Don’t embarrass yourself and don’t write nonsense about the Lada Vesta robot if you don’t know how to drive and don’t understand technology. Owner review

The robotic gearbox is a joint development of AvtoVAZ together with the German company zf.

How does a “robot” work?

The robot is still the same 2180 gearbox with a cable drive with redesigned mounts, but in addition with an installed automatic shift mechanism, which was developed by the German company ZF. The automatic “actuator” mechanism depresses the clutch for you, puts the gear in gear, and releases the clutch.

The robot selector has the following positions:

N – neutral

R – reverse gear

M – manual switching mode

Vesta robot control diagram

New technologies in domestic production

Buyers choosing a new car look thoughtfully at the new AMT from Lada. What is it, what is its operating principle? In fact, this is a regular manual transmission, only it does not have a clutch pedal. Instead of three levers, you only get two - gas and brake. The compact gearbox has off, on and shift modes, which replace the familiar pedal.

Reviews of the Lada Vesta robot show that not everyone liked the manufacturer’s innovations. The automated gearbox is developed on the basis of the manual transmission of VAZ cars. The control system uses the latest ZF developments, which help to change gears faster. In terms of quality, the new AMT is clearly better than the old technologies on the Lada Kalina, but at the same time inferior to European analogues (BMW, Ford, etc.). What positions are there on the shift lever in the new Lada Vesta?

  • Auto mode – allows you not to think about changing gears at all.
  • Neutral position is acceptable when the car is parked.
  • Reverse – in this position, as you might guess, the car will go backwards.
  • Manual shift - allows you to change gears yourself if you want to overtake someone or save fuel. If you want to downshift, then you don’t have to touch the lever at all - the Lada itself will do everything for you if you take your foot off the gas pedal.

Gearbox robot

The Lada Vesta car uses a robot as an automatic transmission. It is really difficult to say why the engineers of the automobile concern chose this particular option, because there are now a large number of torque converters from various manufacturers on the market.

The concern's designers took the VAZ gearbox as the basis for the AMT (robot), in contrast to the mechanical transmission of this model, which uses a unit from Renault. In general, this is a conventional mechanics on which an electronic control unit has been installed. The use of this box is determined more by price than by other factors. The AMT gear lever does not have a parking position, only reverse gear, neutral gear, automatic mode (something like drive) and manual shifting. The interesting thing is that when changing gears manually, you cannot engage reverse or go into neutral. Forward gears are used.

What is the difference between AMT and automatic transmission?

How does the robot on the Vesta work and how does it differ from a car with an automatic transmission? In terms of structure, it is designed exactly the same as a manual transmission. A robotic one has little in common with an automatic transmission. If in a conventional automatic transmission the torque is transmitted from the engine to the wheels by a torque converter, then in a robotic gearbox the torque is transmitted through gears. The robot was made on the basis of a VAZ mechanical transmission. The AMT consists of the mechanical box itself, the clutch and the electronic unit that controls it.

When developing the new box, engineers from the Tolyatti plant used the experience of foreign manufacturers. And the clutch included in the AMT package is made in France. The part is protected by a wear compensation function that prevents premature failure. There have not yet been any cases of warranty claim registered.

Many people are perplexed: why can’t an automatic transmission be developed on a Russian basis, because so far no domestic car has such an improvement. The answer is simple: the development of automatic transmissions is possible already on the existing base, which does not yet exist in Russia. And production based on foreign developments will significantly increase the final cost of the car. For comparison, using an automatic machine will cost approximately twice as much as a robot.

Instructions for using a machine with AMT

How to use the new gearbox? Reviews from owners of the Lada Vesta 1.8 robot indicate that you still need to learn how to use the AMT. The car's on-board computer displays information that helps monitor the operation of the transmission:

  • Mode (manual/automatic).
  • Active transmission.
  • Brake pedal activity.

So how do you start a Lada Vesta with AMT? To do this you need to follow a number of simple steps:

  1. Press the brake pedal.
  2. Move the shift lever to the neutral position.
  3. Start the car.

It is important to note that any changes in the position of the selector can only be made while the brake pedal is pressed. If you want to park the car, the manufacturer recommends turning off the engine, leaving the handle in the manual or automatic mode position. Very often, novice drivers have a question: what to do if you get stuck in a traffic jam on a slope? To prevent the car from rolling back, it is permissible to lightly press the gas pedal. When driving on a slope, the robot selects first or second gear so that the engine does not stall.

Another useful feature of LADA with AMT is that it can be started from a pusher. Rope launch is activated at speeds of 7 km/h and above. The car also has a transmission brake function. When rolling down an inclined surface, it is permissible to use the brake pedal for more effective braking. All these useful modes make operating the Lada Vesta with AMT convenient and comfortable.

Test drive by specialists

What do professionals say about the robot box in Lada Vesta? You can find many reviews of the new product on the Internet. Most note the slow response of the box during acceleration. Some call the driving style of the Lada Vesta robot a style for summer residents. Slow acceleration of the car contributes not only to fuel economy, but also to passive safety. No matter how hard you try to squeeze out maximum speed in order to overtake three or two cars, it is unlikely that you will be able to do it quickly. True, the car behaves a little more cheerfully in manual mode, in which it is more realistic to squeeze the maximum out of the 1.8-liter engine. But, if you get used to this driving style, you begin to notice the advantages: the parts are made well and do not fail for a long time. Compared to manual and automatic transmissions, AMT provides significant fuel savings.

After the driver presses on the gas and the engine picks up speed, the transmission begins to upshift. The problem is that the robot on the Vesta cannot do this without reducing the thrust. The switching time fluctuates around 2 seconds, which can be quite annoying at first. But you won’t feel any jerks, the clutch is as smooth and comfortable as possible. In the reviews of the owners of the Lada Vesta robot in 2022, you can find a comic name for this driving style - driving a Chinese dummy. Due to the excessively sharp speed difference between first and second gear, Vesta drivers and passengers nod due to uneven acceleration.

But, despite various points of view, most reviews about the Vesta 1.8 robot indicate that the introduction of an automated manual transmission was a big leap forward for the domestic manufacturer. Car enthusiasts hope that the improvements will not end there; Lada engineers will properly finalize the box, and it will be a pleasure to drive. By the way, on the official website of the automaker there is already a survey on what users would like to change in the AMT box. So you should be patient - improvements are just around the corner.

Review from the owner of Lada Vesta “Comfort” GFL12-51-070, 1.6 AMT engine

I left the salon. The robot manically switches up at the first opportunity, 60 on the fifth. Shifts are smooth, soft, no jerks or kicks. The pedal is long, on the Prior you have to press it a couple of centimeters and you fly, here you have to push far to keep it going.

You roll in auto mode on his favorite 1500, press the pedal, the robot is like - what? drive? where to go? A! he pressed the pedal! okay, okay, let's go, so be it. Drops a gear or two down, then normal acceleration with a sound familiar to the ear. It shifts exactly as you press. You stroke the pedal and the gears quickly click up. If you press harder, it turns up to 2000-2500. You press half the pedal - 3500 and you feel the usual pickup, there is no rush to switch. I didn’t press further for now.

The robot has a manual (manual) mode, it works something like this - Allows you to switch the way you want. Anywhere, anytime. What the robot does itself in this mode: in the cut-off it clicks up, when braking down, 5-4-3-2-1. Except for 1st gear, it does not shift up at any speed - in order to slip, drag trailers uphill, and so on. In manual mode, shifting is slightly faster. No worse, no better - for different tasks. You have to make some misbehavior - push the stick to M, push yourself twice, gas and off you go. I calmed down - put the handle in A and leaned back on the seat.

I used to say that the AMT switches like I do on a manual. No, it's not like that. She switches better than me. Smoother, faster, more accurate. Starts off instantly. A person can't do that. And if you let off the gas a little when switching, you don’t feel it at all, absolutely. In terms of switching time, AMT is at least the same as a simple automatic transmission, and maybe faster. The difference is that the automatic transmission shifts without a break in power, compressing one package and releasing the other, while the AMT needs to disengage the clutch, and you can feel it. The switching moment is comparable to a gust of wind on the highway. When you switch the manual transmission yourself, at that moment you are busy squeezing the clutch and shifting, but with AMT you are not doing anything, so the pause attracts attention. If you sit down like a sheep and press the gas to the floor, yes, it will make you nod, because the gear shift still remains smooth, no matter how much you press the pedal. In general, I think you can make the robot simply release the clutch during sharp acceleration, then you won’t have to nod, but there will be jerks. This should all be simple and understandable to those who drive a manual transmission. Fuel consumption on AMT is even lower than on manual transmission. In general, AMT is great. Especially considering the price tags for repairs and maintenance compared to a CVT or automatic transmission.

Brief impressions of the car.

Surprisingly, the Shumka is really not bad. Even the roof is noisy, the rain does not drum. I can't hear the engine. You can hear a certain hum from the wheels, not road noise, but just a hum. The murmur, like an open window, is very quiet. The doors close with a nice, quiet slam, as does the trunk. Perhaps I’ll add vibrations to the doors and leave it at that.

The chassis is still stiff after the Priora. Small irregularities are not felt, but the car follows the profile of the road exactly. But the energy intensity of the suspension is like that of a rally car. I don't know what needs to be done to break through it. More travel means fewer holes.

It stays straight like a tram. The wind, the potholes, the ruts - absolutely no problem. The steering wheel doesn't even move. The steering wheel is tight, of medium sharpness, with noticeable effort. It takes turns confidently, without rolls or drifts. Checkers - lightly, slightly moving the steering wheel.

The brakes are ideal in terms of pedal force and deceleration control. ABS and stabilization did not work, it was dry outside. The speed is felt weakly. You seem to be going about 60, you glance at the speedometer - it’s 100+. In general, it is very simple and easy to drive.

It's comfortable behind the wheel. The seat is not sporty, it is moderately soft, there is height adjustment and lumbar support. The steering wheel is adjustable for reach and height. The armrest in the middle is exactly as it should be. The interior is large, larger than in many C-class cars. Five of us will be comfortable.

The climate system is excellent. The air pressure is strong, the adjustment is smooth, the choice of modes is electronic, the air conditioning is not felt at all while driving.

The plastic in the cabin is very different. The steering wheel is soft and has different textures. The gear knob is normal. The panel and door trims are solid, just like the Polo. So far there is absolutely nothing squeaking. The trunk is lined with soft fleecy carpet.

The light is excellent. There is nothing more to say. I will add PTF. There are two LED lampshades in the cabin, the light is of medium brightness and diffused, but each works independently. You cannot turn on all the lights with one button.

There are not enough drawers and shelves. There is only a huge glove compartment, a small shelf and two cup holders on the beard and a small drawer in the armrest. And the door handles are made like a mini shelf for small items. All. But the pockets in the front doors are a glove keeper's dream, they are gigantic. There are no pockets at the back.

The music is the most ordinary. The staff is just a staff, nothing special, like everyone else. Radio, USB flash drive, SD flash drive, bluetooth, AUX. Large buttons, control from the steering wheel. Out of habit, I point at the phone and forget about the steering wheel. There is an ACC mode.

Disadvantages - unpleasant ESP buttons, tight and with a short stroke, like on a grant. The climate control knobs rotate without effort and have some play. The visors, when folded toward the glass, dangle on the bumps. Dim light in the trunk.

A bit of new impressions. The Vesta suspension was fine-tuned in Spain at the training ground. So, on roads close to those in Spain, the car drives wonderfully. But as soon as you drive off the road onto broken asphalt, or onto a road with artificial bumps, it starts to shake violently. The suspension regularly follows the profile of the road. Now I’m ready to kill for sun loungers. Yes, even when driving on normal roads of varying quality, you feel the difference very clearly. And this is on small 15 wheels with a high profile. Priora didn’t give a damn that there was soil, asphalt, crushed stone, milling cutter under the wheels, as long as all the irregularities were within 18 cm of clearance, always soft and comfortable. This is the price of good handling

Vesta is a good car, I can say that now for sure. Good quality, comfortable, beautiful and big. It’s not ideal, but it evokes positive emotions and makes me want to drive it.

Yesterday I went for a free inspection to the dealer. Before this, I returned the standard mafon back just in case. They examined it, extended it, everything was as it should be, they said that everything was fire. Only the front wheels and a couple of nuts on the front were stretched. We were allowed into the repair zone without any problems. The removed caps were pulled back with zip ties - that’s nice. The mileage is now about 1600 km, the average consumption according to the BC is 9.3 liters.

I noticed that there are no caps on the front hubs, it needs to be farmed. The most vulnerable point on the body is the rear tow hook, it’s at the very bottom of the rear overhang, I’ve already gotten caught somewhere. Additional protection without holes at all. But the face turns out to be completely smooth, from the front bumper to the floor, which is good for winter.

I really like the car. There are a couple of points on Shumka that I will do, but these are minor things. Parking sensors are a thing for the lazy, but very convenient. I use cruise even in the city sometimes, at 77 km/h. The light is excellent. The A-pillars are wide, the hood is high, and sometimes I look for curbs in yards through the side windows. The glazing has an interesting effect - it is positioned at such an angle that from the outside it seems as if it has been tinted with thirty, there is no feeling of an aquarium. I washed the interior - the plastic is somehow slippery, the dirt is wiped off very easily in one motion without streaks. The seats are a strong magnet for hair and cat fur.

And the motor opened. After 3000 it drags the 1.3-ton car very cheerfully with a characteristic rumbling sound. Not the same as on the Prior, there it was less pronounced and with some kind of whistling. Although the 129 is more powerful from the bottom than the simple 126, its combat character remains the same. This makes me happy.

The variable intake switch is audible in the cabin and works a little differently than I thought it would. It is triggered not by revolutions, like phasers, but by the load on the motor. If you drive calmly, it is closed even at 4000. As soon as you press the pedal, a growl appears from under the hood, while traction improves. At 1500 it is even very loud, at 3000 it merges with the engine. In hot weather with Conder, the damper opens almost every acceleration.

AMT, in principle, has already adapted to my driving style and almost always switches on time. But it was not possible to discourage his manner of switching up at the first opportunity to save money. A couple of times there was a freezing of 1st gear during repeated sharp stomping from a standstill half a meter and braking in the city crowd. It has a mode for hauling trailers and climbing uphill, when under load it holds first gear and does not shift, apparently it thought that I was accelerating somewhere off-road. It can be treated by switching to M and back to A. It also coolly re-throttles itself, switching down when pressing hard on the gas.

Robot on Vesta: reviews

Drivers online are furiously discussing Lada's innovation. Both experienced drivers and beginners who have previously driven only a manual transmission become participants in the debate. Reviews from owners of a Lada Vesta with a robot indicate that not everyone has an unambiguous perception of this new product. On the one hand, there are no those who are 100% satisfied with the AMT of the domestic manufacturer. On the other hand, is it worth being so critical of the first attempts to automate machine control?

Let's take a closer look. The main thing when buying a Lada Vesta with AMT is to clearly understand who such a car is intended for. First of all, this is a car for a quiet and comfortable ride around the city, and not for racing. Vesta with a robotic gearbox is ideal for city traffic jams. If you are tired of manual gear shifting, but foreign cars with an automatic transmission are not yet available to you, then the new Lada will be an excellent option.

Reviews about the Lada Vesta 1.8 robot show that automatic transmission lovers should not buy a car with AMT. Still, these are two completely different boxes that have little in common with each other. Fast automated transmissions of such giants as BMW or Porsche cannot be compared with the Lada gearbox. They change gears quickly and smoothly, without delay. The robot on the Lada Vesta is more like the AMT of old Japanese cars. Nevertheless, this is an excellent compromise option for those who are tired of riding with mechanics.

Problems with the Robot

The AMT (robot) mechanism itself is quite reliable: The box is painfully familiar to all of us, and the actuator inspires confidence. The actuator has a service life of 10 years, officially it is not repairable, but now they do everything, and repairing such an actuator is not a problem, the main thing is to lubricate it well. But there are the following “jambs” with the robot, but mainly related to the first, early models:

Long switching . As mentioned above, this is not a problem, it is a feature. Use manual mode.

Valeo clutch . As it turned out, Valeo does not match the Vesta in terms of vehicle weight, which is why current models receive a Sax clutch. Valeo quickly wore out, there was a difficult start, slippage and clutch smell were felt. The first Vesta models received the Valeo clutch.

The nuances of driving the Vesta robot

As with all cars, when driving a Lada robot, there are some nuances that should be taken into account when purchasing. They can be understood most clearly if you read the reviews about the robot on Vesta. For example, the gearbox is sometimes tricky when changing gears. If you are driving in second gear, slowly picking up speed, the robot may misunderstand you and shift to first gear instead of third. This often happens during not very dynamic acceleration.

If you need a faster start, there is a little trick. Usually, when driving on the highway, the robot engages fifth gear. If you press the gas pedal to the floor, the car engages third gear, after which the speed immediately increases. This allows you to overtake on high-speed sections of the road. After completing the maneuver, just release the pedal to its normal state, and the AMT will switch back to 5th gear.

As we have already said, a processor is inserted into the robot on the Lada, which reads the behavior and driving style of the driver and adapts to it. If you want the most dynamic acceleration without jerking, then you can try the following driving style:

  • Accelerate without releasing the gas pedal. The robot itself will select the right moment to shift from first gear to second, and then to third. But be prepared for a slight jerk between shifts.
  • Once your car reaches a speed of 40 km/h, release the gas pedal slightly. At this moment, the car will smoothly shift gears.
  • The same action must be repeated at a speed of about 60-80 if you are going to go even faster.
  • If at speed 4 you do not press the gas pedal to the floor, then, most likely, AMT will immediately set speed 5, at which dynamic acceleration is impossible.
  • When driving uphill, the robot itself slows down if it becomes difficult for the engine to hold the current gear. For beginners, this nuance is especially good: now your car will definitely not stall while climbing a slope.

You still need to get used to driving a manual automatic transmission, but the convenience and reasonable cost of the AMT completely hides all its shortcomings.

Reviews of the Lada Vesta robot gearbox

We have collected real reviews from people and present them to your attention:

Overall the gearbox is not bad. Sometimes the robot twitches, maybe it’s not used to it yet. Mileage 7800 km.

I didn't like the gearbox. I borrowed it from a friend, drove it for a week, but it didn’t work. I bought myself a mechanic and I don’t know what the problem is, I’m happy with it.

A good box if you don't constantly sink it into the floor. I finally got used to my driving style after 3000 km. If you are a Schumacher, then this is not for you.

Generally speaking, the box is a robot for everyone. It all depends on your driving style. In some moments it is inferior to torque converters, due to their reliability and simpler design, but with proper maintenance and operation it will not leave you indifferent. The choice is yours. We wish you good luck in purchasing a car.

Quite recently, a new product on the domestic market went on sale - the Lada Vesta with an automated manual transmission. Reviews from owners about the robot on Vesta vary greatly: some swear and say that they will never drive such a car again, while others, on the contrary, are happy with the purchase. In this article we will figure out what AMT is on a Lada and whether it is worth buying a car with an unusual configuration.

What configuration does the AMT come with?

Lada Vesta with an automated manual transmission is available only in luxury configuration. When purchasing this assembly, you can also purchase a manual transmission, which is standard. But for the robot you will have to pay about 25,000 rubles.

Considering that the price for a Lada Vesta in the maximum configuration exceeds 600 thousand, a reasonable question arises: is the game worth the candle? What advantages and disadvantages can be found in such a supplement?

Advantages and disadvantages of the robot on Vesta

Let's start with the advantages. According to reviews of the robot on Vesta, the machine has the following undeniable advantages:

  • Equipped with the “Slope Start Assistant” program – even if you park or get stuck in a traffic jam on a slope, this option will help you avoid rolling back when starting. The gearbox increases speed at the start, the clutch becomes stiffer.
  • Increased clutch life - thanks to the soft and smooth operation of the AMT, the service life of the part will be long even with careless driving. The shift box is protected against accidental pressing of the lever: if you start shifting it chaotically, the car simply will not react.
  • AMT is adaptive and has 26 behavior patterns that it selects depending on the driver’s behavior. How it works? The program reads how the driver operates the gas pedal and, depending on this, switches the clutch at the right moment.
  • Fuel economy is hard to believe, but the robot on the Lada is really more economical than a manual or automatic transmission. Thanks to smooth switching, you can use several times less gasoline.
  • AMT consumes less oil than manual transmission - also a significant factor in favor of choosing a new configuration.

Reviews of the robot box on Vesta also show the disadvantages of an automated manual box:

  • The absence of a parking mode makes parking more difficult; when parking, it is better to leave the control lever in manual or automatic mode to avoid rolling back.
  • Gear changes are jerky - between 1st and 2nd gears there is a decrease in speed, which can noticeably slow down the car.
  • Slow acceleration - a car with AMT takes a few seconds longer to pick up speed than a car with a manual transmission.
  • The inconvenience of the manual mode is that the gearbox is not designed very well, and this makes manual driving of the car less convenient.

Differences between a robotic gearbox

In March 2015, the AvtoVAZ plant began production of Lada Granta cars with a robotic gearbox. The same type of gearbox is installed on the Kalina, Vesta, Priora, and XRAY models.

Robot AMT Lada Granta

The design of the VAZ AMT is based on the VAZ-2180 manual gearbox (it was equipped with electromechanical actuators from the ZF concern). There are few fundamental differences:

  • in AMT, an electric drive is responsible for pressing the clutch; there is no foot pedal;
  • The clutch and gear shifting are controlled by an electronic unit.

The “robot” body is slightly different from the manual transmission due to the mounting of the drives. The internal mechanism (bearings, gears, synchronizers) is almost the same for both types of boxes. Thanks to the adaptive system, the robotic gearbox “remembers” the owner’s driving style and adapts to it.

Design Features

The robot on the Lada Granta has a clutch rod drive, electromechanical gear selection drives and an actuator. The parts are produced by ZF, which supplies drives to several European automobile concerns (Peugeot, Citroen, etc.).

The operation of the system is controlled by an electronic control unit (ECU). It is connected to the mode selection lever and the display system.

Electronic control unit

The design of a robotic gearbox is simpler than an automatic one with a torque converter: the cost is lower. Therefore, AMT began to be actively installed on inexpensive car models. According to AvtoVAZ engineers, the advantages of AMT are:

  • ease of operation and maintenance;
  • reliability;
  • efficiency;
  • low cost of repairs.

The fuel consumption of a car with a robotic gearbox is comparable to that of a manual transmission.

Among the shortcomings, Lada Granta owners note a loss of traction torque when changing gears, as well as extraneous sounds when the gearbox is operating (hum and howl).

Nuances of operation

Driving a car with AMT has some peculiarities. How long the robot can walk on the Grant largely depends on skillful handling of the box. The system has several modes:

  • Neutral (N) – the car rolls if you do not hold down the brake pedal.
  • Automatic (A) – speeds are switched by the system. Displayed as AUTO on the dashboard.
  • Manual (M – MANUAL on the dashboard) – switching is performed by the driver. If the next speed is reached, the switch will occur automatically.
  • Reverse (R).

To start the car, press the brake pedal, move the lever to neutral and turn the ignition key. Then select the desired driving mode and when you press the gas pedal the car will move. Any movements of the selector lever are performed only with the brake pedal depressed.

Car "Lada Granta"

To stop completely, turn off the engine when the mode is on (A, M or R). When stopping at a traffic light, you do not need to switch to neutral.

AMT adapts to the driving pattern and selects the desired shift map. However, the transition to the next gear will only be made at the minimum possible speed. When switching, drivers note a slight “dip” in the acceleration dynamics - this is a feature of AMT, where the system depresses the clutch and changes gears instead of the driver.

Working life of the robot in the Lada Granta

In 2022, an updated version of the Lada Granta with a modified transmission was released.

Lada Granta 2018

The robot has received several improvements:

  • The gear ratio of the main pair has been increased - from 3.710 the figure rose to 3.940. This made it possible to reduce noise and vibration, as well as make the speed increase more dynamic.
  • Several new operating modes have been added – winter, sports, “crawling”.
  • Gear shift speed has increased by approximately 30%.
  • The driven disc with increased heat resistance has been replaced in the clutch block.
  • The thickness of the friction linings has been increased.

Thanks to these changes, driving has become more confident, and the reliability of the Lada Granta robot has increased.

How reliable is AMT?

When answering the question of how long the robot can walk on Grant, it is important to consider that the box consists of several functional blocks. Each of them has its own service life, which affects the resource of the Lada Granta robot:

  • The approximate service life of the mechanical parts of the box is 150 thousand km. Some car owners note that the mechanics remain in working order even after 300 thousand km.
  • Actuators from the German company ZF last about 10 years, after which they are completely replaced. This unit cannot be repaired.
  • The clutch can withstand up to 100 thousand km in moderate driving conditions. With aggressive driving, this figure can drop to 30 thousand km.

According to the instructions, the oil in the box is changed every 120 thousand km. However, service specialists recommend changing it after 70 thousand mileage.

Test drive results

A test drive of the Lada Granta with AMT showed that the robot is most suitable for calm, measured driving. When switching from 1st speed to 2nd and from 2nd to 3rd, “dips” are noticeable.

To confidently maneuver in traffic or overtake large trucks on the highway, you need to slightly lower the gas and then press the pedal all the way.

Test drive "Lada Grants" with AMT

When stopping the car, the transmission slows down extremely slowly. This is especially inconvenient when there is a need to join the flow from the adjacent territory. Due to the slow reset, the car starts moving a few seconds later than necessary. It is important to take this feature into account so as not to provoke an accident.

On winding roads with poor surfaces the car behaves quite confidently. The gear shift, although felt by the driver, occurs smoothly, without jerking. Compared to manuals, cars with AMT are less dynamic (even models with a more powerful engine).

Which is better to choose manual or AMT?

The choice between a manual transmission and AMT should be made with a cool head, having calculated all the pros and cons in advance. On the Internet you can find many good reviews about the mechanics or robot of the Lada Vesta. But most drivers opt for an automated manual transmission. It is much more convenient and economical to use. But lovers of classics and conservatives still prefer the usual mechanics. You can only understand whether a car with AMT is suitable for you or not by trying it in action.

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