Life hack: how to change antifreeze on a Priora: with and without air conditioning

Coolant is essential for the normal operation of the car - it maintains the temperature of the engine. You can change or drain antifreeze on a Priora in a garage - read the article to the end and find out how to do it.

Replacing antifreeze on a Priora car, 16 valves, is done in 6 simple steps. An ordinary driver can do them. If the cooling system loses its tightness, then antifreeze escapes - this usually happens in cold weather and during severe temperature changes. In case of such a malfunction, it is enough to find the leak and tighten the clamps on the pipes. If there were no antifreeze in the Priora, the engine parts, which during operation overcome enormous frictional forces, would be deformed under the influence of high temperatures, and the efficiency of the engine after such a phenomenon would begin to noticeably decrease - this also happens after the engine boils.

To prevent this, the temperature of the coolant level on the car is regularly checked and it is replaced.

The liquid, passing through a long tube, is constantly cooled, taking heat from the power unit.

It is bought based on the price-quality ratio - expensive coolant is not always good, and buying the lowest quality one leads to problems with the engine.

Therefore, even when purchasing, you should think about how to change antifreeze on a Priora. Sooner or later, a car enthusiast does this job. The replacement is carried out strictly according to the regulations, and the antifreeze itself for Priora can be found in almost any spare parts store.

How many liters of antifreeze does a Prior have 16 valves, which determines the choice of its color

The volume of antifreeze poured into a Priora car, according to technical documentation, is exactly 7.84 liters. For normal engine operation, only 6 liters of antifreeze can be poured into the Priora - as long as it is visible in the tank - this is for winter. In any case, it is highly recommended not to deviate from the manufacturer’s recommendations, and whenever the question arises of how much antifreeze is poured into the Priora, say the figure indicated in the passport.

Coolants are divided according to a special classification, and externally, without a label, they can be distinguished by color. In Russia, Volkswagen standards are often adopted. You can fill the Priora with red carboxylate antifreeze just like from the factory.

How to choose a coolant?

Answering the question of what antifreeze to use in Priora, the manufacturer did not provide a large assortment to its users. It is best to use the Felix-40 cooler. You can use other brands, but this is not recommended. The engine system may wear out in a shorter period of time. As a result, you will have to contact the service for global repairs and replacement of parts.

If you are using antifreeze from another manufacturer, it is recommended to study its characteristics. It must meet international quality standards.

How to check the fluid level and how much will be enough?

To determine how many liters of coolant are needed to fill the tank, carefully read the vehicle's owner's manual. You will need approximately 7.8 liters. Some car owners prefer to fill a little less - 6 liters.

You can check the antifreeze level in the tank even on a cold engine. To do this, lift the hood lid. You will see a tank. There are two marks on it with a maximum and a minimum value. The fluid level must be within these marks.

Antifreeze related problems

The first thing that causes the owner of a Priora to worry is the moment when the antifreeze runs out. Most often, a leak occurs due to mechanical damage to the cooling system elements. The worst option is an overheating of the engine with a burnt cylinder head gasket, because after this the coolant joins the oil “causing a commotion” in the engine itself.

If antifreeze is constantly leaking on a Priora car, there may be several reasons for this:

  • the radiator is damaged (replacement will help, in some cases - only repair);
  • the antifreeze expansion tank is damaged (replace the tank);
  • the pipes are damaged (tighten new clamps, if that doesn’t help, change the pipes and hoses);
  • the water pump is worn out (replace the pump);
  • leak between the head and the cylinder block (tightening the bolts will help).

Malfunctions may be short-term:

  1. For the first time, the coolant level has dropped (below the minimum mark; try adding fluid). If it starts to leak “regularly”, the system will have to be checked for leaks.
  2. “weak” antifreeze circulation (replacing the water pump or just the pump).
  3. Scale on the walls of the radiator, pipes, cooling jacket (flush the entire system, fill in completely new coolant).

How to drain

  1. First you need to install the car on an inspection hole or on an overpass.
  2. You can start working only after the engine has cooled down.
  3. Release excess pressure.
  4. Remove the motor protection, if present.
  5. Unscrew the coolant filler plug.

Unscrew the plug

  • We unscrew the plug of the cylinder block and drain the antifreeze into a container prepared in advance.
  • We unscrew the plug on the radiator and drain the antifreeze or antifreeze from it.

  • Drain the coolant

  • After draining all the coolant, tighten the plugs.

Is it possible to mix antifreeze?

Please note that antifreeze and antifreeze cannot be mixed under any circumstances - these are different types of coolant. Otherwise, the mixing “scheme” may resemble the blood transfusion scheme:

  • G11 can be mixed with analogues G11, G12+, G12++, G Cannot be mixed with G12.
  • G12 can be mixed with G11, G12+. Cannot be mixed with G11, G12++, G
  • G13, G12++ and G12+ can be combined, mixing one type with another.

The type of coolant is written on the packaging - this is the letter G with a two-digit number and pluses, or TL - this is how antifreeze is designated.

Why is liquid leaking out?

If there is a constant decrease in the level of antifreeze in the tank, then there is a leak somewhere. Every detail must be examined to quickly identify and repair damage.

What happens if it is too late to replace?

Coolant loses its properties over time. Every year the cooling system will work worse and worse. If you do not change antifreeze on time, you risk the following:

  1. The engine will heat up faster. If it constantly operates at elevated temperatures, the system risks breaking down quickly.
  2. The liquid will freeze in the tank. As a result, you will not be able to start your car in winter.
  3. Blood pressure may increase. Because of this, antifreeze will begin to leak.

Removing the airlock on Priora

The formation of an air lock in the cooling system manifests itself in the fact that the system does not work correctly - the cycle is disrupted. You can remove air from the system by using its hoses. There are two ways to do this. In both cases, wait until the engine has cooled down before starting work.

  • The first option is to loosen the throttle clamp and remove the heating tube. Open the cap of the expansion tank, cover the neck with a clean rag and blow through it. You will see how the air is removed on its own - when it disappears, antifreeze will flow from the open tube.
  • The second option for removing the air lock on Priora is a little more complicated. It is better to wear thick gloves to avoid getting burned. Warm up the engine and turn it off. Remove the clamp and tube from the heating, and when antifreeze flows from it, put it back and tighten the clamp again. Now the air will come out under pressure.

Instructions for replacing Coolant

On Kalinas with 8 and 16 valve engines, the coolant replacement is different. You can drain the old fluid from the radiator without any problems, but from the block on a 16-valve engine it is more difficult. You will have to unscrew the starter.

Replacing antifreeze on an 8-valve Lada Kalina engine

So, we relieve the pressure in the system by unscrewing the cap of the expansion tank. Then remove the engine protection to get to the drain plug.

We take a container with a volume of 6-8 liters and place it under the drain hole located at the bottom right of the radiator. To make the pressure weaker, screw the expansion tank cap back on.

Unscrew the drain plug on the radiator and allow the liquid to completely drain from the radiator.

Draining fluid from the cylinder block on an 8 valve engine

On an 8-valve engine with a traction drive gearbox, draining the old coolant is quite simple. The drain plug is located under the ignition coil.

Using the “13” socket, unscrew the drain plug, place the container and drain the liquid.

Drain the liquid from the cylinder block on a 16 valve engine

To get to the drain plug you will need to remove the starter. If you do not remove the starter, but unscrew the plug and drain the liquid, it will flow directly onto it, which can lead to failure.

Disconnect the wiring block from the traction relay on the starter. Remove the protective cap from the positive wire, and using a 13 mm wrench, unscrew the nut and remove the wire.

Next, use a 13mm wrench to unscrew the three starter mounting bolts and remove it.

Now all that remains is to unscrew the drain plug and drain the coolant from the cylinder block.

After the liquid has been drained from the block, tighten the drain plug with a force of 25–30 Nm. We also tighten the radiator cap and fill the coolant through the expansion flank until it is full.

We start moving and begin to put pressure on all the pipes, thereby stimulating a better passage of antifreeze or antifreeze and filling the entire system. Do not forget to monitor the liquid level in the barrel, which should be between Min and Max.

Preventative measures to prevent corrosion

We offer car owners a certain list of actions that will help prevent the entire preparatory and painting procedure described above:

  • frequent car washing, not excluding the winter season (a plus will be the application of wax, which can significantly increase protection from adverse external factors);
  • tracking the initial signs, their minor repairs to a minor area will eliminate large costs and time;
  • providing the car with mudguards and fender liners;
  • applying anti-corrosion material to the bottom of the car.

All recommendations for eliminating “bugs” and rust will help even a beginner cope with the repair. Correctly assess your strengths and do not put it off for later. A good result is only possible with the right approach.


  1. Immediately after replacing the coolant, the engine must be warmed up, while simultaneously checking the heating of the lower radiator hose. It should be cold at first, but then quickly warm up. Its heating will indicate that the antifreeze is circulating normally in a large circle.
  2. Then the engine should continue to warm up until the cooling system fan turns on. After turning off the fan, turn off the engine and allow the engine to cool.

Using a spanner “13”, unscrew the nut and remove the wire tip from the contact bolt of the traction relay. Now, using a key set to “13”, unscrew the starter mounting bolts (3 pieces), and the starter is removed from the car. If there is a box with traction control, removal of the starter is not required.


Consequences of untimely replacement

Over time, the refrigerant loses its original characteristics, as a result of which it will not be able to effectively cool the power unit.

If the antifreeze is not changed on time, this is fraught with serious problems:

  1. The engine will heat up faster, and regular operation of the machine with an overheated engine can lead to its complete failure.
  2. The working fluid in the cooling system will freeze and it will be impossible to start the internal combustion engine in the cold season.
  3. The pressure in the lines may increase. Because of this, the oil seals and seals will be squeezed out, resulting in a refrigerant leak.

Step-by-step instructions for replacing antifreeze in Priora yourself

Replacing the coolant yourself requires some tools and items, check out the list before you get started:

  • 13th key;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • Capacity 10 l.;
  • Coolant – 8l.

Before the antifreeze is replaced on the LADA Priora, it is, of course, necessary to drain the old antifreeze. First you need to wait until the “engine” and the coolant itself cool down, this is required in order to avoid getting burns.

A procedure such as replacing the coolant is carried out in the following sequence:

  • We drive the car into the pit and stop it accordingly.
  • Remove the negative terminal from the battery.
  • We remove the crankcase protection of the power unit.
  • Remove the cap of the expansion tank of the cooling system.
  • We substitute the previously prepared container under the “engine”.
  • We unscrew the drain plug, a key will help with this.
  • The plug should be tightened when all the antifreeze has completely drained out.
  • We transfer the container with the drained antifreeze under the radiator and unscrew the cap on it, from here it is also necessary to drain the antifreeze.
  • Close the plug after the coolant has drained.
  • Disconnect the throttle body heating hose.
  • Fill in new antifreeze within the MIN/MAX marks.
  • We install the throttle body heating hose in place. Tighten the pipe properly.
  • Check the steam outlet pipe for leaks.

So, you have read the instructions on how to replace the coolant on a LADA Priora with 16 valves. If you have a model with 8 valves and air conditioning, then the work will be a little more complicated, since there is no drain plug. The coolant must be drained exclusively from the lower radiator pipe, and upon completion of the entire procedure, install it in place.

What color and how much antifreeze should I use?

One of the main questions of car owners is: how many liters of antifreeze should I fill? According to the official technical documentation for Russian-made Lada Priora cars, the required volume of antifreeze is 7.84 liters. For full operation of the power unit, you can fill 6 liters each; this option is suitable for the winter period. However, it is best not to deviate from the regulations and fill in the required amount of liquid so that no problems arise.

Each antifreeze is divided into classifications, and it can be distinguished even by color if there is no label, for example. So, in our country, red antifreeze is predominantly poured - the so-called carboxylate. Regardless of the type, it is important to know how many liters of antifreeze to fill and follow this rule.


Often people on forums wonder if it is possible to mix coolants. There is only one answer to this question - NO! Never mix different coolants, especially antifreeze and antifreeze. All these liquids have different chemical formulas and a reaction can occur between them under the influence of high temperature.

Consequences of mixing

It is allowed to mix antifreeze of different brands, but of the same colors.

Timing for coolant replacement

In VAZ Priora cars with a 16-valve engine manufactured in 2011 and other years of production, the frequency of antifreeze changes is 75 thousand kilometers. Then the working fluid begins to lose its properties. In addition, the refrigerant that is poured during production is changed every five years, if during this time the car has not traveled 75 thousand km. But this applies to the initial replacement of the fluid that is filled in from the factory. If you use regular antifreeze, then its service life is shorter and is about 30-40 thousand kilometers.

The need to change the working fluid can be determined by the following “symptoms”:

  • the antifreeze has become dirtier, black, and traces of deposits have appeared in it;
  • a refrigerant leak has occurred, as a result of which more liquid will need to be added to the system, and if you do not know what kind of antifreeze was added, then it will have to be changed;
  • the presence of deposits and dirt in the expansion tank, this indicates that the substance has lost its properties;
  • foam formation in the reservoir under the hood;
  • the stove began to work worse in the winter season;
  • the engine began to boil.
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