Why is the front panel of a car called “dashboard”

Torpedo tube or torpedo attack are phrases that have long been used in military interpretations, but if we talk about a car, then a torpedo is an instrument panel where everything is conveniently and practically located. But still, many people wonder what exactly a torpedo is in a car, and what specific features can be highlighted here for the practical performance of work tasks.

The front panel in a vehicle is a simple and accessible concept that does not require a detailed description, but from active motorists you can hear different descriptions: torpedo, dashboard, and so on. But what became the basis for the appearance of such a non-standard name?

Car dashboard[edit | edit code]

Car dashboard

The instrument panel, as a means of displaying information, most determines the internal visual information content of the car.

There are dial and LED instrument panels.

Any car instrument panel must provide good visibility of all scales and sensors installed on it, while remaining fairly easy to use, and provide all the information the driver needs. This is, first of all:

  • the current state of the vehicle systems that directly ensure traffic safety (brake system, car alarm equipment and passive safety system>);
  • motion characteristics (speed, engine speed, distance to the object in front);
  • correct operation of the engine, chassis, transmission, electrical equipment and the entire vehicle as a whole;
  • other information (current time, for example).

Includes mandatory instrumentation, warning lights and controls for primary and secondary equipment.

As a rule, the red color of the symbols indicates possible serious malfunctions or an unresolved issue of vehicle safety; the orange or yellow color of the indicators indicates that a particular component or mechanism of the vehicle needs maintenance and even repair, and as for the green or blue, they are usually used only to inform the driver that everything in the car is working normally.

Functions and purpose

The driver communicates with the car through the dashboard. Its main function is to inform about the main indicators while driving: fuel level and consumption, speed, engine speed, battery charge and more.

As a rule, it is located directly in front of the driver, slightly below eye level. In some models, individual instruments are located in the middle of the center console.

Car dashboard

A modern instrument panel is a unit that combines a number of instrumentation, warning and control lamps, as well as an on-board computer. On average, there are about ten devices on it. A larger number of them will only distract the driver, and a smaller number will have a detrimental effect on the information content.


Overdrive is an overdrive gear with a gear ratio below one. Once upon a time, this term implied the use of an additional gearbox in a gearbox. Today this is the designation for the highest level in an automatic transmission. However, this term is becoming increasingly rare. The last time I saw the O/D (Overdrive) button was next to the selector of the Jatco four-speed automatic transmission, which is installed on Datsun cars. When pressed, the highest fourth gear was disabled.


Design and operation of the dashboard

All symbols on the instrument panel are divided into two types:

  1. instrumentation;
  2. control lamps.

Instrumentation, as a rule, includes those devices that show various measurements (speed, revolutions, mileage, etc.), for example, a tachometer, speedometer and odometer.

Indicator lamps light up on the panel and notify the driver about the operation of various components and elements. This could be battery charging, parking brake activation, drive operation, brake discs, ABS, turn signals, low/high beams and many others. It all depends on the specific car model and the “tidy” option.

The standard set includes the following indicators and instrumentation:

  • speedometer (shows the speed of the car while driving);
  • tachometer (shows the number of crankshaft revolutions per minute);
  • odometer (shows total and current mileage, mileage);
  • fuel indicator (shows the fuel level in the tank, the signal comes from the corresponding sensor);
  • temperature indicator (shows the current temperature of the coolant in the engine);
  • oil pressure indicator;
  • other indicators.

In modern cars, many parameters are controlled by an on-board computer, which displays information about faults on the screen. This could be problems with ABS, brake discs, headlights, etc.

Types of instrument panels

Instrument panels can be divided into two types:

  1. analog (arrow);
  2. electronic or virtual.

The analog model uses mechanical components. The tachometer, speedometer and other indicators show the values ​​with arrows, and the lights on the indicators light up. Most old and budget car models are equipped with such panels.

The virtual panel uses a special program. All data is displayed on a single screen. This option is considered more modern, but many drivers prefer proven old sensors.


Among the varieties of analog panels, the so-called optitron model is distinguished. The name comes from the English “Optitron”, but this is not a technical term, but a trademark of Toyota. With the ignition off, it is almost impossible to see the instruments. They are activated when the ignition is turned on. The arrows light up, then the speedometer, tachometer, fuel level, and parking brake.

Optitronic instrument panel

It is characterized by increased darkness. Thanks to the backlight, the main indicators are visible on the panel, while other indicators are almost invisible. They light up when needed. It looks original and beautiful.

Electronic (virtual)

The development of the electronic or virtual instrument panel has been gradual. This is the result of modern technology. At first, on-board computer displays were placed among the analogue dials, then it became completely virtual. The program simulates the usual arrangement of devices on the screen.

This panel has its advantages:

  • great information content;
  • beautiful appearance, the developers try to make the design as bright as possible;
  • individual settings, the driver can choose the appearance, color scheme and more;
  • interaction with the driver.

A navigator can be displayed on the virtual panel.
The developers of digital panels are many leading automakers (AUDI, Lexus, Volkswagen, BMW, Cadillac and others. The Audi Virtual Cockpit virtual panel is considered the most progressive. A liquid crystal display with a high graphic resolution that displays a lot of information, including information -entertainment complex You can control the system and settings from the steering wheel.

Also, many modern cars are equipped with a function for projecting the dashboard onto the windshield. The head-up display shows the main indicators (speed, navigation, etc.). The driver does not need to take his eyes off the road and be distracted.

The dashboard is a communicator through which the car communicates with the driver. The more informative and truthful the information is, the safer and more convenient the trip will be. Modern panels are distinguished not only by their information content, but also by their bright design. Various solutions add individuality to the interior, but the main thing is that the driver can see the information he is interested in at any time while driving.

Why did the front panel become a “torpedo”?

Of course, there is nothing in common between a real torpedo and a dashboard in a vehicle, but still, such concepts have long been ingrained in everyday life. And if you say “torpedo,” the driver immediately understands that we are talking about using the front instrument panel. But the name came from the name of a German company, which was previously engaged in the manufacture of those very front instrument panels. In those days, the company was called Torpedo, which is where the non-standard name actually came from.

What the experts say

Professional car detailers have accumulated extensive experience in retouching car panels inside and out. Here's a short list of tips from the experts:

  • Practice first. Take a small piece of fabric and sew the item back together.
  • Prepare the surface thoroughly, as unevenness or grains of sand will certainly appear on the fabric (defects will not be scratched on dense fabrics).
  • Take your time or you'll have to pack everything up and start over.
  • Peel off the backing carefully to prevent the adhesive surface from sticking to itself.
  • Do not hold the hot hair dryer too close to the substrate, otherwise the substrate may be easily burned.

A cracked or damaged torpedo is not a death sentence. It can be easily returned to a state that will please car owners and arouse the interest of passengers. All you need to do is choose the right material and spend some free time on it.

Historical features

The instrument panel in a vehicle is an important component of comfortable vehicle control to obtain reliability, convenience and technical advantages. And initially the Torpedo company was engaged in the manufacture of front panels for cars, so now the consumer can count on ideal quality, practicality, reliability and, accordingly, the quality of operating features.

Among the important aspects of manufacturing front panels, it is worth noting that a wide range of different technologies and materials are available. Torpedoes in a vehicle are important components of normal operation, therefore, regardless of what the device is called, it must be reliable and of high quality in terms of its performance.

A correctly selected torpedo for equipping a vehicle is a guarantee of reliability, practicality, functionality and convenience in work terms. It is also important that a torpedo is a device with special technical parts, so it is important to pay close attention to maintenance in order to prevent any technical breakdowns and malfunctions. And that is why it is worth consulting with specialists, if necessary, to receive valuable answers to questions in this automotive matter.

Torpedo or torpedo?

Just don’t ask Spartak fans with this question. Jokes are jokes, and the unusual jargon has caught on well. Today they call it the front panel of a car. But many people don’t know how to pronounce the word correctly. However, in Dmitry Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary the word “torpedo” means the same as “torpedo” in the sense of “a cigar-shaped car with an open body.” The fact is that at the time when Dmitry Nikolaevich was working on the dictionary (1935–1940), the “dashboard” was not yet associated with the front panel of the car. This happened a little later. In the middle of the last century, the German company Torpedo was engaged in the production of devices for cars. Over time, “torpedo” became a household name. At first, this was the name given to instrument panels, and later to the entire front panel. So the submarine’s self-propelled combat projectile, the torpedo, has nothing to do with the front panel.

Torpedo: Types, Design, Torpedo tube, History of creation

In a general sense, by torpedo we mean a metal cigar-shaped or barrel-shaped military projectile that moves independently. The projectile received this name in honor of the electric stingray about two hundred years ago. The naval torpedo occupies a special place. It was the first to be invented and the first to be used in the military industry.

In a general sense, a torpedo is a streamlined barrel-shaped body, inside of which there is an engine, a nuclear or non-nuclear warhead and fuel. The tail and propellers are installed outside the hull. And the command to the torpedo is given through the control device.

The need for such weapons arose after the creation of submarines. At this time, towed or pole mines were used, which did not carry the required combat potential in a submarine. Therefore, the inventors were faced with the question of creating a combat projectile, smoothly flowing around water, capable of moving independently in the aquatic environment, and which would be able to sink enemy submarines and surface vessels.

When did the first torpedoes appear?

The torpedo, or as it was called at that time - a self-propelled sea mine, was invented by two scientists at once, located in different parts of the world, who had nothing to do with each other. This happened almost at the same time.

In 1865, Russian scientist I.F. Aleksandrovsky, proposed his own model of a self-propelled mine. But it became possible to implement this model only in 1874.

In 1868, Whitehead presented to the world his scheme for building a torpedo. In the same year, Austria-Hungary acquired a patent for the use of this scheme and became the first country to possess this military equipment.

In 1873, Whitehead offered to purchase the scheme to the Russian fleet. After testing the Alexandrovsky torpedo in 1874, it was decided to purchase Whitehead’s combat shells, because the modernized development of our compatriot was significantly inferior in technical and combat characteristics. Such a torpedo significantly increased its ability to sail strictly in one direction, without changing course, thanks to the pendulums, and the speed of the torpedo almost doubled.

Thus, Russia became only the sixth owner of the torpedo, after Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy. Whitehead put forward only one restriction for the purchase of a torpedo - to keep the projectile construction scheme secret from states that did not want to buy it.

Already in 1877, Whitehead torpedoes were used in combat for the first time.

Torpedo tube design

As the name suggests, a torpedo tube is a mechanism designed for firing torpedoes, as well as for transporting and storing them while traveling. This mechanism has the shape of a tube identical to the size and caliber of the torpedo itself. There are two shooting methods: pneumatic (using compressed air) and hydropneumatic (using water that is displaced by compressed air from a designated reservoir). Installed on a submarine, the torpedo tube is a fixed system, while on surface ships, the device can be rotated.

The operating principle of a pneumatic torpedo apparatus is as follows: when receiving the “start” command, the first drive opens the cover of the apparatus, and the second drive opens the valve of the compressed air tank. The compressed air pushes the torpedo forward, and at the same time a microswitch is activated, which turns on the motor of the torpedo itself.

For a pneumatic torpedo tube, scientists have created a mechanism that can disguise the location of a torpedo shot under water - a bubble-free mechanism. The principle of its operation was as follows: during the shot, when the torpedo had passed two-thirds of its path through the torpedo tube and acquired the required speed, a valve opened through which compressed air went into the strong hull of the submarine, and instead of air, due to the difference between the internal and external pressure, the apparatus was filled with water until the pressure balanced. Thus, there was practically no air left in the chamber, and the shot went unnoticed.

The need for a hydropneumatic torpedo tube arose when submarines began to dive to depths of more than 60 meters. The shot required a large amount of compressed air, and it was too heavy at such a depth. In a hydropneumatic apparatus, the shot is fired by a water pump, the impulse from which pushes the torpedo.

Types of torpedoes

  1. Depending on the type of engine: compressed air, steam-gas, powder, electric, jet;
  2. Depending on the guidance ability: unguided, upright; capable of maneuvering along a given course, homing passive and active, remote-controlled.
  3. Depending on the purpose: anti-ship, universal, anti-submarine.

One torpedo includes one point from each unit. For example, the first torpedoes were an unguided anti-ship warhead with a compressed air engine.

Let's consider several torpedoes from different countries, different times, with different mechanisms of action.

In the early 90s, the Russian fleet acquired the first boat capable of moving underwater - the Dolphin. The torpedo tube installed on this submarine was the simplest - pneumatic. Those. the type of engine, in this case, was compressed air, and the torpedo itself, in terms of guidance ability, was uncontrollable. The caliber of torpedoes on this boat in 1907 varied from 360 mm to 450 mm, with a length of 5.2 m and a weight of 641 kg.

In 1935-1936, Russian scientists developed a torpedo tube with a powder engine. Such torpedo tubes were installed on type 7 destroyers and light cruisers of the Svetlana type. The warheads of such a device were 533 caliber, weighing 11.6 kg, and the weight of the powder charge was 900 g.

In 1940, after a decade of hard work, an experimental device with an electric motor was created - ET-80 or “Product 115”. A torpedo fired from such a device reached a speed of up to 29 knots, with a range of up to 4 km. Among other things, this type of engine was much quieter than its predecessors. But after several incidents involving battery explosions, the crew used this type of engine without much desire and was not in demand.

Purpose of icons on the dashboard

There are a huge number of warning lights on the instrument panel, which are specific to certain car models and carry certain symbols. You can learn about the purpose of such indicators from the service manual for the car, but we will look at the most common signals, their image and meaning.

Indicator lights on the control panel are the easiest way for a motorist to find out about all possible breakdowns. Thanks to the light bulbs, the driver can find out about problems with the car’s engine, battery, brake system, etc. That is, it is the light indicators that allow you to be aware of the operation of all components of the vehicle. As auto production technology improved, the number of indicators and symbols began to grow, and today they have a more attractive and digitized appearance. The very meaning of indicators, as well as their presence, is quite diverse.


A kenguryatnik is a tubular structure that is hung in front or behind the car to protect body elements and optics from mechanical damage. Once upon a time, American farmers attached gates to their pickup trucks to disperse livestock. The Russian-language version of the term “kenguryatnik” or “kengurin” came from Australia, where similar designs “roo bar” (literally translated “kangaroo bars”) were hung by truckers to protect the vehicle from animals crossing the road. In particular, from the kangaroo, common in Australia. Today, the kenguryatnik has turned into a fashion accessory and is more often used for decorative purposes and for tuning. As a result of the struggle for the safety of pedestrians, amendments were made to the “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles” that greatly limit the use of such a design.



Colors that have icons on the dashboard:

  1. The red color of the symbols indicates possible serious malfunctions or an unresolved vehicle safety issue. In addition, red symbols are often used as reminders, for example to apply the parking brake.
  2. The orange or yellow color of the indicators indicates that a particular component or mechanism of the vehicle needs maintenance and even repair. As practice shows, in most cases, when the orange symbol flashes, the driver needs to seek help from a specialist as quickly as possible or diagnose the unit.
  3. Green or blue colors are usually used only to inform the driver that the function is activated and everything is working normally. In principle, you can finish this point and move on to decoding. You should start with more important and serious indicators and designations.

A little history

In fact, the explanation of the issue under consideration is quite simple and we could answer in a nutshell, but in order to provide the opportunity to learn a little new and enjoy the development of erudition, we will add a few additional facts.

Etymologically, the word also goes back to the French language (it was originally Latin, like many source codes for European languages, but more on that later) and represents torpille - a term that is used in similar variations in different countries for the front panel of a car. It refers specifically to something elongated and having a characteristic shape.

Note. The term front panel is actually quite enough to indicate what we are talking about; dashboard is an additional term.

This is what the long cigar-shaped cars that were popular in the first half of the previous century were called. Actually, the situation here is quite clear and there is a correspondence of form and no contradictions.

If you look at the shape of the dashboard, it is difficult to see something similar, of course, it is also possible to catch streamlined shapes and the like, but in reality there is a noticeable difference between the dashboard and something cigar-shaped.

Basic symbols

A light with an exclamation mark or the inscription Brake indicates that the car's handbrake is on. However, if the indicator appears while driving, it may indicate a problem with the brake system.
If the indicator is red, this indicates a very high engine temperature.
When it appears, you need to stop and check whether the coolant is boiling, but it is better not to turn off the car’s engine. If the light blinks, there may be a problem with the wiring. If the icon lights up blue, this indicates that the power unit has not yet warmed up. This indicator always appears when starting a cold engine. It is not recommended to operate the engine under increased loads or at high speeds until this indicator disappears.
Indicates a decrease in the level of engine fluid pressure, and may also indicate its deficiency.
The red battery icon indicates a drop in the voltage level in the car's electrical circuit. In addition, in some cases, such light bulbs appear as a result of the generator not working correctly or there being other electrical problems. Low battery charge. Sometimes the decision to charge the battery helps.

Additional functions

These indicators are designed to remind the owner of the necessary action, without which operation at the current moment or in the future will be impossible.

  • Belt indicator. Informs that he is not fastened and needs to be corrected. In many cars, it starts flashing and beeping as soon as you start driving.
  • The interior door is open or not fully closed. The same signal alerts you to similar problems with the tailgate.
  • The fuel is running low, the car needs to be refueled.
  • The windshield washer fluid is running low and needs to be topped up.

These are the most common warning signs that are worth mentioning.

Lighting devices

Next, we will look at the designations of the icons on the instrument panel that notify the owner about the operation of external lighting elements.

  • Exterior lighting is on.
  • One of the lamps does not work or there is a problem in the electrical network of the outdoor lighting circuit.
  • Active high beam.
  • The system automatically switches from high to low beam and vice versa.
  • The system for automatically adjusting the angle of the lighting fixtures is faulty.
  • The adaptive headlight system is disabled or malfunctioning. The latter is indicated by a flashing icon.
  • Automatic low beam switching on during the day is active.
  • The brake light or reverse light bulb has burned out.
  • Side lights are on.
  • The fog lights are working.
  • Rear fog lights are on.
  • The turn signal or hazard warning is on.

These symbols will help you find your way in time and not misinform other drivers about your intentions (in the case of a turn) or maintain the battery level (if you turn off the external lighting in time).

Signs indicating serious danger

These signals are of great importance. Their presence indicates serious malfunctions in which it is not recommended to operate the vehicle. We advise you to pay more attention to this section.

  • This sign indicates that the brake fluid level is below the permissible level. It can also signal a malfunction of the brake system as a whole, wear of the pads or depressurization. And also check the handbrake, perhaps it is on and that is the reason.
  • Coolant temperature sensor. If the signal is red, then the temperature has increased and the engine may overheat. A blue glow means a low temperature, which means the engine is not warmed up and it is not advisable to operate it yet.
  • A red watering can with a drop indicates critically low pressure in the engine lubrication system. The oil pump has failed or the technical fluid level is low.
  • If one of the presented icons appears on the instrument panel, it means that oil should be added to the mechanism; its level has reached critical levels.
  • This signal indicates problems with the battery. Lack of charging of the generator, problems with the electrical network.

If you receive such alerts, you should first correct the problem before operating the vehicle.

Security Alerts

This section contains the designations of icons on the instrument panel from the system responsible for the safety of the driver and passengers of the vehicle.

  • The appearance of the icon is accompanied by a signal or voice notification. It informs you that it is necessary to close one or more interior doors or the trunk.
  • This indicator reports malfunctions of the stabilization system.
  • The problem is caused by the passive airbag system.
  • The icon notifies you of problems similar to the previous one, but more accurately. In this case, the fault is in the front passenger airbag.
  • There is a child in the front passenger seat or the passenger's weight is too low. This may cause the airbag to malfunction in an emergency situation.
  • The indicator often triggers erroneously when driving off-road. Indicates that the pre-collision safety system is not working.
  • The immobilizer or standard anti-theft system is activated.
  • Anti-theft system activation error.
  • Automatic transmission error, oil overheating.
  • Exceeding the maximum permissible temperature in the automatic transmission. It's better to wait until the gearbox has cooled down.
  • Automatic transmission mode "Parking". Relevant for all-wheel drive vehicles with a number of reduced speeds. The machine is blocked.
  • If your vehicle has an automatic transmission, this icon indicates low or low oil pressure, overheating, or another problem. In this case, the car automatically goes into emergency mode and moves at a minimum speed to make it possible to get to the service.
  • If you see this icon, it means you need to shift to the next gear to reduce fuel consumption.
  • The power steering is faulty.
  • The handbrake is on.
  • The fluid level in the brake system is low.
  • High brake pad wear.
  • Brake force distribution system error.
  • Electric parking brake malfunction.
  • The pressure in one or more wheels has been reduced by more than 25%.
  • Occurs already during operation and reports that the propulsion systems have malfunctions. May be accompanied by the shutdown of a number of systems until the problem is resolved. At the same time, the system limits the fuel supply to reduce the load.
  • The Start-Stop system is activated (green) or malfunctioning (yellow).
  • The engine has lost power. Experienced drivers advise stopping the engine for a short time and starting it again.
  • Problem with lambda probe. In order not to disrupt the fuel injection function, it is better to turn off the engine and eliminate the malfunction.
  • The fuel tank cap is not closed.
  • An icon to draw additional attention to an existing problem.
  • Problems in the cooling system. The fluid level is low, the temperature is high, and so on.
  • The throttle valve is faulty.
  • The blind spot monitoring system is malfunctioning.
  • It is necessary to change the oil and fuel filters, and at the same time undergo scheduled maintenance. In rare cases, when such icons appear, computer diagnostics of the vehicle is required.
  • The engine air filter requires replacement.
  • The night vision system and infrared sensors are faulty.
  • Automatic transmission overdrive is disabled.

Special systems monitoring indicators

Modern cars are equipped with a lot of special features that simplify their operation. And so that the user can control their operation, the corresponding signals light up on the panel.

  • Power mode is active. It is typical for cars with automatic transmission and is designed to delay upshifting. Allows you to achieve maximum engine power, as well as give time for adjustments in the fuel system and suspension.
  • Sensors for the mode switching system in automatic transmissions.
  • The steering requires repair.
  • Variator indicator. Lights up when the ignition is turned on and goes out after a few minutes. Indicates that the system is working properly.
  • Active steering system sensor. Indicates incorrect operation. In some situations, this could indicate problems with the braking system or suspension.
  • The problem is similar to the previous one. There is a malfunction in the active steering system.
  • Overheating of the cross-axle differential, problems in the all-wheel drive system.
  • There is a malfunction in the all-wheel drive system or the wheel diameters of the rear and front axles do not match.
  • Problems with the transmission of an all-wheel drive vehicle.
  • The rear axle differential is locked.
  • All-wheel drive is engaged in low gear.
  • The transmission automatically switches to all-wheel drive mode.
  • Shift into higher gear to save fuel.
  • ECO MODE fuel saving mode is active.
  • Fuel consumption optimization mode is enabled.
  • Lane Tracing Indicators. A flashing yellow signal indicates that the machine is moving to the side and needs to be leveled off or the system is faulty.
  • Active or faulty parking assist (depending on color).
  • Trailer driving mode is activated.
  • The vehicle's chassis is faulty and requires diagnostics.
  • Shock absorber operating modes.
  • The heated rear window works.
  • The braking system is active and will turn off when the gas pedal is pressed.
  • Adaptive cruise control is on. If the icon flashes, there is a problem with the system.
  • There is an obstacle or vehicle ahead when cruise control is active.
  • Snow mode is activated. Essential for comfortable driving in unusual conditions of snowfall and ice.
  • The presence of an electronic key and the low state of its battery.
  • Electronic key in the car (present or absent).

We have given examples of the most common indicators and described in detail the designations of the icons on the instrument panel. In reality there are many more. If the color design is identical everywhere, then the pictograms may differ depending on the manufacturer, engine type, and so on. It is simply impossible to cover all possible images in one article. Therefore, if you are interested in an icon that is not on the list, write to us in the comments, and we will give a detailed answer to your request. But remember that safety comes first, and if the system is flashing red, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

A St. Petersburg car enthusiast made a dashboard out of wood - Behind the Wheel magazine

A car's dashboard or dashboard is a panel located in the front section of the cabin that houses instruments, controls and a steering wheel.
It is made from high density plastics. A torpedo in a car is damaged as a result of an accident, from constant contact with the hands of the driver and passengers, or from various objects that are carelessly thrown at it.

If the front panel of the car has lost its appearance, it can be replaced or restored. These parts are expensive at salvage yards and in stores; moreover, it is not always possible to select suitable components for older car models.

There are several methods used to restore the instrument panel with your own hands, let's look at them and dwell in detail on the most popular option - painting.

Do-it-yourself methods for repairing a car dashboard

Self-recovery of a torpedo is carried out in one of three ways:

  • Painting a torpedo with your own hands.
  • You can cover the car dashboard with polyvinyl chloride film. The advantages of vinyl finishing include a wide selection of textures and colors of PVC films, their wear resistance and strength. The disadvantage of this method is that not all polymers that are used to make dashboards form good adhesion to polyvinyl chloride, so after some time the film peels off from the surface.
  • Reupholstering the instrument panel with leather is an expensive finishing method. Leather (natural or artificial) is a durable, wear-resistant material that makes the interior luxurious. Reupholstering a torpedo with your own hands requires experience from the performer, since working with leather has many nuances. In order not to spoil expensive material, it is better to entrust this robot to an experienced craftsman.

A popular way to independently restore the appearance is to paint the dashboard, so let’s look at it in more detail.


By the way, the owner of the car does not see any know-how in his approach to tuning and willingly shares the secrets of his craft with visitors to his website: “The iron socket under the TV was made by electrochemical engraving. I read this method on the Internet. But we had to experiment for a very long time on various pieces of hardware before we managed to develop the optimal technology suitable for home use.”


You can paint the torpedo using special paints for plastic or coloring compounds for car bodies. The paint is sprayed using a spray gun from a distance of 20 cm from the surface of the part. Restoring a car dashboard with paints in aerosol cans is rarely done, since they cannot be used to achieve uniform coloring. Such compositions are usually used for touch-up of individual panel elements.

Painting is carried out in a ventilated area, protected from dust and direct sunlight. The paint is applied in three layers:

  • The first layer, the thinnest, is called the developing layer, since after its application the errors made during grinding are emphasized. Any defects that appear are carefully sanded with fine abrasive sandpaper. The first layer of paint is applied with minimal overlap, that is, adjacent stripes overlap only along the edge, and unpainted areas of the surface are not allowed.
  • The second layer is applied on the not dried first one. Adjacent stripes of this layer should overlap each other by half.
  • The third coat of paint is applied in the same way as the first.

The dashboard can be matte or glossy. Experts advise not to open the dashboard with varnish, as the glare of light creates an additional load on the driver’s vision and distracts him from the road.


“The steering wheel is made from some Chinese or Turkish steering wheel, bought at the car market for 500 rubles. All the plastic trim on the steering wheel was stripped away to leave just the steel frame. Next, pieces of wood were glued onto this frame in fragments. Then - stain and varnish in 10 layers. To shine."

“The button on the steering wheel deserves special attention. The Lada brand badge was cut out of a metal plate with a jigsaw. Then polished to a mirror finish and firmly glued into the button on the steering wheel using epoxy resin.”

Demand for color

Designers advise painting the dashboard in the same color as the interior, choosing a slightly lighter shade. This reduces the strain on the driver's eyes. To make the interior of the cabin original, you can use one of the current colors: anthracite (charcoal color with a dusty effect) or titanium (golden hue with matte or dazzling glossy effects).

Dashboard icons in diesel cars

Yellow icon indicating glow plug activation. The engine must be started after the indicator disappears from the instrument cluster.
Yellow and orange indicators appear when the particulate particulate filter is faulty; the device must be replaced
A yellow icon indicates the need to add fluid to carry out the catalytic reaction for cleaning exhaust gases
This indicator appears on the dashboard when there is an increased level of emissions in the exhaust gas treatment system
One of these icons appears if there is condensation in the fuel. Also, these indicators may indicate the need for servicing of the diesel fuel purification system.
An icon with the inscription “EDC” appears when there is a problem with the electronic fuel injection control system. The machine's engine may function intermittently, stop periodically, or fail to start. This malfunction may be due to clogging of the fuel filter device, injectors, or valve on the fuel pump. The problem sometimes is air in the fuel system.
Another icon that appears when water is detected in diesel fuel. The indicator may also indicate problems in the operation of electronic components and engine systems.
An icon labeled “T-BELT” appears when the timing belt needs to be replaced. The symbol always appears when the ignition is activated and disappears after the engine starts.

Dashboard icons in hybrid vehicles

PhotoIcon Description
Red indicators with or without “Main” indicate a malfunction of the main battery or high voltage circuit battery
An icon in the form of a yellow car with an exclamation mark appears when the electric drive is faulty. On hybrid cars, this indicator is similar to the Check icons on cars with conventional engines.
Low voltage battery icon
A yellow gas station indicator indicates the battery needs to be charged
The yellow turtle icon appears when the vehicle's power is severely reduced
Indicators that appear while batteries are charging
Two icons with the words “EV” or “EV Mode” appear when the hybrid operates in electric driving mode
These indicators indicate the vehicle is ready to move
Indicators in the form of a red or yellow car with the inscription “Check” (or without it) indicate a malfunction in the external sound warning system for pedestrians about the approach of vehicles
Indicators labeled “Fault” in yellow or red indicate problems in the operation of the hybrid car. If the icon is yellow, then the malfunction is not critical; if it is red, then the problem is serious and it is better not to continue driving. With this problem, there may be a loss of power.


Since we are talking about the gearbox, it is appropriate to remember what the lever of this very gearbox is called in automotive jargon. In common people it is called a poker, for its external resemblance, or a stirrer. The second is more often applied to mechanics, when the lever has to be moved frequently during switching, as if stirring something with a spoon in a cup. You can also often hear about a “handle” or a “stick”.

PS: A whole book could be devoted to automotive jargon - much of everyday life is missing from this post. Therefore, write in the comments what terms confused you at the time and what they meant.


Additional indicators

Despite the general specification and unification of information icons and indicators, each automaker supplies the instrument panel with additional indicators that are important for the comfort and maintenance of the vehicle.

Such generally accepted additional indicators include:

  • Indicator of open doors, hood, trunk, convertible roof;
  • Additional fuel indicators to attract attention and duplicate the fuel level monitoring system in the tank;
  • Seat belt control, or rather a reminder of the need to use a seat belt and securely latch it;
  • Warning about low fluid level in the windshield washer reservoir;
  • Turning on the heated windows.

Indicators of additional and special systems

Due to the lack of unification, the need to display completely different information and large design differences, the icons on the car dashboard have differences in appearance and set. It is recommended to study more precise information and decoding and descriptions using the operating documents of a particular vehicle, which will eliminate the possibility of creating an unidentified information situation (an unfamiliar light comes on).

The best materials for reupholstery

The Russian car accessories market offers an abundance of materials for car dashboards and door trim. Here you can find modest styles based on rubber or synthetics, identical to the previous coating. There are also luxurious leather fabrics. It is better to entrust working with such material to a specialist; cutting and sewing skills are not required. In any case, the car owner will have plenty to choose from. Here is a list of the most popular materials for retouching car panels:

  • Genuine Leather;
  • vinyl;
  • artificial leather;
  • Alcantara;
  • carpets;
  • herd.

Be careful when choosing one of them. In fact, the front panel is completely illuminated. This says a lot about the car owner. About his character. About his taste.

Genuine Leather

An ideal material for the interior of luxury and premium cars. The fiber structure is constant. They don't care about temperature changes. The surface is resistant to mechanical damage, but only with proper care. The scratched skin, of course, could be the nail itself or some other sharp object.

Leather headliner

The material is easy to clean and retains luxury for a long time. Genuine leather is not damaged by sunlight. To care for the surface, you will need to purchase moisturizing compounds and various cleaning products. If you definitely decide to retouch your car dashboard with leather, experts recommend doing it in a specialized studio. Then the image will be really chic.


A very interesting synthetic material. This consists of:

  • rubber mixture of polymers;
  • various resins;
  • special glue;
  • paints;
  • plastic mass.

This is a modern tool that will allow you to remake a torpedo machine with high quality. Vinyl films can be monochrome or multi-colored.

Vinyl film for car interior wrapping

You can find imitations of the colors of animals such as python, leopard and others. Among others, materials imitating chrome, carbon or nickel-plated metal.

It is resistant to mechanical damage and retains its beautiful appearance for a long time. And most importantly, you can do the retouching of the car’s dashboard yourself.

Eco leather

Using natural leather is not always profitable and humane. However, if you want the interior to be rich, you can choose eco-leather. This is not the skin that appeared in our country in the early 90s. Now it is a modern synthetic material without harmful emissions. It is quite durable and retains its presentable appearance for a long time.

Eco-leather samples

Its properties are almost equal to that of natural leather. But for retouching a car’s dashboard, experts recommend looking to a professional studio. In fact, it is impossible to do a beautiful job with your own hands without learning to sew and a lot of practice. This is the main disadvantage of eco-leather.


This material is better known as faux suede. Developed in the 1970s by Japanese chemist Miyoshi Okamoto. The soft velvety surface gives the interior a premium look.

Sometimes this material is used in combination with eco-leather to create a contrasting effect. The main advantage of faux suede is that you can retouch the dashboard yourself.


Synthetic non-woven material with different types of surfaces. Often used to finish cabinet subwoofers and internal components. The carpet has good antistatic properties, does not burn in the sun, and is not afraid of moisture and mold. Well absorbs acoustic sounds and clicks.

Automotive coatings painted in automotive grade

Environmentally friendly, durable, low maintenance, inexpensive. The price depends on the structure, thickness, tension and brand. Unanimously recognized as holders of “nine”, “ten” and “four”.


Velvety powder (powder). It is based on fleece made of cotton, viscose and polyamide. The material is sold in various colors. To apply the powder, a special tool is required - a flocculator. The powder is sprayed onto the torpedo, previously lubricated with glue.

Suitable for processing complex boards with many corners and recesses. It can be used for both full and partial coverage. Not suitable for torpedoes with cracks or airbag holes.

Automatic flocking of panels

This requires a lot of experience. Therefore, experts advise entrusting this type of tuning to professionals.

Monitoring and control system lamps

PhotoIndicator designation
The green “Active Trac” sign indicates normal operation of the traction control system. If the indicator is yellow or red, then the device is not working properly.
An icon in the form of a car driving off-road indicates to the driver how he should proceed. If the car is pointing up, then there is a rise ahead, if down, there is a descent. The driver, based on this data, must increase the speed of the power unit or reduce it.
Turn indicator, such icons are installed only on vehicles equipped with all-wheel drive
An icon labeled "ESP BAS" indicates that the Emergency Brake Assist system is activated.
An indicator labeled “KDSS” indicates a malfunction of the suspension stabilization system.


You don't gain experience right away. Therefore, for the first time, you can get air bubbles, uneven seams, and unnoticed defects in the original surface.

There may also be errors when choosing the material. You should especially remember about the persistent odor in the cabin if substances not intended for this purpose are used.

Note to you: How long does alcohol last in a driver’s blood?

Cheap, widely used glue can take years to wear out, so it is better to purchase all consumables from a specialized supplier as a single package.

The importance of carefully performing assembly and disassembly operations has already been mentioned. At the installation stage, you may encounter a changed panel geometry; you need to think about this when marking the patterns.

Description of stability system icons

One of these indicators indicates the status and operation of the traction control system. If the icon is green (Trac or Active Trac), then the unit is working, if yellow or orange, a malfunction in the system has been detected. It must be taken into account that DTC and TCS are related to the functioning of the brake and fuel supply systems. If the latter do not work, then one of the indicators will also be displayed on the dashboard display.
One of these orange or yellow icons indicates a malfunction in the stabilization system. If the latter is completely disabled, the Check indicator on the dashboard will also light up. The stability system is designed to level the vehicle when sliding or skidding using the following systems:
  • brake;
  • fuel supply;
  • suspension control.
A yellow exclamation point in a triangle surrounded by an arrow refers to Dynamic Stability Control or Electronic Stability Program systems. This indicator indicates the operation of the electronic locking differential and traction control system.
Malfunctions associated with the operation of the car's rear-wheel drive
"BAS ASR" or a yellow wheel icon indicates a malfunction or failure of the Brake Assist system
An orange or yellow indicator labeled “IBA OFF” indicates that the Intelligent Brake Assist system has been disabled. This option in the car is designed to activate pre-collision braking. If, after activating the system, the icon remains illuminated on the instrument panel, this indicates failure or contamination of the laser controllers.
This indicator indicates that the vehicle has begun to slide while moving. The appearance of this icon indicates the automatic activation of the stabilization system.
One of these orange or yellow icons indicates a malfunction of the stabilization and stability system; it may turn off randomly. The control of the machine must not be impaired.

Possible faults

As for malfunctions specifically in the PP, they can be as follows:

  1. Failure of light bulbs. As practice shows, most often car owners are faced with the problem of burnt-out light elements. They can be changed without problems, so there is no need to worry about such a breakdown.
  2. Wear of mechanical parts of the structure. This problem is relevant for older cars or vehicles in which manipulations were carried out to dismantle and repair the PP.
  3. Poor contact. Due to poor contact of the connectors, the speedometer, tachometer, engine temperature and fuel volume sensors in the tank may not work. It’s not difficult to solve a malfunction of this kind - you just need to fix the plug, and if the contacts are oxidized, then clean them.
  4. Failures in the operation of the on-board computer can lead to the inoperability of the PP or the display of incorrect data. It is better to solve this kind of problem with the help of specialists, since interfering with the work of the car’s “brains” is a serious matter.

Displays and messages on the car dashboard

When this display lights up green, it indicates that the cruise control is operating normally. If the system is malfunctioning, the screen color will be yellow or red.
ServiceScheduled or extraordinary maintenance required
ABGAS WERKSTATTThere is a malfunction in the exhaust system, the car owner needs to contact a service station
MOTORSTURG. WERKSTATT Engine malfunctions
WEG-FARHRSPERRE AKTIVPowertrain lock enabled
STOPDo not operate, ride or start the vehicle. The user needs to find out the cause of the malfunction and eliminate it.
FERNLICHT LINKS (RECHT) DEFEKTMalfunction of the left or right high beam headlight
Engine Oil SensorFailure of the engine oil pressure sensor or the pressure level has decreased for an unknown reason
STOP 6L-DRUCK MOTOR AUS! BETRIEBSAN-LE1TLNG Warning about critically low engine fluid pressure with a requirement to stop the engine
STOP! KCHLMITTEL PRCFEN! eeTRIEBSANLEITUNG Requirement to stop and check the coolant as well as the cooling system
BREMSBELAG PRCFENThe need to check the brake pads
VVASCHWASSER AUFFULLENThe car owner needs to add fluid to the washer system reservoir
Measurement correct only if veh levelThe engine fluid level cannot be measured with the engine running
LSENSOR WERKSTATTIt is necessary to contact a service station to diagnose the engine fluid level controller
HAND BREMSEANGEZOGENHandbrake lever is tightened
STOP! BREMSFLLSSIGKEIT BE-TRIEBSANLEITUNG Request to stop and add brake fluid to the reservoir
AIRBAG/GURTSTRAFFERThe airbag or seat belt pretensioner does not work correctly

Self-rethreading of a torpedo

Many people think that retouching a car dashboard with their own hands is very simple. But in fact, if everything is done well, this is a complex process.

For example, you will need to remove the torpedo, disassemble it, and then prepare the surface. If there are cracks or holes in the AirBag, they will need to be repaired with epoxy resin first. Then dry for 24-48 hours. Then treat the repair areas with plastic filler and primer. Only the preparatory stage from a technology point of view can take up to 5-7 days.


Let's look at the example of retouching a torpedo with self-adhesive Alcantara (luxury). The material will also require:

  • well-lit, warm garage, a set of tools for disassembling / assembling the panel;
  • sandpaper P80 - P800 (depending on the condition of the surface);
  • epoxy or repair kit for plastic (if there are holes in the airbags);
  • solvent, degreaser, aerosol primer for plastics;
  • air gun (dryer);
  • Tape (to secure edges if you're working alone), sharp scissors, utility knife, plastic spatula (to smooth the surface).

Primer for plastic

The garage requires space so that in addition to the car there is enough space to put a table under the dashboard. You must not prevent the panel from moving freely during packing.

Preparatory stage

Wipe the panel well with the degreaser and let it evaporate. Sand the entire surface with P180 to P240 sandpaper. Fill any uneven areas with putty and sand the surface. Then prime the repaired areas with plastic spray primer. Clean the panel from dust and completely degrease. This completes the preparation.

Process technology

Renewing car panels using adhesive film is similar to the process of window tinting, but without the water. The step-by-step work is as follows:

  • Cover the panel with a cloth.
  • Start removing the backing from one side.
  • Smooth the Alcantara surface with a smooth spatula.
  • Make cuts in the openings (vents or glove box) and thread the material into the recesses.
  • Alcantara stretches well, but in difficult places it is better to help with a hairdryer.
  • Fold over the edges.
  • Cut off excess material.

Alcantara panel VAZ 2109

The torpedo can be assembled and placed on the vehicle.

Testing the condition of vehicle components using dashboard indicators

Not everyone knows that even before driving, the instrument panel may indicate problems with the car. It is easy to see them; it is necessary to carry out a brief test of the systems at the beginning of the daily operation of the machine.

At first the ignition turns on, but the engine does not start. At the same time, a large number of multi-colored light bulbs light up on the panel, the exact composition and colors of which depend on the car model. But in any case, the following indicators should light up:

  1. pressure lamp in the lubrication system;
  2. battery health lamp;
  3. handbrake light.

In cars with diesel engines, the glow plug status indicator must also turn on briefly and turn off after the corresponding relay is activated.

Next, you should start the engine. Immediately after this, the red “alarm” indicators, with the exception of the handbrake sensor, should go out. To check the serviceability of the handbrake and its controller, you just need to tighten it and lower it back, simultaneously checking the reaction of the corresponding indicator.

After 10-20 seconds, turn off the engine and turn on only the ignition again. If the engine is fully operational, the oil pressure sensor should not light up, since it has already increased to normal. For an engine in good condition, the lamp should light up no earlier than 5 seconds after turning off. Another result indicates wear of the motor and the need to visit a service station.

Such an express inspection of the car’s condition will not allow you to identify all its existing and probable faults, but will provide fairly reliable information about the possibility of its operation in the coming hours, which is also useful.

The simplest procedure in panel repair is replacing the backlight bulbs; other procedures require certain skills.

Which material to choose

This is a crucial stage of work, and it is also complicated by the fact that you cannot trust pictures on the Internet. You must definitely look at the material, and most importantly, feel it directly in the store.

Thinking before this not only about decorative qualities, but also taking into account color shades, tactile sensations, and also remembering practicality, it is undesirable for the material to be difficult to clean and constantly take on all the dirt.

A natural skin

Good, proven material. It perfectly isolates all unwanted sounds, has heat-insulating properties, is resistant to stains and is easy to use with simple cleaning methods.

At the same time, high-quality leather is expensive and, if we talk about fashion, it is somewhat outdated, but it is a classic, and it always has its connoisseurs.

Dashboard faults

The instrument panel most often contains electronic, light and mechanical devices, and the share of the latter is constantly decreasing. Failures are mainly associated with wear of mechanical parts, failures of the on-board computer and problems in the vehicle’s on-board electrical network. If there is any malfunction in the dashboard, you should immediately contact a specialist, since driving without being sure of the reliability of the panel indicators is extremely dangerous.


  • https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0 %BF%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C
  • https://TechAutoPort.ru/elektrooborudovanie-i-elektronika/kuzovnaya-elektrika/panel-priborov.html
  • https://avtoelektrik-info.ru/sovety/pochemu-perednyuyu-panel-avtomobilya-nazyvayut-torpedo
  • https://www.zr.ru/content/articles/900458-avtomobilnye-slovechki-kotory/
  • https://avtozam.com/elektronika/dashboard/oboznachenie-znachkov-na-paneli-priborov/
  • https://proautoprom.ru/znachki-na-paneli-priborov-razyasnenie-oboznachenij/
  • https://www.avtogide.ru/znachki-na-paneli-priborov-avtomobilya.html
  • https://SwapMotor.ru/ehlektrika/panel-priborov.html
  • https://etlib.ru/wiki/panel-priborov-36
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