Correct replacement of shock absorbers: recommendations from KYB

Suspension is one of the most important components of any modern vehicle. A self-respecting auto industry will pay special attention to its development. Drivers will agree that it is more pleasant to drive not in a “cart”, but in a car that feels confident on uneven roads.

The suspension system includes parts, assemblies and mechanisms that play a connecting role between the body and the road surface. It performs the important functions of connecting and smoothly turning wheels, eliminating oscillatory forces that arise when interacting with asphalt and soil. The suspension includes elastic elements, guide elements and shock absorbers. It’s worth talking about the last component in more detail, since the problem of failure and repair of shock absorber struts has been and will remain relevant.

Typical shock absorber life

Automotive companies do not announce the exact figure for the period or mileage, after reaching which you can safely go to a car service center with new shock absorbers. If engine oil is changed every 10,000-15,000 km, regardless of the period of its use, then not everything is clear with the suspension elements. The service life depends on operating conditions, the condition of body parts and components, and the design of the chassis. Urban car owners are less likely to encounter problems with suspension malfunctions, while the condition of the dampers of cars driving on rural, unpaved surfaces requires repair or replacement after short periods. According to statistics, when driving on Russian roads, the driver provides the suspension with new shock absorbers that can last an average of 60-80 thousand kilometers, and diagnoses them every 20,000 km.


First, we will conduct races on standard shock absorbers. Frankly speaking, driving around a racing circuit in a Logan with a 1.4-liter engine producing 75 horsepower is not much fun. While he is accelerating on the straights, you can complete the task in the game “Need for Speed”! And in half of the turns, where sports cars have to be stopped, this Renault doesn’t need to brake at all. However, the car is harmonious and well balanced, even if the lap time is a pensioner’s: 2 minutes 15.4 seconds. In the history of our measurements, the only one slower was the Lada-114, tired from serving in the traffic police, and even then only by one and a half seconds.

How to understand when it's time to change shock absorbers

There are different categories of shock-absorbing elements - gas-oil, gas, oil, and each of them has advantages and disadvantages. If the performance of oil stops depends on temperature, then for gas stops frost is not a problem. In any case, they are all subject to the influence of time and wear, and it is important not to miss the moment the first signs appear. The main mechanism of damper failure is a violation of their tightness and oil leakage. Being under constant high load, a worn out oil seal may not cope with its task, as a result of which gas under pressure evaporates, and trapped air causes the oil to boil. The process develops over time, and at the wrong moment it can present an unpleasant surprise, creating an emergency situation for all road users. How? A driver who has lost traction has to avoid turbulence by constantly steering, which takes a lot of time and effort, and his concentration is lost. The wheels, having lost their connection with the body and with each other, begin to act separately, increasing the braking distance. This means that you need to pay close attention to the condition of the suspension and check its serviceability before each long trip. The performance of shock absorbers is assessed by two methods - a visual method and determination by changes in controllability, stability and stiffness of the suspension.

Visual method

The car is driven under the overpass, carefully inspected and the presence of oil stains on the shock absorber body is detected. To improve the quality of the test, existing stains should be wiped with a rag and reapplied after a few days. If there is no inspection hole or lift, you can dismantle the damper yourself, but such a process will take a lot of time and effort. While under the car, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • condition of the shock absorber rods. The presence of corrosion and cracks indicates a partial malfunction and the need for diagnostics
  • tire wear pattern. Often, suspension malfunctions lead to uneven wear of the rubber and the appearance of bald spots on the inside of the tire.
  • When inspecting the front part, pay attention to the condition of the springs and upper supports. The springs are intact, without cracks or damage, and are considered to be in good condition.

Determining shock absorber malfunction by changes in controllability, stability and suspension stiffness

Suspension disturbances necessarily make themselves felt, changing the vehicle's handling. The driver begins to understand that the steering wheel stops obeying him when performing certain maneuvers, the car “scours” along the road and he has to constantly steer in order to maintain a straight line. When accelerating or making a sharp turn, the car sways like a ship on the ocean caught in a storm.

Performance can be assessed by determining the stiffness of the suspension. We will not burden you with the calculation formulas given in GOST, and will simply say that vertical, longitudinal and lateral stiffness are distinguished. Vertical provides the required smoothness. Knowing the mass per axle of the car and the vibration frequency of the damper, you can determine the vertical stiffness of the suspension. Longitudinal and lateral characterize the degree of comfortable handling, reducing the need for space for wheel arches.

Is it possible to save money when purchasing

Trying to save money on shock absorbers is not a wrong concept, especially if the driver is neat and takes good care of his car. Why not purchase non-original spare parts, especially since the price difference is significant with Chinese products. Of course, manufacturers from China have recently greatly improved the quality of automotive components, but you shouldn’t rely on estimates, it’s better to calculate and check everything.

How often should shock absorbers be changed?

So, let’s take the Japanese brand KYB as the original; one Excel-G shock absorber from this company costs 2.5 thousand rubles, together with the installation of steam it will cost 7 thousand. In defiance, we take the Chinese equivalent for a thousand rubles, a pair will cost 4 thousand. In total, we saved 4 thousand. The service life of Chinese shock absorbers is 25 thousand maximum, that is, in a year and a half they will have to be changed again, and that’s 4 thousand again, plus adjustment and balancing. Japanese is enough for 4.5 years. During this time, 12 thousand will be spent on cheap shock absorbers, plus the cost of adjusting the suspension and balancing.

It is necessary to regularly check your shock absorbers for calm and safe movement on our roads.

Your car has traveled more than 80,000 km and you have never checked the shock absorbers?

Do your car tires have worn out areas and the slopes wear out very quickly?

Does your car “sag” when passing sharp turns?

Did you begin to feel every bump and hole while driving and the car began to behave uncertainly?

Are the shock absorber body and rod coated with oil?

If you answered “yes” once to any of the questions, immediately check yours and find out when you need to change the shock absorber .

Is there a way to extend the life of shock absorbers?

The shock absorber body, springs and silent blocks consist of a fairly strong material that cannot always be broken even intentionally. However, time and wear and tear cope with this task with a bang. Hard impacts, bumps, tram rails, low-profile tires, a filled trunk and interior - all this exhausts the capabilities of the resource. Lack of owner maintenance reduces service life. Based on the above, here are recommendations that extend the life of shock absorbers, extracting maximum benefit from them:

  1. Do not overload the machine. The title of any vehicle indicates the rated capacity and maximum load capacity. You should not exceed these indicators.
  2. Let it get into working mode. In the frosty season, try to travel the first kilometers at low revs and speed.
  3. Consider the condition of the roads, the climate of the area, and the average temperature when choosing a particular category of shock absorbers.
  4. When you see a “road with uneven surface” sign, slow down and try to avoid bumps and speed bumps.
  5. Do not make sudden or sharp turns, including using the parking brake.
  6. Do not waste time and money on diagnostics. As they say, the miser pays twice, and it would be unfortunate if the price was life.


We move on to braking on smooth asphalt. We rev up the Logan to 105 km/h, turn on neutral and, as soon as the display of the measuring system shows a hundred, we brake to the floor. Moaning the tires briefly in time with the operation of the anti-lock braking system, after the first three brakings the car on standard shock absorbers freezes around the 46.3 meter mark. Then the brakes heat up and the results begin to deteriorate: first by a meter, then by one and a half, two... At the tenth measurement, the Logan froze only after 52.5 meters!

Checking the car on a vibration stand

For the reason that it is not always possible to identify a malfunction on your own or without removing the element, you can contact the service. Here, trained craftsmen will perform it with high professionalism.

How are shock absorber struts checked without removing them from the vehicle?

To do this, you should drive the car onto a special vibration stand. The price of this diagnostic is a thousand or more rubles. This service is also good because not only the strut/shock absorber, but also other elements of the chassis and the brake system are subject to professional inspection. On the vibration stand, road irregularities are simulated, which will allow you to correctly determine the breakdown of a specific mechanism. In addition, this makes it possible to determine the serviceability of bearings (ball and wheel) by checking the lateral rolling of the machine.

The stand has a huge number of sensors that transmit information every second to the main computer.

Vibration test

Advantages of testing with a vibration stand

  • the highest accuracy in identifying the slightest faults;
  • minimum amount of time.

In addition, owners of freight transport cannot do without this service. Because it is impossible to rock a large car. On a vibration stand it will be possible to establish the problem in its entirety. The only downside is the low prevalence of auto repair shops with similar equipment, even in big cities. In addition, the cost of the service for some car owners can be quite high.

So, we have given several ways to check shock absorbers for malfunctions; you just have to choose the most relevant one for you.

And in order to make driving safe and get by with low repair costs, regularly check not only the shock absorbers, but also other components of your car!

Cost of replacing racks

Replacement of shock absorber strut 20-50 min 600–1500 rub. Replacing the rear shock absorber strut 20-50 min 600–1200 rub. Replacing the front shock absorber strut 20-50 min 800–1500 rub.

Related suspension services

Suspension diagnostics 15 min - 1 h 0* / 600–1200 rub. Replacing a shock absorber 20-50 min 600–1500 rub. Replacing the shock absorber support 20-50 min 800–1500 rub. Replacing the shock absorber bump stop 20-50 min 600–1500 rub. Replacing the shock absorber spring 30-60 min 600–1500 rub. Replacement of air suspension 30 min - 1 hour 2000–3500 rub. Replacing the air strut 30 min - 1 hour 2000–3500 rub. Replacement of the suspension arm 15-60 min 600–1500 rub. Replacing the boot of the suspension arm joint 20-60 min 400–900 rub. Hub replacement 1-2 hours 800–2000 rub.


There are known cases when, when diagnosing a car on a “shaky ride” with a working suspension and recently replaced shock absorbers, the data obtained indicated low residual effectiveness of the suspension. But during the “test drive” the car behaved perfectly. The reason is that the stand was not designed for more “hard” settings of the tuning series shock absorbers compared to the characteristics of the original products, as a result – a wrong verdict. Well, that happens.

A very important point! The final indicators may be influenced by such parameters as tire pressure, vehicle loading during diagnostics, small deviations from a straight line when driving to the stand (appearance of a deviation angle from the longitudinal axis), accidental installation of the vehicle on the handbrake, uneven loading of the vehicle during diagnostics, etc. .d. It will be a real pleasure for a careless repairman to “cheat” a client out of the cost of new shock absorbers, so that in the meantime, as if by accident, pump up his flat tire...

There is no single known correct method for diagnosing shock absorbers. Each case has its own specifics. Bon Voyage!

Body vibrations

Shock absorbers greatly influence not only the comfort of movement, but also the handling of the car. They dampen body vibrations and prevent the suspension from steering on bumps. Consequently, when the struts are damaged, a change in the behavior of the vehicle on the road is observed.

If the car nods unusually strongly when braking and squats back when accelerating, then this is a sure sign of problems with the suspension. To check the struts, you can get out of the car, press the edge of the hood several times and rock the car up and down. If the vibration does not die out after the first subsidence, then the racks are damaged. You cannot drive with them, as when turning they can cause a sharp drift or skid.

Checking damping properties

The steps for this method are as follows:

  1. The machine must be in a calm state.
  2. The car must be placed on a level surface.
  3. One of its sides is vigorously swung by the hands and it is checked at what time interval the car body stops swaying.

This method, for obvious reasons, can only be used on passenger cars.

It is acceptable to do 1-2 swings. If the car continues to “walk”, then the shock absorbers are faulty.

Checking the shock absorber by swinging

Minus of car rocking

The negative side of the described method is that this way you can only identify a completely unusable shock-absorbing element . Although this is the fastest and cheapest (most likely even free) diagnostic option. The second caveat is that the device does not always “play.” It happens that the rods simply jam. In such a situation, it will not be possible to rock the car.

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