Replacing the cabin filter (for use on the Nissan Tiida (C11) model)

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Algorithm of actions

The instructions to follow during the replacement process are as follows:

  • The glove box (glove box) is removed. The procedure involves the need to unscrew 7 screws, which is why you will need a Phillips screwdriver.
  • The first 4 screws can be seen by opening the glove compartment; they are located on top.

  • The remaining screws are located below the glove compartment.
  • When removing the box from its seat, you must be careful and careful not to damage the thin power wires that ensure the operation of the backlight module.
  • The wires are carefully pulled out of the connector, after which the box is removed completely.
  • The filter cover can be seen at the bottom of the dashboard, it will be to the left or right of the steering wheel, depending on the modification of the Nissan Tiida.
  • To remove the cover, you will have to unscrew a couple of screws securing the bar.
  • When the cover is removed, the filter itself can be pulled out without any problems. If you can’t pull it out manually, you can carefully hook the bottom bar with pliers.
  • Before installing the filter, it is worth blowing out the mounting hole, removing dust and other contaminants.
  • In order for the new filter to fit into place without problems, it is allowed to compress it at the edges; the elastic material will return to its shape.

Assembly is carried out in reverse order. As a rule, the result of replacing the filter is felt immediately: the air in the vehicle interior becomes cleaner and fresher, the windows stop fogging up, and the draft of the ventilation system returns to its previous level.

A cabin filter is an element that prevents dust and pollen from flowering plants from entering the vehicle interior, reducing the intensity of unpleasant odors, thereby increasing the overall level of travel comfort.

During operation, the filter becomes clogged with mechanical particles, which is why it not only begins to cope with its tasks worse, but becomes a source of danger.

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Choosing a cabin filter

The original filter in catalogs is designated by article number 27891-ED025. Its shape is quite specific, and it is used, in fact, only on Tiida (Bluebird Sylphy, where it was also installed - a purely domestic Japanese model). Therefore, the original filter is quite expensive - its price is approximately 1,400 rubles.

Fortunately, there are also common, more affordable analogues:

  • Sakura CA-18310,
  • Blue Print ADN12528,
  • AMC Filters NC-2029,
  • JS Asakashi AC208C.

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Nissan Tiida is the next incarnation of the already well-known B platform, which became the basis for many cars of the Renault-Nissan concern (especially if you remember one of its varieties - the famous B0). Inexpensive and fairly easy to maintain, the car achieved good sales in car dealerships, and the time-tested platform simplified maintenance operations: having replaced the cabin filter yourself with a Nissan Tiida, you can notice that the design of the filter compartment is very similar to the well-known Logan, although in size incompatible.

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How often should I replace it?

Nowadays, the interval between maintenance has actually become standard at 15,000 kilometers, and replacing the Nissan Tiida cabin filter should also be performed at this frequency. However, the size of the filter curtain is small, and it cannot always withstand such a mileage.

Reducing replacement intervals is necessary primarily in dusty regions with high mileage in the summer - dust quickly clogs the filter, and the vacuum created by the stove fan at low speeds becomes insufficient for effective airflow. The filter also suffers in city traffic jams, when soot from exhaust gases literally eats into the pores of the curtain, giving it a gray-black color noticeable already after 6-7 thousand kilometers.

In autumn, problems come with the fall of leaves - wet leaves, falling into the box and lingering near the filter, become a source of rotting, which is “fed” by the organic matter that has already accumulated over the summer (pollen, seeds, fluff).

That is why seasonal filter replacement should be carried out after the leaves have fallen, combining it with antibacterial treatment of the air conditioner evaporator - a filter installed in a clean compartment in the fall will work perfectly until summer.

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How to replace the cabin air filter in a Nissan Tiida

The Nissan Tiida sedan is a budget car designed on the basis of the B platform, which was used by Renault-Nissan specialists to create many models. Thanks to its affordable cost and ease of maintenance, it quickly became one of the most popular cars in Russia.

Many routine operations can be performed in a garage without resorting to the services of a service station.

This thesis fully applies to the maintenance of the cabin filter, the installation niche for which, upon closer examination, suspiciously resembles that of the even more affordable Logan, although the dimensions of the products themselves turned out to be incompatible.

How to change the cabin filter in a Nissan Tiida yourself.

Replacement frequency

According to the service book, the Nissan Tiida cabin filter should be replaced every 15,000 kilometers, that is, with each maintenance.

In principle, this figure can be called standard for most cars, but in the case of Tiida this is clearly an underestimated figure, given the small size of the filter element itself.

If we add to this the frequent presence of the car in city traffic jams and driving on roads that are far from ideal, the real figure can easily be halved.

In summer, the situation becomes generally deplorable, since dust quickly penetrates the pores, clogging them.

The fan is forced to work at full power and still the airflow through the deflectors becomes ineffective, worsening the level of comfort in the cabin and reducing road safety due to frequent fogging of the windows.

Driving for a long time in traffic jams is fraught with the possibility of tiny particles of soot from the exhausts of other vehicles getting into the filter, which just as quickly eats into the material of the curtains, turning them dark. The scourge of air filters is poplar fluff, which makes them unusable in a matter of hours.

In autumn, falling leaves are the culprits of rotting processes: being retained by the filter, they become a good breeding ground for microorganisms settling on the SF (together with the above-mentioned pollen, poplar fluff, and plant seeds).

If the car is used quite intensively, the filter has to be changed twice a year, and in the fall it is advisable to perform this procedure in conjunction with antibacterial treatment of the air conditioning system (or rather, the evaporator, in which ideal humidity and temperature conditions are created for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora).

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Choosing the “right” cabin filter for Nissan Tiida

The standard product, installed at the factory, has catalog No. 27891-ED025.

The specificity of the shape of the SF and its geometric dimensions makes it impossible to use it on other cars (with the possible exception of the Bluebird Sylphy, but the “Blue Bird” was sold only in the Land of the Rising Sun). This exclusivity also led to the high price of the filter - about 1,500 rubles.

This cost is prohibitive even for carbon filter elements. Fortunately, the original factory Tiida cabin filter can be replaced with analogues that are more affordable:

  • Sacura (cat. no. CA-18310);
  • AMCFilters (cat. no. NC-2029);
  • BluePrint (catalog #ADN12528);
  • Asakashi (cat. no. AC208C).

The choice is not very rich due to the originality of the product, so if possible, it is better to stock up on cabin filters for future use - it is unknown how the situation will develop with their availability in the future.

How to replace the Nissan Tiida cabin filter

For those who do not know where the Nissan Tiida cabin filter is located, let's say that the search should be carried out with the glove box removed - this is the standard location of the niche for the SF, which is used on many cars. The only tool we need is a Phillips screwdriver, with which we need to remove the glove compartment.

To do this, we free it from things and unscrew the screws located in the lower part of its body (in the closed position). We open the glove box and see four more screws at the top - we also unscrew them. Carefully pull the glove compartment towards you until it stops due to the tension in the backlight wiring.

For complete dismantling, disconnect the lamp connector and move the glove compartment to the side.

In the opened niche you can see the filter cover, which is removed by pressing the latch located below.

Finally, you can remove the filter element itself by pulling it towards you by the cover. Note that this method of dismantling the Nissan Tiida cabin filter is applicable to many cars built on the platform of the Renault-Nissan B0 automaker (Logan, Terrano and even Lada Largus, well known to Russian consumers).

However, there are differences: to replace the cabin filter on a 2011 Nissan Tiida sedan, you will have to tinker a little, since the height of the filter element is larger than the frame, and when removing it, it can get caught on the edges of the compartment.

However, there is no need to be too afraid that the SF will be damaged - it will still be thrown away.

If you are a big fan of saving on everything, you can try to clean it, but this will only give a short-term effect, and after a week or two you will have to repeat the replacement operation.

Since the SF is installed in the lower part of the climate system, all debris and dirt will accumulate directly in front of it, and when removed, some will spill into the cabin, and some will remain in the air duct, so it is advisable to clean it with a car vacuum cleaner before changing the cabin filter on a Nissan Tiida for new. When installing a fresh filter, you should compress it slightly in height, thereby avoiding snags and distortions.

Another feature of Tiida will not please you: if you want to carry out antibacterial treatment of the air conditioner evaporator (and this operation should be performed annually), you will have to use an old filter, drilling a hole in it through which you can insert a tube from an aerosol can.

To prevent foam from getting into the filter niche, after installing the tube, wrap it with tape or tape, insert the filter into place and process the evaporator.

After its completion, we take out the homemade device and wait 10-15 minutes, during which the liquid drains from the evaporator through the drainage hole to the outside.

But even after this, do not rush to install a new filter: first turn on the fan at medium speed, let it run for a while, and only then proceed with assembly in reverse order.

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