Installing a frill on a new Priora

It's time to replace the cabin air filter. Besides, it has never changed yet. There are several types of filters. Some by year of release: before and after September 2003; others if the car has air conditioning. Therefore, when you buy, you need to know what year the car is and even the month. Since my car is 2012, the filter is a new model. A TS 2111 SU carbon filter from TC FILTER was purchased at the store. This filter cleans the air better, lasts longer, but is somewhat more expensive.

This is the box:

The filter inside the box is also in the bag:

The filter itself is very dense and feels made with high quality:

To replace the cabin filter on the 10th family, you need to unscrew 10 screws and 4 nuts. Let's begin...

We take out 4 plastic plugs on the frill and unscrew the screws. We also remove the rubber seal and unscrew the 6 screws on the hood noise:

It is also necessary to unscrew one nut (with a 10mm wrench) on each side:

Then we take out two more plugs in the wipers and unscrew the nut holding it with a 13″ head:

It is more convenient to remove the wipers with the hood lid lowered. We move them away from the glass and, swaying in different directions, remove them from the slots.

The hose that goes to the washer nozzles does not allow you to completely remove the frill. So we just move it to the side.

To remove the filter you need to unscrew 4 screws:

And here is the filter itself:

As you can see, it is in a deplorable state and has been asking for a replacement for a long time:

Even despite this condition, the stove does not stink and the windows do not sweat.

As you can see in the previous photos, the anti-corrosion coating in the corners was very frayed and mixed with dirt, and in some places even washed off. It was decided to update it. We wash off the old with white spirit and prepare the surface. I will apply the new Movil with a spray can and to prevent it from getting into the wrong places, we protect the glass, doors and fender with newspaper and masking tape.

Replacing the old type frill

  1. In order to replace the frill with a VAZ 2110, you should prepare the following tools: a wrench with a size 10 head and a flat and Phillips screwdriver.
  2. Next, you can remove the cladding; to do this, unscrew the nuts on it from the edges, using a wrench with a head.
  3. Then take a Phillips screwdriver and unscrew all the screws on the surface of the frill.
  4. Also, use a screwdriver to remove the latches on the back.
  5. After this, carefully disconnect the tubes from the windshield washers and you can remove the upper part of the lining.
  6. Then remove the leads on the wipers and unscrew them with a key.
  7. It is also worth checking all the places under the installed plugs; screws are usually located there.
  8. The windshield cover has a lock in the center; it can be removed carefully.
  9. And to gain full access, you need to unscrew another part of the frill, the sound insulation and the casing itself.
  10. Then you can install the frill back on the VAZ 2110, but only the procedure is carried out in the reverse order.

Jabot from Priors on VAZ 2110

Of course, you can install a frill from a Priora on a VAZ 2110. But it is worth remembering that the Priora is significantly different from the tenth generation, and some difficulties may arise when replacing such a lining.
It will not depend on what type of frill is installed, but still, if the VAZ 2110 was produced before 2003, then you will have to trim the studs a little. All this is necessary in order to install frills from the Priora on the VAZ 2110, since the Priora does not have them. It is also worth remembering that the windshield washers on the Prior are located a little differently, unlike the tenth generation. That is why it is necessary to make additional holes in the frill or change the injectors and install them from a Niva Chevrolet car. Priora's frill has its advantages and disadvantages. And first of all, it is worth considering the advantages:

  • When installing such a frill, it will be possible to easily replace the air filter.
  • Low cost of overlay.

But even with such significant advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • Since the cost is not high, the quality of the plastic will be too low.
  • When replacing, it is necessary to replace the washer nozzles or move them.

Why do car windows freeze and how to fix it?

To eliminate this scourge, you need to figure out what happens to the air in the cabin, which, when the temperature drops, leaves condensation on the windows and freezes at sub-zero temperatures.

Every car has vents designed to circulate air, and they often become clogged, both inside and out. In the absence of ventilation, the cooled air has nowhere to escape and the effect of a thermos is obtained.

Attention! To eliminate or check the ventilation, you must contact a car service center. There is also the opposite side of the coin, when there are too many ventilated places in the car, this may be due to damaged door seals, glass, worn locks or hinges in the doors

There is also the opposite side of the coin, when there are too many ventilated places in the car, this may be due to damaged door seals, glass, wear of locks or hinges in the doors.

With increased exposure to outside air, the car interior cools very quickly, and the air, when rapidly cooled, condenses dew on the windows. These faults can also be checked when diagnosing the car at a car service center.

In addition to malfunctions of the car’s ventilation system, there are also many factors in its care and operation. In winter, as a rule, there is snow on the street, which is safely brought into the car along with shoes, because it is not possible to cleanly sweep snow off shoes all the time.

This snow quickly melts in the form of water and ends up on the floor mats. It all depends on the driver what kind of mats he uses in winter. If they are rag, then this material, even rubberized, perfectly absorbs moisture; if you frequently leave and enter the car, these mats can pick up a large amount of melted snow and do not have time to dry out.

Accordingly, after parking the car overnight, the heated mat continues to dry out and evaporate moisture into the cabin air, and then, according to the old scenario, the air cooled down, dew fell on the windows, the windows became covered with frost, and in the morning there was a problem.

This effect can be corrected with the help of rubber mats, which do not absorb moisture, but may not cause much discomfort; when moisture accumulates from the snow, they can collect a small puddle in your feet.

Therefore, during the operating day, you sometimes need to take them out and wipe them with a rag, but this is not particularly convenient. It is also advisable to carry out the same actions before overnight parking.

Fogging and further freezing from the inside of the car windows may be associated with malfunctions of the interior heater system. As soon as a small leak appears, the windows in the cabin begin to sweat; this reason is easily recognized by the characteristic smell of antifreeze.

Cabin filter

All modern cars, including domestic ones, are equipped with this (Chevrolet Niva is no exception). The cabin filter helps prevent dust and dirt from entering the vehicle. The manufacturer recommends replacing them once every 20 thousand kilometers. If the car is used in extreme conditions (for example, frequent driving on dirt roads), this period must be reduced to 8 thousand.

Some premium cars, for example the Mercedes S-Class, are equipped with a carbon cabin filter rather than a paper one. It fights pollution better, but its price is 10-15 times higher than usual. By the way, the replacement schedule is 50-100 thousand kilometers. A dirty cabin filter can reduce air flow in the ventilation system.

How does this affect condensation accumulation? Everything is very simple. A clogged cabin filter not only allows air to pass through poorly, but also has difficulty releasing moisture. Due to a clogged ventilation system, water can accumulate in its cavities and cause not only fogging of the glass, but also an unpleasant odor. If your car windows sweat, what should you do? As a rule, this problem is eliminated by replacing the cabin filter with a new one. The cost of the paper element is low - only 250-300 rubles.


Many motorists do not pay attention to this little detail. But it is because of the floor mats that many people sweat from their car windows. What to do in such a situation? Replacing these elements does not always help. If you install other floor mats in your car, you may still experience water pooling inside. You need to overcome the source of the problem. Perhaps the problem is hidden in a leaky windshield seal. As a result, water enters the interior and onto the floor mats through the drainage.

This problem often occurs on cars that have been in serious accidents, where the body geometry was incorrectly restored or the windshield was replaced poorly.

The next thing you need to pay attention to is the heater radiator. On most modern cars it is located in the central part of the instrument panel.

At the same time, you may see greasy, oily stains on the rugs. Sometimes they have a certain shade - yellow, red or blue (depending on what kind of antifreeze was used in the system).

If the “water” accumulated on the mat has a greasy film, the problem is definitely a coolant leak. Owners of domestic cars, including VAZ 2108-21099, often encounter it. How to achieve tightness? It is necessary to check the condition of the pipes that are supplied to the heat exchanger. If they do not fit tightly, also replace the clamps. The presence of the slightest cracks on the rubber pipes indicates their leakage. In rare cases, the radiator itself is replaced (for minor damage, repairs by soldering are possible).

As you can see, wet mats installed in the car interior can become a symptom of a faulty heater radiator. Turning on the heater at full power will not solve the problem - the antifreeze will run even faster.

Useful tips

To get rid of condensation on the windows as much as possible, ventilate the car interior once a year. It is better to do this on a dry sunny day. Open the doors and trunk of the car completely for a day. Excess moisture will evaporate even from the most hidden places. After thoroughly drying the interior, you will no longer wonder why the windows in your car sweat.

If the problem of foggy windows has already overtaken you, you need to know how to properly remove moisture from the surface. Many have encountered the situation: if you remove water from the inside of the glass, the next day there will be strong stains. It will not be possible to remove them with air conditioning or a strong air flow. But this problem can be fixed. Experts recommend using microfiber cloths. Their appearance is presented below.

They efficiently remove moisture from the surface without leaving streaks. For the best effect, it is recommended to wipe the glass diagonally. This way you will always have clean, streak-free glass.

The windshield fogs up from the inside - how to fix the problem?

Every motorist, regardless of what car he drives, has encountered such a seemingly insignificant problem as fogging of car windows. Contrary to popular belief, the cause of this phenomenon is not alcohol consumed by the driver or passengers of the vehicle, although this factor contributes to an increase in the intensity of fogging.

The danger of this phenomenon lies in a significant deterioration in visibility, leading to a decrease in control of the road situation by the driver of the car, that is, it directly affects the level of traffic safety. How to deal with fogging of car windows?

To determine optimal and effective methods to combat this phenomenon, it is necessary to understand the causes of its occurrence.

Video - How to get rid of internal glass frost

Solving the problem of quickly removing windshield icing worries almost every driver in the winter. This is especially true for those whose car is parked. If you leave a heated car outdoors in the evening, you will find ice (frost) on the windows in the morning. The intensity of icing will depend not only on atmospheric conditions, but also on the condition of the vehicle. If there is high humidity in the cabin for any reason, icing at subzero temperatures cannot be avoided in any case. And in order to defrost the windshield using the standard heating system, you will have to spend a lot of time burning precious fuel.

Quick defrost options

There are many ways to quickly defrost a windshield. However, not all of them are effective and safe. Many people believe that the simplest method of removing ice from the windshield is to remove the frost with a scraper or pour hot water on it. Let us immediately note that these procedures lead to the appearance of microcracks on the surface of the glazing. This may subsequently cause the glass to break.

  • Industrial alcohol
    . According to the experience of experienced craftsmen, you can quickly defrost a windshield using technical 90% alcohol and a regular plastic sprayer. After processing, the ice on the windshield almost immediately turns into a jelly-like state. Having removed this “mush” with a brush or rag in a few minutes, you can immediately hit the road after the engine has warmed up.
  • Chemicals
    . To quickly defrost glass, you can also use various chemical compositions, which today are presented in a large assortment in any household chemicals store. However, not all of these drugs are effective, so you should be more careful when choosing them.
  • Salty water
    . If you don’t have any special defrosting liquids on hand at this moment, you can use the old proven remedy - salt water. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of salt in one liter of warm water and pour the solution into a regular spray bottle. Spray generously onto the icy surface, and then remove the remaining ice with a rag. In this case, you need to avoid getting the salt solution on the seals and plastic.
  • Saline swabs
    . If you don't have a spray bottle, you can make swabs by wrapping a "mush" of salt in a rag and then blotting the ice onto the glass. After defrosting the glass, do not forget to wipe the glass with a clean cloth.
  • Salt and glycerin
    . You can remove frost from the inside of glass using a glycerin solution. To prepare it you will need two parts glycerin, one part table salt and a regular spray bottle.

You can make such protection yourself or buy a complete set in a store. The film will prevent frost from forming, and you will not have to defrost the glass in the morning. If there is no film, as a last resort, try to cover the windshield with any other material. In this case, do not forget to first equalize the air temperature in the cabin with the environment. If you do this, then in any frost there will be minimal icing.

The windows in the car freeze from the inside, what should I do? Many Russian car enthusiasts have probably encountered this problem. Our climate is famous for its low temperatures in winter, so every driver is faced with the problem of frozen windows.

In addition to the negative aesthetic side, this can lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of accidents. Because poor visibility makes it more difficult for the driver to see the danger. And starting every morning by cleaning or warming all frozen windows is simply unrealistic. That is why many car enthusiasts are interested in a very winter question - when the windows in the car freeze from the inside, what to do? After all, everyone understands why glass freezes on the outside.

Tips to help car owners cope with the most common problems in winter.

We remind you how to deal with common winter problems: foggy windows, trouble starting, frozen windows/doors and locks.

Most even modern engines need to be warmed up. But only older cars need to be warmed up for a very long time before setting off.

If the car key has an electronic board, then you cannot heat the key with a lighter.

Snow or dirt stuck to the wheel affects its balance

The lower the air temperature, the more viscous (thick) the engine oil becomes. As a result, when starting, a cold engine experiences increased resistance. That is why until the engine warms up, the car consumes the maximum amount of fuel. But frozen oil also affects the operation of the car’s battery, which needs a lot of energy to turn the starter. But there is a problem: the lower the temperature outside, the faster the battery loses its charge.

It is not surprising that the most common problem faced by thousands of motorists in winter is battery drain. All this leads to the fact that many car owners cannot start the engine. By the way, the problem with starting the engine is not always associated with a discharged battery

So if your car won't start in cold weather, it's important to diagnose the real problem. Naturally, if it’s all about the battery, it’s enough to charge it or buy a new one if, for example, the battery has lasted for more than 4-5 winters

It’s easier to buy a new one than to constantly suffer from engine failure.

Another typical winter problem is reduced visibility due to fogging of the windows inside the car and icing outside. Interestingly, both problems are most annoying when the temperature hovers around freezing, or slightly below zero.

But did you know that windows can also fog up from the outside when there is steady frost outside and the temperature does not fluctuate? In this case, the heat in the car can have the opposite effect, that is, the windows will fog up on the street side.

In addition to reducing visibility, foggy windows can make driving dangerous and uncomfortable.

Many problems arise with warming up the engine when the car is idle. Some recommend not warming up the car, but immediately starting driving at low speeds to speed up the warming up of the power unit. Others advise heating for as long as possible. So who is right? Probably, as always happens in our world, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Yes, you definitely need to warm up the car.

But in moderation. Again, it all depends on the distances you travel. For example, if your trips are mostly short, then it is better to warm up the car longer, otherwise it will not have time to warm up. If you drive long distances every day, then there is no point in warming up the car for a long time - you will do it along the way. And, of course, it all depends on the temperature. Naturally, when the street is below -15-20 degrees, it is better to warm up the car well.

But did you know that the most common problems can be prevented? For example, in order to minimize the risk of glass fogging, you need to change the cabin air filter on time. Also, car windows should always be cleaned and degreased. In particular, do not forget to turn on the air conditioner when excess moisture forms, which, of course, will not cool at negative temperatures outside. But nevertheless, it will perform an important function in the car to remove excess moisture from the interior.

Also, take care of winter engine oil in advance, which is more intended for operating the engine in winter. Check the battery in advance and carry out preventive maintenance by adding water and electrolyte if necessary. In general, in order not to get a headache in winter, you must remember that the sled needs to be prepared in the summer.

To make it easier for you to learn how to solve the main problems with your car in winter, we have collected for you answers to the most frequently asked questions from car owners:

Replacing a new type of frill on a VAZ 2110

Before starting replacement work, it is worth preparing the same set of tools as in the first case.

  1. The frill of the new type consists of several parts and is removed in parts.
  2. Along the edges of the cladding there are two nuts, which are also unscrewed using a socket wrench. After this, several self-tapping screws are unscrewed; they are closed with plugs.
  3. And they immediately remove the sound insulation, having first unscrewed the screws. All this will be located at the top of the windshield, and at the bottom there is another part of the frill. It is secured with 12 self-tapping screws; they are unscrewed using a Phillips screwdriver.
  4. Also, do not forget about the drainage flap, which is carefully moved to the side and the hose is removed from the washer.
  5. Then this shield is removed and then the lower part of the frill is removed.

Basic faults

The frill trim of the VAZ-2170 is characterized by one unpleasant malfunction. Over time, due to temperature changes and the sun, gaps appear between the frill and the windshield. This happens to owners of pre-restyling Priors - the old-style linings were not equipped with additional fasteners, so a gap between them and the glass appeared quite quickly.

In many cases, the spare part has to be changed as soon as it swells. Otherwise, the consequences may be negative. When water gets under the seal, there is a risk of accelerating corrosion. Water gets on metal parts and slowly destroys them - this applies to ordinary clamps and entire units.

Before purchasing a part, make sure that the part number for the Priora car matches the part you need. The mounting locations for the pre-restyling and restyled windshield parts are the same, so no significant modifications will have to be made. Troubleshooting is only possible by replacing the windshield seals.

Causes of high humidity

Superficial reasons

Before starting diagnostics, take into account factors that are not related to the operation of VAZ 2110 systems. For example, the windshield fogs up due to external climatic conditions. Wet weather, and the accompanying wet shoes and rugs that absorb large amounts of moisture, will provoke condensation on the coldest areas inside the VAZ 2110 interior, which are the glass. The problem can be eliminated by ventilating the interior and drying the rugs.

Moisture on the carpet of VAZ 2110

In winter, such a factor can be a car heater. Moisture enters the interior through the stove opening, the function of which is to intake air. It is located at the top of the hood. The snow that has accumulated there begins to melt as the engine heats up, and as a result, there is a high level of humidity in the cabin. In winter, to eliminate this problem, remove snow from the hood as often as possible.

How to remove condensation

After condensation appears, many motorists immediately turn on the heater or open a window. These methods do work, but they may not be enough. If visibility does not improve, you need to wipe the windows diagonally (this leaves fewer streaks) with a clean cloth or napkin.

Anti-fog chemicals

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You can find products on sale that help get rid of condensation. They can be in the form of a liquid or mastic, and are used both on the inside and outside of glass. The anti-fog agent must be applied to a dry surface and rubbed. After this, a transparent film will appear on the window, repelling water. In winter, you can use anti-ice products.

You can also make your own windshield defogger. To do this, you will need to mix glycerin with alcohol, and then apply the mixture to the window.

Why is this happening?

The main source of this problem in a car is moisture. Moreover, it can happen not only in wet weather. In combination with cold glass, moisture produces condensation. As a result, small drops of water form on the inside surface of the window and windshield. Of course, this negatively affects visibility and, as a result, traffic safety.

Often, excess moisture is removed from the interior by turning on the heater or blowing on the windshield. But this does not always give the desired result. Condensation still forms on the windows. If your car windows sweat, there may be different reasons. Let's look at ways to solve this problem.

Basic faults

The frill trim of the VAZ-2170 is characterized by one unpleasant malfunction. Over time, due to temperature changes and the sun, gaps appear between the frill and the windshield. This happens to owners of pre-restyling Priors - the old-style linings were not equipped with additional fasteners, so a gap between them and the glass appeared quite quickly.

In many cases, the spare part has to be changed as soon as it swells. Otherwise, the consequences may be negative. When water gets under the seal, there is a risk of accelerating corrosion. Water gets on metal parts and slowly destroys them - this applies to ordinary clamps and entire units.

Before purchasing a part, make sure that the part number for the Priora car matches the part you need. The mounting locations for the pre-restyling and restyled windshield parts are the same, so no significant modifications will have to be made. Troubleshooting is only possible by replacing the windshield seals.

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