Replacing the alternator belt Ford Focus 2 1.6, 1.8, 2.0

In Ford Focus 2 cars, engine auxiliary units - a water pump and a generator, as well as additional equipment - a power steering pump and an air conditioning compressor, are attachments that are fixed to the power plant, and they are driven by belt drives from the crankshaft pulley.

Moreover, Ford designers, when implementing the drive of these devices, did something quite interesting - the pump, generator and power steering are standard equipment of the car, so they are driven by a single belt drive.

But air conditioning is an optional equipment that is not used on all modifications.

To ensure that the presence or absence of an air conditioner does not affect the drive configuration of the main units, its compressor is driven by an additional drive element.

The designers used this approach to the implementation of the drive on all modifications of the car, despite the fact that the 1.4 and 1.6 liter Ford Focus 2 engines have a different arrangement of attachments from the 1.8 and 2.0 liter engines.

Preparatory operations

We remove the high-voltage wires and unscrew the spark plugs to make it easier to turn the crankshaft later.
We also unscrew the 11 x 10 bolts and remove the valve cover. We unscrew the fastening of the expansion barrel and move it to the side, without draining the antifreeze.

While we haven’t removed the generator belt, we’ll remove four bolts on the 10th pump pulley.

The operations for removing the air conditioning compressor and generator described below are necessary if you leave the old belts, but if not, just cut the belts with a knife and skip these steps.

Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery. We unscrew the four bolts of the air conditioning compressor, move it to the side and remove the strap.

We unscrew the bolt and nut holding the generator bracket and power steering reservoir.

Unscrew the bottom bolt of the generator.

Then we unscrew the pin, the generator will move down and you can remove the belt.

We jack up the engine and remove the support.

Unscrew several 10mm bolts and remove the front timing belt protective cover.

The removed cover shows the location of the bolts.

Next, we dismantle the bracket, two bolts in front.

And two on the side.

Set the top dead center

To do this, we rotate the crankshaft clockwise until the slots on the camshafts are parallel to the plane of the head and the camshaft retainer can be inserted into them, in our case the usual thirty-second corner.

Unscrew the plug from the bottom.

From the kit we only need the crankshaft and tension roller clamp.

We tighten the clamp instead of the plug; it should block the crankshaft from turning clockwise. You can remove the camshaft clamp and check by turning the crankshaft.

Remove the right front wheel and mudguard. Having made sure that everything is in place and locked, we proceed to the most interesting part, unscrew the crankshaft pulley bolt. I blocked it with a universal clamp, and an assistant tore it off using a one and a half meter extension cord.

We remove the pulley and unscrew the three bolts and remove the lower timing cover.

We fix the tension roller, then unscrew it and remove it along with the timing belt.

Ford Focus repair manual

So, when everything is prepared, you can start working.

It should be noted that the second generation Ford Focus is a modern car in which all elements and systems are interconnected.

Therefore, the replacement must be done extremely carefully.

You need to install the belt carefully without fuss, because if it is even slightly damaged, it will not be able to work fully and sooner or later will lead to more serious damage.

diagram of how to remove the cover for the alternator belt zone

Ford 2

Replacing the alternator belt is carried out as follows: We hang the front axle of the Ford Focu s2 and place it on a strong support, after which we remove the wheel.


Unscrew the right front wheel ff 2

We dismantle the fender liner and protective cover by unscrewing the mounting bolts to the engine with a socket head.

Replacement methods on 1.6 l engines

Before carrying out work, you must first purchase replacement drive elements. The best option is to purchase an original kit, especially for models with 1.4 and 1.6 liter engines.

The original kit, catalog number 1708273, includes not only generator and air conditioning drive belts, but also accessories for their installation.

But the same kit is not entirely suitable for car owners whose cars are not equipped with air conditioning (the second belt will be superfluous and will significantly affect the cost).

You can also purchase consumables separately, which will allow you to save a little. For example, instead of the original Ford Focus 2 alternator belt, you can buy an analogue produced by Contitech, Dayco, Bosch, Gates. The same manufacturers also produce air conditioning drive belts.

But in this case, the car owner will not receive installation tools, although you can do without them.

There are three ways to replace the alternator belt. Let's look at them using the example of a Ford Focus 2 equipped with a 1.6-liter unit. The first method is using a special device included in the original kit.

Before starting installation, you need to get rid of the worn-out consumables. Since the belt will not be used further, we simply cut it off (in models with air conditioning we also cut the compressor belt).

To fit the new drive, you will only need two 17mm open-end wrenches and a device for seating it.

The installation technology is as follows:

  • We put the drive element on the crankshaft pulley, place it in the power steering pulley and put it on the generator;
  • We put a landing device on the pump pulley so that its protrusion is located at the top;
  • We put the belt behind the ledge;
  • We put the 17 key on the hex head of the device and, with a “pull” motion, turn the special tool. In this case, the device will pull the drive with its protrusion and seat it on the pump pulley. Since the engine mounting bracket will not allow you to make a full turn with the key, we pull until it stops, after which we grab the head with the second key and pull with it;
  • We carry out the procedure with tension and interception with keys until the drive element “sits” on the pump pulley;
  • Check that the belt is seated correctly.

The second belt is replaced using approximately the same principle. We put it on the pulleys of the compressor and crankshaft, wind it by the last belt and turn the crankshaft clockwise with a wrench to seat the drive.

The second method of replacing the alternator belt on a Ford Focus 2 does not require the use of special tools.

The planting method is quite simple:

  • Before putting it on, unscrew the 3 bolts securing the pump pulley, and leave one, just loosen it a little (this will make it possible to move the pulley relative to the pump itself);
  • We put the belt on all the pulleys of the crankshaft, generator and power steering pump, and also wind it behind the unscrewed pulley of the pump;
  • Using a 18mm socket with a knob, rotate the crankshaft clockwise. When you turn it, the pulley will begin to tighten the belt, which will cause the pump pulley to rotate and fall into place, after which all that remains is to secure it with bolts.

This method is very simple, but allows you to very quickly change the drive of the attachment.

The third method also does not require the use of a special tool, but technologically it is a little more complicated than the second option.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Before installing the belt drive, unscrew the upper fasteners of the generator (bolt, as well as the nut along with the stud), and loosen the lower fastening (after this the generator will be able to rotate a little). See here how to replace the Ford Focus 2 generator;
  • By moving towards ourselves we shift the node;
  • We put a new consumable on all the pulleys (a displaced unit will allow this to be done);
  • We put the generator in place. To do this, we move it towards the engine and, holding it in this position, tighten the upper mounting bolt. After this, all that remains is to screw the stud into place, screw the nut onto it and tighten the lower fastener.

All of these methods are suitable for replacing the alternator belt on both a 1.6-liter engine and a 1.4-liter unit.

Design nuances

The engines used in the Ford Focus 2 have their own specific design features. Thus, on 1.4- and 1.6-liter engines, the drive tension of auxiliary units is carried out by equipment pulleys, which affects the replacement technology.

Due to the absence of a tension roller, a new drive belt on such motors can only be put into place using special tools.

In 1.8 and 2.0 liter units, the tension roller is already used, which greatly facilitates the replacement work and does not require the use of specific tools.

The replacement process is also affected by the presence of an air conditioner, since the compressor belt on the crankshaft pulley is located in front of the generator drive element (this can be seen from the photo above), so it is impossible to install the latter without removing the first.

In what cases is it necessary to replace or tighten the belt?

It is necessary to learn how to properly replace and tension the air conditioning belt on a Chevrolet Lanos because it may be required in many cases. For example, replacing the timing belt or alternator belt is impossible without removing the air conditioning belt.

Chevrolet Lanos

The fact that it's time to replace or tighten the air conditioning belt can be signaled by specific squeaking sounds from under the hood. In most cases, the culprit for this phenomenon is the air conditioner tension roller bearing. Usually when the roller is replaced, the belt also changes. There is no point in delaying repairs in the hope that this sound will subside on its own; it will only intensify over time.

The air conditioner belt must be replaced if cracking, delamination or other damage is detected during a visual inspection. Also, according to the instructions that come with the Lanos car, the belt should be replaced every 60 thousand kilometers. Belt catalog number 96486813 or 96182007. Size 1.3 by 82.5 centimeters. The current price is about 1000 rubles. The code for the air conditioner tension roller for Lanos is 96208428, the price of the branded one is a little more than 1000 rubles.

Replacement kit

Domestic bearings 1GPZ 6301 also have a good reputation; their quality is no worse than the original Korean one, but costs three times less.

Bearing lubrication

Roller with a bearing pressed into it

If it seems to you that it is not enough, then add Litol-24. The bookmark must be made on both sides. Next, we press in the bearing, using a hammer and some kind of punch, which can be a 10mm bolt. Work carefully and apply force only to the outer race, tapping in a circle.

Why do you need to change your belt on time?

The alternator belt in Ford Focus 100, 105, 115, 125 restyling and pre-restyling cars, according to official data noted in the technical book, must be changed every 60 thousand km. If replacement intervals are not met, the belt may break, which will cause inconvenience to the car owner. The service life of the strap may be shorter; everything here is determined by the conditions of use, correct installation and the quality of the part itself.

The need to change the product can be understood by the presence of defects and other damage on the structure itself. If the alternator belt breaks, all equipment will be powered directly from the battery. When functioning correctly, electrical appliances receive voltage from the generator set, which also restores the battery charge wasted to start the engine. If the strap breaks, the battery will not be able to renew its capacity, which will lead to its rapid discharge and the inability to drive the car.

Also, the installed drive belt is used to ensure the correct operation of the Ford Focus hydraulic power steering. If a break occurs, the power steering will turn off, and the driver will have to make efforts to turn the steering wheel.

Signs of an imminent replacement

A whistling sound may indicate that the strap is about to fail. In wet weather, a whistle appears when starting the car engine and disappears over time. If the belt is worn out, it will whistle continuously, especially when turning on electrical appliances and other equipment, for example, optics. In some cases, a battery light appears on the control panel of the car. This may be due to both problems with the battery and malfunctions of the generator device.

Other “symptoms” of product wear:

  • the appearance of cracks on the outside of the strap;
  • the product has been stretched greatly, it has lost its elasticity;
  • the appearance of tears in the structure of the strap;
  • formation of damage on the inside;
  • The belt structure began to delaminate.

Removing the old chain

At the bottom left, near the camshaft sprocket, the chain tensioner is hidden. The manual says, "Press the ratchet through the hole with a thin screwdriver to unlock the chain tensioner, then recess the rod by pushing down on the tensioner shoe and secure the tensioner rod in the recessed position by inserting a suitable rod into the hole." But since this is very inconvenient, we will remove the entire tensioner and then simply charge it on the knee.

Chain tensioner.

We loosen the tightening of the bolts securing the camshaft sprockets, but do not unscrew the bolts.

Remove the tensioner shoe and unscrew the two bolts of the damper.

Chain damper.

Remove the timing chain. Unscrew the oil pump chain tensioner bolt and remove it together with the chain.

Oil pump drive.

Don't whistle, belt. Fighting the whistling of the Ford Focus 2 alternator belt

The car is not the quietest vehicle. The acoustic background in big cities consists of 90% of noise of automobile origin. For those who love their car, these sounds are sweeter than music. However, sometimes there are not very pleasant overtones when the generator belt whistles, for example. The second generation Ford Focus is also no exception and sometimes has similar breakdowns. How to tension the generator belt, how to eliminate the whistling and why even a new drive belt whistles - we’ll find out all this right now.

Yes, each belt whistles in a special way, in particular this applies to the restyled Ford Focus 2. Progress, of course, does not stand still and the manufacturer introduces more and more advanced components and parts over time. The restyled Focus has become not just brighter in appearance. It has become cheaper for the manufacturer. As a result of reducing the cost of the design, we received a modified drive belt tensioning system.

Pre-styling (left) and restyled drive belt tensioners

More precisely, the tension mechanism was just removed. At Ford, the use of an auto-tensioner for the alternator belt was considered unnecessary and too wasteful. This was explained by the fact that belt drive production technologies are growing by leaps and bounds, belts have become much more elastic and now we don’t need any tensioner. No matter how it is. Either not all restyled Focuses were equipped with super-elastic belts, or these belts are not so elastic, but after removing the tensioner, the alternator belt began to whistle very often.

We use downshifting technology, that is, lowering the level of technical support to the previous one. To do this, we will need to buy a new alternator belt, a new tension roller and
bolts .

Three M8x70

, which replace studs on the restyled Focus

Feedback from owners clearly encourages us to purchase components from Gates. Here are their catalog numbers and approximate prices at the exchange rate for 2022:

  • If you buy a set, which is more profitable, then it will cost about $44-46, and its catalog number


You can buy it separately and this makes a certain sense, for example, you can buy a metal belt tensioner pulley with a replaceable Gates T36420 bearing,
its price is about $10.

Metal roller Gates T36420

The plastic roller with
the Gates part number T36398
is only $2 cheaper.
The main alternator drive belt for a Ford Focus with a 1.8-2.0 liter engine with Gates catalog number 6PK1305
also costs about 10 green.

Pre-styling belt tensioner with tension adjustment Alternator belt for 2.3-liter Focus ( Gates 6PK1320

) will be sold for $11.
And for reference, the Gates 5PK705SF
(FF2 2.3 liter) air conditioner belt costs $8.

Remove the right wheel, fender liner and mudguard, as well as the plastic engine cover. The tensioner and belt can be changed simply; the only thing that can complicate the work is the lack of a special device. It may come with a belt, or it may not. Here is his photo.

The device is inserted into the pump pulley until it clicks and turned with a 19mm key. The old belt is cut off. We will put on the new generator drive belt in the following sequence:

  1. Power steering pump pulley.
  2. Place the belt under the pump pulley under the device.
  3. We put it on the generator.

Alternator belt installation diagram on the second Focus

Let's say we replaced the roller or are driving a pre-restyling Focus 2, but the generator suddenly whistles. Then the first thing we check is this:

  1. Condition of the ridge belt. There should be no cracks or delaminations on its surface.
  2. Belt tension. If the belt is loose, it will definitely whistle.
  3. Clean pulleys and rollers.
  4. The plane in which pulleys and rollers operate. If the longitudinal centers of the pulleys are misaligned, the belt will quickly fail.

Also, the belt may whistle due to oiling or antifreeze, the tensioner roller bearing itself may whistle, the whistle may be caused by the belt losing its elasticity, especially in cold weather. Therefore, the belt often whistles when cold, and after the engine warms up, the whistle disappears.

Be that as it may, at the first suspicious sounds from under the hood, it is necessary to check the drive belt, rollers and pulleys. Quiet engine operation and good roads to everyone!

Replacing the brush assembly

The most common failures for which the generator has to be removed are wear of the graphite brushes and rotor bearings. These faults can be classified as mechanical and you can fix them yourself.

To replace the brush assembly, you only need 8 and 10 wrenches, as well as a flathead and Phillips screwdriver.

The brush assembly is located under the rear cover, and complete disassembly of the generator is not required. To replace the brushes, you need to remove the back cover, and to do this:

  • Unscrew the second nut on the stud to which the power cable is connected;
  • Using a size 8 wrench, twist the three nuts securing the cover;
  • Using a screwdriver, unscrew the terminal jumper screw;
  • Remove the cover.

After dismantling the cover, all that remains is to unscrew the three screws of the brush assembly, remove it, install a new one and put everything back together.

The entire work process is described in the official instructions.

In addition to the brushes, by removing the back cover you can also change the voltage regulator and rectifier bridge.

As for the bearings, to replace them you will have to completely disassemble the unit.

Malfunctions related to the electrical part - breaks in the windings, short circuits and other breakdowns - can only be repaired by a specialized service center.

In some cases, such faults cannot be eliminated and the generator is simply replaced with a new one.

Ford Focus 2 Alternator drive belt pump air conditioner belt remove replacement repair Ford Focus 2

Ford Focus 2 > Maintenance > Replacing the accessory drive belt and the air conditioning compressor drive belt

According to the maintenance regulations, the drive belt for Ford Focus 2 auxiliary units is changed every 100 thousand.

kilometers, regardless of its condition. On a car with air conditioning, we simultaneously change the air conditioning compressor drive belt. The accessory and air conditioning compressor drive belts are disposable and are designed to only stretch once during installation.

Belts cannot be reused.

As spare parts, belts are supplied complete with tools for their installation.

Belt Installation Tools

: 1 — drive of auxiliary units; 2 — air conditioning compressor Remove the right front wheel.

Remove the right front wheel arch liner (see “Removing the front wheel arch liner”). For clarity, belt replacement operations are shown with the engine removed.

To remove belts...

...use a knife to cut the air conditioning compressor drive belt...

...and the accessory drive belt. Wipe the pulleys with a clean rag.

To install the accessory drive belt...

...install the device on the coolant pump pulley.

When installing, you should hear a click - this indicates that the device is in place.

Turn the coolant pump pulley counterclockwise to the position as shown in the photo.

We install the device on the auxiliary drive pulley... that the number on the fixture faces the engine.

We put the belt on the drive pulleys of the auxiliary units and the power steering pump, while placing the upper branch of the belt under the device on the coolant pump pulley...

...and put the belt on the generator pulley.

In this case, the belt should be located on the device, as shown in the photo.

We remove the devices from the coolant pump pulley... ...and the accessory drive pulley.

Using the “18” head, turn the crankshaft by the bolt securing the auxiliary drive pulley two turns and check that the belt is installed correctly.

To install the air conditioning compressor drive belt, install the device on the accessory drive pulley so that it is located approximately halfway between the vertical and horizontal axes of the pulley.

We put the belt on the air conditioning compressor pulley...

...and for adaptation.

Remove the device from the auxiliary drive pulley.

We turn the crankshaft of the Ford Focus 2 engine two turns and check that the belt is installed correctly.

How often should I change

A generator belt or an attachment belt belongs to the category of consumables. Therefore, there is no way to do without periodic replacement.

But we have to give credit to Ford. The Focus 2 had an impressive belt life. There is no need to talk about the need to regularly change the part.

Here you need to build on the official regulations for maintenance. The manual for the Ford Focus 2 says that the replacement interval is 50-60 thousand kilometers. If we focus on age, then this is 5-6 years from the start of operation. You need to build on what comes first.

Replacing hanging belts on Focus 2 1.6

According to the instructions, the generator belt on a Ford Focus 2 is not removed by loosening the tensioner or generator, but is cut off, and to install it you will need a special set of devices that are used depending on which pulley (generator, power steering or air conditioner) the drive belt is put on. On engines 1.4 and 1.6 liters. FF2 does not have tension rollers on the drive belts of mounted units, but on 1.8 and 2.0, although there is a tension roller on the generator belt, according to the technology, the belts are still disposable and they are simply cut off, and new ones are also installed with a special device. Since many people do not have such equipment, and they don’t have enough money to buy it, they come up with other ways to change the belt of an air conditioner or FF2 generator without tools. We will talk about some of them, and also show them clearly in the video.

According to the manufacturer's recommendations, the alternator belt should be replaced every 60,000 km

mileage, or 6 years of operation.

Officials do not recommend replacing the Focus alternator belt on your own on a 1.6-liter engine, since rough and inept handling can lead to damage to the belt during installation, but on 1.8, 2.0 engines you can do it yourself, it will be easier there.

To replace the drive belt of a Ford Focus 2 1.6 with air conditioning, you need a set of belts - 1708273, its composition:

  • generator belt;
  • air conditioning belt;
  • installation accessories (3 pieces).

If you don’t take the original, you can buy CONTITECH 6PK1059ELASTT2, it will cost 15 dollars less.

Set of accessories: 1 - for driving auxiliary units (generator, power steering, pump); 2 - air conditioning compressor belt

This is interesting: Starter solenoid relay - device, malfunctions, check

To change the generator belt, a two-part device is installed on the pump wheel (we install the device until it clicks when it becomes as needed). The pump pulley is rotated using a special bolt (key “19”) on the fixture. The belt should be wound in the following sequence: first we put it on the pulley of the power steering pump, while the belt is wound under the device on the pump, then we put the belt on the generator.

And to replace the air conditioning compressor belt, we take another device and place it on the crankshaft pulley, throwing the drive belt over the compressor and putting it on the device from below. Then we turn the KV bolt with a key (at “18”), turn the pulley clockwise, and hold the belt with your hand so that it does not come off.

Visual video instructions on how to put the belts on the Focus 2 with the device

Replacing generator belts, air conditioning, FF2 1.6 l pump without tools

Now let’s look at replacing the air conditioner and alternator belt on your own on a Focus 2 with 1.8 and 2.0 liter engines, where you can do without the odds and ends, saving on the purchase of a kit, and taking Gates belts:

  • 6PK1305 — FF2 generator belt;
  • 5PK705SF - air conditioning belt.

To get to the belts, as in the previous case, you will need to remove the decorative engine cover, the front right wheel, and behind it the mudguard and fender liner (T25 key), and then you can proceed in several ways:

Option No. 1 for replacing the air conditioner belt
  • unscrew the five bolts securing the air conditioning compressor;
  • we will fix the air conditioning so as not to disturb the hoses;
  • remove/install the drive belt;
  • We screw the compressor back, but there is one thing. When the old belt is put back, the compressor can be screwed into place without problems, but if there is a new belt that is not stretched, then it may not work out so smoothly.

This is interesting: When to adjust headlights

Option number 2: how to change the compressor drive belt
  • Without unscrewing the compressor, remove its pulley;
  • Using the “10” head, unscrew and remove the pulley pressure plate;
  • remove the pulley retaining ring, and then the pulley along with the belt;
  • put a new hanging belt on the HF and compressor pulleys;
  • we will select a pipe of suitable diameter (so that the diameter is larger than the compressor shaft, but smaller than the hole in the pulley);
  • we pass the tube through the pulley and put it on the compressor shaft by about 5 mm and press it down a little, the pulley, under the influence of the resistance of the belt, jumps onto the shaft itself;
  • putting everything back together.

On the top of the engine, in order to change the alternator belt, unscrew the 2 tensioner bolts and leave it on the pin, move it to the right side of the car, and remove the belt!

Reassemble in reverse order. Thus, it will take about an hour to replace the FF2 hanging belts without any problems.

Replacing the alternator drive belt Ford Focus 2 1.8 TDCi

Replacing the alternator belt on a Ford Focus 2 1.8 Flexifuel

Dismantling a generator with 1.8 and 2.0 liter internal combustion engines

Unlike previous versions, in configurations with these two engines the generator is located differently. Therefore, installation and dismantling work will be carried out using an overpass, inspection pit or lift.

The set of tools is the same. Plus add a size 19 open-end wrench and a screwdriver to it.

The complexity of the work is that some of the activities are carried out through the bottom, and others through the top of the engine compartment.

To remove the generator from a 2nd generation Ford Focus, which has a 1.8 or 2.0 liter engine, you must:

  • place the car on a pit or overpass;
  • remove the plastic protection from the internal combustion engine;
  • disconnect the negative terminal from the battery;
  • Using a 17 or 19 key, move the tension roller toward the passenger compartment, and then remove the alternator belt;
  • 10, unscrew the 3 tension roller fastenings with a wrench;

  • below you will see 2 bolts, but you need to unscrew one for now, under the engine;
  • unscrew the mounting bolt of the bracket that secures the air conditioner pipe to the air conditioner radiator;
  • then you should disconnect the chip using a flat-head screwdriver;
  • now the second fastening bolt at the bottom is unscrewed;
  • turn a little knot that has already dropped down;
  • get to the wire block and the nut that holds the power wire;
  • Use a size 13 socket to disconnect the block and remove the wire;
  • move the air conditioner pipe slightly to the side;
  • remove the old generator.

Installation is carried out in strictly reverse order. The only caveat is not to mix up the mounting bolts. Otherwise, no special difficulties should arise during assembly.

If the alternator belt bothers you on a Ford Focus 3, replacement is necessary

Every day, motorists are faced with the need to turn on additional lighting, radio, and other lighting devices. All this happens thanks to the presence of such equipment as a generator in the standard design of the machine. The device is designed to convert the mechanical energy of crankshaft rotation into electrical energy to power the entire circuit of the car. The mechanism is driven by rotation of the belt in the timing system. A generator malfunction leads to a number of breakdowns in the system. For example, a sharp increase in battery voltage, boiling of the electrolyte. A short circuit often occurs. Let's look at all the breakdowns and malfunctions using the example of a third-generation Ford Focus car.

Diagnostic methods

Note to the driver: in modern cars it is not customary to use the so-called “old-fashioned” methods for diagnosing a generator. If you remove the terminals on the battery, you can cause even more damage to the equipment. Voltage drops will damage all electronics, including the on-board computer. It is recommended to carry out measurements using a special diagnostic stand. Initially, the voltage at the terminal blocks is measured, the motor is started and readings are taken again.

Before starting the engine, the readings should not exceed 12V, after starting - within 13.7 - 14.8 V. An excess in the “+” direction indicates overcharging, in a negative direction – a lack of current due to a breakdown of the generator, which is part of the gas distribution mechanism.

Concept, principle of operation of the timing belt, role of the alternator belt

Timing is a complex mechanism installed to effectively control the flow of gases entering each cylinder. The structure is complex: a camshaft, valve drives for opening and closing holes in the combustion chambers, transmission links, pushers, rods, rocker arms, and a number of other auxiliary elements. This list also includes the timing belt, which has a special mission.

The belt serves to synchronize the camshaft and crankshaft in a car. The duration of belt operation is strictly regulated by each manufacturer. The connection of the shafts to each other is necessary for the motor to start and subsequently work in tact.

Finding the belt on the engine is quite simple - the lower left part in the engine compartment. In other brands and models, the location will be different. The structure of the belt is toothed, which allows it to capture the grooves of the units under its control as efficiently and tightly as possible. Previously, there was a practice of installing connectors with a smooth surface. But their efficiency indicator was low, which served as the basis for the development of a new type of belts for connecting the shafts to each other.

At the same time, the improvement of technology has led to an increase in the load on the belt. Now, instead of two shafts, auxiliary equipment has to be driven. This significantly reduces the service life.

Ford Focus 3: replacing the alternator belt - prerequisites

Typical signs of a faulty alternator belt are:

  • traces of burrs are visible on the belt, as a result of worn teeth;
  • when the engine is running, a whistle is heard and the belt slips noticeably, which indicates its excessive stretching;
  • the color of the engine exhaust has become black, which should not be confused with a diesel unit when the engine is under load from the cargo being transported;
  • vibrations during engine operation, regardless of speed;
  • starting the power unit is difficult;
  • Extraneous noise appeared in the engine.

When does a Ford Focus 3 alternator belt need to be replaced?

What situations prompt you to replace the belt? In most cases, these are the results of vehicle diagnostics. As a rule, the owner of a vehicle is rarely able to make a decision on replacement due to his incompetence. Full responsibility lies with the mechanic. The specialist must be sufficiently qualified to correctly diagnose the breakdown, its location, degree of criticality, and the number of necessary spare parts.

The inspection of the technical equipment should begin by reading the readings from the Ford Focus 3 on-board computer. To do this, the technician connects a contact board to the diagnostic connector and views the data on a portable scanner and conducts analysis. After this, he inspects the belt itself and the timing belt as a whole. In the engine compartment, unscrew the plastic box covering the belt. The main belt failures are the presence of burrs, when the material is deformed and becomes unusable and the teeth are broken. As soon as one of the above symptoms is present, replacement must be carried out.

Where is the alternator belt located?

It is logical to assume that the alternator belt is located on the alternator, which is where it is actually located. The belt is needed to transmit torque to the generator shaft from the engine crankshaft.

Signs that your belt is faulty

The first and main sign that will notify you that the belt needs to be changed is the whistling of the belt when the car is electrically loaded.

What happens if you don't replace the alternator belt in time?

First of all, a worn belt, unlike a new one, is stretched, as a result of which it begins to whistle and slip; due to a stretched belt, the generator cannot deliver the full load. A worn belt can break at any moment. If the belt does break, then the car is left without a generator; electricity is supplied from the battery, but as you know, the battery does not last long, and you risk an emergency stop on the road at any time. To prevent this from happening, change the alternator belt in a timely manner.

It is necessary to especially thank the car developers, since if there is an overpass or a hole, the belt can be replaced without any problems.

Tools that we may need when replacing the alternator belt:

— Key head size “8”,

— Key, combination size “19”,

— Special device for mounting the belt

Part selection: original and analogues

The choice of a generator for a car should be taken more than seriously. The quality of the product will determine how stable the battery power will be, as well as the voltage of the on-board network. For Ford Focus 2, in addition to the original, there are several analogues that can be installed on a vehicle.


All second Focuses with a 2-liter engine were equipped with Denso generators with catalog number 30667071. The average cost of a product in the Russian Federation is about 20,000 rubles.


Often when replacing a generator, 120 A is installed instead of the original 105.

In addition to the original, on the automotive spare parts market you can find a fairly large number of analogues that can easily be mounted on a car. So, let's look at the main ones:

Manufacturer's nameCatalog numberCost in rubles
DENSODAN101616 000
DENSO104210354218 000
FORD153029929 000
FORD174862520 000
WAI23839N13 000
DENSO104210376115 000
FORD153029927 000

How to install and tension the alternator belt on Ford Focus 1, 2 and 3 with your own hands

The generator set is the main element in the electrical network of any car. The problem must be corrected immediately. Below we will talk about replacing the Ford Focus 2 alternator belt on your own.

Why do you need to change your belt on time?

Video “How to properly change the strap on Focus 2”

Replacing the alternator drive belt for Ford Focus 2 (Duratec 16V 1.4 and 1.6 engine)

Replacing the drive belt for Ford Focus 2 accessories (1.4-1.6 Duratec 16V)

Removal and installation

General equipment: knife


The A/C compressor belt cannot be reused as it is designed to only stretch once when placed on the pulleys. Failure to follow this instruction may result in premature belt failure.

The accessory drive belt cannot be reused because... it is designed to only stretch once when installed on the pulleys. Failure to follow this instruction may result in premature belt failure.

1. Remove the right front wheel.

2. Remove the accessory drive belt splash guard.

3. Remove the right front locker.

4. Using a suitable knife, cut the A/C belt and remove it.


NOTE: Install a new accessory drive belt and compressor belt.

1. Wipe all pulleys clean to prevent the accessory drive belt from slipping during installation.

2. NOTICES: Correctly install the accessory belt guide tool onto the crankshaft pulley. The center of the accessory belt guide tool should be at the 12 o'clock position, with the curved end closest to the engine. Failure to follow this instruction may result in damage to the accessory drive belt during installation.

Install the accessory belt guide tool (included in the parts kit) onto the crankshaft pulley with the center of the tool at the 12 o'clock position (engine shown removed for clarity).

3. Lower the vehicle.

4. Select first gear or park position.

5. Place the accessory belt onto the crankshaft pulley, power steering pulley and coolant pump pulley in the positions shown (engine shown removed for clarity).

6. NOTICES: Check that a click is heard when the accessory belt installation tool locking piece is installed on the coolant pump pulley. Failure to follow this instruction may result in damage to the accessory drive belt during installation.

Install the accessory belt installation tool (included in the parts kit) onto the coolant pump pulley in the position shown (engine shown removed for clarity).

7. Rotate the belt installation tool 90 degrees counterclockwise to the position shown (engine shown removed for clarity).

8. NOTE: Make sure the accessory drive belt is positioned correctly in the pulley grooves.

Remove the accessory drive belt from the coolant pump pulley and place it over the installation tool and alternator pulley in the position shown (engine shown removed for clarity).

9. NOTICES: Make sure the accessory drive belt is correctly aligned with the installation tool. Failure to follow this instruction may result in damage to the accessory drive belt.

Rotate the accessory belt installation tool clockwise until the belt tension is released (engine shown removed for clarity).

Step-by-step instruction

You can replace, put on and tighten the product yourself.

Required Tools

We change the belt after all the tools have been collected:

A device for putting on can be purchased in a store, rented at a service station, or developed a drawing and made yourself. The donning tool will allow you to complete the installation procedure faster, and rollers will be required if the old parts have begun to wear out.

User Ernest told how to change the alternator belt yourself.

Replacement steps

To properly remove, install and tension the drive belt of the generator set and air conditioner, you must proceed according to the following scheme:

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