Door trim for VAZ 2110 - how to change it, which one to choose, cost

The VAZ 2110 car itself is quite nice. An important advantage of the model is that it interacts well with various tuning methods. This car is literally made to be customized.

Moreover, the improvement should be not only technical and external. Many people do the right thing when they decide to replace their door trim. So the interior looks richer, more interesting, newer, the inside looks no worse than modern foreign cars. The most important thing is that you can do all this yourself. More about this in our article today.

What you can get

Replacement options

Today you can find VAZ 2110 door cards ready for installation, especially in the Lux or Lux 2 versions; they can be either purely plastic or with fabric inserts.

Door trim VAZ 2110 Lux

There are also euro panels, which in online stores are most often called “Door trim for VAZ 2110 Lux 2”. The finished cladding probably has only one drawback - its high price.

But there is another, more budget-friendly option - to do the door trim yourself. With the right approach, you will cope with this task, and we will tell you how to do it correctly.


The cost of one door trim piston is from 3 rubles. AvtoVAZ produces plastic fasteners in its workshops. Product code 2108-6302015, 21080630201500, width, clip length 1.5 cm.

The mount has a simple shape and holds the door panel trim using a plastic skirt. The manufacturer claims high quality parts, but in practice, when disassembling the door card, two of the six required clips break. When installing Euro sheathing, on average one clip breaks, this is worth taking into account.



Tools and materials

Before you start upholstering doors with your own hands, you need to stock up on what you can’t do without:

  • Fabric or vinyl (another name is faux leather) is best purchased in stores that sell fabrics. Even before you go there, take measurements of your doors so that there is about 5 centimeters of allowance on each side. This is necessary to ensure that the fabric fits perfectly, and most importantly, that it is enough to fill all the protrusions and cavities;
  • Glue like Moment or another that has worked well for you. Possibly – Titan, Master, etc.;
  • Cutting scissors;
  • Stationery type knife;
  • Construction hairdryer. If you are unlikely to need it in everyday life, you can often rent it;
  • 2 brushes: narrow and wider with normal bristles;
  • Antenna cable;
  • Upholstery fastening pistons (clips). It is better to take them with a small reserve, since their removal is often accompanied by breakage. Please note that each door has 8 pistons;
  • Self-tapping screws. If you are making fabric or vinyl trim, then standard, short screws, the same as the previous ones on the door, will do. But if you are going to install Euro panels with your own hands, then to attach them to the bottom you will need long self-tapping screws;
  • You may need new speakers, these should also be purchased in advance. Please note that usually in ready-made Lux 2 panels there are holes for speakers of 16 - 17 cm.

Preparing a new canvas

Usually the skin is removed if the panel is deformed or if there is a desire to replace the panel. If the car has been in an accident, the panel part can be replaced with a piece of plywood. The main thing is to take accurate measurements and cut to the exact shape. The same goes for the material. It is purchased in advance, marked and cut out. Its total size is equal to the diameter of the panel, only 2-3 cm is left at the edges for hemming. In addition to the basic set of tools you will need:

  1. To install new sheathing, you will need an adhesive so that the material fits tightly onto the main part.
  2. For internal fastening, you need a construction stapler with staples or hardware. In the latter case, you still need a drill to drill holes.
  3. Additional clips are purchased in advance. When disassembling the door, these fasteners periodically break.

Drivers are offered a variety of materials: leather, substitute, leatherette, auto fabric, Alcantra, carpet. Any of them is suitable for covering. After the old cladding has been separated from the panel and a new piece of fabric has been prepared, all that remains is to secure the material. Stages:

  1. The plywood is coated with glue.
  2. The fabric is stretched.
  3. The folds are straightened out.
  4. Holes are created for self-tapping screws or the canvas is fixed around the perimeter with a stapler.
  5. A hole is cut for the speaker.


Front doors

Removing door trims is not at all difficult. The only unpleasant thing is that the clips are often damaged.

They can, of course, be repaired, but it’s much easier to stock up on ready-made ones without fooling yourself. There are some peculiarities: if you have euro cards, you need to dismantle the window lift lever (if your VAZ has one).

But we will tell you about the basic algorithm for dismantling door trim with your own hands:

  1. It is necessary to use a thin screwdriver to press the trim of the manual window lift handle away from the socket, guiding it so that it disengages and remove it. If you have electric windows, then naturally skip this point;
  2. Remove the socket;
  3. Using a screwdriver, release the locking mechanism for the inner handle of the armrest and remove it;
  4. Remove the screws securing this handle;
  5. Press the inner handle of the lock, turn the armrest handle up and remove it;
  6. Unscrew the button blocking the door lock;
  7. Unscrew the screw securing the outside mirror control mechanism and remove it from the lever;
  8. Remove the triangular trim, removing the pistons for its fastening from the two holes in the door.

Rear doors

Removing the rear door trim of a VAZ with your own hands has some differences.

First you need to unscrew the fastening screws (there are 3 of them) and remove the cover. Using a screwdriver, press the upholstery so that the pistons bounce off.

When doing this, keep the screwdriver close to each piston so as not to tear off the holders. It is also necessary to remove the spacer sleeve from the window lifter shaft.

How to remove and reinstall the front door trim on a VAZ 2110, 2111, 2112

Step-by-step photo and video instructions for removing the trim on the front door on VAZ 2112, 2110, 2111 cars.

It is best to have a couple of pistons for fastening the door trim in stock, because... they can easily break during disassembly.

1. Using a thin screwdriver, press the trim of the window handle away from the socket. At this moment, you need to move it so that the protrusion on the cladding snaps away from the socket. After this, you can remove the trim and window handle.

2. After this, you can remove the socket itself.

3. Using the same screwdriver, press the lock of the plug and remove it from the inner handle of the armrest.

4. The inner armrest handle is held on by two screws. You need to unscrew them too.

5. We press the inner handle of the lock and at the same time turn the armrest handle up and remove it while removing the lock handle from the hole in the armrest handle.

6. The lock button is simply unscrewed with a screwdriver.

7. Now you need to unscrew the screw and remove the outside rear view mirror control mechanism from the lever.

8. The triangular overlay is held on by two pistons.

9. If you are removing the rear door, you need to unscrew the 3 screws securing the trim and remove it.

10. The door trim on the VAZ 2110 itself is held on by 8 pistons. The position of the pistons on the front door is indicated in the photo.

11. And on the back door. To remove the upholstery...

12. ... You need to use a screwdriver to press out the upholstery so that the pistons come out of the fastenings. Try to place the screwdriver as close to the pistons as possible - there is a chance that the pistons holders will simply come off.

13. Remove the spacer sleeve from the window lifter shaft.

14. Broken upholstery fastening pins should be replaced. The old piston is simply cut off. The new piston is inserted into the hole with the protrusion and, with light pressure, rotates in the hole until it is completely fixed in the holder.

15. The VAZ 2110 door trim is installed back in the reverse order of removal. Make sure that the end of the lock lock gets into the hole in the trim.

16. Using light blows of your fist on the upholstery, secure the pistons in the door.

17. The edge of the seal must remain outside. If it gets under the upholstery, take it out.

18. In order to remove the front door pocket, you need to unscrew 3 lower and 1 upper screws and it will simply come off. It is also installed back.


After finishing removal, clean the cards from dust using a vacuum cleaner, and begin tuning yourself.

First of all, measure and cut the necessary “patterns” for all door cards, taking into account an allowance of 5 or even 7 centimeters for each side.

This is so that during the process of gluing the sheathing material you do not have to install patches or redo everything all over again.

The glue must be applied to the cards with brushes one at a time so that it has time to dry a little, but not dry out. Having coated the doors with glue, we proceed to the cut piece of vinyl or fabric, which we also coat with glue on the back side, and set aside for 10-15 minutes.

After this time, we proceed directly to gluing the upholstery to the door cards. Vinyl stretches well, filling door “cavities”, but for this it needs to be heated with a hair dryer and smoothed over each cavity and bulge with your hands, preferably with gloves. The edges need to be carefully folded inside out and trimmed.


Before directly reupholstering, it is recommended to check the condition of the inner door panel, remove pockets of corrosion, check or replace sound insulation, replace rubber seals, so the doors will open better. For VAZ 2110, the service life of door seals is up to 3 years. The process of re-covering a door part yourself step by step:

  1. Clean the outside of the card. You can sand it with fine-grain emery for better adhesion of glue and leather.
  2. Attach the door card to the material, cut around the perimeter, leaving at least 7 cm around the edges.
  3. Treat the outer surface with glue and the inside of the future cladding with glue. Apply glue according to the manufacturer's recommendations. If an adhesive composition is used, then after coating you need to wait up to 10 minutes.
  4. Place the vinyl on the door card, constantly heating the material with a hairdryer, and level the surface so that the leatherette fills all the curves of the part: the space for the speaker, for the central panel, the recesses for the handles.
  5. Cut out all the holes that are covered with vinyl in the door card from the center and not reaching the perimeter, carefully wrap it on the wrong side, making sure that the edges of the fold do not exceed 2-3 cm. Trim off the remaining vinyl.
  6. After gluing the card, trim off the remaining vinyl, leaving at least 3-5 cm on the inside of the card perimeter.

Detailed instructions for replacing the windshield and rear glass of a car with your own hands

After the glue has completely dried, install the door card on the car in the reverse order, having first changed all the clips.

Installation of a ready-made kit

If you decide to buy a ready-made set - VAZ Euro trim panels Lux 2, you will get a more stylish version of the interior.

In addition, such plastic panels improve sound insulation, which is always important for VAZ.

You can also install them yourself.

Door trim VAZ 2110 Lux

We have already talked about how removal is carried out, and now about some of the subtleties of installing Lux 2 upholstery:

  • The kit usually includes only the upholstery panels themselves in the amount of 4 pieces. Everything else for them - caps, meshes for the speakers - needs to be purchased.
  • Don’t really believe sellers who claim that the Lux 2 upholstery will exactly fit the doors of the VAZ 2110. Don’t be surprised if some of the clips don’t fit, usually 2 of them in the front door, and 1 in the rear.
  • Be sure to secure the bottom of the casing with long self-tapping screws.
  • If your front doors are not equipped with power windows, you will have to make holes for the handles.
  • With conventional window lift handles, a gap will form in the rear doors, which will need to be masked, for example, using a piece of hose. However, it would be better to immediately install electric windows on all doors - it’s convenient, plus the trim panels will fall into place without problems.

Stories from our readers

“Fucking basin. "

Hi all! My name is Mikhail, now I’ll tell you a story about how I managed to exchange my two-wheeler for a 2010 Camry. It all started with the fact that I began to be wildly irritated by the breakdowns of the two-wheeler, it seemed like nothing serious was broken, but damn it, there were so many little things that really started to irritate me. This is where the idea arose that it was time to change the car to a foreign car. The choice fell on the melting Camry of the tenth years.

Yes, I had matured morally, but financially I just couldn’t handle it. I’ll say right away that I am against loans and taking a car, especially not a new one, on credit is unreasonable. My salary is 24k a month, so collecting 600-700 thousand is almost impossible for me. I started looking for different ways to make money on the Internet. You can’t imagine how many scams there are, what I haven’t tried: sports betting, network marketing, and even the volcano casino, where I successfully lost about 10 thousand ((The only direction in which it seemed to me that I could make money was currency trading on the stock exchange, they call it Forex. But when I started delving into it, I realized that it was very difficult for me. I continued to dig further and came across binary options. The essence is the same as in Forex, but it’s much easier to understand. I started reading forums, studying trading strategies. I tried it on a demo account, then opened a real account. To be honest, I didn’t manage to start earning money right away, until I understood all the mechanics of options, I lost about 3,000 rubles, but as it turned out, it was a precious experience. Now I earn 5-7 thousand rubles a day. I managed to get the car buy after half a year, but in my opinion this is a good result, and it’s not about the car, my life has changed, I naturally quit my job, I have more free time for myself and my family. You’ll laugh, but I work directly on the phone)) If If you want to change your life like me, then here’s what I advise you to do right now: 1. Register on the site 2. Practice on a Demo account (it’s free). 3. As soon as you get something on the Demo account, top up your REAL ACCOUNT and go to REAL MONEY! I also advise you to download the application to your phone, it’s much more convenient to work from your phone. Download here.

Plastic reupholstery VAZ 2110

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Upholstery of rear doors of VAZ 2110

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Instructions on how to reupholster the front door trim yourself

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The result of reupholstering the interior of a VAZ 2111 with your own hands

I believe that he can reupholster the interior of a car with his own hands..

Tuning the interior of a VAZ 2110 is a very important sub-item of external tuning. Since tuning on the outside of the car (body kits, spoiler, optics, etc.) pleases the eyes of passers-by, and changes in the interior are pleasant for you and those who ride in your car. The scope of work here is very wide, so first draw up a plan on a piece of paper. Namely, decide what you want to change.

Cost of ready-made kits and accessories

The average price of ready-made door trim kits (4 pieces) for VAZ 2110 is as follows:

  • Standard door cards - 2400 rubles;
  • LUX door upholstery - 3150 rubles;
  • Door upholstery LUX 2 - 3300 rubles;
  • Plastic podiums for standard upholstery - 300 rubles.

The VAZ 2110 car itself is quite nice. An important advantage of the model is that it interacts well with various tuning methods. This car is literally made to be customized.

Moreover, the improvement should be not only technical and external. Many people do the right thing when they decide to replace their door trim. So the interior looks richer, more interesting, newer, the inside looks no worse than modern foreign cars. The most important thing is that you can do all this yourself. More about this in our article today.

What you can get

Car rear door reupholstery

After you have tightened the interior plastic, I advise you to move on to a more complex stage - covering the rear door trims (the shape of the rear door trim is lighter than the front).
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Replacing the threshold of a VAZ 2110 with your own hands video


There are several options for replacing door trim. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and, of course, the final appearance.

  • Lux 1 and Lux ​​2. These are ready-to-install cards designed specifically for the domestic top ten. Depending on the design, these door cards are made entirely of plastic or with inserts made of fairly good quality fabric.
  • Europanels. For some reason, in online stores such products are called Lux ​​2 door trim, although this is actually a little different. Regardless of the name, this trim looks great. But it has a serious drawback - high cost.
  • With my own hands. The most budget option for replacing door trim. If you approach this issue competently and consistently, you can easily cope with the task without outside help. Today we will talk about them in more detail.

Required Tools

Any work involving repair or modification of a car begins with the search for the necessary materials and tools.

This list is mandatory; without it, it will be impossible to carry out work on replacing the door trim.

  1. Fabric or artificial leather, that is, vinyl. Buy them at fabric stores. Don’t forget to make replacements and calculations first to determine the exact amount of upholstery material needed. IMPORTANT! There should be an allowance of 5 centimeters on each side of the door. This significantly affects the total amount of fabric.
  2. Glue. Choose a proven adhesive that is sure to hold your new upholstery. It could be Moment, Master, Titan or something similar.
  3. Scissors. They will be used to cut upholstery material.
  4. Stationery knife. Something will definitely have to be cut off. In this case, a sharp stationery knife cannot be replaced.
  5. Construction hairdryer. It’s not worth buying it for one event to modify the car. Today this device can be rented.
  6. Brushes with high-quality bristles. One should be narrow, and the second should be a little wider.
  7. Antenna cable.
  8. Mounting clips. With their help you will attach fabric or leather. Be sure to buy extra, as these caps may break during installation. Also keep in mind that there are 8 pistons for each door.
  9. Self-tapping screws. Their size depends on the selected panels. If these are handmade products, you will need short, standard self-tapping screws. If we are talking about Euro panels, then purchase long screws.
  10. Speakers. New pre-fabricated panels include holes for speakers. So, in Lux 2 their size is about 17 centimeters. This is an excellent reason to install a new audio system in the cabin.

car door trim

We have said many times that in order to make the car interior significantly quieter, comprehensive noise and vibration insulation (SVI) should be done. But it is not always possible to completely make the car noisy; often drivers decide only to make partial improvements. Do you know what effect will come from soundproofing doors alone?

Recently, airbrushing on fabric has become increasingly popular. Most often, T-shirts and T-shirts are used as a material, but some suggest using car door or ceiling trim as a canvas.

Owners of VAZ cars know firsthand what crickets are in a car. When they begin to irritate on the road, the driver frantically searches for their habitat. The acoustics in the car are very deceptive, so it is not always possible to find the cause of the squeak. In this article, we will look at the most common problems associated with extraneous noise and rattling, as well as how to remove squeaks inside and outside the car with your own hands.

Door trims have to be removed quite often, in one case this is done to repair window regulators, in another for sound insulation, and sometimes in order to re-tighten the door cards. If you “overdo it” during the dismantling process, you can break the fastenings or the casing itself. Do you know how to repair it?

Tuning a car's interior involves a set of works to change interior elements (dashboard, doors, seats, etc.). We have already talked many times about how you can modify door linings (upholstery), but this time we will look at how to install euro door trims instead.

All owners of domestic station wagons (VAZ 2111) and hatchbacks (VAZ 2112) know what rear door rattling is. We are talking about the upholstery of the fifth door, which is attached to plastic clips. In this photo report, we’ll look at how you can secure this casing more securely so that it no longer rattles.
Tuning a VAZ 2110 with your own hands requires a lot of effort and time.

On some car models there is a pocket in the doors that can serve as a door handle or as a small glove compartment where you can put some small items. Let's consider what pitfalls there may be when installing such a pocket in the doors of a VAZ 2110.

You can diversify the interior of your car in various ways, and one of them is to install an interior from Lada Priora. It is not necessary to install the entire Priora interior in a VAZ 2110; you can also focus on its individual elements (ceiling, plastic, etc.).

You've probably noticed that some foreign cars have a red light on the edge of the door. It is designed so that in the dark it is clearly visible that the door is open. How you can make such a side door light on a VAZ 2110 will be discussed in this article.

Everyone knows that Russian cars are a rattle, and a dozen are no exception. Some try to somehow deal with the creaking and rattling in the cabin, and some turn up the music louder and do not pay attention to all this. If you belong to the first category of people, then this article may be useful to you.

A common problem for owners of VAZ 2111-12 is rattling and creaking in the trunk. Not surprising, because these cars have a trunk in the cabin! We will show you in detail how to overcome the rattling of the fifth door.

The location of the power window buttons on the VAZ 2110 is not convenient. You have to look for them under winter clothes. It is also difficult to reach the buttons if there is an armrest that does not tip back. One solution to this problem is to move the power window buttons from the central tunnel to the driver's door.

You should move on to reupholstering the front doors after you have finished working on the rear ones, which have a simpler shape. In this case, you will have to try to prevent the material from coming off.


Dismantling work is the beginning of your journey to replacing the door panel trim. It's nice to know that this task is quite simple. This is especially true for the front doors.

We will tell you separately about the nuances of dismantling the front and rear door trims of your VAZ 2110.

Disassembled cards


Let's say right away that the likelihood of damaging the standard clips is very high. But this is not scary, since new products are cheap, and their installation is much simpler than repairing old caps.

If you are installing Euro panels, you will have to remove the lever from the window regulator.

The process is performed according to a certain algorithm:

  • Using a thin screwdriver, pry the window handle trim away from the socket. Direct it in such a way that it disengages. Now remove the lining. This item is not relevant for those whose car is equipped with electric windows;
  • Remove the socket now;
  • Using a screwdriver, press out the latch on the plug for the inner handle of your armrest, and then remove it;
  • Remove the handle mounting screws;
  • Press the inner handle of the lock and turn the armrest handle up. This way you can remove the element;
  • Next, unscrew the button that blocks the door lock;
  • Remove the screw that secures the exterior mirror control mechanism. It must be removed from the lever;
  • Remove the triangular trim. To do this, the fastening pins are removed from two holes in the door.

Upholstery in all its glory


The rear trim is removed slightly differently. But this does not make the procedure significantly more complicated.

  • Remove the three mounting screws;
  • Remove the trim;
  • Using a screwdriver, press out the upholstery. This will allow the pistons to pop out;
  • Try to keep the screwdriver as close to the piston as possible to avoid breaking the holders;
  • Don't forget to also remove the spacer sleeve from the window lift shaft.


Now we can begin to create a new look for your interior by independently reupholstering the dismantled door panels.

Preparations are in full swing

Before starting work, be sure to clean the cards, go over them with a vacuum cleaner, and replace the door seals if necessary. This will allow them to close better, without unnecessary noise.

The job of re-upholstering yourself is not difficult. Especially if you already have experience working with fabric or leatherette in or outside the car.

  1. Measure and cut the pieces from your chosen fabric or vinyl to size.
  2. An allowance of 5-7 centimeters must be provided for each side. This is necessary in order to avoid the use of patches when covering.
  3. Gradually apply adhesive to the cards, letting it dry a little. Just be sure to make sure that the glue does not dry completely.
  4. When you have coated the doors, use the same glue to treat the surfaces of fabric or leatherette, depending on what you choose. Let these elements sit for about 10 minutes so that the glue dries a little, but does not dry out.
  5. After the specified time has passed, begin gluing elements of the material onto the door cards. Vinyl is good because it stretches well and fills all the differences and depressions in the card structure.
  6. To ensure that the vinyl stretches and fills all the gaps, preheat the material using a hair dryer.
  7. Smooth the material by hand, but it is better to wear gloves for this.
  8. The edges with the allowance are carefully folded to the wrong side, after which they can be trimmed.
  9. Do the same with all the doors of your VAZ 2110. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here.
  10. Experienced car owners and fans of comprehensive tuning of domestic cars note that some other interior elements should be covered with the same material in order to achieve an ideal picture of the car’s interior. This could be the glove compartment lid, a triangle near the mirrors, a steering casing, etc.
  11. When reassembling cards with new skins, use pistons. To install them, you will need to make appropriate holes in the casing. This is where a sharp utility knife comes in handy.


Trunk lining

Before you begin dismantling the trunk door trim, it should be noted that the VAZ 2110 is manufactured in three versions - sedan, hatchback and station wagon. To make it easier for you to remove the trim on the tailgate, you need to perform separate steps for each version of the car. Removing the trim from the tailgate of the hatchback begins:

  • Using a Phillips screwdriver, you need to unscrew several screws that secure the trim to the door (one of them is located at the top, the rest are at the bottom of the car door).
  • Using a special tool or a simple slotted screwdriver, remove the button of the four holders of the upper upholstery fastening. Each holder has its own button. After dismantling it, the holder itself is removed.
  • A slotted screwdriver is inserted under the fabric and, with a careful, leisurely movement, pries out the lower part of the door trim. The upholstery is removed.

To carry out work on installing the upholstery, you need to start doing the steps from the last paragraph of the instructions. The option of removing the trim on the trunk door of a station wagon requires consideration. Work must begin after the car is installed on a flat road surface, it is secured on all sides, and the hand brake is applied. Before doing this work, the car must be washed. How to properly wash a car should be found in the vehicle’s operating manual. Detailed information is available on the Internet:

  • There are two screws on the top of the tailgate trim that need to be removed.
  • On the surface of the door you should find four fasteners that need to be removed. Removing them with a screwdriver will help remove the door trim fasteners.
  • A Phillips screwdriver is used to remove the screws on the right side of the door. After removing them from the car, you need to remove the upholstery fasteners.
  • By analogy with the right side of the door, the trim fastening on the left side of the car's trunk door is removed.
  • Using a special tool (puller) or a simple screwdriver, four buttons are removed, which are holders of the lower trim of the tailgate.
  • There are also two screws that secure the upholstery. They need to be unscrewed.
  • The door has seven holders that secure the upholstery. They need to be removed. A sharp object is used for this. After disconnecting them, the lower door trim is removed.

Installation occurs in the same sequence as during the disassembly process, only you need to start from the last point. It is recommended to use video and photo components in the process. It is necessary to determine for yourself, after reading this instruction, whether the driver can cope with this work. When all these movements seem difficult to perform or there is no time to carry out this repair, it is better to entrust the car to specialists. The service station will carry out repairs many times faster than if you work independently according to the instructions. The cost will increase significantly, but if some parts are damaged, you will have to pay more. New upholstery can be purchased at specialized stores. At the moment, the upholstery market for VAZ 2110 cars has a wide range of options. You can choose not only the color, but also the material. The price will vary depending on the material and its manufacture. To install new upholstery with your own hands, you just need a little attention and the desire to do this work. You can also learn about replacing the ceiling trim on our resource.

Working with ready-made kits

Do-it-yourself upholstery is good, cheap, and the interior will be a source of pride for you, since you decorated it with your own hands.

But still, not every car owner is well versed in fabrics, knows how to sew, or has mastered all the nuances of a pattern. So the result does not always live up to expectations.

Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to ready-made kits. Factory VAZ Lux 2 panels are in great demand; they create an excellent appearance for the interior.

An important advantage of Lux 2 type kits is the presence of an additional sound insulation effect, which is very important and useful for the VAZ 2110.

It is not necessary to contact specialists, since the installation can be done by yourself.

  1. The kit often includes only panels - 4 units. But the grids for the speakers, pistons and other elements will have to be purchased separately.
  2. You should not trust sellers who claim that Lux 2 fits perfectly on the doors of the domestic top ten. Some of the pistons probably won’t want to be installed where they are supposed to be. This is because they slightly do not match the car model.
  3. Fastening from below must be done using long self-tapping screws.
  4. If your doors do not have power windows, then you will have to slightly change the configuration of the panels yourself by cutting holes in them for the “oars”.
  5. The problem of the gap that is formed as a result of installing Euro panels on a model with manual windows can be solved by masking it with some object. Although the best solution is to re-equip the car by installing electric windows.

What is the best way to drag?

It is very important to choose the right material for reupholstering door panels. These can be either natural or artificial fabrics.

Genuine Leather

Sheathing made from this material has an excellent appearance and can last for a long time. The only drawback of genuine leather is the cost, which is one of the highest. This material is ideal if you plan to do all the work yourself.


An option that is inferior in quality to its natural counterpart, but has a more affordable price.

Eco leather

Another worthy alternative, which has high elasticity and can withstand mechanical and temperature influences.

Eco-leather is the same as leatherette, it will look good, cost inexpensively, and last less than the original


An excellent option for reupholstering not only doors, but also the entire interior of the car. Less commonly used for re-lining ceilings.


Interesting texture and pleasant canvas. Please note that decent samples cost a lot. As an alternative, you can choose products from the budget segment.

Alcantara is artificial suede, but it is made using advanced technologies

Faux suede

The dense fabric consists of polyester with a cotton base. The structure is velvety and moderately soft.

Faux suede is a budget material that is also pleasant to the touch. Looks pretty good in the showroom

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