How to check an oil pump: testing methods, repairs, expert advice

Various problems associated with the oil pump will certainly lead to serious problems in the operation of the internal combustion engine. The main function of the oil pump is to provide pressure in the engine lubrication system. The bulk of the elements in the engine are splash lubricated. If the oil pump does not perform its function, the parts will not be lubricated. As a result, a disaster and inevitable major repairs. Let's look at the main malfunctions of this unit, and also find out how to check the oil pump.

Purpose and principle of operation of the oil pump

An internal combustion engine is a complex mechanism consisting of many metal parts that interact with each other during operation. The result of this interaction is the friction force that arises at the points of contact of the rubbing mechanisms.

To reduce it, the car is equipped with a lubrication system, the main element of which is the oil pump.

The pump consists of a casing, inside of which a pair of gears is installed. One gear is pressed onto the drive rod, and the second is loosely mounted on the central axis. The mechanism operates via a gear mounted on the engine crankshaft.

When the drive device rotates, the contacting teeth capture fluid from the oil receiver, move it along the walls of the housing and feed it into the oil filter, from where the purified emulsion enters the channels of the vehicle's lubrication system.

The oil pump is designed to ensure uninterrupted circulation of oil fluid and maintain constant pressure in the system.

Consequences of breakdown

The oil pump is responsible for supplying the required amount of lubricant to the loaded components. In the event of a mechanism failure, oil starvation of the internal combustion engine elements may begin, which is fraught with the following consequences:

  • turning the crankshaft liners;
  • bearing wear;
  • overheating of the combustion chamber;
  • formation of scuff marks on friction pairs;
  • engine failure or jamming.

Location of the oil pump in VAZ cars

The oil pump in VAZ cars is part of the engine, so you won’t be able to see it just by opening the hood. To get to the oil pump, you need to place the car on an inspection hole, remove the crankcase protection from it, and then remove the pan.

To get to the oil pump, you will have to remove the pan and crankcase from the VAZ car

Signs of a broken oil pump

It is not difficult to understand that the oil pump has failed. We list the symptoms that clearly indicate a breakdown of this device:

  • The oil pressure light on the dashboard is constantly on. This usually occurs due to a clogged or broken pressure relief valve in the pump. As soon as this element breaks, the oil pressure in the lubrication system increases sharply, which is indicated by a light that lights up even at idle;
  • Constant burning of this light indicates a breakdown of the oil pump.

  • engine knock. If for some reason the driver does not pay attention to the light bulb, the engine begins to knock. The characteristic knocking noise becomes louder as the rubbing parts of the engine that are not supplied with oil wear out. Repairing a motor after such a breakdown is very difficult.

Checking the oil pump for wear using dipsticks

  1. The oil pump is removed from the car and disassembled. The pressure reducing valve and the inlet pipe are separated. All pump parts are thoroughly washed in kerosene.
  2. After washing, it is necessary to inspect each part for cracks or deformation. Damaged parts will have to be replaced. If no damage is detected, measurements can begin.
  3. First, using a feeler gauge, the gaps between the pump housing and the gear teeth are measured. The gap should not exceed 0.2 mm.
  4. The distance between the teeth and the oil pump body is measured with a special feeler gauge

  5. Next, the distances between the gear teeth are measured. They should not exceed 0.5 mm with a permissible error of 0.05 mm. If this condition is not met between any pair of teeth, the gear is worn out and should be replaced.

Video: how to check the oil pump

Diagnostics of the oil pump on the stand

Large car repair shops have universal stands for quickly checking almost any type of oil pump. The procedure for checking oil pumps of VAZ cars, as a rule, consists of two stages:

  • checking the pressure relief valve;
  • checking the assembled oil pump.

The first stage of testing is as follows: the pressure reducing valve, previously removed from the pump, is installed on a stand and kerosene is supplied to it through a system of pipes. The kerosene pressure is gradually increased with the help of special regulators.

Expert advice

In order to check the operation of the oil pump, you will need a liquid pressure gauge. These devices are available in auto parts stores. You can also use any industrial pressure gauge for these purposes, but you should pay attention to the measuring scale - it must be adequate. Then you should stock up on an adapter, which should be screwed into the sensor hole. On its mating part there must be a fitting for the hose or a thread for screwing on the connecting hose. The adapter can be ordered at any turning workshop.

To make an adapter, you need to know the parameters of the mounting hole and thread parameters. Then a sketch is drawn up based on this data. Another option is to show the machine operator an old or broken one, or maybe even a working one, and he will use it to turn the required part.

Experienced drivers know another way to check the serviceability of the oil pump. Here you can do without a turner. They take a faulty or old oil pressure sensor, remove everything inside and make an adapter based on it. For VAZ you can find ready-made tee fittings on sale.

How to check the oil pump

Before troubleshooting the unit, it must be checked. The simplest method is on-site diagnosis (without removing the part). This method is similar for all types of cars, with the exception of operating pressure (each engine has unique indicators). The sequence of actions looks like this.

  1. Unscrew the oil pressure sensor from its socket.
  2. Using an adapter, install a liquid pressure gauge, ideally a mechanical one, into the hole.
  3. The first stage of testing takes place cold. The pressure is measured at idle speed and when the load increases to 5000-5600 rpm. The obtained results are compared with the standard.
  4. The second part is performed after the lubricant has been warmed to a temperature of +90 degrees Celsius. The measuring sequence remains the same.

Recommended thresholds and values ​​for different modifications of internal combustion engines differ. However, if the difference is more than 10%, the mechanism is definitely subject to repair.

Important! It is not recommended to use the pressure standards of other cars as a standard. Exact information and tolerances can be found inside the vehicle's service manual or technical documentation.

Checking with a pressure gauge

Every car owner should know how to check the pressure of the oil pump on a car - this will allow it to avoid dangerous consequences for the engine in case of malfunctions.

A pressure gauge is installed instead of an oil pressure sensor. This is the only way that allows you to reliably verify the serviceability or malfunction of oil pumps. In this case, the pump itself does not need to be removed from the engine. You can purchase ready-made kits for measuring pressure in the lubrication system or make the device yourself.

Checking pressure with a pressure gauge

Screwing in a mechanical pressure gauge instead of the oil pressure sensor is the only reliable way to check the oil pump without removing it from the engine. You can buy a ready-made kit for measuring pressure in the oil system or assemble the device yourself. For this you will need:

  • liquid mechanical pressure gauge. The device can be easily found in almost every auto parts store for domestic equipment and tractors. Any industrial pressure gauge with an adequate measuring scale will also work;
  • an adapter that will be screwed in instead of the standard oil pressure sensor. The mating part must have a fitting for a hose or a thread with a landing cone for screwing in a flexible tube. Any turner can turn such an adapter. You will need to measure the diameter of the mounting hole, the thread pitch and make a sketch of the adapter. An alternative option is to bring a standard oil pressure sensor to a turner so that he can make an adapter in its likeness. Some drivers, in order to check the oil pump, drill out the insides of the old oil pressure sensor and use improvised means to make an adapter from it. It is much easier in this regard for owners of VAZ cars, for which ready-made tees are available for sale. You can simultaneously screw in both a standard pressure sensor and a mechanical pressure gauge;
  • a piece of hose that will connect the pressure gauge and adapter.

The diameter of the hose and the type of connection of the flexible tube should be selected taking into account the type of outlet fitting on the pressure gauge. It is important that during the measurement process there are no oil leaks at the joints.

Measuring technique

The method for checking oil pressure will be identical for all cars. The only difference is the threshold minimum value, upon reaching which the low oil pressure warning lamp lights up on the dashboard. Information about the response threshold of the pressure relief valve and the minimum operating pressure in the engine lubrication system can be found in the repair and maintenance manual for your vehicle. The data below is relevant for VAZ classic models (2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2105, 2106, 2107).

  • Cold pressure. Before starting, the engine and oil in the sump must cool to ambient temperature. The response threshold of the emergency oil pressure sensor is 0.33 kgf/cm2. With this value, the engine must be turned off and disassembled to troubleshoot the oil pump. When the speed increases, the pressure gauge needle should rise to 4.5 kgf/cm2. At this pressure, a serviceable pressure relief valve is activated, so no further increase should occur.
  • Measurements on a warm engine. As the oil temperature decreases, its viscosity increases, which has a positive effect on the performance of the oil pump. Therefore, it is best to check the oil pump when it is hot. Since the oil warms up more slowly than antifreeze, let the engine run for another 5 minutes after the coolant temperature gauge shows 90°C.

In the lubrication system of a serviceable VAZ 2101-07 engine at 5600 rpm there should be a pressure of 3.5-4.5 kgf/cm2. If the obtained values ​​differ significantly from the nominal values, the engine will experience oil starvation in certain modes. The low oil pressure light on the instrument panel will come on. In this case, we recommend disassembling and checking the oil pump.

You should not rely on the standard pressure indicators of VAZ and UAZ cars. In 90 out of 100 cases they show anything but the actual oil pressure in the engine.

Types of Oil Pumps

Depending on the control method, pumps come in adjustable and unregulated designs. Unregulated ones control the operation of the lubrication system using a pressure reducing valve.

In adjustable ones, the pressure of the oil fluid is regulated by changing the productivity of the device. Depending on the internal structure, they are divided into rotary and gear type pumps.

Gear oil pump

Gear pumps are non-adjustable devices based on their operating principle. Based on the type of gear placement and the method of oil supply, they are divided into 2 types:

  1. With external gear connection.
  2. With internal clutch.

The external gear design consists of a housing that houses the driven and driving gears. The liquid from the sump is fed through the suction valve into the working chamber of the device, from where it is pressed into the filter and then enters the oil line.

The performance of the mechanism depends on the crankshaft speed. When the speed increases above the set value, the pressure reducing valve opens, which dumps some of the oil into the engine crankcase. According to this scheme, the lubricant pressure in the system is regulated.

An internal gear pump is a mechanism consisting of a metal casing, inside which a pair of gears rotate, located one above the other and offset relative to the central axis.

The diameter of the driven gear is smaller than that of the drive gear. Due to this, a cavity is formed between them, inside which a vacuum is created. The liquid is sucked into the working chamber and, using a gear transmission, rises into the oil channels.

Rotary oil pump

Rotary-type devices, according to their design features, can be divided into adjustable and non-adjustable mechanisms. The principle of operation of a rotary unregulated pump resembles the operation of a gear device, only instead of gears there are two rotors with a small number of blades.

The liquid is pumped into the working cavity, captured by the blades and supplied to the outlet. At the right moment, the pressure reducing valve is activated and regulates the pressure in the channels of the cylinder block.

The most advanced mechanism is considered to be an adjustable type of oil pump, which maintains constant pressure at any crankshaft rotation speed. The rotary pump received this advantage by adding a movable stator with a variable spring to the design.

Pressure control is carried out by changing the size of the free space between the driven and driving element by turning the movable rotor.

As the engine speed increases, the oil pressure in the system decreases. The adjusting spring straightens and takes the stator along with it. At the same time, the size of the working cavity increases, and the amount of captured liquid increases proportionally, and at the same time the productivity of the device increases.


The unit is arranged as follows. The drive and driven gears are installed in its housing. They ensure the movement of lubricant through a special channel into the oil system. Depending on the crankshaft speed, the pump performance changes. If the oil pressure is higher than the permissible standard, then part of the lubricating fluid is directed to the suction part or directly to the crankcase using a pressure reducing valve. Gear pumps do not have automatic adjustment capabilities.

How to measure correctly?

How to check the engine oil pump? The technology is the same for all motors. But, if you lack some equipment for the service station, then it is better to buy it in advance. There is a slight difference only in the values ​​of the threshold pressure level - it is different for different engines. You can find out about the minimum permissible pressure and its level for the valve to operate in the instructions for the car.

Using a classic VAZ as an example, we will look at how to check whether the oil pump is working. Measurements should be made in two modes - on a cold and hot engine.


Although oil pumps are simple in design, they still do not last forever. From time to time they may fail. Before you learn how to check the oil pump, you need to understand the typical faults and their causes.

So, frequent breakdowns include damaged gaskets and clogged oil filters. Another malfunction is not directly related to the pump - it is incorrectly fastening the oil filter. Failure of the device also occurs due to increased wear of the main elements. Another typical malfunction is a broken pressure relief valve.

Purpose and types of automobile oil pumps

The purpose of the oil pump is to create the necessary pressure in the engine lubrication system. Under high pressure, oil flows through special channels to all rubbing parts of the engine, intensively reducing their friction against each other, thereby preventing premature wear.

Oil pump for VAZ car, adjustable, with pressure reducing valve

Advantages of adjustable rotary oil pumps

Almost all modern VAZ cars (starting from VAZ 2114 and higher) are equipped with adjustable rotary-type oil pumps.

Main design elements of the VAZ adjustable rotary oil pump

Here are the main advantages of these devices:

  • When using an adjustable oil pump, engine power increases by 30%. This occurs due to a decrease in the power factor taken from the motor by third-party devices;
  • with an adjustable oil pump, the oil has to be changed less frequently, since the crankshaft speed decreases, which means the number of revolutions decreases;
  • The adjustable oil pump practically does not foam the oil. The problem that is relevant for unregulated gear pumps has been successfully solved in rotary pumps.

Cold engine measurements

In order to measure the pressure, before starting the engine, you need to make sure that the oil temperature is equal to the ambient temperature. The emergency sensor in the VAZ is configured to trigger at a pressure of 0.33 kgf per square centimeter. If the measurement result turns out to be like this, then it is necessary to dismantle the pump and troubleshoot it. With a gradual increase in the crankshaft speed, the pressure should increase to 4.5 kgf per square centimeter. The pressure relief valve should work, so the pressure will not increase further.

On a hot engine

As the oil temperature drops, its viscosity rises. This is good for efficient pump operation. To obtain adequate measurement results, it is best to measure pressure on a warm engine. Since the oil heats up much more slowly than the coolant, the engine is allowed to run a little longer after reaching operating temperatures.

In the lubrication system of a working engine with a working pump, the pressure should be in the range of 3.5-4.5 kgf per square centimeter at a crankshaft speed of 5600. If the measurement values ​​differ from the nominal value, then the engine will experience a lack of lubrication in some modes.

Troubleshooting and repair of a removed element

Let's look at how to test a removed oil pump. The check consists of visual inspection, measurements and comparison of the measurement result with the nominal dimensions.

Unscrew the oil receiver cap together with the pressure reducing valve. It is worth making an effort so that the spring thrust washer does not get lost. Next, note that some bolts will be smaller than others. This bolt should then snap back into place.

Use a caliper to measure the spring. At rest, it should be at least 38 millimeters in length. Then remove the cover, which will have marks from the wear of the gears. If the scoring is deep, then the oil pump has a lot of wear. The cover can be repaired - its plane should be leveled.

Next, remove the drive gear and visually check the condition of its teeth. If there are abrasions and burrs on the teeth, this indicates a lot of wear. The driven gear should also be checked. The main thing about it is the hole in which the fixation axis is located.

Then check the walls of the device housing and the axis of the driven gear. Potholes, grooves, and various defects indicate that debris has entered the working area inside the pump.

Removal from engine for disassembly

The video demonstrates the process of checking the VAZ 2104 oil pump. But measuring the gap between the housing and the gears, assessing the output of the drive and driven gears, the oil pump housing cover and many other subtleties are relevant for all types of oil pumps. Before disassembling, we recommend studying the structure and operating principle of the oil pump.

For a preliminary check, remove the distributor and remove the oil pump drive gear. If you find deep scuffs on the axle, you will most likely encounter knocked-down splines. Wedging of the drive gear is extremely dangerous, as the splines can be licked off. The consequence of a breakdown will be oil starvation, which for the engine ends at least with the crankshaft liners turned. You can also visually assess the play of the oil pump rod. On a working pump, the gap between the rod and housing pair should not exceed 0.1 mm.

The oil pump on classic VAZ cars is unscrewed from the crankcase. Therefore, to check, you will have to drain the oil and remove the pan, having first loosened the engine mounts (the engine needs to be raised a little).

To fully check the oil pump, arm yourself with a set of dipsticks. Don’t just try to judge by eye the production of parts with pretentious fitting requirements.


  1. Unscrew the oil receiver cap with pressure reducing valve. Be careful not to lose the original spring thrust washer. Also note that one of the bolts will be shorter. Therefore, be sure to remember the location of its seat.

  2. Using a caliper, measure the length of the spring at rest (should be at least 38 mm).

  3. Remove the cover on which you can remove the wear marks left by the gears. Deep scoring is a clear sign that the oil pump is worn out. Repairing the cover involves leveling the mating plane.

  4. Remove the oil pump drive gear from the housing. Check the condition of the teeth and shaft. Scratches and abrasions indicate wear. In the driven gear, additionally evaluate the condition of the fixation axis hole.
  5. Check the walls of the oil pump housing and the driven gear axis. Furrows and potholes indicate that debris has entered the work area.

Pressure reducing valve

There are practically no methods that allow you to check the oil pump pressure relief valve without the need for dismantling. But you can check it with your mouth - even experts recommend using this method. A cloth is applied to the valve fitting, through which air passes well. Next, take a sharp breath. If there is strong resistance, then the valve is working.

Bottom line

Self-repair of a car is allowed only after studying the mechanism. Having learned how to check the oil pump, you can independently determine the cause of the pressure drop inside the system. However, it is better to entrust complete repairs and troubleshooting of the device to a qualified specialist.




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