Acoustic shelves and podiums for Lada VAZ 2110-2112 2110

VAZ 2112 acoustic shelf

As you know, achieving good sound in a car interior, where there is very little free space, is quite difficult. But this can be done if you use some devices, one of which is a homemade or store-bought acoustic shelf. There are a lot of components inside a car that interfere with normal sound. It's not just the noise of the engine or the hum of a moving car. The weak stereo effect is mostly due to the rear speakers and the direction of their sound. In other words, a large number of barriers arise between the speaker and the listener, in which the sound disappears. Of course, the problem can be solved and this can be done in several ways:

Acoustic shelf VAZ 2112 with sides

  • Point sound. This method involves installing the speakers (see How to choose speakers for your car radio yourself) so that they are aimed directly at the listener. In order not to deprive any of the passengers of sound, this method involves directing the speakers to the center of the cabin, thereby avoiding obstacles.

Note. In this case, the speakers are installed on the ceiling using a podium. But this method has disadvantages. In particular, there is no way to firmly fix the speaker, which will lead to rattling and other errors. In addition, this method of installing the speaker risks a complete lack of bass.

  • Reflected sound. The speakers in this case are directed to the rear window. Thus, the stereo effect is enhanced, and the sound becomes much more voluminous. This method is much easier to implement than the first and the bass sound will not suffer from such a dislocation.

Note. The reflected sound method implies the presence of an acoustic shelf. Only the store shelf is made in such a way that the speakers face the ceiling, where some of the sound is dampened by soft and fleecy material. In addition, if the VAZ 2112 car has headrests on the seats, then these are additional obstacles. Therefore, it is recommended to make a shelf yourself, especially since it is not so difficult.

Rear trunk shelf of VAZ 2112 made of carbon fiber

This article will help you save money and make your own carbon fiber parts for the internal body elements of the VAZ 2112. The total cost of all materials used is approximately $150. This price includes three rolls of carbon fiber, 2 liters of resin, wax, a set of brushes and sandpaper. These are all the necessary materials to make a shelf for speakers. So, we have prepared the materials, now it’s time to get down to business.

The rear shelf of the VAZ 2112 is a rather voluminous element, and besides, there are simple curved lines, so we can make this part without any problems. First of all, we roughly sand the surface so that it can adhere to the surface of the shelf as best as possible. Next, we measure the required amount of carbon material. When cutting the carbon fiber, we add three centimeters of margin on each side, and also keep in mind that we will have to fold the material at the edges so that the seam is not noticeable. When bending the fiber, you should secure all parts of the part with tape or insulating tape, so it will not slip. We try on the carbon fiber and make sure that it fits the surface and does not bulge anywhere. In several places we grab it with pieces of double-sided tape to the surface. During the application of resin, the fiber may separate from the shelf, creating a risk of bubble formation; the tape prevents this from happening.

We mix all the resin, each type has its own instructions and hardening time, before starting work it would not hurt to familiarize yourself with this information. The resin will begin to set in about 15 minutes, do not mix more than you can use in that amount of time. We strongly recommend using a respirator while working, otherwise you will get headaches. Now we begin to apply the resin to the carbon using the “peck” method on the first layer. Make sure that the carbon fiber does not slip, you need to work carefully because this happens very easily. We continue to treat the carbon with resin until it completely saturates the fabric and the air is completely released from the fabric. We wait until the first layer dries, this lasts about 2 hours. Next, take scissors and cut off the excess material. The next step is to apply another layer of resin. At least 3-4 layers of resin must be applied to the surface. Subsequent layers can be applied using normal brush movements and a thicker layer of resin. There is no need to sand between coats; this will do more harm than good. At the last stage, do not forget to add wax to the resin. Its quantity should be twice as much as the hardener. After the last layer has been applied, you need to let the part dry thoroughly, this will take about a day. The part will have a slightly cloudy appearance after drying, but do not be alarmed by this. The last crucial stage remains; it determines what the element will look like. We begin polishing the trunk shelf of a VAZ 2112, starting with sandpaper with the coarsest grit and ending with a final size of 1500.

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Photo instructions for making side shelves in the trunk of a VAZ

The resulting design can now be installed in a car. When installing, the standard self-tapping screws for attaching the sidewalls to the body must be replaced with M5 bolts. In order for the acoustic shelf to sit firmly on the sides, it is best to use Velcro (see photo below).

Now, significant weight can be placed on the resulting hard modification of the sides of the trunk without fear for its integrity, plus with this design we have completely eliminated any rattling and squeaking.

There are many other ways to combat noise in the trunk of a VAZ 2111 and VAZ 2112, but it is best to use them in combination - this increases the effectiveness of using each of them separately.

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How to make an acoustic shelf for a VAZ 2114 Music in a car with your own hands

Acoustic shelf and its production

Acoustic shelf for VAZ 2111

The reader probably wondered if it was possible to make such a product yourself without spending extra money. The answer is, of course you can. Just know that the acoustic shelf for the VAZ 2111 or 2112 should be built according to a slightly different scheme. The fact is that these car models belong to the station wagon body type, and most of the instructions for making shelves that can be downloaded from the Internet imply installation in sedans. In principle, the manufacturing process does not have any special differences, but there are a number of nuances that should not be ignored, otherwise it will affect the sound quality of the speakers and even the safety of passengers.

Installing an acoustic shelf on a VAZ 2112 with sidewalls

After installing the amplifier, the lack of bass support began to be clearly felt, because... the speakers stood in plastic sides. The thought of an acoustic shelf began to occur to me more and more often. But after walking through the markets and shops, I was very disappointed by the price, 1100 rubles. for a piece of cardboard covered with carpet. So I decided to make a shelf with my own hands. placing a standard shelf on a sheet of 9mm plywood, outlined it and sawed out the electric. with a jigsaw. For greater strength, I screwed a 3x5 cm wooden block to the back edge. I glued another sheet of 9mm plywood (laminated) under the speakers themselves.

and screwed it tightly with self-tapping screws.

I cut out 2 holes for the pancakes and... that was the end of the matter. I spent the whole day looking for a metal mesh to cover the holes. I visited all the shops and markets, but found nothing. And with such a bad mood, returning home from the parking lot, I suddenly saw exactly what I was looking for.

Can you guess what kind of mesh these are? Yes, yes, exactly, these are meshes from an air filter, the size is just right, and I wanted to buy them. Well, then the simplest thing remains, covering it with carpet

and screw the heads themselves

Here's what happened: To make it easier to remove the shelf, I placed terminals on the wires

Don't pay attention to the carpet hanging at the back; after final finishing and installation, it was glued to its designated place. Total: Total spent: 9mm plywood. 1 m2 - freebie 9mm plywood. 0.3 m2 - freebie Self-tapping screws 23 pcs. — freebie Carpet 1 m.p. - 120 rub.

Acoustic shelf and its production

Acoustic shelf for VAZ 2111

The reader probably wondered if it was possible to make such a product yourself without spending extra money. The answer is, of course you can. Just know that the acoustic shelf for the VAZ 2111 or 2112 should be built according to a slightly different scheme. The fact is that these car models belong to the station wagon body type, and most of the instructions for making shelves that can be downloaded from the Internet imply installation in sedans. In principle, the manufacturing process does not have any special differences, but there are a number of nuances that should not be ignored, otherwise it will affect the sound quality of the speakers and even the safety of passengers.

VAZ 2111 station wagon

A station wagon or hatchback differs from a sedan in the size of its interior. Because of this, it is necessary to place acoustic podiums with the correct direction on the station wagon shelf. There are other nuances, including mounting options, and much more.


Refinement of the acoustic shelf

In the VAZ 2111, the shelf does not have to be made from scratch. You can simply modify the standard one. Here are some features you need to know:

  • The standard rear shelf on the VAZ 2111 does not allow the installation of speakers, since it does not have a straight surface. The point of finishing is precisely to create a flat surface;
  • The material for finishing should be plywood 20 mm thick. Let its width be about 3.4 meters;
  • The standard shelf consists of two layers, the material of which resembles plastic. It is easy to cut with a knife.

Taking these features into account, we do the following:

  • We cut off the part of the shelf where we intend to install the speakers;
  • From a piece of plywood we cut out the outline of the shelf, copied from the standard one;
  • We coat the plywood with epoxy and glue it on the back side of the shelf;
  • The seams and irregularities formed during the joining process are eliminated with acrylic wood putty, and then, after drying, sanded down with sandpaper;
  • In the end, you will need to reupholster the shelf with a suitable material, for example, carpet.

Note. A piece of plywood can be glued not down the standard shelf, but up. There won't be any difference. But, in both cases, the standard shelf will become noticeably heavier, and the speakers will hold more confidently and reliably. By the way, if the shelf after such modification is, in your opinion, not weighted enough, there is a reason to cover it with vibration material, and only then reupholster it with carpet.

Shelf from scratch

Acoustic shelf from scratch

If you are not satisfied with the modification, but want to make everything yourself, then we do the following:

  • We take two pieces of plywood. The first piece should repeat the shape and dimensions of the standard shelf, and the second piece should be 1.5-2 cm shorter;
  • We connect two pieces of plywood together using foam or glue. And then we make sure to fasten it with wood screws;
  • We separately manufacture the folding part of the shelf. It can also be made from plywood. Awnings work well as a tilting mechanism.

Note. The folding part of the shelf can be cut off from the standard one, and then screwed to the new one. Nothing complicated - we cut off exactly the part with the hinges and attach it to the new shelf.

  • At the final stage, the shelf must be covered with carpet.

Note. You can make a shelf without a folding part, using one sheet of plywood. To give it a stylish appearance, you can decorate the shelf with an inscription, by burning, or in some other way.

Advantages and disadvantages of a shelf in a station wagon

Improved sound qualityIn a station wagon, a wooden acoustic shelf can pose a threat during a collision with a car from behind.
The appearance of the interior becomes more attractiveWhen transporting bulky cargo, you will need to periodically unhook the speaker wires and remove the shelf
The luggage compartment receives additional sound insulation
If you are smart and add folding legs to the shelf, you will get a real tourist table

Finalization of VAZ

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  • Making an acoustic shelf with your own hands for a VAZ 2112.

    We take plywood and draw the top of the old shelf and cut it out. Then we measure the same one but one and a half centimeters shorter. We take polyurethane foam and apply it to the part of the shelf that is longer. We fit the smaller part and it would be advisable to press it down with something, since the foam expands when it dries.

    Now we take the old shelf and cut off the folding part, a little more from the bend, so that we can then screw it to the new shelf.

    Next, we cut off the part from the old shelf where the fasteners are located.

    After the foam has dried, we cover the shelf with carpet.

    After this we screw the folding part and the part where the fastenings are located with self-tapping screws

    . The entire shelf is ready. We install the speakers and enjoy the sound.

    The benefits of an acoustic shelf

    Acoustic shelf VAZ 2110

    Before moving on to the immediate algorithm of actions, let's dwell on the benefits of an acoustic shelf. Let's find out what its advantages and advantages are. So, below are the known advantages of such a shelf:

    2110 acoustic shelf with hidden speakers


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    We have devoted a separate paragraph to these mandatory components of an acoustic shelf. As mentioned above, in the interior of a station wagon, it is recommended that the speakers be given a certain directional position. In addition, podiums add a beautiful appearance to the shelf, making them more stylish and attractive. You can make podiums for a shelf in several ways, using polyurethane foam or a solid piece of plywood. The owner decides which method to choose, but it must be borne in mind that it will be a little difficult to cut a solid piece of wood carefully and screw it so that it does not crack. We present to your attention an original manufacturing method, quite suitable for a person with basic knowledge in the field of design.


    Careful attention must be paid to preparation:

    • First of all, we must have plywood, but thinner than the one from which we made the shelf. 10mm will do just fine;
    • When buying fabric for upholstering a shelf, we calculate its quantity taking into account the upholstery and podiums that we will make. In this case, you don’t need much: 1x1.5 meters of carpet will be enough;
    • Nylon women's stockings, can be used;
    • Fiberglass putty;
    • Epoxy resin;
    • Stapler;
    • Self-tapping screws.

    Construction of seat belt boxes and speaker podiums

    Using a jigsaw we make the bases for the podiums. In order for the structure to be rigid, it must be reinforced with 40x20 mm wooden blocks; using self-tapping screws and bars we connect the ovals together (as shown in the figure below). We cut out several holes in the shelf for air circulation between the trunk and the passenger compartment.

    We fill the voids between the bars of the podiums with polyurethane foam. After the foam has dried, we simply cut it along the edges and sand it with sandpaper to smooth out the unevenness. We strengthen the structure with cardboard, which is impregnated with epoxy glue.

    When making boxes for seat belts, it should be taken into account that the belts enter from the side. The boxes are made of timber, which adds rigidity to the structure. After installing the boxes, the rear shelf of the VAZ 2107 is no different from the factory one. To give it an aesthetic appearance, you need to cover it with carpet, the entire shelf is ready, you can install it.

    Note: you can make a bass reflex for an acoustic shelf. To do this, make a hole in the middle of the shelf, so as not to spoil the view, it can be covered with a decorative lattice.

    Tools and materials

    First of all, you will need to stock up on materials and tools with which you can make a shelf. This list includes:

    • Sheet of plywood - 2 pieces with a thickness of at least 5 millimeters;
    • Cardboard sheet;
    • Set of self-tapping screws;
    • 2-3 furniture curtains;
    • Electric jigsaw;
    • Sandpaper;
    • Marker;
    • Shelf covering material;
    • Roulette, ruler, etc.;
    • Glue.

    The design involves the creation of two main elements. They are combined into a single system - a podium for the speakers and a folding part with which you get access to the luggage compartment.

    Making your own shelves for acoustics

    To make the rear shelf you will need.

    1. A sheet of plywood 10 mm thick (MDF or chipboard).
    2. Carpet (non-woven, highly stretchable material). 0.5 m with dimensions 150x80 cm is enough.
    3. Glue for plywood and carpet (special for this fabric or universal glue 88).
    4. Self-tapping screws up to 25 mm long.
    5. Drill.
    6. Jigsaw.
    7. Cardboard for making a template and drawing tools (compasses, pencils, rulers).
    8. Sanding machine or sandpaper.
    9. Construction or furniture stapler, staples for it.

    The template is applied to a sheet of cardboard and then tried on in the machine. A piece of 133x57.5 cm is cut out (with a margin for adjustment). We transfer the drawing to plywood. After cutting down the two outer pieces, we carry out another fitting. Next, we make another template from plywood to accurately determine all the angles. They may interfere with closing the trunk. Let's see if the shelf interferes with locking the luggage compartment.

    We measure the radius of the speakers and transfer the resulting dimensions to the layout. Let's start cutting out the shelf, cover and holes for the speakers with an electric jigsaw. The edges of the slots must be carefully sanded. Where the trunk lid opens, sanding is done on both sides. Then we measure the carpet along the entire length of the folding part with a margin of about 5-6 cm.

    Apply glue to the bottom part, attach the carpet, and so on along all edges. It is better to apply the glue in parts so that other areas do not dry out. There is no need to apply a thick layer, as the fabric may become saturated. We secure the edges with a construction stapler, placing the staples as close to each other as possible. The carpet is elastic, but you don’t need to stretch it much. After finishing with carpet, the acoustic shelf should dry within 24 hours.

    The next stage is fastening the hinges for the moving part. Self-tapping screws should not interfere with the operation of the hinges. We try on the speakers and cover the remaining part of the acoustic shelf with carpet. We install the hinges, try on the shelf and install the speakers. The considered option does not require dismantling the standard sidewalls; the acoustic shelf is installed on them using self-tapping screws.

    A home-made acoustic shelf for a VAZ will cost 1.5 times less than a purchased one and can be compared with the factory version in terms of quality.

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