Rating of the best gas stations by gasoline quality for 2022

A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. This phrase from the famous novel “The Golden Calf” has not lost any relevance today. Own transport means convenience and freedom of movement, and in the difficult epidemiological situation of recent years, it also means safety. Most Russian families have cars, and some have not one iron horse, but two or more.

Every car needs fuel. Electric vehicles have not yet become widespread in our country, and traditional gas stations continue to service hundreds and thousands of cars. Some cars use diesel fuel, but most run on gasoline.

Rating of gas stations in Russia

So which gas stations stock the best gasoline? Which brands of petroleum products should you trust with your car? To understand this issue, you should look at the rating of gas stations by gasoline quality 2015-2016.

10th place – MTK

And this despite the fact that in the ranking of Russian gas stations, MTK is so far the only gas station network controlled by the Moscow government. Gasoline and diesel fuel meet the Euro 4 standard and undergo strict quality control in laboratory conditions. This fuel is environmentally friendly. Along with this, prices at MTK gas stations are the most affordable in the capital.

9th place – Tatneft

It is one of the top ten gas stations in the country. One of the advantages of the network is that they can be easily found throughout Russia. For example, it is easier to meet the Tatneft IZS on the highway than the SHell point. The products supplied to gas stations are produced by the Moscow oil refinery. The quality of fuel is carefully controlled in factory laboratories. In the production of fuel, only those additives are used that really improve the quality of the mixture and ensure good engine performance for a maximum long period of time. As practice shows, there are practically no cases of underfilling or substitution of gasoline brands at Tatneft gas stations.

8th place – Phaeton Aero

Unlike the two previous brands of gasoline, Phaeton Aero is a product supplied to gas stations of the same name by three manufacturing plants. This:

  • CJSC "Rutek"
  • LLC "PO Kirishinefteorgsintez"
  • Tekhnokhim LLC.

7th place – Sibneft

The oil company Sibneft has a powerful technical base that allows it to extract raw materials at greater depths than its main competitors. The company began its activities in the Tomsk region, but in a short period of time quickly expanded its sales area. Today, Sibneft gas stations are located in almost all regions of Russia. The quality of gasoline is at its best due to the use of the latest technologies and the highest quality additives.

6th place – Track

Gas station "Trassa" LLC is one of the most popular chains of gas stations in Russia. According to many drivers, the quality of gasoline and diesel fuel at the company’s gas stations is quite satisfactory. In addition, AI-95 Premium Sport fuel appeared at gas stations not long ago.

5th place – British Petroleum

Gas stations of this company can be found not only in Russia, but throughout the world. British Petroleum is the largest oil production and refining company on the planet. The fuel of this company meets the highest European standards; gas stations are also equipped with everything necessary for the convenience of customers. True, prices for all types of gasoline are not the cheapest in the country.

4th place – TNK

One of the largest oil refining companies in the CIS. A third of all fuel sold at gas stations meets the Euro-5 standard. Additional proprietary additives increase the power of the unit, contribute to the economical consumption of its resources, and maintain the cleanliness of its components. In addition, fuel at TNK stations is sold at quite affordable prices.

3rd place – Shell

SHell gas stations are among the top three gas stations in terms of gasoline quality in Russia. SHell fuel is environmentally friendly and meets all European industry standards. It is worth noting that SHell fuel is manufactured in accordance with GOST and meets the Euro-5 standard.

2nd place – Gazpromneft

This gasoline outperforms TM SHell as a fuel. Its gas stations sell fuel from several of the best domestic and foreign manufacturers. The product is manufactured according to specifications and complies with the Euro-4 standard.

1st place - Lukoil

It is believed that in Russia today this is the best network of gas stations in terms of gasoline quality. Products under this TM were awarded the “Ecological Label” and meet the Euro-5 standard. A nice bonus is reasonable prices for Lukoil fuel.

Which gas station to fill up with fuel is a personal matter for each car owner, but awareness is also of great importance. Therefore, we suggest using the rating of the best gas stations in the country to choose the highest quality gasoline.

Is Russian fuel different from European fuel?

Naturally, the quality of Russian fuel differs from the quality of European fuel. What is this connected with? With the fact that Russian oil refineries have not yet switched to the production of gasoline and diesel fuel that would meet Euro III and Euro IV standards. However, the demand for these types of fuel is still very low, since there are still very few engines that meet these standards in the Siberian region. It should be noted that in terms of its physical qualities and octane number, Russian gasoline is in no way inferior to European fuel. Moreover, the Russian market has developed a clearer classification of gasoline brands by octane numbers than in Europe. At the same time, Russian gasoline is inferior to European gasoline in such important indicators as benzene and sulfur content. For example, in Europe the benzene content in gasoline should not exceed 0.8-1%. In Russian fuel, higher concentrations are allowed - up to 5% benzene. It is benzene that is the main cause of increased carbon formation in the combustion chamber of the engine, which in turn leads to a deterioration in its efficiency and also reduces the environmental performance of the engine.

British Petroleum


  • The world's largest fuel production organization
  • Availability of recommendations from well-known players in the car market


  • Company participation in major scandals

One of the most famous gas stations in the world is British Petroleum. It conquered the Russian market with its own sources of oil production, recommendations from automobile manufacturers and a high octane number of gasoline. According to BP management, the Activ fuel developed by the company cleans car engines. And clients trust them, even despite the major scandals in which the company was involved.

Rating of gas stations in Russia

What is the best gas station to buy fuel at? Below is a rating of the 10 most representative fuel networks in Russia.

Place in the rankingCompany nameDescription
10MTKThe network of gas stations and the quality of fuel at them is controlled by the government, so you can safely fill your car with gasoline here.
9TatneftWidespread network of retail outlets in the Russian Federation. The quality of gasoline is improved by additives. Unfortunately, there are rare cases of underfilling.
8SibNeftThe company has the latest equipment for raw material extraction, processing and bottling at stations.
7British PetroleumAn international network of gas stations with retail outlets in more than one country. Fuel in this company is not sold very cheaply. But it meets all European standards.
6BashneftRecently it has been included in the assets of Rosneft.
5RosneftAnother widespread network, gas stations of which can be found in almost any city. The quality of the fuel is guaranteed by our own production.
4TNKCompliance with Euro-5, one of the most widespread networks in Russia and the CIS countries, affordable prices - aren’t these indicators of quality?
3ShellIn addition to compliance with GOST and Euro-5 standard, fuel of this brand is noted as environmentally friendly.
2GazpromneftGas stations sell fuel from several domestic and foreign manufacturers that meet the Euro-4 standard.
1LukoilThe chain's products have been repeatedly awarded with famous awards, such as the Ecological Label. The fuel meets Euro-5 standards.

When to pour 100th and what brand

The first to reach the hundredth octane number (OCN) using the research method is the Lukoil company. In 2017, ECTO-98 was replaced by ECTO-100. A year later, Gazpromneft got involved, putting up the G-Drive 100 for sale. The “eighth” Ultimate from BP and V-Power Racing from Shell are the main competitors of the “hundredth”, since the engine ratings are almost identical.

The highest OP indicators were noted for G-Drive 100, and the largest share of marketing was for EKTO-100. This does not mean at all that one is an outsider, and the other is worth pouring on everyone. No, gas station ratings are not appropriate here, to each his own:

  • Shell V-Power Racing: civilian rides in cars with turbocharged engines without a touch of insolence and additional tuning. BASF Nemo 6125 additive has the best comprehensive protection among competitors.
  • ECTO-100: “chip” turbocharged engines in daily use.
  • BP Ultimate: data are similar to ECTO-100, but the multifunctional additive is better. Scope of use: where Shell is.
  • G-Drive 100: boosted naturally aspirated engines in any operation and sports trips on closed tracks with turbocharged power plants.

Higher OR is achieved by increasing the concentration of oxyginates and benzene. They contain additional oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the completeness of combustion, but reduces the calorie content of the fuel. Therefore, 100s are useful only because of detonation resistance. But when using them, the interval that determines how often to change the engine oil should be shortened - the load on the liquid on 100-octane gasoline increases.

Choosing a suitable gas station that has both fuel of acceptable quality and not exorbitant prices is often no simpler task than choosing a car, because the duration and safety of operation of the components of your vehicle, as well as the security of your wallet, depend on these parameters. Therefore, we present a rating of gas stations by gasoline quality for 2018-2019 in Moscow and the region.

Where to buy high-quality AI-98

Definitely not in the regions. In many large towns, the “eighth” is not popular, so it sits in storage, losing its condition. No, there are turbo engines, but the 98 justifies the investment only in hot weather or under high loads. The power without additional chip tuning is the same, whether on the “fifth” or on the AI-98.

Advice. If the engine regularly spins up to high speeds, and your driving style is dominated by sharp starts and accelerations, don’t skimp! Fill with fuel with more octane, otherwise detonation at extreme conditions will kill the piston and cylinder block within a year or two.

In the Moscow region, high-octane fuel is in demand. Gazpromneft, Lukoil, Shell and BP – these gas stations in Moscow supply the highest quality AI-98 gasoline. The fuel is clean and infused with proprietary multifunctional additives (detergents + corrosion inhibitors, etc.).

For your information. “Fifth”, “eighth” and “hundredth” are no longer produced by adding additives to AI-80.

The influence of gasoline quality on the engine

There are often cases when, when changing the type or brand of fuel, the driver encounters behavior that is unusual for his car: the engine takes a long time to start and stall, tapping noises are heard while driving, and the car itself moves jerkily, as if the fuel gauge needle was approaching zero. If such problems did not bother you before, but made themselves felt along with the change of petroleum product, this may indicate both the low quality of the latter and its inconsistency with the passport of a particular vehicle. Below is the relationship between fuel characteristics and their direct impact on engine performance.

Octane number

Octane number is a comparative indicator that determines the degree of resistance of a particular type of commercial gasoline to detonation. In this case, detonation should be understood as the spontaneous ignition of fuel as a result of a thermal explosion during compression of the fuel mixture. This process is typical when the octane number, and therefore the detonation resistance, is low. The following signs are noted:

  • power drawdowns;
  • sharp sound;
  • increased smokiness of exhausts;
  • rapid combustion of fuel.

When the use of low-octane fuel that does not meet the vehicle requirements is systematic, local engine damage is possible. In particular, exhaust valves can burn out because the mixture detonates before they can close. This process can be recognized by a characteristic metallic sound. In addition, the pistons and cylinder head gasket may be damaged.

The use of high-octane gasoline allows you to increase engine power in the usual operating mode. However, not all vehicles are designed for this type of fuel. When refueling a car with high-octane gasoline, the engine of which is designed to use low-octane fuel, a kind of reconfiguration of the fuel system occurs. Fuel combustion occurs with a “delay,” which ultimately leads to a significant decrease in the power characteristics of the engine, instead of the expected improvement. This also threatens wear of the cylinder-piston group due to an increase in temperature.

Resin and sulfur content

When the amount of actual resins goes beyond the norm, they settle on the elements of the combustion chamber. Over time, the injectors become clogged and carbon deposits form on the spark plugs. Among other things, this can lead to so-called glow ignition, which triggers an uncontrolled combustion process. Due to premature combustion, the pressure and temperature in the cylinders increase. Because of this, with each cycle, ignition occurs earlier and earlier until one of the parts fails.

The glow ignition is accompanied by a dull knocking sound. However, even an experienced driver cannot always distinguish it by ear. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the power: at high rotation speeds, power drops of up to 15% are observed. This can be noticed when the throttle valve is fully open.

Due to the increased sulfur content in gasoline, oxides are formed during combustion - compounds of minerals with oxygen, which, when exposed to high temperatures, can cause corrosion, and when interacting with moisture, form sulfuric acid, which further enhances corrosion. This leads to wear of the gas exhaust system, as well as lead-bronze bearings, up to their destruction.


Another factor leading to the development of corrosive activity is increased acidity. This increases the tendency of gasoline to form deposits in the combustion chamber and the fuel system as a whole. According to GOST, the acidity indicator for different brands of gasoline is:

  • AI-91: 3.0 mg KOH;
  • AI-93: 0.8 mg KOH;
  • AI-95: 2.0 mg KOH.

The specified standards correspond to 100 ml of gasoline. Interestingly, during fuel storage, its acidity increases, but still rarely reaches critical values.

What to pay attention to

When choosing a gas station, you need to pay attention to a number of factors, such as:

pollution indicators. This is especially true for gas stations in Moscow. Various foreign elements can get into the composition during the production process, but most often this happens during the stages of transportation or storage;

management attitude. Some companies understand that customers have now become more picky, so they try to treat them as loyally as possible. Others continue to add cheap impurities to fuel, do not follow storage standards, etc.;

deception of buyers. A common practice is when you pay the price of 98 liters of gasoline, and they fill you with 92. Or, instead of 50 liters, 45 liters end up in the tank. It is almost impossible to monitor this, which is what business owners take advantage of;

absence of special additives in the composition. With the help of special elements you can significantly improve the quality of fuel. With the help of additives, you can easily turn 92 gasoline into 95 gasoline. At the same time, not all gas stations use this in their practice, which is why cars that regularly visit such gas stations break down much faster;

price. With equal characteristics, cost plays an important role

Especially if you take into account the greatly increased price of fuel. It should be understood that in some cases the low cost arises solely due to the low-quality composition of the fuel.

We took all this into account in our rating of gas stations presented below.

How to avoid being scammed at gas stations

It is not uncommon for consumers to encounter deception and petty fraud at gas stations. In some cases, this leads to receiving less gasoline for the stated price, in others – to problems in the operation of the car. The most common types of deception are listed below.

  1. Purchasing high-quality AI-92 gasoline and increasing its octane number to AI-95 or AI-98 by using toxic cheap additives (tetraethyl lead, monomethylaniline, etc.).
  2. Reprogramming gas pumps so that they show more fuel than was actually filled.
  3. Tricks with a refueling pistol. Gas attendants may resort to this trick if the driver is distracted or goes to the store. The gun button is released when the column begins to count the last liter, and this fuel remains in the hose, from where it is later drained.
  4. Overflow. Often found at gas stations located on the highway. The calculation is based on the fatigue of drivers, who may not notice that the amount in the check is more than what the gas tank can hold.
  5. Rounding up the purchase amount. Used when paying in cash. An argument may be made that they have handed over all the cash to the collectors and have nothing to give in change. In this case, refueling can be carried out for the amount requested by the driver. The calculation is based on inattention.
  6. Fraud with discount cards. The seller can say that the customer's card is not readable, and after he agrees to pay without a discount, use his own discount card, thus assigning the discount to himself.

In order to avoid becoming a victim of the situations described above, you need to be careful and follow several rules:

  • It is better to refuel the car yourself, without trusting gas stations.
  • The gun should be turned off and removed from the tank only after the meter on the dispenser has turned off.
  • If you have any doubts about the settings of the fuel column, you can pour gasoline into your canister and compare the actual volume with what is displayed on the display. The refusal of gas station employees to pour fuel into a canister is illegal and may indirectly indicate deliberate violations on their part. To check, you can also use a special measuring canister, which must be available at every gas station. This capacity must be provided upon the client’s first request. The sample is taken in the presence of the gas station manager and two witnesses.
  • If you have a complaint about a non-working discount card, you can check it at another gas station, and if you round up the purchase amount, be sure to check that exactly the amount of fuel is filled as needed based on the actual amount of payment.

Identified underfilling or overfilling is a good reason for filing a complaint with Rostechnadzor. And if an engine breakdown occurs due to low-quality gasoline, you can complain to Rosstandart and request an inspection of the gas station’s operation.

Studying reviews on independent resources from real customers of various gas stations will allow you to determine which places you can go to for gasoline for your iron horse, and which ones are better to avoid. Care and a competent approach to choosing a gas station will help you avoid many problems and make operating your car even more enjoyable.


To purchase premium gasoline, you should contact a Shell station. Of course, it is a little more expensive than regular gasoline, but the price is worth it. Premium fuel has a stable octane number, a high degree of purification and is supplemented with special additives that reduce fuel consumption and vehicle wear. Therefore, Shell is the choice of drivers who care about their “iron horse” and are willing to spend money on it.

But Shell's regular fuel is of "above average" quality. And this is not at all justified by the relatively high price of a liter of classic AI-92 or AI-95 at these stations, which can cost 10-40 kopecks more than its competitors.

However, if you fill up regularly and have a special reward card (including an electronic one), you can save money. Even on premium fuel.


Candidate Selection Criteria

In order to select gas stations and determine the best gas stations based on the quality of gasoline offered in Russia, several key requirements were presented to candidates.

You can confirm the quality or catch a gas station in deception only by checking samples in special laboratories. The results will serve as strong evidence in court. There are also home testing methods. But they cannot be considered as evidence. This is more of an option for personal reassurance that you have chosen the right gas station.

As for the selection criteria that make it possible to determine the best car gas stations in Russia, as well as to identify the favorites in terms of gasoline quality, they were as follows.

Environmental class To check environmental friendliness, pay attention to the presence of Euro-5 or Euro-4 certificates. Euro 5 is given only to those who strictly adhere to the standards of purity of petroleum products. Also, an indicator of environmental friendliness is corresponding awards such as environmental quality marks. Lukoil has similar achievements. When purchasing fuel, you need to look at what eco-class is indicated. If it is not available, then purchasing fuel here is not recommended. It is possible that they use dirty gasoline of class 1-2. Octane number. When choosing gasoline, you need to look not at prices, but at the recommendations of your car manufacturer. Some allow the use of fuel with different octane numbers. Others are strictly limited to one octane number. It is impossible to check the octane number for compliance except in a laboratory. Therefore, samples were taken from all candidates for research. Those who managed to be among the leaders confirmed the validity of the specified octane number in the product description at the gas station. Service. The rating of gas stations located throughout Russia was also compiled taking into account the quality of service at the gas station. A fairly simple indicator in terms of assessment. But each client forms his own opinion. Therefore, a survey has already been conducted here, comments and reviews have been taken into account. The quality of service is determined by politeness, responsiveness, efficiency of work, respect for consumer rights, etc.

It is also important that everything works at the gas station so that there are no delays during service. Comfort level also plays a role

The opportunity to have a snack, go to the toilet, or drink delicious coffee is absolutely welcome. Price. Prices are constantly changing, and tracking the dynamics is quite difficult, given the distribution of network gas stations in different regions. It is interesting that large companies in big cities often set prices lower than in remote locations. This is done with the aim of luring customers. Underfilled. One of the main problems of gas stations. Much depends on local leadership. It is difficult to control the work of all local managers from the central office. Therefore, unscrupulous employees deceive customers by not adding a certain amount of gasoline. At the gas stations included in the rating, this problem is least noticeable. Although they also sin by underfilling.

Based on all these points, you can take a look at the top 10 among the best gas stations in Russia.


Tatneft supplies high quality fuel and controls all gasoline supplies. The company also does not hide the fact that it uses additives to increase octane number. However, as we wrote above, it is not in all cases possible to obtain high-octane gasoline without additives. Tatneft uses only high-quality additives. Such openness is beneficial for the company and inspires greater consumer confidence. In Moscow and the Moscow region, Tatneft has the lowest prices among its competitors.


Advantages and disadvantages of ECTO 100

Lukoil EKTO 100 gasoline appeared at Russian gas stations in 2022. But before it replaced grade 98, comprehensive research and testing was carried out with the involvement of specialists from the leading Russian research institute in the automotive industry - NAMI. The tests were not limited to passenger cars; a series of tests were carried out using a sports model - the Porsche 911.

Speaking about the advantages and disadvantages of ECTO, it is important to consider what engine is in your car and whether 100 gasoline is suitable for it. For cars with high mileage, using the new ECTO product causes some problems

If you do not change the filter, all deposits from the fuel tank, from the walls of the cylinders, pistons, and valves will begin to dissolve and go into the engine, which will worsen its performance.

If the car has a small naturally aspirated engine, you don’t need to immediately switch completely to AI-100 gasoline and refuel “under the cap.” It's not worth the risk. Perhaps the dynamics will improve somewhat, but fuel consumption will remain the same. But problems will quickly come with the fuel pump, which may not accept additives unknown to it, or with valves, which may suffer from excessively high temperatures, like the power unit. As for powerful turbine engines, for them ECTO is a complete benefit and pleasure.

Despite the fact that the cost of ECTO 100 gasoline is slightly higher than that of its nearest “neighbor” brand 98, according to experienced drivers, using the “100th” allows you to save on repairs and on your nerves. This can also be attributed to the advantages of ECTO.

Top 1. Atan

Rating (2021): 4.90

932 reviews from resources taken into account: Yandex.Maps

The best network by number of gas stations

The Crimean network of Atan gas stations has more than 100 stations. This is the largest and most popular gas station among Crimeans and guests of the peninsula.

  • Characteristics Price AI-95: 53.99 rub.
  • DT price: 52.95 rub.
  • Number of refills: more than 100

The most prominent network of gas stations in Crimea is steadily expanding - new Atan gas stations regularly appear on the roads. The company owns its own network of oil depots in all regions of Crimea. Upon arrival at the base, each batch of petroleum products is checked, and before transporting the fuel to the gas station, its density and temperature are monitored. Numerous reviews from drivers confirm that the quality of the fuel here can be trusted. There is a gas station. True, drivers complain that the gas in the tank fits 5-6 liters more than the volume of the tank itself. At gas stations there is a bistro where you can count on delicious coffee and a fresh snack. In Stopmarket stores you can find something for your car, hygiene, buy groceries or a toy. As elsewhere, prices here are higher than in regular supermarkets. A flexible bonus system allows you to receive 1-2 bonuses for every ruble spent, and accumulated points are spent at the rate of 100 bonuses = 1 ruble. In reviews, people also praise the perfect cleanliness of the toilets at the network’s gas stations.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • A large number of gas stations
  • Flexible bonus system
  • Gas filling
  • Service level

Not always the exact amount of refill

What kind of gasoline is best to refuel with?

ROSNEFT gas station

After choosing a gas station, you need to decide on the brand of gasoline. Many are inclined towards 92, believing that it is cleaner. But do not forget that 92 is still the same 80. This can be confirmed by any examination. But that's not the main point. First of all, you should look at the instructions for the car or open the gas tank hatch; perhaps the brand of gasoline is indicated there. If your car is recommended for 95 gasoline, then you should only fill it with that. Well, if 92 is recommended, then the decision is up to the car owner. There will be no harm if you fill in 95 instead of 92. You can fill in 92 and 95 one by one and experimentally determine which gasoline the car drives better with. But, usually, the choice remains at 95.

98 gasoline also requires close attention. By the way, if the question arises: at which gas station 98 gasoline is better, then it is best to contact the Lukoil gas station. Some motorists ask whether it is possible to fill in 98. Perhaps the car will drive better with this gasoline? The answer is categorical - no. This gasoline is recommended for highly accelerated engines with a high compression ratio. That is, for motorsportsmen. But if there is surrogate gasoline in the gas tank, then you should fill in 5-10 liters of 98. And urgently visit a service station.

Article on the topic: What to do if the engine oil level exceeds the norm?

More expensive means better?

There is an opinion, especially among girls, that the 95 is the best choice for most cars. The arguments are as follows: because it has a higher octane number, it means it is “cleaner”, and therefore more expensive.

But this is a completely philistine and illiterate view. Especially regarding “cleaner” - the number of additives in expensive gasoline is simply enormous.

Reasons for the appearance of low-quality fuel at gas stations

First of all, it should be remembered that there are companies that independently extract raw materials (Gazpromneft and Rosneft), and there are those that buy it from them. There is also such a thing as “subsidiaries” operating under a license from a holding company. The latter include, for example, TNK, BP and Bashneft, which are owned by Rosneft. Therefore, it is not surprising that fuel of the same quality can be purchased under nominally different brands. It may differ only in brand name and price. Sometimes - with additives.

As for transnational companies operating in the Russian Federation, one should not hope that Shell or British Petroleum will be the same as in Europe or America. At a minimum, raw materials for fuel of these brands are purchased from domestic refineries. For example, Shell does not have its own carriers at all, so in Russia its duties are performed by the company AVTEK, which receives gasoline in Ufa, Kapotnya, Yaroslavl, and Ryazan.

Moreover, at the same gas station each time there may be fuel from different places. They transport it in the same fuel trucks, as a result of which a new batch may arrive with traces of the previous one. And it doesn’t have to be the same brand of gasoline. Although company employees exclude the possibility of mixing samples, arguing that there is a special sensor inside the container, such a risk cannot be dismissed.

Considering all of the above, it remains to focus the attention of motorists on the data presented and recommend purchasing gasoline at gas stations of oil producing companies that have committed to improving fuel quality and are interested in regular customers. This will be indirect evidence of good gasoline and high service

Where they underfill: rating of gas stations by underfilling

Keeping a paid liter or two on the balance sheet of a gas station is a completely familiar goal that is usually set for gas stations. If you don’t want to be deceived, demand that there is no human contact with the gun while pouring fuel into the tank. Another option is to avoid visiting gas stations with dishonest intentions.

The black list includes those who like to add extra 0.5 liters or more:

  • Gazprom and Gazpromneft.
  • Route.
  • Neftmagistral.
  • Tatneft.
  • Rosneft.
  • B.P.

Any of the ESA gas stations is distinguished by transparent accounting of the displacement count in Moscow. Shell and Lukoil also do not suffer from dependence on black money - even in the regions the counter counts what it has.



  • Qualified personnel
  • No queues


  • Presence of equipment failures

TNK gas stations have an impressive number of customers. There are times when low-quality gasoline is poured into tanks, causing many problems with the engine.

Rating of gas stations in Russia

So which gas stations stock the best gasoline? Which brands of petroleum products should you trust with your car? To understand this issue, you should look at the rating of gas stations by gasoline quality 2015-2016.

10th place – MTK

And this despite the fact that in the ranking of Russian gas stations, MTK is so far the only gas station network controlled by the Moscow government. Gasoline and diesel fuel meet the Euro 4 standard and undergo strict quality control in laboratory conditions. This fuel is environmentally friendly. Along with this, prices at MTK gas stations are the most affordable in the capital.

9th place – Tatneft

It is one of the top ten gas stations in the country. One of the advantages of the network is that they can be easily found throughout Russia. For example, it is easier to meet the Tatneft IZS on the highway than the SHell point. The products supplied to gas stations are produced by the Moscow oil refinery. The quality of fuel is carefully controlled in factory laboratories. In the production of fuel, only those additives are used that really improve the quality of the mixture and ensure good engine performance for a maximum long period of time. As practice shows, there are practically no cases of underfilling or substitution of gasoline brands at Tatneft gas stations.

8th place – Phaeton Aero

Unlike the two previous brands of gasoline, Phaeton Aero is a product supplied to gas stations of the same name by three manufacturing plants. This:

  • CJSC "Rutek"
  • LLC "PO Kirishinefteorgsintez"
  • Tekhnokhim LLC.

7th place – Sibneft

The oil company Sibneft has a powerful technical base that allows it to extract raw materials at greater depths than its main competitors. The company began its activities in the Tomsk region, but in a short period of time quickly expanded its sales area. Today, Sibneft gas stations are located in almost all regions of Russia. The quality of gasoline is at its best due to the use of the latest technologies and the highest quality additives.

6th place – Track

Gas station "Trassa" LLC is one of the most popular chains of gas stations in Russia. According to many drivers, the quality of gasoline and diesel fuel at the company’s gas stations is quite satisfactory. In addition, AI-95 Premium Sport fuel appeared at gas stations not long ago.

5th place – British Petroleum

Gas stations of this company can be found not only in Russia, but throughout the world. British Petroleum is the largest oil production and refining company on the planet. The fuel of this company meets the highest European standards; gas stations are also equipped with everything necessary for the convenience of customers. True, prices for all types of gasoline are not the cheapest in the country.

4th place – TNK

One of the largest oil refining companies in the CIS. A third of all fuel sold at gas stations meets the Euro-5 standard. Additional proprietary additives increase the power of the unit, contribute to the economical consumption of its resources, and maintain the cleanliness of its components. In addition, fuel at TNK stations is sold at quite affordable prices.

3rd place – Shell

SHell gas stations are among the top three gas stations in terms of gasoline quality in Russia. SHell fuel is environmentally friendly and meets all European industry standards. It is worth noting that SHell fuel is manufactured in accordance with GOST and meets the Euro-5 standard.

Phaeton Aero

At the moment, the Phaeton Aero network is not very developed: the company’s gas stations are located in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. The network is distinguished by high quality gasoline and relatively low prices. Gasoline is not diluted and corresponds to the octane number. There are no complaints about underfilling.

Phaeton Aero

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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