How does the volume of diesel fuel change with temperature changes?

The density of gasoline and other fuels is its specific gravity, namely the amount of mass per unit volume.

The density of the fuel largely depends on the density of the oil from which it is obtained. According to GOST R 52368-2005, the fuel density at a temperature of +15 °C should be in the range of 0.820-0.845 g/cm3, and according to GOST 305-82 it should not exceed 0.860 (at 20 °C)

The density of the fuel depends on the temperature, however, as for any other liquid: as the temperature increases, the density of the oil product decreases and vice versa - as the temperature decreases, the density increases. There are special tables for recalculating fuel density depending on temperature. For diesel fuel, the temperature correction for density changes is, on average, 0.0007 g/cm3 per 1°C.

Also see the table density of liquids

State standards applicable to gasoline

Until the end of the nineties, the production of petroleum products in Russia, in particular the production of gasoline, was regulated by GOST 2084 and TU 38.001165. These standards regulated the production of gasoline grades from A 76 to AI 96 based on their octane number. At that time, the global fuel industry was rapidly developing, cars had powerful engines, and issues of ecology and environmental protection were just beginning to be raised by individual countries. Accordingly, little attention was paid to environmental fuel standards.

Later, outdated GOSTs, along with technological progress, were replaced by newer quality standards that meet modern environmental requirements. Thus, in 1999, GOST R 51105-97 was introduced, regulating the compliance of gasoline with the requirements of the EURO 2 standard. However, in Europe at this time the issue of environmental protection became increasingly relevant. Already in 2000, a more modern environmental quality standard, EURO 3, was introduced in Europe, significantly reducing the permissible levels of metal compounds, including heavy metals, in gasoline.

Following European environmental standards, in Russia, on July 1, 2002, a new standard GOST R 51866-2002 (EH 228-2004) was adopted. This standard has already applied to the brands of high-quality high-octane gasoline Premium Euro 95 and Super Euro 98, as well as their types.

A few years later in the European Union, the EURO 3 standard was replaced by the new environmental standard EURO 4. Following this, in Russia, on January 1, 2015, GOST 32513-2013 and TU 0251-001-12150839-2015 were adopted. Both of these documents set quality standards for modern gasoline, with an octane number of at least 80 according to the research method.

After the introduction of the new EURO 5 standard, environmental requirements for fuel quality have become significantly stricter. In Russia, the EURO 5 standard was adopted on January 1, 2016. In fact, currently all imported cars imported into Russia and the fuel produced comply with this standard. Today, technical regulations regulate more than twenty characteristics of gasoline, including the proportion of benzene, which increases the octane number of gasoline, but causes significant harm to the environment. In addition, in accordance with EURO 5 requirements, gasoline is not allowed to contain metal-containing components that form toxic compounds and seriously affect the environment.

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Density of diesel fuel: table

For convenience, we provide a comparative table of the main properties of various types of fuel, including the specific density of diesel fuel kg/m3.

Table 1

Density of diesel fuel: basic values

Name Ambient temperature, C Pour point, C Flash point, C Maximum density, kg/m3
Summer diesel From 0 and above -5 62 860
Winter diesel Up to -25 -35 40 840
Arctic diesel Up to 50 -55 35 830

Density of diesel fuel depending on temperature - table for determining the density of universal-purpose petroleum products. We present it in full.

table 2

Density of diesel fuel: full values

+1 C+2 C+3 C+4 C+5 C+6 C+7 C+8 C+9 C+10 C+11 C+12 C+13 C+14 C+15 C+16 C+17 C+18 C+19 C+20 C

It is used in cases where density measurement occurs when there is a deviation from the standard temperature. Having determined the density of the substance at the current moment in time, it is necessary to draw a horizontal parallel to a column with a temperature of +20 degrees - this will be the real density of the composition.

Density of diesel fuel depending on temperature

Temperature effects are also important for diesel fuel. Therefore, to obtain correct measurement data, a standard temperature must be set. Relative to diesel, the value is +20 degrees Celsius.

The higher the temperature of the composition, the greater its density. Diesel, being a product of oil refining, is determined by the physical properties that the original raw material has. This means that the thermal dependence of this type of fuel cannot initially be neutralized. That is why summer and winter diesel fuel is available for sale, maximally adapted to the respective climatic conditions. In this case, the consumption of a liquid product with a lower density will be greater.

Calculation of density of petroleum products

In order to determine using this table the density of an oil product at a given temperature, it is necessary:

a) find the density of the oil product at +20oC from the passport; b) measure the average temperature of the cargo in the tank; c) determine the difference between +20oC and the average temperature of the cargo; d) in Table 1, using the temperature correction column, find the correction for 1oC, the corresponding density of this product at +20oC; e) multiply the temperature correction of density by the temperature difference; f) subtract the product obtained in paragraph “e” from the density value at +20oC if the average temperature of the oil product in the tank is above +20oC, or add this product if the temperature of the product is below +20oC.

Table 1 Average temperature corrections for the density of petroleum products

Density at 20oCTemperature correction by 1oCDensity at 20oCTemperature correction by 1oC


  • The density of the oil product at +20oC, according to the passport, is 0.8240. The temperature of the oil product in the tank is +23oC. Determine the density of the petroleum product at this temperature. We find: a) temperature difference 23o - 20o = 3o; b) temperature correction per 1oC according to Table 1 for a density of 0.8240, amounting to 0.000738; c) temperature correction by 3o: 0.000738*3=0.002214, or rounded 0.0022; d) the desired density of the oil product at a temperature of +23oC (the correction must be subtracted, since the temperature of the cargo in the tank is higher than +20oC), equal to 0.8240-0.0022=0.8218, or rounded to 0.8220.
  • The density of the oil product at +20oC, according to the passport, is 0.7520. The temperature of the cargo in the tank is -12oC. Determine the density of the petroleum product at this temperature. We find: a) temperature difference +20oC - (-12oC) = 32oC; b) temperature correction per 1oC according to the table for a density of 0.7520, amounting to 0.000831; c) temperature correction by 32o, equal to 0.000831*32=0.026592, or rounded 0.0266; d) the desired density of the oil product at a temperature of -12oC (the correction must be added, since the temperature of the cargo in the tank is below +20oC), equal to 0.7520 + 0.0266 = 0.7786, or rounded 0.7785.

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Density of diesel fuel at 20 degrees

The specific gravity of diesel fuel at 20 degrees is an accurate and real value. It is in this state of the liquid that the numerical expression of the specific density will be as adequate as possible. Also, at +20 degrees it is possible to objectively assess the quality properties of the product. A good density indicator indicates that the diesel fuel does not contain excess water vapor and heavy fractional hydrocarbons, which prevent rapid ignition of the liquid during ignition and increase fuel consumption while driving.

#Diesel fuel

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