Do-it-yourself double glazing with tinting

How it’s done: with the help of additionally installed tinted glass, you can “tint” your car in a matter of seconds

Perhaps every car owner has thought about how to make window tinting instantly disappear and then reappear. Thus, there would be no need to pay fines for glasses that are too dark. Electronic tinting is convenient and technologically advanced, but it is quite expensive and has not yet been fully developed. The solution was found - this is “double tinting”. This window tinting option is available to everyone.

However, it should be noted that automatic double tinting only applies to the side windows. The rear window will remain permanently darkened. It cannot be said that this is the best way to circumvent the tinting ban, but it is quite effective and has a right to exist.

Double tinting is applicable to both domestic and foreign cars. The main advantage of double tinting is the ability to choose between clear and tinted windows, controlling the mode directly from the cabin.

How to do double tinting yourself

Do-it-yourself double tinting begins with the fact that you go to the store and purchase a set of glasses for your car model. It is also necessary to purchase electric windows. For experiments, car owners recommend buying a door of the appropriate model from a disassembly site and practicing on it. It is necessary to cut everything out of the door and examine how it is arranged inside.

Now it is necessary to shorten the shaft installed at the factory for lowering the windows in the main door. Then we install a power window for additional glass. We tint the second glass with film, but not from the inside, but from the outside. Next, we install the second glass behind the first and connect the lifting mechanism to it. We assemble the first window mechanism for lowering.

On the second darkened glass, along the very edge, you need to stick an additional narrow ribbon made of madeline. This tape is attached to prevent the glass from moving over each other and rubbing against each other. You can stick a film on the outside of the new glass, but this is less aesthetically pleasing.

The electromechanical part of the lifts does not differ fundamentally between different cars. However, in order to install additional glass with your own hands, you must have at least minimal experience in disassembling and assembling doors, as well as installing and adjusting lifting mechanisms. You shouldn't take on this job if you can't do simpler things.

The essence of double tinting is to install a second glass that will be darkened. This glass runs parallel to the main glass. The installation process may look like this:

  • gluing the film onto additional glass, which completely matches the main glass;
  • complete disassembly of the door (removal of button panels, handles, door card);
  • installing the second glass and checking its progress;
  • installation of an electric window regulator and its connection via the keypad;
  • assembly of the mechanical part of the window regulator;
  • testing the operation of power windows with door cards removed;
  • door assembly.

Another way to prepare for installing automatic tint yourself is to see what the finished option looks like with your own eyes. Today, many people have double tinting in their cars. Surely there are people like you among your friends. If they decide to disassemble the doors to lubricate the mechanisms, then you can personally participate in this.

But believe me, it is not at all necessary to practice on an old door taken from disassembly, or to study the work of an already existing double tinting. Start slowly disassembling the door of your car and make sure that there is nothing complicated in it. And don't be intimidated by the wiring harnesses that go to the keypad. You only need two wires supplying 12V current.

Do not connect additional glass through an alarm system with a window closing function. It is better to be able to leave the tint in the lower position, because... this may come in handy in certain situations.

Step by step guide

After the film is pasted, do the following:

  1. Remove button consoles, levers, and door cards from the door.
  2. Insert the darkened plane and check that it is moving correctly.
  3. Install the window regulator and move it to the buttons.
  4. Assemble the mechanical component of the window regulator.
  5. If there are no door cards, check whether the window regulator works correctly.
  6. Assemble the door.

Step-by-step video instructions will help you get the job done faster:

Which film to choose?

Since automatic tinting can be turned off at any time, no one will cover additional glass with an approved film. In fact, that’s what the retractable glass is designed for, to hide from prying eyes if necessary. For example, if you leave the car, you roll up the dark windows and you can no longer look into the interior.

Car enthusiasts who have already had experience in using double tinting recommend using dark films, even the most opaque ones. At night, the tinting is lowered, so there will be no problems with visibility. But in the bright sun the interior will not fade, and the dark films will partially compensate for the lack of rear window tinting.

Double glazing of Lada Granta/Kalina cars

For the second glass, rack and pinion window lifters from Gazelle were purchased. Standard ESPs are cable-type. Modifications begin with shortening the additional ESP, then the mount under the glass is digested. The fastenings of the standard ESP also had to be re-cooked so that there would be more space in the door for external tinted glass. We glue this glass to the mount with epoxy glue. To prevent the glass from being scratched, we use madeleine between the glass.

Are you ready to modify your car in this way?


Pros and cons of double tinting

A significant disadvantage of double tinting is the inability to completely lower the glass installed at the factory. However, an undeniable advantage is the rapid bringing of glass into compliance with GOST and improved visibility in cloudy weather.

It is also worth noting that do-it-yourself double tinting does not require sophisticated equipment. All the tools are the same as with regular single tinting, plus a set of screwdrivers and wrenches. The film is glued using a soap solution, and wrinkles and bubbles are smoothed out with a silicone scraper.

Hello. The entire installation is examined on the driver's door. If you don't have a grinder and a drill, don't even start doing anything, they will be your best friends. So let's go...

The very first thing we need to do is make glass guides. The door frame has an opening 16mm wide, one glass 5mm thick, two glasses respectively 10mm. 16-10=6mm for separation. There's basically just enough space. We do not expand the door frame and glass guides, we leave them as is.

The original guide, also known as rubber sealing, fits perfectly under the glass guides.

It’s done this way) I think it will be clear in the photo, we separate the sealing garbage from the rubber band, look at the glass guide itself, and put it there in such a way that we get two tracks under two glasses, and there is a separation between them.

For convenience, the seal will have to be cut into its component parts: for each of the iron guides (there are 2 of them) and for the door frame. In the door frame, the seal is installed in exactly the same way, there is a groove 19 cm deep, and we put the rubber there. Maybe I’m not explaining clearly, but when you do everything it will become clear.) For better reliability, you can even put it on glue.)

It remains to make guides for the triangle of the side mirror and for the door between the left guide and the frame. There is a place where the elastic will not fit in the manner described above (by the way, just like in the triangle of the mirror). there is no 19cm extension.

Take an ordinary plastic corner from a hardware store, 1mm thick, cut it this way (pictured below), and glue it together. I won’t tell you the dimensions, I think you can figure it out yourself, it’s easy to cut with ordinary scissors. In the photo you can see the red fabric, it is a velvety fabric, I decided against it because I decided to use madeline. very good material (you can buy it at a car audio store or where they sell Shumka) and we glue the guides with this madeline. and paste them into the missing places. well, in the photo instead of velvet there should have been madeleine)

I placed a couple of nuts under the left guide from below to move it towards the middle (bottom edge), I don’t know why, but when the tinted glass was already installed (it is placed on the outside), when lifted, it slid onto the adjacent path where there should be clean glass. You may not need this, but it’s not a fact, I think it depends on the adjustment.

Well, we're done with the guides. without them you can’t even start anything. this is the very first thing you need to do. Now we need to remove (cut, chop down) the glass travel stop and the roller of the old manual lift. We don’t touch the top two rollers, they won’t bother us.

Next, metal is taken, preferably 2mm thick, and 3 plates are cut.

Dimensions approximately: No. 1 - 50*4cm, No. 2 -11*4cm, No. 3 - 14*4cm. numbers 2 and 3, you can use rectangular ones, I just had these cut off from the edges, these were unsuccessful experiments. so as not to cut again, I used them. These plates will be screwed to the lifts and to them, in turn, will be glass.

Next, open the box with Forward window regulators.

We take the lift itself and attach our homemade plates No. 1 and No. 2 to it. Number 2 is the spacer plate, followed by plate number 1, and we install the ready-made lift into the door. It will be inconvenient because the plate is long, but it’s possible to insert it.

Installation and cost of work

Installation on the most common brands of cars takes on average 1…2 days. For some cars, installation time takes 3...4 days (VW Amarok, Mercedes G class and some others), and up to 5...8 days for cars with frameless doors.

The price of DuoGlass automatic tinting depends on the class of the car and the complexity of installation. More detailed prices can be found in the price list ( the cost of glass is not included in the installation price except for cars


The cost and installation time for cars that are not in the price list are discussed individually, after inspecting the car door.


Double tinted glass

There are examples of using removable screen tints, but today we will talk about what double glazing with tint is. A similar technology is used when installing a second glass in a standard car door.

The factory glass remains in place, but a control mechanism for the second glass, tinted, is mounted behind it. But it’s not so easy to install additional devices. To do this, you will have to do a lot of additional work so that the glass rises and falls at the same level as the standard glass. » alt=»»>

Preparing tools for work

In order to make double glazing, you will need a whole list of tools and materials. A wooden window frame can be assembled from glued or completely dried wood. You can also use ordinary plywood for this purpose.

To make double glazing you will need: a hammer, a chisel, an electric planer, etc.

The tools for the job are the most basic. They can be found in the pantry of almost any apartment or house. Prepare the following:

  1. Hammer.
  2. Chisel.
  3. Electric planer.
  4. Milling cutter.
  5. Saw.

If desired, you can even do without a milling cutter and plane. Even when these tools simply didn't exist yet, people were able to do double glazing successfully.

For materials, prepare the following:

  1. Plywood, timber or wood.
  2. Glass.
  3. Metal corners.
  4. Wood glue.
  5. Sealant.

If the frame will be assembled from boards, experts recommend using material measuring 5x15 cm. In the case of timber, the most optimal section is 5x5 cm.

Features of installing double glass tinting

In order for double glazing to work properly, you need to place a second window regulator and a second guide frame in the door cavity, along which the tinted glass will slide.

Naturally, you will need to add an additional button to the control. In a high-quality design, the two glasses do not come into contact with each other, do not rub against each other and do not interfere with the operation of each mechanism.

Both foreign cars and almost all VAZ models have the ability to install additional double-glazed windows. All work can be carried out at specialized car service centers.

For those who want to carry out modernization with the help of specialists, there are some tips:

  • The car service center must have a certificate to carry out this type of work. Double glazing is performed using a special patented procedure and the contractor must have a patent in hand. In the absence of these documents, there is reason to doubt the qualifications of the contractor and to think about the advisability of spending your money. Well, in this case you should completely forget about the guarantee;
  • The work is considered to be of high quality if the second glazing is not made of plastic;
  • Double glazing work includes the application of a special coating. The inner surface of both glasses is treated with a “madeline” composition, which is designed to prevent scratches;
  • tinting covers the outer surface of only the inner glass;
  • you will have to come to terms with the fact that you will need to remove the door amplifier and redo the window regulators.

Installing glass into the frame

Scheme of installing a double-glazed window into a frame.

Before you begin installing the glass, you need to place a small amount of sealant and a gasket on the corner of the frame. Enough sealant is needed so that excess does not protrude during glass installation. Direct installation of glass is carried out one by one. Try not to smear them, because in the future you will no longer be able to get inside the glass unit to remove dirt.

Assemble the box according to one of the instructions given earlier. The simplest and therefore most frequently used method is assembly from planed boards 5x15 cm.

It is enough to give it an L-shape, cut it into 4 parts according to the size of the box and connect it using tenons and grooves. To avoid future violations of shapes and sizes, make all angles strictly equal to 90 degrees.

Is there any winnings?

For those who are planning to install double windows with tinting on foreign cars, it is worth learning about the pitfalls of this idea.


  1. double tinting on foreign cars is, in principle, not a cheap pleasure;
  2. you will have to come to terms with the lack of a door reinforcement;
  3. double glass has a mirror surface effect;
  4. over time, the installed structure exhibits increased noise from rattling, which is produced by double power windows;
  5. The outer glass will open, but not all the way. The space for full opening is occupied by structural elements for double glazing with tinting;
  6. Double tinted windows make the car doors noticeably heavier. Door hinges will have to be adjusted more often, which in turn leads to the risk of cracks in the metal of the doorway. This is especially true for three-door cars that have converted power windows;
  7. lack of technological ability to open both glasses at once, but only in a certain sequence. Double tinting is controlled by its own button.


  • double glazing reduces street noise;
  • the ability to independently control the transparency of glass in any weather conditions, as well as at the request of traffic police officers;
  • hides the identity of car passengers.

Automatic tinting AT DuoGlass on Lada Vesta

Automatic tinting AT DuoGlass allows you to operate your car without violating the Traffic Rules. Owning a tinted car, as well as parking a car with tinted windows, is not a violation of the law. Therefore, a car equipped with automatic tinting can be parked in the open sun without the risk of overheating the interior, limiting the view of the interior to strangers.

In order not to violate traffic regulations, when driving a car on public roads, you should automatically change the glass to a pair that has light transmission acceptable according to GOST. When you press a special button, the current pair is lowered, the other is raised, and then the standard window lifter control keys operate the other pair of windows.

The AT DuoGlass installation kit for Lada Vesta includes four rack-and-pinion window lifters of a unique design, fixing glass sleeves, two additional custom-made glasses of special geometry, and protective partitions to prevent glass scratching. Electronic drive control units with a synchronization function, as well as window lifter control keys (if necessary) are purchased separately.

If you order automatic tinting AT DuoGlass with installation for a Lada Vesta , the price includes all consumables (glue, madeline, hardware), a full electrical package with integration into the standard car system, as well as a set of additional glasses of special geometry, made to order. When installing automatic tinting AT DuoGlass by our specialists, the customer receives a guarantee and post-warranty support.


Cost of tinting car windows

Since it appeared on our market relatively recently, its cost is very high. For all car services that offer the installation of additional glass, plus upgraded window regulators, the minimum price starts from 5,000 rubles. for domestic cars.

The general price range for such a service ranges from 5 to 22 thousand rubles. Garage “masters” can carry out this work for 12–16 thousand rubles. Double glazing for imported cars is offered starting from 20 thousand rubles.

Domestic, specially trained craftsmen in the city of Togliatti will do this work with all VAZ models for 18, with foreign cars this procedure costs 32 thousand. » alt=»»>

Double glazing

Double glass DuoGlass

is an innovative development of domestic engineers.

Automatic tinting components are factory-made, which guarantees high quality products. The control units for double window lifters are made on a microprocessor element base, which makes it possible to implement such functions as synchronous control and automatic raising/lowering of windows. All components of the electrical package are manufactured on modern production equipment in compliance with high quality standards. The microcontrollers used in these blocks are used in the most critical industries, such as medicine and aviation.

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