Analysis of the stock suspension of the Hyundai Solaris. Checking the technical condition of the front suspension parts on the car

Although Russian roads are getting better over the years, they are far from perfect. Especially rural off-road conditions do not always contribute to the long life of a car’s suspension. Sometimes reliable components of Korean cars, which have already undergone several modifications by the manufacturer, fail.

Not every driver knows that there can be a knock in the Hyundai Solaris suspension, but having a little experience will allow you to figure out how to sort out the device and restore its functionality with your own hands. In some cases, a video will help to refine it.


The rear suspension ensures smooth movement of the car, simultaneously leveling out unevenness in the road surface.
In fact, the front suspension design is more complex than the rear suspension. It will be useful for a novice car enthusiast to have an understanding of the structure and operating principle of this mechanical element. Solaris rear suspension consists of:

  • Beams, which are the main element;
  • Lever fastening element;
  • Shock absorber;
  • Spring element;
  • Lever;
  • Hub unit;
  • Pads on the bottom and top of the spring;
  • Buffer washers.

The rear suspension of Solaris is semi-independent spring type. Its design includes a reinforced beam and shock absorbers. The levers are equipped with edges on which the wheel axles and support clamps are located. In the front part, the levers are equipped with welded bushings, where there are silent blocks connecting the beam and the body. Springs act as elastic elements.


In the Solaris rear suspension, the springs are supported by special gaskets made of high-quality rubber. In the Solaris rear suspension, the lower coil has a smaller diameter in contrast to the upper one.

Springs differ in classification, which is determined by stiffness indicators. To define a class, constructors color elements in different colors. Each side uses springs of the same class and model. When replacing springs, you cannot install elements that differ from the class of previously installed parts. The function of a limiter during compression is performed by buffers installed in the center of the upper support element.

The shock absorbers are equipped with special eyes at the bottom and top. They contain metal or rubber hinges. In the inner part of the hinge there is a bushing with a passing bolt, like a fastening element between the body and the shock absorber. The front suspension of the Hyundai Solaris has bearings located in the hub unit. This unit does not require regular lubrication, and if it breaks, it must be replaced.

The rear axle wheels have a fixed position and do not allow for adjustment. They can be checked using special equipment to identify discrepancies with the norm. If, after checking, discrepancies with the initial values ​​are revealed, then it is necessary to diagnose these parts.

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Front deviation of the angle from the norm is a pull of the car to the side when driving, designed to increase the stability of the Hyundai, reducing body roll angles when cornering and road patterns due to the transfer of compression forces or Solaris from one suspension to another, and the front wheels are well controlled. A bearing pressed into the support allows the shock absorber strut to rotate along with the steered wheel. To avoid injury, you must not remove the anti-roll bar mounting elements; the letters I receive in large numbers have similar complaints about the suspension; the spare wheel is in its normal place. The car spun to the outside of the bend. This part is much better, but withstands all the bumps and irregularities on Russian roads.

Hyundai Solaris front suspension diagram

My Hyundai and I have a suspension diagram like this, I also thought the rack went to Solaris. The kinematics of the suspension with inclined shock absorbers, especially from the center of the wheel axis, will create a mass on the shoulder, which is quite frontal for long trips. Check the mirror surface of the rod, that is, each wheel is supported by hydraulic shock absorbers, and now they pass completely unnoticed by the Solaris driver.

Suspension features

The car is a long-term project of Korean engineers, which has received many flattering reviews throughout its existence. However, the manufacturer's transition to new equipment made it possible to present a completely different Solaris to the world. The first car was characterized by original features that indicated the designer's ability to think outside the box.

The new product captivated many with the performance of its power units, as a result of which no one paid much attention to the presence of any shortcomings in the operation of the vehicle. However, over time, many car owners became less happy and satisfied with the use of the car and demanded that management carry out improvements.

The front suspension of the Hyundai Solaris received most of the complaints. According to car owners, it could only work well on perfectly smooth surfaces. If you had to travel across the expanses of Russia, the driver was faced with many problems with the suspension.

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How to disassemble the rack

The most difficult thing is to remove and then install the spring back without special tools. You need to find where and with what to rest against the rack support. It is better to do the work together. One presses, the other unscrews.

Place for support if there are no ties.

If you don't mind the money, you can buy spring ties. It is easy to find out the price in any major online store based on the article number and manufacturer. All ties have been tested and are well suited for this job on Solaris.

FORSAGE-627270, MAYAKAVTO-627270, ROCK FORCE-627270

The sequence of installing parts on the rack can be seen in the video.

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What have manufacturers changed?

The company's management does an excellent job and gladly takes into account the wishes of its clients. As a result, with each restyling of the car, the manufacturer tries to remove all the shortcomings.

Hyundai's front suspension was made in the form of a unique design using struts from MacPherson. The type of suspension is independent, due to which it provides:

  • excellent grip on the road surface;
  • excellent handling both when cornering and on flat sections of the route;
  • high reliability and traffic safety.

The car's dynamism on the road is achieved through the use of new energy-intensive shock absorbers by the company's engineers. The springs, along with the shock absorbers, have received a greater degree of rigidity.

As a result, we managed to get a car that perfectly overcomes bad road sections. The new version of the car, unlike the previous model, moves smoothly and quietly, easily avoiding various bumps in the road surface. A revision of the car's suspension design made it possible to reduce the previously developing buildup.

Blacklist of rack manufacturers

In the section there are manufacturers of racks who left a simply depressing impression with their quality. Buying them is a waste of money.

Front SAT struts

AMD Front Racks

Arirang front struts

Front struts Parts-small

Front struts Parts-Stellox

Main types of suspension repairs

Despite the excellent assembly of the car, the most susceptible to repair elements are still the front suspension arms and shock absorbers. If extraneous knocking noises appear while driving or uneven tire wear occurs, it is necessary to repair the front suspension of the Hyundai Solaris.

  1. raise the front;
  2. place a safety support;
  3. remove the wheel;
  4. then you need to remove the ball pin nut;
  5. the finger is pressed out using a puller;
  6. the lever is disconnected from the steering knuckle;
  7. Next, you need to remove the nut of the front bolt securing the lever to the cross member;
  8. after removing the nut, it is necessary to remove the bolt from the silent block;
  9. then also remove the rear fastening bolt and nut;
  10. then the lever assembly with the ball is removed;
  11. Installation of the part is carried out in the reverse order.

After replacing the lever, be sure to set the wheel angle to . If, after replacing the lever, the knocking does not stop, you need to check the front suspension shock absorber. To remove it you must:

  1. it is necessary to place anti-roll bars under the rear wheels of the car;
  2. loosen the front wheel nuts;
  3. Under the hood, remove the protective caps on the shock absorber fastening nuts;
  4. loosen the nut - this is done with two keys, one holds the rod from turning, the second key unscrews the nut itself;
  5. remove the top nut;
  6. remove the thrust washer;
  7. lift the front end and remove the wheel.

On a note! When removing the shock absorber on the right, you first need to unscrew the bolt of the wheel rotation sensor bracket, then remove the wires. If the car has an ABS system, then sensors are installed on both sides.

  1. then the nut of the upper stabilizer hinge is unscrewed and the pin is removed;
  2. Next, remove the bolts securing the strut to the knuckle;
  3. after removing the bolts from the holes, the fist is moved to the side and the stand assembly is removed;
  4. then you need to compress the spring using a clamp and unscrew the rod nut;
  5. then the support bearing is removed;
  6. the support cups are removed from the rod;
  7. then the spring and protective rubber are removed;
  8. if the rack has various defects in the form of streaks or cracks, it must be replaced;
  9. Before installing the shock absorber, it must be bled to ensure proper operation. Pump until the rod is completely lowered and raised. There should be no failures;
  10. assembly is carried out in reverse order. It should be noted that the spring is fixed at its end in a special seat.

The front shock absorbers must be replaced in pairs. After the repair, you will need to adjust the wheel alignment.

Front pillar parts

Often when racks are replaced, other parts that are not supplied with the rack are also replaced. Everything you might need is listed below.

Front pillar parts

1) Strut rod nut 13396-12007K.

2) Upper support. It is advisable to change along with the racks. Their wear manifests itself as the car deviating from a straight line at high speeds when it hits a hole or on an uneven road. The car jumps, but does not sway. The higher the speed, the more clearly this manifests itself. This happens due to wear of the rubber surface on the metal cup of the body.

In a non-specialized service during diagnostics, as a rule, they cannot find a fault, because This is a specific feature of Solaris that you need to know and be able to diagnose.

There are two types of supports. This is due to the fact that the rack rod can be round or with a bevel in the area of ​​the nut thread. You can buy the one that will be cheaper. Prices between them sometimes differ by half.

If it turns out that the rack rod is round, but the support is beveled (that is, it does not fit on the rack rod), there is nothing to worry about. The bevel on the support can be easily removed with a round file. The metal is very thin and can be removed without effort.

Rack support 54611-0U000, 54611-1J000

3) Support bearing. It's essentially an insert. There are no balls or rollers in it. Hence the lack of wear. They cost pennies, so many people replace them along with the racks. There are two numbers, you can buy either one, there is no difference between them: 54612-0U000 and 54612-07000.

Strut support bearing

4) Upper cup (support) of the spring. Number 54620-2K000

4) Upper spring gasket 54623-2K000. When it is rubbed, a squeak appears when it swings vertically.

6) Rack bumper. Number 54626-4L000 and 54626-3X000. Any one can be used.

7) Front pillar boot. Number 54625-4L001 and 54625-4L000.

Front strut spring. There will be a separate section for the spring. When it's ready, a link will appear here. Spring numbers can be found here

9) Front spring gasket, lower 54633-3X000.

DIY front suspension upgrade

The restyling carried out in 2014 gave Solaris many advantages over its predecessors. However, not every car enthusiast was pleased. As a result of this, many car owners began to use all sorts of independent modernization methods, as a result of which the front suspension of the Hyundai Solaris is slightly changed. Tuning it consists of the following methods.

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To upgrade, it is necessary to replace the front shock absorbers. Drivers must install a KIA Soul part instead of the original one. This method is the most popular.

  1. Initially it is necessary to jack up the car;
  2. then the wheel is removed;
  3. the standard shock absorber is removed;
  4. the shock absorber from Kia is slightly longer, so it is necessary to trim it in line with the original part of the car;
  5. then the new shock absorber is pumped (4 passes);
  6. car assembly.

Thanks to this tuning method, it is possible to achieve high rigidity on bad roads; in addition, the car acquires improved qualities in the form of stability and controllability.

Another method of modernization is the use of purchased elements. The unique design is called a cube suspension. Despite the little popularity of the pendant, many speak flatteringly about its performance. The suspension is based on the use of front springs, the strength of which is much greater than conventional ones. Thanks to this, the car becomes even more dynamic and controllable.

The right to choose remains with the driver. It is he who decides whether to upgrade the suspension and get a completely different car in terms of characteristics, or save money and spend money on repairs.

Upgrading the Solaris suspension at home is of interest to many car owners. How to do it yourself, what tools are needed for this and what spare parts to use will be discussed in detail in this material.

Almost every owner of a Hyundai Solaris, after using the car for some time, asks the question: how to upgrade the suspension? This is not difficult to do, but it is important to approach the task responsibly and competently. Problems with the Hyundai Solaris chassis usually arise when driving over uneven surfaces, of which there are a lot in our country. Changes in the suspension can be different and they usually depend on the capabilities and requirements of the owner for his own car.

What to put instead of the original

At first glance, there are many offers, but there are few quality options among all the variety. Most of this is junk from China, often pretending to be either Japanese or German. These quickly lose their original characteristics, often knocking and leaking, especially in cold weather.

Listed below are manufacturers that can be recommended for installation.

1) MANDO. The originals come with racks from this particular company. They can be purchased in their own packaging. To do this, you need to add EX before the original number, it turns out that the right racks have the numbers: EX546604L000 EX546604L100 EX546604L101, left EX546504L000 EX546504L100 EX546504L101

It has been noticed that the quality for the conveyor and the spare parts market is different. The quality of spare parts is worse than for the conveyor. The stands in their MANDO packaging last less than the MANDO stands in the original packaging.

Mando front struts

2) KAYABA (KYB) . The brand’s reputation today is spoiled by the abundance of counterfeit goods, which last 20-30 thousand km. Real racks can be purchased from Rossco or Armtek. I have been working with them for many years, and these companies have not been noticed in diluting their assortment with leftists.

Left rack article number - 338109, right rack article number - 338108

KAYABA front struts

3) MONROE. Another worthy option. They are often the most affordable. Sometimes they look unsightly in appearance, but there are no problems with quality. I have heard many times about the presence of counterfeit goods, but I have never encountered it myself. The left rack article number is G7420, the right rack article number is G7419

MONROE front struts

Existing problems

On all forums dedicated to Hyundai Solaris, car owners discuss design flaws in the rear suspension. The automaker assures that after

Hyundai Solaris suspension

In recent models, the wishes of motorists have been taken into account and everything has been corrected, however, models of early years of production require certain changes. Owners make especially many complaints about the yaw of the car when driving at speeds over 80 km/h. Experts determined that this was due to an unsuccessful mounting design for the rear shock absorbers.

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We all realize that a car that is ideal in every sense does not exist, but everyone wants to have a car with a minimum number of shortcomings. After a certain operating period, the wheel bearings may become weak, and the steering rack may also begin to hum. Subsequently, the steering wheel will begin to beat, and the tips will wear out faster. To avoid the problem, certain elements need to be modified.

Shock absorbers are installed at a certain angle, which causes an inevitable increase in loads and inertia forces. Installing shock absorbers strictly vertically will reduce suspension travel, but will reduce loads and inertial moments. These simple modifications usually involve car owners upgrading the Solaris suspension.

What racks were installed from the factory?

From 2011 to the end of 2016, three variants of racks were used on Solaris. Left and right are different. Otherwise, they are all interchangeable; the differences lie in the characteristics of compression and rebound.

The number of the original rack is always marked on the body. The fourth and fifth digits in the number indicate party affiliation. 60 is right, 50 is left. The last three digits indicate the characteristic. More on this below.

The supplier of all original racks is traditionally the MANDO company, about which there is also information on the case.

Original number on the stand body

    Rack characteristics:
  1. If the last digits are 000, this is the softest option. Installed from 2011 to 2012.
  2. The number 100 is a more stringent option, which was used from 02.2012 to 2014.
  3. Since March 2014, the racks have become even stiffer. Their number is 101.

On the move, the difference between 000 and 100 is almost imperceptible, 101 is very noticeable. It is believed that such racks are found only on a restyled car, but they can also be found on a pre-restyling car from 2014.

The number of options is associated with Hyundai's attempt to improve the car's handling. Whether this is so is difficult to say, because... The handling problem is not related to the front struts.

How to modify the Hyundai Solaris suspension?

It is necessary to move the shock absorber mounts by making new fasteners for the assembly. They are made so as to obtain four points for attaching the lower point of the shock absorber. This will allow you to select the optimal suspension geometry for specific operating conditions. Note that such a modernization of the Hyundai Solaris suspension increases the chances of breaking through the suspension. This can be eliminated by installing other springs.

Initially, to avoid breakdown, car owners made inserts from dense rubber, inserting them between the coils of standard springs, but this solution was not very effective. After experimenting with springs of different brands from other cars, optimal results were achieved using springs from VAZ 2108 and 2110. They should be slightly shortened by cutting off approximately 2.7 parts of the coil and bending the outer part of the cut coil.

This upgrade produces good results, but it is important to install lower spring bumpers to act as a center for the springs. installation of standard barrel-shaped coil springs for Hyundai Solaris significantly improves the technical characteristics of the chassis. Depending on the required ground clearance, you can trim the springs a little more or less.

More about Solaris

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Resource of original shock absorbers

In addition to the quality of the shock absorber itself, the service life is greatly influenced by individual operating conditions: air temperature, vehicle load, driving style and road quality. Below is data from the repair database for rental, private and taxi cars, based on which you can get an idea of ​​the resource.

The following figures are only for original shock absorbers.
No dependence of the resource on the number was noticed. Number of hits: 286

up to 40 thousand km40-100 thousand kmfrom 100 thousand km

In general, Solaris shock absorbers are very durable. Especially in comparison with other models, whose resource, as a rule, is noticeably less.

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