Exhaust system for VAZ 2114 - its design and repair

Every car exhaust system has a muffler, and for many car enthusiasts its purpose is obvious. Driving around the city with a loud and toxic exhaust will be uncomfortable, and fines for exceeding the permissible noise level and harmful emissions from the operation of the car today are quite large. When operating VAZ cars, the muffler is often not given due attention, although it is useful to know how to correctly diagnose the degree of its wear. Timely replacement of the damper is mandatory, since its malfunction can pose a threat to human health and the operation of the car engine.

Exhaust system connecting parts

  1. the sealing gasket serves to connect the manifold and the exhaust pipe;
  2. a movable hinge connects the converter flange and the exhaust pipe;
  3. the metallographic ring is located between the flanges;
  4. the connecting parts between the muffler pipes are a clamp with flared ends and conical rings;
  5. the exhaust pipe is secured with DISPOSABLE nuts to the studs of the exhaust manifold and to the walls of the bracket.

Mufflers and pipes are a single system, and if they break down, the entire muffler device must be replaced with new ones.

Sports mufflers

You can often see a sports type muffler (direct flow) on VAZ-2114 cars. Visually, without looking under the bottom, it can be distinguished from a regular one by its characteristic sound and increased diameter of the exhaust pipe. These are special tuning mufflers. Today they are produced both in factories and in handicrafts. Typically, a “direct flow” system is made entirely of stainless steel, and there is no resonator in it.

In addition, the sports muffler is devoid of a system of partitions and pipes. It is for this reason that it is called “forward flow”. The result of using a direct-flow system is an improved appearance, increased engine power due to reduced exhaust gas resistance, as well as a sporty “rumbling” of the engine. Well, as for the price, for a VAZ-2114 the assembled muffler will cost at least 20 thousand rubles.

Gas exhaust system (muffler diagram)

For 1.5 l engines

Gas exhaust system for 1.5l engines

  1. Reception pipe connection bracket.
  2. Pad.
  3. Bracket seal.
  4. Secondary muffler. (Muffler resonator)
  5. Muffler suspension cushions.
  6. Main muffler.
  7. Muffler pipe connection clamp.
  8. Hinge O-ring.
  9. Neutralizer.
  10. Connecting ring.
  11. Oxygen concentration sensor.

Exhaust system

For 1.6l engines

The exhaust system on 1.6-liter engines is distinguished by the absence of a converter (a metal corrugation is installed instead) and the presence of a catalytic manifold (installed immediately after gasket number 3).

For information, the toxicity standard for VAZ 2114, 2113, 2115 is R 83.


For each engine and car where this engine is used, an adapted gas exhaust system is created, which goes by the popular name - muffler.


The name speaks volumes about the functions and tasks of this element.

  1. Reduce the noise produced by the piston system of the power unit.
  2. Discharge exhaust gases from the engine to a safe area, that is, outside the body. If this does not happen, gases will simply begin to enter the cabin.

The exhaust gas removal system includes several components:

  • Reception pipe. This is a muffler element that is mounted to the engine using rigid mounting;
  • Resonator. This is the first unit that receives sound vibrations and hot gases. Its design allows reducing the activity of turbulence, causing harmful particles to settle, thereby reducing the level of contamination of the gas flow that exits the combustion chamber;
  • Muffler. The main part of the structure is a volumetric chamber made of metal. It is hermetically sealed, and inside there are divisions into separate sections. Passing through them, the gas is calmed and purified;
  • Exhaust pipe. Removes gases outside the car body.

Do-it-yourself repair and replacement of a muffler on a VAZ 2114

Every car exhaust system has a muffler, and for many car enthusiasts its purpose is obvious. Driving around the city with a loud and toxic exhaust will be uncomfortable, and fines for exceeding the permissible noise level and harmful emissions from the operation of the car today are quite large. When operating VAZ cars, the muffler is often not given due attention, although it is useful to know how to correctly diagnose the degree of its wear. Timely replacement of the damper is mandatory, since its malfunction can pose a threat to human health and the operation of the car engine.

Symptoms of a problem

The car itself will tell you when the muffler needs to be replaced. You just need to listen for the characteristic signs of its malfunction:

  • Noise increases when the engine is running;
  • There is an exhaust smell inside the cabin or near the car;
  • Exhaust gas smoke comes out from under the bottom due to the formation of a hole in the exhaust system.

Silencer - purpose, device, operation

An important element of the exhaust system is the muffler; operating a car without it is impossible. As a rule, the muffler is located at the rear of the vehicle and, in conjunction with the exhaust system, serves to remove harmful gases from the engine, bypassing the vehicle interior.

Car mufflers are made from stainless, aluminized and regular black steel. Stainless steel “silencers” are practically not available for sale due to their high cost and long service life (their service life is 10–15 years). Aluminized mufflers are installed on VAZ 2114/2115. They are common in the domestic and European markets (service life 3–7 years). Regular black steel mufflers are cheap substitutes and last only a few months, so are rarely used.

What is a “glushak” for?

Main functions of the muffler:

  • reduction of noise during fuel processing;
  • reduction in the rate of gas release and their temperature.

The muffler is attached with special rubber pads to curved metal hooks, softening vibrations from the car exhaust

All elements of the exhaust system are exposed to high temperatures, so the coating (anti-corrosion paint, mastic) that is applied to the muffler burns out. The exhaust system of the VAZ 2114/2115 is mounted under the body on the bottom of the car.

An additional muffler or, in other words, a resonator is designed to eject burnt gas into the exhaust pipe and receive the next portion.

The resonator is an important part of the exhaust system; it directly affects engine power. The faster the exhaust gas is removed from the resonator, the faster and more power the car develops.

The design of the pipe consists of all the necessary elements, therefore, when exhausted, the exhaust gas is correctly distributed throughout the exhaust pipe

The muffler on the VAZ 2114/2115 is attached to the bottom of the car with special rubber bands, clinging to flat hooks on the side and top. Why is an elastic band used, and, say, not a metal fastener?

As exhaust gases pass through the exhaust pipe, vibrations intensify, the muffler begins to vibrate, and if the mount is solid-state, the vibration will be transmitted to the cabin. The rubber muffler mount softens vibrations and is therefore used on all cars.

For the VAZ 2114/2115, the muffler is a volumetric sealed metal chamber, divided inside by various partitions. The entire exhaust gas flow passes through the muffler sections and is finally extinguished and cleaned. If you look at the muffler diagram, it will look almost the same on all cars.

The principle of removing exhaust gases from a car muffler

Features of the catalytic converter

Catalysts began to be installed only on injection engines and with their help achieved more complete combustion of the mixture in the chamber. The VAZ 2114 catalyst consists of a housing, an oxygen sensor, a lambda probe, and a mesh made of special wire, which could help burn out the remaining fuel entering the exhaust system. At the inlet of the catalyst there is an oxygen sensor, which monitors the proportion of oxygen in the exhaust gases, comparing it with atmospheric pressure.

When gases entered the catalyst, the lambda probe assessed the composition of the gas and supplied information to the electronic control unit. The ECU, in turn, adjusted the composition of the mixture so that the content of harmful substances did not exceed the norm. This could go against the engine's requirements for achieving maximum power, but toxicity standards were put at the forefront. The only positive properties of the catalyst include slightly reduced fuel consumption. Although this indicator entirely depends on the condition of the catalyst. The scheme with one lambda probe complied with Euro 2 standards, but today this scheme is already outdated and is no longer used on new cars.

Replacing the muffler on a VAZ 2114/2115

Muffler failure on a car can happen for various reasons:

  • mechanical damage;
  • influence of atmospheric and mud precipitation;
  • burnout of the internal elements and walls of the muffler.

Signs of a malfunction most often manifest themselves in increased exhaust sound: the car is very loud, rumbles, an abundance of exhaust gases appears from under the car in the muffler area and the smell of unrefined fuel.

How to change the "glushak" with your own hands

In many cases, the muffler cannot be repaired and requires urgent replacement. This is not as difficult to do as it seems.

You will need:

  • new muffler + repair kit (rubber cushions, corrugation, metal-graphite ring installed under a clamp at the junction of the pipes of the additional and main mufflers);
  • tools;
  • portable lamp;
  • inspection hole or jack;
  • two hours of free time;
  • hands growing from the right place.

The repair kit consists of 5 rubber pads, two clamps and O-rings, a gasket

It is recommended to purchase replacement parts from trusted suppliers, as otherwise you may stumble upon a low-quality fake.

After purchasing parts, you need to make sure that they are actually suitable for replacement. You need to check all fasteners, holes and bends.

If all of the above corresponds to the parameters, you can begin dismantling the broken muffler. After installing the car on the inspection hole, check the condition of the fasteners and connecting bolts of the clamp between the additional muffler pipe and the main muffler pipe.

How to remove the muffler

It is recommended to dismantle the unit in the following sequence:

  1. Before unscrewing the nuts, treat the threads with WD-40 or rust remover and wait 10 minutes.
  2. Using a socket wrench or a 13mm socket, unscrew the two nuts holding the clamp.
  3. After removing the clamp, remove the sealing ring.
  4. Remove the rubber pads holding the muffler.
  5. Disconnect the muffler from the resonator.

If you have difficulty unscrewing the nuts, you can use a hammer and chisel. To do this, you need to rest the chisel against the edge of the nut and, with sharp blows of the hammer counterclockwise, try to “knock down” the thread. Otherwise, you should cut the bolts with a grinder.

Installing a new part

Installing a new muffler is done in the reverse order, but it is necessary to lubricate the gasket ring with high-temperature sealant. This will ensure a reliable and tight connection.

If there is no inspection hole, you can use a jack after placing a stop under the front wheels.

Causes of breakdowns

  1. Location and functionality lead to wear and tear of the gas exhaust system. The main negative factors leading to destruction.
  2. The road surface is not ideal. Stones and foreign objects are blown up by the wheels, air flow, holes, and obstacles contribute to mechanical damage and deformation.
  3. Driving over rough terrain with a ground clearance of less than twenty centimeters brings hard contact, dents, and scratches.
  4. External moisture, falling on very hot surfaces, creates a temperature difference. Thermal changes have a negative impact.
  5. Dirt, condensation, and salt compounds corrode the outer coating.
  6. Poorly adjusted fuel devices and leaky engine gaskets allow unburned fuel, oils, and coolant to enter the hot exhaust paths.
  7. Destructive processes as a result of chemical reactions. Use of reactive additives.
  8. The vibration of the power unit affects the welds and damages the suspension cushions.
  9. Looseness and wear of connecting components.
  10. Violation of manufacturing technologies at the plant.
  11. End of guaranteed resource.

Measures to extend the service life of the muffler

  • Timely adjustment of engine operating modes.
  • Sweeping gaskets, pillows, tightening fasteners.
  • If there is a catalyst, control the fuel being poured. Avoid unsuitable additives.
  • Careful driving is the key to success. It is necessary to drive around broken parts of the road and drive in lower gears on uneven sections.

Repair of muffler VAZ 2114/2115

Before replacing the muffler, it is necessary to inspect it for damage. In some cases, you can get by with minor repairs and not spend money on buying a new part.

Restoring the performance of the muffler is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The muffler and weld seams are cleaned with emery cloth.
  2. The entire part is inspected for cracks, burns, and damage.
  3. If a defect is detected, use semi-automatic welding and weld the cracks. A metal plate with a thickness of at least 1.5 millimeters can be welded onto the burnout areas. Seal small cracks with high-temperature sealant.

All working areas must be sanded for a better result.

Welding is used if the muffler metal is strong enough. The seams are welded in a thick layer to avoid background and new burnout.

Repair. Is it possible or not?

One-piece exhaust manifold with equal pipe lengths

Replacing the muffler is more of a last resort, since often the old unit is still quite viable. It just needs to be repaired.

  • First, remove the element, clean it and carefully inspect it from all sides;
  • Some damage has irreversible consequences, so repairs will be impossible;
  • If the inspection shows that the repair is real, get a repair kit;
  • If there is damage to the metal body of the muffler, but the strength of the material is preserved, welding work is performed. They will require a semi-automatic device and a plate up to 2 millimeters thick;
  • Make the seams strong and thick so that a new burnout does not form in the near future;
  • Small cracks are treated with silicone sealants that can withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees Celsius;
  • Some use fiberglass, which is coated with epoxy resin with heat-resistant additives. If you used this method, after the repair, start the engine and let it run for an hour. This will allow the epoxy to set properly.

It is obvious that the muffler plays a serious role in the operation of the VAZ 2114 car. Therefore, you should listen to its condition and take timely actions to repair and replace the unit.

Reasons for part failure

The muffler is affected by several different factors that can lead to failure, these are:

  • Atmospheric precipitation, dirt. Precipitation means the occurrence of rain and snow. A mass that periodically falls on a hot pipe causes temperature changes, destroying the strength of the metal. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to protect the muffler in any way; moisture will in any case affect the metal. A smart solution would be to avoid driving through deep puddles and drive slowly on contaminated sections of the road. If the muffler and pipe are dirty, it is necessary to clean it with water (you can use a pressure jet from a hose). After cleaning, it is recommended to start the engine so that any water that has entered the muffler evaporates.
  • Condensate. When the unit is idle for a long time, condensation forms in the muffler, causing a corrosive process. This leads to inevitable destruction of the internal parts of the muffler. This happens extremely rarely, but before the trip it is recommended to increase the operating speed by pressing the accelerator several times. The flow of exhaust gases removes moisture from the silencer.
  • Chemical influence. As a result of the release of exhaust gas, a lot of toxic chemical particles settle on the walls of the muffler, destroying the metal, and allowing road reagents to get into the muffler.
  • Physical influence. Hitting stones and blows from the muffler when driving on roads also lead to a lot of damage.

The chemical and physical effect on the muffler metal is a natural process. It will not be possible to disassemble and clean the muffler, since the container cannot be opened, and only the attention and professionalism of the driver on the road will help protect it from impacts and stones. Diagnosing and repairing minor damage at the initial stage will help avoid serious problems in the future.

The influence of various negative factors can lead to damage to the corrugation or other parts of the muffler

Negative factors affecting the gas outlet

Exhaust gas diagram

The gas exhaust system is located directly under the bottom of the car, which provokes a number of negative impacts.

  1. Dust, dirt, and water regularly get onto the muffler body and hot pipe, which reduces strength.
  2. Exposure to sudden temperature changes has a negative impact on the service life of the system.
  3. Influence of external corrosion.
  4. The negative impact of internal corrosion occurs due to condensation accumulating when the engine is idling.
  5. The internal walls are destroyed due to the aggressive, pulsating influences of gas flows, abrasive and chemical particles that settle and destroy the material.
  6. Elementary mechanical damage caused by vibrations and hits on the muffler by stones flying from under the wheels.

All these factors sometimes arise simultaneously, which is why the integrity of the element is at risk. It is not surprising that even the highest quality products in our road conditions last no more than 12 years.

Useful tips

Finally, here are some useful tips that will help your car muffler last longer.

  1. Inspect the exhaust system at least once a month. This will allow you to timely detect existing problems and eliminate them through minor repairs.
  2. Try to avoid sudden cooling of the muffler while the engine is running. This way you will protect it from premature corrosion.
  3. Check the attachment of the muffler to the bottom. Excessive vibration will not have a positive effect on its condition.
  4. Monitor the performance of the oxygen sensor, because the amount of oxygen in the combustible mixture depends on its information. If its correct concentration is violated, it can burn out in the exhaust manifold or even in the catalyst.
  5. If you really had to buy a muffler, choose a model with optimal quality and price.

How to find and order auto products on Aliexpress at a reasonable price and free delivery

  1. The first step of purchasing a product on Aliexpress is creating a new profile. To register on the site, you must provide your personal data, email address and create a password to log in. An important nuance is confirmation of the email address. If you do not confirm it within 24 hours after registration, your account will be blocked. If you are already registered, log into the site using your username and password.

  2. The second step is to search for the required product. There are two ways to find the required part on Aliexpress. The first way is to immediately enter the product you are looking for, for example, a resonator (additional muffler) into the search bar.

  3. The second method is to click on the “See all” button next to the “Categories” column in the upper left corner of the site.

  4. Next, select the “Cars and Motorcycles” category.

  5. Then click on the inscription “Car parts”, after which you will see this picture.

  6. You can search for spare parts by vehicle make, price and other criteria. Don't forget to choose free shipping. It is better to sort products by seller rating, because if a seller has a high rating, then its products correspond to the description and are inexpensive.

  7. When the product you are looking for is found, click on the “Buy Now” icon. If you want to purchase several more items, put the selected one in your cart so as not to lose it. Next, you need to fill in the delivery address and pay for the order using one of the proposed methods.

Tools, devices, consumables

To replace the resonator you will need the following tools and accessories:

  1. Keys to “17” (two pieces).
  2. Key amplifier.
  3. New resonator gasket.
  4. Sealing metal rings.
  5. Clamps with fasteners.
  6. Liquid WD40.

Criteria for choosing a new resonator

Resonators with double housings will last the longest. It is important that the material is resistant to corrosion. Typically, inexpensive mufflers are made from aluminized steel, which is ordinary steel coated with a thin layer of aluminum that protects the surface from corrosion. However, when purchasing such a resonator, you should remember that the low cost of the product comes at the expense of reduced durability. The best resonators are made of stainless steel. The volume of the resonator plays an equally important role. This indicator affects the efficiency of its work. When the volume is not enough, when you press the gas pedal sharply, the noise will increase significantly, and the element itself may begin to vibrate.

How to replace an additional muffler (resonator) step by step instructions

  1. Apply WD40 liquid to the connecting bolts and tightening clamps on both sides of the resonator and give time so that it can penetrate into all the cracks (about 10-15 minutes).
  2. We install a stand under the catalyst in advance so that after dismantling the clamps that connect the resonator to the catalyst, it does not sag, which can cause damage to the fastenings with the exhaust pipe. We make a stand for the resonator in exactly the same way, since it will need to be unscrewed on both sides.

  3. We take the keys prepared in advance and unscrew the fastenings from the side of the catalyst. Be prepared for the fact that you will need to put in quite a lot of effort.
  4. We unscrew the fastenings on the muffler side, thereby freeing the gasket between the resonator and the muffler.
  5. We dismantle the old resonator.
  6. When installing a new resonator, first tighten the mounting bolts on the catalyst side, but not completely.

  7. Next, we connect the muffler to the resonator, having previously inserted a new O-ring. During connection, check the tightness of the gasket to avoid leakage of exhaust gases.
  8. Tighten the mounting bolts on the catalytic converter side.
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