Reasons why the speedometer of a Lada Granta car does not work

Information about the current speed of movement on the on-board computer of the Lada "Grant" comes from an electronic sensor. The Lada Granta speed sensor is installed on the gearbox. Despite the simple design, this part is extremely important for the correct operation of the electronic engine control unit. Together with the other six sensors (temperature, phases, crankshaft position, air flow, detonation, oxygen content), it generates the data necessary for economical, safe and reliable engine operation.

What speed sensor is on Grant

As is already becoming clear, replacing the speed sensor on a Grant is not a complicated procedure that an ordinary car owner can handle. You just have to choose a part that fits this car model and will perform all the necessary functions.

The speed sensor on the Lada Granta is a fairly universal part, which is also used in other Lada models: LADA Priora, LADA Kalina.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that before installing the DSA on the car, it is necessary to wipe the seat area of ​​the part with a rag in order to prevent debris from getting inside the gearbox. The sensor itself is inserted all the way until it clicks, only after that the fastening nut is screwed back in.

So we found out where the speed sensor is installed on the Lada Granta, and how to change it. If you have questions, you can ask them in the discussion.

The speed sensor on the Grant is located on the gearbox. It works as follows: in the gearbox there is a special mark on the gear wheel, which, when this wheel rotates, generates an impulse using a speed sensor. It is by the frequency of these pulses that the speed of the Lada Granta is determined.

The DS on the Grant, like on many cars, is located quite low, so it is exposed to water and dirt. If we remember that the speed sensors themselves on domestic cars are not highly reliable, then it becomes clear why they fail so often.

  • The speedometer needle does not react to speed in any way (it lies at zero);
  • The speedometer readings change, but do not correspond to reality.

Due to the inconvenient location of the sensor itself, replacing it is quite difficult. First of all, you need to disconnect the pipe that goes from the air filter to the throttle. This will improve access to the sensor itself.


1.Vladimir: for a year and a half of Grant’s operation, there were no problems with the performance of the sensors. Everything is in good condition.
2.Kirill: I corrected the contact on the mass air flow sensor once. The reason is not the meter, I just caught the block with the wires with my hand while replacing the air filter. No complaints, the quality is good.
3.Vasily: in two years of using Granta, I replaced the antifreeze temperature meter once. In all other respects, no comments, satisfied with the quality.
4.Gregory: after buying the car from the dealership, I checked all the terminals and wires myself. Some tightened up, now the machine works like a watch.
5.Vyacheslav: I have no complaints, the car is three years old, I haven’t made any investments. I believe that systematic inspection helps prevent large-scale breakdowns.
6.Vladimir: The electronic control unit is working properly, there are no comments. Digital sensors transmit information in a timely and complete manner.
1.Alexander: I can’t speak positively about the factory devices, since I replaced three of them in two years. They fly like air.
2.Ignat: no matter what I do, the fuel sensor incorrectly displays information about the amount of gasoline. I'll buy another one.
3.Ivan: the manufacturing quality of digital equipment is poor, it breaks down every six months.

Conclusion Despite the negative reviews about the digital sensors on the Lada Granta Liftback, their manufacturing quality is decent. Subject to systematic technical inspection and careful handling of the machine, the service life exceeds the warranty period.


Where is the speed sensor on the Lada Granta: photo and price

Car: Lada Granta. Engine: 21116. Asked by: Damir.

Yesterday I came home, started climbing onto the curb and slightly hit the bottom of the car. And then it started. The speedometer needle began to dance, at first it seemed to me that it was even accompanied by music. Then it twitched at zero, twitched to 200, and fell again. No errors occurred; the engine warning light did not light up on the instrument panel.

She didn't get up again. I drove around the yard, looked smartly under the hood, and screwed in all the chips I saw. Did not help.

Knowledgeable people said that the speed sensor was broken, quite logical, but where is it located? I went to a car store to buy a new one to check, the store is good, they accept returns if there was no loss of presentation. And the seller told me that when the speed sensor breaks down, the electric power steering also doesn’t work, but for me it works.

Speed ​​sensor location

An expert on Lada cars with many years of experience. I own a Lada Granta car, I collect cramps based on the Priora. Sometimes I stay overnight in the garage. My wife is more jealous of cars than of women.

The speed sensor on the Lada Granta is located between the BDZ (throttle valve unit) and the brake fluid reservoir.

Replacing the speed sensor

  1. The sensor can be removed by removing the air filter and inlet pipe.

Remove the pipe and move the air filter housing to the side


So, the gear part remains the same. Almost the same: in first and second gears, we still had to install multi-cone synchronizers. Firstly, for the sake of reliability: the second stage is the most loaded, and the multi-cone will undoubtedly extend its life. Secondly, to reduce the effort when shifting gears. In addition, they plan to install the VAZ-2181 gearbox on models with more powerful engines. Therefore, a clutch with a larger diameter (215 mm) is required, which naturally has a larger moment of inertia. This is an additional argument in favor of a multi-cone synchronizer. A more powerful clutch required a different housing, because the previous one accommodated a maximum of 200 mm disc. The starter also had to be moved; now it is located not along the box, but along the engine.

The first samples were equipped with a three-cone synchronizer. But calculations have shown that double-cone, cheaper ones, can withstand the required torque with a margin (see pictures). Among other advantages, they made it possible to get rid of the problematic cone on the gears of the first and second gears, which is in contact with the synchronizer ring and requires high precision in manufacturing. The ring set now creates two friction surfaces for smooth and efficient synchronization. In addition, the German manufacturer (Ho¨rbiger) applies an additional coating to the intermediate ring, which reduces wear and ensures stable operating parameters, including the required coefficient of friction.

To make shifting easier, the bevel angle of the synchronizer teeth was reduced (from 125 to 100º) and the preload force (from 150 to 70 N). If the developers had kept the same single-cone assembly with these changes, it is possible that a crunch would have appeared when the second stage was quickly implanted (especially at low temperatures) - the so-called synchronizer breakdown. This will not happen with a multi-cone due to the larger working surface.

Structure of VAZ-2110 (A) and -2181 (B) gearbox synchronizers:

Replacing the speed sensor on a Lada Granta car

  • Ratchet wrench
  • 10 mm head
  • Medium flat screwdriver
  • Parts and consumables:

    The speed sensor on the Lada Granta is located and installed on the gearbox. When the drive wheels rotate, the speed sensor generates 6 pulses per 1 m of vehicle movement, and the controller determines the vehicle speed based on the pulse frequency.

    1. Disconnect the wire from the negative terminal of the battery on the car.

    2. Disconnect the wiring harness connector from the speed sensor by prying the plastic latch.

    3. Using a 10 mm socket, unscrew the sensor mounting nut.

    4. Remove the speed sensor from the gearbox housing by prying up its housing with a screwdriver.

    5. Replace the faulty speed sensor with a new one.

    6. Install the speed sensor in the reverse order of removal.


    1 - main gear drive gear;

    2 - secondary shaft;

    3 - input shaft;

    4 — fifth gear fork;

    5 — fork for selecting third and fourth gears;

    6 — reversing light switch;

    7 — clutch housing;

    8 — gear shift mechanism;

    9 - central lock.

    my website » Replacing the speed sensor on the Lada Granta

    While driving a Lada Granta, we often look at the speedometer readings to see how fast we are going. It depends on this whether we violate traffic rules or not, but if the speedometer shows deviations or no readings at all, then you can get a good fine. The speed sensor (DS or DSA) is responsible for transmitting the correct speedometer readings. A sensor malfunction is detected by the following symptoms: while driving, the speedometer needle is at zero or the readings are incorrect. The Lada Granta sensor itself is a durable part and rarely fails, but it all depends on the manufacturer. Many people don't even know where it is installed. If this is related to speed, then the increase or decrease in speed is regulated by the gearbox, then the DS is installed in the gearbox.


    In the old box it is located at the bottom and bathes in an oil bath. After spending the night in the cold, the oil thickened, making it difficult to change gears for the first few kilometers. In addition, at the bottom of the box there were clamps for the rods and reverse forks, a reverse light switch, and a gear selection seal - all of these are potential sources of leakage. Sealants and other materials, of course, helped, but the problem was radically solved only by moving the mechanism upstairs.

    The new mechanism is a separate module. It can be installed last and removed if necessary without disassembling the box. This is technologically advanced not only in production, but also in repair. Already at the concept stage developed by the VAZ team, a selector grill appeared in it, clearly repeating the gear shift pattern and setting the lever stroke when selecting gears. The mechanism includes a lock against accidental reverse gear, which is only accessible from neutral.

    Having embodied the concept in metal and made it work correctly, the unit was sent for fine-tuning to the German company (Scha¨ffler), which has long been engaged in the engineering and production of engine, transmission and chassis parts. One of the most interesting changes proposed by foreign experts is the so-called three-dimensional central plate instead of several return springs and locks. Its spatial shape is calculated by a complex computer program, and the manufacturing equipment requires high precision. After all, the central locking ball walks along this plate, and it is this plate that sets the necessary forces when turning on and selecting speeds.

    The characteristics of the mechanism were selected on the original simulation stand. The tester sits down on the seat and begins to go through the gears, while the automatic system imitates the shift pattern, forces and lever strokes implemented on a specific production car. You can also upload your own settings. Don't like an overly tight lever? A couple of taps on the keyboard and the effort is reduced. So, step by step, we selected the optimal settings for the “eighty-one”. The computer processed the data and produced parameters for constructing an accurate mathematical model, according to which those very tricky central plates were made.

    Replacing the Lada Granta speed sensor

    Removing the speed sensor on a Lada Granta car is done to replace it with a serviceable one in case of failure. The sensor is installed on the gearbox.

    The principle of operation is to generate an electrical impulse when the drive wheels rotate. Six pulses correspond to one meter of vehicle movement. The controller determines the current speed of movement based on the frequency of pulses from the sensor.

    To replace the speed sensor you will need a ten key. You should also turn off the power to the car by disconnecting the minus terminal from the battery. Do the following sequence of actions:

    • Lifting the plastic latch, disconnect the connector with electrical wires from the sensor.
    • Unscrew the sensor mounting nut and remove it from the gearbox housing.
    • Replace it, then install in the reverse order.

    At this point, the repair work to replace the speed sensor on the Lada Granta car has been completed.

    Where is the speed sensor on the Lada Granta and how to change it

    Perhaps not every car owner or Grant holder can answer the question: where is the Grant speed sensor located? This is explained by several reasons.

    First of all, the Lada Granta speed is a fairly high-quality and durable part that fails quite rarely. Also, the product itself is small in size and it will be quite problematic for a non-professional to see it from under the hood right away. Therefore, let’s find out after all, where is the Lada Granta speed sensor located?


    The new product, which is installed on the “Norma” and “Lux” versions, is based on the same gearbox that appeared on the VAZ-2108 and, with minor upgrades, has survived to this day.
    Its weaknesses are well known: difficult activation, large lever strokes, smeared switching pattern, low vibration comfort. Figuring out what and how we could improve, we agreed on one thing: not to touch the gear part, namely the shafts, gears, and synchronizers. Otherwise, huge financial costs will be required to launch a new gearbox into production - without high-precision equipment, it will not be possible to ensure the proper quality of engagement, operation and synchronization.

    So what's new in the box with the VAZ-2181 index?

    Main elements of the VAZ-2181 gearbox:

    Where is the speed sensor on the Lada Granta?

    So where is the Lada Granta speed sensor located? It is reasonable that the part associated with the transmission of data on the vehicle’s speed, idle speed, and fuel consumption modes is located somewhere nearby or, specifically, on the vehicle’s gearbox housing.

    But, in order to see this unit with your own eyes on Grant’s car, by opening the hood, you need to perform the following preliminary function: the inlet air supply pipe from the throttle assembly is turned out and dismantled.

    This way, you can see where the speed sensor is located on the Grant. Now, at the bottom of the gearbox housing, you can see a part with a suitable plug and wiring. The next method to get acquainted with where the speed sensor is located on the Grant is to watch the video: where is the Lada Granta .


    Despite the simplicity and low price, almost all manufacturers abandoned the rod drive, like on the old box. Today, designs of several rods with complex scenes are used to dampen vibrations on the lever, or a more expensive and convenient cable drive. AVTOVAZ experimented with the latter back at Samara, purchasing parts from. But with the switching mechanism located at the bottom, the performance of such a circuit is problematic, and the price of components was scary at that time. Work on the cable-driven gearbox continued as part of other projects, but the production model could only be realized now.


    The single-rod gear shift drive was replaced by a cable. The unpleasant vibrations on the lever are gone, there is less play, and shifting is clearer.

    It is curious that in the clutch drive, on the contrary, they planned to abandon the cable in favor of hydraulics. Unfortunately, for economic reasons, they left the previous design, although the hydraulic drive has better characteristics. In particular, the clutch pedal works more logically and clearly with it. The advantages in the layout are also obvious: it is easier to lay tubes and hoses. But the cable for the new box had to be lengthened. These are unnecessary mechanical losses, which means additional effort on the pedals and worse information content.

    How to tighten the electric power steering rack?

    The appearance of a knocking sound in the operation of the electric power steering is associated with the need to tighten the steering rack.

    New Lada: Knock in the suspension of Lada Grants - repair at an official dealer

    How to do it right:

    1. First you need to disconnect the battery; to do this, disconnect the terminals from it. Unscrew the battery mount; to do this, you need to unscrew two more nuts located at the edges. After this, the battery is removed and put aside.
    2. Then you need to lift the plastic stand, there are four more screws under it, they can also be unscrewed.
    3. Having done this, it is necessary to move this stand forward until the platform is disconnected from the air filter housing retainer pad. After this, the trim can be moved back, this will provide freer access to the rail itself.
    4. At the next stage, you will need to crawl your hand under the rail. Directly below it, as shown in the photo, there is a rubberized cap; it will need to be removed, this will allow the key to access the adjusting nut.
    5. To perform adjustment work, you will need a special wrench to tighten the rack; without it, the adjustment procedure will not be possible. Using this wrench, you need to crawl under the car rail to install the tool in the required hole.
    6. When adjusting, be careful not to overtighten the rack. If its tightening is very strong, then when cornering the rack will bite, and this, in turn, may affect the safety of movement. The angle of adjustment is always different, it depends on how much the nut is loose, but usually when performing such work the nut is tightened by approximately 30 degrees. This should be enough to get everything right. After the adjustment is completed, it will be necessary to check that this task was performed correctly. That is, you will need to make sure that the steering wheel turns normally to any position all the way and there is no knocking. If the knock remains, then the adjustment continues.


    1 — gear selector levers;

    2 — selector grid pin;

    3 — selector grid;

    4 — reverse locking mechanism;

    5 - central three-dimensional plate.

    However, the developers are not delaying documentation on the hydraulic drive and plan to launch it into series. As well as other improvements, by the way, which for various reasons were not implemented this time. For example, a multi-cone synchronizer in third gear and an equally interesting solution that makes the transition to the fourth and fifth stages clearer and more enjoyable. Not otherwise, appetite comes with eating. By the way, the food turns out delicious - I tried it myself. The main thing I would like to wish to the developers is not to be late with changing dishes. And to consumers - bon appetit!

    Thank you for your help in preparing the material.

    List of online stores, addresses of companies providing services

    NameContacts, address
    1.STO "A1-Motors"Moscow, st. 1st Dubrovskaya, 13a, building 4, phone: 8 (495) 120-15-38

    Reviews of companies

    • Vasily: six months ago I installed a servo drive on Grant at the A1-Motors service station. The guys did everything quickly and professionally. My recommendations.
    • Ivan: after buying the Lada, I replaced the power steering with an electric power steering. I ordered the work from the service station “Auto Service on Sedova”. New equipment, many repair boxes, work professionally.
    • Innokenty: comrades recommended installing an electric power steering system. I bought it at the Motel Varshavsky parts store. Good quality, reasonable prices, bonuses when purchasing.
    • Vladlen: I drove the power steering for two years and decided to switch to the electric power steering. They advised to buy from Expert-Auto. Six months have passed since installation, no complaints, my recommendations.
    • Vyacheslav: I’m leaving my positive review about the auto parts store “Spare Parts on Wheels”. Professional advice, reasonable prices, friendly staff.

    Types of speedometers

    There are currently three types of speedometers:

    • mechanical;
    • electrical;
    • electromechanical.

    On a mechanical type device, speed is transmitted from the gearbox using a cable. The distance traveled on the odometer is set by measuring the revolutions. Each revolution corresponds to a certain amount of mileage. The mileage traveled is reflected on the dial.

    Mechanical device dial

    In the electromechanical version, improvements have been made that eliminate the shortcomings of the mechanical device. The mechanical flaw was the cable, due to which the information was often incorrect. The electromechanical device is supplemented with a speed sensor, the signals from which are transmitted to the electric motor that rotates the gearbox.

    All modern cars are equipped with an electronic device. The electronic speedometer measures the number of revolutions of the wheel. The mileage traveled is calculated by analyzing the wheel circumference and the number of revolutions. The information is reflected on the display.

    Photo gallery “Speed ​​indicators”

    Malfunction in the instrument cluster

    Often the speedometer stops working due to a malfunction of the instrument panel itself. The easiest way to check this is to temporarily connect a known working panel. It is also worth checking the reliability of the contacts on the back of the dashboard. You can also check the vehicle speed readings on the on-board computer.

    If the dashboard was tuned (disassembled), then the arrow motor may have been damaged during the work, or the speed arrow is set too deep (the arrow touches the panel trim).

    Have you encountered speedometer problems? How did you manage to solve it? Let us remind you that solutions to other faults can be found in the category repair and operation of Lada Granta, Lada Kalina or Lada Priora.

    Keywords: instrument panel Lada Kalina | dashboard of Lada Granta | dashboard of Lada Priora

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