How to change antifreeze and temperature sensor Megan 2

Like any vehicle, Renault car engines need cooling. For these purposes, Renault Megane 2 antifreeze is used. As it circulates through the system, it heats up. There is a Megane temperature sensor in the cylinder head, which starts the fan when the coolant overheats. In this way, the engine cooling process occurs, but over time, the antifreeze loses its properties and requires replacement.

Checking the condition of the coolant

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You can check the general condition of the antifreeze in the Renault Megane 2 system in three available ways: using a multimeter, a litmus strip, and also by smell and accumulated sediment.

To test the liquid using the device, you need to set the DC voltage measuring scale in the range from 50 to 300 mV. Next, turn on the multimeter and lower one of the probes into the radiator antifreeze, with the other we touch any area of ​​the car with bare metal. In the process you can get the following results:

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  • If the device shows less than 150 mV, then the liquid is quite suitable for further use.
  • A value of up to 300 mV indicates a loss of protective and anti-corrosion properties, so the antifreeze needs to be changed.
  • A range above 300 mV indicates a critical condition of the antifreeze, so urgent replacement is needed.

This is the most suitable way to check at home. The lower the reading of the device, the cleaner the Megan 2 coolant.

The condition of the coolant can be checked with litmus paper. Dip the strip into the liquid and wait for the reaction. The resulting color is compared with the numbered color samples on the packaging. The optimal pH value for antifreeze in Megane 2 models is the color range 7-9. Extreme colors (red or blue) 0.12 indicate the need for urgent replacement.

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The third way is as follows:

You can check the antifreeze by touch by rubbing a drop of it with your fingers. If the substance resembles a soap solution, this means it is suitable for subsequent use. If Megan 2 coolant resembles muddy water, then it is no longer suitable.

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If you heat up low-quality antifreeze or antifreeze that has lost its properties, you can smell a distinct smell of ammonia. If a precipitate forms during heating, the antifreeze is in critical condition.

This method is suitable for testing both used and new antifreeze for Megane 2.

What to choose?

If the similarity of these two refrigerants is expressed in their use, then what is the difference? It lies in the very composition of the substance and its effect on the metal parts of the system.

The traditional “Soviet” refrigerant contains additives based on salts of inorganic acids (nitrates, silicates, phosphates, etc.). These salts on the walls of metal parts create a protective layer of about 0.5 mm, which should protect the metal from corrosion, but at the same time it worsens the thermal conductivity properties of the parts, which leads to rapid wear of the engine.

At the same time, the main additive in antifreeze is organic acid (carbonate). The principle of operation is similar: covering the metal with a thin protective layer, but the difference is that it covers only the places where the metal has already been damaged, and not on the entire surface, as a result of which the thermal conductivity properties do not deteriorate.

It is also necessary not to forget that modern antifreezes require replacement at least every 100,000 km, and “Soviet” refrigerants need to be changed every 50-60 thousand km. The manufacturer advises to carry out such a replacement at least once every 2 years. What is the reason for this and what are the main signs of the need for replacement? Over time, the additives begin to decompose and do not perform their main functions, a color change is observed - a brown tint appears.

The volume of the Renault Megane expansion tank is about 2 liters.

What antifreeze to pour into Megan 2

According to the regulations, the coolant used in Renault Megane 2 loses its quality after a mileage of 90 thousand km or 4 years of operation. After time has passed, it needs to be changed, since further use can cause various breakdowns.

To replace the coolant in Megane 2 models, the manufacturer recommends using the original Renault Glaceol RX Type D. Coolstream NRC Type D is considered a good analogue. Also, many Renault car owners advise paying attention to the Hepu coolant. When choosing antifreeze, it is worth considering the properties and tolerances that meet the manufacturer’s requirements.

Original coolant Renault Glaceol RX Type D (Link to photo source)

Types of refrigerants

In Renault Megane can be used as a refrigerant - antifreeze and antifreeze. Let's try to figure out which one is more suitable for your car.

Antifreeze is the common name for coolant for automobile engines. Its composition is quite simple - propylene glycol or ethylene glycol, as well as all kinds of dyes and additives. In order to avoid the destruction of metal, some additional components began to be included in refrigerants - anti-corrosion additives, while some cover the parts of the cooling system with a thin layer of scale (blue and green dyes are used), while others collect in places where metal corrosion may occur, forming They have a thin protective layer (often red).

In the countries of the post-Soviet space, “Antifreeze” was any coolant. This type of refrigerant was developed by the Soviet scientific institute "TOS", from this abbreviation the very name of the refrigerant was derived.

Coolant volume in different engines

The volume of antifreeze in the Renault Megane 2 cooling system depends on the engine size:

  • The system for cars with 1.2 liter petrol engines uses 5.8 liters of Renault Glaceol RX Type D fluid.
  • For 1.4 engines, the coolant standard (Coolstream NRC Type D) is 6.2 liters.
  • For 1.6 liter gasoline engines, use Total Glacelf Auto Supra in a volume of 6.5 liters.
  • Diesels with a volume of 1.5, 1.6, 1.9, 2.0 liters are filled with 7.2 to 7.9 liters of Total Glacelf Auto Supra.

Coolant Total Glacelf Auto Supra (Link to photo source)

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Temperature sensor part number

The Megan 2 cooling system ensures smooth engine operation. The antifreeze temperature sensor monitors the temperature of the coolant in the system and is a small device that, when it warms up, sends a signal to the ECU to turn on the fan. If it is faulty, the fan will not turn on and the system will overheat. The original sensor has an article number 8200561449.

Original coolant temperature sensor (Link to photo source)

It can also be replaced with an analogue:

  • Zommer Z_7700101968;
  • Quartz QZ0561449;
  • Startvolt LS09098;
  • Manover MR8200561449;
  • Bautler BTL6000WTS;
  • Kroner K204004;
  • Francecar FCR210392;
  • Era 330138.

In addition to starting the fan, the Megane 2 controller is responsible for other equally important functions, so its serviceability is very important.

Replacing antifreeze Renault Megane 2

The manufacturer of Renault Megane 2 recommends changing the coolant every 6 years or after traveling 90 thousand km.

To replace, you will need a drain vessel with a capacity of at least 10 liters, a clean cloth and pliers. The procedure is performed on a cold engine. During the process, it is important to prevent the reagent from coming into contact with exposed areas of the body, as it has toxic properties. Next we follow the instructions:

  • We place the car on a flat surface, after which we open the cap on the Megane 2 expansion tank.

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  • Next, remove the crankcase housing and the engine mudguard.
  • We slide the fixing clamp along the expansion tank hose, while squeezing the straightened ears with pliers.
  • Then remove the hose from the radiator pipe and place its end in the prepared container.
  • We drain the old antifreeze Megan 2.

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  • When the liquid has completely drained, put the end of the hose back on the pipe.
  • We pour new antifreeze into the expansion tank of the Renault Megane 2 to the corresponding mark on the body.
  • We tighten the tank and start the engine to warm up the antifreeze to working condition. When the fan starts, turn off the engine and check the coolant level. If it falls, add more.

If the temperature of the Renault Megane 2 coolant has reached the limit and the fan does not work, it is worth checking its serviceability. To do this, turn on the heater and check what kind of air passes through it. If it’s warm, then the reason is in the fan itself; if it’s cold, there’s a blockage in the system. To get it out, you need to let the Megane 2 engine cool, then open the filler cap and start it again for 3-5 minutes. The air should come out.

Leaks and problems

When replacing coolant, close attention should be paid to inspecting the system for small leaks. If there are small cracks on the pipes, they should be replaced; the clamps should also be replaced if they are worn out.

It would be a good idea to replace the cap of the expansion tank, since the valve in it may jam over time. If this happens in a closed state, it will not be able to relieve excess pressure, which will lead to leaks. And a leak can form in any weakest place.

Replacing the Megane 2 temperature sensor

To replace the Renault Megane 2 temperature sensor, you need to remove it from the threaded hole of the water distributor, which is located at the rear of the cylinder block. To do this you will need a slotted screwdriver, a tester and a thermometer:

  • We disconnect the negative terminal of the battery and drain some of the antifreeze, as indicated in the previous section (if the filling tank is not full, this can not be done).
  • We loosen the clamp of the block with wires and disconnect it from the Renault Megane controller.

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  • Use a screwdriver to pry up the sensor mounting bracket and remove it, unscrew the sensor itself.

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  • We also remove the seal from the hole.

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To check the functionality of the Megane 2 cooling system temperature sensor, you need to immerse it in hot water. Then, as it cools, measure the resistance between the first and third contacts, using a thermometer to monitor the water temperature. If the resistance does not correspond to the norm, change it.

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The new Renault Megane coolant temperature sensor is installed in the same way in reverse order. After a complete replacement, it is necessary to fill the antifreeze up to the MAX mark.

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