Fuel pump VAZ 2114 injector 8 valves does not work

The electric fuel pump (EFP) is connected via a 4-pin relay to the following devices:
  • with a battery from which the EBN receives power;
  • with an ignition switch through which it is started.

The EBN must start almost simultaneously with the starter, since the starter gives the engine an impulse to start, and the fuel pump supplies fuel to the engine. If the fuel pump does not turn on in time and starts pumping gasoline, the car will not start. How to check the fuel pump on a VAZ 2114, why doesn’t the EBL turn on when you turn the ignition key? What problems arise in the electrical circuit, you will learn about this from our article.

Lada 2114 not boring TAZ › Logbook › about the masses

Good afternoon to all VAZ2114 owners! Immediately after the purchase a floating problem appeared. The problem was that sometimes the car refused to start. And as luck would have it, this happened at the most inopportune moment (a couple of times I even had to push the car away at a gas station so as not to disturb anyone). At one of the service stations where I took the car to replace the CV joint, they advised me to replace the fuel pump, since, according to them, the car started only after a good kick to the gas tank. Of course, I also sinned on the fuel pump, but I decided to once again make sure it was working so as not to overpay. I climbed into the gas tank, checked all the contacts with a tester - everything turned out to be in order. The fuel pump is powered directly from the battery - it works like a clock. After this, it was decided to check the wiring going to the fuel pump. And voila, the source of the glitches was found! There were a lot of obscene words!))) It turned out that the mass of the fuel pump was not tightened with a nut, and accordingly the car started only when it wanted)) I would like to immediately explain where the grounding contact of the fuel pump is located. Many people think that it is located on the gas tank itself. This opinion is wrong. It is located under the handbrake. Then I realized why the car wouldn’t start after parking. When putting the handbrake on, the ground contact moved and after that could completely disappear. To get to this contact, you need to remove the plastic tunnel located under the handbrake. The nut that secures the ground wire is located directly next to the attachment of the handbrake to the body; you just need to bend the floor covering. After this incident, it was decided to extend all the contacts of the masses so that there would be no more floating incomprehensible glitches. Additionally, grounding wires were laid from the battery to the generator, from the battery to the body, and from the battery to the central metal bracket on which the ECU is located. And also the ground contacts of the headlights were stretched (thereby getting rid of another glitch. When the reverse gear was engaged, the right turn signals dimly lit up). To summarize everything that has been written, I want to say that the electronics and electrical equipment in our cars require increased attention. And you can get rid of many problems by performing such simple actions. Good luck on the roads!

The non-pump is one of the key components of the VAZ 2114 fuel module. The gasoline pump helps ensure that gasoline is supplied to the engine at the required level of pressure.

Fuel pump for VAZ 2114

Any guarantees from the manufacturer with the actual service life of the fuel pump have little in common, since its durability directly depends on the operating conditions - even the highest quality VAZ fuel pump can quickly fail due to bad gasoline.

Video instructions: VAZ 2110 where the mass of the fuel pump is located

13 years on the forum

From: Belgorod

Car: VAZ 21120, opal, 2001, 1.5 16V, M 1.5.4N

Added: January 22, 2010 23:30 Message title: Where is the mass of the fuel pump? –> In general, I started it today and warmed it up. bam, it started, I started it, all the signs of a non-working fuel pump, I listened, it’s definitely not working. It was -17 outside at that time. I was scared and wasn’t even standing near the house yet. In short, a tester in a car is a thing. I called, there is no mass! At -17 I didn’t want a driver, so I threw in an additional temporary wire and drove off. So, I don’t want to disassemble half the car, tell me where the fuel pump gets the power? Return to top krot 21224

9 years on the forum

Added: January 22, 2010 23:35 Message title: –> I don’t agree with the fact that you’ll have to disassemble less than half the car. (just kidding), but the weight of the fuel pump was screwed at the factory to one of the bolts securing the handbrake. I discovered it myself when I was changing the handbrake lever, unscrewed the handbrake and decided to drive the car into the garage, well, to make it easier to install, bam it wouldn’t start, I started digging around and found it. mainly to the rear handbrake bolt which is closer to the driver's seat. Return to top maxxic

13 years on the forum

From: Belgorod

Car: VAZ 21120, opal, 2001, 1.5 16V, M 1.5.4N

Added: January 22, 2010 23:38 Message title: –> Damn it. Dunduk I. ))) I recently unscrewed the handbrake, I haven’t even put everything back together yet. And I saw it.. I forgot completely.. in a hurry I screwed on the handbrake and drove off.. it would have been better if it didn’t work right away.. apparently it got caught right away somewhere, I’ve been driving for a week “without the weight of the fuel pump” Return to the beginning krot 21224

9 years on the forum

Added: January 22, 2010 23:48 Message title: –> Perhaps the bolt was not tightened all the way, maybe it just needs to be tightened. Return to top maxxic

13 years on the forum

From: Belgorod

Car: VAZ 21120, opal, 2001, 1.5 16V, M 1.5.4N

Added: January 23, 2010 09:48 Post title: –> krot 21224 wrote:

Perhaps the bolt is not fully tightened, maybe it just needs to be tightened. no, I completely forgot about it (the mass), the wire is lying somewhere under the noise, unfastened.. today I’ll try to pull it out from there and screw it on. Return to top where is the mass of the VAZ 2110 fuel pump


The VAZ 2114 fuel pump is located inside the car’s gas tank, which is why access to it can be problematic if you don’t know which side to approach. To free up access to the fuel pump, you need to remove the rear seat from the fourteenth, under which you will find a rectangular hatch hiding access to the fuel module.

Just recline the back seat and see for yourself

In addition to the pump itself, the VAZ 2114 fuel module includes:

  • A float sensor that monitors the fuel level in the gas tank;
  • Chamber for fuel intake;
  • Mesh filter for coarse cleaning.

The gasoline pump has a built-in electric motor, which pumps up the pressure of the pumped fuel. The motor itself is powered from the vehicle's on-board network. The VAZ 2114 gasoline pump is located so that even with a minimum level of fuel in the tank, it is constantly washed with gasoline, as this is necessary for normal cooling of the unit, which gets very hot during operation.

The main working element of a gasoline pump is a membrane, which during operation performs reciprocating movements. During normal operation, when the device is fully operational, the following pressure levels must be maintained in the fuel rail:

  • For 1.5 l engine. – from 285 to 326 kPa;
  • For 1.6 liter engine. – from 375 to 390 kPa.

As evidenced by reviews from owners of fourteenth VAZs, in practice BOSCH pumps have proven themselves to be the best.

Unlike domestically produced units, they cost almost 20-30% more, but at the same time they have an order of magnitude better build quality and reliability. The estimated cost of the fuel module for a 1.5 liter engine of the fourteenth is 2.5 thousand rubles, for 1.6 liters. – 2.6 thousand

However, rational savings are possible here - in most cases it makes sense to purchase a fuel pump separately, rather than the entire module, since, as a rule, the pump itself “dies”, and the remaining parts of the module remain in working order. Its cost, if taken separately, is 1-1.5 tr.

Electrical circuit design of VAZ 2115

The VAZ wiring diagram is a single-wire circuit, which supplies the positive pole from the battery to the remaining elements of the circuit, and the negative pole is the housing.

The electrical circuit of the VAZ is protected from current surges in the form of fuses with fuse links. They were placed under the hood.

Fuses provide reliable protection for such expensive equipment as:

  • the circuit in which the ignition switch is included;
  • battery charging circuit;
  • generator circuit and starter.


A faulty fuel pump is quite easy to identify, since it is characterized by characteristic signs of failure. For example: while driving, the car suddenly stalls - after turning it on again, the engine begins to make uncharacteristic sounds, while the starter does not stop turning. After the car starts up, the picture repeats itself - the fourteenth engine stalls again. It is also possible that the car starts every once in a while - problems usually arise after sitting at neutral speed.

Let's determine the most typical signs of a fuel pump malfunction:

  • The engine refuses to start. Of course, there can be many reasons for this problem - the same spark plugs, or the ECU, but the possibility of a fuel pump malfunction is also worth taking into account;
  • The pressure level in the fuel relay differs from normal values;
  • The motor is tripping. As a rule, if the fuel pump does not pump as it should, the engine begins to twitch quite noticeably because gasoline is not burned properly in the working cylinders;
  • The engine growls at low speeds. One of the most truthful signs, which indicates either an immediate breakdown of the pump, or that the low-purity filter is clogged and the mesh needs to be replaced.

There are quite a lot of possible breakdowns that could cause the fuel pump to fail. The following parts of the unit design can present an unexpected surprise: fuse, fuel pump relay, ground, electric motor, contact system. Let's look at each of them separately.

Pressure system

The gasoline pump creates pressure in the fuel rail for normal gasoline supply functionality. Let's measure the pressure and we'll understand a lot right away.

Normal parameters of atmospheres in the system are as follows:

  • Idle – 2.5
  • Ignition – from 3
  • Without pressure regulator tube – 3.3
  • With pinched drain – 7
  • We press on the gas - from 3 to 2.5.

We will measure in these five states with a pressure gauge with a small range of atmospheres (up to 7, to reduce the error to a minimum). Under the hood we found a pressure fitting (just unscrew the cap in advance), attached a pressure gauge (hose) to the fitting and off we went. The ignition is turned on, the pressure gauge is zero: the fuel pressure regulator is broken. We press on the gas, the pressure gauge goes to zero: the fuel pump itself is broken (now you can do some shopping at a spare parts store). There may still be a situation. When the pressure gauge needle lazily rises, look at the condition of the fuel filter.

By the way, if you don’t have a pressure gauge, it’s sad and sad, because it’s an expensive pleasure. Similar diagnostics in the service will cost half as much.


If the fuel pump in the VAZ does not pump, and all of the above system components are normal, it is necessary to clean the filters, and, if necessary, completely replace the unit.

Before starting work, you must completely drain the fuel from the gas tank. To do everything with our own hands, we need a screwdriver and a set of keys. Replacing the VAZ 2114 fuel pump is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. We de-energize the car by removing the “-” terminal from the battery;
  2. We take out the rear row of passenger seats;
  3. Unscrew the plastic cap that covers the pump;
  4. Remove the power wires from the device and disconnect the fuel supply hoses;
  5. We dismantle the main fastenings of the fuel pump; for this we need the 7th key;
  6. Now you can remove the fuel pump on the VAZ 2114 and remove the device.

It must be removed carefully, since the float sensor for determining the fuel level is a very delicate structure that is easy to damage. Inspect the fuel pump - if necessary, clean or replace the strainer, however, it may be necessary to completely replace the unit.

Missing mass or plus?

The 4's fuel pump runs on electricity. Therefore, if there is no power to the VAZ 2114 fuel pump, you need to determine where exactly the circuit is broken. After all, both mass and plus may be missing.

Car enthusiasts sometimes have a question about how to check the power supply to the VAZ 2114 fuel pump. You need to start with something simple. To do this, you need to turn the ignition key and listen for a characteristic click. It is familiar to every driver. The fuel pump always starts with this sound.

If there is no sound, you need to check the relay and fuse. They are located on the passenger side, under the side panel. To get to the electrical components, remove the plastic trim on the passenger side.

To check the fuse, you need to take a known good fuse element and put it in its place. If everything worked, then that was the reason. A faulty relay can be indicated by the absence of a click when turning the key. These electrical elements sometimes exhibit external damage that is visible to the naked eye. But, if replacing the relay did not help, then you should look for the reason further.

Signs of breakdown

There are several situations in which the pump or its components can be at fault. This will definitely have to be checked. Otherwise, you can spend a lot of money buying and installing a new fuel pump, but in the end it turns out that the problem is completely different.

  1. The engine will not start. This is not a clear sign of problems with the pump, but still. Therefore, first check the condition of the spark plugs, the presence of a spark, and the absence of traces of oil on them. Also check the electronic control unit.
  2. Pressure inside the fuel system. If the pump is operating normally, it will create a pressure of 3.2 bar. Depending on the type of engine in your VAZ 2114, the characteristics may differ slightly:
  1. For a 1.5-liter engine, the optimal values ​​are 285-325 kPa;
  2. For a 1.6-liter engine, these characteristics in optimal operating mode will range from 375 to 390 kPa.
  • There is no signal that is not sent to the pump. This happens when you turn the ignition key. During normal operation, the pump begins to vibrate slightly when turning the key. If this does not happen, be sure to check the wiring.
  • Troubles the power unit. This is also not an ideal sign of a fuel pump failure. But you still have to check. It is likely that the culprit in this situation will be the pump.
  • The engine jerks. Moreover, this happens at low speeds or even at start. There are two possible reasons for the situation - a breakdown of the pump itself or a problem with the fuel pump grid, which will have to be replaced.

  • New and old coarse filter
    Many people purchase the entire fuel module assembly at once, which includes a filter, sensor, float, intake chamber and the pump itself. Such a purchase will cost approximately 3,000 rubles. It is much more profitable and practical to buy a separate pump, which costs up to 1000 rubles. This is due to the fact that when the pump fails, the remaining elements almost always remain intact and are fully suitable for further use.

Checking the fuse

Blown EBN fuses are a common occurrence in the circuit of a submersible fuel pump. There are several reasons that render this protective device unusable, and before installing a new fuse, they must be eliminated:

  • A short circuit in the electrical circuit occurs due to chafing of the wire insulation (rarely), and due to burnout of the wiring due to weak contacts. This happens much more often;
  • Failure of the fuel pump relay increases the load on the fuse;
  • Poor quality of the fuse itself. You should not skimp on switching devices. These little parts are inexpensive and the savings will be negligible. Therefore, when choosing fuses, you should give preference to well-known and trusted manufacturers. You should also not install fuses with a lower current strength than prescribed by the car manufacturer. The current strength is indicated on the mounting block box. For the fuel pump, select a 15A fuse.

Pump replacement

Most modern cars are equipped with fuel pumps, which are located inside the fuel tank itself. Because of this, getting to it is quite difficult and such placement raises a lot of questions.

In the case of the VAZ 2114, you can raise the rear seat, under which there is a rectangular hatch. By opening it, you will have access to the pump, a sensor with a float and a coarse filter - a mesh. That is, if necessary, you can easily replace a filter or other element.

There are two fuel wires going to the fuel pump:

  • The server. With its help, passing through a fine filter, the ramp and injectors are fed;
  • Back. Fuel is returned through the pressure regulator to provide continuous power to the engine.

Now let's talk directly about how to remove and replace a failed fuel pump.

  1. Be sure to disconnect the negative terminal from your car's battery.
  2. It is advisable to empty the fuel tank.
  3. When removing the fuel module, you will be able to get to the bottom of the fuel tank, and therefore have a chance to clean it of all kinds of sediment.
  4. Release the pressure inside the fuel line. This will prevent a whole jet of fuel from hitting your face or inside the car. To do this, use the measuring nipple on the fuel rail and a thin screwdriver.
  5. Remove the rear seat to gain access to the hatch that leads us to the fuel module.
  6. Unscrew the two fasteners holding the hatch cover.
  7. Disconnect the electrical connector from the module.
  8. Using a 17mm wrench, unscrew the fuel lines that are connected to the pump. Do this carefully so as not to lose the O-ring. Then move the pipes to the side so that they do not interfere with you.
  9. Using a 7 mm socket, you need to unscrew the 8 fastening nuts. They hold the pressure plate that holds the entire module in place.
  10. Remove it carefully through the hole in the fuel tank, but before doing this, do not forget to release the fuel level sensor float.
  11. If there is a new module, install it in the exact reverse order.
  12. If only one of the elements needs to be replaced, then you will have to disassemble the fuel module into elements.
  13. Even a beginner will not have any problems disassembling the module, since the assembly can be disassembled into elements quite easily.
  14. Perform the reassembly procedure, fill with fuel and check the system for operation.

Replacement process

Pay attention to the type of pump installed. On the new pumps, the mounting system is slightly different. Therefore, for work you will need a ratchet and a 10 mm socket. With their help, the ring is dismantled in a circle and the clamps provided on the fuel line are pressed out.

The procedure for replacing the fuel pump should not cause serious problems. But still be careful, careful and consistent. You work with fuel, and therefore must follow all safety precautions.

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