How can you improve a VAZ-2105 car using auto tuning?

The VAZ-2105 was produced for about thirty years. The first car with characteristic square headlights rolled off the assembly line in 1980, and the last one relatively recently, in 2010. What was the reason for such popularity of the model?

Today, the difference between the “five” and the ancestor of the series – the VAZ-2101 – does not seem particularly significant. An engine of increased volume and power, new optics, different seats and a dashboard - these are all the differences. But at that time, the “five” and its luxury version, the VAZ-2107, were considered the best cars available to Soviet citizens who were not part of the party nomenclature.

However, times are changing, and today these cars in their original form can no longer meet the requirements and expectations of consumers. This, along with the popularity of the model and its low cost, makes tuning performed on the VAZ 2105 a fairly common occurrence.

Do-it-yourself VAZ tuning

Why are domestic cars of the model range, which is secretly called “classic”, so often tuned? The answers to this question are obvious:

  • The simplest possible forms - appearance
  • Spartan interior equipment
  • A simple, from a technical point of view, car design. It is difficult to spoil anything with them, and the consequences of incorrect actions are quickly and easily eliminated
  • The desire to turn a dull car into a pride, a real masterpiece

Foreign cars cannot boast of such a set of favorable factors for tuning. They are complex and require a professional approach in terms of modernization. At the same time, tuning a VAZ 2105 with your own hands opens up incredibly wide opportunities for experimentation for the owner. This work will be an excellent school for beginning craftsmen.

Tuning the VAZ 2105 is especially relevant, since this car model in its basic version looks quite dull and naturally gives rise to the desire to change something in appearance. The same desire appears if you get behind the wheel of a “five”; its technical characteristics also do not shine. Perhaps this is where we need to begin the process of transforming dullness into a masterpiece.


Initially, you will need to remove the seals before tinting. All car windows to which tinting will be applied must be thoroughly washed with a specialized detergent. You should also rinse all corners very thoroughly. Next, tinting car windows with your own hands (VAZ 2109, 2110, 2107, etc.) is carried out as follows:

  • A soap solution is prepared, which is a standard detergent or shampoo mixed with warm water, after which it is poured into the prepared spray bottle.
  • The outer side of the glass that has been washed is thoroughly sprayed with a soap solution, after which a tint film is immediately applied, which is cut according to the required dimensions. It is worth noting the fact that the dark layer should be directed inward, while the transparent layer should be directed outward. Here you should be extremely careful, because the parties must never be confused. If you cannot decide which side is dark, then you should split your film very slightly from one corner. After the film is applied to the glass, careful alignment and cutting is carried out. It is best to leave a margin of one centimeter on each edge.
  • Now the inner surface of the glass is covered with soap solution. After this, you should act extremely quickly, because the glass should not have time to dry. Carefully separate the dark layer of the film, and at the same time moisten it with the solution with which the spray bottle is filled. In this case, the work of an assistant is very important, because you will be able to perform all procedures much more carefully. In this case, one person will have to hold the clear layer of film, while the other will pull it and spray the dark layer.
  • A dark layer is applied to the inside of the car glass. As mentioned above, while tinting car windows with your own hands (VAZ 2106, 2107, 2110 and all others), the glass must remain wet. It is also mandatory to carry out treatment with a spray gun, after which a transparent layer is applied, since the film must have effective protection from any damage. After carrying out all these procedures, you should immediately smooth the film using a rubber spatula, moving from the center to the edges. In this case, you should be especially careful, because any sudden movements are extremely undesirable. You should also completely get rid of any air bubbles.

The film should be smoothed until the transparent part falls off on its own, after which the dried transparent film can be completely removed

Now you can trim the protruding edges by running a knife along the edge of the car glass, but in this case it is extremely important to act without any haste

If you have a hair dryer, then you can thoroughly dry the car glass along its perimeter, but if you don’t have a hair dryer, then just close the door and start working on the next glass. It is advisable that over the next two days you do not insert any seals into the doors or open tinted windows.

Engine tuning 2105

Why is it best to start tuning the 2105 with your own hands from the engine? The answer lies on the surface - the “five” will look funny externally modernized with an engine that will choke at high speeds. Therefore, you need to pump up the heart of the car and turn it into a roaring rocket. You can do this in several ways:

  • Modernization of the engine itself
  • Installation of additional equipment, improvement of standard systems

Engine modernization

The secret of the car's power lies in the timing mechanism - the gas distribution mechanism, so tuning the 2105 car must begin with it and, in particular, with the cylinder block. Here you need to do the following:

  • Replace standard valves with lightweight ones, they will increase engine efficiency
  • Install bronze valve guides. This will reduce wear on moving parts and their surfaces and increase the power of the power unit.
  • Install turbo pistons. This is absolutely necessary if tuning a VAZ 2105 car involves installing a turbine or compressor. Small recesses at the bottom of the turbo pistons eliminate involuntary detonation of the mixture of air and fuel, which significantly improves engine performance and reduces wear.

Useful advice After installing the guides, it is necessary to adjust the valves. This should be done by an experienced specialist

These technical operations will not interfere even with an ordinary car, since in addition to power they increase the engine’s service life. At the same time, they have practically no effect on fuel consumption. Another advantage of this modernization is the simplicity of the process; to carry it out you will need a standard plumbing tool. Car owners will also be pleased with the low cost of tuning components.

Installation of additional equipment

Tuning a VAZ 2105 car and improving technical characteristics can be done by installing additional equipment: a turbine or compressor. They create excess pressure in the pistons, which allows you to increase the speed of the car by increasing engine speed.

Useful advice When the car is stopped, the turbine or compressor continues to operate for some time and pumps air, which seeks an outlet and can destroy the timing joints and seals. To avoid this, it is necessary to install a valve that will relieve excess pressure. It's called Blowoff.


Initially, you will need to remove the seals before tinting. All car windows to which tinting will be applied must be thoroughly washed with a specialized detergent. You should also rinse all corners very thoroughly. Next, tinting car windows with your own hands (VAZ 2109, 2110, 2107, etc.) is carried out as follows:

  • A soap solution is prepared, which is a standard detergent or shampoo mixed with warm water, after which it is poured into the prepared spray bottle.
  • The outer side of the glass that has been washed is thoroughly sprayed with a soap solution, after which a tint film is immediately applied, which is cut according to the required dimensions. It is worth noting the fact that the dark layer should be directed inward, while the transparent layer should be directed outward. Here you should be extremely careful, because the parties must never be confused. If you cannot decide which side is dark, then you should split your film very slightly from one corner. After the film is applied to the glass, careful alignment and cutting is carried out. It is best to leave a margin of one centimeter on each edge.
  • Now the inner surface of the glass is covered with soap solution. After this, you should act extremely quickly, because the glass should not have time to dry. Carefully separate the dark layer of the film, and at the same time moisten it with the solution with which the spray bottle is filled. In this case, the work of an assistant is very important, because you will be able to perform all procedures much more carefully. In this case, one person will have to hold the clear layer of film, while the other will pull it and spray the dark layer.
  • A dark layer is applied to the inside of the car glass. As mentioned above, while tinting car windows with your own hands (VAZ 2106, 2107, 2110 and all others), the glass must remain wet. It is also mandatory to carry out treatment with a spray gun, after which a transparent layer is applied, since the film must have effective protection from any damage. After carrying out all these procedures, you should immediately smooth the film using a rubber spatula, moving from the center to the edges. In this case, you should be especially careful, because any sudden movements are extremely undesirable. You should also completely get rid of any air bubbles.

The film should be smoothed until the transparent part falls off on its own, after which the dried transparent film can be completely removed

Now you can trim the protruding edges by running a knife along the edge of the car glass, but in this case it is extremely important to act without any haste

If you have a hair dryer, then you can thoroughly dry the car glass along its perimeter, but if you don’t have a hair dryer, then just close the door and start working on the next glass. It is advisable that over the next two days you do not insert any seals into the doors or open tinted windows.

Tuning the carburetor VAZ 2105

The carburetor is the unit responsible for supplying fuel, so modifications to it will inevitably lead to an increase in fuel consumption. The advantage is that in the VAZ 2105 this unit is quite simple, from the point of view of the device, it does not have sensors or electronic control systems. All technological processes are based on the mechanical operating principle. Therefore, anyone can independently tune the VAZ 2105 carburetor using a set of wrenches and a screwdriver. But how to do this with minimal losses in terms of fuel consumption?

The following actions slightly affect this characteristic:

  • Removing springs from the primary chamber vacuum pump
  • Replacing the diffuser. The standard one marked 3.5 is replaced by an advanced modification marked 4.5
  • Replace pump nozzles

After upgrading the carburetor, it is necessary to run-in the car and only then drive it onto the road.

We repair the light fixture without disassembling it

You can snap the ball into place without removing the glass, through the holes of the light bulbs on the back side of the illuminator:

  • We drill a hole exactly opposite the latch at the top of the headlight;
  • Insert a screwdriver into the hole;
  • Attach the collet to the corrector ball;
  • We seal the hole we drilled;
  • We attach a hinged loop from a furniture cabinet (hinges 5-6 centimeters long, with mounting holes and a cutout on top on which it is attached) to each broken corrector unit;
  • We insert the canopy into the slot of the adjustment screw;
  • We move the screw so that the slot is in a narrow place of the canopy;
  • Holding the canopy, unscrew the screw until it stops with force. This is how the canopy is fixed, which needs to be placed in a horizontal position;
  • Using an electric drill, using a 3 mm drill, we make a hole in the base of the light where there is a hole on the canopy;
  • We screw a shortened screw into the hole so that it does not reach the high beam reflector. This slot secures the adjustment screw securely; it can be broken again.

VAZ 2105 suspension tuning

There are quite a lot of points that need to be taken into account. Some argue that modification should begin with the selection of alloy wheels and tires. This is irrational advice, because the first thing to do when tuning the suspension is to change the brake discs. Their new modifications may have different mounting locations for disks than the standard ones, and it turns out that the purchased new set will be a dead weight, and money will be wasted. In addition to the brake system, it would not hurt to install double transverse stabilizers. They will make the car more obedient and the ride will be smoother. But together with the stabilizer, it is necessary to change the brackets, since the standard ones can quickly fall apart.

Tuning the rear suspension of the VAZ 2105 is a point that needs to be paid special attention to. The fact is that the rear suspension is dependent. This arrangement is already outdated today and to improve it, it is necessary to install a split, adjustable rod, which is called Panhard. You can complete the suspension tuning by installing alloy wheels and new tires. To keep them in good condition, it is recommended to use iron disks in winter; they are more practical to use and easier to repair.

Does the gas pedal stick on a carburetor classic? That way

I think that almost every carburetor classic driver is faced with a moment when the gas pedal starts to stick at the very beginning of the stroke. This introduces some inconvenience - it’s impossible to move off very smoothly - because when you lightly press the gas, the pedals jam and the car stalls, and if you press harder, the gas pedal skips this “sticking” section, but the speed increases sharply and the car starts to twitch... As an option in such cases - used pregas. But sooner or later you will get tired of accelerating before each start! What’s interesting is that when the carburetor rods are disconnected, nothing sticks anywhere in the carburetor itself. In the same way, the gas pedal itself does not stick when the rods are disconnected from the carburetor. But everything is assembled - the pedal jams a little and that’s it.

Do-it-yourself tuning of the 2105 interior

This is a rather painstaking process that requires perseverance and patience, because you will have to completely redesign the interior. The first step is to replace the casing. Special sets of tools and materials are sold for this. You can decorate the interior with polished wood inserts or chrome elements. You can make them yourself using iron coated with a special compound. Along with replacing the trim, you can improve sound insulation by installing special materials under the door trim, as well as comfort by installing automatic windows.


Be sure to wash the glass thoroughly and wait until it is completely dry. After this, place it in the oven for 5-10 minutes at a temperature of 60°C. If desired, you can make a film of a different color, but in this case you will need to use a different chloride. By adjusting the concentration of rosin and salt, you can change the color saturation yourself.

The main thing in this process is not to get carried away with tinting, because everything needs to be done in accordance with the current GOST. Acceptable window tinting stipulates that the windshield must transmit at least 75% of the light, while the remaining windows must transmit at least 70%.

Tuning the dashboard of the VAZ 2105

You can change the dull appearance of the dashboard yourself by modifying it or completely replacing it. It is necessary to change both the torpedo and the devices themselves. You can buy a new torpedo and, if it does not suit the “five,” modify it locally, and, if necessary, rework the shape of the new component and the fastening system. The second option is to change the design using foam, sanding and epoxy resin. At the same time, you must remember about the seal; the modernized torpedo should not creak disgustingly. Tuning a VAZ 2105 torpedo will require patience and a creative approach, but this is rewarded with a new, exclusive look for the dashboard.

Tuning of VAZ 2105 devices is carried out according to the classical scheme:

  • Replacing linings or installing backlighting
  • Installation of devices in wells

You can buy new modifications of devices and install them yourself. Here you will need a simple tool and knowledge of auto electrics.


Useful modifications of the five additionally include: sound insulation of the interior (floor, dashboard, ceiling), replacement of the dashboard with a new one.

It also makes life easier for the driver by installing a “beard” from the VAZ-2107; many switch buttons can be displayed on it. It makes the carpet flap between the driver and passenger seats more noble in appearance. You can buy an armrest complete with it; this addition will appeal to drivers who like to drive the car with one hand.

If you really do auto tuning, then completely, you can replace the door handles with new ones that are more attractive in appearance than the standard ones.

If you are the owner of a domestic five, do not rush to sell it, because after some improvements it will serve you for a long time and can look bright and very impressive!

Tuning the stove VAZ 2105

The need to modernize the “five” heater is due to its irrational design, as a result of which all the air goes down. With a small, simple modification, you can improve the flow of air from the sides. To do this, you need to install ordinary coolers that are installed on computers on the side deflectors. It is recommended to buy devices that produce 1500 rpm. This operation will significantly increase the level of comfort and will not take much time.

Selection by manufacturer

The product manufacturer also plays an important role in selection. It is better to trust a trusted, well-established supplier, since fly-by-night companies are not at all full of quality products.

Leading brands that top the ratings of car tint films:

Which manufacturer to give preference to is an individual matter.

It is important that products must have certificates (you have every right to request them from the seller). If these are not available, it is better not to purchase the product.

In the case of service in a car service center, responsibility for the quality of the film and its application falls on the shoulders of the company that provides this type of service.

Tuning doors VAZ 2105

Modernization of doors is quite a complex process from a technological point of view. Here you need to be an experienced tinsmith and at the same time a professional welder and painter. Such skills will be needed to give doors a new shape by creating stampings, simulating air intakes and other shaped elements.

Helpful advice Tuning doors with your own hands is a complex process and only a professional can do it with your own hands, so it is better for a beginner to limit himself to installing stylish chrome or plastic linings and windshields.

Tuning the hood of a VAZ 2105

Here, in addition to the skills of a welder and painter, you will need an artistic approach. There are a huge number of options for upgrading the hood. From the complex, when air intakes, gills, stampings are created on it, to the relatively simple - the use of a special film that imitates the appearance of carbon fiber and fiberglass.

Useful advice When upgrading the hood, it is worth changing the standard shock absorbers. It is best to install analogues from foreign cars. This will eliminate the nasty squeak when lifting the hood and a nice self-locking option will become available.

The easiest option is to buy a tuning hood and install it yourself.

Tuning the radiator grille for VAZ 2105

The radiator grille is one of the main elements that shape the design of the car, so tuning the VAZ 2105 grille requires a thorough approach. The appearance of the “five” can only be improved by replacing standard components. This could be a homemade grille or an analogue from another model. In the second case, installation will require modification of the body and fastening system.

It should be remembered that the grille should be selected taking into account the design concept of the VAZ 2105. Smooth, spacious rectangular models will look harmonious. You should not install narrow, convex modifications.

Improved technical characteristics


On a VAZ 2106 car, improving engine performance is not difficult and not very expensive. You just need to buy some spare parts and install them instead of standard elements. Such tuning of the VAZ 2106 will not only increase the engine power, but also extend its service life. What can you supply?

  • Lighter valves, which increases speed.
  • Together with the valves, their bronze guides are installed.
  • Crankcase gas filter. It is not included in the standard version, but plays an important role. Thanks to its operation, much less oil gets into the carburetor and does not clog it.
  • Turbine. It allows you to increase the speed limit of the six. Along with it, you will need to install special pistons marked “Turbo”.
  • Collectors. They not only help to increase the efficiency of the engine, but also create a special engine sound, similar to the roar of a supercar.
  • A crankcase that further protects the engine.

Carburetor tuning

The design of this element is quite simple, so it can easily be used to improve the technical characteristics of Zhiguli. There are three classic methods for tuning a carburetor:

  • The spring on the throttle valve is removed. This allows you to significantly increase engine power. However, this slightly increases fuel consumption.
  • The standard diffuser is designated 3.5. It needs to be replaced with the one marked 4.5. And instead of a sprayer on 30, a similar part on 40 is installed.
  • Controversial option: increasing the jets. Although this gives a good increase in power, it greatly increases consumption.


If you have modified the engine and carburetor, you must carry out the corresponding work on the suspension. Otherwise, it will not withstand the increased load.

  • Shock absorbers are being changed. Instead of standard ones, more rigid ones with two sections or sports ones are installed. You can also install shortened modifications. Many people like to “lower” the VAZ 2106 in this way.
  • The diameters change. This makes it possible to improve maneuverability at high speed.
  • Factory hinges are replaced with tuned steel spherical ones. This not only makes the design more reliable, but also improves comfort while driving.
  • Sports brake discs are installed. The rear brakes are being replaced with modern modifications. As for the brake system, it wouldn't hurt to install a large cylinder as well.
  • To give the car improved cross-country ability, a differential lock is installed.

All this work with the six is ​​easily carried out in a garage with a pit or on a lift on your own.


After tuning the technical part, it is very important to check the operation of the clutch. Pedal travel should not exceed 130 millimeters

It would be best to install a new driven disk.


If you have the finances, you can install a sports gearbox, which differs from the standard one in gear ratios. These numbers are selected depending on the driver’s driving style. Gears will change much faster if you install a short-throw shifter.

Tuning headlights for VAZ 2105

Tuning the optics of the VAZ 2105 should be aimed not only at improving the appearance, but also the quality of light. This is the case when a stylish appearance should not affect the technical characteristics, because the safety of the car owner, his passengers, as well as other road users depends on this.

The easiest way to tune is to install LED strips. They allow you to create a unique image and highlight optical instruments. Various linings are a good decorative element; they can be made independently from plastic or metal. Another option for tuning headlights is to replace the standard lamps with halogen ones; with their help, you can change the shade and even the color of the optics.

Do not forget that even tuning headlights require polishing. This procedure is necessary for every car and doing it yourself is much easier than upgrading the car. Therefore, when a yellow coating and small cracks appear on the headlight, and the beam of light is scattered and does not penetrate the darkness, it is necessary to polish the optics.

Select the part of the VAZ 2107 car you are interested in:

VAZ 2107 engine Materials for repairing the VAZ 2107 engine. Video of DIY repair manual.
In this section you will find all the necessary information on repair and maintenance of the VAZ 2107 engine. You can assemble, replace, adjust the VAZ 2107 engine yourself. We will answer any of your questions about the VAZ 2107 engine. Go to articles on repair and tuning of the VAZ 2107 engine
Suspension VAZ 2107
Materials for repairing VAZ 2107 suspension. Video of DIY repair manual. In this section you will find all the necessary information on repair and maintenance of the VAZ 2107 suspension. You can independently assemble, replace, adjust your suspension on the VAZ 2107. We will answer any questions you have about the VAZ 2107 suspension.

Go to articles on VAZ 2107 suspension repair

Gearbox VAZ 2107
Materials for repairing the VAZ 2107 gearbox. Video of DIY repair manual. In this section you will find all the necessary information on the repair and maintenance of the VAZ 2107 gearbox. Replacing the clutch, removing the gearbox and replacing it with a new one. Many different articles on repairing a VAZ 2107 manual transmission.

Go to articles on VAZ 2107 gearbox repair

VAZ 2107 body
Materials for body repair of VAZ 2107. Video of DIY repair manual. In this section you will find all the necessary information on the repair and maintenance of the VAZ 2107 body. Replacing old body elements, welding the bottom, replacing thresholds, replacing wings, installing a bumper, replacing a windshield and much more.

Go to articles on VAZ 2107 body repair

Salon VAZ 2107
Materials for repairing the interior of the VAZ 2107. Video of the DIY repair manual. In this section you will find all the necessary information on repair and maintenance of the VAZ 2107 interior. Replacing the interior trim, repairing the glove compartment, adjusting the deflectors, replacing the car interior lighting. We will tell you how to remodel the interior of a VAZ 2107 with your own hands.

Go to articles on repairing the interior of the VAZ 2107

Brake system VAZ 2107
Materials for repairing VAZ 2107 brakes. Video of DIY repair manual. In this section you will find all the necessary information on the repair and maintenance of the brake system of the VAZ 2107. Replacing front and rear pads. Installing disc brakes on a VAZ 2107. We will show you how to properly bleed the brakes on a VAZ 2107.

Go to articles on VAZ 2107 brake repair

Electronics VAZ 2107
Materials for repairing and replacing VAZ 2107 headlights. Video of DIY repair manual. In this section you will find all the necessary information on repair and maintenance of VAZ 2107 electrics. Replacing low and high beam lamps. Replacement and repair of front and rear headlights. Replacing fuses. Adjusting the headlights. And much more.

Go to articles on VAZ 2107 electronics repair

Books VAZ 2107
Materials for repair and maintenance of VAZ 2107. Video of DIY repair manual. In this section you will find the necessary literature on repairing the VAZ 2107. Books on the maintenance and repair of the VAZ 2107. You can download the books you need for free. Any necessary literature on repairing a VAZ Semerka car.

Go to books on repairing VAZ 2107


is a beautiful car that won the European Car of the Year competition back in 1967. This is a rear-wheel drive sedan with four doors. This car was produced from 1966 to 2012. The last Lada-2107 car was manufactured in April 2012.

This car is called differently - VAZ-2107

, Lada 2107, seven, and this car was exported with such names as LadaNova, LadaRiva, Lada 1500. For its excellent qualities and beautiful appearance during the Soviet Union, this car was often popularly called the “Russian Mercedes”.

This car was made using the entire base of the VAZ-2105

. Nothing significant was changed in this car compared to the Lada-2105, but only a little transformed and cosmetic repairs were made. The VAZ-2107 car received a chrome radiator grille, plastic bumpers, the interior of the car was slightly transformed and a dashboard appeared.

Lada-2107 is an excellent family car. It has a fairly large trunk that can accommodate a large number of things. This car was simply irreplaceable for various types of trips, both for large and small families.

The VAZ-2107 is a comfortable and unpretentious car that still deserves respect to this day. Author Zhukov R.O.

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