Automatic start of the car from the key fob: instructions, description and recommendations

The development of technologies and their active implementation in the automotive industry today can significantly increase the comfort and convenience of operating a car. One of these benefits includes various autonomous engine starting systems.

In other words, an alarm system with auto start for a manual transmission or automatic transmission is in great demand, since the ability to remotely start the engine allows the owner to warm up the internal combustion engine and interior before the trip, maintain the temperature of the power unit within the specified limits, etc.

In this article, we will look at how remote engine starting works, how to choose the right autostart for a manual or automatic transmission, and also what nuances need to be taken into account when choosing autostart engine systems, adjusted for the type of transmission installed.

What is an engine autostart unit?

The remote automatic start system on a car operates from a control device. The latter is located in the car interior behind the control panel or in the engine compartment. By design, such a module is a device made in a small plastic or metal case. Inside it there is a control board and several relays. The module itself is connected to the vehicle’s standard on-board network using a separate cable included in the kit.

Control methods

Systems that allow starting remotely and warming up the machine can operate in two modes:

  • remotely by manual command;
  • automatically.

You can start the engine manually in winter or summer by sending a command. The power unit is turned on by pressing a key located on the control key fob. The driver can also turn on the engine using a special command sent from the phone. If a key fob is used, the remote start capability is usually limited by its range. On average it ranges from three hundred to five hundred meters.

An internal combustion engine running on diesel or gasoline can be started automatically. In this case, the distance between the car owner with the remote control and the vehicle does not matter. The function is configured in advance by the driver so that the power unit starts under certain conditions.


  • at the specified time;
  • at a specific interval, for example, hourly;
  • in accordance with the ambient temperature;
  • according to the same parameter, only motor oil or antifreeze;
  • when the voltage in the vehicle’s on-board network decreases;
  • Some autostart units allow you to start based on the air temperature in the cabin.

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Criterias of choice

Having decided to install a car alarm with a built-in GSM module, you will have to make a difficult choice.

It is worth paying attention to the following parameters:

  • Car type: you can install autostart on a car with any engine, it all depends on the type of gearbox - if you install the system in a car with a manual transmission, it may not work correctly;
  • Price

If you set a budget before purchasing, you can immediately determine which devices will fit this parameter and which will not. Of course, more economical options have less functionality. It is taken into account that devices from the lower price segment may have mediocre build quality and factory debugging;

  • Power unit control method: the engine starting process can be performed automatically or after receiving a command from the driver - it will work automatically if the user has configured the parameters at which it is necessary to start the engine.

This is especially useful for those who like to maintain a daily routine.

Control methods

The car's autostart system is controlled by two modes: automatic and remote. The first is to set a certain number of engine starts per night and the duration of its operation, and the second is to start using a button on the key fob. There is also the option of control via an application on your cell phone, with the condition that it is possible to change the GPS receiver to send tasks via SMS.

Data transmission via radio channel

Radio transmitters use dynamic or conversational code to transmit information. Each method has both disadvantages and advantages.

Thus, the main advantage of a radio beacon with a dynamic coding system is its low price. Among the disadvantages is low security, as well as the possibility of an attacker decoding the signal from the key fob using a code grabber.

The dialog mode of data transfer is more secure. The code changes automatically, making it very difficult to record and decipher the signal. A significant disadvantage is the high cost of such systems and limited radius.

Let's go back to basics

Alarms with auto start began to gain popularity with the advent of injection engines. The first models of alarms with auto start were extremely simple and performed only one start option, upon command from the key fob, via a radio channel. The ability to start the engine “on condition” appeared over time. Now alarm systems with auto start have many warm-up options:

  • by timer,
  • by alarm clock,
  • by temperature,
  • by command from the key fob via radio channel,
  • SMS command from a mobile phone,
  • via the web interface,
  • and other auto start options.

Alarm Starline autostart from key fob

Remote autostart starline

Before learning how to perform starline remote autostart, it is important to study some features. In order for you to be able to enable autostart from the key fob, it is important to meet the following conditions:

  • The first step is to put the car on the parking brake.
  • Turn the key in the ignition switch, and then remove the key (the engine must be turned off).
  • Next, move the gearbox lever to the neutral position.
  • Finally, it is worth closing all the doors tightly, as well as the trunk and hood.

Only if all the above conditions are met, then only in this case the security alarm will allow you to set it to autostart.

Switching to security mode with auto-start is also carried out in a special way:

  • Park and then put the car on the handbrake.
  • Move the gearbox selector to neutral.

  • Hold down button 1 on the key fob for 3 seconds, after which a ringing melody will sound.
  • Remove the key from the ignition.
  • Get out of the car (check that the doors are closed tightly). If you did everything correctly, the alarm will automatically turn off the engine, after which it will switch the alarm to security mode.

To perform a car factory remotely there are 2 ways:

  • Press button 1 for exactly 3 seconds, and then press button 3 until the signal appears.
  • Select the “start” icon, and then press button 2 once.

If the engine starts, you will see the symbol “exhaust gases” on the screen. The car will warm up for the time that you previously set in the settings. 1 minute before turning off the engine, the code “r01” will appear on the display. If the time is up, this code will change to “r00”.

Auto start on alarm clock

First of all, check the time of the on-board computer, it should be as accurate as possible. To enable auto start on an alarm clock, you must follow all the steps according to the instructions:

  • First, enable the option on the keychain with the bell icon.
  • Having set the desired time for the alarm, press keys 3 and 1 in turn, confirm your choice on the dial icon. If autostart is configured correctly, the car will blink its side lights.

When the function is turned on, the picture of the bell and dial will change on the display, and a long melody will also be heard.

Auto start by timer

Activation of this option is done as follows:

  • Move the cursor over the hourglass, then confirm your choice by successively pressing buttons 3 and 1.
  • Set the desired time, and then confirm the activation of the function in the same way.

If you decide to disable the enabled engine start by timer, then this is very simple - press button 2 twice quickly. The previous timer display will disappear from the display, and the key fob will also notify you with a signal that the timer has been turned off.

Autostart based on temperature indicators

This option is one of the most useful; sensors monitor the ambient temperature, and when the desired temperature is reached, the engine starts. You can activate the option using these instructions:

  • Move the cursor to the “thermometer” icon, briefly press button 1, then you will see a flash of the dimensions and a sound signal on the key fob. At the same moment, the current outside temperature should be displayed for 5 seconds.
  • Quickly press button 1 to set the required temperature parameters.
  • Long-pressing button 1 activates the automatic start mode based on temperature.

The option is deactivated using the same method as described above, only in our case the pointer now needs to be placed on the “thermometer” icon.

If you want to visually see how autostart is configured depending on the temperature on a Starline alarm, then watch this video

Setting up autorun using a phone application

Automatic engine start using a smartphone is a useful option, since the driver has the opportunity to start the engine from anywhere on Earth (if a GPS module is built-in). If your security alarm from Starline has a GPS module, then you can start it in the following ways:

  • By sending an SMS message to the SIM card installed in the key fob.
  • On call.
  • By sending a command using a special application, which must first be installed and then connected to the machine.

The app can be downloaded from the most popular app stores and is completely free for everyone. The developers have made the interface as simple and understandable as possible, so even a child can understand the controls.

Principle of operation

Let's go through each point one by one:

  • The system turns off the immobilizer immediately after you send a request or at a scheduled time.
  • The on-board network and battery charge level are assessed. Let's put an exclamation point on this, since new car models simply do not allow ignition when the charge level is below average.
  • After a thorough check, the module starts up with fuel. Speaking of diesel engines, power is supplied to glow plugs.
  • The unit connects the ignition systems and starter circuits after some time necessary for the formation of pressure in the fuel system and heating of the spark plugs.
  • Information about the process comes to you in the form of sound or, if you are using the utility on a mobile phone, in the form of an image. In more expensive models they send a reason why the car did not start if something went wrong.

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Starline alarm problems and solutions

The engine does not start or stalls after a minute of operation

You can try to fix problems like this; practice shows that this method only helps in 75% of cases:

  • Go to a specialized service center and ask the technicians to install a bypass module for the standard immobilizer.
  • Be sure to check that the transponder key is positioned correctly.
  • Reconnect the autostart control wire, now you can test the autostart function.

Autostart with manual transmission works every other time

  • Start the engine by turning the key in the ignition and put the car on the handbrake.
  • Remove the key from the ignition.
  • Open and close all the doors of the car, and then activate the security function.

Alarm blocks auto start

Drivers claim that this problem can be dealt with simply by resetting the key fob settings. You can do this using these instructions:

  • Put the car on the parking brake and turn on the ignition.
  • Press the valet button on the Starline alarm system 10 times.
  • Now you need to wait for the system to reboot, after which 2 beeps will sound.
  • Then you should confirm the reset by pressing button 1, then you will see all dimensions blinking 5 times. Now the key fob settings will be reset to factory settings.

If you carefully studied the article, then now you can independently configure autostart on your Starline alarm system. We wish you success!

Tips for using the equipment

If the parking brake cable freezes, you can disable it in several ways. For this purpose, the wheels of the car are removed and the handbrake lever is pulled to the rear position. After this, it is recommended to pull the cable several times. If the parking brake has a weakened mechanism, then it is necessary to place a piece of brick or wheel chocks under the wheels.

During the freezing period of the brake pads and brake disc, you can spray them with a special liquid. The pads can also be torn off. For this purpose, the vehicle rocks back and forth. You can defrost drum pads with hot water. For this purpose, you need to pour water on them from a plastic bottle.

The auto engine start function of a vehicle is a unique system that provides the car owner with a lot of convenience while driving it.

Description of the autorun module

The system operates from a separate control unit, which is installed under the hood or inside the instrument panel. Structurally, the device is a small box containing control chips and several relays. The unit is connected to the standard wiring using a separate cable, which is included in the delivery set.

How to install and connect

In order to install autorun yourself, just follow a few steps:

  • Install the parts into the car. The head unit and emergency button must be placed under the instrument panel. System sensors are installed on the hood, trunk and side doors;
  • Remove the battery terminals. Install the GSM module and SIM card;
  • Connecting system components. The sensors are connected to the head unit, but the emergency button is simply connected to the power circuit;
  • Connection to the standard network. When connecting the battery cables to the system, do not forget to install an additional fuse;
  • Linking to a mobile phone number. When finishing work, save the combination of digits of the phone number in the head module. After this, you need to complete synchronization with the GSM module by sending an alert or making a voice call.


Time is gradually acquiring a special, high value and we try to save time, optimize all events and space around, so as not to waste time. For example, to deliver information, we no longer run to the post office, as in the past, we are in the present! We send almost all information electronically - this saves a lot of time, effort and money. The desire to optimize time has irrevocably changed the consciousness of society; no one wants to return to outdated, ineffective technologies that eat up more time.

Autostart is real! Sophisticated car enthusiasts, everyone who already uses car alarms, cannot imagine their next car without this super function.

Preparation for installation

Before installing the alarm, you must:

  1. Decide on the location of installation of the central control unit: usually there is space for it behind the instrument panel. If it is installed there, then the control panel is dismantled (its fixation is carried out using self-tapping screws and clips).
  2. Disconnect the blocks with wires from the ignition switch and move them aside so that they do not short to ground.
  3. Under the control panel of the machine, you should not only install a microprocessor module, but also perform certain actions. To install the security system, it is necessary to connect the unit's outputs to the turning and side lights of the car. It is also advisable to connect them with a door opening indicator and an engine start control cable that goes to the starter.

If the car is equipped with an optitronic instrument panel, then the contacts of the microprocessor module are connected only to the turning lights.

All other signals will be transmitted electronically, and the connection procedure itself is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. To connect to the turning lights, there are indicators on the back of the “tidy” that duplicate the activation of these headlights. Using a multimeter or voltmeter, you need to find the cable that supplies these lamps with voltage. When searching for a line, it is not recommended to use a test light. Its use will lead to damage to the generator relay, short circuit of the airbags and other problems.
  2. A search is carried out for the negative cable that goes to the door lock opening indicator. With the door unlocked, the tester should show 12 volts of voltage. If it is closed, then this parameter will be 0 V.
  3. In most vehicles, the tachometer is responsible for monitoring the remote start of the internal combustion engine. Therefore, to implement autostart, three conductors must be connected to it. One of them is positive, the second is negative, and the third carries out the transmission of negative pulse signals. The connection procedure is carried out with a contact, which is marked as IG on the lock.
  4. In the same way, the security system is connected to the light indicators for emergency pressure and battery charge.

Then you need to connect the system conductors to the central locking. To successfully complete this task, you will need a relay responsible for activating it. To detect it, you should use the method of opening and closing the lock. Subsequently, the connection procedure will be performed in the same way as in the case of contacts on the control panel.

Bypass modules

Somewhat later, leading automakers began to equip cars with a standard anti-theft system, which allowed the engine to start only with the “original key” when the ignition was turned on. As a result, modules for bypassing the standard immobilizer appeared, because auto-start confidently occupied its niche among the many service functions in the market of additional equipment for cars, and continued to win the hearts of car enthusiasts, despite the difficulties associated with its implementation.

It is important to take into account that to implement the auto start function, many steps had to be taken:

  • order a standard key blank in a specialized store or from an official dealer,
  • cut the key
  • register it in the car,
  • and finally install it in the standard immobilizer bypass module.

After completing these steps, auto-start became possible.

There were also difficulties with autostart at low temperatures. In cold weather, when autostart is most needed, on some brands of cars, the circuit with the chip in the bypass module worked unstable. The latest standard anti-theft systems are an order of magnitude more complex, and the previously used scheme for bypassing the standard immobilizer, with a chip inserted into the bypass module, is no longer relevant on some cars.

Communication type

An important concept when selecting a suitable system is the type of communication between the machine and the owner. Today, several types of sending and receiving signals are used. To do this, manufacturers equip security systems with key fobs, special sensors, and GSM modules.

The key fob of a modern alarm system has a display where the driver can visually see all the information about the condition of the car. Models with auto start are in most cases equipped with a GSM module or a powerful radio transmitter.

Insurance companies

Car thefts are an integral part of the risks that face vehicle owners every day. Today it is hardly possible to imagine that anyone would use their car “without security” and without insurance.

Some insurance companies, in the event of theft, require the presentation of all standard keys and key fobs for security systems. This requirement has reduced the number of people who want to use auto-start alarms, since:

  • or the insurance company completely prohibits the implementation of auto-start,
  • or it does, but the insurance premium in this case increases significantly and the auto start costs a pretty penny. This is all due to the insertion of the standard key into the bypass module of the standard immobilizer in the car interior.

The insurance company assumes that, potentially, criminals could use the key and try to steal the car. But this assumption is unlikely and is only possible if several events coincide:

  • Trying to save money on security, a car enthusiast makes the wrong choice of a set of outdated security and anti-theft systems that only a lazy schoolboy would not hack,
  • Wrong choice of location and specialist for installing anti-theft systems,
  • Incorrect installation.

So, if you want to install an alarm system with auto start according to the old generally accepted scheme, it is obvious that all unnecessary costs and risks are borne by the owner of the vehicle. In particular:

  • Purchase of an additional key or chip from 3 to 15 thousand rubles with cutting and recording,
  • Insurance costs, which, if the key is inserted into the standard immobilizer bypass module, becomes significantly more expensive, especially on premium cars.

Purpose and action

Automatic engine start is intended primarily for preheating the cooling system fluid and the vehicle interior in winter. In the summer, autostart can help pre-cool the cabin before driving (if air conditioning or climate control is present).

Regardless of the type of control, the action of the module for autorun is as follows:

  • controls the ignition system;
  • receives data on oil pressure in the lubrication system;
  • activates glow plugs for diesel engines;
  • does not allow engine speed to increase above the programmed limit;
  • analyzes data from limit switches on the gearbox selector and parking brake lever;
  • receives data from the gas pedal, speed sensor and hood lock limit switch.

The device can be programmed for the following conditions:

  • starting the engine at a certain time;
  • launch based on data from the temperature sensor in the cabin or in the cooling system;
  • remote start from a key fob or via a cellular signal.

The procedure for starting the engine is as follows:

  • When receiving a signal from a timer, thermometer, key fob or cell phone, the control unit disables the immobilizer.
  • The condition of the on-board network and the battery charge level are diagnosed. At the same time, the standard electronics systems of a modern car cannot allow starting when the battery charge level is low.
  • If the parameters are normal, then the unit turns on the fuel supply, removing the blockage from the pump. On a diesel engine, power is supplied to the glow plugs.
  • After some time necessary to create pressure in the fuel system and warm up the spark plugs, the unit can connect the starter and ignition system circuits (on gasoline engines).
  • If the start-up result is positive, the control unit provides feedback to the owner on the phone or key fob, and the alarm system on the car begins to flash at regular intervals. Data about engine operation can be signals from oil pressure or crankshaft position sensors, as well as the voltage level in the on-board network. Based on the same information, the starter is turned off.
  • If the start is unsuccessful, autostart may operate several times (usually no more than five). Expensive automatic start systems determine the reasons for an unsuccessful start and report this to the owner’s smartphone through an application.

GSM autostart of car without alarm

This solution uses a special block for control, into which a SIM card of any cellular operator is inserted. In fact, this device is a cell phone from which it is impossible to make an outgoing call. The unit receives calls or messages with commands from a regular mobile phone owned by the owner. This system is convenient for those who park the car far from home and work, or if they need autostart at different times of the day.

The advantages of this technology are:

  • Unlimited range. The only exceptions will be places with poor or no signal from cell towers.
  • No additional control panels required. A regular cell phone or smartphone with the program installed is enough.

The negative aspects include:

  • Possibility to enable autostart after an erroneous call from any phone. There is no such problem when controlled through the program menu on a smartphone.
  • The need to pay monthly for the second number, which is hardwired into the SIM card in the block.
  • System inoperability during interruptions in cellular communications.

Autostart from key fob

This autostart method is provided by sending a coded signal from the key fob to the radio module of the starting or alarm system.

The advantages of this method include:

  • no need to pay for a second number;
  • no smartphone required.

But it should be remembered that the signal from the key fob has low power and autostart will work at a distance of no more than a few hundred meters. In large cities with dense buildings and a lot of radio interference, the range of key fobs is no more than 100-150 m. In such conditions, autostart technology from a cellular signal is preferable. There are combined models (for example, Starline M31) that combine both functionality.

Remote engine start

This classic, at first glance, function, which allows you to start the engine on command from the security system key fob, has changed significantly over more than two decades. Progress has brought computers, mobile communications and the Internet into our lives, and, of course, touched the car.

GPS-GSM monitoring and control systems of various configurations have appeared, both for individuals and for corporate clients. Some of these monitoring systems may provide an autorun feature.

So what are the options now? Let's consider:

  • Start by command from the car alarm key fob
  • Launch from your phone as an SMS message
  • Starting the engine from any computer, tablet or smartphone connected to the Internet via a web interface

Why so many options?

Opportunity is an important concept that sometimes we lose sight of, but it is opportunities that define us to a greater extent, our goals, means, our success, our comfort. Despite the promised long range of the car alarm key fob, we often encounter problems when controlling car alarms from the key fob, especially in city conditions. The reasons for an unstable connection may be different. There are many sources of radio interference in the city. Starting from television and radio stations and ending with bank offices, traffic police posts and other special services. Also, the range is affected by buildings located within the direct line of sight between the key fob and the car alarm. Therefore, sometimes an attempt to control a car alarm using a key fob is not successful, or the result is not obtained the first time. Let's return to opportunity.

If we have a GSM system in the car, we have the opportunity to start the engine via SMS or via the Internet; fortunately, cell phones, computers and smartphones have now become accessible and almost everyone has them. Opportunity is a component of comfort. It is especially pleasant to realize that such an opportunity exists when it is severely frosty outside, or, conversely, incredibly hot. We give the command, the car is warmed up, the climate is normal, we don’t waste time and immediately hit the road.

Automatic start

Automatic start always perfectly complements the remote start function. But the importance of automatic start cannot be underestimated, since in some circumstances it plays a key role.

Automatic start was previously most often used by residents of the northern regions, where before the advent of auto start, cars were not turned off at night in severe frosts. Sometimes unexpected frost happens:

  • the temperature drops below -30 degrees,
  • the oil thickens
  • the battery freezes.

On such days, not every car starts the engine. At least there are a number of difficulties that need to be overcome in order to start the engine. Or avoid them by using automatic engine warm-up.

Automatic launch has many conditions and parameters. Let's consider some of the most significant for the user in this context:

  • condition for enabling autorun,
  • warm-up time,
  • warm-up period.

Before choosing equipment, it is important to mentally outline and evaluate all the places and conditions for storing the car at night, taking into account latitude and distance from the sea. For example, in Siberia there are severe frosts in winter, but the weather is more stable. It’s quite possible to limit yourself there

warming up by timer

. We set the warm-up time and frequency in the system. In autumn and spring, for example, a few minutes of warming up will be enough, but in winter you can set a higher value. And turn on the heating frequency for the winter period. And, accordingly, change these parameters depending on the temperature outside. In severe frosts, you can increase the warm-up time and shorten the period.

Can be used

start on alarm clock

, then the engine will be warmed up strictly at the specified time. This feature is convenient for those who are tied to time. For example, every day you need to take your children to school or kindergarten, usually by 8 am. We set the alarm to start, save time every day and get into a warm car.

And in St. Petersburg, for example, the weather is changeable and here we will need

warming up by temperature

. A temperature sensor is connected to the system and we can determine the heating to turn on when the temperature drops below a set value. Fortin modules will allow you to use engine warm-up in any version without any problems.

Activating autorun

Regardless of how the remote start unit works, after installation it is necessary to prepare the machine.

This procedure will vary depending on the type of transmission. After preparation, the installed module is activated. Many manufacturers of security systems in their technical manuals indicate the nuances that are necessary for successful automatic start-up. You need to familiarize yourself with them, otherwise problems will arise during remote start.

On mechanics

Cars equipped with a manual transmission must be prepared as follows:

  • The ignition in the car must be turned off.
  • The neutral gear is engaged; for this, the gearshift lever is moved to the appropriate position.
  • The handbrake is activated.
  • The driver leaves the car and closes all doors.
  • The security system is activated and the remote start of the internal combustion engine is turned on.


Vehicles with automatic transmissions are prepared as follows:

  • The gearbox lever must be set to parking mode - R. The handbrake can be left untouched.
  • The driver leaves the car, all doors are closed.
  • The security system is activated, after which the automatic start of the internal combustion engine is activated.


Automatic car start from a key fob has both fans and opponents. There is controversy surrounding this system. Many car owners refuse this car alarm system, having heard a lot of various rumors and myths that have no evidence.

Myths about autorun:

  • Independent movement of the car. The most common myth about autostart. And it is not without reason. A car rollback occurs if the driver leaves the car in gear after stopping. With the installation of this car alarm, you will have to change your habits. Now, after stopping, move the lever to neutral and put the vehicle on the handbrake.
  • Freezing of brake pads. This myth becomes a reality only for those car owners who do not dry their brakes after driving in wet weather. This is easier to do than it seems. It is enough to perform several intensive braking. And if this problem does affect you, then a two-liter bottle of hot water will come to the rescue. You pour the fluid onto the rear brakes, and you are ready to go.
  • Hijacking. Undoubtedly, a car with a running engine is a tasty morsel for a thief. Therefore, you should not use autostart in deserted places and at a considerable distance from the vehicle.
  • Steering wheel locking occurs due to human inattention. This happens as follows: the car owner gets into the vehicle with the engine already running and forgets to insert the ignition key. This, in turn, leads to the steering wheel locking. The solution to this problem is to forcefully turn off the engine before driving.

Any problem with auto start from the alarm key fob can be solved. Therefore, the main obstacle to installing a car alarm is the reluctance of the vehicle owner.

Instructions for installing autorun

Before installing a remote start unit, you need to make sure that the alarm system supports this function. Installation of an autostart module is not possible on all vehicles equipped with anti-theft systems. Each device is connected in accordance with the diagram included in the package.

The engine autostart unit can be installed on cars with both diesel and gasoline engines.

The module must be installed and connected according to the following scheme:

  • First you need to unsolder the cables from the ignition switch, which are responsible for starting the power unit. When performing this task, you must be as careful as possible so as not to damage the plastic lining in the cabin. If the car is equipped with an airbag, it must be removed.
  • Then the cables of the automatic start system are connected to the switching device in accordance with the diagram specified in the technical documentation. It is included in the anti-theft system.
  • If the car is equipped with a standard engine blocker, then you need to additionally buy an immobilizer bypass module. It is a block into which the second ignition key is installed.
  • Then a special autostart control wire is connected to the car’s tachometer. It can be connected to an engine fluid pressure controller or generator unit.
  • The autorun module is programmed in accordance with the technical manual.
  • You need to run one cable from the unit unit to the parking brake pedal or lever. This is necessary so that the car owner has the opportunity to urgently deactivate the system.

The installation procedure is carried out differently if the car has a Starline alarm system and an autostart module from this manufacturer is installed.

Installation process:

  • The microprocessor device is dismantled. It is usually located under or behind the dashboard.
  • The device body unwinds. In security system models that support the remote start function, the units are equipped with special connectors for installing modules. The device must be placed inside the microprocessor.
  • Before installation, the autostart unit is opened and the operator SIM card, which is included in the kit, is installed in it.
  • After installing the module, it is connected to the alarm control unit.
  • The microprocessor housing is screwed down and installed in place. It is connected to the on-board network.

When installing an autostart module, it is important to install a high-quality neutral sensor on the car to ensure the safety of the car when using the device.

The At13 Modules channel talked about the procedure for installing the device yourself.

Installation Tools and Materials

If you are interested in the features of installing an alarm system yourself, you should prepare the necessary tools and materials in advance. First you will need to find a suitable car alarm model and a step-by-step installation and configuration guide. It describes in detail all the stages of the upcoming work, design features and the principle of operation of the car alarm. Then you should prepare:

  • Multimeter. Before purchasing or renting this device, you should understand the features of its operation and practical application. It is imperative to measure conductivity and voltage. If you are buying a new multimeter, it is better to choose an electronic model as it is easier to operate than a mechanical one.
  • Wiring. Before starting work, you need to make sure that you have the necessary wires at your disposal. Complete products do not always cope with their functions, because... they are not long enough and of good quality. Therefore, it is better to get an additional set of wires.
  • Foam rubber. It is a material for packaging a microprocessor unit and protecting the case from moisture or dirt. Without it, staying in wet conditions will cause failure of the working mechanisms. Experienced car owners and service center employees advise buying black or gray material that does not stand out much from other elements.
  • Insulating tape.
  • Double-sided tape.
  • Stationery knife.

Pros and cons of the system

Remote engine start is a convenient feature that simplifies the daily operation of the car in cold weather or on hot days. The benefits of autorun include:

  • the ability to start the internal combustion engine without leaving home and saving personal time;
  • pre-heating (or cooling) of the car interior, ensuring a comfortable temperature before the trip;
  • the ability to program start at a specified time or at certain temperatures.

However, the system also has its weaknesses.

  • Moving engine components are at risk of premature wear. The reason lies in the increasing friction force that occurs when starting the internal combustion engine cold and waiting for the oil to warm up sufficiently.
  • The battery is subject to heavy load and has to be recharged more often.
  • When the driver is far from the car and the engine is already running, intruders can break into the car.
  • In case of repeated automatic starts, fuel consumption increases.

The engine remote start module is enclosed in a compact unit that is connected to the vehicle’s standard electrical wiring

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