How many liters of diesel fuel are in 1 ton: how to convert mass into volume

When organizing fuel transportation, it is often necessary to convert the mass into liters and vice versa, including during wholesale deliveries from the manufacturing plant. Diesel fuel, like other petroleum products, is purchased in tons. In the future, for personal use, the calculation is carried out in liters. This is precisely what explains the need to transfer from one unit to another. Using the following instructions, you can easily determine how many liters are in a ton of diesel fuel of different brands.


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  • Density: 0.84

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What determines the correctness of calculations?

Diesel fuel is a petroleum product widely used in various industries. People often call it diesel fuel. It is used as a combustible material for diesel engines in many mechanical vehicles. These are, for example, heavy construction and agricultural equipment, trucks, and passenger cars. In practice, it is often necessary to make the necessary calculations, convert values ​​from kilograms to liters and vice versa. To correctly calculate the number of liters in one ton of product, let’s read the following information.

Physical characteristics of diesel

Diesel fuel refers to products obtained after distillation of oil at special enterprises (refineries). The quality and composition of the finished liquid must meet strict standards. The density value is a parameter that is involved in determining the productive performance of the fuel under various conditions.

It is important to know that density demonstrates the number of kilograms of liquid in one cubic meter.

Experts know that this parameter is not constant and depends on external factors, the main one of which is the ambient temperature. A rise in the thermometer stimulates a decrease in density, and the reverse process increases the specific gravity of diesel fuel.

To obtain a specific value, a measuring device is used - a hydrometer. During the measurement process, the unit must be lowered into a container with diesel fuel. To carry out measurements in different liquids, different types of hydrometers are used. Measurements in petroleum products are carried out using models AN, ANT-1 or ANT-2 .

The hydrometer is made in the form of a glass tube, inside of which there is a graduated vertical scale. A greater degree of immersion demonstrates a lower density and vice versa.

The increased specific gravity of the liquid is a consequence of the fact that it contains heavy hydrocarbon fractions. Because of this, the high-quality operation of the internal combustion engine may decrease, because the evaporation of the liquid deteriorates and its good atomization by the nozzles is not ensured. An additional negative from the presence of a large number of heavy particles is that soot and various deposits form on the working surfaces.

How many liters are in one ton of diesel fuel?

We calculate the value for all types of diesel fuel:

  1. Summer. Divide 1000 kg by 860 kg/m3, we get 1.1628 cubic meters. We convert to liters, taking into account that 1 cubic meter is a thousand liters, regardless of any additional influences. We get 1162.8 liters. We perform similar calculations.
  2. Winter. 1190.5 liters.
  3. Arctic. 1204.8 liters.

We remember that the actual volume of liquid is constantly changing and depends on the above factors.

If you still encounter any difficulties, you can always refer to reference books and special proven tables. With their help, you can easily convert tons to liters and find out the number of standard barrels or buckets of flammable substances. A specialist will also answer all questions. He will dispel all doubts, provide information support, make the necessary calculations and discuss all the nuances of the transaction with the customer.

Classification of diesel fuel

Today, each country has its own quality standards for diesel fuel, but there are main classification categories that are common to any type of diesel fuel, prescribed in interstate GOSTs 32511-2013 (EN 590:2009), 305-2013 and 2517-2012.

There are low-viscosity fuels (distillate), used for high-speed engines, and residual, low-viscosity fuels. Unlike hydrotreated kerosene-gas oil fractions of discilate fuel, the residual consists of a mixture of fuel oil and kerosene-gas oil fractions.

The main principle of classification is seasonality.

  • Summer DT.

It can only be used at positive temperatures. The specific gravity of summer diesel is 860 kg/m3 (the theoretical density of any type of diesel fuel is determined at +20ºС). With increasing temperature, the specific gravity decreases by approximately 0.0007 g/cm3, and with decreasing temperature, it increases accordingly.

At a temperature of –5ºС, the paraffins of summer diesel fuel thicken and clog the system. The use of additives helps delay thickening, but they do not change the increased density of summer fuel at subzero temperatures. Flash point 62ºС.

  • Winter DT.

Recommended operating temperature is from –20ºС to –35ºС. The specific gravity of winter diesel fuel is 840 kg/m3. At -35 degrees Celsius it freezes. The outbreak occurs at +40 ºС.

  • Arctic DT.

It is recommended to use in the negative temperature range of 45–50ºС. The density of diesel is 830 kg/m3, and the flash point is +35 degrees Celsius. DF A is obtained by dewaxing summer DF or by adding cetane-increasing additives and motor oil to pure kerosene to improve lubricating properties.

The weight of diesel fuel in 1 liter is approximately 850 g or 0.85 kg
Diesel fuel weight table

Type of diesel engineTemperature range (ºС)Density (kg/m3)Specific gravity (g/cm3)
Summer+0 …8600,86
Winter–35… –208400,84

What does the current fuel density depend on?

The current density of diesel fuel depends on its brand and temperature. You can find out its density at a temperature of 15 or 20 degrees Celsius in the quality certificate.

The higher the temperature of the oil product, the less 1 liter will weigh, and the volume of a kilogram of fuel will increase.

To check whether the density of diesel fuel corresponds to the data specified in the quality passport, you need to take a liter of diesel fuel, weigh it and place it in the temperature environment in which the manufacturer conducted density tests: +150C or +200C. The exact weight of the fuel must be divided by its volume. We get the current density and compare it with the passport data.

Specific gravity of diesel fuel

The density of the fuel and, therefore, its specific gravity is measured with a special device called a hydrometer.

According to the current GOST, the following values ​​are accepted for the specific gravity of diesel fuel (for diesel fuel temperature +20C):

the specific gravity of summer diesel fuel should be within 8440 N/m3; the specific gravity of winter diesel fuel should be 8240 N/m3

or in density:

Density of summer diesel fuel – 860 kg/m3 Density of winter diesel fuel – 840 kg/m3 Density of Arctic diesel fuel – 830 kg/m3

In practice, if we take into account only high-quality diesel fuel, it turns out that when the temperature of diesel fuel changes by one degree Celsius, its density changes by 0.00075. This coefficient can be used to recalculate the density of diesel fuel under different temperature conditions. But it is worth remembering that at most gas stations the quality of the product leaves much to be desired, and no one knows what impurities are present in it. While the density of pure fuel can be recalculated using this coefficient, the density of impurities in it is not always true.

What you need to know before making calculations

One of the most important indicators of diesel fuel is its density level, i.e. mass to volume ratio.

This proportion may vary depending on the following parameters:

  • Fuel type – summer, winter, special arctic;
  • Time of year and storage temperature;
  • Natural level of moisture evaporation during long-term storage.

If accuracy is not of fundamental importance, then we can limit ourselves to data relating to the established standard for measurements and calculations.

When purchasing, the necessary information can be clarified with the manufacturer or supplier, since each tank released is pre-weighed, and the density level is determined using special equipment.

What does the current fuel density depend on?

The current density of diesel fuel depends on its brand and temperature. You can find out its density at a temperature of 15 or 20 degrees Celsius in the quality certificate.

The higher the temperature of the oil product, the less 1 liter will weigh, and the volume of a kilogram of fuel will increase.

When converting units of measurement, the formulas are used: m = p * V and V = m / p.

To check whether the density of diesel fuel corresponds to the data specified in the quality passport, you need to take a liter of diesel fuel, weigh it and place it in the temperature environment in which the manufacturer conducted density tests: +150C or +200C. The exact weight of the fuel must be divided by its volume. We get the current density and compare it with the passport data.

Why does diesel fuel consumption increase in winter?

In fact, the density of diesel fuel indicates how much energy the fuel will release. The higher the density, the more energy it will release. The coefficient of performance (COP) will be higher if the fuel density is higher.

In cold climates it is necessary to fill in winter diesel fuel. It has less density so that it does not harden and has good atomization.

Some truckers advise that if diesel fuel is frozen, add kerosene to it. I don’t know how this will affect the operation of the power unit, but I think it’s better to fill in diesel fuel in advance according to seasonality. There are also special additives, antigels for diesel fuel.

If you fill in summer diesel fuel, it clogs the fuel filter in cold weather. Then you will have to disassemble and clean.

Examples of converting liters to cubes

Why do people need to know how many liters of diesel fuel are in 1 ton? Everything is simple when it comes to buying small volumes of diesel fuel: we arrived at the gas station, filled the tank full and drove on. However, not all so simple. Companies that purchase large volumes of fuel calculate in other units of measurement - tons or kilograms. And this is completely logical, because the volume of diesel fuel is not a constant quantity and can change. For example, a person will buy 500 liters of fuel in the summer when it’s hot, but in the fall when it gets cold it turns out that there are only 450 liters left in the tank. It turns out that he overpaid the seller 50 liters. And if payment was made for kilograms or tons, then nothing like this would happen, and no one would be at a loss, since the weight remains unchanged.

Therefore, all major sales/purchases of this product are carried out taking into account the weight, and not the volume of diesel fuel, since diesel fuel in tons and liters is not the same thing.

This volume is in spoons, glasses, jars, etc.

Please note that the weight is calculated based on the volume of the containers and we do not in any way guarantee that they contain the specified volume, however, for approximate measurements in everyday life, the calculated weight is quite applicable.

To determine a more accurate weight, you should use a scale!

Also, keep in mind that some substances can have a destructive effect on the indicated containers and cannot be contained in them in real life.

Tea spoon

200 pcs.


55.6 pcs.


4 things.

Jar 1 l

1 PC.

How to convert motor oil to kilograms and liters?

To accurately determine the weight of one liter of oil, or vice versa, to convert kg to liters, you need to know the passport data of the density of the product being tested. When converting units of measurement, the formulas are used: m = p * V and V = m / p.

So on average: 1 kg of oil is equal to 1.09 liters; A 4-liter canister will weigh 3.5 kg, and if you convert from liters how much a 200-liter barrel weighs, you get 180 kilograms.

Oil conversion table from liters to kg

Conversion of volume and weight of motor oils
SAE ViscosityKilogram in 1 liraLiters per 1 kg

The denser the oil, the less dependent the weight and volume on temperature conditions.

Formula and calculation procedure

The reason for the need to conduct mutual settlements with the supplier with units of measurement in tons is the physical properties of diesel. As a liquid, it is capable of changing its volume under the influence of temperature. To convert from one unit of measurement to another, you do not need to know many different parameters. All you need is density. Its standard indicators are given in GOST 305-2013. It varies for different brands of fuel, which can be summer, interseasonal, winter and arctic. The following values ​​are used for calculations:

  • 863.4 kg/m3 – for summer and off-season diesel brands;
  • 843.4 kg/m3 – for winter brands;
  • 833.5 kg/m3 – for arctic.
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