Installing an electric trunk lock on a VAZ 2115

03/04/2022 4 101 VAZ 2114

Author: Ivan Baranov

The modern world is such that even in your own yard, leaving a car with a faulty lock is quite a dangerous thing, let alone long-distance travel. If you notice characteristic symptoms of a part malfunction, you need to immediately take control of the situation. This article will cover the trunk lock of the VAZ 2114. Read about faults, replacement and installation in the article.


How to install an electric lock on the trunk of a VAZ 2115

Many car enthusiasts who independently “pump” their cars are wondering: how to properly connect the electrics? This question arises in almost any installation. After all, simply screwing on the blocks, locks and strips is not difficult, but only properly connected electricians can make the system work. If we take into account one of the most pressing problems - the installation of remote control locks for the fifth door, then the correct wiring diagram for the electric trunk lock will help us here. You can find it either in the instructions that should be included with the device, or you can take it from a reliable source, but it is better to use proven options and ask friends and acquaintances what scheme they used.

Preparation for installation

We purchase a lock kit. There are a lot of manufacturers of auto parts on the market now, but there are no special differences between the kits

It is important that the device has a warranty card and instructions for use and connection. Also in the box you will find:

Additionally, you need to stock up on a set of standard tools: pliers, screwdriver, screwdrivers, multimeter, drill with carbide drill bit. In addition to the standard accessories, immediately buy additional wires; it is quite possible that the length of those you find in the box will not be enough for you. Black heat-resistant insulating tape, corrugated tubes, and clips for fastening the trim will also be useful, since very often the trim of car elements is attached to disposable ones.

Purpose and design

The trunk lid protects the luggage compartment of the car from external negative factors. Also, this part is an important element of the body, affecting the strength and aerodynamics of the car.

The trunk lid includes:

  • cover body;
  • hinges;
  • compaction;
  • torsion bars;
  • locking device;
  • fasteners.

The trunk lid body is made of steel alloy by stamping. There are stiffening and reinforcement ribs on the inner surface of the part. The inner surface of the cover is subjected to anti-corrosion treatment with specialized compounds. The outside of the part is covered with a layer of automotive enamel.

Hinge hinges allow the connection of the cover and the power parts of the machine. At the same time, the design of the hinges allows the lid to be closed with the necessary gaps.

In the open position, the cover body is held in place by torsion bars. Their corner part is installed inside the hinge hinge, which allows you to create the necessary force that prevents the trunk lid from closing freely.

The seal is made of soft rubber and allows you to achieve acceptable tightness of the luggage compartment.

To prevent unauthorized entry, the lid is equipped with a locking mechanism with a lock. This device automatically locks the trunk lid when closed. Full locking is done using a key or central locking drive.

Chevrolet Cruze trunk button: replacement, repair. Button output to the salon

During vehicle operation, breakdowns or unforeseen incidents with the vehicle’s equipment are common. One of these unpleasant cases is the breakdown of the trunk button of a Chevrolet Cruze car.

Below in the article possible breakdowns of the unit and ways to fix it are indicated.

Reasons why the button does not work

The trunk release button on the Chevrolet Cruze model breaks due to its extremely poor location. An engineering miscalculation in the form of installing an element on the outside of the car exposes the part to constant exposure to an aggressive environment.

During operation, the digger often gets exposed to water, dirt or snow. This leads to rapid destruction of the seals. Sometimes it happens that a trip to the car wash can also lead to a breakdown.

The main reasons for node failure are the following factors:

  1. Oxidation of the contact group located inside the key. As a result, the element’s response to driver manipulations deteriorates.
  2. Short circuit of contact pairs. If liquid or dirt gets in, the working contacts may inadvertently close. In the future, for this reason, the unit may be triggered randomly and the trunk will open.

The basis for such problems is two questions:

  • bad location;
  • mediocre sealing of the unit.

Replacing the trunk release button

The replacement procedure is applied in case of failure or revision. Sometimes repairing a broken key is limited only to replacing it.

The process itself is technically simple. To do this you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Use the key to open the trunk lid.
  2. Next you need to remove the fasteners from the casing. There are a total of 12 plastic elements, which are very capricious when applying force. They may break. Therefore, you need to remove the fasteners very carefully.

The protective cap of the lock is removed from the end of the trunk lid. The procedure is performed extremely carefully - the plastic is delicate and is afraid of sudden movements.

The next step is to dismantle the casing.

Next, using a “10” key, you need to unscrew the fastenings of the license plate illumination mounting plate. The same part has a button on it.

The key terminal block is carefully disconnected. Remove the rubber seal for the electrical wiring from the cover. Remove the decorative strip. The element is fastened with two plastic latches. The procedure can be easily accomplished using a very thin screwdriver or similar tool. It is recommended to exercise great care during work, as there is a possibility of damage to the paintwork at the point of contact.

Replace old elements with new ones. Some experts recommend upgrading moisture protection by applying a layer of sealant.

Assembly must be done in reverse order.

Installation instructions for the electric trunk lock

If you are lucky with the standard lock, it locks and holds the tailgate well, then there is no need to change it.

In this case, you must have with you:

  • window lifter roller;
  • door activator;
  • steel cable;
  • wires with terminals;
  • relay with four contacts;
  • 10 A fuse.

To automate the opening of the trunk, it is necessary to ensure that the lock latch is pulled. For this purpose, a special roller is installed on the wiper gear housing. The steel cable is pulled through the roller and secured with conventional clamps. Experienced riders often use a bicycle cable because it is durable and flexible. Using it you can quite easily connect the door activator to the lock tongue.

You can connect the entire structure to the cigarette lighter if you do not have the proper knowledge of the car's electrical circuit. You just need to connect the plus from the cigarette lighter to the button and then to the lock. The negative comes from the taillight. Or carry out the operation of the trunk lock 2114 using a special relay.

Benefits of this option

Many people do not find anything special in this option, but once you try the electric trunk drive, you immediately begin to appreciate all the advantages. The positive aspects of the option to automatically open the trunk on the VAZ-2107 include:

  1. Convenience. By the time the driver leaves the cabin, the trunk will already be open.
  2. Practicality. There is no need to remove the keys from the ignition switch to open the trunk with the key, especially if you have just started the engine and are warming it up.
  3. Fashion. Almost all modern cars are equipped with such an interesting option, so the “seven” with this function will look more interesting against their background, especially with tuning.

Next, we’ll look at what the procedure for installing an electric drive for opening the trunk on a VAZ 2107 is with your own hands.

What is required for the work

Before starting the work process, you should purchase the necessary equipment. To carry out the work you will need:

  • A button that, when pressed, will activate the electric drive. The best option is a button from a VAZ-2110 car, the cost of which is about 50-80 rubles.
  • The relay is four-pin and has a special terminal for it.
  • Activator.
  • Wires.
  • Female and male connectors, as well as electrical tape and heat shrink.

You can easily find any of the components in any auto store, and then install and connect it to your car yourself.

Installation of the activator

Initially, it is necessary to install an activator, which is an electric drive that works to retract or repel, depending on the connection. The first step is to remove the lock and install the activator rod. To remove the lock, you will need to unscrew two nuts.

After this, you need to drill a hole in the side of the lock to insert the rod and connect it to the lock tongue. The rod will need to be bent (secured), it should look something like the one shown in the photo below.

After fixing the rod to the lock, the latter can be installed in place. It is advisable to remember the tilt level of the lock and install it as well, so that you do not have to adjust it during installation. Now you can attach the activator to the trunk. To do this, you will need 2 self-tapping screws and a special plate, which comes with the product. After this, you can manually try to see if the lock will work when opening. When the activator is installed on your VAZ 2107 car, you can proceed to the next stage - connection.

Connecting the product

Before carrying out connection work, be sure to disconnect the negative terminal from the battery. To begin with, we present the diagram according to which the product will function.

The electric lock will be supplied with 12V power directly from the battery, although you can also use a wire from the cigarette lighter. First, connect the wire to the “+” terminal of the battery.

The battery supplies power to the relay, which can be located both in the cabin and in the engine compartment, which will be much more rational. From terminal “86” the wire is fed to the trunk opening button, which can be located in any convenient place on the dashboard. To install the button that will open the trunk lid, you will need to drill a hole of the appropriate diameter in the dashboard.


First of all, it is necessary to secure the electric drive to the trunk lid and provide it with a mechanical connection to the lock itself. To do this, you will have to make two cuts on the lock, and bend the resulting free “tongue”. Thus, we gained access directly to that part of the lock, by pulling which the trunk lid will open. Now we attach the long metal stick from the kit so that the lock can close when the system is operating. It is quite possible that you will have to cut off extra centimeters of this pin.

Now our device is installed properly and all that remains is to connect the electrics. To do this, we will use the diagram below.

Important! When working with electrical equipment, remove the battery!

In most cars, electrics operate on 12V positive voltage. However, if you doubt that everything is the same for you, it is better to check with the car dealer and not use this diagram for connection. It is very important to make the correct connection of the wires, since the proper operation of your car as a whole depends on it. At best, some options will simply not work correctly; at worst, a short circuit will occur. And it is not always possible to restore the electrics and electronics of the car after it. And this work will cost a lot of money. In addition to the above, lay wires where standard wiring is already laid. In difficult places, for example, when you have to pull the wire from the passenger compartment to the trunk, it is necessary to use protective corrugated tubes.

Electrical work

To begin with, according to the diagram, we connect all the elements located in the trunk. Now you need to tighten the wires to the driver's door. It all depends on the car model. For some it will be convenient to pull the electrics through the door sills from below, for others the option of protective strips from above is suitable. Immediately secure the wires with cable ties. If the length is not enough, take an additional wire, solder the joint with a soldering iron and rewind it with tape. Let's continue connecting. We connect the negative wire to the electric drive, and then connect the second negative wire to the main control relay. The third, also known as the last wire, needs to be connected to the alarm. To do this, you need to find the control unit; most likely, it is located under the dashboard. In it you will find free contacts for connection.

We check, find the negative one and connect. These are the last steps we need to complete. After this, we return the battery to its place and check the functionality of the system. There are cases when the lock does not have enough traction to close. In this option, it is enough to install an additional spring for the lock and the problem should be eliminated. There is one more point that we have not covered - the remote control button. Installation is very simple, and the connection method is described in the same diagram above. You can use absolutely any analogue for the button, even from power windows. And the location also depends solely on your preferences.

Everything you need to close and open the trunk

To get started, you should decide on a list of what you will need to assemble the electric drive. First of all, you must have an electric drive mechanism in stock, and you can buy it in almost every car store in any country. Of course, the electric drive mechanisms are the same in their functions, but they often differ from each other. There are car owners who try to make this kind of mechanism with their own hands. For reliability and confidence in its performance, it is necessary to install a factory mechanism. The complete set of the mechanism consists of:

1. Electrical wiring.

2. Terminals.

3. Motor.

4. Documents with instructions.

5. Buttons with safety lock.

Immediately ask for warranty service or repairs. Quite often such services are not provided in markets, but in car dealerships it is just the opposite. A typical set of materials and tools will be needed for installation. There are times when you need to have additional wires because the factory assembly is not enough. To secure the wires, purchase items for one-time use, such as:

· Insulating tape;

· Tubes;

· Clips.

All of the above serves as the main material for fastening and installing the electric trunk drive. The electric trunk drive is a mechanism consisting of the following connected devices:

1. Motor.

2. Fuse.

3. Button with rod.

In order for the rod to work, several types of drive are known. Often there are mechanisms with magnetic plates and an electric motor. The electric one is long-lasting and of high quality, which is why it is the most consumed. When you want to buy an electric drive, think carefully about the purposes for which it will be used. In case of opening, thanks to the button located inside the vehicle, then you can use the standard model, and if suddenly using a remote control with an alarm (remote), then you should get more funds. In the Russian Federation you can find several types of electric drives:

1. With reinforced fastening.

2. Side mounting.

3. Standard.

Don't forget, you have to take your gear purchase seriously. If you buy a fake of poor quality, you will not receive guaranteed reliability and long-term operation. Do not ignore goods that are produced in the Russian Federation, as many buyers do. In modern times, domestic electric drives are produced no worse than foreign ones.

Features of the electric drive

Electric drives have only a few different parts. The most commonly used drive is an electric motor. Such a device is considered practical, durable, and reliable. Drives with magnetic plates are used much less frequently. This is a more complex device that creates more problems. Experts do not recommend installing them on VAZ cars of older models.

Particular care must be taken in selecting installed equipment and control methods. The standard type means only opening from the passenger compartment after pressing a button. To work with remote control you will have to purchase more expensive electric drives. Connecting them is quite difficult, so you will have to use the services of a car electrician.

Electric trunk drive: which is more reliable, factory or self-assembly?

Before implementing any idea, you should think carefully and prepare everything you need. In a situation with an electric trunk drive, first of all, you need to purchase the mechanism itself. Today, this is not a problem, because it is easy to find in virtually any auto parts store. Very often, all such electrical mechanisms, depending on the manufacturer or other minor design features, differ from each other, but the operating principle remains the same.

Therefore, some car enthusiasts assemble the required mechanism at home, but for the greatest confidence that the end result will be positive, it is advisable to purchase a ready-made device.

Why central locking now?

But still, installing a central lock makes sense: primarily for ergonomic reasons. Perhaps, any car enthusiast will agree that opening car doors by pressing one button on the key fob that is in your hands is much easier than fumbling with the unruly locks of a car produced in the back streets of the domestic automaker VAZ. In fact, this is the main problem and the main motivation of the owner of the “nine” to please himself with such a modification of his car.

As a result, the central lock will not only facilitate the process of opening the doors of a car, which is famous for the fact that very low-quality locks were often installed on it. They jammed at the most inopportune moment. This device will also make it possible to open the car regardless of the season. Yes, now in winter, at a time when all Lada locks are covered with a thin but impenetrable crust of ice, you no longer have to warm them with all possible means at hand.

You will be able to forget forever about the kettle of boiling water and the “magic” spells that often accompanied the process of opening locks in the cold.

Tags: vaz 21124, trunk, trunk lid, body

Comments 27

Haven't you seen how the doors are adjusted, and the trunk can also be adjusted?

old proven method =)

It's scary, I think this definitely won't work))

no matter what they say, the trunk lid shouldn’t stand like that, even though it’s a basin, it definitely needs to be adjusted

Yes of course, that's what I want

You're getting to the bottom of this kind of crap. The basins are all crooked!

I want to make it with my own hands)

I still need to sharpen the clubs, they are 10th sticks, these gaps are also noticeable) I will soon do this myself, or look for a ten with 12th sticks)

Adjusting the tailgate lock.

  1. We unscrew the lock lock so that it can be moved with light force.
  2. Now you need to close the door and look through the glass to ensure that the lock spike is opposite the latch socket.
  3. After this, we move the latch all the way back and slam the door. This will ensure the lock lock is in the optimal position.
  4. Open the door and tighten the bolts securing the clamp in the position in which it was installed.
  5. It is also necessary to check that the door closes. If the door does not close tightly. then you need to remove the adjusting plate from under the clamp.
  6. If the door closes too tightly, on the contrary, you need to add a plate under the latch.

You can make the adjustment plates yourself from tin or sheet iron.

Connecting an electric lock to an alarm system

It is recommended to install an electric locking device on the car yourself according to the following scheme:

  1. Carefully read the installation diagram in the attached documentation. Perform marking work on the trunk lid. Prepare mounting holes.
  2. Install and secure the electric lock drive to the trunk lid of the car. Fit and adjust the electric lock drive rods to the locking device. Connect the rod to the closing mechanism and secure it.
  3. Disconnect the battery terminals. Lay out the electrical wiring according to the connection diagram and connect. Use a multimeter to check the correctness and reliability of the electrical connections. Connect the corresponding connectors of the car alarm control unit and the electric lock.
  4. Replace the car battery terminals and secure them. Check the operation of the trunk lock, installed by yourself, for correct operation. If necessary, make adjustments and repeat the installation.

How to remove an old lock

The process of removal and replacement on hatchback (2113, 2114) and sedan (2115) cars is different, although the principle of operation is the same.

The procedure for removing the mechanism on a VAZ-2114


  1. Remove the plastic cover. The upholstery is attached to 10 pistons, which just need to be pryed off with a screwdriver. Access to the mechanism will open.

Removing the trunk lid

  1. Unscrew the 2 bolts with an “8” key. The action must be carried out carefully; on one side there are terminals responsible for the windshield wiper and brake light on the spoiler.

Unscrewing 2 bolts

  1. Remove the faulty element.

If the lid does not close, adjustment is required.

Removing and replacing the trunk lock of the VAZ-2115 sedan


  1. Remove the plastic cover by unfastening the pistons.
  2. Access to the faulty part is open; the drive rod needs to be straightened. Unscrew the corresponding screw (not all the way). Remove the rod from the bushing.

Trunk lid lock drive

  1. Go to the cylinder lever. Remove the mechanism rod and remove it.
  2. Unscrew the 3 nuts of the product and dismantle it. Unscrew the cylinder mounting bolt and remove.

Twisting the fastening nuts

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