Instructions for installing a standard on-board computer on a VAZ 2114

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Just a few years ago, electronics in a car were a real luxury item, available only in the most expensive models.

But time flies, technologies change. Now even the simplest, most affordable cars have in their arsenal an impressive number of electronic devices that ensure the operation of literally every system, monitoring the condition of the car and its individual components.

From this point of view, VAZ models are not distinguished by sophistication and a wide range of electronics. That’s why many people decide to install their own on-board computer.

Why is it needed?

By installing an on-board computer, you can get a device that informs you about the operation of all systems, and with enviable accuracy. The computer reads parameters, reports potential malfunctions, and allows you to prevent breakdowns before they lead to serious repairs.

New device

It is incredibly difficult to overestimate the benefits of an on-board vehicle, which is why many decide to install it on their VAZ 2114. This way, car owners, without the help of expensive equipment at a service station, will be able to independently monitor the condition of the car and promptly respond to messages from the computer, which carries out regular diagnostics.

Instrument panel VAZ 2114 - designation of icons, buttons

The instrument panel of the VAZ 2114 is considered the main element of the information presented, which reflects the entire technical condition of the car. The instrument panel on the VAZ 2114 is located in front of the driver’s eyes. After all, it is through the control panel that the driver can understand that there is a malfunction in the car; this is the so-called communication device between the driver and the car. Since car production does not stand still, new sensors, buttons and icons are added all the time.

There are several types of elements here:

  • An indicator light, it will signal certain consumable systems, such as fuel, brake fluid, oil and many others.
  • Tachometer and speedometer.
  • As well as the speedometer switching unit.

Exactly the same control systems include levers for switching turn signals, low and high beams, and much more.

Now it’s worth examining all the symbols presented on the control panel in more detail. And also what this or that indicator means, and what needs to be done if they light up. But there are times when buttons and light bulbs fail, and they should definitely be repaired, since these are the main links that will indicate a malfunction.

What to choose?

The range of on-board computers for the VAZ 2114 is quite extensive. But you shouldn’t take the first one you come across.

First, make sure that the computer you choose supports programs designed for the electronic control unit of the “fourteenth” model.

Model Gamma GF 415T

We do not recommend purchasing cheap models under any circumstances. Once you decide to install a sideboard, make sure that there is no doubt about its quality and reliability. You'll have to pay a pretty penny for it, but believe me, it's worth it.

Tips and tricks

As you can see, the on-board computer of the VAZ 2115 or VAZ 2114 is connected in the same way as many other devices in the car (for example, a car radio). At the same time, the advantage is that a suitable VAZ 2114 BC or an on-board computer on a VAZ 2115 can be installed in an existing standard place in the car. This means that you can avoid the need to install the device with a separate remote housing.

By the way, if difficulties arise and it is not possible to install an on-board vehicle on a VAZ for one reason or another, a solution can be found on specialized forums or contact an experienced specialist. However, as practice shows, all operations are often standard, that is, special skills and knowledge are not required. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions.

BC errors

If you buy a car that already has an onboard vehicle installed, this is quite good. You don't have to install it yourself.

Plus, it's a great way to check whether the car is as good as the owner claims.

To check the BC for errors, reset the daily mileage on the dashboard and at the same time turn on the ignition. Then press the button located near the windshield wiper lever. The display will show the firmware version of the installed BC, plus error codes, if any.

The main bookmaker errors are shown in the table. Moreover, the most popular of them, which are found on the VAZ 2114, are 4, 6 and 8.

CodeWhat does it mean
2The car's mains voltage is too high
3Fuel level sensor is faulty
4The coolant temperature sensor has failed
5The outside temperature sensor is faulty
6The engine gets very hot
7Oil pressure has reached a critically low level
8There are problems with the braking system
9The battery is low

Once errors are detected, appropriate decisions can be made. If we are talking about your car, simply reset the data by pressing and holding the daily mileage button. Without doing this, the errors will persist during the next diagnosis, although you have taken measures to eliminate them by repairing the corresponding components of the car.

What parameters does the BC screen display?

By connecting the onboard vehicle, you will be able to access a large amount of information and data about the operation of your car.

Parameter displays

Most computers suitable for the VAZ 2114 display the following data:

  • Vehicle speed;
  • The volume of fuel remaining in the tank;
  • Travel time;
  • Engine speed;
  • Fuel consumption indicators;
  • Engine heating degree;
  • Temperature inside the cabin;
  • The distance that the car can travel on the remaining fuel;
  • Distance traveled by the car;
  • Voltage in the on-board electrical network;
  • The amount of heating of the coolant;
  • Throttle position;
  • Total air flow;
  • Error codes and their designation in understandable language;
  • Average car fuel consumption;
  • The amount of fuel consumed for the current trip;
  • Distance traveled during the trip in kilometers;
  • Average speed;
  • Other useful information.


An on-board computer on a car is an electronic computer device designed to monitor the status of various components of the car and transmit information to the car owner. Depending on the technical equipment, on-board computers (BCs) can vary in complexity, and accordingly, the price of the device can vary significantly.

The VAZ 2114 car is equipped with BC 2114-3857010 as standard from the factory. The device is mounted on the panel to the right of the instrument cluster at the same level with it. On those VAZ models that are not equipped with such a device, there is a plug in the standard place on the instrument panel and there must be a 9-pin connector for connecting the device.

In the “native” BC 2114, you can view the following parameters on the display:

  • Current time and date;
  • Travel time excluding stops;
  • Travel time, including stops;
  • Gasoline consumption at the current time;
  • Average and total gasoline consumption per trip;
  • Mileage on the remaining gasoline in the tank;
  • Signal when there is a minimum amount of fuel left in the gas tank;
  • Total level of remaining fuel;
  • Travel distance;
  • Average speed during the trip;
  • Vehicle network voltage;
  • Signal when the mains voltage is below the permissible level.

The “Lux” package is equipped with an AMK-211501 on-board (or route) computer, which has added firmware that allows you to diagnose the electronic engine control system (ECM). But many owners of VAZ models 2113, 2114, 2115 are not satisfied with the standard equipment with its limited functionality, and they strive to install a more advanced BC with a larger set of controlled parameters. They can be understood - now there are many different models from different manufacturers.

The smallest BC State X-1M is made in the form of buttons.

BC State X-1M

It is mounted above the standard location of the trip computer instead of push-button plugs. Among the interesting additional functions of the device are:

  • “Plasmer” – warming up the spark plugs before starting the engine;
  • “Tropic” – the ability to change the temperature at which the fan turns on and thereby prevent engine overheating in hot weather.

In total, the device has 30 functions, and the BC costs about 1000 rubles. More expensive trip computers are installed in a standard place and are more functional. On the display of the Orion BK-46 model you can see up to 7 controlled parameters simultaneously, and when the battery is disconnected, all data is saved in memory in the device. The issue price is about 2500-2800 rubles.

One of the most advanced BC models for the VAZ 2114 is the “Gamma GF 415T”. Here you can see interesting features such as:

  • Displaying three multi-displays on the screen at once;
  • Non-volatile quartz watches;
  • Informing about the need to change oils, filters, spark plugs, etc.

There are a lot of controlled parameters, the cost of a bookmaker is in the range of 4000-4600 rubles. Many systems are equipped with audible alerts, and these computers are very easy to use.

How does a bookmaker differ from a control panel?

Many car owners are sure that there is no need for an on-board computer; all data is displayed on the dashboard, and that’s enough.

But let's take the speedometer as an example. As you know, it reads the engine speed, converting from to speed. But if you install wheels of larger diameter, the speed will increase, but the dashboard will work according to the old scheme, that is, you will exceed the speed limit, although everything on the speedometer is “within the limits of the law.”

Universal model

Simple clamps do not cope with their tasks as well as BC is capable of it. In theory, it is possible to calculate only from the dashboard the amount of fuel used, current and average fuel consumption, the number of kilometers traveled, and so on. But why sit behind the wheel and calculate something, be distracted, if you can just get an on-board vehicle and look at its screen, receiving the necessary information based on changing parameters.

So there is a significant difference between the BC and the dashboard.

Preliminary preparation

Preparing for installation

There are several activities that you should think about and implement before you begin installing the BC.

  1. Determine the set of functions that you want from your bookmaker. For this purpose, standard instructions are attached to each device. Plus a lot of information can be found on the Internet.
  2. It makes no sense to buy a highly sophisticated system for the VAZ 2114. But budget bookmaker models are not the best solution.
  3. The optimal package includes a monitor, a set of wires and a processor.
  4. Decide where the BC will be installed. The center console is best suited for this. But there must be adequate free space for it.
  5. If the center console doesn't fit, try the dash. Although in this case you will need an external housing.

Remember right away that after installing the on-board computer, you will also have to install the software and make the appropriate settings. Therefore, do not think that by connecting all the wires, the work can be considered completed and the BC will miraculously begin to give you objective and adequate information.


Installation process

To connect an on-board vehicle to your VAZ 2114, you don’t have to be a great specialist. By following the instructions, you can do all the work yourself. Just devote enough time and effort to this issue.

  1. First, remove the plug located on the dashboard. We will start from the fact that you have found a place for your on-board computer.
  2. After removing the plug, look for a bunch of wires that have a nine-pin connector. All VAZ models have it, so your “fourteenth” will not be an exception.
  3. Now connect this connector to your on-board computer.
  4. One of the most important activities is conducting a K-line.
  5. To do this, take a wire about 1 m long and connect it to the second pin of the nine-pin connector.
  6. The second end of the wire is connected to the diagnostic block. It is located directly under the dashboard. To make the task easier for yourself, we advise you to disconnect the panel on the right side.
  7. If you have a Euro 2 block, the wire is connected to the diagnostic block using an M-socket.
  8. If the pad is Euro 3, then you will need socket number 7.
  9. In some cases, on a VAZ 2114, the Euro 3 block is mounted upside down. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to this when connecting, so as not to confuse anything.
  10. After connecting the on-board computer, place it in the designated place and check its operation.

Connecting an on-board computer to a VAZ

If you decide to connect the device yourself, read the instructions (it is included with the unit). No special skills are needed, but we recommend studying the algorithm of actions in advance and finding a video with a detailed description of the work. The “luxury” configuration includes AMK-211501 (added with functionality for ECM diagnostics). It allows you to preheat the spark plugs and automate the operation of the fan, thereby regulating the temperature.

Connecting the on-board computer 2114 helps to monitor the current state of car systems. Failures can be deciphered using codes. If the “No errors” signal is on, everything is fine. The list of identifiers is large - below we list only a few of them:

  • 0172 (enriched fuel);
  • 0134 (oxygen sensor not active);
  • 0300 (ignition with “skips”);
  • 0505 (idle speed control malfunctions);
  • 0116 (refrigerant temperature error);
  • 0340 (phase sensor error).

How to withdraw BC

Car owners sometimes decide to replace the pre-installed factory option with an alternative one. If the device is under warranty, it will be void when removed. The work begins by removing the “-” terminal of the battery, so as not to damage the wiring and not get an electric shock. Remove the radio from the console, remove the outer panel of the audio system and remove the music unit with all the wires. In the resulting hole there will be a “sidewall”. If you are not going to install a new device, connect the wiring (or install a new BC). Reassemble everything in reverse order.

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