How to remove scratches from a windshield with your own hands: a step-by-step guide

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Issues discussed in the material:

  • Causes of scratches on the windshield.
  • 2 options to remove scratches from windshield wipers.
  • Proven ways to remove scratches from a windshield with your own hands at home.
  • Advice from car enthusiasts for those who want to remove scratches from their car windshield.
  • Final recommendations for removing scratches from a windshield.

Windshield wipers often present drivers with unpleasant surprises - rubbing, chips, cracks. You can only deal with this problem if you really know how to remove scratches from your windshield without accidentally adding additional damage and huge costs.

Not only the aesthetics of the car’s appearance, but also your safety depends on the cleanliness and integrity of the windshield. Therefore, if you want to eliminate scratches on it, this article will help you, in which we have collected proven methods and practical recommendations not only from professionals, but also from ordinary car enthusiasts.

Causes of scratches on the windshield

Car windows must be free of defects, since the ability to have a high-quality view of the road directly affects traffic safety.

Very often, car owners have to deal with scratches on their windows. We list the main reasons for the formation of scratches and clouding on the windshield of a car:

  • friction of wiper blades when they are clogged with sand;
  • pebbles flying into the windshield when driving;
  • inaccurate cleaning of frosted glass;
  • improper car washing.

Even small defects in the windshield can provoke the development of such troubles:

  • poor visibility strains the driver’s vision, which leads to natural fatigue;
  • attention is delayed on scratches, which slows down the reaction to the road situation;
  • at night, defects change the scattering of light from oncoming cars, which irritates passengers and the driver;
  • The external attractiveness of the car is reduced, especially if scratches from the wipers are clearly visible on the glass.

Types of damage to car glass

The windshield can confidently be called the most vulnerable point of a car. Various defects appear on its surface during operation. They can be divided into the following:

  1. Scratch. This defect occurs upon contact with a sharp object whose hardness exceeds the strength of glass. The depth of the scratch does not allow a crack to form. Shallow scratches occur due to sand particles that fall on the car.
  2. Round bull's eye chip. This is the most common defect; the chip has the shape of a circle without the formation of cracks.
  3. Crack. This kind of defect is the most dangerous. In addition to deteriorating visibility, the crack tends to grow while driving.

Combined defects. They are complex in their structure.

The chip appears when struck by a small stone. Usually it flies out from under the wheels of the car that is moving in front. Solid particles and sand settle on the wiper rubber and cause scratches on the windshield. A crack in the windshield weakens the strength of the body. It needs to be eliminated as quickly as possible

Next, we’ll look in more detail at how to remove some defects from your windshield with your own hands. Let's find out what consumables and special tools are needed.

Remember that defects on the windshield not only detract from the appearance of your vehicle, but can also cause an accident. Don't put off windshield repair!

Proven ways to remove scratches from a windshield with your own hands at home

There are several methods for removing small scratches and clouding from your windshield yourself. This can be done by the average person using some tools.

Glass can be restored by polishing. The options for performing this operation differ only in the materials used.

To successfully implement your plan you will need:

  • drill or grinder with variable speed function. It is not advisable to use an angle grinder due to the high working speed;
  • felt circle;
  • polishing paste or its homemade analogues;
  • a bottle of water with a spray bottle;
  • marker for marking defects;
  • a soft cloth;
  • masking tape to protect areas that do not need polishing.

1. Toothpaste

The first thing you can try is to use toothpaste as a polishing compound. But not any kind, but with a whitening effect: all due to the content of abrasive particles in it. The currently fashionable gel pastes are completely unsuitable for polishing.

Polishing occurs using a cotton swab with toothpaste applied. It is necessary to make circular movements at the site of the defect. Then rinse the treated surface well. This way you can only remove very minor scuffs and scratches from the windshield.

2. GOI paste

GOI paste is a mixture of organic fats, chrome greens and excipients (kerosene, stearin, silica gel and others). The author of the recipe is the State Optical Institute, the abbreviation of which became the name of the composition. This paste is used for grinding and polishing glass products, and automobile glass is no exception.

When applied, this paste leaves green, rich marks on the surface. But don’t be afraid of this - after polishing, no marks will be noticeable.

Sequence of operations:

  • A piece of soft cloth is soaked in gasoline or kerosene, then GOI paste is applied to it.
  • The glass at the polishing site is coated with a thin layer of industrial oil.
  • Polishing is carried out, renewing the layer of paste on the fabric from time to time.
  • Unacceptably strong pressure on the glass. You need to polish until the scratch disappears. A shine will appear on the glass in this area.
  • Unused paste is wiped off the glass with a damp cloth. On average, it takes about an hour to remove minor scratches in this way.

The polishing agent is produced both in solid form - bars and pencils, and in paste form. It is the creamy paste that is packaged in plastic jars. On average, 100 g of polish will cost you 250 rubles.

You can remove small scratches from the surface of the glass using GOI paste No. 2 and No. 3. These formulations do not contain large abrasive particles that pose a danger to the surface of the glass.

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3. Fine sandpaper

Since removing scratches from a windshield using toothpaste is a labor-intensive and boring job, many people ask about sandpaper. It is possible to use it, but you need to be careful not to overdo it.

Only the finest and softest sandpaper should be used. And do not forget about accuracy when performing work. If you put strong pressure on the skin or spend a long time processing one place, you can make a scratch or indentation yourself. As a result, the curvature of the glass will be disrupted, which looks much worse than a small scratch.

The effort and time required to polish glass with sandpaper is also high. You should use abrasive materials with a fraction from 600 to 2500. The surface should be treated first with the coarsest paper, that is, with the lowest number. Then, step by step, sandpaper with a higher number, that is, with a smaller grain, is used. Do not forget to wet the sanding area with water from time to time.

However, sandpaper is only suitable for roughing glass. Next you need to polish with GOI or diamond paste. The grain size of these compositions also varies. The same principle applies here - they start working with large grains and end with the smallest ones.

4. Means for polishing car windshields

Today, the shelves of auto supply stores are filled with a variety of windshield polishing compounds. You should know that they should be applied only with a cotton pad or rag, and under no circumstances should you use felt.

First of all, the polish must be applied to the surface with defects, then rubbed so that there are no sharp boundaries. These measures are usually quite effective for minor damage and allow you to smooth out larger ones.

5. Manicure polish

One of the popular methods is to use nail polish. Not just any one will do, just transparent ones. The scratch is covered with a small amount of varnish, being extremely careful. Then wait for it to dry completely. Then remove the excess with a rubber spatula or a stationery eraser.

In this way, even severe scratches and chips can be smoothed out. However, in the rays of the sun, the location of the defect will still be noticeable, since varnish and glass refract light differently.

How to remove scratches from windshield wipers from a car windshield:

How to choose a station for auto glass repair?

It is important to choose a contractor who follows classic auto glass repair technologies. Otherwise, you will pay for restoration, and after 2-3 months you will have to pay for a replacement product. Incorrect drilling will cause new cracks that cannot be eliminated. So contact World-Auto Glass. We will restore the glazing on your car, provide a quality guarantee, and recommend the best options for solving the problems that arise.

Our addresses

  • Auto glass on Ryabinovaya
    , Moscow, st. Ryabinovaya, 65 District: Ochakovo-Matveevskoe (JSC) daily from 09:00 to 19:00 8 985 714-70-01
  • Auto glass on Dybenko
    , Moscow, st. Dybenko, 7/1 District: Khovrino (SAO) daily from 09:00 to 19:00 8 495 664-68-01
  • Auto glass on Silikatny
    Moscow, 3rd Silikatny proezd, 8 District: Khoroshevo-Mnevniki (SZAO) daily from 09:00 to 19:00 8 495 664-68-01
  • Auto glass on Osennyaya
    , Moscow, st. Osennyaya, 35 c3 District: Krylatskoye (ZAO) daily from 09:00 to 19:00 8 985 714-70-01
  • Auto glass on Vasily Petushkov
    Moscow, st. Vasily Petushkova, 3 District: Yuzhnoye Tushino (SZAO) daily from 09:00 to 19:00 8 495 664-68-01
  • Auto glass on Dmitrovsky
    Moscow, Dmitrovskoe highway, 110 B District: Dmitrovsky (SAO) daily from 09:00 to 19:00 8 985 714-70-01
  • Auto glass on Leningradka
    Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 37 c6 District: Begovoi (SAO) daily from 09:00 to 19:00 8 495 664-68-01
  • Auto glass on Skolkovsky
    Moscow, Skolkovskoe highway, no. 33 b1 District: Mozhaisky (ZAO) daily from 09:00 to 19:00 8 985 714-70-01
  • Auto glass on Leninsky
    Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 127 bldg. District: Teply Stan (South-Western Administrative District) daily from 09:00 to 19:00 8 495 664-68-01
  • Auto glass on Anokhina
    Moscow, Akademika Anokhina, 2 k9 District: Troparevo-Nikulino (ZAO) daily from 09:00 to 19:00 8 985 714-70-01
  • Auto glass on Mnevniki
    Moscow, Nizhnie Mnevniki, 13a District: Khoroshevo-Mnevniki (SZAO) daily from 09:00 to 19:00 8 985 714-70-01
  • Auto glass on Lipetskaya
    , Moscow, st. Lipetskaya, 27 District: Biryulyovo Vostochnoye (Southern Administrative District) daily from 09:00 to 19:00 8 495 664-68-01
  • Auto glass on Orekhovoy
    Moscow, Orekhovy passage, 11 District: Zyablikovo (Southern Administrative Okrug) daily from 09:00 to 19:00 8 495 664-68-01
  • Auto glass on Belomorskaya
    Moscow, Belomorskaya st., 40 building 2 District: Khovrino (SAO) daily from 09:00 to 19:00 8 495 664-68-01

Advice from car enthusiasts for those who want to remove scratches from their car windshield

  • It's easier to install a new one

“I had the following experience. I decided to find out the cost of polishing glass with scratches. They asked for the service from 6 to 8 thousand. At the same time, glass from China costs 10–13 thousand. Conclusion: it’s easier to change the glass than to bother with polishing.”

  • Can be removed

“Glass defects can be polished, but it is hard work compared to polishing other parts. For this reason, not all specialists want to do such work. I know firsthand, I earn money by polishing car bodies and glass.”

  • This is just unreal!

“Polishing windshield defects can be compared to drifting in a front-wheel drive car. The laws of physics say that the success of this venture is unattainable. For example, polishing paintwork comes down to removing the varnish to the depth of the scratch. Moreover, the varnish is removed from a sufficiently large area so that the difference in the thickness of the varnish is not noticeable.

It’s the same with glass - you need to remove such a layer of it to completely remove the scratch, and even to a width of 10-15 cm around the perimeter of the defect. This is impossible to do purely technically!

Therefore, it is more advisable to either replace the windshield or continue to drive with defects on it.”

  • Glass is polished to 100%

“I can conclude that many people do not have experience in this area. The glass is quite polishable. But this is hard and slow work. And no glass distortion after processing. However, you need to have some specialized tool and clearly know the sequence of actions. Therefore, it is easier to contact a specialist. The likelihood of successfully completing the work on your own is low. Do not use the skin under any circumstances!”

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  • The result is simply gorgeous

“I have no experience of such work, but I have seen polished glass. A friend at a service station had a composition applied to the glass to fill defects. Then they polished it, but not much. Just removed excess filler. Of course, they didn’t say the name of the product. As a result, the glass looks like new.”

Closing the crack

Every driver needs to know that any crack in the windshield weakens the rigidity of the body. If such a car gets into an accident, the consequences will be much worse than with a vehicle whose glass is intact.

What to prepare for DIY repairs

Cracks up to 10 centimeters can be repaired with your own hands. To eliminate the defect you need the following tool:

    small-sized drill with a thin diamond drill bit;

A small drill is a great helper when eliminating cracks on the windshield

Thin diamond drill bit is used for drilling glass

Work order

  1. Rinse the crack thoroughly and dry thoroughly. Do not use detergents, they will impair the adhesion of the adhesive.
  2. Determine the size of the crack.
  3. Relieve tension at the defect site. To do this, it is necessary to make through holes at the edges of the crack. This stops the spread process.

Holes at the edge of the defect help relieve stress and stop the crack

Recovery process

To remove scratches from a car windshield, you need to use special compounds from 3M and cerium oxide.

To prepare the paste, you need to mix the oxide with water and stir. The slurry is applied to the polishing wheel and polished at low speed.

Step-by-step instructions for restoring glass transparency with your own hands:

  1. Clean the windshield, side and rear windows from dirt.
  2. Cover the seals with tape.
  3. Apply diluted oxide to the circle.
  4. Polish the surface without stopping in one place to avoid overheating.
  5. Make sure there are no stains or scratches.
  6. Replace the wheel and perform final polishing with anti-hologram paste from 3M.
  7. Wash the shield and remove the tape.

After polishing, the car can be driven as usual. If glare appears from lanterns or headlights, it is necessary to make a second pass with 3M compound.

A clean and transparent windshield not only has a positive effect on the appearance of the car, but also does not distract the driver while driving. For the service of glass restoration in a specialized service they will require from 2 to 6 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity of the work. This money can be saved by doing the work yourself and gaining new experience.




Final recommendations for removing scratches from a windshield

Both inexperienced and seasoned car enthusiasts make mistakes when polishing glass. To correct deficiencies, you have to contact specialists or change the part. If you have scratched your windshield and are wondering how to remove the scratch, listen to these tips:

  1. Don't rush into polishing. It is better to consult a specialist to see if the work can be done. Sometimes it's cheaper to just replace the glass.
  2. Tooth powder is not suitable for polishing windshields. It is good for processing headlights, since the material there is thicker. Using powder on your windshield will only increase the number of defects.
  3. It is not always appropriate to use GOI paste, although it is often recommended on the Internet. The thing is that these funds come in several types. If you make the wrong choice, you can get the effect of microlenses, which will increase the load on the driver’s vision.
  4. It's important not to overdo it. If you put too much pressure on the sander, you can ruin everything. It is better to work without haste, delicately and carefully.
  5. During polishing, you need to control the temperature of the glass, as it may crack due to overheating.
  6. If you decide to fix scratches yourself, it is wise to find the removed glass and get the hang of it.
  7. You can actually remove microcracks on the windshield from exposure to debris and dust with your own hands. Only professionals can deal with deep defects.

Tips and tricks

Before you start treating the surface, you need to check how a particular product will affect it. Otherwise, the glass will deteriorate even more. To do this, by squeezing out a small amount of the substance, an inconspicuous area is polished. If everything is fine, move on to the procedure itself.

To sand a problem area, only proven products are used, since the same composition has different effects on the material.

Movements should be light and smooth. During polishing, the pressure is light and effortless. The glass surface is quite capricious, so only cloths made of soft materials are used to work with it. Even if scratches have not yet appeared, the surfaces should be treated with a soft paste as a preventive measure. This will prevent damage from occurring.

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Why defects form

Often, after purchasing a spectacular interior product, buyers are in for an unpleasant surprise: the glass table gets scratched. Tempered glass is resistant to shocks and high temperatures, does not form sharp fragments when broken, but is not resistant to chips and cracks. Common reasons for their appearance are:

  • placing ceramic or glassware directly on the tabletop, without laying napkins;
  • ingress of dust and debris onto the surface;
  • accidental impacts;
  • use of powdered abrasives when washing;
  • friction of cutlery, etc.

Damage to the countertop due to improper care is not considered a warranty claim. A product that has defects even after the first lunch cannot be returned to the store, citing insufficient quality.

Consequences of polishing

Possible undesirable consequences as a result of polishing:

• Cloudiness

• Visual distortion


No master can accurately withstand the uniform distribution of load during polishing. As a result, the glass will be a little thicker in some places and thinner in others. As a result, a lens is formed.

Cloudiness may occur:

• If the glass is overheated during polishing.

• If the required granularity of polishing paste is not available

Polishing or sanding?

Can I polish my windshield myself? Yes - most minor damage to the windshield can be effectively repaired on your own, without resorting to the services of specialists. However, in cases of large chips and scratches, radical action may be required - completely replacing the glass with a new one.

The most effective way to get rid of dullness and minor damage on the windshield is polishing. A simple procedure that you can carry out yourself, either manually or using a special polishing machine.

It is necessary to clearly distinguish between glass polishing and grinding. The first procedure is used to eliminate minor damage, the second - to minimize the consequences of deep chips and scratches.

Important! Grinding car glass is a very labor-intensive and specific operation that should be entrusted to specialists from service stations or specialized workshops.

To determine whether polishing or grinding is required, the glass must be checked for deep damage. You can do this yourself by running your fingers along the glass; if the nail goes significantly deeper into the chip, highly abrasive grinding will be required. If surface roughness is felt, then you can start polishing.

Age of glass and its operation in extreme conditions.

Glass, like other parts in a car, ages over time. After all, it constantly experiences various loads. Dust, sand and small pebbles flying from the road leave small potholes on the surface. They are quite small and are not always noticeable at first glance. When the concentration of such damage is high enough, the glass becomes rough and “sandblasted.”

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