How to make an antenna for a car radio with your own hands

Car antennas today differ in purpose. In combat conditions they receive communications, in peaceful conditions they receive broadcasting channels and navigation information. The car antenna is a quarter-wave vibrator, supplemented with matching devices. The signal line, the ground, will be the body of the car. Due to these two components, signal reception becomes possible. Due to the simplicity of the design, they make a car antenna with their own hands. First determine the purpose of the device, wave range, and modulation type. Three main components laid down by the design.

How a car antenna works

Such a device is necessary to receive electromagnetic waves. It begins to convert the energy flow of these waves into an electrical signal. After these manipulations, this signal can be amplified and converted. Reception of such waves is possible only when the antenna is tuned to the required frequency or frequency range.

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In order for it to capture the required frequency range, you need to choose the right length, because The quality of the received signal and sound will depend on this. In order for the device to pick up FM frequencies, the antenna must be at least 750 mm long. This explains the relationship between the size of the device and the quality of the resulting sound.

To make an antenna for a radio with your own hands, you should first decide on the type of mechanism.

Varieties of the model range

Anyone who has decided to build an antenna for FM radio with their own hands must understand that the main task of such a device is to capture the broadcast signal, amplify it and transmit it to the input of the receiver being used. Depending on the required range, the final unit may differ not only in the type of design, but also in dimensions. Experienced experts say that the modern market has a huge variety of antennas, and some of them can easily be called complex engineering structures that can occupy up to several thousand square meters.

In the standard model, the receiving device can be equipped with a universal conductor, which is suspended above the ground surface on protective insulators. Those electromagnetic waves that cross such a unit induce a high-frequency alternating voltage in it and transmit it to the input of the radio receiver. The final device amplifies the signal, due to which a specific low-frequency component is isolated from it, and the user himself hears high-quality sound.

Required spare parts and tools

Making an antenna that amplifies a signal broadcast at FM frequencies is a fairly simple, interesting and slightly educational activity that even a master without relevant experience can handle.

Basic tools and materials for work:

  • ceramic insulators and elements for their connection;
  • thin steel wire;
  • roller blocks - clamps;
  • plug;
  • switch on 2 positions;
  • copper wire with a diameter of 1.5 to 2 millimeters.

You can make a high-quality antenna without unnecessary expenses and exotic, hard-to-find materials. A set of necessary tools and parts can be purchased at any specialized store.

In what cases is it advisable to make it yourself?

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A whip antenna for radio reception usually does not contain any electronic components. In its production, mechanical processes are used (stamping, casting, metalwork). In everyday life, individual operations are quite difficult to perform using conventional tools. Therefore, it is better to purchase simple antennas ready-made.

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More complex antenna devices for long-distance radio reception, television broadcasting and radio communications, interior antenna devices are products that include high-frequency matching systems, amplification units, and galvanic power supply isolation. With certain skills and experience, these expensive devices can be easily made independently, spending little money. In their manufacture, you can use ready-made components from factory antennas and other devices.

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Homemade devices can be used at the stage of testing receiving equipment. For example, when deciding to install a television receiver in a car, you can design a homemade antenna of a certain type (prototype). Then, in a real situation, analyze its effectiveness. If the reception quality is satisfactory, then purchase a good quality factory device. This method will avoid the cost of an unnecessary device. It should be taken into account that after connecting to the car’s equipment, the seller usually does not accept the antenna back, even if it does not satisfy the buyer in terms of characteristics.

Outdoor installation

For external construction, a Polish-made TV amplifier is usually used. You can also assemble everything yourself. High-quality signal transmission is ensured by a pair of telescopic antennas. They are usually borrowed from old radios on the radio market.

The plastic from the amplifier, to which a magnetic mount is attached, is suitable as a housing. At the next stage, we provide the system with power supply. You will need to take the connector from the active antenna and solder a wire into it. Then we run the cable in such a way that it does not cause problematic chafing or pinching, and finally we fix it in this position.

We lead the wire soldered to the connector to a socket connected to +12 V on the multimedia system. We insert the plug into the corresponding “input” of the socket and enjoy a clear image.

Cable selection for AUGRA

Radio antenna devices permanently installed on the car (mortise and pin mounts) have good contact with the metal of the body. The input impedance of commercially produced antennas is 50 Ohms, and a standard RG-58 coaxial antenna cable with an outer diameter of 5.0 mm fits perfectly with them. A cable length of more than 5 meters is not recommended due to the increasing attenuation of the received signal.

Automatic gearboxes installed on a car magnetically are not electrically connected to the body. To connect them with the radio, we recommend cables RG-213 or RK 50-7-11 with an outer diameter of 10.5 mm. The cable length is determined to be 360-390 cm. Changing the length in any direction from this indicator leads to the loss of the possibility of high-quality configuration of the equipment.

How to make a car antenna with your own hands

For radio

An antenna for a car radio can be made from any steel pin. In order for it to work well over the entire wavelength range, from medium (AM) to ultra-short (FM), it is necessary to install an inductive extender of effective length. It represents a regular inductor coil wound with thick copper wire in varnish insulation. Such a wire can be taken from the step-down winding of an old powerful transformer.

In order for the winding to be sufficiently even, it is wound on a long key with a thread pitch approximately equal to the diameter of the wire.

How long should the connected antenna be for reliable reception?

When I talk about quality, I mean the sensitivity of the radio receiver. What is sensitivity? Sensitivity is actually the minimum signal measured in volts that is induced from the transmitter on the antenna. A signal at which the receiver is capable of producing high-quality signal reproduction with nominal characteristics. The longer the antenna, the higher the emf. on the antenna, the correspondingly lower the sensitivity of the receiver should be. But even here there is a reasonable limit when, as the length of the antenna increases, the signal will no longer be reproduced with better quality. There is also the matter of what kind of waves you are going to catch.

The antenna must be a multiple of the wave amplitude. This is especially true for walkie-talkies, since the amplitude there is large, which means the antennas will be large.

So, the first condition is when everything is reproduced with nominal characteristics, as they say - it’s better and not necessary. The second factor is when the interference induced on the antenna will be amplified equally with the useful signal. In this case, it does not matter what length your antenna is, along with an increase in the length of the antenna and an increase in the useful signal, the E.M.F. will also increase proportionally. and unwanted signal - interference. It is important here that the receiver is selective, that is, it catches the “useful” signal.

As a rule, the sensitivity and selectivity of the receiver depends on the manufacturer; branded high-quality receivers have sufficient sensitivity of about 5 microvolts to ensure reliable reception with a standard antenna of about 0.5 m. This is quite enough for use in the city and outside the city up to 40-50 km from the transmitter. But even here, an unequivocal statement of high sensitivity and selectivity is not always a panacea. So, in a city saturated with interference, adjacent radio stations, every few tenths of MHz, the receiver may produce unwanted interference and noise. Of course, the quality of transmitting equipment is currently quite high and this outcome is unlikely, but still. Also, the distance of reliable reception depends on the landscape of the area. In open areas, reception will be reliable over a considerable distance; in a city where there are often metal structures, the signal may suddenly disappear. Resonance phenomena occur when waves are either amplified or significantly weakened as a result of shielding and their propagation characteristics. Now just a little about the principle of propagation of long and short waves. The principle is similar to the propagation of light waves. Longer waves are more amenable, so to speak, to diffraction, bending around surfaces, as a result of which they propagate much further with less loss. Short waves, when meeting an obstacle, actually change the angle of propagation. One or two obstacles and they have already lost their way.


Despite the fact that today computers or at least televisions are very popular, there are still fans of radio broadcasting. In order for an FM radio to fully and correctly perform all its functions, it must be equipped with a specially designed antenna. Currently, the technology market offers a large number of types of antennas that provide high quality signal reception. They vary in size, appearance and functionality. Let's look at a few of the most common options:

  • rod devices are made in the form of an ordinary rod or have a rounded shape;
  • wire antennas are curved;
  • the design of telescopic units consists of special metal rods, which in appearance resemble telescopes (hence the name of this type);
  • retractable units are most often installed in cars; they have a special retractable design with a receiving element.

A brief overview of some models of TV antennas for cars

The CL/CC25 satellite television antenna is designed to receive signals in the range from 10.7 to 12.7 GigaHertz.

Its tracking speed is 100 arc degrees per second. This speed is achieved through the use of phased array antenna technologies with mechanical drives.

The antenna has a high cost (from 2,000 USD) and is used to serve bus excursion groups at great distances from large populated areas and special facilities.

The active television antenna Orion A-72 is designed for installation inside the cabin. This is not entirely optimal in terms of reception range, however, such an antenna is protected from vandalism. The antenna is also operational in the FM radio signal range. Has a gain of 20dB.

The GSTAR GS-NV 003-5V antenna with a gain of 39 dB is installed using a powerful magnet on the roof of the car. Great for occasional trips to the country. Has a circular radiation pattern. Powered by a DVB receiver. Cannot work in analog format.

The Prology TVA-100 TV antenna is designed to receive digital and analogue broadcasting signals, powered from the vehicle’s on-board network. Installed inside the cabin. Gain 30 dB. Installed in budget cars.

With the introduction of digital television broadcasting standards, the use of televisions in cars becomes relevant. Modern standard multimedia complexes allow you to reproduce a television signal with high quality. By installing a DVB receiver and a TV antenna, you can get another benefit of civilization in your car.

However, the specifics of vehicle operation should be taken into account. If trips are made at a short distance from a large city (within 70 kilometers), then the reception will be quite reliable. In the case of long-distance commercial trips, monitoring television transmitting stations yourself becomes problematic.

Video - installation of a car TV antenna B3TV (Ozar) for a digital DVBT2 signal:

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Making your own antenna for a car radio

External antennas for a car radio are a relatively expensive product, to which the concept of “high quality” is not always applicable. You can choose an antenna (dipole) in a store at any time, but this doesn’t make much sense if you have minimal engineering skills.

Making your own car antenna.

We will look at how to make a receiver for a car radio with your own hands. You don't need complex materials - just a desire to save money and a little time. Using the same principle, you can design a dipole for your home, office and other places where there is a signal and an FM receiver can operate.

A little about FM antennas

Those receivers that can be found in auto supply stores today support a fairly narrow frequency range. They are focused on world standards, so you won’t be able to “squeeze” the maximum out of an antenna for a car radio.

Before you start making a dipole with your own hands, decide on the purpose of the antenna:

  1. Active. This is a signal receiver version with a built-in amplifier. It can pick up signals at greater distances than passive ones. If you use the car radio only in the city, make do with a simpler option.
  2. Passive. Such antennas allow you to receive broadcasts from local radio stations with sufficient power. They work without an amplifier and are easier to make with your own hands than active ones.

You can also distinguish between signal catchers based on the installation principle:

  1. Internal. They are usually located inside the car. If you need an active dipole, it is better to make it internal.
  2. External. These traps are usually located on the outside of the car body. This makes it possible to compensate for the low power of passive antennas.

A little theory

Antennas for radio receivers differ in the range of received frequencies. This does not mean that the VHF antenna will not receive stations operating on medium waves at all, but the quality of the received frequency not in its own range will be much worse than the “native” one.

The ancestor of all antennas was the half-wave Hertz vibrator. All other antennas are essentially its modifications. Next, in Fig. 1 you can see the transformation of a half-wave vibrator into a quarter-wave vibrator.

In fact, most radio antennas for cars are like this. In them, the role of lower vibrators, called counterweights, is played by the metal of the car body. Therefore, good contact of the cable braid with the metal of the body is so important. And in the case of magnetic fastening of the device, the braid must be in reliable contact with the base body, which has capacitive contact with the body. In Fig. Figure 2 shows a so-called stocking antenna, in which a cable braid is used instead of the lower part of the vibrator.

Rice. 3 is a diagram of a quarter-wave vibrator.

Frequency ranges

Knowing the frequencies at which car radio equipment operates in our country will help you avoid making mistakes when choosing an antenna.

  • The VHF “Soviet” radio range is from 65 to 74 MHz.
  • FM radio frequency range “European” – from 87.5 to 108 MHz.
  • FM radio frequency range “Japanese” – from 76 to 90 MHz.
  • Meter television - from 48.5 to 230 MHz.
  • UHF television - from 300 to 860 MHz.

VHF and FM stations provide better broadcast quality than MF and DV, but will only please you within line of sight, so don’t count on them far from populated areas.

Rating of the best models

The rating of car antennas includes models with the largest number of positive reviews.

Triad 55 Turbo

The Russian-made device picks up VHF and FM waves. The model is suitable for all types of car radios and is installed on the windshield. The radio antenna is capable of picking up signals at a distance of up to 150 km from the source. The kit includes an antenna adapter for the car radio and a filter that eliminates most city noise.

Installation of a car antenna is carried out using a fitting and a power cable. The large length of the wire allows for hidden installation without the use of extension cords.

Automania Digital TV/FM

The model is used not only for listening to radio stations, but also for watching TV. This is convenient for drivers of passenger transport making intercity trips. The device has an oval shape and 2 branches with spiral wire laying.

The device is equipped with a built-in amplifier that improves the quality of a weak signal. The antenna works well at low and high temperatures. The device is powered by a voltage of 12 V. The model is fixed to the windshield using adhesive tape.


A retractable car antenna will appeal to any driver who is used to listening to music while traveling. The German model is installed on the windshield; its minimal dimensions allow it not to block the view. The round-shaped case is equipped with an LED element that reflects the operating mode, and a plug through which a 12 V power cable is connected.

The block is equipped with 2 antennae that capture the signal. When installing the device, the metal rods are moved apart so that they form a right angle.

Phantom TV Impulse

A radio antenna picks up several types of signals, including digital ones. The triangular body is equipped with an LED element and the developer’s logo. All wires are located on one side. The antennae are distributed along the glass, which expands the operating range of the device.

The power cable is connected to the TV output. The latter is suitable for setting up all TV models. The power cable can be connected to the battery without adapters. Amplifier included.

Triad VA Euro 65

This is the simplest and cheapest model of outdoor antennas. The cone-shaped body has a single tendril located at an angle of 60°. The device can be placed on the roof. A hole is made in the top of the car where the antenna pin is inserted. Secure the device with a nut. The power cable is inserted into the groove under the casing. The range is 90 km.

The length of the outer part is 20 cm. The compact device is resistant to mechanical damage. When exposed to wind, the antenna quickly restores its previous position. A passive device only picks up radio signals.

Lemm Turbo AT-2001

A good telescopic antenna is made of stainless steel and silumin. The central part is expanded, which allows the installation of a rubber seal and fasteners. For fixation, a hole with a diameter of 4 mm is made in the body. The 2 m long rod allows you to configure the antenna to receive signals of any range.

The presence of a long rod also causes inconvenience. The rod clings to branches and crossbars. The device has increased power (up to 2000 W). A 4 meter installation cable is included. The heavy weight of the main unit requires reliable fixation. There is an adapter for magnetic mounting.

FM Calearo ANT 77 27 085

Italian developers have expanded the functionality of the standard model, adding the ability to receive GSM and television signals. Made of durable plastic, the body has the appearance of a shark fin. The device installed on the roof does not create inconvenience when driving under barriers and bridges.

The kit includes 2 long wires. The device can amplify both analog and digital signals. The model is available in 3 color options that will look good on all cars.

The process of making a homemade antenna

Flexible and telescopic antennas for manufacturing require the selection of special antenna materials and additional radio components. Plus, they break just as easily as your car's previous antennas.

A stationary solid antenna that imitates the fashionable “shark fin” receiving device is easy to manufacture. To make such a homemade antenna for a car radio with your own hands, you will need simple materials and tools:

  • metal pin with thread;
  • fixing nuts;
  • copper wire;
  • metal tools;
  • soldering iron and soldering supplies (flux, solder, rosin);
  • insulators;
  • antenna cable.

The main element of the antenna is a metal pin, the thread of which is selected according to the size of the standard location of the antenna or the mounting bracket you have chosen. Standard pre-threaded anchor bolts work well for the antenna base. At the opposite ends of the pin, you need to drill two holes for attaching the copper wire of the antenna vibrator. Unshielded wire is wound in two layers along the entire length of the pin.

The wound wire is clamped with fixing bolts and sealed in the upper hole of the antenna. For the outer layer of insulation, amateurs use various materials: Cold Welding glue, epoxy resin, polymorphus, thermoplastics. Melted vinyl and carbon fiber have proven themselves to be bad, causing interference with radio wave reception.

After manually molding thermoplastic or epoxy, the antenna will look inconspicuous.

After trying on the antenna at the installation site and checking its performance, the outer surface is processed on a lathe and finished by hand.

Depending on the color of the material used, the finished antenna can be left black or painted with waterproof acrylic paint to match the body color.

You can watch the video on how to make an antenna for a car radio with your own hands for outdoor trips:

Useful tips

  • The car body can either help improve the range and quality of signal reception or interfere. The location where the car antenna is installed plays a big role. The ideal place is the center of the car roof (the intersection of the diagonals).
  • There should be no foreign metal objects near the catcher.
  • Do not use the above techniques if you want to make a universal receiver (for radio, mobile and satellite communications, TV). It is better to purchase combined dipoles ready-made. Although you can do them yourself.
  • It is better not to install an internal dipole if you are afraid of damaging the car's interior. The receiving strips will deteriorate during dismantling.
  • Protect the signal catcher from the external environment as much as possible. Otherwise, the contacts will oxidize and all parts of the structure may rust.

We looked at how to make a simple but effective dipole for a car radio with your own hands. We hope the instructions will help you save time, money and nerves.

Look for other useful materials in all sections of our website. And don't forget to leave comments!


Mounting methods and designs

Active car antenna

Based on the mounting method, external car antennas are divided as follows:

  1. With magnetic base. It is very convenient to place such a structure on the roof of a car. To prevent the base from scratching the paint, do not place it on a dirty body.
  2. Mortise. Installation requires, as the name suggests, cutting a hole in the body of the car. The installation site must be protected from corrosion.
  3. With clamps for fastening to the edge of the gutter. Not suitable for vehicles with plastic gutters.

Typically, an external antenna is an asymmetrical quarter-wave or half-wave vibrator (the latter, due to its large size, is somewhat less common). Structurally, it can be telescopic or pin in several versions: a steel pin, a steel spring in a dielectric casing, a flexible dielectric rod with a wire wound around it, covered with an insulating cover.

It is not possible to single out any design for the better. We can only note that the telescopic antenna wears out over time, due to which the contact between its links deteriorates, so when the car moves, a cracking noise will be heard in the receiver. According to the mounting method, a telescopic antenna is most often mortise-mounted. The remaining structures are fastened using any of the above methods equally often.

Specifics of receiving television programs

A car television antenna is always in difficult signal reception conditions. No matter what the seller tells you, and no matter how expensive it is, you can only get a stable picture without interference on the TV screen while driving for a short time, and then only by chance.

And since it is much more complex than a signal from a news or music radio station, the requirements for good reception are higher. Therefore, the most you can hope for with a good antenna, if it is not satellite, is to watch TV in the parking lot.

Features of outdoor antennas

Placing a car antenna outside has at least one advantage over installing it inside the car - it is much less shielded by the body. Therefore, the reception quality of antenna devices located inside the cabin is almost never higher than that of devices located externally. Outdoor antennas, as a rule, are not equipped with an amplifier, that is, with rare exceptions, they are only passive. Contrary to popular belief, reception quality does not depend on the length of the antenna. The frequency range in which it operates depends on its length. The quality of reception largely depends on the height of its installation, so an antenna on the roof of a car, all other things being equal, will be a more preferable option, even if it is mortized.

Triple square

The triple square, also known as the Sotnikov antenna (non-standard radio devices are usually named after the name of the inventor or popularizer), consists of three square frames of variable perimeter:

  • directors;
  • vibrator - it is from it that the received signal is removed;
  • reflector.

This antenna is a development of the principles inherent in the design of the wave channel, but it is much simpler to manufacture. Outwardly, it looks like three squares gradually decreasing in size, mounted on common crossbars so that their axis faces in the direction of the signal source.

In short, it is assembled from steel or copper wire as follows:

  1. Three main squares and jumpers between them are bent. If necessary, you can immediately bend the entire zigzag assembly according to the attached drawing.
  2. The joints are soldered together.
  3. The stripped end of a 75 Ohm coaxial cable is soldered into the split of the vibrator (where the wire ends are connected).


  • High sensitivity. This is a good long-range device for receiving a weak signal from a long distance.
  • Manufacturability. If you bend it from a single piece of wire, then soldering will only be needed to connect the cable and joints.
  • It is possible to connect an amplifier, which turns the structure into an active antenna, ideal for a summer house or country house.


  • Not the best radiation pattern. Even a slight bend in the wire leads to losses in the received signal power.
  • Extremely narrow focus. A triple square covers no more than 10 channels according to the old layout, so if the multiplexes differ greatly in frequency, you will either have to make two antennas (and solve matching problems) or sacrifice sensitivity.
  • To get all the benefits from the range of this antenna, you need an accurate calculation (ideally down to the millimeter).

Step-by-step instructions for building your own antenna

To make an antenna device for a vehicle, prepare:

  • anchor bolt;
  • soldering iron;
  • approximately 3 m of soft copper wire;
  • plastic case;
  • amplifier circuit;
  • the wire;
  • resistors, capacitors (for the active version);
  • transistor KT368A.

Before carrying out work, you must turn off the vehicle's power unit. The surface to which the homemade gadget will be attached should first be thoroughly cleaned and degreased using special compounds.

The wire is wound around the bolt. The turns are made smooth and overlaps are avoided. Solder the wire to the winding, and then stretch it to the radio in the car. Select a plastic case so that it matches the design made and the dimensions of the standard place for the antenna.

We wind the wire in equal turns around the bolt.

The mechanism is then mounted on the roof of the vehicle. Features of the process depend on the choice of fasteners.

If the car owner chooses a mortise mount, he will have to drill a through hole in the roof. A fastening pin is inserted there, which is tightened from the inside using a nut. It is recommended to use standard technological holes to reduce the risk of corrosion and metal damage.

Magnetic mounting is carried out via a DV or PL connector. The first option involves the possibility of changing the installation angle. In the second, the antenna is installed strictly vertically. The disadvantages of this method are unreliable mounting and frequent theft of antennas.

Pin mounting involves installing a bracket-clamp on a protruding part of the body. The contact for radio reception is created by the pointed ends of the clamping bolts.

The wire is pulled along the machine rack. Then they lay it around the perimeter of the door and fix it. The installation is completed by laying the cable and connecting to the receiver.

Active types of antenna devices are installed using a special suction cup bracket to the windshield.

Required Components

To make a signal catcher for a radio with your own hands, you don’t need many parts. You will need:

  • anchor bolt;
  • soldering accessories;
  • soft copper wire (about 3 m);

  • plastic case;
  • circuit diagram for the amplifier, transistor KT368A, resistors and capacitors (for an active dipole).

Which antenna is best for a car radio? Choosing the best option

  • External: there are two types: pin and telescopic for a passive receiving device. Despite their high efficiency, such antennas are susceptible to external interference. In such cases, an additional signal amplifier is installed, and the antenna itself is installed on the highest possible part of the body;
  • Internal: The antenna is equipped with a signal amplifier by default. There are no standards for the placement of devices of this type. Everyone chooses for themselves.

  • The presence of a device nearby that can interrupt the frequency of the waves. Thereby clogging the airwaves;
  • An environment that acts as a wave damper. For example, an underground parking lot, a bunker, a metro station, where frequencies are practically impossible to penetrate;
  • Defects in the antenna design. Poor contact or mechanical damage to the board - microcircuit in the form of an impact or the ingress of various liquids into the inside.

  • The design is simple and only for a radio tape recorder. In this case, we will limit ourselves to listening to broadcast channels and that’s it;
  • A complex product capable of high-quality reception of radio waves and television broadcasts called a satellite dish. But there is one small drawback - its cost, which not everyone can afford;
  • A portable “GSM-GPS” complex capable of receiving and transmitting signals, frequencies, and coordinates of your car with high accuracy, despite interference from outside. Accordingly, the cost of such a “complex” will be calculated at a round sum. As a rule, such antennas are installed by default on premium cars or mobile offices for business people who are constantly on the go and need a systematic connection with partners (clients).

Installing an antenna on a car

Installing a radio antenna cannot be called a labor-intensive process. If there are manufacturer's installation papers available, please use them carefully to find useful tips. It will be difficult to attach a radio antenna with an auto drive, which is classified as telescopic.

When installing an external car antenna, you need to look at the peculiarities of its fastening. If installed at the highest place in the car, it will not greatly enhance signal reception. The most important thing in mounting an outdoor car antenna is to place it on a conductive surface, for example over any flat surface like a trunk or mounted on a roof.

External antenna mounts for cars are classified into:

  • Pin fasteners, which are usually installed in place above the glass of the door - a drain. During installation, you can scratch the glass, so you should be careful.
  • Magnetic mounts are installed directly on the glass, usually inside the car. The most important aspect when attaching is preparing a place for mounting on the glass in order to install the antenna. For good processing, degreasers are best.

There is one more main feature of auto antennas that you should definitely recognize when purchasing. The confident reception zone is an important feature that the seller must tell the buyer. Perhaps, when selling a car antenna, the seller will talk about the brand of the product being sold, but the brand will not provide accurate reception data.

When a car drives around the city, the radio signal is received everywhere and in high quality, covering many channels. When the car leaves the city for about 70-80 km, you can still hear powerful radio stations. Further 130 km, perhaps closer, the channels of another city will catch.

Let's look at examples from some manufacturers.

Among Russian manufacturers there are high-quality auto antennas, for example “Triad”. They differ from foreign ones in the high-quality reception of MV 1-3. Internal such antennas always have a built-in amplifier, with improved UHF reception as well. There is some listening noise due to the ignition system, but these antennas have an advanced power filter. There are two antenna reception operating modes. The first mode is optimized for work in the city, against industrial interference. Another mode is intended for stronger reception, for trips out of town.

If we take “Scat” for example, these antennas also have their own properties. They have one of the easiest installations in a car, which is facilitated by the minimum configuration for sale. These antennas have a “telefunken” board, a knowledgeable person understands this brand and the quality of this device. Just like the triad, it has two reception modes - city and highway. The board in the device is designed to be moisture resistant, which means the operating time will be longer. For normal power supply of the car antenna, only 7 volts are required.

Foreign analogues also deserve the attention of car enthusiasts. If you take the Bosch antenna, it has a number of features. The active elements in it are transistors. There are original channels to improve CB and VHF. There is also protection from external factors, that is, it will work stably for many years.

Modern manufacturers are now already trying to make all antennas active and in-cabin. Combined antennas will take the place of their predecessors, and it is better to immediately buy more expensive useful ones than to buy them again later.

Connection and setup

The design of a car antenna for receiving radio in a car includes 3 wires:

  1. For grounding and installation of the receiving device. It is connected to a metal fastener and screwed on.
  2. Wire for power supply. It must be connected to the wire coming from the radio receiver.
  3. Contact. It is installed in a special connector, which is on the car radio body. In some devices, the power and contact wires can be combined into one common one.

AUGRA installation options

Installation of automatic control gear must comply with the following requirements:

  • ensuring reliable fastening of the radio receiver to the car, preventing movement when exposed to various mechanical loads (wind, bending, etc.);
  • ensuring tight contact with the body, which acts as a mass, which significantly reduces the level of interference and improves signal quality.

All options for installing a receiving radio antenna come down to three main methods for fixing the automatic control gear on a vehicle:

  • mortise mounting using a through hole drilled in the roof or other part of the body;
  • magnetic mount using a magnetic antenna base;
  • a pin mount, which is a mechanical fixation of the antenna rod for a car radio on a special clamp-type bracket.

APRA mortise mount

The mounting pin of the radio antenna base is inserted into the through hole, and a nut is screwed onto it from inside the passenger compartment. The advantages of the “mortise fastening” method include:

  • the strength of the device, reducing the likelihood of it being stolen;
  • stability of the operating parameters of the antenna-feeder system after installation.

Among the disadvantages, the following circumstance is noted: the edges of the drilled hole are centers of corrosion of the metal body, therefore it is recommended to use standard technological holes.

Important! In the fastening area, it is necessary to strip the metal of paint to ensure reliable conductive contact of the nut, as an element of the antenna, with the metal of the car body. On rice

Below is the antenna base with a pin and a hole in the roof of the car prepared for installing the AUGRA

In Fig. Below is an antenna base with a pin and a hole in the roof of the car prepared for installing the AUGRA.

Magnetic mount APRA

The magnetic fastening of the antenna is provided by magnets located at its base - the sole. Magnets can be purchased separately from the antenna device. The most popular magnets are with diameters from 90 to 170 mm. The stability of the automatic control gear directly depends on the diameter of the magnet.

The antenna is attached to the magnet through two types of connectors:

  • The DV connector is adapted to most antenna systems and allows for adjustment of the installation angle;
  • The PL connector is more reliable in terms of maintaining strict vertical installation.

In Fig. Magnetic antenna mounts with DV and PL bases are shown below.

The advantages of the magnetic fastening method include the following points:

  • ease of installation or dismantling;
  • relatively high stability of the automatic control gear is ensured while maintaining the optimal size of the magnetic base;
  • capacitive coupling of the magnetic base with the metal of the body creates a kind of imitation of “mass” necessary for the operation of the receiving antenna;
  • the ability to move when setting up equipment.

Disadvantages include:

  • low strength of fixation on the body;
  • ease of abduction;
  • the possibility of shifting, which leads to the need for additional adjustments.

DIY antenna for car radio

Often, for some reason, a standard antenna does not suit the car owner, prompting him to independently design a receiving device. There are plenty of “recipes” on how to make an antenna at home from scrap materials. Many car enthusiasts are impressed by shortened antenna devices, which allow entry into low garages without necessarily unscrewing the antenna pin. To make a car radio antenna that imitates the now fashionable “shark fin” with your own hands, there is no need to select special antenna materials or additional radio components. You can make do with improvised materials.

Materials and tools for homemade automatic control gear

To assemble an antenna with your own hands, a home craftsman will need the following materials and tools:

  • an anchor bolt, the thread diameter of which corresponds to the size of the existing hole for the mortise or pin fastening method;
  • 2-3 nuts with the same thread as on the anchor bolt;
  • copper wire;
  • metalworking tools and soldering iron;
  • cold welding glue for metal, epoxy resin or Polymorphus plastic.

Manufacturing process

The manufacturing process of automatic control gear consists of the following stages:

  • drilling holes at both ends of the anchor bolt to secure the copper wire;
  • winding two layers of wire along the entire length of the bolt;
  • soldering the wire in the upper hole of the bolt and tightening the winding with fixing nuts;

In Fig. Below is a semi-finished product after winding and fixing with nuts.

Semi-finished homemade antenna

  • manually applying a layer of external insulation made of epoxy resin or other polymer;

Important! The prepared semi-finished product must be tried on at the installation site and checked for functionality as a receiving antenna.

  • bringing the appearance of the product to the desired design using machining and painting.

Connecting an active antenna to the radio via an adapter

Here, it seems, we could finish our conversation about connecting the antenna to the radio, if all its variations only ended with the same standard, the so-called DIN type. However, modern radios sometimes cannot afford such great luxury. There is so much in them that using a more compact plug can change the situation radically. This means that manufacturers are looking for opportunities to use their own plugs, but at the same time provide the ability to connect them with generally accepted ones. Here are some examples. The first example is when an ISO type antenna is connected to the radio via an adapter to a DIN socket. The second is when we have a Toyota radio and use an adapter to switch to a standard socket.

In fact, it is clear that when connecting an antenna, cases may arise that will require you to purchase additional adapters. And if you can’t find any, you may have to use a soldering iron.

Now we can certainly summarize that connecting an antenna is not only electrical switching, ensuring correct connection and reliable contacts of the antenna and radio, but also the selection of adapters that match each other. After all, simply by buying an antenna and trying to connect it to the radio, you do not at all guarantee that you will not need an adapter. Although the one who is aware is armed. And now we are confident that you will cope with the task!

Good day!

A very long time ago I purchased an antenna amplifier from an online store... I think all ix-vods noticed that the reception quality leaves much to be desired, well, with the help of this amplifier I wanted to close this issue...

Also in the box there was a brief instruction manual for the equipment...

I will say that the very good reviews for this amplifier won me over...

Cost: 357 rubles for the amplifier, but delivery to the Russian post office is also at my expense - 290 rubles, total 647 rubles. The actual installation is simple and does not require additional knowledge... all you need is direct hands and not a lot of information, which I will give further...

Before disassembling, I started to figure out where I would get the plus for the device... thanks to boy31 in one of his blogs and with boy31’s tips I found the necessary information

so we need 18 pins from connector “A” of the Remote Antenna - it is on it that the plus appears not when the ignition is turned on, but when the radio is turned on... To get to the connectors, you need to disassemble the console in the middle and remove the radio. We snap off the top visor with a precise and sharp movement from bottom to general, I won’t describe the entire dismantling procedure - there is a very good video on YouTube on this topic by driver BerendaMR

We find connector A according to the diagram and there are 18 pins... it will be a green wire with a black dotted line...

We cut into the circuit and insulate everything with electrical tape... we could have soldered it, but there is so little voltage there that I found it unnecessary... we put everything back together in the reverse order... we hide the amplifier itself (it is glued with double-sided tape)...

I have it mounted on a plastic bracket above the radio... but in general you can install it wherever it is convenient for you... Well, everything is assembled...

And then the drum roll... turn on... listen... In short - there is no difference, what with it or without it, what with it and off, what with it on... I didn’t notice any difference... maybe somewhere outside the populated area it will be better, but in mine There are two radio stations in the village, and as there were failures during movement, they remained the same...ALS...Still, I will think about a more efficient antenna...accordingly, the fin disappears completely...

Subscribe to the car - it will be interesting! All the best!

Advantages and disadvantages

An antenna for enhancing the quality of incoming FM radio waves is a simple device designed to upgrade a standard receiver. The task of assembling such a structure does not seem difficult. Even a novice master who does not have extensive knowledge in the relevant field can cope with such work.

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Built-in design

It is not always appropriate to use a classic quarter-wave vibrator for built-in auto antennas. It may be difficult to manufacture, and it also has significant overall dimensions. Problems may also arise when fixing a large object.

When performing such manipulations, it is necessary to take into account that there are several receiving frequencies: 27 MHz, 65 MHz, 28.2 MHz, 68 MHz. The upper resonance is characteristic of the lower broadcast range.

The design of the internal antenna is made according to a simplified scheme:

  1. Copper conductor MGTF 0.5 is used. It is hidden behind a rubber glass seal. In this case, the upper part is made narrower than the other elements.
  2. The arrangement of the poles should facilitate, if necessary, the addition of a wire to the capacitor, as well as the addition of a RK-50 wire to remove the signal.
  3. A 5-25 pf capacitor is mounted on the center of the rear window, with both cables being routed as vertically as possible.
  4. The wire is sealed from the end, bitten off in the center with wire cutters. There should be no breaks at the other end.

Such an antenna is connected via connectors used for communication equipment.

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