How to polish discs with your own hands and what you will need for this

Wheels are one of the most important exterior parts of any car, so they are available in a variety of designs and colors. Unfortunately, beautiful cast and forged wheels have a rather fragile paint layer, and since they are exposed to road dirt, which often acts as an abrasive, they often look scratched and worn out after just a few months of use. Of course, this is not a problem for stamping, which can be easily covered with a decorative plastic cap, but in the case of casting, they require restoration or polishing of the discs.


To polish car rims with high quality, it is better to use the softest consumables - felt or felt. Ordinary fabric is also often used. With its help, you can easily polish problematic and hard-to-reach areas of the vehicle. Fabric polishing wheels are also very popular. They are ideal for finishing works to create a mirror-like shine.

Do-it-yourself polishing of alloy wheels

The choice of materials for mirror polishing a car with your own hands is now huge. In principle, you can choose anything, the main thing is proper use. The principle of reducing the grain size index should also work when polishing a part. For example, if you decide to purchase GOI paste, then it is better to start working with light green material (the grains are larger there), and end with dark green. Many specialists purchase special diamond paste for such purposes. Its coarse-grained variety contains grains ranging in size from 40 to 100 micrometers, and the fine-grained variety - from 14 to 5 micrometers.

When polishing car wheels with your own hands, you must adhere to the following fundamental rules:

  • When applying polishing material to the surface of the disc, rub it in very carefully (the color should change). Only then can the disc be well polished.
  • Before applying to the part, GOI paste must be mixed in the required proportion with regular kerosene and heated.
  • Before finishing the product, it must be thoroughly wiped in all places with a special microfiber cloth.
  • If during operation you allow the material to overheat, or characteristic black stripes appear on the surface of the disk, the disk must be washed and started over.

Do-it-yourself car polishing

After the final polishing of the car's rims with your own hands is completed, you need to wipe it dry and check whether the characteristic mirror shine is observed everywhere. To preserve it for a long time, it is better to open the treated car part with varnish immediately after polishing.

Homemade wheel polishing machine

For a faster and more productive way of polishing your discs to a shine, you can make a homemade machine with your own hands. To make a homemade machine you will need:

  1. Square metal profile (40*20 or 40*40).
  2. A car generator or an engine from an old washing machine.
  3. Belt drive pulleys, 2 pcs.
  4. The drive belt itself. The number of streams is selected depending on the installed pulleys.
  5. Welding machine for assembling the structure.
  6. Electrical wires with crocodile clips.
  7. Power supply from 220 to 12 V, or battery.
  8. Fastening bolts, nuts.
  9. An old wheel hub with a nut for installing and supporting the disc being machined.

Disc polishing process and principle of operation

Which wheels are better to choose, forged or cast
? Of course it is possible. But for this you need to master the skills if you take up polishing for the first time.

Let's prepare the car for work. First you need to lift the car and remove the wheels

Please note that if polishing is carried out for the first time, the surface is probably covered with a special film. It is impossible to remove it mechanically, so take care of the paint remover in advance. Tip

Do not work hastily by lifting the car on a jack - polishing the discs with your own hands will not give results. First you need to clean the surface of dirt and debris, wash it with shampoo and dry it. It is advisable to use a machine for polishing discs with your own hands and secure the part to be sanded on it. Pay attention to the presence of corrosion. If it has managed to touch the surface, it must be removed. Slowly clean the surface with coarse sandpaper. It should be selected based on the damage to the disc. If they are minor, start with P600-1000 sandpaper. For serious cases, a coarser grit material will be required. Whatever sandpaper you start with, go round and round with lighter grit sandpapers. Polishing with one circle lasts 3-5 minutes. After each cleaning, rinse the surface or wipe with a soft cloth. Grinding of cast wheels is completed with sandpaper of P3000-P4000 grit. Mirror polishing of cast wheels is carried out with a special soft paste. To do this, apply the product to the polishing wheel and use circular movements to rub it into the surface. Using the machine, the principle remains the same - make sure that the polishing is uniform and no problems will arise. Polishing discs to a mirror finish takes 40 - 90 minutes. We complete the work using protective varnish for alloy wheels. You can apply it with a brush, the task is to ensure uniform application and avoid uneven transitions. One coat of varnish is rarely enough, so after applying the first coat, let it dry (at least 2 hours), then cover the surface a second time. Painting car wheels prevents corrosion. We rinse each part with water to remove small particles and wipe dry. Do-it-yourself polishing of alloy wheels is completed.

Do-it-yourself work is always of better quality and the result is doubly pleasant

This is the list of basic polishing works. Changes will need to be made during operation depending on the sanding method and individual needs. Polishing of the wheel spokes may be necessary. Clean with a regular cloth using liquid or aerosol polish.

Materials and tools

Whichever polishing option you choose, you will need special tools for the job, without which polishing car wheels is impossible.

  • Degreasing car shampoo that will remove surface dirt;
  • Lint-free towels;
  • A set for polishing discs, including sandpapers of different grain sizes (from P240 to P2000);
  • Polishing pastes for metal, with and without abrasive;
  • Protective varnish or polish.

The main thing is to choose the right polish for the job. But don’t be afraid to make a mistake, because choosing it is not so difficult.

You will definitely need a wheel polishing kit.

How to polish wheels yourself

Stamped or cast wheels. Which ones are better and more reliable? The right choice

Having prepared the work surface and purchased all the tools listed above, the car enthusiast can begin to work.

The procedure is performed in accordance with the following algorithm, deviation from which can not only spoil the effect of the treatment, but also significantly damage the metal of the disc:

  • First of all, you need to jack up the car and remove the wheels from the hubs, and it is also advisable to deflate the tires and remove them from the rim.
  • The discs are washed using the maximum number of special products, since any oil stain during processing can subsequently react with the metal or paintwork.
  • The old varnish must be carefully removed using a reagent, as a result of which bubbles appear on the surface, as well as subsequent treatment with a scraper for this procedure.
  • If some areas of the varnish are preserved, the entire surface of the disc is sanded with a file or sandpaper, after which it is washed again and thoroughly wiped with dry cloths so that the disc is as smooth as possible.
  • After completing the preparatory stage, it is necessary to fix the largest abrasive on the drill and begin grinding. As the surface becomes perfectly smooth and uniform, the discs need to be changed, reducing the grain size. As a result of a long operation, the metal will acquire a glossy shine, which will indicate the expected effect.

Spatula and polishing wheels

  • If the wheel has a complex structure, then it is necessary to use a hard polishing brush or a cone-shaped abrasive. These devices are especially effective if the disk shelves are polished during the processing process.
  • Upon completion of the procedure, the disc is washed and wiped again, after which the car owner looks at the result.
  • If the resulting effect meets expectations, then the surface of the disc must be protected with an aerosol varnish, which is sprayed in smooth circular movements without delaying application in one place, after which the car enthusiast can enjoy polished wheels.

Important! If, during the process of restoring the product, a car enthusiast accidentally overheated the abrasive with paste, then, most likely, further polishing of the rims will be useless, and he will have to send the product for painting, which should be carried out in a special chamber at a service station.

How to polish a car after painting

Work to eliminate painting defects is carried out in several stages: grinding, polishing, applying a protective coating. Depending on the type of defect (if it is dull, for example), initial grinding is not used. The process begins with deep polishing. In other cases, the order of work does not change.


Sanding is done using sandpaper. The wet method involves pre-soaking the skin with 2000 grit abrasiveness for 10 minutes. Then the surface of the body is polished in a circular motion, while the paper is constantly wetted.

Dry sanding can be done using a machine. Use sandpaper to remove possible sagging, making cross-shaped movements with the tool. Use sandpaper with an abrasiveness of 3000-4000 grit.

Abrasive polishing

The second stage will be polishing the car after painting, using an abrasive paste. Can be polished by hand or using a polishing machine.

The paste is evenly applied to the surface, choosing a working area of ​​no more than 40 square meters. cm. Polish in a circular motion, gradually changing the composition of the paste, reaching a polishing composition without abrasive. After each paste change, the working surface of the body must be washed.

If the car is painted with matte paint, then in 80% of cases gloss will appear after polishing. The composition of the matte varnish should use special clay, which retains its matte finish even after polishing, but in order to preserve the selected color of the car, polishing the matte surface is allowed with pastes without abrasives. After the procedure, protective polishing is mandatory.

Protective polishing

Protective polishing of machines is used as a final step. The polish contains Teflon and wax. Protective coatings are applied either manually or by machine with a felt or leather attachment.

Polishing a car after painting takes relatively little time if you choose the optimal tool and the necessary polishes. This procedure can be done independently, which will allow you to save money and gain experience, since protective polishing should be carried out every 3-5 months.

With constant use of a car, various abrasions and defects appear on it, and some of them simply cannot be gotten rid of. Of course, you can regularly contact a car service, but the cost of such services is quite high, and it takes a lot of time to complete all the actions. Although, many people can cope with such a task as polishing a car after painting (and not only) on their own. This and much more will be discussed in this article.


What is the best way to wash a car?

All polished parts, including car rims, are very susceptible to various abrasives. Therefore, the mirror and smooth surface does not remain that way forever. During the operation of the vehicle, under the influence of abrasives, small scratches and chips form on the surface of the wheels, and not a trace remains of the former shine. That's why proper disc care is so important.

Car care

There are two main factors on which the frequency of polishing depends - the specific use of the car and the method of protecting the polished surface. And if everything is clear with the first factor (the wheels regularly come into contact with external abrasive, which is why they are ground), then with surface protection after polishing everything is much more complicated. The fact is that mirror gloss by itself cannot last long, so the surface must be periodically treated with special protective agents. They can be purchased at any auto store, and if you have difficulty choosing, contact a consultant for help.

Special polishing materials

In the process of polishing car wheels, you can use a variety of materials; at the moment, their choice is huge. The most important thing is to maintain the basic principle of step-by-step, that is, you should start working using a coarser-grained polish and finish this process with a material with a finer grain.

Currently, a special GOI paste is being sold, which is available in a wide variety of designs. You can distinguish coarse-grained from fine-grained at a visual level; as a rule, the darker the paste, the thinner it is. Usually, for high-quality polishing of car wheels, black-green or light green paste is purchased.

  1. When applying polishing paste, it must be thoroughly rubbed into the surface until the color completely changes.
  2. The paste must be diluted in kerosene or heated before application.
  3. Before finishing, the disc is wiped with a special material – microfiber.

Types and features of stamped wheel rims and more

When you decide to polish yourself, study the types of car wheels, because for each type there are rules and costs.

Stamped wheels are a common type of “shoes” for cars. They gained popularity due to their low price, 1000-1500 rubles. More often, stamped ones are “native” to the car, and drivers are in no hurry to change for others. And there’s no point in that, because these ones won’t split when they fall into a hole, but will crumple, as a result of which they can be repaired without any problems

The disadvantage of this type is its weight, unlike forged and cast analogues. Also, the lack of variety in appearance is a disadvantage. But this problem can be easily overcome with the help of wheel covers, which will change the appearance of the car.


Cast ones differ from stamped ones in their lightness, because while the former are steel, the cast ones are aluminum. The second advantage of this material is thermal conductivity, which helps remove heat from the brake mechanisms. The technology for manufacturing alloy wheels allows you to create any shape, which is why car owners love them.

But there are also disadvantages. If the discs fall into a hole, they will crack, and it is impossible to restore them, only replace them by purchasing one for 4000-5000 rubles. Despite this, the cast material has many supporters among drivers.


Automotive forged wheels combine the advantages of the first two types. Despite their lightness, forged ones are durable and do not split if they fall into a hole. But there is also a minus here. Due to its strength, the load is transferred to the suspension, so getting into holes with a forged version is fraught with serious damage.

Forging is a very durable invention and is very popular

They do not differ in variety of appearance, but the price is maintained at the level of 3000-4000 rubles.

But no matter what choice you make, over time you will need to polish the wheels, and we’ll figure out how to do it yourself further.

Disc grinding

However, in order for the disc to be ready for use, it must first be washed and sanded. To clean the disc from dirt as effectively as possible, you can buy a special detergent. This way you will spend less time working.

Do-it-yourself grinding of aluminum or chrome wheels need not be done only if there is no damage on the already polished wheels and you just need to restore the mirror-like shine effect. In all other cases, grinding will be a necessary step.

Cleaning car wheels from dust, dirt, bitumen

Among the methods for grinding aluminum or chrome-plated cast wheels, which are most often used at home, the following grinding methods can be distinguished:

  • Manually without the use of special tools. In this case, only consumables are used. This method is the least effective, and therefore should be used only in the most extreme cases.
  • Using available tools adapted to rotate the grinding attachment. As a rule, this tool is an ordinary drill. Many sanding attachments can be easily attached to a drill and can be used successfully on car surfaces.
  • On the machine. In general, such equipment is rare, but most professional motorists install something similar at home, using scrap materials. The idea is that the car disk rotates, and the grinding agent is fixed in one position to uniformly process the part around the entire perimeter.
  • On the hub. The wheel and disk are not detached from the car, but are simply fixed in the air using jacks. After this, it is given rotation by starting the engine, and processing begins at low speeds.

The general principle of grinding car surfaces remains the same in the case of wheels. First, use a coarse-grained grinding tool, and then change it several times, each time lowering the grain size. This way you can ideally prepare your car's rim for polishing to a mirror shine. During grinding work, you need to remember such simple rules as:

  • It is necessary to clean the part itself, as well as the tools, from dust and abrasive coating residues from time to time. If it accumulates in larger quantities on the surface of the disc, there is a risk of new scratches.
  • When you switch to fine-grained abrasive coating, you will need to treat the entire disc with a special cloth to remove debris.
  • You should always work at the lowest speed. Excessive grinding power can damage the finish of the part by heating it up.
  • It is strictly not recommended to use force in this type of work. This can disrupt the shape and configuration of the part, making it unsuitable for further use.

Grinding car rims

How to protect yourself

You should always remember that polishing discs poses a health hazard. Therefore, you need to take care of your own protection. Grinding and polishing processes are impossible without the release of fine grinding dust, which is strictly not recommended to be inhaled. Therefore, you should stock up on a respirator and goggles (if such dust gets into your eyes, nothing good happens either). Also, all work must be done in special rubber gloves designed for working with chemical reagents.

Caring for polished wheels

Any polish is afraid of abrasive. Therefore, mirror-polished rims cannot remain that way forever. During vehicle operation, the wheels periodically come into contact with abrasive. Accordingly, microscratches form on them, and the former shine gradually fades.

The frequency of polishing depends on two factors: the intensity of use of the car and the method of protecting the polish. In the first case, everything is clear - the wheels of the car are in contact with the ubiquitous abrasive and, thus, are ground. As for polishing protection, without it the aluminum alloy will not be able to maintain a mirror gloss for a long time. The fact is that, like all non-ferrous metals, any aluminum alloys are covered with patina - a film of oxides.

The oxide film is a reliable protection for the alloy itself. However, it also makes aluminum matte. Polished aluminum must be coated with a transparent varnish of high elasticity. It is best to do this immediately after polishing.

The protective varnish isolates the wheel alloy from oxygen in the air. Thus, oxidation of the metal does not occur and the gloss remains in a fixed state. For protection, a special varnish is best suited. As an alternative, various polyurethane clear varnishes, as well as varnishes used in car painting, are suitable.

To ensure that the varnish adheres well to the discs, it is recommended to first open them with primer for non-ferrous metals. If after applying the primer the polish becomes cloudy, you can try applying the varnish directly. However, this must be done by applying the material to the disk from all sides, enclosing it in a kind of varnish shell.

Caring for varnished wheels involves periodically applying a protective polish with a dirt-repellent effect. This polish forms another layer with almost zero adhesion. Dirt does not stick to the treated discs and, accordingly, contact with the abrasive becomes minimal.

Unvarnished wheels must be coated with a protective polish. It may contain wax or nanoparticles - the difference is in price and duration of effect. However, you must be prepared for the fact that the discs will have to be polished periodically. And finally, one more piece of advice: polished wheels should be wiped only after preliminary washing and only with a clean cloth.

Interesting video: polishing to a mirror shine

  • About painting rims in chrome color and mirror polishing
  • Let's start tuning the car's rims - and it's not just painting...
  • How to straighten alloy car rims


Comments 44

After putting on the tires and removing the masking tape, were there any traces of glue/smudges left on the rim? I’m just wondering how to protect the polished shelf from damage during tire fitting, so that later I don’t have to worry about polishing it with a napkin!

the glue from the masking tape does not stay on the polish, I always use it

There is zero information, “my sandpapers, my pastes”, well, I felt like writing something like that, don’t call the post “Educational program...”.

You know the community rules, right? If you like the result, I’ll answer all your questions in a personal conversation :)

no, I don’t know, to be honest. where is it written about this?

Cool! Straight 100, do you need the toughest one first? Not 1000, but exactly 100?

I even stop at 600 before polishing; I started removing paint with 100 grit

She's very tough :-)

I need to remove the paint, so I tore it off with it

Oh, what's the matter...and if I just need to polish, there is no paint...which one should I start with?

it turned out very cool. well done

Well, everyone, of course, you got carried away... The result is very good

and I will teach:) 3 years of experience allows you to teach and have your own methodology

You've already started talking like a professor)

Fire! Thanks, Friend, added to bookmarks!

wow, that’s really cool))) how can I polish mine like that and remove traces of the curb...

you need a little patience and desire and I will advise how and with what

And tell me where (in which special stores) is it better to look for foam rubber sandpaper?

It turned out very beautiful...

I probably had to sweat))) cool wheels!)))

The CDs were recently delivered. Which were assembled by crooked installers. The regiment was killed so much that it had to be welded

experience of recent work on monoblock disks - the welding is still visible as a light cloud and there is still a possibility of pores forming in the weld seam. I don’t notice this when welding forged shelves of collapsible disks; they are welded and polished perfectly

It turned out great, it looks completely different!

Finally fire! polishing of course on a machine?

manually it is easy to achieve the result with a rotating drill

It’s more convenient to grind, of course, on a rotating machine or in gear

I polished the shelves that year and achieved a mirror effect, but there is one significant thing! If you do not varnish the shelf after polishing, at the first rain you will understand that your polished aluminum shelf will simply begin to oxidize))) And then Alu Shine will come to your aid)) if you do not treat a polished shelf, it will quickly turn into unusable) Good luck on the roads)

no need to frighten the experienced :) I have 3 years of experience in using polished discs, polishing care is simple:…myit-polirovannyie-diski/

besides, the varnish on a polished shelf does not stick and remember about repairability, a polished shelf can always be sanded and polished in case of damage, but if your shelf was varnished, what would you do if it was damaged?

my shelf is not varnished) So a question for those who have it varnished)

Very often, car wheels are one of the first elements of car tuning, as their owners want to emphasize their status and individuality. But no matter how expensive the discs are, sooner or later they become faded and dull. Polishing the discs can help with this problem.

Features of grinding and polishing cast aluminum wheels

Polishing aluminum wheels is an extremely complex process that is best left to professionals, especially when it comes to expensive products with a large radius.

Of course, each wheel rim, depending on the metal from which it is made, has different physical and chemical properties, which is why the process of its processing has its own characteristics, in particular:

  • How to polish alloy wheels without causing irreparable damage to them? The grinding process of cast wheels should be carried out using a wheel with an optimal grit of 2500-3000. Grinding discs with coarser abrasives will lead to the removal of the oxide film and rapid destruction of the product.
  • For aluminum, overheating will be detrimental, so the entire procedure is performed only by short-term exposure of the equipment to the same place and checking the temperature of the disk surface.
  • Each circle can be actively used for no more than 5...7 minutes of continuous operation, after which it must be replaced.
  • For cast wheels, you need to use the most gentle pastes with a minimum content of abrasive particles.

Polishing paste GOI

  • Before you start working on the wheel with a drill, you need to rub the polish into the surface of the wheel using a rag. Next, you can turn on the electrical device, but at the lowest power.
  • After exposure to an abrasive, the aluminum disc must be coated with a protective composition based on liquid wax or with Teflon additives, otherwise the effect will disappear very quickly.
  • The procedure for complex polishing of a disc should not last more than 1-1.5 hours, after which the impact on it may be harmful to the metal.

Important! If during processing the disk begins to darken or oily, colored or rainbow stains appear on it, all this indicates a chemical interaction of the oxide film on aluminum with any component of a detergent or other chemical.

The process of performing the procedure in a garage

Despite the fact that polishing cast wheels is a very effective procedure that allows you to give them their original appearance without much expense, the process must be approached with great care. If you do not follow all the instructions of experts, technological features and use low-quality tools or consumables, then there is a high risk of damage to the disks, the restoration of which will be extremely difficult

Kits for adding shine to wheels

This set typically includes the following items:

  • Ideally, have a wheel polishing machine that is used by professionals at service stations. This device is a centrifuge with a rotating axis on which a wheel is attached, after which it is set in motion. In parallel with the rapid controlled rotation of the product on the machine, the master presses the abrasive on it, resulting in processing.
  • If the machine is not at hand, it can be replaced with a regular drill with a circular attachment, which is often used for sanding wooden surfaces.
  • The driver may also need a high-pressure apparatus used for car washing, as it effectively washes away any dirt and oil deposits on the surface of the wheel.
  • Naturally, a connection to tap water and the availability of various detergents are required to completely clean the disk before exposure to the paste.
  • It is necessary to purchase the main substance for surface treatment - this is a paste, and the better quality it is, the better the result will be.
  • For the procedure, you will need to stock up in advance on wheels with different degrees of grain size - coarse abrasive, medium and polishing porous substance.
  • In some cases, during intensive work, a spatula may be required to apply the paste to the surface of the wheel.

Do it yourself polishing discs

Disc polishing benefits

Benefits of polishing aluminum wheels:

  1. Minimal scratches and chips. Aluminum is much more resistant to external influences than any paint coating;
  2. Stylish appearance. Even an inexperienced person can appreciate shiny wheels on any car;
  3. Polishing wheels is extremely simple, although it requires some effort;
  4. There is no flaking or peeling like with paint;
  5. If damaged, you can easily polish the problem area.

Polishing of wheel rims in car services is carried out using special machines and equipment that simplify and speed up the work process. The most commonly used technology is “Thomi Felgen”. The result is a long-lasting mirror-like shine on the discs. Sometimes a varnish is also applied, which protects the discs and adds even more shine.

Shiny wheels look more interesting on a glossy car than matte ones and vice versa

Therefore, before changing the wheel style, it is advisable to take into account the entire design of the car as a whole.

Processing process: what you should pay special attention to

The edge of the rim needs to be given special attention, since it is most susceptible to external influences. Do not press too hard on the sandpaper sheet

Only superficially, with rapid systematic movements. After sanding is completed, any remaining dust on the discs is removed with a damp cloth or water, and then wiped dry with a simple rag. Upon completion of all the above processes, it is time to rub the discs with a special paste, which must be placed on a rag and wiped with strong movements. Some well-known quality rubbing pastes are Sonax and Turtle wax. It is worth noting that rubbing must be done over the entire disc: near the spokes, rim, etc. In other words, it must be performed in all hard-to-reach places. Upon completion of this process, the scratches that were obtained as a result of the preliminary process disappear.

In my opinion, polishing discs at home looks like a difficult task, but quite feasible, although it requires certain skills, albeit not very complex ones, and in the process of polishing some nuances will probably arise, which are not mentioned in the article for various reasons . The advantage is that you can either create or destroy the myth about the quality of work performed at home with your own hands.

Several times I tried to polish the wheels on my car myself, but for some reason nothing worked. I turned to some friends and one recommended this article. I carefully studied everything written and soon decided to try polishing the wheels again. Everything turned out great, now I’m happy to help my friends! The article shows everything in detail.

I am an experienced driver, but I read this information for the first time. Quite interesting and necessary information, now I was able to polish the wheels on my car on my own. I was pleased with the result, even very happy. I shared the information with my colleagues at work, everyone was interested in this method, now we are competing to see who -it will polish the wheels better. Thank you for the useful information.

I just recently bought a new car from a dealership, and I try to take care of it like I would never take care of a girl. I love my car to always be clean and shine like it’s been waxed. They will wash it at the car wash, but the discs will not rub. Now I know how to properly care for them when they completely lose their appearance from use. A very simple but labor-intensive process. But what can’t you do for prestige?

I haven’t been driving a car as long as I would like – I’ve only had my own car for two years. And now, for the first time, I was faced with the problem of cleaning the disks from the harsh reality of modern car operation - after winter salts, cloudiness and some kind of strange coating appeared. Thanks to the authors for the information, one of these days I’ll try to polish them and bring them back to life.

My husband and I recently tried to polish the wheels ourselves. I came to read the article to check whether we are acting correctly, although I trust, I check. By the way, I can say that it’s not only the wheels that make a car a “car,” the appearance, the headlights, the color itself are also important, so that everything is neat, and not just the rims and wheels. However, I checked the information and my husband and I did almost the same thing, with the exception of the sequence of some actions. Now I'll be calm)

DIY tips for polishing rims

At almost every service station, tire shop or large car wash, drivers are offered a service to make the body and rims shine, but not everyone wants to pay money for it, since this procedure can easily be done independently, in an ordinary garage and without the use of expensive technical means. . To achieve the desired effect, the driver should listen to the recommendations below:

Polished disc

  • It is better to apply polishing paste when heated or diluted with kerosene (or gasoline).
  • If there is very deep damage on the wheel, then before applying the abrasive disc, the affected area must be thoroughly sanded with a diamond-coated file.
  • If suddenly there are no special means for treatment at hand, the procedure can be done with a teeth cleaning kit.
  • If, after polishing the car's rims, the driver decides to coat the product with varnish, it is necessary to avoid smudges on the surface of the wheels while spraying it, since it dries very quickly.
  • Under no circumstances should GOI paste crystallize on the disk, which is why it should be constantly irrigated with ordinary clean water.
  • After polishing, the wheels should be periodically washed and protective wax coatings applied to them, which will significantly increase the duration of the paste.
  • It should be remembered that the presence of a pickling agent in the paste will damage the paintwork and metal.
  • The service life of the abrasive is very limited and, in order for it to last longer, it must be constantly cleaned of dust with stiff bristles.
  • If the wheels are made of pure aluminum, in no case should they be treated with polishing wheels, as they will heat up, and the oxide film on the surface of the metal will adhere to the substance to add shine, which is why the disc will remain in the shine after the procedure. divorces.

Wheel grinding Important! For the procedure, you should choose only high-quality circles of different grain sizes and microfiber cloths. If the consumables are covered in sand or dust, they will certainly add scratches to the disc, and the car enthusiast will not achieve the expected effect.

Starting polishing

In the factory, the surface of the rims (see Painting rims) is covered with a special varnish film, which, after complete drying, is in no way inferior in hardness to the alloy from which the part was made. Therefore, it is almost impossible to remove the coating from the part without the use of special means.

Tools and materials

You can find everything you need for polishing in your garage, but you still have to visit an auto store. Below are all the tools and materials for the job:

  • several pieces of cotton fabric;
  • liquid polish;
  • old toothbrush;
  • special cleaning agent;
  • hard sponge for washing dishes;
  • sandpaper with varying degrees of grain;
  • file;
  • detergent;
  • sponges;
  • car shampoo.

Wheel polishing tools

If you buy GOI paste with polish not in tubes, as motorists usually do, but directly applied to the material, you can save a little. In addition, when making this purchase, there is no need to search for felt circles.

Sanding and polishing instructions

Before work, you need to prepare the vehicle - all discs must be cleaned and checked for defects. Then you can start polishing. Below are step-by-step instructions, following which even a beginner who has not previously dealt with surface treatment of car parts can handle the job.

Step 1. Prepare the maximum number of terry towels - they will be needed to wipe the surface of the wheel rims to be treated.

Prepare towels for work

Step 2. Raise the car with a jack and remove the wheels. With the discs removed it will be easier to work on all hard-to-reach places.

Remove the wheels from the car

Step 3. Using car shampoo with water, clean the surface of the discs from any remaining dirt and dust. A stiff sponge may be needed here.

Wash the wheels with car shampoo

Step 4. Remove any remaining soap solution and wipe the discs dry.

Get rid of soapy water

Step 5: Apply a light layer of detergent and wait 15 minutes for it to absorb. Then gently wipe the disc with a washcloth used in the kitchen for cleaning Teflon coating. After this, the rims must be rinsed generously with clean water.

Use detergent

Step 6. After thorough washing, examine the surface of the discs for small cracks again. Often chips and scratches appear while parking when the wheels touch the side of the road. If there are still chips, remove them with a regular file.

Inspect the disc for cracks

Step 7: Get rid of all traces of corrosion. For this purpose, you need to use sandpaper (necessarily fine-grained). If you have a sanding machine, use it. But you need to be very careful with the machine so as not to damage the discs.

Step 8. Rinse the discs again with running water and dry with a towel.

Wash your car rims

Step 9. Apply a thin layer of a special cleaning agent that restores the surface of the part. It can also remove oxide residues. Then wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

Apply cleaning agent

Step 10: Apply polish. It can be produced both in the form of liquid and paste. It needs to be rubbed into the surface of the part to be polished. All movements must be uniform.

Use a special polish

Step 11. Carefully brush all hard-to-reach areas on the disc with a toothbrush. It is advisable to use a brush with soft bristles so that it does not damage the surface of the product.

Clean hard-to-reach areas with a toothbrush

Step 12. Move smoothly from one area to another. This will ensure an even polishing of the surface and also avoid dark areas.

Polish the disc surface evenly

Step 13. Proceed with the final coat of polish.

Apply another coat of polish

Step 14: Continue polishing the surface until the cotton cloth you use comes out clean when it comes into contact with the disc. The level of shine of a part directly depends on the duration of polishing, so don’t be lazy.

Achieve maximum shine

Step 15. The work is completed. All that remains is to check the quality of the work done once again and you can conquer the city streets.

Evaluate the quality of the work done

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