How to clean the car air filter?

The air filter prevents dirt from entering the car engine. Thanks to this, the engine can last longer.

The air filter also serves as a noise suppressor, and in gasoline vehicles it also serves as a temperature regulator for the combustible mixture. When it becomes dirty, the amount of air entering the engine results in reduced power and increased fuel consumption.

To prevent this from happening, such an element also requires cleaning. How to clean the air filter?

Wash or change?

A car's cabin or engine filter must be changed if it is disposable and not intended for washing. This part is necessary to clean the air coming from the street into the car interior. It is based on activated carbon, that is, it acts on the principle of a gas mask.

The air filter is considered to be a consumable item, that is, components that must be replaced regularly.

Is it possible to wash the cabin filter? Yes, you can. But this is a thing of one use. That is, after contamination, it is simply replaced with a new device.

But some people cannot afford to throw away the filter every time and buy a new one. This begs the question, how to clean the cabin filter?

Such devices are specially made in a light color so that the level of pollution can be controlled, which is very convenient and thus prevents heavy accumulation of dirt and dust.

To make the part take up less space, it is made in the form of an accordion. Filtration capacity also increases.

Reusable air filters also exist, but they are very expensive. Therefore, such elements are also washed and not thrown away.

Passenger cars are most often equipped with paper parts with a carbon layer. In this case, washing the device is useless. The right thing to do would be to immediately buy a new part and replace it.

Procedure for disassembling and replacing the cartridge

Replacing the air filter is not difficult, and most car enthusiasts do it themselves, without resorting to the services of a car service center. The service life of the working element is set at 15–20 thousand kilometers. Procedure for dismantling and replacement:

  • unfasten the top cover: remove the latches or unscrew the screws;
  • remove the filter and inspect for contamination, decide whether to clean it or replace it with a new one;
  • install a new or remanufactured cartridge;
  • lock the housing by returning the lid to its original place.

When determining the feasibility of cleaning the cabin filter, consider the following points. Regeneration of the surface of the elements occurs only from the outside, and the internal pores retain some of the dust. In addition, the new cartridge carries an electrostatic charge, which increases the efficiency of air purification. When washed, it is lost and cannot be restored.

Modern filter materials are impregnated with special preparations that can trap germs and bacteria - this protection will disappear and the comfort in the cabin will deteriorate. Therefore, it is acceptable to use remanufactured cartridges, but it is better to install new elements.

I have a 1989 Yamaha FZX 750 and I can't find a replacement air filter for it. What is the best method for cleaning the air filter?


I agree with NoCarrier, you really need to address the source of the problem, which is the ability to get a new filter.

I'm hesitant to recommend eBay, but this guy has a star rating and specializes in motorcycles. He has a list for this filter with a quantity of 10+. Talk to him to see if it works for you, and consider buying a few stores to offset the shipping costs (he's in the UK).

Another option is an aftermarket filter. It may be possible to modify the air box to allow the use of a custom filter. It's not Plan A, but it's better than trying to extend the shelf life of a paper filter.

Since it's paper-based, your ability to clean it is somewhat limited. Mechanical stirring (for example, with a brush) is unreliable, as you risk damaging the filter element. You can try shooting compressed air from the opposite direction of the filter, but this will only really remove large chunks of dirt and, if you're not careful, can also damage the element. If you look closely between the folds, you will find that all the microscopic pores in the paper element are clogged with particles that are difficult to remove.

Compressor or vacuum cleaner

Inexperienced motorists ask themselves: “The air filter in my car is dirty, how can I clean it?”

Sooner or later, all such parts in the car will have to be replaced. If this happens at the most inopportune moment, you can postpone the replacement process and instead clean the device yourself.

How to clean the car air filter:

  1. Remove the part from the vehicle if it is heavily soiled. If you see that the device can be cleaned without dismantling, then do so.
  2. First, take the part, turn it upside down and tap it on any object. This will remove the bulk of the dirt and cause lumps of dust to fall out.
  3. Then you need to clean it with a compressor or vacuum cleaner. Take one of the tools and remove all the dust. The vacuum cleaner will suck up dust, but may not completely remove all particles. And the compressor is better. This device blows compressed air through the part. There is compressor cleaning in repair shops, as well as in some car washes.
  4. The vacuum cleaner nozzle is held a few centimeters from the part being cleaned. You cannot click on it. If cleaning the air filter is carried out using a compressor, then the manipulation should be performed away from the car.

Before replacing the filter, make sure it is not damaged. This cleaning method can be used at least every week, and if you have extra time, then every day. This will extend the life of the part.

Types of air filters

  • paper Porous tape folded like an accordion. Used in older car models.
  • cotton. Considered more effective than paper ones.
  • synthetic. Fibrous structure, work well even when dirty.
  • coal. They not only remove harmful gases, but also enrich them with oxygen.
  • direct flow with zero resistance. They increase the power a little and change the engine sound.

In order to extend the life of the old synthetic filter, it must be removed. Using a soft brush, remove large accumulations of dust. Blow with a stream of cold air or clean with a vacuum cleaner. In this case, you do not need to press the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner or compressor tightly against the filter element. Wash with running water, dry well (naturally, without using a hair dryer or heaters) and install in place.

Note. Paper and carbon filters cannot be washed. They are cleaned using special car cosmetics.

Washing powder

You can wash the filter using regular washing powder or dishwashing detergent. They will not damage the part and will remove any remaining dust and dirt.

Action algorithm:

  1. Take a container of a size that will accommodate the device.
  2. Pour in enough water.
  3. Pour in washing powder. The quantity is determined by eye, depending on the degree of contamination.
  4. Place the filter in the solution overnight.
  5. In the morning, rinse with clean water.

After the part has completely dried, you can use it again. It should be remembered that in the winter season it will take longer to dry, so you can purchase another part and change it when the cabin filter needs to be cleaned.

What are the dangers of a dirty filter?

Gradually, the air filter becomes clogged, and at some point the contamination begins to affect its throughput.
Less air enters the cylinders, which means the combustible mixture becomes richer. Moderate enrichment initially causes a slight increase in engine power, but fuel consumption also increases. A further decrease in the air content in the air-fuel mixture leads to incomplete combustion of fuel, which is noticeable by black exhaust. The engine begins to operate unstably and the dynamics deteriorate. Finally, there is not enough air to ignite the fuel, and the engine stops starting. The air filter is a consumable item and, according to regulations, must be periodically replaced. Most automakers indicate a replacement interval of 10...20 thousand kilometers. Increased air dust, smog, sand, and construction dust reduce this interval by about one and a half times.

So, everything seems clear - the time has come, we buy a new filter and change it. However, not everyone is happy with this; they want to save money, especially since for some car models the prices for air filters are steep. So people have the idea to clean, wash the filter element and give it a second life.

Is it possible? First, let's figure out what an air filter is and what we are going to wash.


This product has an unpleasant odor and is intended for cleaning toilets, bathtubs and bathroom tiles. Domestos can also be used to clean car cabin filters, but you will have to ventilate the part for a long time.

How to clean:

  1. Pour a small amount of cleaning solution into 10 liters of water, about 2-3 tbsp. l.
  2. Shake the mixture well until the water becomes a uniform color.
  3. It is necessary to clean out the main dirt and place the part in a bucket. Leave for several hours.
  4. Wash the air filter carefully with a soft cloth. Then rinse with clean water.

It is then left to dry and placed back in the car. If it was not possible to remove all the dirt the first time, repeat the procedure.

In the article:

  • Why you can't do without an air filter
  • What are the dangers of a dirty filter?
  • How does an air filter work?
  • Is it possible to wash
  • Traditional cleaning methods

As you know, internal combustion automobile engines run on gasoline or diesel fuel. For ignition and normal combustion of fuel, air is also required, or rather, the oxygen contained in it. Moreover, a lot of air is required, the ideal ratio is 14.7 parts of air to one part of fuel. An air-fuel mixture with an increased fuel content (ratio less than 14.7) is called rich, and one with a reduced fuel content (ratio more than 14.7) is called lean. Both components of the mixture are cleaned before they end up in the engine cylinders. The air filter is responsible for cleaning the air.

Ipone Air Filter Clean

If you don’t have the desire or time to bother with washing the filter, you can buy special products. Ipone Air Filter Clean can be used for the engine and cabin filters.

Clean the part as often as possible. Not performing the procedure regularly can lead to serious damage.

Mode of application:

  1. Pour the liquid into the container.
  2. Immerse the part for 15 minutes.
  3. Gently squeeze out excess moisture, rinse, dry and treat with oil.

A cleaned filter will be no worse than a new one. One 5-liter canister of Ipone Air Filter Clean can be used up to 30 times.

Method of cleaning traditional elements

First, a few words about whether the air filter can be washed using various commercially available chemicals.

As practice shows, washing gives a positive result provided that the filter paper is not damaged or torn from mechanical action, otherwise it will no longer retain dust.

The exception is paper carbon elements; they cannot be washed.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Removing the filter from the car.
  2. Primary cleaning with blowing.
  3. Flushing.
  4. Drying and reinstallation.

Blowing must be done in any case; you cannot immediately immerse the dusty filter in water . Otherwise, the dust settled in it will immediately turn into dirt, which will have to be washed off. After removing the element, carefully shake out the debris from it and first blow from the back side so that the dust particles fly out in the direction from which they came. Then the filter is blown from all sides in the following ways:

  • a compressor, available at any tire shop;
  • Inflate the car chamber with air and blow it out by putting an elastic tube on the valve.

After preliminary cleaning, the filter can be washed using special car cosmetics sold in aerosol cans. The product should be applied to the surface of the paper and into each groove, and then left for some time (indicated on the package). At the end, rinse off the composition along with the dirt with a stream of warm water.

Another option is washing with household dishwashing chemicals or washing powder, but such methods are less effective. The product must be dissolved in warm water, immerse the filter in it and wait 30-40 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. You cannot rub wet filter paper with different brushes; it will immediately become frayed.

After washing, the air filter must be thoroughly dried to prevent moisture from entering the engine . It is advisable to dry the element naturally without using hair dryers or other heaters. High heat may warp the paper.

What means are used?

Typical cleaning of a special air filter consists of blowing the element with compressed air. To solve this problem, an air compressor, such as one purchased at car dealerships, is suitable. In passenger cars, there is mainly a filter with a paper base; it has a carbon layer, so it is useless to clean it; it is better to buy a new one.

With other options, to wash with your own hands, you need to prepare a vacuum cleaner for household use. Serious dirt deposits can be cleaned using low pressure running water. You can wash the car's cabin filter from adhering dirt using fuel or gasoline. When choosing this option, it is necessary to keep in mind that after the work done, a clean special filter will perform worse in its cleaning functions, because the pores on it will increase in volume. When using compressed air, these problems will not arise, so this method is considered more applicable.

For high-quality cleaning of pleated-type engine air filters, you will need an atmospheric hose or the same electric vacuum cleaner for household use. When using both methods, it is recommended to exercise maximum care, as there is a possibility of causing damage to the folds. The hose is held 10 cm from the element to be cleaned without squeezing.

When using a compressed air stream, the process is carried out far from the car, otherwise you can blow dirt deposits under the hood.

  • Remove the air filter cover;
  • We remove the old air filter;
  • We clean all the channels through which air flows to the engine;
  • Install a new air filter;
  • We put back the air filter cover;
  • You can measure the quality of filtered air using an indicator.

As you can see, the repair only takes a few minutes. The procedure can save us not only money, but also delay future engine repairs.

One way to optimize engine power is to install a cone filter, which is commonly used in sports car models.

How to clean a vacuum cleaner filter: instructions

Please note that you can try to clean disposable filters, but you should not do this, because you will not achieve long-term and good results.

If the vacuum cleaner begins to “pull” poorly and heats up, and the sound of its operation has changed, check the filters and the hose is clogged with cellophane or other airtight debris.

Let's figure out which types of filters in a vacuum cleaner are cleanable and which are not.

Garbage bag or dust container.

Paper and thin synthetic products cannot be cleaned.
In a small apartment, they last from several cleanings to a month of regular work, depending on the area and amount of garbage. Fabric bags can be cleaned, shaken out and even washed. Their base, with which it is attached to the vacuum cleaner, is usually made of plastic with a rubber cuff inside. You can also clean them with a stream of compressed air. Depending on the model and design of the vacuum cleaner, to remove the bag you need to either open the cover on the front panel (occupies most of its area) or another cover specifically designed for this. When you see a bag, pay attention to its fastening: it can be secured with a latch or a clothespin. In the latter case, you need to press the fastening lever and disengage the bag, after which you can clean it as you wish.

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