How to remove and replace the oil pump and oil receiver on a Priora: a detailed step-by-step description of the process

Without a working lubrication system, no car will last long. Its most important element is the oil pump, which provides full pressure in the system. However, it also does not last forever, and in case of failure it must be replaced. You can solve the problem even without contacting the service, but you will have to spend a lot of time. Today we’ll talk about why the oil pump fails on a Priora and how to change it if it fails.

Purpose of the oil pump: what if the unit fails

One of the frequent procedures performed by car owners is changing the engine oil. However, few people wondered how it circulates inside, thanks to which the process of lubricating engine parts, removing heat and contaminants, and protecting the surface of metal elements from corrosion is realized.

This process is responsible for a small but very important part called the oil pump. With its help, engine oil is pumped from the sump to all working components of the internal combustion engine. The device works immediately after starting the engine, and in addition to the function of supplying oil, it also performs another very important task - creating pressure in the system. A decrease in engine oil pressure is indicated by the corresponding indicator (oil can) on the instrument panel, which every car has.

The reasons for a decrease in oil pressure in the system may be the following factors:

  • reducing the engine oil level;
  • oil pressure sensor malfunction;
  • reduction in oil pump performance. It is interpreted in this form, since the oil pump is one of those mechanisms that extremely rarely completely fails.

If the oil pump fails, the driver will be immediately informed about this. The “oil can” will light up on the panel, so further driving of the car is unacceptable until the cause is identified and eliminated accordingly. The first thing to do is check the oil level. If everything is fine with it, then you can check the oil pump.

You can verify the serviceability of the oil pump on the road by unscrewing the plug from the oil filler neck. The check must be performed with the engine running. If oil jumps out of the neck, and when you try to cover the hole with your hand, it is attracted, then everything is fine with the oil pump. You should make sure that the oil pressure sensor on the Priora is working properly. The reasons for the glow of the oil can indicator on the instrument panel may also be the following factors:

  • using oil of inappropriate viscosity;
  • malfunction of the pressure relief valve (on the oil pump), which does not maintain oil pressure;
  • large gap between the bearing shells and the crankshaft journals;
  • oil filter malfunction;
  • If the oil has not been changed for a long time, it begins to thicken, which leads to serious problems in the engine.

If the oil pump on the car is faulty and you continue to drive, then the consequences for the engine will be fatal. The car will not travel even a few kilometers before the engine jams. That is why we should not neglect breakdowns of such important and critical units, which, although they very rarely fail, can happen at any time.

Interesting! The service life of the oil pump is on average 120 thousand km. However, with such mileage on the car, you should not immediately change the product. It is replaced only if direct signs of malfunction are detected. They are discussed in the material below.

Lada Priora Hatchback 2009, 98 l. With. - spare parts

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Comments 32

Mannol is “tested”, God forbid you pour such oil into the engine, Mannol is produced in Germany? Then I'm a millionaire. The proven Shell is better.

Tell me, how did you find out that the problem was in the distributors? I bought a car with a mileage of 100 tons, with a converted ShPG at 124, and at first I didn’t notice the problem with oil pressure, my light doesn’t come on at idle, but with small drawdowns, it blinks actively, the mechanical pressure gauge shows 0.4-0.5 b when hot, this is very not enough (I’m wondering where to start, how could I have driven 40 thousand with such pressure, the hydraulics are silent. I’ll say right away, changing the oil, filter, sensor did not lead to anything. So I’m thinking maybe this is just my case? Because the old owner mentioned that there were “evil” shafts... And it is not known what was stuck in when the drain was returned.

That's exactly how it was discovered - at random. First the sensor, then I tried different oils (with a filter of course), then the oil pump, and then we got to the camshafts.

As I understand it, there was a problem with the distributors? Is everything right? I've encountered the same problem and am looking for a solution with minimal cost...

That's right, in the camshafts. I’ve only gotten around to them so far, but I haven’t changed them.

Sorry, I didn’t know all the intricacies of your business! It’s just that the reason for this “illness” was the pressure sensor and I changed it. Good luck in solving the problem!

Based on your symptoms, it sounds like the oil pressure sensor needs to be replaced! Let them inspect it at the service station - if it’s all covered in oil, then it’s 100%!

I understand that you sincerely want to help, but the fact is that this problem was solved more than three years ago and replacing the oil pressure sensor did not help, the problem was the wear of the camshafts. And then go to the service station to unscrew the sensor, when this can be done just in the yard. In any case, thanks for participating

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