Instructions for painting stamped car wheels with your own hands

Tuning and auto gadgets / From Autoclub
  • Options for painting stamped discs with your own hands
  • Preparation of equipment and materials
  • Car wheel rim painting technology

    The process of preparing to paint stampings in color

  • Priming and painting
  • Video about applying paint to stamped car wheels
  • About security measures
  • The main problem with steel car wheels made by stamping is their not very attractive appearance, especially after a year or two of use on winter roads sprinkled with salt. It provokes the rapid appearance of rust, which occurs in places where the paintwork is damaged. Because of this, buying new rims is not the best option, because you can get by with “little expense” - painting the stamped wheels yourself. In this way you will return the wheels to a presentable appearance.

    Existing dyeing methods

    Gone are the days when car enthusiasts who wanted to do the painting themselves could only use nitro enamel, and, as a last resort, used oil and pentaphthalic paints. Now new chemical compositions have appeared, thanks to which it is possible to paint rims in several ways:

    • using acrylic paints sold in aerosol cans;
    • application of polymer coatings;
    • the old method is painting with automotive nitro enamel;
    • laying a layer of so-called liquid rubber;
    • chrome plating

    This is what a newly painted wheel on a car looks like

    Not all of the options listed are suitable for implementation at home. Take a polymer (powder) coating that is very resistant to environmental influences and mechanical damage. It is applied using a certain technology, consisting of the following stages:

    1. Surface preparation, including degreasing.
    2. Priming with a special composition.
    3. Application of powder enamel.
    4. Curing the paintwork in an oven.

    Reference. On sale you can find polymer paints that harden without heat treatment. But their strength and durability are not so high and in terms of performance properties they are equal to acrylic coatings.

    Since not every home has an oven for heat treatment of painted products, this method is not suitable for the average car owner. Unless you go to a specialized auto repair shop, where they will apply the polymer with high quality and charge a decent price.

    For the same reasons, it is almost impossible to perform chrome plating at home. This is a complex technological process that includes the sequential application of various components with several intermediate rinses with distilled water. Moreover, the time for placing chemicals on the surface is strictly regulated. Therefore, to give the wheels the effect of a chrome surface, you will again have to turn to professionals.

    Wheel rim with chrome finish

    Note. Chrome plating can be imitated using special “chrome effect” aerosol paints applied to a layer of black primer. True, you will have to spend money on expensive enamel, since using a cheap one will give you a “metallic” color, and not a shiny surface. The coloring technology is similar to the use of acrylic compositions, which will be discussed below.

    Powder paints

    The powder contains:

    • Polyester resin,
    • Special pigment.

    A surface coated with powder paint acquires powerful electrostatic properties. It fits perfectly on alloy wheels. High wear resistance guarantees long-term preservation of the coating.

    But there is one caveat: to use it you need to have additional equipment. We are talking about a sandblasting device. Without it, it will not be possible to create a normal coating. Powder paint is used only in factory conditions.

    Options for painting stamped discs with your own hands

    Most motorists who personally restore the appearance of stamped wheels use three types of paints:

    • acrylic;
    • automotive nitro enamels;
    • liquid rubber.

    Acrylic paints in aerosol cans

    Acrylic coatings are quite strong and durable, and when applied they emit virtually no odor and dry quickly. The choice of such paints is very wide, so choosing a color is not a problem. If desired, you can paint the wheels with acrylic in 2 colors using masking tape or a special contour tape 6 mm wide. Two-tone wheels look impressive, which is why this option is becoming increasingly popular.

    Stamped rims, painted in two colors

    Nitroenamel is suitable for budget painting of wheels. It is quite durable and dries even faster than acrylic. One problem is that when painted, it emits a very unpleasant odor and emits harmful fumes, so you need to provide good ventilation of the room and use respiratory protection (a respirator).

    Advice. If you want to paint the rim in 2 colors, you should not use nitro paint. There have been cases when, when applying the second layer of enamel, the first one began to dissolve and “float”, causing the colors to mix, so it’s better not to take risks.

    The main advantage of liquid rubber over other types of coatings is to level out small potholes on the surface, which is facilitated by the filler of the composition - crushed rubber. In addition, the layer of liquid rubber is thick and elastic, which helps it withstand impacts from pebbles and other mechanical impacts. The composition dries quickly, and after hardening it does not require additional protection with varnish.

    Liquid rubber is also sold in cylinders

    Safety precautions during work

    • The person doing the painting should not have exposed areas of the body at all stages. This will prevent chemicals from coming into contact with your skin.
    • When cleaning the disc with a wire brush installed in a drill, be sure to wear safety glasses.
    • At all stages, it is recommended to work in a respirator or any other protective mask. This will prevent mechanical and chemical elements from entering the lungs and nasal mucosa.

    Almost anyone can paint stamped wheels with their own hands. And the opportunity to show friends and acquaintances a beautiful car part that you made yourself is a small price to pay for some inconvenience when doing this work.

    Every car owner sooner or later faces the problem of aging car wheels - after endless kilometers on domestic roads, they get scratched, and the paint, if not peeling off, then definitely loses its original appearance. And it also happens when, after buying a new car, you want something more original and, most importantly, unique, so that no one else has it. Therefore, the question often arises about how and with what to paint cast or stamped wheels on a car yourself, so as not to mess up the result.

    You can, of course, buy new wheels or take the car to a service center so that the technicians can provide first-class service, but all this costs a lot of money. And if you doubt whether the wheels are painted yourself, look at the attached photos and see for yourself. In this article, we will analyze the entire process step by step to understand how to properly paint cast and stamped wheels on a car. Moreover, the process will not take much of your time or money.

    Preparation of equipment and materials

    The technology for applying any paint to car rims involves spraying from a can or with a spray gun; brushes are not applicable here. To operate a spray gun, you need a compressor or an oxygen cylinder, and a small number of country house owners have such equipment.

    A set of tools and materials for restoring rims

    Hence the conclusion: it is best to buy coloring compounds and primer in aerosol cans, fortunately, there is a wide selection of enamels on sale in such containers. In addition, to complete the work you will need the following tools and materials:

    • an electric drill or an angle grinder with a steel wire attachment (the so-called brush);
    • coarse and fine sandpaper, 400 and 200 grits are suitable;
    • rust converter or its analogue - phosphoric acid;
    • degreasing agent - white spirit, nefras (otherwise - Galosha gasoline), organic solvent;
    • masking tape, contour tape;
    • paint is calculated as 1 450 ml bottle for 2 discs, more liquid rubber may be needed;
    • primer (1 bottle for 4 discs);
    • rags, rubber gloves, respirator or gauze bandage.

    Set of chemicals for painting

    Note. Acetone and inorganic solvents for nitro paints are not suitable for degreasing, since they are not capable of decomposing fats.

    Important point. The primer must be selected so that it matches the base on which the paint is made. For example, acrylic-based compositions require acrylic primer, and so on. The application technology itself differs little from the type of enamel; the operations are performed the same.

    Hub like a lathe

    There is a method that allows you to quickly paint the rim:

    1. Let's say there is rust on the surface of the rim. To find out about this, you will have to disassemble the disk (Fig. 1);
    2. Next, the disk is mounted on the hub, the engine is started and the gear is engaged (Fig. 2);
    3. If you are using a left-hand hub, turn the steering wheel to the left, and vice versa;
    4. Using cloth-based sandpaper, sanding is carried out (Fig. 3). It is better to fix the sandpaper on a block;
    5. Just as “preparation” was done in step 4, painting can be done (Fig. 4).


    Car wheel rim painting technology

    The entire dyeing process is divided into the following stages:

    1. Removing the wheels, disassembling them and removing dirt.
    2. Preparing for painting.
    3. Application of primer.
    4. Coloring and drying.

    The rims must be thoroughly washed to remove dirt and dried.

    At the first stage, it is important to thoroughly wash the discs using degreasing detergents (kitchen detergents are suitable). If you decide to paint them without removing the tires, you will have to thoroughly wash the rubber as well. After washing, dry the wheels in the fresh air or in a ventilated area.

    The process of preparing to paint stampings in color

    At this stage it is necessary to perform the following operations:

    1. Removing rust and old paintwork.
    2. Degreasing.
    3. Pasting with a painting plaster (if necessary).

    Initial cleaning of the disk with a brush

    When performing the first operation, you need to achieve two goals: completely remove the rust and clean the applied varnish and paint as much as possible. Ideally, the old coating should be completely removed, which is quite difficult to achieve with manual processing. But the varnish should be completely cleaned, and the paint should be cleaned whenever possible. Where it holds firmly, sanding down to metal is not necessary. First you need to use coarse sandpaper, and then finer sandpaper to rub out scratches.

    Advice. Do not allow the old coating to remain on the metal in the form of islands with clear protruding edges. After painting, the remaining islands will definitely appear, no matter how many layers you apply. The protrusions must be sanded down so that the surface feels smooth to the touch.

    Pouring rust converter into disc slots

    There is one weak point in the design of stamped steel wheels, where dirt is constantly packed and where rust occurs first. This is a gap located in a circle between two elements - the rim and the middle part with holes for mounting bolts. To clean and sand it, the following methods are used:

    • treatment with a rust converter or phosphoric acid, followed by cleaning and sanding;
    • use of sandblasting machines.

    Advice. The last method is the most effective, use it whenever possible. If you have a compressor at home, you can purchase a sandblasting attachment for it and thoroughly clean the entire disk from traces of corrosion and old paint.

    This is what a sandblasting nozzle with a sand tank looks like

    After cleaning, degrease the wheel rim on both sides with a rag moistened with white spirit and let it dry. After degreasing, do not touch the metal with your hands or wet it with water. If you left the tires on the rims, then they need to be deflated to the maximum and covered with masking tape, trying to get it as far as possible under the edge of the rim. Another option is to frame the part to be painted from cardboard, cutting it into a semicircle and sliding it under the edge of the rim.

    Wheel with rubber, ready for painting

    Priming and painting

    The first step is to create convenient conditions for performing these operations. In order to paint the wheels efficiently, it is worth coming up with podiums for them, for example, from upside-down old buckets. The ideal option is to hang the rim to provide access from all sides. When everything is ready to paint, proceed in this order:

    1. Shake the can of acrylic primer for 3-5 minutes, then carefully apply the first coat, holding the sprayer at least 20 cm from the surface.
    2. Dry the first layer for the time indicated on the package (up to 20 minutes).
    3. Apply a second layer of primer evenly and let it dry.
    4. After shaking the can of acrylic paint thoroughly, apply it in 3-4 layers with 10-minute breaks to dry. While staining, shake the contents of the container periodically and do not stop in one place, otherwise drips will form.

    Painting is much more convenient when the disk is suspended on a wire

    Advice. Do not prime or paint rims outdoors, in the open air. The problem is not the rain, as you might think, but the dust particles that settle on the painted surface from the slightest breeze. Dust will ruin all your work.

    If the surface of the rim is dotted with defects from impacts, then the indentations should first be puttied and cleaned with fine sandpaper. But due to the direct interaction of the rims with the road surface, which in our conditions is rarely smooth, the putty can break off over time, exposing bare metal, where corrosion will quickly occur. Therefore, for such wheels, it is appropriate to paint them with liquid rubber, whose layer will cover all defects. The technology for applying such a coating is no different from painting with acrylic, only the number of layers can be from 3 to 7.

    Using pasting you can create your own design

    To paint in 2 colors, after the first paint has completely dried, cover the disc in the right places with masking tape. Then take enamel of a different color and apply it in 3-5 layers with breaks for drying. The drying process is accelerated when using a hair dryer. After the coating has completely hardened, the tape can be removed.

    The result of painting in 2 colors

    To ensure that the paintwork lasts as long as possible, it is recommended to protect it with a layer of clear automotive varnish. Then, when exposed to abrasive particles and impacts with pebbles, the main coloring layer of the disc will not be damaged. The varnish can be applied 1 hour after painting using the same technology: at least 3 layers with breaks for hardening.

    Advice. So that your efforts on the beauty of the wheels are not in vain, before installing the wheels on the car, wait at least a day for the new coating to dry completely.

    When you begin to remove the wheels from your car, pay attention to the appearance of the front brake calipers and rear drums. They are probably peeling off and will show through unsightly through the technological openings in the steel disk. To bring it to full beauty, it’s worth painting the calipers and drums in some color that harmonizes with the new coating of the rims.

    With a painted caliper and hub the car will look even more attractive

    Video about applying paint to stamped car wheels

    Preparatory work

    Painting stamped wheels yourself is absolutely no different from painting a car body. The preparatory stage involves carrying out such activities as:

    • dismantling the disk (optional procedure);
    • washing off dirt and resin from its surface with further drying;
    • removing paint residue or corrosion with a drill and a wire brush;
    • sanding with coarse sandpaper to remove paint residues;
    • sanding with fine-grained sandpaper to make it smooth;
    • application of degreaser followed by drying.

    Car rim tuning

    Tuning is one of the ways that makes a car stand out from all other vehicles. And there are many types of such tuning, for example:

    • installation of new plugs;
    • unusual painting of car wheels;
    • chrome plating;
    • inlay;
    • backlight;
    • unwelding

    Installing plugs is replacing old ones with new, more original ones. You can simply buy a new kit and paint it the color you want, or make it yourself. The main thing in this matter is skillful hands and imagination.

    The most common way of improvement can be considered unusual painting. This means that you don’t just have to repaint the disc metallic, but choose bright, catchy colors, or maybe even several.

    Chrome plating is also quite popular among car enthusiasts, as it gives the wheels an incredibly stylish look. In this case, a metal coating with a mirror effect is created. Inlay is a decoration of the rim with Swarovski crystals. This procedure is painstaking and quite expensive. But the wheels end up looking amazing.

    The backlight looks very effective at night.

    For this method, neon tubes or neon tape are used. Installing them on disk will not be difficult even for a beginner.

    And the last improvement method is welding. It involves expanding the disk by sawing parts and adding more metal to the structure. But this method has more disadvantages than advantages.


    One of the best paints for stamped wheels is liquid rubber. This is a relatively new protective-coloring material with a large list of positive qualities.

    • Can be immediately applied to any surface. No preliminary preparation is required.
    • The texture of the material is very dense. Therefore, any defects on the painted surface become invisible: depressions, cracks, dents.
    • High moisture resistance and durability.
    • Thanks to its increased strength, the coating is not afraid of any mechanical stress.
    • Easily removed from the disc surface.
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