Design features of the Chevrolet Niva generator

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1 Topic from Plyushkin 07/08/2014 06:31:35

  • Plyushkin
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  • From: Krasnodar / near Korenovsk
  • Registered: 13.10.2013
  • Messages: 5802

Topic: Choosing a generator for Shniva.

From the KZATE 80A factory. If you drive without air conditioning, then it's fine. If with air conditioning, then at XX the drawdown is up to 12.4-12.6 V, i.e. There will be a constant undercharge in our traffic jams. I bought a Priorovsky one for 115A KZATE. It worked for a day, but failed due to a short circuit in the rotor winding. I returned it to the seller and took the money. Then I tried to buy it at YumalAvto (Novotitarovka). There they took me out without a box and said that all KZATE were going to do this this way. I was afraid to buy from them. Again I bought the same one from a reliable store on the Sormovo ring. I drove 2-3 thousand km (2 months). I didn’t dive into any special shit, just small puddles. First, the charger disappeared and the light on the dashboard came on. Although the voltage according to the BC was 14 Volts. Just in case, I replaced the RR, although it was clear that the winding section had become a little darker. After that I drove 300-400 km, everything was fine. The other day the same thing happened, but there was also smoke coming from the generator. Tried to return it to the store. At first they said that this was due to improper use, etc. if moisture got there, then the case is not covered by warranty. Then they said that because... I removed the cover and changed the regulator, then again, it cannot be returned. Although I immediately said that the old regulator was in the car and could be replaced. In general, as I understand it, they were simply looking for the reason for the refusal in the store.

There was an opinion that either KZATE had gone bad and started spewing garbage, or that a whole lot of counterfeit was coming to our region. Now I’m thinking, should I choose a Chinese generator between the garbage (or counterfeit) of KZATE and China? Should I take the generator to rewind the stator? If Chinese, then which one? Or maybe there are other reliable manufacturers? I definitely won’t take BOSHevsky, because... 5-6 thousand is even steeper than 4 thousand for KZATE, but the outcome could be the same

Again, buying a generator for two months for 4 thousand is expensive. And if there is a glitch in the forest, that’s also not good. And again, the question is - where to buy? So that in the event of a breakdown, the store will not kick it.

Replacement procedure

To change the generator on a Chevrolet Niva, you will need to follow a few fairly simple steps.

  • First of all, you should take care of the safety of the work being carried out. To do this, you need to put the car in a repair place, turn off the engine and remove the terminals from the battery.
  • The next step is to remove the wire from the contact bolt, which is located on the rear panel of the generator. You will also need to remove the block from the assembly that secures the brushes.

  • After this, you should begin dismantling the alternator belt. The belt is tensioned using a special plate called a tensioner. You can adjust the tension using the fastening bolts; they need to be loosened. The plate is located in the area of ​​the tension roller and is attached to the structure with three bolts. To unscrew them, you need to take an open-end wrench for two bolts, and use a wrench to loosen the third.

  • Next, all that remains is to remove the belt and unscrew the generator mounting bolts. There are only two bolts - top and bottom, but they are massive, and you will need a wrench for a large diameter. If the bolts will not turn, you will need to hold them from behind.

When the bolts are unscrewed, all that remains is to dismantle the generator and begin installing a new one.

Installing a new generator

The algorithm for installing a new generator is practically no different from dismantling the old one, only all steps are performed in reverse order. So, the car owner will need:

  • Screw the assembly to the engine by turning and fixing two bolts - upper and lower. At the same time, there is no need to tighten them too much, since then the belt still needs to be tensioned.

  • Install a new V-ribbed repair on the pulleys. You need to put it on with a little effort and go around the pulleys in the following sequence: hydraulic pump pulley, roller, crankshaft pulley, power steering pulley, roller, generator pulley.
  • Tension the belt by tightening the adjustment bolt and the special plate. It is important that the belt deflection in the upper free part does not exceed or be less than 15-16 mm.

Then all that remains is to tighten the three bolts of the bottom plate and check that the power source is secure.

Purpose of the voltage regulator

If we consider the simplest closed circuit, which is placed in a time-varying magnetic field, then the induced emf in it is proportional to the rotation frequency of the electromagnet. Considering that a car engine operates at different frequencies, a device is needed to stabilize the output voltage. The role of this device is played by a voltage regulator located in the brush assembly.

The principle of operation of the regulator is that it connects or disconnects the excitation winding from the terminal of the diode bridge.

The current flowing through the rotor winding is able to regulate the magnetic flux, hence the output voltage. When it exceeds 14.2 V, the transistor closes the excitation circuit. When the voltage drops to 13.5 V, the circuit is unlocked again.

Principle of operation

The basis for obtaining electric current is the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. It represents the occurrence of an induction current in a closed circuit under the condition of a change in the magnetic flux penetrating this circuit. There may be several ideas for implementing a generator set. It is enough to recall all the experiments on observing EMR. But rational and technical components impose their limitations. It is irrational to use a permanent magnet as a source of magnetic field, since it will be impossible to regulate the magnetic flux. By changing the current strength in the electromagnet, you can ultimately influence the output parameters of the induction current.

The rotor includes not only the windings of the electromagnet, but also the shaft with slip rings. Thanks to the sliding contact of graphite brushes with slip rings, the movable winding is excited. Current is supplied to the voltage regulator through one of two circuits. Initially, when the engine is turned off, the winding is powered by the battery. After starting the engine, the generator independently powers its electromagnet. When the rotor rotates, an alternating electric current is induced in the stator winding.

The operation of the generator is monitored by turning on the lamp on the instrument panel.

When the device is operating, the potential at the generator contact and at the output of the diode bridge is the same, therefore, current cannot flow through the lamp. If the light is on, this means low voltage at the diode connector, which indicates a faulty power source. The rectified current powers the on-board network and recharges the battery.

How to find out if the generator is faulty

When operating a Niva Chevrolet, certain difficulties and malfunctions sometimes arise. During a trip or long-term use of a car, various problems arise, and one of them is the failure of the generator.

Diagnosing a breakdown is quite simple. There are several manipulations that can be used to determine the need for repairs:

  • The corresponding light on the dashboard lights up, indicating that the battery is constantly discharged.

  • The battery drains quickly when the engine is running.
  • The brightness of the light decreases as the engine speed increases. In this case, it is necessary to replace the generator brushes.

All of the above signs indicate that the generator urgently needs to be replaced or repaired.

Generator connection

Replacing the generator is only half the battle. It is also important to connect it correctly to the circuit source. Before connecting, you need to complete the work on the front and rear panels of the unit, only after that you can connect the terminals to the battery.

The contacts must be clean during connection. If contamination is detected, it can be removed using special cleaners. Also, the terminals on the battery must be tightened, otherwise the oxidation process will begin on their surface.

If everything was done correctly, then when you start the engine, the light on the dashboard indicating a low battery charge should go out. However, experts recommend, just in case, checking the operation of the generator using a multimeter by measuring the voltage at the terminals.

Thus, in order to avoid any serious problems with the generator during the operation of the Chevrolet Niva, it is important to undergo a technical inspection on time and repair the components of this unit.

A) Belt break.

Carefully examine the presence of a belt on the water pump and generator pulleys. To return it to its destination, you will need socket wrenches 17 or 13, depending on the year of manufacture of the car, as well as a strong flat-head screwdriver.

Loosen the nuts securing the tension bar and slide it to the side towards the cylinder block.

Put a belt on your professionalism landing place.

After installation is complete, adjust the tension, controlling the deflection when pressing with a huge finger on the clearance of the belt between the generator and pump pulleys - 10-15 mm, pump and crankshaft - 12-17 mm. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the belt slipping with subsequent damage and rupture.

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