What is power steering fluid, as well as its types and differences

Surely, you have read on the Internet and heard from sellers of technical fluids a lot of different things about these same fluids. Some experts support everything natural and boycott synthetics, while others, under the threat of breaking the entire machine, prohibit mixing oils. Still others, on the contrary, optimistically assure that they don’t care what kind of oil, as long as it performs its functions...

Fortunately, we have oil compositions and manuals from manufacturers at our disposal. With the help of this knowledge, we will try to work through some of the myths that arise among drivers from an overabundance of information and the “widest range”.

What is power steering

First, let's briefly look at the design of the power steering. As already mentioned, the system is closed, which means it is under pressure. The power steering includes a pump, a steering rack with a hydraulic cylinder, a reservoir with a fluid reserve, a pressure regulator (bypass valve), a control spool, as well as pressure and return pipelines.

Power steering device diagram

When you turn the steering wheel, the control spool rotates, switching hydraulic flows. The hydraulic cylinder is integrated with the steering rack and works in both directions. The pump is belt driven by the engine and creates operating pressure in the system. The bypass valve regulates pressure, diverting excess fluid as needed. A special oil is used as the fluid in the system.

Changing the oil in the steering gearbox on a VAZ 2101-VAZ 2107

Welcome! Steering gear – this unit has many names, some call it “Steering column”, some call it “Steering mechanism”, and some call it “Steering gear”. In fact, of all these names listed, the most reliable is only “Steering mechanism” because this is the name given to this unit during the creation of cars of the “Classic” family.

But not all car owners know why the car needs this part, so today we will briefly tell you about it and show you instructions for changing the oil in the steering gear, which is located just below.

Note! To change the oil you will need: A clean cloth or, instead, it is best to use a wire brush to remove dirt from the gear housing cover!

In addition to these devices, you also need to stock up on: A screwdriver, as well as a basic set of wrenches, a “12” hexagon and a regular or oil syringe for pouring oil into the gearbox!


Briefly about the steering gear: This is the most important component of the steering gear, because thanks to this unit, when you turn the steering wheel, the wheels of the car also turn, that is, it transmits the force when turning the steering wheel to the wheels, thereby steering the car.

When should you change the steering gear oil? Many people say that there is no need to change the oil in the steering mechanism, but if you look at it from the other side, there is still a need to change the oil. Almost any oils after a certain period of time lose their properties and they begin to oxidize. Due to oxidation, they begin to leave sediment on the walls, thereby polluting the system and therefore, I think it’s worth spending money on “1 liter” of gear oil.

Note! By the way, it is necessary to change the oil in the steering gear housing very rarely, approximately “20,000 - 40,000 thousand km” because constantly changing the oil is really just a waste of money. But if the oil has already lost its additives and therefore it has turned very black, accompanied by heavy turning of the steering wheel, then in this case it is necessary to change the oil as quickly as possible so that everything returns to normal!

Hydraulic booster fluid

The power steering fluid transfers the pressure created by the pump to the piston of the hydraulic cylinder. This is its main function, but there are others:

  • lubrication and cooling of power steering system components;
  • corrosion protection.

On average, about one liter of fluid will be added to the power steering system. It is poured through a tank, which usually has level indicators and sometimes recommendations on the type of liquid.

Various types of power steering fluids

The market offers a large selection of liquids that differ in chemical composition (synthetic or mineral) and color (green, red, yellow). The driver also needs to be familiar with the abbreviations and names of power steering fluids. Modern systems use:

  • PSF (Power Steering Fluid) – power steering fluids.
  • ATF (Automatic Transmission Fluid) – fluids for automatic transmissions.
  • Dexron II, III and Multi HF are trademarks.

Types of power steering fluids

Power steering fluids must have different properties, which are provided by additives and chemical composition. Among them:

  • required viscosity index;
  • temperature resistance;
  • mechanical and hydraulic properties;
  • corrosion protection;
  • anti-foam properties;
  • lubricating properties.

All power steering fluids on the market have all these characteristics to one degree or another.

In turn, according to their chemical composition they are distinguished:

  • synthetic;
  • semi-synthetic;
  • mineral oils.

Let's look at their differences and scope of application.


Synthetics are based on hydrocarbons (alkylbenzenes, polyalphaolefins) and various esters. All these compounds are obtained as a result of directed chemical synthesis from oil. This is a base to which various additives are added. Synthetic oils have the following advantages:

  • high viscosity index;
  • thermal-oxidative stability;
  • long service life;
  • low volatility;
  • resistance to low and high temperatures;
  • Excellent anti-corrosion, anti-foam and lubricating properties.

But even with such characteristics, fully synthetic oils are rarely used in power steering systems due to the many rubber seals that are aggressively affected by synthetics. Synthetics are used only if approved by the manufacturer. Another disadvantage of synthetics is the high price.


To neutralize the aggressive effect on rubber parts, manufacturers add a variety of silicone additives.


Mineral oils are based on various petroleum fractions, such as naphthenes and paraffins. 97% is a mineral base, the other 3% is additives. Such oils are more suitable for power steering, as they are neutral to rubber elements. Operating temperature ranges from -40°C to 90°C. Synthetics work up to 130°C-150°C, the lower limit is similar. Mineral oils are affordable, but in other respects they are inferior to synthetic ones. This concerns service life, foaming and lubricity.

What kind of oil should be poured into the power steering - synthetic or mineral? First of all, the one recommended by the manufacturer.

Differences in color

As already mentioned, oils also differ in color - red, yellow, green. They are either mineral, synthetic or semi-synthetic.


They belong to the ATF class, that is, transmission. Most often used for automatic transmissions, but sometimes also used for power steering. The red brands Dexron II and Dexron III are developed by the automobile concern General Motors. There are other red brands, but they are manufactured under license from General Motors.


Developed by Daimler AG, they are most often used in the brands Mercedes-Benz, Maybach, AMG, Smart and others. They belong to the class of universal ones for hydraulic boosters and hydraulic suspensions. Mineral yellow oils are used for power steering. Popular yellow brands are Mobil and Total.


The development of the VAG concern is respectively used in the brands Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi, Lamborghini, Bentley, Seat, Scania, MAN and others. They belong to the PSF class, that is, they are used only in power steering.

Daimler also produces its green PSF class counterparts under the popular Pentosin brand.

Power steering fluids

Is it possible to mix different colors

It’s worth saying right away that it’s generally better not to allow different oils to mix, even if this is allowed. It is strictly forbidden to mix synthetic and mineral oils due to their differences in chemical composition.

Yellow and red colors can be mixed, since their chemical composition is largely similar. Additives will not react with other substances. But it is better to then change this mixture to a homogeneous one.

Green oils cannot be mixed with others, as they have a universal chemical structure, that is, synthetic and mineral components.

It is necessary to mix oils during topping up, when the liquid level in the tank drops. This indicates a leak that needs to be identified and repaired.

Replacement frequency

Most car manufacturers recommend replacing this technical fluid after 80-100 thousand kilometers.

However, it is not always worth sticking to this rule. In machines that are operated in difficult climatic conditions and are subject to other serious loads, it is better to reduce the period between replacements.

Much depends on the weather conditions in the region and how the machine is used. It is important to monitor not so much the mileage on the odometer as the condition of the lubricant.

Signs of a Leak

Signs that may indicate a power steering fluid leak or indicate the need to replace it:

  • level drop in the tank;
  • smudges have appeared on the seals or seals of the system;
  • There is a knocking sound in the steering rack when driving;
  • the steering wheel turns tightly, with effort;
  • The power steering pump makes strange noises, a hum.

To fill the power steering fluid, you must first of all use the manufacturer's recommendations. Try to use one brand and avoid mixing. If you have to mix different oils, remember that mineral and synthetic oils are incompatible, even if they are the same color. It is also necessary to regularly monitor the oil level and its condition.


Steering is present in all cars, regardless of class and year of manufacture. The device must always be in good condition and any changes to it are prohibited. The VAZ 2107 and other classic Zhiguli models are equipped with a worm-type steering column, which requires periodic inspection and sometimes repair.


The steering mechanism of the VAZ “Seven” has a rather complex design, which ensures reliable vehicle control in different driving situations. The steering wheel is endowed with good information content, which eliminates driver fatigue when traveling long distances. There are some difficulties when turning the steering wheel while the car is stationary. However, as soon as the car starts moving, the steering becomes less rigid and control improves.

The steering mechanism has one nuance - a slight play, which is normal. This is explained by the considerable number of parts in the gearbox and the presence of rods. After modernization, the VAZ 2107 began to be equipped with a safety column, which has a composite shaft. Its design consists of two cardan-type joints, which allow the shaft to fold in the event of an accident. In this way, injury to the driver is avoided.


Before you begin repairing the steering column, you need to familiarize yourself with its structure, as well as its operating principle. The design consists of the following main elements:

  1. a unit designed to transmit force from turning the steering wheel to actuators;
  2. steering column, which turns the wheels to the desired angle.

The steering mechanism consists of:

  1. composite shaft with cardan transmission;
  2. steering wheel;
  3. worm type steering gear.

The design has the following components:

  1. pendulum;
  2. swing arms;
  3. steering rods.

Since the outer rods have two parts, this allows the toe angle to be adjusted. The steering functions as follows:

  • The driver operates the steering wheel.
  • Through universal joints, the worm shaft is driven, through which the number of revolutions is reduced.
  • The worm rotates, which helps move the double-ridge roller.
  • The secondary shaft of the gearbox turns.
  • A bipod is mounted on the secondary shaft, which rotates and carries the steering rods with it.
  • Through these parts, force is applied to the levers, thereby turning the front wheels to the angle desired by the driver.

The bipod is a rod that connects the steering gearbox to the steering linkage.

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