Checking the functionality and replacing the fuel pump on a Ford Focus car: instructions, tips, photos

The Ford Focus 3 fuel pump should be replaced if it becomes noticeable that the fuel pump is not working as efficiently as before, or is not working at all. In the Focus 3 car, the fuel pump is a submersible pump; during operation it is cooled by the gasoline in which its body is immersed.

If there is not enough fuel, the pump does not cool down and overheating may occur - as a result, the pump will malfunction and may quickly fail.

Let's look at the main symptoms of a malfunction, as well as the processes of removing the fuel pump and replacing it on a Ford Focus 3 car.

What fuel pumps are installed on the Ford Focus: models, design, location

In the fuel supply system of Ford Focus cars, the fuel pump plays the role of transporting fuel from the tank to the engine. It is advisable to install original spare parts on these cars. But they are expensive. Therefore, some are content with alternative options. For example, Italian ERA gasoline pumps are quite popular.

A few interesting points about Erov’s models:

  • ERA is not a manufacturer, but a supplier of spare parts. It does not produce anything itself, but is only a packager of certain components. Thus, a fuel pump for an American car packaged by this company can also be considered an original part;
  • Often on the market you can find fuel pumps packaged in the same boxes with the Mesmer inscription. The price of the models is almost half that of ERA products. What's the catch? It turns out that this is a “left-handed” pump, most likely made in China;

    It is recommended to carefully check the Messmer fuel pump in the package

  • To identify a fake, it is recommended to look first at the label of the packaging box. The “Chinese” sticker is of lower quality, printed on a black and white printer. Secondly, look for the presence of a protective film on top of the pump, on which the ERA brand name should be applied. As a rule, it is not present on fakes;

    The ERA inscription inside the packaging indicates the originality of the product

  • the presence of the Visteon label on the top of the pump can also be considered a signature feature of a real Ford product;

    Visteon label on the fuel pump as a sign of quality and originality

Similar fuel pumps that fit the Ford Focus without any problems are from the Volvo S40, Mazda 3. They cost a little more than the Italian ones, but are cheaper than the original ones.

In terms of design, the original fuel pump of Ford Focus cars is a model of an electric submersible rotary pump. The pump is equipped with coarse and fine filters and a pressure regulator. The submersible version of the pump model is considered the best today, as it reduces the risk of vapor locks. Fuel here is supplied under pressure, and not as a result of vacuum.

Original fuel pumps for Ford Focus are made in the USA. The price for parts is about 3–5 thousand rubles. (in times of shortage the cost jumped to 20 thousand rubles). Analogs, as mentioned, are almost half the price.

Ford Focus fuel pumps can be identified by catalog numbers:

  • 1234552;
  • 1254193;
  • 1305354;
  • 1309160;
  • 1312617;
  • 1529595.

There is no particular difference between fuel pumps for Ford Focus cars of different generations. However, it is recommended to indicate the year of manufacture and engine modification when purchasing.

All pumps for American cars are designed for flow rates from 3 to 4.15 bar. Capacity 90 l./h. can be considered sufficient. However, on the latest generation cars with a more powerful engine, it is advisable to select models with a capacity of 115 l/h. If the pump capacity is low and the engine is powerful, this will lead to unnecessary loads on the internal combustion engine and the fuel pump. It is also important to know that the Ford Focus comes with pump models 11.5 cm long and 38 mm in diameter.

The fuel pump is located on the top surface of the tank, next to the hatch. You need to remove the rear seat to get to it (on sedans) or climb from the trunk side (in hatchbacks). However, when developing the car, the engineers did not take into account that the pumps, although original (of high quality), are not at all eternal. If they had provided a hatch under the seat, dismantling the pump would have been much easier. Here the pump is placed directly into the tank. To remove it, you have to cut the tank.

Removing the fuel pump from Ford Focus cars is fraught with significant difficulties

This is interesting: Checking hoses and connections of the cooling system in a Ford Focus 2

Smart Ford

In this regard, the Ford Focus 3 can easily be called a “smart” car. The car's electronics perform many functions, control the operation of the engine, diagnose the operation of various systems and components of the car, and control many small details, which it periodically reminds the driver of.

Such, at first glance, seemingly small things include monitoring the battery charge in the ignition key of the Ford Focus 3. This little thing is actually of great importance. Many drivers whose cars are equipped with electronic keys or alarms sooner or later face a situation when the battery that powers the key or key fob is discharged. In such cases, you have to either urgently look for a battery or a spare key fob. Otherwise, it is not possible to open and start the car. In this context, a timely reminder of the need to replace the battery does not seem like a trifle.

Ford Focus 3, when it detects a weakening of the battery charge that powers the key, very persistently reminds you that it needs to be replaced. Otherwise, the car simply does not move.

Signs of a fuel pump malfunction

There are many “symptoms” that allow you to determine incorrect operation or understand that an important element of the car has become faulty:

  • During operation of the gasoline pump, uncharacteristic noises appeared in the fuel system.
  • The pump hums while the motor is running.
  • Gasoline consumption has increased with an unchanged level of consumption.
  • The car stopped starting.

The last reason in most cases is associated with problems in the fuel system. Sometimes the cause of a breakdown is a malfunction of spark plugs, high-voltage electrical wires, starter, battery and other parts of the system.

Pump replacement

To replace the Ford Focus fuel pump, you can use two methods. Removing a gas tank completely is a difficult method. It is advisable that it be used by car service specialists. Incorrect removal of the gas tank can cause damage to the engine itself. But the second option is suitable for non-professionals, because it does not involve removing the gas tank. This is exactly what we propose to consider.

What tools do you need to prepare?

Before you begin removing the gasoline pump yourself, you need to stock up on the following arsenal of tools:

  • rubber gloves;
  • cloth;
  • electric drill;
  • respirator;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • a medium-sized flat-head screwdriver;
  • a set of ring and slotted keys;
  • scissors cutting metal;
  • pump to replace the old ones with.

Smart Ford

Ford Focus 3, of course, can safely be called a “smart” car. The car’s electronics perform a huge number of functions, control the operation of the engine, diagnose the operation of various systems and components of the car and keep a huge number of all sorts of little things under control; from time to time the driver is reminded of this fact.

At first, there are no teeth to such little things, including monitoring the battery charge in the ignition key of the Ford Focus 3. This little thing is essentially of great importance. A huge number of drivers, whose cars are equipped with electric keys or alarms, at some point are faced with a situation when the battery from which the key or other key fob is required to operate is discharged. In this option, you either have to urgently find a battery or a spare key fob. Otherwise it is impossible to open and start the car. In this context, a timely reminder to replace the battery does not seem like a trifle.

Ford Focus 3, when it detects a weakening of the battery charge, from which the key is required, very aggressively reminds that it needs to be changed. Otherwise, the car simply does not move.

Replacing other elements of the fuel system

Fuel system components that should be replaced periodically include the screen, filters, and relays.


The fuel pump strainer is the first fuel filter. It is on this that dirt accumulates and enters the tank along with low-quality gasoline. Therefore, the mesh sometimes has to be cleaned or replaced.

Replacing the mesh is not particularly difficult:

  • Wipe the removed fuel pump dry with a rag or cloth - there should be no drops of gasoline on it.
  • Bend the clips on the top of the pump and remove the screen.
  • Install the new mesh and secure it with clamps.

Old (left) and new (right) fuel pump screens

If there is no mechanical damage on the surface of the old mesh, it can be cleaned under high pressure.

In this simple way, you can return the fuel pump to functionality.


The manufacturer recommends changing the fuel filter on a Ford Focus every 30 thousand kilometers. However, taking into account the quality of domestic roads, this figure drops to 20–25 thousand km.

The fuel filter cleans gasoline from dirt

The fuel filter in all Ford Focus cars is located in the gas tank, under the rear seats. The procedure for replacing it is as follows:

  • Drive the car onto a viewing hole or overpass.
  • Remove the element responsible for the operation of the fuel pump (blue) from the fuse box.
  • Start the engine and wait until it uses up all the fuel and stalls.
  • Make sure there is no gasoline left in the system by starting the engine again.
  • The fuel filter is located in a niche to the right of the gas tank.

    The fuel filter is located at the bottom right of the gas tank

  • Disconnect the connector from the filter. At the same time, do not touch the green wire - it ensures the return of fuel to the system.
  • Carefully disconnect the fuel pipes - there may be gasoline remaining in them.

    When replacing the fuel filter, the tubes are disconnected on both sides

  • Using a size 8 wrench, unscrew the filter mounting bolt.
  • Remove the filter along with the mount.
  • Using a 7mm wrench, disconnect it from the bracket and install a new filter in this place.
  • Attach the filter together with the mount to the car body.
  • Connect all fuel pipes, thoroughly cleaning them from dust and dirt before doing so. When the connectors are connected correctly, you will hear a slight click.
  • Replace the fuse.


The cause of the fuel pump stopping may also be a blown fuse or a failed relay. This can be easily resolved by replacing faulty elements with new ones.

The fuel pump fuse is blue

The relay and fuse box is located to the left of the engine behind the shock absorber dome. The fuel pump fuse is blue, the relay is black.

The relay responsible for supplying power to the fuel pump is black.

When replacing, the faulty fuse or relay is removed from the socket using pliers, and a new one is installed in its place.

Replacing the fuel pump of a Ford Focus car yourself is complicated by its extremely inconvenient location. However, if there is desire and free time, any car owner can do this work. In this case, you just need to carefully follow the suggested recommendations.

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How to open a key, disassemble the key fob and replace it

The side buttons on the Ford Focus 3 key fob are pressed

A screwdriver is placed between the halves of the key fob

Action steps

First of all, it is necessary to remove vehicles from enclosed spaces and onto the street. If you plan to work in a garage or other enclosed space, turn off the ventilation. Next, you need to put on a respirator (this way you will not be exposed to fuel vapors) and pre-prepared gloves, remove the hardware from the rear passenger seats and remove them from the car. Afterwards you need to remove the rug, and you will see a metal panel that hides the motor bomb. In it, using scissors, you need to make a hole with a circumference of approximately 25 centimeters: drill holes along the diameter of the cut using an electric drill. Take a small drill because the gas tank is close. Bend the edges of the panel and remove the fuel drive tubes.

To do this, cover the pump with a cloth and only then begin to carefully unscrew the tubes so that they look into the face or the interior of the car. There may be fuel liquid inside, etc. Therefore, when removing the tubes, try not to get dirty with splashing gasoline. Start the engine and let it run for a while. Let it run until it shuts down. This will relieve excessive pressure in the system. And even if the engine stalls, crank the starter again so that all the fuel fluid is drained from the system. Once it has merged, you can remove the o-ring for attaching the gasoline pump to the tank and remove it from the hole. Afterwards, you can repair the fuel pump yourself or replace it with a new one. The hole in the floor can be easily closed: using a 30 x 30 cm metal plate, securing it with 4 screws. Afterwards, you can safely install the carpet and seats in their original places.

When replacing the fuel pump on Focus 3, place the housing strictly in a certain position. To do this, before removing it, make marks on it (on the body). Otherwise, you will not be able to connect fuel drives to the newly installed part.

Some good advice

All replacement steps must be performed very carefully, otherwise you risk damaging the fuel lines. There is no need to point the fuel pipes at your face - the gasoline is under high pressure. Contact with eyes is fraught with negative consequences (gasoline is caustic and can damage the membranes of the eyes).

If you have never worked with scissors cutting metal, first make holes around the circumference with a thin drill. This will make cutting easier. When you cut, do not touch the plastic body of the fuel tank.

Once the installation process of the fuel pump is completed, close the cut hole. We indicated above that this can be done with a metal plate, but you can also use masking tape. The second option is simpler, since it does not need to be attached to the floor surface, but simply sealed.

As you can see, replacing the fuel pump yourself is not that difficult if you act according to the instructions and consistently. True, from the aesthetic side, this process is not particularly attractive. On the other hand, a metal scarf under the rug will not be noticeable, and you will significantly save your budget for service station services. Plus, the algorithm for replacing a car component is simple: remove the back seat, make a hole of the required diameter, carefully remove the already faulty pump and install a new one. Everything can be done without the help of professionals.

Important points

  • When unscrewing the fuel lines from the pump, you must be extremely careful and under no circumstances point the tubes at your face or towards the front seats, since the gasoline in them is under pressure. It is best to unscrew the tubes after wrapping the couplings with a rag.
  • Since after all the above operations a round hole appears in the floor of the cabin, it must be repaired. For this, a square metal plate (dimensions: 30 by 30 cm) is suitable, in the corners of which holes are drilled. The floor in the cabin is thin, so the plate is easily attached to 4 self-tapping screws. This will reliably protect the pump from damage.
  • To make it easier to cut through the floor panel with scissors, you can pre-drill a series of holes where the cut will be made. This can be done with a regular electric drill. However, the drill should not be too long, since in this case there is a risk of hitting the gas tank (and it is very easy to damage it, since it is plastic on the Ford Focus 2).

Of course, the method of replacing the pump given in this article can hardly be called beautiful. But it has three undoubted advantages. Firstly, it’s fast, and secondly, it’s simple, so even a novice car enthusiast can complete this task. And finally, it’s cheap, because you won’t have to pay auto mechanics at the service center to completely remove the gas tank and a lot of related operations.

How to understand that the fuel pump has failed?

There are a number of signs that allow you to determine that the fuel pump has failed and began to work incorrectly (or has stopped working altogether).

Signs of malfunction:

  • Noises are heard in the fuel system while the fuel pump is operating.
  • While the engine is running, the Ford Focus 3 fuel pump hums
  • Increased fuel consumption at the same level of consumption
  • The car just won't start

The latter may be associated not only with problems in the fuel system, but also with malfunction of spark plugs, high-voltage wires, starter, battery and other system elements.

Why change?

If you do not systematically replace parts, the owner of a Ford Focus 3 may encounter the following problems:

  • uneven operation of the motor (“troits”);
  • loss of power;
  • the engine stalls at low speeds when the gas pedal is pressed;
  • in cars with automatic transmission, speeds do not switch incorrectly;
  • increase in fuel consumption.
  • All these manifestations may indicate that the fuel filter of your Ford Focus 3 is not doing its job, is not cleaning well or is leaking fuel.

Useful information and nuances of installing filters

It’s interesting, but original filters for Ford Focus are practically never found on sale. Thus, the manufacturer forces you to change the entire pump assembly. The Ford Focus car uses two types of filters: FGO (for coarse cleaning), which is a mesh, and FTO in the form of a flask.

The purpose of the filters does not need to be described in detail. Let's just say that they efficiently clean fuel in two stages. This practice has long been found in the automotive industry: one filter removes all large particles of debris (mesh), the other qualitatively cleans the fuel before it is directly supplied to the engine.

The coarse mesh on the Ford Focus is located inside the pump

Fuel filters on a Ford Focus can have different designs and be located in different places, depending on the modification and system of the car. For example, on injection internal combustion engines, the FTO remote filter is located near the tank, and the FGO mesh is located inside the fuel pump.

On a Ford Focus, the FGO mesh is considered a disposable, non-removable element, and according to factory instructions, it can only be replaced when assembled with a pump. The replacement schedule for FTO (external) is every 60,000 km, for FGO (submersible) – every 120,000 km.

The location of the FTO on diesel Ford Focus is interesting. It is located at the back of the engine; the filter element itself is made of paper. The replacement period for such a filter is correspondingly reduced to 25,000 km.

Replacing the remote filter is quite easy. You need to crawl under the car, which you have previously placed on a lift or pit. Before doing this, you should put on protective gloves and open the sash or window in the garage to allow benzene vapors to escape. To ensure fire safety, it is recommended to turn off all heating devices.

Next you need to act in the following sequence:

  • Pour some fuel into the tank, start the engine and wait until it turns off (the system runs out of fuel - the pressure is released).
  • The filter is attached to the body with a bolt, and you need to unscrew it.
  • Disconnect the fuel hoses going to the filter (prepare an empty container in advance into which the fuel remaining in the pipes will be poured).
  • The filter can then be removed by disconnecting it from the clamp.
  • Tighten the new FTO into the clamp.

Video: removing the fuel filter Ford Focus 1

It is extremely important not to forget to mark the tubes, hoses and fittings that we remove.

The Ford Focus remote filter is located separately from the pump

When installing a new filter, you should pay attention to the arrow marked on the housing. It indicates which side of the filter element should face the engine (that is, the filter should be placed so that it is directed with the arrow towards the car engine).

The arrow on the filter should point towards the engine during installation.

Replacement of the mesh is carried out together with replacement of the pump. However, there are motorists who know how to clean the mesh without changing it. There is another option: install a mesh from another car model at the inlet of the original fuel pump, thereby creating additional filtration. This is something like an upgrade designed to improve the stability of the engine for some time. In fact, only a full replacement of the element will make it possible to improve the dynamic and technical performance of the engine if the submersible filter no longer copes with its duties.

Almost all Ford Focus have a hole cut on top of the fuel tank, which is provided for removing the pump and filter without dismantling the entire tank.

The replacement algorithm looks like this:

Video: how to remove the Ford Focus 2 fuel pump

After the pump is dismantled, you need to remove the bottom plastic cover protecting the mesh.

The submersible filter is located inside the pump, it is hidden by the bottom plastic cover

All that remains is to remove the submersible filter and replace it. If the pump is being replaced, then you need to install a new unit in place of the old one. After assembly, be sure to pump some fuel into the system with the starter, but do not start the engine. Then you should check the connection for leaks. The car must also be tested in motion. If there are no leaks anywhere, all hoses and tubes are properly secured, then you need to drive the car at speed along the highway, then downhill. This is how the fuel supply is checked in different driving modes.

Some owners take old fuel pumps to car repair shops, where the units are repaired and put up for sale. If you don’t want to throw away the part, then you can do just that and make some money.

Video: replacing the fuel pump on a Ford Focus

Where to look?

In second and third generation Ford Focus cars, the fuel filter is located in the gas tank, inside the fuel module housing.
It is combined with a fuel pump. If the filter fails, the entire module is replaced. But domestic car enthusiasts found a way out of this situation. And indeed, it is not entirely correct to throw away a working unit just because part of it has worn out. Moreover, this part does not even perform any mechanical functions.

You should, of course, pay attention to the fact that the manufacturer strongly does not recommend any artisanal improvements to the part. Ford Focus 3 owners carry out all operations performed solely at their own peril and risk. However, since the "invented" method is at least of research interest, it is appropriate to share it here. In addition, the process of replacing the entire assembly is no different.

So, the idea is to replace the mesh filter in the fuel module with an analogue one, since finding an original part for the Ford Focus 3 will be problematic. As a rule, a mesh from Toyota is installed.

Alternative, but no less artisanal, methods of improving the fuel cleaning process are installing an additional (auxiliary) cleaning element in the fuel system, or installing a mesh from a used fuel pump. Both methods have significant drawbacks. For the first, this is an increase in resistance in the fuel system when creating the necessary pressure, which can lead to a decrease in the service life of the fuel pump. For the second, the purity of the purifier is questionable. That is, any of them can endanger the entire fuel supply system, as well as threaten the safety of the engine of your Ford Focus 3.

FORD Focus 3 ignition key disassembly procedure

Many owners are faced with the problem of how to disassemble the Ford Focus 3 key. Despite the fact that the third generation of Ford Focus has become, firstly, a worthy continuation of the line and heir to the traditions of the model, and secondly, a progressive and innovative car with a large number of innovation and technological improvements, problems arise. The age of information technology forces car manufacturers to keep up with the times, equipping their creations with many useful and very comfortable electronic devices.

Comments • 11

It feels like he's a dealer or a taxi driver. I bought the cheapest pump to remove the good original one and put it on my Ford, or to sell it. It's just so barbaric to do this to your car.

The main thing is that the comments are coming and the video is moving forward)))

Yesss! Friends to such a surgeon, God forbid.

Easier said than done! and I do not pretend to repair your car)

After making the hole, now the passenger’s ass will always be covered in dirt, it’s absolutely brutal!

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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