How to open the hood of a VAZ 2108,2109,2113,2114,2115 if the cable is broken. Lada

Comments: no Published: 12/05/2016


Tags:VAZ 2114VAZ 2115

In practice, emergency situations often occur when the cord of the mechanism responsible for opening the hood breaks. The hood release cable is designed to allow this operation to be performed from inside the vehicle. Beginners often have a question about how to open the hood of a VAZ 2115 car if the cable has come off or is torn. In this case, many are interested in how to replace the hood cable.

There is nothing complicated in these procedures - any novice motorist can handle them, even if he is new to taking care of his car. But you will need information on how to approach this procedure, where to start and how to finish.

Opening the hood on a VAZ 2114
See also:

Replacing the hood cable of a VAZ 2107

How to open the hood of a VAZ 2115 without a cable

I haven’t written anything for a long time, because...
I stupidly poured gas and checked the oil, but then the hood didn’t open, well, I think that’s it, we’ve arrived, the cable broke, I pulled the handle and the cable came out into the cabin by 5-10 cm, well, I think I’ll have to open it anyway! I surfed the Internet in the evening, in general here some are capable of anything, some tore out the plastic protection, some used jacks, there were even options with a grinder o_O in general I decided that there was most likely no more humane way than to climb through the bottom... last night after work I rolled it into the pit and then it began... I removed the pallet I removed one sheet of protection from side of the left wheel, (4 screws) I put my hand between the radiator and the engine, felt the pin (No. 3) and tried to unscrew it, but the evening was spent on it and without success

Today I climbed behind the light, somehow shone a flashlight and noticed that the spring (No. 21) that holds the cable was hanging like snot on the fence, in general, I asked my father to press the hood, meanwhile I used a screwdriver to pick out the remaining piece of the spring from under this pin, and he opened the hood! =)

I immediately ran into a nearby store and bought this spring for 5 rubles (at a discount) =) and put the torn pan on the rivets...


If the cable does NOT come out completely into the interior, then most likely the problem is in the spring, if the cable came out, but there is a chance that it broke in the interior and can be removed with pliers, well, this is in the best case. Otherwise, we stupidly climb through the bottom, unscrew the pin and rejoice)

The hood of any car is designed to protect the engine, ignition system, and other components and assemblies located in the engine compartment. In addition, it also performs an aerodynamic function, allowing air flow to flow freely around the car while driving. It opens directly from the interior of VAZ cars using a cable and a special lever. In the case when they or the hood lock break, the car owner has a question: how to open the hood on a VAZ 2107?

It is worth noting that the design of the locking mechanisms of the hoods of VAZ cars allows you to repair them yourself. This does not require special knowledge or special tools. It is enough to study the instructions for carrying out such repair work and strictly follow the points set out in it.

Why won't the hood open?

The hood of a car may not open for several reasons. For example, his lock may become damaged. In addition, due to mechanical damage, for example during an accident, the hood and engine compartment are deformed. This may also make it impossible to open.

If we talk about the most common reason for this phenomenon, it is a banal break in the metal cable that drives the hood locking mechanism. A cable can break for various reasons, the main ones being: wear, corrosion on the surface of the cable, or excessive force applied to it. In the case when the cable is broken, the owner of a VAZ car can open the hood on his own, as this is a relatively easy procedure. In all other cases, it is quite possible that you will have to involve professionals in the repair work.

How to Open the Hood of a VAZ 2115 Video

Open the hood of a VAZ-2114 if the cable is flying (video inside)

So, we imagine a situation where a motorist decided for some reason to open the hood of a VAZ-2114, for example, by removing the battery or measuring the oil level, when the engine compartment cable breaks. A novice car enthusiast will stand and scratch his “turnip” or other interesting places, but an experienced one will know what to do right away.

Video of the hood opening when the cable flies away from the lock

The video will show you exactly how to open the hood if the cable is loose or torn, and it will walk you through some of the intricacies and nuances of the process.

Causes of failure of the hood opening cable

General view of the hood cable

Before moving directly to the issue of opening the hood without a cable, let’s consider the causes of the breakdown:

  • Carry the cable yourself. Quite a common reason for cars of the 13-15 Lada series. Frequent opening of the hood leads to this effect.
  • Cable corrosion can also lead to relaxation of the metal from which the product is made. This interruption cannot be prevented.
  • Flying hat In this case, it is also necessary to open the engine compartment without resorting to the cable.
  • Other reasons that the hood release cable used to break.

How to open the hood of a VAZ 2108 2109 21099 2113 2114 21

How to open the hood of a VAZ

Do not cut the hood with a meat grinder or twist it. I'm on:

How to open the hood of a VAZ 2115 if the cable flies off. Replacing the hood cable

Actually I thought the cable broke the hood

on my
VAZ 2115
. It turned out to be easy to fly away. But since I bought a new one, I decided.

Other breakdowns that may lead to major repairs

It is important to know that the hood of the VAZ 2114 is not the only problem area in the car. In addition, the driver may encounter other difficulties that may lead to the repair of VAZ 2109, VAZ 2108, VAZ 2115, VAZ 2114.

The VAZ 2114 often encounters some minor damage. Every driver of such a car has at least once encountered the fact that the door handle breaks in his hands, especially on the driver's door. Frequent use of this pen resulted in constant repairs. Previously, such cars could be found in taxi services, and there was discomfort for passengers when they had to enter the salon only through one door, because the handles on all the others were broken.

Another problem that plagues motorists with domestic cars is stove failure. In a VAZ 2114 car, the stove always heats perfectly, even in the coldest winter. This is due to the fact that domestic car manufacturers tried to adapt their invention to all regions of the country. But in such cars the stove can break down at any moment, so you should always be prepared for its breakdown.

Another minor damage that plagues domestic VAZs is a breakdown of the glove compartment; sometimes it simply does not close, and drivers are already accustomed to leaving it open. The locking mechanism in the glove compartment, which is responsible for opening, stops functioning; it can become jammed. In order to open it, you need to make an effort. According to statistics, not every driver is in a hurry to repair the glove compartment lock.

Replacing the cable

After the hood lid has been successfully opened, you need to install a new mechanism cable. To do this you need:

  • Buy a new cable. In the store you can find two versions of its design: single-core and stranded. We recommend using the second option, as it has increased strength, service life and reliability.
  • Next you will need a cord, which should be tied to the end of the cable in the hood.
  • From the interior side, pull the old cable and insert the cord into the interior. At the same time, replace the O-ring in the body through which the hood mechanism element passes.
  • Similarly, tie a new cable to the cord and pull it out into the engine compartment.
  • Attach it to the lock and to the handle in the interior.
  • Be sure to check that the mechanism is working properly.

Learning to change the cable

Replacing the hood cable for VAZ 2114 and VAZ 2115 look identical. This is a simple procedure that is followed in the following order:

  • Buy a new cord. There are single-core and multi-core cables on sale - the latter option is preferable, since several turns are much more reliable. With this option, you will be insured for a long time against new hassles with opening and replacing the cable.
  • Tie a thin but strong string to the end of the broken cable in the engine compartment.
  • In the cabin, remove the hood release handle and pull the end of the old cable towards you - the cord will be pulled into the cabin.
  • Replace the O-ring.

Replacing the hood cable on a VAZ 2115

  • Tie the end of the new cable to the end of the cord and carefully pull it into the engine compartment.
  • Attach the new cable with one end to the hood lock, and the other to the opening handle.
  • Check the functionality of the mechanism and, if any problems are identified, correct them.
  • Reinstall the engine impact protection.

Installing engine protection on a VAZ 2115

Ways to open the hood if the cable breaks

The design of the hood, lock and location of the cable drive differs on cars. But the repair sequence remains the same in all cases. Owners of domestic brands are luckier, since manufacturers have not made significant changes to the design of cars produced over many years. Therefore, you can always open the hood without any problems.

Most often, the cable breaks near the lever, less often under the hood. In the first case, it is easy to deal with the breakdown, but in the second you will have to tinker.

When the cable breaks in front of the lever

This is the simplest situation. To eliminate the breakdown, inspect the place inside the car where the cable and the hood opening handle are attached; the stopper may have fallen off the lever - insert it into place and secure it. If you notice that the cable itself has broken off, then you will need pliers. To open the hood, try to firmly grasp the cable together with the casing and pull down. It may not work the first time. If a breakdown occurs, cut the hood and wrap the metal cable around the pliers, and then pull with great force - the hood will open.

DIY car repair and maintenance

Recently, I encountered a problem - the hood does not open, but how to open the hood of a Ford Focus 2 if, as it turned out, the lock cylinder was broken. I unscrewed the under-engine protection and opened the hood. Then, a friend of mine arrived in a VAZ 2108 with the same problem, and there were many such Lada owners with the same problem. Opening the hood of the VAZ 2109 is easier than on the 14th and 15th models, because they do not have plastic protection under the bumper. Using example 2114, I’ll show you how to open the hood of a car if the cable breaks.

And so, the situation: the cable is broken, how to open the hood?

To do this, first of all you need to remove the protection. If your car has a massive crash guard, the front two “lugs” (or mounts) will be tightened by the two front crab bolts. (photo below).

If a standard protection is installed on the machine, then it needs to be removed by unscrewing several screws with an 8 key. As shown in the image below, there are four self-tapping screws from the front of the “TV”, two self-tapping screws in the middle of the protection itself (it consists of two parts), as well as several self-tapping screws securing the protection to the side members.

After that, you need to reach with your hand to the top panel of the “TV” and pull the cable fastening eye to the left (where, in fact, the cable pulls). N

In the photo below, the red arrow indicates where you need to pull the lever. No effort is required for the lock to unlock. If you pull the cable and the hood still does not open, then you need to simultaneously pull the tab to the left and prop the hood up with your fist. You can do it with one hand. It's even easier if one person handles the lock while the other pulls the hood up.

If you are going to change the cable, then after you remove the old one and take the new one out of the car, you will first need to pull the cable to the front eye and insert it into place.

After this, install the neck of the cable into the second eye, pulling it in the opposite direction (see photo below).

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If you're lucky

First, remember: if the cable breaks, do not try to open the hood by force. This will only make it worse, because the metal where it joins the body is not the thickest. Let's first consider an easier case. Regardless of whether it is a VAZ-2114 or a VAZ-2109, you need to open the hood, as you know, from inside the car using the handle. So, if the cable breaks right next to it, then you can untwist it and pick up its tail with pliers. Then pull it towards you and the hood will open. Both on the VAZ-2115 and on older models the scheme is the same, so do not immediately rule out this option. Actually, after you have opened the hood, you can begin the repair, so that after everything you don’t have to climb for pliers again.

For repair, in fact, you only need one part. Carefully remove the broken cable from the fastenings and install a new one in them. The hood will open normally. The only detail: it is better to ask someone for help to press the spring of the mechanism while you attach the other tail to the handle. Then the cable will be tensioned better.

If you're unlucky

A less good outcome is, unfortunately, more likely. If the hood on your VAZ-2114, VAZ-2115 or VAZ-2109 does not open and you cannot feel its edge from the passenger compartment, you will have to drive onto a pit or overpass. Some dismantling work will have to be done.

Unscrew the engine protection. It is secured with several bolts, and you will need a 10mm wrench. And then reach with your hand between the engine and the radiator towards the hood. The opening mechanism must be moved towards the driver's door. Ideally, someone should help you, because in normal conditions this mechanism will be more difficult to open. If someone or something presses down on the hood, you will be able to open it much easier.

After sliding the fastener, fold back the hood cover and fix it. If this is not done, it may well slam shut and you will have to crawl under the car again. As we wrote above, start repairs as soon as possible, so that you don’t have to do this procedure every time you need to check the oil due to a broken cable.

As practice shows, the hood opening cable on the VAZ-2115, VAZ-2114 and VAZ-2109 can break for a number of reasons, the main one of which is temperature changes. The steel wire used for it is very sensitive to kinks, and again it does not become stronger due to defrosting/freezing cycles.

To prevent a similar breakdown in the future, we recommend using a braided wire cable. In such conditions it shows itself to be stronger and more durable. And you will definitely stop having headaches about this if you choose the option of a cable with a casing. It will smooth out temperature changes and ensure uninterrupted operation.

After replacement, the hood will open and close with some effort for some time. This is a normal situation, it takes some time to “grind in” the parts and after a few weeks, opening the hood on the VAZ-2109, VAZ-2114 and VAZ-2115, as you will notice, will cease to be a problem.

If the cable breaks

In order to correct the situation in which the hood of the VAZ 2114 does not open, you need to drive the car onto an overpass or inspection hole and have on hand:

  • pliers;
  • keys used to remove engine protection.

First of all, it is necessary to inspect the cable for a possible break. There is a possibility that it broke somewhere in the cabin. Using pliers, the inner part of the cable is caught, but you just need to make sure that the element itself is grabbed, and not its braid. The cable is pulled towards itself, and after that the hood should open. But this method is only suitable for those cases when the break occurred inside the cabin.

For those cases when the cable breaks not inside the cabin, but under the hood itself, it is necessary to proceed using a different method. Here the repair will take place from below the car, so that it is possible to reach the hood latch. To do this, it is necessary that the car is standing on an overpass, or the repairman should be in the inspection hole. This way, work with the bottom will take place in more comfortable conditions. Using two keys, the crankcase protection on the engine is removed.

Next, the boot is removed from the engine. To do this, it is removed from the mounts that are located in front. The anther is bent back. Afterwards, using a screwdriver to penetrate the space next to the radiator, you need to reach the hood lock. There you need to feel the latch, which should be turned to the left, while pressing hard on it. The lock should open.

It is very important to monitor all parts of the car. Therefore, the hood latch must be lubricated regularly. To make the cable suffer less from constant use, it should sometimes be treated with silicone grease on the inside of the braid. Thus, the risk of rupture will be reduced several times. If the described methods do not help to open the hood, you will have to seek qualified help.

Before setting off, it would be a good idea to inspect your car. After all, if troubles start on the road, it can cost a lot. Therefore, those mechanisms that are responsible for safe operation should be inspected first. The hood, as a component of the car, protects the engine from environmental influences. To do this, the element in question is made from high-strength materials, most often steel.

Its outer side is covered with a layer of paint, which is designed to protect the hood from moisture. Opening the hood can be done with your own hands, or you can use special devices. There is another method that can help cope with the trouble that has arisen.

  1. As mentioned above, to make such a repair, the car is driven onto an overpass, after which the boot and protection are removed, and access to the cable is provided.

  1. Next, you need to determine the side of the hood opening, that is, in which direction to pull the cable. If you pull it towards you, it will change its location and this will make it possible to open the hood using the installation tool.
  2. If it is not possible to place the car on an overpass, you can use a jack to ensure that you can work on the bottom of the car. The front of the vehicle is raised. To protect yourself during repair work, place logs or reliable bars under the wheels. In this case, even if the car falls off the jack, it will not be able to crush the person lying under it. It is advisable to lay a mat on the floor to make working more comfortable.
  3. A homemade hook is made from wire. With its help, the lock spring clings and pulls towards the engine.
  4. An important point is that the locks may have slightly different designs. Especially if the car had a different owner. After all, he could make his own adjustments to the arrangement of his “friend.” For example, install a hood gas stop, and then the problem may be not so much in the lock itself, but in the jamming of the stops.

In newer models, the issue of cable breakage has long been resolved. They have a spare cable that allows emergency opening of the hood or gas tank.

Replacement procedure

So, it was possible to open the hood on a VAZ 2114 or VAZ 2115. Now you can do the actual repairs:

  1. First, go to the store and pick up the product you need to replace. Multi-core cables are more expensive than their single-core counterparts, but they are also more durable - it is recommended to take this point into account when choosing.
  2. Find the end of the torn product, which belongs to the interior part, and tie a cord to it. Remove the handle and pull the resulting system towards you - the cords will be pulled into the interior.
  3. Repeat the procedure in reverse order - tie a new cable to the cord from the interior and pull it into the engine compartment of the vehicle.
  4. Now you can connect the new product with the handle and the locking mechanism.

All that remains is to check the functionality of the new system, first of all, for the reliability of the connection, and you can continue to operate the car.

Opening the hood if there are problems with the cable

There are two ways to open the hood of a VAZ 2114 or 2115. The first, when the car owner was incredibly lucky and the hood cable broke directly inside the vehicle:

  • Locate the end of the damaged product;
  • Grasp it with something convenient - most often in this case, ordinary pliers are used;
  • Pull the product towards you - this will allow you to open the hood and begin a full repair.

The second option is much more complicated - the hood cable broke, but the location of the damage turned out to be inaccessible to the car enthusiast. In this case, to open the engine compartment on a VAZ 2114 or on another model from the same manufacturer - VAZ 2115, you will need to perform a more difficult procedure:

  1. Move the vehicle to the vehicle inspection pit.
  2. Using the key to “Eight”, dismantle the protection of the power unit, which will allow a person to have somewhat limited access to the desired compartment of his car.
  3. Before continuing work, it is recommended to check the temperature of the engine - if it is hot, you can easily get burns if the unit comes into contact with your hand.
  4. After this, you need to put your hand into the space between the car’s radiator and its power unit, feel for the special spring of the locking mechanism and move it in the direction of the car’s batteries.

If everything is done correctly, the car hood should open easily. Unfortunately, sometimes in the procedure described above a person experiences certain difficulties and cannot carry out his plans. In this case, you can do something a little differently, however, this will require physical destruction of the radiator grille, which will allow easy access to the locking mechanism. Naturally, a deliberately broken product will have to be purchased and installed again.

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