Fuel saver Free Fuel - reviews

People have been talking about saving gasoline since the creation of the first car. Today, various enterprising businessmen are offering naive consumers a miraculous device that reduces fuel consumption. What is the FreeFuel fuel saving device? Divorce or not? Are the reviews about its use real or paid? The information below will help answer these questions.


The Fuelfree fuel saver has a large number of advantages that will delight all motorists. The device operates regardless of the type of power unit - diesel or gasoline.

There are the following advantages:

  • The power unit is protected from low-quality gasoline or diesel fuel.
  • The kilometers from refueling to refueling are increasing.
  • Engine performance increases by 5 horses.
  • The battery is significantly unloaded.
  • The electrical supply system is returning to normal.

Permanent change of the name of the company that patented the product

Manufacturers get confused when creating advertisements for their products. The video and online store sites initially indicated that the economizer was a patented device developed by General Motors. So why don’t the factories under the company’s jurisdiction that produce cars use the device and disclose information about it? And all because in fact the company did not patent such products.

Recently, information has appeared on websites that the device was developed by NASA. And the question immediately arises: how is astronautics related to saving gasoline? Here we can conclude that the FuelFree fuel saver is another scam. Reviews left by disappointed consumers are direct confirmation of this.

Installation instructions

A fuel saver can be purchased for any car that runs on gasoline or diesel. The device can be installed in just 5 minutes. In this case, the magnetic field will immediately begin to function, activating high-quality fuel consumption.

Before installation, it is recommended to read the instructions to avoid mistakes and complete installation. Any car enthusiast can cope with the task, because there is nothing difficult about it.

  1. First you need to open the hood and find the hose that is used to supply fuel.
  2. The magnet halves will need to be secured around the hose, and then tightened with a plastic fastener.
  3. When installing the device, you need to ensure that the fuel pipe is not pinched. This is important, because otherwise the movement of fuel will be disrupted.

Buyers note that Fuelfree has many advantages over other devices. The device does not harm the operation of the car, and is suitable for any car that is equipped with an internal combustion engine. A person gets the opportunity to significantly save gasoline. Engine power is increased by 5 hp. pp., although the device is inexpensive. Experts even note that the service life of candles is significantly increased. The purchase of a fuel saver will pay for itself within a month, so you don’t have to worry about the money spent.

FuelFree fuel saver: scam or truth

Almost every car driver wants less fuel to be consumed, while the driving distance does not increase, and engine power does not decrease. Is it possible? The manufacturer of the Fuel Free fuel economizer says it can.

This is what the Full Free economizer device looks like

The advantages, according to sellers of the FuelFree device, are as follows:

  • The main trick of advertisers is that, on average, depending on the makes and models of cars, fuel consumption is reduced by 20%.
  • Engine parts are protected from low quality fuel.
  • Increases the service life (overhaul period) of the internal combustion engine of the machine.


During the promotion, the device will cost much less, so you need to hurry while the special offer is valid. The old price is 1980 rubles, and the new one is 990 rubles.

The manufacturer Fuelfree guarantees results, so you don’t have to worry about the money spent. The cost is completely justified, because a person will be able to save fuel. Engine performance will improve and additional horsepower will appear. You just need to carry out the installation correctly to achieve results.

2 comments 3,

The modern automotive industry offers not only cars for every taste, but also many related components that are designed to increase travel comfort, increase engine power, and more.

The list of automotive components that have no analogues in the world today was recently supplemented by the FuelFree fuel saver. Manufacturers of these products claim that they save fuel regardless of engine type.

Manufacturers of fuel saver cite real reviews from experts as confirmation of the effectiveness of their development, causing confusion in the heads of consumers who are trying to understand what Free Full is: a scam or the truth. Are there other opinions that say the FreeFuel fuel saver is a scam?

What is FreeFuel?

A device that helps to significantly reduce fuel consumption and prevent rapid engine wear. According to the manufacturer, the device reduces the amount of gasoline consumed by up to 20%.

Is this feature of the FreeFuel device a scam or not? Reviews say that the saver really works, and all negative reviews are either the machinations of competitors or the result of purchasing goods from scammers. But is this really so? The essence of the device’s operation will help you understand this issue in more detail.

Creators' opinion

According to the information provided on the manufacturer's official website, a fuel economizer is a specialized device that allows you to reduce fuel consumption. The device is widely represented in the American and European markets, however, there are no reviews from foreign motorists about FreeFuel.

The Fuel Shark fuel saver is based on the action of magnets. According to the manufacturer, if you install the device on your car, it will provide a 20 percent reduction in gasoline consumption. At the same time, FreeFuel is distinguished by a truly affordable price, which makes the device even more attractive in the eyes of consumers.

What does the device consist of?

The device looks quite simple, and at first glance does not inspire confidence. Two identical-sized plastic shapes with magnets included in them are all that make up the FreeFuel fuel saver. Customer reviews say that many were simply perplexed at how a small box could reduce fuel consumption by almost a quarter and, in addition, prevent malfunctions in the engine and fuel system.

Principle of operation

Any motorist is always looking for an opportunity to reduce engine fuel consumption. And the FreeFuel developer will offer a new method to solve this problem. Structurally, this device for saving fuel in cars consists of two magnets. The latter are an alloy made from three materials:

When combined, these elements are capable of generating a magnetic field that has no analogues today. Gasoline saver, by affecting carbon compounds, breaks down molecular bonds. The result is active small particles.

A mixture of hydrocarbons that is exposed to high temperature undergoes compression or expansion. These processes lead to the formation of a molecular network, due to which the fuel cannot be sufficiently enriched with oxygen. As a result, gasoline and diesel do not burn completely and partially penetrate into the environment.

The creation of a fuel saver is intended to solve this problem. Due to the magnetic field, atoms are grouped separately from each other. This ensures a reduction in fuel consumption. In addition, when the device operates, negative emissions into the atmosphere are reduced to nothing.

Main advantages of the saver

The positive characteristics of the device for saving gasoline have been partially described above.

The first thing that FuelFree users note is that the fuel saver can be installed with your own hands without much difficulty. To do this, just use the plastic clamp that comes with the product and attach the latter to the fuel supply pipe.

Other advantages that FuelFree has include:

  • the positive effect of using a fuel saver occurs immediately after installation is completed;
  • a 20% reduction in fuel consumption is achieved in comparison with standard indicators;
  • elimination of deposits on engine structural components, which allows saving on fuel oil;
  • increase in engine power;
  • protection of the engine from low-quality fuel;
  • increasing the mileage until the next refueling;
  • extending the service life of the power plant.

An important feature of FuelFree is that the device does not affect the terms of the warranty issued by the car manufacturer.

It would seem that a person who saves on fuel is obliged to purchase this accessory. Is there any catch that the FuelFree manufacturer is keeping silent about?

Another opinion

FuelFree is not the first invention whose creators claim to reduce fuel consumption if installed on a car. The developers attract the attention of consumers not only with the high efficiency of the device, but also with the relatively low price set for it (1750-3600 rubles).

In fact, the described capabilities of FuelFree are questionable. This is partly explained by physical laws, according to which, to break the molecular bonds formed in a carbon compound, it is necessary to apply a force greater than that created by the magnetic field.

Also ridiculous is the advertising message stating that the developer of FuelFree is General Motors. If this is the case, then it is natural to ask why the automaker does not install the economizer on its own cars.

This solution will allow the manufacturer to increase the attractiveness of its products in the eyes of consumers, thereby increasing its sales, and satisfy any requirements that environmentalists place on GM.

In addition, from advertising messages you can find out that as the number of installed savers increases, the level of fuel consumption decreases. In other words, there is a possibility that after installing N-number of magnets, the motor will stop consuming fuel.

No fewer questions arise when a consumer turns to stores for savings. Why is the device now available only through specialized Internet sites? Probably, the whole point is that sellers of such products have prepared in advance to refuse refunds to dissatisfied consumers.

We challenge positive and negative reviews of Full Free

There are false reviews left by the order or by the sellers themselves, but there are also real ones. Let’s use our heads and study in detail the principle of operation in reality:

  1. Magnetic devices are not capable of crushing links or molecules of a substance. A nuclear reactor or hadron collider is used for this.
  2. Fuel for cars, be it gasoline or diesel, is a dielectric (a substance that does not conduct electricity well). The physicist driver calculated that in order to rearrange, crush and drive molecules, it is necessary to build a multi-meter magnet, about 15 floors in height. And in order to break molecules with this magnet, you need an even larger power plant. It turns out that small magnets cannot influence fuel molecules at all.
  3. Also, experts say that magnetic fields cannot affect the impurities contained in fuel. Therefore, the FuelFree device cannot extend the service life of the internal combustion engine.

Promotional videos show that the device was developed by the automobile concern General Motors. But for some reason they do not install such devices on the cars they produce; this could increase the car sales rating.

The way you can really reduce fuel consumption is to install 4th generation gas equipment in your car.

Real review about FuelFree

The economizer was purchased specifically for the experiment. Was successfully installed into the machine system. During operation, after a month, after two and after three, there was no decrease in fuel consumption.

From the information above, we conclude that there is no need to chase after new electronic devices. If these devices actually worked, it would be a significant plus for drivers and a minus for fuel traders.

Author of the publication


Why is the saver popular?

The main reason why car owners purchase fuel savers is the pursuit of a cheap product that reduces operating costs. In addition, sellers of such products try to write only laudatory reviews about the product, erasing any negative opinion.

Complete information about FuelFree is presented only on the manufacturer’s official website, where any information is described in superlatives. It is impossible to find any critical comments on such resources.

At the same time, the consumer, reading the information on the official website, does not have the opportunity to familiarize himself with any tests of savers and the results obtained.

The attractiveness of purchasing FuelFree is also explained by the fact that the seller immediately offers a large discount that is valid for a limited period. That is, the consumer, trying to take advantage of favorable conditions, does not have time to think whether he needs this product or whether it is better to wait a little with it.

If you turn to specialized forums, then from them you can find out the whole truth about fuel savers.

An equally important condition that attracts buyers are certificates posted on the seller’s official website. The latter must prove that the presented product actually has all the characteristics specified by the manufacturer.

In fact, all certificates, as well as positive reviews from real users, are nothing more than fake.

Any fuel savers offered on the Internet are a scam to consumers. Such devices do not reduce fuel consumption, since they do not in any way affect the characteristics of carbon mixtures. You can reduce your fuel consumption only if you drive less or buy a small car.

Author of the article: Bogdan Denisov

Journalist, administrator of the Medical Facts network of online sites, author of many articles on saving for the Economim24 website.

Graduated from the journalism department of Kyiv National University. T. Shevchenko (KNU) in 2013.

The truth about fuel economy. A few facts

The device manufacturer has one goal, and it is definitely not saving the consumer money. An expensive device in fact turns out to be just another “dummy” that attracts attention with the help of advertising. After testing the device, the majority of users stated that using the product did not give any results and they do not recommend FreeFuel.

Divorce or not? Positive reviews, of which there are many, claim that it is not, and negative reviews say that the device is just an ordinary piece of useless plastic.

What does the Free Full manufacturer promise?

Meanwhile, it is noted that the device can easily save you up to 20% of fuel on vehicles such as cars and trucks, passenger vehicles, motorcycles, water transport, etc.

In addition, Free Full differs from its competitors in that the effect of its use applies equally to two types of internal combustion engines, respectively, running on both gasoline and diesel.

Product testing location

An interesting point is that the creators of the product in its advertising mention testing in Ukraine, despite the fact that the device itself is manufactured in Moscow. So why did ordinary users find out about this “innovative product” only through an advertising video, if testing was carried out in a neighboring country? How did it happen that not a single Muscovite wanted to test the device? This also suggests that the FreeFuel device is a scam, another way to pump out as much money as possible from naive citizens.

How it works?

Structurally, the FuelFree fuel saver consists of two magnets based on an alloy of neodymium (Nd), iron (Fe) and boron (B), which form a high-frequency magnetic field capable of splitting the molecular units of hydrocarbons into small particles, thereby activating them.

Reproduction of FuelFree operation

According to the Green Style company, the hydrocarbon mixture, under the influence of temperature fluctuations, contracts and expands from time to time, and its atoms form a molecular network. Because of this, they are not enriched with oxygen, which leads to a decrease in the octane number of gasoline or diesel fuel, and the fuel itself does not burn completely.

Scheme of operation of the FuelFree saver

In turn, Free Full solves the above problem based on magnetic influence, grouping carbon atoms separately from each other.

Therefore, providing a significant increase in engine power, increasing its wear resistance and efficiency, as well as reducing the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

To properly take advantage of the FreeFuel functionality, simply use a plastic clamp, install the accessory on the fuel supply pipe and that's basically it. The elements necessary for fastening are included with the device if you order it here:

Advantages of the Free Full economizer

Based on a series of studies reported by the manufacturer, FreeFuel has a whole list of positive properties:

  • the presence of an immediate effect that appears immediately after attaching the device;
  • savings on fuel consumption up to 20%;
  • eliminating carbon deposits inside the power unit;
  • increase in power (about 5 hp) and service life of both gasoline and diesel engines;
  • operation of Free Full does not affect the terms of the vehicle warranty;
  • Finally, you can install the device yourself, without resorting to the help of a service station.

Whether it's a hoax or true remains to be seen, but first we'll take a look at the FreeFuel prices.

Customer Reviews

A huge number of reviews about a device that can reduce gasoline consumption can be divided into 2 categories: positive and sharply negative.

The first category includes paid reviews that contain the following information:

  • The buyer is satisfied with the use of FreeFuel; the amount of fuel consumed has noticeably decreased. As a result, he started filling up his car less often.
  • Thanks to the device, there are fewer exhaust gases, and engine power has increased significantly.
  • Thanks to 5 devices attached to the fuel line, savings on gasoline per month amounted to up to 5,000 rubles.

The FreeFuel fuel saver, the majority of customer reviews of which are positive, turns out to be nothing more than a useless purchase. Do not trust responses that are not supported by any additional reliable information (original photographs, videos).

“Speeches of praise” aimed at increasing the number of sales of the device inspire confidence in many. As for negative reviews, they are more believable and represent the negative experience of people who happened to purchase the device. It will help you decide whether a FreeFuel saver is worth buying.

Real product reviews:

  • With the economy unit attached, fuel consumption not only did not decrease, but actually increased.
  • FreeFuel is a “dummy”, another way to deceive ordinary people.
  • An expensive device, absolutely useless to use.
  • After testing the purchased economizer, the condition of the engine deteriorated, and the arrow on the fuel level indicator began to show false information.
  • While driving a car, the body of the device partially melted and disrupted the normal operation of the engine.

FreeFuel manufacturers explain negative reviews either by improper operation of the device or by the machinations of competitors. They claim that the device has no analogues in the world and its effectiveness has been proven.

The best way to rationally consume fuel is to minimize vehicle operation, constantly maintain equipment and use only high-quality oils and original spare parts.

The device for reducing gasoline consumption did not justify itself during testing in the Russian automobile television program “Main Road.” But everyone decides for themselves whether to buy a device or not.

Recently, a new product called a fuel saver has appeared in the field of automotive technology, which, according to manufacturers and sellers, can reduce fuel consumption. It's called FuelFree. To avoid becoming a victim of advertising and buying a useless product, you need to read reviews about it on various Internet resources.

Economizer cost

Under no circumstances buy Free Full from unverified sellers. The fact is that some sellers, purchasing goods from the manufacturer, then resell them at inflated prices, while others try to sell low-quality Chinese counterfeits. To avoid falling for such a scam, look for the saver on the official website. By the way, it is possible that the company will offer you a discount when purchasing a product here:

Official cost of the device:

A countryPrice (including discount)Price (excluding discount)
RussiaRUB 1,7903,600 rub.
Ukraine450 UAH898 UAH
Belarus439,000 BYN rub. 880,000 BYN rub.
Kazakhstan5,590 tenge11,200 tenge
Kyrgyzstan1,890 som3,800 som

FreeFuel Cost

The price for such a “miracle device” varies between 1000-3000 rubles, not including postage fees. The original FreeFuel is sold, as the manufacturer claims, exclusively on the company’s official website. All other sellers offering similar products are scammers.

Fuel savers, no different from the original, are sold on the Aliexpress website, and their cost is only 150-200 rubles. But FreeFuel manufacturers do not recommend buying devices from a Chinese online retailer.

Reviews of FreeFuel: a scam or does the device really work?

As already mentioned, in order to give the most objective assessment of the work of the Free Full economizer, we will turn to the opinions of professionals and ordinary car enthusiasts.

Experts' opinions

Before you read the reviews, you can read the story of one taxi service owner who put a saver on all his cars and was able to reduce the cost of trips by 20%. Read the taxi owner's blog »

I am an auto mechanic with 10 years of experience, and in my time I have come across more than one such gadget as the Fuelfree fuel saver. I will say right away that until I see with my own eyes the official test results for this device, I will not recommend it left or right.

The only thing I can advise those who want but are hesitant to buy a device is to take two neodymium magnets and secure them with electrical tape in the right place. If the effect does not keep you waiting, then feel free to buy Free Full in the store, otherwise, it’s better not to risk it.

Alexey Kriventsov – auto mechanic (Moscow)

I first came across Freefuel analogues back in the early 90s, when I was driving foreign cars from Germany. Back then, every second car had a similar accessory. Quite recently, I myself installed Free Full on my fourth generation Lexus LS, the savings are immediately noticeable - 3-4 liters per 100 km. As for power, I have nothing to say here, since I practically don’t drive in sport mode, but judging by the feedback from my service station clients, the increase is more than noticeable.

Alexey Ignatiev – owner of a service station (Kaliningrad)

The fact that Freefuel works is a fact, but the manufacturer’s claims about 20% fuel savings are a scam, or as it is now called a “marketing ploy.” Those. This can be done in laboratory conditions. However, in practice, the results range from 10-12% (in some cases - 15%).

From the point of view of chemistry and physics

Gasoline is a dielectric substance, practically impervious to magnetic waves. Its molecules are so small that it would take a large and very strong magnet (about the size of a 50-meter building) to force them to rearrange themselves. Neodymium magnets, despite their effectiveness in other areas (refining oil from metal particles, etc.), are absolutely useless here.

So is FreeFuel a scam or not? Reviews of its effectiveness, as well as facts from physics and chemistry, so far confirm that the device does not work and does not have a positive effect on the engine.

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