Is it worth installing gas (LPG) on the Lada Granta VAZ 11182 1.6 8v 90 hp and VAZ 21126 1.6 16v 98 hp?

A car is an ideal form of transport for moving around the city and across different countries. But over time, gasoline does not become cheaper, and if you often go somewhere by car, trips will cost a lot of money. In order to save money, drivers are increasingly switching to gas. And although the Lada Granta is considered a fairly economical car, LPG, even with the cost of installing it, will save much more money in your wallet.

HBO 4 generations, design

An attempt to make an accurate dosage of gas was made only when creating the 3rd generation gas equipment.

But the approach to solving the exact gas supply was not entirely successful, since the equipment of this generation was installed in parallel with the standard fuel system, and this led to poor implementation of gas supply control.

The electronic unit with which the mixer-dispenser was equipped was late in reading signals from the lambda control, and as a result, the reaction to the operating mode of the power plant was also delayed.

This defect was eliminated with the advent of 4th generation HBO. The design of this equipment is no longer parallel to the standard system, but is directly connected to it.

With the advent of the 4th generation HBO, the stepper dispenser-distributor, which was installed on the early generation HBO, was abandoned.

The dosage of gas supply in 4th generation equipment is already carried out by electromagnetic injectors, which ensures high accuracy of the amount of gas supplied to the cylinders.

The design of the 4th generation equipment is as follows.

There is some equipment that is standard for all generations of gas equipment: a cylinder with a multi-valve, high-pressure lines, a gas valve, a reducer and low-pressure pipelines.

In addition, the design includes a ramp with electromagnetic injectors installed in it and an electronic control unit, which controls them.

Also, to accurately determine certain parameters affecting the gas supply, the equipment is equipped with temperature and gas pressure sensors.

Lada on methane

Gazprom Gas Engine Fuel, a subsidiary of the fuel concern, is engaged in the comprehensive development of the natural gas consumer market in 49 regions of the country. Its areas of activity include the modernization of existing CNG filling stations and the construction of new stations, attraction of resources and assistance in optimizing the laws that regulate the gas engine market.

There are a lot of plans. According to the Ministry of Energy, the number of methane gas stations should double by 2022. Russian Government Decree No. 767‑r prescribes to significantly increase during this time the number of gas vehicles used in public transportation and municipal road works. In cities with a population of over a million, their share will be half of the vehicle fleet, in large (over 300 thousand inhabitants) municipalities - a third. For this purpose, subsidies are allocated annually: for example, when purchasing methane GAZelles and similar minibuses, the region is compensated 130 thousand rubles for each minibus, for a full-size LIAZ or MAZ - 1.3 million, for an accordion - 3 million. This not only covers the higher cost of methane buses compared to conventional ones, but even makes them more attractive!

“If we launch a similar subsidy mechanism for individuals, interest in passenger cars running on natural gas will increase sharply,” sighs Sergei Ivlev. — After all, a set of high-quality gas equipment (with installation) increases the cost of a car coming off the production line by 80–100 thousand rubles, and with the price of the same Vesta 534 thousand (we gasify the basic modification with air conditioning), this is a noticeable amount.

Advantages and disadvantages of HBO

LPG equipment is installed to save on fuel, since the price of gas is lower than the price of gasoline. After installing LPG on a car, the pros and cons can be fully assessed only after some time - after the period of test operation. Based on the experience of other drivers, the main advantages and disadvantages of such equipment are highlighted. Pros:

  • propane or methane is much cheaper than other alternative fuel options;
  • saving fuel used;
  • possibility of parallel use of gas and gasoline;
  • the engine runs longer without the need for maintenance;
  • exhaust gases pollute the environment much less;
  • the modern LPG system is easy to operate;
  • A gas leak is not as dangerous as a gasoline leak.

There are also disadvantages, and there are quite a lot of them:

  • The power of the car decreases, this is especially noticeable during acceleration;
  • installation of non-staff equipment is required at your own expense;
  • regular paid equipment maintenance;
  • Starting in winter is carried out on gasoline;
  • deprivation of free space in the trunk of a car;
  • increase in vehicle weight;
  • difficulties in servicing the gasoline system;
  • ban on stopping in underground parking lots;
  • HBO can only be installed in licensed centers;
  • changes in the design of the car must be registered;
  • not everyone wants to buy a car with such a system;
  • There are much fewer gas filling stations than gasoline ones.

It is impossible to say for sure whether it is worth using gas as a type of fuel or remaining committed to the standard system. The decision must be made based on the functionality of the car and where it is most frequently used - occasional trips around the city or frequent long-distance trips on the highway.

see also

Comments 17

I installed a digitronic gas system on my grant in August 14 for 20,000. I drive my car without really thinking about the cost of the trip, since a liter of gas costs 14 rubles in our country. A full tank costs 750-800 rubles, which lasts me 10 days. I fill in 10 liters of gasoline per month to warm up the engine and about 150 liters of gas. In terms of money it comes out to 2500 rubles per month. Before installing LPG, expenses were about 6,000 per month. I installed the LPG at the mileage of 8,900 km, now it’s already 24,500 km, the equipment has almost paid for itself. 1 km on gasoline costs me 3.15 rubles, on gas 1.84 in the city and 1.10 on the highway. I don’t feel any changes in the dynamics, you can safely bet and not be afraid. You just need to choose the right gas cylinder. If you ride mainly around the city, it is better to use a toroidal tank instead of a spare wheel. If, like me, you drive long distances, then it’s better to install a cylindrical one with a larger volume. The Granta has a huge trunk; despite my cylindrical cylinder, I could fit 5 more bags of potatoes in it. I really like it, my family has been driving only gas for more than 13 years. Read my blog, everything is described there in detail.

Gas is a thing to save. This is your question: is it an 8 or 16 valve grant? If 16, did they install a valve cooling system for you? It also costs money. If not, the valves will not last long. I had an LPG on 21053, the savings were good, but when they decided to sort out the internal combustion engine, the rings fell apart in their hands. The gas dries out the rings. Verified. What about the firmware?

I have an 8 valve grant; the valve cooling system was not installed. In order for the valves to last longer, it is necessary to adjust them more often and, most importantly, correctly. The exhaust valves should have a larger gap, around 0.4-0.45. Then there will be no problems. Regarding the firmware, I’m still thinking whether it’s worth bothering with this topic or not. Some say it's worth it. Some people say it’s not necessary, like it’s going well anyway. I’m not sure about the gas drying out the rings, since the lubrication system does not change in any way. In my experience, the engine only works even better, quieter, softer. And most importantly, the gas burns cleanly and does not leave soot or soot on the cylinder walls after combustion. My father drove a 99 for 10 years on gas every day and had no problems. Traveled more than 250,000 km. I want to try installing special gas candles. Is there anyone who has already installed it? What can you recommend?

Gas candles are a scam

I have an 8 valve grant; the valve cooling system was not installed. In order for the valves to last longer, it is necessary to adjust them more often and, most importantly, correctly. The exhaust valves should have a larger gap, around 0.4-0.45. Then there will be no problems. Regarding the firmware, I’m still thinking whether it’s worth bothering with this topic or not. Some say it's worth it. Some people say it’s not necessary, like it’s going well anyway. I’m not sure about the gas drying out the rings, since the lubrication system does not change in any way. In my experience, the engine only works even better, quieter, softer. And most importantly, the gas burns cleanly and does not leave soot or soot on the cylinder walls after combustion. My father drove a 99 for 10 years on gas every day and had no problems. Traveled more than 250,000 km. I want to try installing special gas candles. Is there anyone who has already installed it? What can you recommend?

How to set up and adjust HBO on an engine with a carburetor

Let's start with the fact that when it comes to gas equipment on a carburetor engine, the main manipulations come down to the settings of the evaporator reducer. The specified gearbox allows you to do the following:

  • adjust the gas pressure in relation to the second stage (adjust sensitivity);
  • set the amount of gas that passes through the XX valve;

So, the general setup procedure is as follows:

  • First, the engine starts, and the start must be done on gasoline.
  • Next, the gasoline-powered power unit must reach operating temperatures.
  • After warming up, you need to set the idle speed on the carburetor to 950-1000 rpm.
  • Next, you need to turn off the gasoline supply and wait until the remaining gas is used up.

Now let's move on to setting up the HBO. At the initial stage of adjustments you should:

  • Unscrew the dispenser completely (the cross-section of the gas supply channel is open as much as possible).
  • If the dispenser has separate sections, allowing for separate adjustments for each chamber, then the first chamber is set to full channel opening, and the second channel is set to a minimum.
  • The adjusting screw, which allows you to adjust XX, is first fully tightened, after which it should be released 5 turns;
  • As for the sensitivity screw, it should be set to the middle position.

Next you need to start setting the idle mode. After all the manipulations described above have been completed, the car engine needs to be started, and the start-up is already done on gas. It is also necessary to pull out the “suction”.

Then you should raise the speed to 1750-1950 rpm, then, turning the idle screw several turns, the choke is removed in parallel. The operation often has to be done several times. The main task is to find an idle speed such that, with the choke completely removed, the engine runs stably at idle.

In the case when the idle speed begins to fluctuate greatly, then the idle speed screw is unscrewed to the maximum. If stable operation of the motor cannot be achieved, then the sensitivity screw is tightened back a couple of turns, after which the entire adjustment procedure is repeated again.

As you can see, it is necessary to find the right balance between the gas “amount” screw and the idle speed screw. A successful result can be considered when the sensitivity screw is fully tightened, and the idle speed is about 1150-1200 rpm, while the motor runs smoothly.

The final stage can be considered an additional adjustment of the idle speed using the appropriate screw. The specified screw is tightened a little more, the speed drops to the minimum possible, then the screw is unscrewed a little, and the XX speed should reach around 1 thousand rpm.

How to register an LPG with the traffic police? Instructions and rules

The procedure for making changes to the design of the car, including when installing gas equipment, is as follows:

  1. before starting work:
  1. undergo a preliminary technical examination. The examination is carried out only by accredited organizations, a list of which is presented on the website,
  2. obtain permission from the traffic police to make changes;

after completing the work:

pass a technical inspection, undergo a re-examination, receive a certificate and enter its number in the PTS.

As I already said, it is easier to legitimize HBO than any other changes to the design of a car, since the certificate included with the equipment obviously makes the initial examination (clause 1.1) and the examination after the work (clause 2.2) meaningless. And reputable gas equipment installation companies obviously have the necessary forms from accredited expert organizations, of course, in full compliance with the law. Although you will still have to pay for both examinations.

We discussed in more detail the procedure for making changes in cases other than registering a gas equipment that has not yet been installed in a separate article.

Before installation

If the organization does not have the forms, then contact an accredited expert organization directly. If there is none in your city, then the request for an examination is sent by letter by mail.

Having received the conclusion of the first examination, we go to the traffic police and obtain permission to install gas equipment. There is no state fee for issuing a permit.

Installation of HBO

In fact, work can only be carried out in certified centers whose employees are certified to carry out work with gas equipment. The manufacturer of work to make changes to the design of the vehicle, according to GOST 31972-2013, upon completion of the work must transfer the following documents to the owner of the car:

  • application-declaration on the volume and quality of work to make changes to the design of the vehicle, drawn up by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur,
  • a duly certified copy (by the LPG manufacturer, supplier or seller) of the certificate of conformity for the LPG kit that you are drawing up regarding its installation on a specific type of vehicle with annexes on the composition of the kit, indicating the designation of the documentation for the components and their compliance with safety requirements ,
  • a certificate of form 2a certified in the prescribed manner on the compliance of the vehicle with the safety requirements established for it by the HBO,
  • a certificate of form 2b certified in the prescribed manner on the conduct of periodic tests of the gas equipment installed on the vehicle.

After installation

1. The next step is visiting a technical inspection point

Please note that the diagnostic card you receive based on the results of the technical inspection contains a note about the installed gas equipment. In particular, the curb weight of the vehicle will increase in accordance with the weight of the set of gas equipment with a filled cylinder and a mark indicating the new type of fuel must be indicated

2. After passing the technical inspection, we undergo a second examination. As I already said, you do all this in the same organization that supplied the equipment.

3. Next - to the MREO for registration of changes to the design.

You will have to visit the traffic police in two stages, especially if you register through State Services. At the first stage, you receive a “Certificate of Changes to the Design.”

On the second - a new registration certificate, with entries made in the PTS.

  • state duty for a certificate for making changes to the design - 800 rubles,
  • for a new registration certificate – 500 rubles,
  • for making changes to the PTS – 350 rubles.

It’s cheaper through State Services. And don't forget to make copies of all documents!

Gas installation on LADA Granta

Installing gas equipment on a Lada Granta will take 4 hours.

Engine: volume 1.6 power 98 l/s System: distributed injection OMVL SAVER, Tomasetto Alaska gearbox (up to 140 l/s), OMVL REG FAST injectors Cylinder: cylindrical, volume 65 liters, in the luggage compartment Filling device: hidden in the hatch gas tank Features: 1. Warranty on equipment and labor for 3 years or 100,000 km 2. Injection rails are adapted for Russian gas

The cost of turnkey conversion can be found in the “Prices” section. The payback period of the system is 14,000-15,000 km.

Kirill gas equipment installation specialist

Duration: 5 hours

Engine: volume 1.6 power 87 l/s System: distributed injection OMVL SAVER, gearbox OMVL CPR (up to 160 l/s), injectors OMVL REG FAST RU Cylinder: toroidal, volume 53 liters, in the trunk instead of a spare wheel Filling device: hidden in the gas tank hatch Features: 1. Warranty on equipment and labor for 5 years or 100,000 km 2. Italian OMVL REG FAST special series rails adapted for Russian gas are installed. 3. A full-fledged VZU is located in the gas tank hatch.

The cost of turnkey conversion can be found in the “Prices” section. The payback period of the system is 17,000-19,000 km.

Kirill gas equipment installation specialist

We recommend watching:

  • Lada Vesta on gas fuel
  • Fuel tank volume VAZ 21099
  • Do-it-yourself gas equipment repair
  • Gas equipment for Lada Largus car
  • Niva Chevrolet tank volume and fuel consumption
  • Fuel consumption VAZ 2131 Niva 4x4 injector

Gasoline consumption

Gasoline consumption for Granta sedans

Engine, gearboxPetrolConsumption in the cityAlong the highwayMixedCost of 1000 km of gasoline in the city
1.6MTAI-959,05,87,0RUB 3,368
1.6 AMTAI-959,05,26,6RUB 3,368
1.6 ATAI-959,96,17,6RUB 3,705
Gasoline consumption in liters per 100 km. Price per liter of gasoline in calculations: AI-95 - 37.42 rubles.

Disadvantages of using gas equipment

  • The weight of the vehicle will increase after installing gas equipment.
  • It is necessary to spend money on installing equipment. This drawback is significant if the car is rarely used, that is, its mileage is less than 10,000 kilometers per year. It will take from 3 to 5 years to recoup the funds spent. With more intensive use, the cost of the equipment will be compensated after 15-25 thousand kilometers.
  • Underfilling during refueling due to the use of different equipment. The gas supply stops after the pressure sensor is triggered, and at gas stations they stop refueling at different times.
  • HBO takes up space, which is already not enough in a passenger car. Accordingly, the load capacity decreases. A way out of the situation may be to install a toroidal cylinder in the spare wheel compartment, but what can we do without it? SUVs with an alternative spare tire location and a large trunk volume, which is not particularly affected by the dimensions of the gas cylinder, have an advantage.
  • Gas is explosive! The equipment requires periodic inspection, and it is best to install it in a certified service center.
  • The dynamics of acceleration, as well as the maximum speed, are reduced, which is caused by the slow combustion of gas. It is also necessary to adjust the ignition for a different fuel.
  • The air filter will have to be changed more often.
  • Gas filling stations are not as widespread as petrol and diesel ones.
  • Installing an LPG is a fairly serious intervention in the design of a vehicle. There is a high probability that the official dealer who sold the car will revoke the warranty, even if the equipment installers’ permits are provided.

Examples of savings calculations in St. Petersburg

Let's calculate the difference in the cost of refueling gas and gasoline using two examples:

  • From Nevsky Prospekt to the Ring Road and back in St. Petersburg 60 km. Let's take this distance as the daily mileage rate and calculate the benefit for the month.
  • From St. Petersburg to Moscow - 710 km. Let's calculate how much you can save on a trip to Moscow and back.

Savings after switching to gas

EngineFrom Nevsky to Ring Road and back every day for one monthFrom St. Petersburg to Moscow and back
1.6MTRUB 6,062RUB 3,316RUB 2,746RUB 4,782RUB 2,616RUB 2,166
1.6 AMTRUB 6,062RUB 3,316RUB 2,746RUB 4,782RUB 2,616RUB 2,166
1.6 ATRUB 6,668RUB 3,651RUB 3,017RUB 5,261RUB 2,880RUB 2,380
Prices in calculations: AI-95 - 37.42 rubles, CIS - 18.61 rubles.

If you use LADA Granta rarely and travel short distances, the benefit will be insignificant. But if you spend more than an hour driving every day, HBO will pay for itself in the first year. Calculate how much you will save at the gas station based on your mileage in the savings calculator.

Tell your friends how to save money while driving:

Mileage after installing HBO

Total mileage Grants on a full gas tank and a full gas cylinder

EngineGas cylinderFull fillingAutonomous mileage on gasoline and gas
Around townOn the roadMixed
1.6MT47 l.
1.6 AMT47 l.
1.6 AT47 l.
Price per liter of gas in calculations: CIS - 18.61 rubles.

With a gas cylinder, LADA Granta will travel twice as far. Now you don't have to worry about missing a gas station.

Call to ask questions, consult with a specialist or sign up for installation in St. Petersburg (24 hours a day) or write to

Certified multi-brand center for installation, maintenance and repair of gas equipment:

Gas Performance Benefits


Gas extends the life of oil and spark plugs and reduces vehicle maintenance costs.

Gas burns a little slower than gasoline, which reduces the load on the piston group and crankshaft, causing the engine to run smoother.

The gas mixes easily with air and fills the cylinders more evenly with a homogeneous mixture, so the engine runs smoother and quieter. The gas mixture burns almost completely, so no carbon deposits form in the pistons, valves and spark plugs.

The octane number of petroleum gas is 103-105, which virtually eliminates detonation of engine parts. This advantage of gas can be especially important for engines with a high compression ratio that consume high-octane (and therefore expensive) gasoline.

The gas does not contain harmful impurities (lead, sulfur), which at the chemical level destroy the combustion chamber parts, catalytic converter and lambda probe.

The gas enters the engine in the vapor phase, so it does not wash away the oil film from the walls and does not dilute the oil in the crankcase.

Savings on fuel are greater than the overpayment on the loan

First payment 0 rub.

Loan term from 1 month

Loan cost 1.6% per month

Loan decision in 15 minutes

Switch to gas and start saving

You will get back the overpaid money for using a two-year loan in the second month of operating the system.

On average, the savings per year when driving on gas is 50,000 rubles.

Save up to 200,000 rubles per year

1 km of mileage on gas is 2 times cheaper than 1 km of mileage on gasoline

Calculate the savings of driving on gas compared to using gasoline

1. Select your car

For example: Peugeot Partner, Citroen Berlingo, Renault Kangoo, VW Caddy

2. Indicate the mileage of your car per year

Having extensive experience in operating gas equipment (this is already the 4th gas-powered car!), I can confidently say that AGTS specialists are the best professionals in converting cars to gas in St. Petersburg. no less than 100 percent. The feeling is super, if you have any doubts, I highly recommend it.

This is the second time I've come here. Hyundai Accent is my second car and, accordingly, my second LPG. Just like the first time, I installed Italian equipment from Lovato. It seems to me that it is the best. At least it’s very easy to set up, which can’t be said about other systems. And stability in operation: the settings are the same as they are. In total, I have been using HBO for 4 years now, and no problems. The most important thing is to regularly visit maintenance and immediately correct errors if something is wrong.

Selecting the type of gas engine fuel

Methane fuel is cheaper than propane-butane mixture. In terms of price it wins significantly. Highly environmentally friendly fuel of natural origin. But there are as many pluses as there are minuses. The equipment itself and its installation are almost twice as expensive as CIS countries. This is justified because methane is not in a liquefied state like propane, but in a gaseous state.

Accordingly, the equipment must withstand this condition. This leads to the next disadvantage - the cylinders are heavy and bulky even for the spacious trunk of the Granta liftback. But they hold much more fuel.

Installation process of gas equipment

When installing a cylinder, it is extremely important to carry out calculations, according to which the hole with the multivalve should be located on the side of the car, namely, towards the fuel filler cap. The multivalve is installed directly to the LPG cylinders using bolts, after which the level sensor should be installed

It is installed directly on the multivalve, depending on the specific configuration of the kit.

Next, you should install a solenoid valve, which will open when an impulse is supplied from the “brain” of the installation. After this, it is necessary to install the fuel line and the device for filling gas into the cylinders. In most cases, the 4th generation LPG equipment includes two lines: the main one and the refueling line. To ensure them, copper tubes should be used, the fastening of which is ensured by barrels and copper bolts. It is advisable to secure the VZU in close proximity to the filling neck.

Having installed the lines, it is worth checking for their tightness using a compressor. You need to pass a pressure of 5-6 atmospheres through the system, checking for etching from the installed tubes.

A gearbox should be installed under the hood, the unit of which in most cases is located near the car radiator. The outlet of the gearbox should be at the top and directed forward. The gearbox itself should be placed slightly below the level at which the coolant is installed for more convenient access to the cooling system.

Having mounted the injectors and cut them into the manifold, you should start assembling the low-pressure line, and then connect the injectors and the reducer using hoses from the standard LPG kit. Pressure testing should only be carried out with the tank filled.

Installation of control systems and connection of the wiring of the central distributor can be done before and after crimping. Next, you should check the operation of the engine in various modes and configure the operation of the LPG system.

Installation of gas equipment, especially the 4th generation, is a complex and labor-intensive process. It must be carried out in accordance with all the standards and requirements presented in the instructions, and also follow the recommendations from the brain disk. Installation of such an installation by a novice may take several weeks, but an experienced technician will be able to switch the car to gas in a matter of days.

Installation and Maintenance

If you think that you can install a gas cylinder yourself without experience and skills in this matter, then you are unlikely to succeed. To install the equipment, it is better to contact specialists. When working, you need to weld brackets and carry out wiring, which a non-professional cannot do efficiently, and safety depends on the quality of the installation. The 42-liter tank is installed in the spare wheel well. Then it can be covered with trim, and the trunk will look aesthetically pleasing again.

If the niche is too small for you or you need it for other purposes, then a cylinder (cylinder) with a volume of up to 80 liters can be installed directly in the trunk.

In the Lada's interior there is a button that switches the fuel type: from gas to gasoline and vice versa.

IMPORTANT! If the gas runs out, the car automatically switches to gasoline fuel. You can also install a euro multivalve

With its help, the driver will be able, while in the cabin, to see how much gas fuel remains in the cylinder

You can also install a Euro multi-valve. With its help, the driver will be able, while in the cabin, to see how much gas fuel remains in the cylinder.

In order for the equipment to work for a long time and without interruptions, it must be serviced in a timely manner. This includes regular replacement of filters, purging of the editor and fuel line, and setting up the software.

How to reduce gas consumption

Motorists whose fuel consumption has suddenly increased sharply are wondering how to reduce gas consumption in their car. It is necessary to diagnose the machine under appropriate conditions and eliminate faults. However, there are some things you can do yourself.

Check the condition of the air filter and spark plugs - if they are in poor condition, they can significantly increase fuel consumption. If you know how, check the ignition timing - shifting it by 5 degrees increases gas consumption by 0.5 liters. Experts will help you deal with more complex cases.

Features of the transition of the 8-valve Lada Granta to LPG

Before switching from gasoline to gas, you need to know the main features of gas equipment. The quality of installation of the cylinder is very important, on which the service life of the gas equipment on the Lada Granta depends. Also, before making the transition, you need to decide on the equipment manufacturer.

There are equipment from different brands on the market, which differ in price and characteristics. Another stage is the choice of generation. The LPG must be suitable not only for the car itself, but also for the climatic conditions in which the car will be operated.

Many car owners, before installing gas equipment on Granta, wonder how safe it is. If the cylinder is installed correctly, the risk of gas leakage is completely eliminated. After all, modern equipment is equipped with both electronic and mechanical safety features.

As for the effect on the engine life, HBO even makes the engine work 1.5 times easier and the engine starts to run quieter and softer.

When switching to LPG, it is worth considering one more feature: during installation, questions arise about the fuel pump and injectors. However, experts give a clear answer: you need to turn off the injectors. There are two scenarios here:

  1. Use the program. Thanks to the necessary firmware, the system will have two modes - gasoline and gas. If the car is running on gas, the injectors will not turn on automatically.
  2. Organize correct fuel supply. This method is suitable for a transitional mode if, for example, the car did not initially have a gas system.

With high-quality installation and proper timely maintenance, the gas equipment will last a long time, and the car will cover more than 200,000 km.

Selecting a HBO manufacturer

There are many manufacturers of gas equipment; choosing high-quality equipment is not difficult. Each brand has its own advantages.

Installing and configuring Digitronic gas equipment is not difficult; there are service centers for the brand in almost every city.

The original rack made of metal-ceramic HBO BRC has a resource of up to 250 thousand km (most brands have no more than 100 thousand).

A universal set of cables and a plastic case for inexpensive SEC ECO equipment. This LPG is equipped with the ATS function and is suitable for any injectors available on the domestic market.

The kit from Lovato fits perfectly even on the 127th engine.

Domestic brand - inexpensive gas equipment Alfa. The reducer is designed in relation to the quality of gas at our gas stations.

Polish Stag equipment, which is equipped with high-quality parts made in Italy using Polish technology, is in demand among motorists.


Installing an LPG on a Lada Granta justifies itself when you have to use the car constantly and consume fuel over long distances. It is also relevant when operating a vehicle in urban conditions, when there is increased fuel consumption. The dual-fuel system significantly increases the autonomous mileage of the liftback.

Amendments to the law in 2022 will make it easier to legalize gas equipment installed earlier in 2016 and at the same time do not allow driving on gas without registration.

The time and costs spent on installing gas equipment at certified stations and regular technical inspections pay for themselves in safe and accident-free driving and a long service life of the vehicle without repairs.

Read further:

LPG on Lada Priora: another step towards savings and environmental friendliness

Everything you need to know about installing gas equipment on the Lada Largus

LPG for Daewoo Nexia: selection, installation and savings

HBO for Lada Vesta

HBO for Polo sedan: how to do it correctly?

What's the result?

As you can see, if necessary, you can install HBO yourself. However, this is not recommended, since only specialized services issue a package of documents for gas equipment, which is necessary for further registration of gas equipment with the traffic police.

If the engine and its systems are normal, after auto-tuning, in most cases the power unit will operate normally. In cases where problems are noticeable, but no reason is visible, it is better to immediately contact a specialist in setting up the gas equipment, having informed in advance that an attempt was previously made to install and configure the gas equipment with your own hands.

How does installing gas equipment and switching to gas affect the engine and service life? Features of setting up gas equipment, selecting oil and servicing gas-powered internal combustion engines.

Operating principle and distinctive features of gas injectors. Basic parameters when choosing nozzles for gas equipment 4. Which gas injectors are best to buy.

Advantages and disadvantages of using gas equipment. Maintenance and operation of gas equipment, the benefits and harms of gas for the engine and standard systems.

Gas equipment. Classification, operating principles and design. Various generations of gas systems, HBO for engines with direct injection.

Features of installing gas equipment on a turbocharged engine. What gas equipment is best installed on engines with a turbine. Tips and tricks.

How to set up gas equipment on an engine with a carburetor: features and nuances. Adjustment of idle speed, gas flow, response to accelerator pressure, etc.

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