Tuning VAZ 2112 - beautiful options for improving the appearance and main characteristics of the car (150 photos + video)

At one time, the twelfth VAZ model was a very successful solution for the domestic automobile industry, so many car owners were happy to purchase this car. On the one hand, this car was a budget option, and on the other, it had good comfort and control.

In addition, the foundations were laid for future tuning of the VAZ 2112 with your own hands (and this is an important factor).

If earlier many car owners rightly assumed that the earliest cars of the VAZ automobile concern were not worth investing financial resources, then the latest model turned out to be more flexible in this matter and therefore is definitely worthy of attention.

During the process of improving a model of this brand, the interior most often undergoes a modernization process, since this is the only huge disadvantage of this car.

You can also very often see tuning of the VAZ 2112 bumper, which is given a more predatory look.

What can be added to the factory assembly

In general, the VAZ 2112 is a comfortable car that combines all the necessary qualities and functions for convenient and comfortable trips.

But who said that we can limit ourselves to this? In addition, an avid car enthusiast will always find something to improve. In this case, for example, tuning the VAZ 2112 engine will come in handy (who doesn’t like driving fast).

In addition, you can add changes such as:

  • External design of the car. To improve it, experts use various “tricks” that allow them to create a completely new vision;
  • Increasing the aerodynamic performance of the car by installing a rear spoiler;
  • Installing beautiful lighting. Most often it is installed over the entire area of ​​the bottom, because the clearance of the twelfth model is very wide;
  • Replacing regular seats with sports analogues;
  • Despite the fact that the twelfth model handles very well, if desired, you can achieve even greater progress by replacing the standard steering wheel with a more advanced one (for example, with power steering and an updated steering mechanism);
  • Replacing the brake system (if the car is undergoing a modernization process, then bleeding the brake system is simply necessary).

Instrument panel: upgrade options

When getting into a car, the first thing that catches your eye, especially to those on the right hand side of the driver, is the control panel.
The vehicle manufacturer offers a boring and ordinary version. Few drivers like this conservative approach to its design, since the control panel is constantly in his field of vision. But don’t rush to get upset, the situation can be corrected. Head to an auto supply store. Look for the dashboard insert. Their selection is huge. Everyone will be able to choose the option that will meet their requirements and preferences. This will allow you to change the color and texture of the panel. To make it brighter, use new instrument lighting. LEDs are an excellent option. They will give a bright blue color to the panel.

If you decide to replace the light bulbs on your appliances yourself, you will need to follow a few simple steps. First you need to saw off the part of the LED that is on top. Since this is where the lens is installed, which is responsible for focusing the beam. Please note that this procedure must be carried out extremely carefully. Otherwise, the light element will be damaged.

For further work, pliers are needed. Use them to remove the LED from the base. And do it extremely carefully. Install new ones under the socket, observing the polarity. After completing the entire procedure, turn on the system. This way you can check that the LEDs are working properly. If everything is in order, then replace the LCD.

After this, remove the paint on the arrows that are located at the bottom end. This must be done without fail, because the paint impairs their visibility when exposed to light, and as a result they are barely noticeable. An excellent option for this case would be to repaint the bottom end in a different color. White is optimal.

Replacing body kit

A popular choice among owners is tuning the VAZ 2112 body kit. The most interesting choice seems to be the use of a stylish solution in the form of an elegant aerodynamic body kit (besides, it exists in many variations, so choosing the right one will not be difficult).

You can choose a classic version (sporty style) or look for body kit models that would emphasize the unique style and characteristic personality of the car itself.

As soon as such a body kit is installed on a car, it will immediately become similar to famous American brands.

Today there are 2 options for aerodynamic body kit for the VAZ 2112.

Firstly, it is sporty (in this case, it will affect the smoothness of control during fast driving due to a competent layout). Secondly, it is stylish (the design of the body kit includes a large air intake, which allows you to quickly cool the engine and brake system, due to which they do not overheat and the risk of breakdown is reduced several times).

New instrument panel

If you look closely at the photos of the VAZ 2112 tuning, you can notice multi-colored instrument panels. And this is not surprising, because the factory version is not very stylish and beautiful, so improving the instrument panel is the most popular way to change the interior design of a car.

What methods can be identified to improve this device:

Installing an instrument panel from a more expensive car model. A dashboard from Ford, Renault or Priora would fit very well here.

Purchasing a new device from companies that produce components for those who like to improve their mechanical friend.

And since tuning of domestic cars is carried out quite often in our market, the selection of parts is very large.

Carry out tuning of an already installed shield. This practice is very common, as it does not require large financial costs. In addition, you can completely come up with your own concept, realizing all your wildest dreams.

In principle, replacing the instrument panel is not so difficult, so you can upgrade it yourself. Moreover, this work will not take much time.

Improvement of standard backlight

The next step in changing the coupe will be to improve the interior lighting.
Considering the principle of factory assembly of the shield, the best option for tuning would be to make backlighting from neon lamps located along the contours of the devices. To ensure stable operation of the backlight, an uninterrupted voltage of 12V is required. It is best to select the color of the tape taking into account the shade of the backlight of the sensors, or based on the color of the radio. Disassembling the coupe's instrument panel should not cause any difficulties: unscrew the upper and lower fasteners, and then carefully remove the shield. After this you will need to remove the standard light guide. The latter must be replaced with a plate of the same shape made of plastic. You also need to drill holes in it for attaching the tape. For effective lighting, we use 8 blue and 3 red diodes with 1.2 and 1.4 Ohm resistors soldered to them, respectively. The diodes must be placed in the same way as the light guide in the decorative panel. We insert the light bulbs into the appropriate places in the light guide.

Coupe instrument panel illumination

In order not to forget, it is best to immediately cover the latter with a thin layer of foil, which will help to evenly distribute the light from the bulbs. In addition, we will also need to make small partitions, which we will glue near the red light bulbs.

Having finished inserting the diodes, you will need to solder all the tracks and connect them to the power supply. To do this, you can use a standard lamp socket. After this, you need to secure the light guide, check it for serviceability and reassemble the unit. If everything works, we fix the finished part, after which we mount the instrument panel of the car.


Despite the fact that the price for tuning a VAZ 2112 may seem somewhat overpriced, it is still recommended to have it done by professional specialists.

This is especially true for airbrushing or simply applying an image to a car. This is the most favorite detail of external tuning that car owners like, because thanks to it they can distinguish their “horse” from the general mass of cars.

In most cases, the graphic is placed on the hood, but some drivers paint other parts of the body as well.

As mentioned above, it is better to do the drawing in specialized salons, where you can immediately see the result obtained on a computer. In this case, there is a chance to adjust the image in the right direction and make it the way it should be.


In addition to body design modifications, drivers often make changes inside their cars. Common types of tuning the interior of the “tens”:

  1. Buying a new audio system and installing subwoofers in the trunk of a car.
  2. Improving car sound insulation.
  3. Replacing the factory dashboard with a new one. An updated accessory often includes additional options, such as a temperature sensor.
  4. Buying new heated and adjustable seats.
  5. Replacing the original steering wheel. A new steering wheel is often adjustable.

Thanks to the favorable price-quality ratio, the VAZ 2110 and its variants have become popular among Russian car enthusiasts. The low price and simplicity of the design allow tuning and making changes to the “top ten” that improve its appearance and technical characteristics.


  • infokuzov.ru/tuning/vaz-2110-2112
  • vazdriver.ru/foto_tyuninga_vaz2112/foto_tyuninga_vaz2112.html
  • avto-all.com/rossiyskie-avtomobili/tyuning-vaz-2112-prosto-i-stilno

Photos of VAZ 2112 tuning

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