Panel for a VAZ 2107 car: which one can be installed

DIY tuning

Do the panel tuning yourself, spending a minimum amount of money. The first option is to replace the arrows and stickers on the instruments. Sets of stickers and arrows are sold freely, you can use them, or you can develop individual designer stickers - this will of course be more expensive, but for that you will have a unique tuning of the dashboard of your car.

When performing this work, you need to remember two important points:

We must remember that the hands and pins on which they are placed are quite fragile parts, so they must be removed and installed with extreme caution. Before you start sticking on new dials, you need to:

  • Mark the boundaries of the arrow on the scale at the zero position to prevent errors in the readings;
  • Thoroughly degrease the surface of the instrument panel so that they do not come off during operation;

Typical owner

The average portrait of the owners of this Zhiguli model is as follows:

  • middle age and above;
  • they always know how much money they have in their wallet;
  • practical and unpretentious;
  • know how to save money.

For this type of people, it is preferable to update the interior while carrying out repair work related to the body. This will eliminate the need to disassemble the car interior - welding and painting work require this a priori. Not spending “extra” money is one of the desires of VAZ-2107 owners.

Do-it-yourself interior tuning will also allow you to save a certain amount. But provided that the owner knows how to work with his hands. That is, his hands grow from the right place. Otherwise, you will have to pay for this work separately. At the same time, no one will do a better job of tuning a car’s interior than its owner.

Tuning the instrument panel of VAZ 2107

Perhaps, everyone has a moment when the instrument panel in their VAZ car begins to seem dull and inconspicuous. In order to “revive” it, no expensive changes will be required, just make the backlight brighter and install a decorative sticker, which can be found in almost any car store, and replace the inserts on the dials. So, armed with a screwdriver and a soldering iron, we begin tuning the instrument panel of the VAZ 2107.

Removing the VAZ instrument panel.

The first step is to remove the sliders that control the operation of the heater (stove) using a flat-head screwdriver. Then, to the right of the emergency light button, unscrew and remove the nut and washer that secure the speedometer reset button. To the right of the removed sliders there is a small round plug that needs to be removed and the screw located behind it unscrewed. Then you need to carefully remove the instrument panel and release the speedometer cable by unscrewing the nut that tightens it. We disconnect all the wires, and the freed instrument panel remains in our hands.

The next step is removing the arrows

This must be done extremely carefully so as not to bend either the arrow or the pin on which it sits. It is quite possible that you will have to apply force, but carefully, pulling the arrow in a direction parallel to the pin

Tuning the instrument panel.

Before all work, align the speedometer needle with the limiter, and make a mark on the back side so that you know in which position the needle “lies.” This will greatly simplify the installation of the speedometer and eliminate unnecessary work.

First of all, we remove the old VAZ 2107 shields (this is done quite simply) and install new ones in their place. Then carefully install the arrows, again, so as not to bend the pins

In this case, it is important to align the marks on the back side of the speedometer and, with the marks aligned, set the arrow in the “lying” position. We also carefully apply the sticker you like, having previously degreased the surface.

In this case, it is especially important to ensure that it lies flat and without distortions.

Installation of LED lighting.

There are two options for installing LED backlighting on a VAZ - directly behind the scale numbers, or as a general backlight for the entire instrument panel. Naturally, all this remains at your discretion, the main thing to consider is that in the first case the backlight will be quite bright and you will have to spend quite a lot of time soldering and gluing the LEDs.

The LEDs should be designed for an operating voltage of 12 Volts, and it is best to increase their contacts by 2-3 cm. For the first option, we remove all the standard light bulbs and solder LEDs in their place. After this, connect the power (it is best to dim the light and adjust the position and direction of the LEDs).

For the second option, if you want to illuminate the entire panel, you can install either four LEDs located in twos at the top and bottom of the instrument panel (choose the distance yourself, it depends on which part of the instrument panel you want to illuminate more), or six - three up and down. In this case, you will need to solder additional wires to connect the LEDs to power and drill out the mounting points. One option is to glue the LEDs with glue if they do not coincide in location with the power points. In this case, it is recommended to use only good glue, and be sure to degrease the installation sites.

In addition, with this arrangement of LEDs, there is a little trick to increase the strength of the backlight. Along the inner perimeter, you can cover the side surface of the instrument panel with foil - it will reflect light from the walls inward, enhancing the backlight. To decide how much you need it, it is better to assemble the panel, connect the power and think carefully about whether the backlight of such power will suit you.

Assembling the VAZ 2107 dashboard is done in the reverse order, there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is that you achieved the desired result!

Which torpedo is suitable for the VAZ 2107? When you want comfort

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Also, the devices are quite faintly visible. After all, their scales are simply painted on plastic with white and sometimes red paint. This reduces the ability to see instrument readings in the dark. Also, this appearance has no attractiveness. Therefore, many drivers replace dashboards.

Panel or torpedo?

Which torpedo is suitable for the VAZ 2107? The issue is complex, but completely solvable. Just to begin with, you should determine how radical the alterations will need to be made. Such tuning can be done in two ways:

  • Replacing the dashboard;
  • Replacement of the entire torpedo.

The first option will allow you to get by with little expense and replace the panel with another one that suits you more. You just have to adjust the socket a little in size. It is somewhat more difficult to install a new panel. At the same time, it must be suitable in size and provide the ability to connect all vehicle systems. The final choice depends on your ultimate goals and capabilities.


Let's start with the simplest tuning option. A donor will have to be found for a replacement. The simplest option would be to install a panel from a VAZ 2110. There will be a minimum of problems with this work, and the resulting design will look much more advantageous. You will have almost no problems connecting wires. Here they are almost identical. All main devices are also connected in the same way. Tools you will need are a soldering iron and scissors. To make the devices work better, you need to install fluid reservoirs from 2110 under the hood.

Another equally common option is to install a dashboard from a GAZ 3110

. It also looks much better. The installation itself is practically no different from similar work with a panel from a VAZ 2110; it can also be adjusted to size using a soldering iron and scissors. But here you will have to tinker with connecting devices.

For example, you purchase a tee from a “six”, and use it to connect an econometer and an oil pressure sensor. It is recommended to install a speed measurement sensor used in the tenth family of VAZs.

These are the easiest panels to install. But you can use this part from other foreign cars. Just be sure to take into account the compliance of the VAZ 2107 devices with the chosen foreign car. The easiest way is to find a similar set of sensor readings displayed on the panel in foreign-made cars produced in the late 80s and early 90s.

Changing the torpedo

Some drivers are not satisfied with the appearance of the torpedo on the VAZ 2107. Sometimes this element from the “five” may be installed on the car. In this case, a purely practical inconvenience is added to the unpleasant appearance. You have to close the glove compartment with a universal “lock”, or rather, seal it with tape. Otherwise it will constantly open. Therefore, you can change the torpedo.

Of our models, the best fit is a spare part from a VAZ 2115. You just have to use polyurethane foam to seal small non-joints. Of the foreign cars, the best fit here is a torpedo from a BMW E30

. She will look much more advantageous.

There is another option, install a torpedo from a Toyota Camry


It is slightly wider than the standard part. Therefore, for a more accurate installation, you will have to trim the torpedo a little from the bottom on the sides. But even in this case, it will interfere with the window regulators. So get ready to install electric lifts right away. This will be the best option. You will also have to struggle with installing the steering wheel cover.

The standard cover will not fit into the steering wheel opening on the BMW dashboard. Therefore, craftsmen usually perform adjustments. Some people cut the panel, but it is much easier to cut off the excess from the casing. It is better to use standard mounts from the original torpedo, only they are slightly bent. Often the torpedo can sag downwards, so it is advisable to immediately provide support.

Connecting the stove

. Many drivers cannot connect the stove. The problem is that the air ducts do not match. Therefore, you will have to make special adapters. To do this, you can use air ducts from the Gazelle. All that remains is to adjust them a little and secure them. It is best to use a cable from the heater from BMW. It is much easier to connect it to the stove than a native Zhiguli to a new torpedo.

Torpedo 2107. connecting devices

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#1 Antif

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    #2 Antif

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    #3 Valek-Yalta

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    #4 Antif

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    #5 Valek-Yalta

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    #6 Antif

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  • Registration 12-March 07
  • I’ve been checking it for 4 days now, I did everything according to the diagrams, it feels like on a seven torpedo you need to turn on the lamp to light it, and not a plus like on a penny one. Although it seems like nonsense. I'll check again tomorrow. Well, your photos will be very relevant. And another question: Where to connect this air duct (2107-8104010). A sealant in the central air blowers and on the reverse side?

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    #7 Valek-Yalta

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  • A sealant in the central air blowers and on the reverse side?

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    #8 Antif

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  • well, a rubber seal. I’ll ask this: where the central air ducts are connected, it’s not written anywhere on the boxes:

    The one at number 19, where should I connect it to the stove?

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    #9 Valek-Yalta

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    #11 The Forester

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  • And I'm guessing. Well, in seven of them they are somehow connected to the stove. I don’t get what the body has to do with it.

    The deflectors in the middle of the panel are an air intake from the outside, and not from the stove. If you even pay attention to the deflectors themselves, they have “wheels” on the side in order to regulate not only the direction, but also the air flow (including blocking it completely). And they also have a hole in the body for the air supply of the stove, to which the central deflectors are actually connected, and which the 2101 does not have:

    I think the photographs show everything quite clearly

    This is the perfect place for a radio or additional buttons/switches.

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