1. Preparing the disk. It is necessary to treat the surface of the skating rink, ridding it of traces of old paint, various contaminants and defects. This is done both at home and at specialized stations with an electric drill, sandblasters and other suitable tools. If the contamination is serious and deep penetration is required, then alkaline and acidic cleaners are used. You get the idea - there should be no dirt before application. Plus, the surface is primed as necessary.
  2. Painting. Next comes the actual application of the powder dye. A mandatory condition is the availability of personal protective equipment. When working with powder paint, be sure to wear gloves, goggles and a protective suit with a mask. For uniform spraying, an electrostatic sprayer will be required.
  3. Burning. This is the main technological feature that makes powder processing at home impossible. No, if you have a special stove in your garage, then there is no problem. But in fact, where have you seen something similar in the private garage of an ordinary car owner? That's not the point. In the oven, the disk is heated to 200 degrees Celsius and kept for a certain time.
  4. Holding and cooling. You can’t take the wheel rim out of the oven right away, otherwise everything will get ruined. The products cool down gradually as the temperature inside the oven decreases naturally. The firing chamber is turned off, after which the disc remains there for about 6-10 hours.
  5. Varnish coating. The process is completed by treating the powder-painted disc with a layer of varnish. It provides the necessary protection for the composition, plus gives an attractive shine.

If you wish, you can watch the video and understand how this all happens visually.

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