Do-it-yourself taillight tinting: methods, is it legal, what is the fine

Hello, dear friends! Today we will talk to you about such a topic as tinting rear lights. To be more precise, I will tell you what methods can be used to perform such a procedure, how legal it is and whether you should be afraid of fines.

In fact, this procedure did not become popular in 2017 and certainly not in 2022. But now I’m increasingly hearing questions about whether it’s legal to do it yourself.

Some argue that tinting is completely prohibited. And those who try to tint the optics with red film will immediately receive a huge fine or even lose their license for a whole year.

It is necessary to dispel some common myths and tell everything as it is. Let's talk both about the potential fine and about ways that allow you to tint the rear lights of your own car with your own hands without unnecessary problems.

Let's turn to GOST

You probably know that there are rules and laws regarding tinting car windows. Just recently I talked about removable tinting, and we also discussed the issue of curtains for a car. I advise you to refresh your memory and read the materials again.

In addition, I would suggest that you familiarize yourself with removable tinting on a rigid base, the link to which will be here, and removable silicone tinting with a link here.

Now let's talk specifically about the rear lights. There are no requirements for their tinting. There are only regulations for the operation of automotive lighting equipment. Regarding the rear optics, it states that only yellow, red and orange light can be used. All others are prohibited.

There is one correction here. To illuminate the reversing lamp in the Russian Federation, only white light is used, as well as to illuminate the license plate.

These are the only official rules regarding this matter. That’s why you need to rely on them when you decide to tint the rear optics. If any color other than those listed is used, when recording this fact, law enforcement officers will classify this as an offense. Therefore, you will be issued a fine.

Potential penalties

If there is tinting on the rear optics that does not correspond to the characteristics prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offenses, then the driver of the vehicle will be fined.

Only here there are important nuances. The thing is that in the current legislation there are no specific clauses that relate specifically to rear optics. Just don’t think that it’s now legal to tint your headlights any color you like.

Here, traffic police officers will rely on Article 12.5 Part 1 of the Administrative Code. That is, they will charge you with a violation due to vehicle malfunctions in accordance with the requirements for permitting a vehicle to operate. If your taillights are in poor condition, get ready to receive a fine of 500 rubles.

Drivers note that traffic police officers rarely issue fines for such violations. And if you tint the optics without changing the color of the instruments, then there will be no problems at all.

Even though there is practically no threat of a fine in this situation, it is still necessary to remind you about the methods of paying fines. A link to interesting and useful material about this will be here.

What regulates the tinting of lighting devices?

There are a number of regulations for the driver that he must know and comply with. The main ones are traffic rules, the secondary ones... there are many of them, and among them there is the Technical Regulation “On the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles”. It is these 2 legal acts that we need, since the chain of references to answer the question about the legality of tinting the rear lights lies in them.

So, the basics of the Road Traffic Rules tell us that:

  • all other legal acts of 2022 must not contradict the traffic rules (clause 1.1),
  • the driver is obliged to know the paragraphs of the Rules that apply to him (clause 1.3).

But the Rules have several more applications that are an integral part of them, and one of them concerns vehicle malfunctions, specifically the design and external lighting devices.

We are interested in paragraph 7.18 of the List of Faults, which states that operation of the vehicle is prohibited if changes are made to the design without permission from the traffic police. And it is precisely the rules for the design features of cars, as well as their changes, that are regulated by the above-mentioned Technical Regulations.

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Tinting methods

I quite often see how the rear optics are tinted on domestic cars like Lada Priora, Grant, Vesta, Kalina, more classic VAZ 2114, 2110, etc.

But tinting also looks good on foreign cars such as Mazda 3, Hyundai Solaris, Ford Focus. The question here is rather what material to use and how well the work itself is done.

Since we have already decided whether such tinting is allowed, we can move on to the topic of creating such a tuning element. It is definitely not prohibited, although it is carried out within certain restrictions. St. Petersburg, Moscow and many other cities offer a wide list of tuning studios where you can tint your optics.

Before you make a decision, think about how exactly you will do it. Be sure to look at the photos of the finished options and evaluate the proposed methods. There are three methods in total.

  • Varnish. The use of varnish is quite common, although it is not considered ideal. It has its nuances and shortcomings;
  • Liquid rubber. A relatively new method, characterized by an exquisite visual effect after application. In my personal ranking, liquid rubber takes second place;
  • Special films. Everyone recognizes that film tinting is the most profitable, spectacular and effective. Even if the price is slightly higher compared to varnish.

Now we will consider each method separately to bring some clarity.

Until films became widespread, everyone used varnish. But even in our time there are car enthusiasts who prefer this option.

To tint the taillights, you need to buy a can of special varnish. It is applied in several layers after the previous one has dried. The number of layers determines the degree of darkening of the headlights.

If you want to do this with a spray can yourself, you will need:

  • thoroughly clean the surface to be treated;
  • cover the paint layer of the car around the lights with paper or polyethylene;
  • or dismantle the optics completely so that the paint does not get on other parts of the body;
  • apply the first layer and wait until completely dry;
  • apply a second layer and also wait until the paint dries;
  • Carry out a similar procedure on both sides of the car until the desired darkening is achieved.

Remember that it will be impossible to restore the lights after applying varnish. You'll have to buy new optics.

Liquid rubber

A relatively new method based on the use of liquid rubber. Moreover, in Russia, PlastiDip products are the most popular.

Liquid rubber is sold in the form of spray cans or in cans, the contents of which are poured into the spray gun. To tint the headlights, special transparent rubber is used.

When a layer of material is applied, the optics acquire a matte and slightly darkened structure. Rubber can be used to quickly and easily improve the appearance of your lights. The material dries quickly and is removed from the surface.


Objectively, the best material for tuning taillights is special high-quality films. They are made specifically for rear lights. Additionally, they have a damage protection function.

Its advantages include:

  • adequate price;
  • high quality;
  • long service life;
  • ease of application;
  • protecting the headlight housing from damage;
  • possibility of dismantling;
  • good light transmittance;
  • minimum complaints from traffic police officers;
  • wide choose.

How to apply paint or varnish with your own hands?

If you decide to tint the headlights using varnish, you will first need to purchase a special product. It is recommended to give preference to a tinting varnish that is easy to use. Its price may be high, but the result will be better, and one can will be enough.

Toning is carried out in several stages. First of all, you should remove the headlights so that the product lays more evenly. You need to take into account that they will need to be installed back, and you need to be able to do this. The next step is degreasing the surface of the headlights; this will require either alcohol or a special product. After the procedure, you need to let the coating dry.

It is recommended to do tinting yourself in a ventilated, well-lit room or in the fresh air on a bright, but not sunny day. Air humidity should not be high.

Before spraying, you will need to shake the can, then you can apply the paint in a thin and even layer. After this, you need to let the headlight dry, but no specks should get on it. Then you need to apply one or more layers, without exceeding the light transmittance standards. When the headlights are dry, they need to be polished to a mirror shine and installed back on the car.

Installation of LEDs and overlays

A fairly simple way to transform your Priora is to buy ready-made “eyelashes” in specialized tuning stores. However, it will be much cheaper to make them yourself. To do this, just take tubes or a piece of plastic (an alternative is vinyl film) and cut them into thin lines with a stationery knife. You can curl future “eyelashes” with your own hands using a hair dryer and soap solution. They are then attached to the car body using double-sided tape, glue or sealant.

Some drivers believe that “angel eyes” tuning looks much more impressive and useful in poor lighting conditions of Russian roads. It involves attaching LEDs to the headlights or taillights.

For this DIY upgrade you will need:

  • disassemble the front or rear headlight, having previously dismantled the element;
  • stick masking tape on the outer part of the glass of the optics, which will prevent it from being damaged;
  • bend the plastic sides (brackets) of the optics, under which the reflector is located;
  • heat the sealed adhesive with which the glass is fixed in the headlight using a household or construction hair dryer and remove the glass;
  • remove the reflectors using a Phillips screwdriver. Don’t forget to cover the turn signal lens with tape for protection;
  • Apply several layers of black paint to the reflector. This, combined with bright LEDs, will provide a greater tuning effect. Let the paint dry;
  • take an LED strip with a cross section of 2.6 mm. Remove the reflector's metallic backing, bend the tape into a circle and attach it using fasteners or glue;
  • After the glue has dried (about 2 hours), reassemble the headlight or lantern. Don't forget to re-apply the sealant to the glass.

Will on-site elimination help avoid a fine?

This question can be answered negatively. Eliminating the conditions that led to the violation on the spot, if such a possibility exists, is the responsibility of the car owner, which will not have any effect on the fine.

This, again, is explained by the Road Traffic Rules, where clause 2.3.1. which obliges the driver to ensure the proper condition of the car while on the road. That is, if a malfunction is detected, the driver must fix it in any case. But the violations have already been recorded and identified, so there is no opportunity to avoid a fine.

Headlight tinting

You can tint the headlights on the Priora yourself using the following means:

  • black tint film;
  • black spray paint. Unlike film, it is applied in several layers.

In some cases, the headlights on a Priora are tinted not black, but in a different color that matches the shade of the body. You need to understand that applying tinting will worsen the visibility of the road surface at night. Therefore, in order to avoid accidents, such modernization is most often carried out on car lights.

To install the tint yourself, cut out the required section of the film. The glass (reflector) of the lantern is moistened with a soap solution or water, and the film is applied there by heating it with a hairdryer. If paint is used, you will need to remove the glass and apply it to the inside of the lantern. Possible incomplete painting (pasting), but application of a pattern.

I want to darken the rear lights on a car, but I don’t know what’s best, some say varnish is better, some say film, help, give advice) it’s very necessary) the faster the better)

Comments 29

Yes, tights are actually the coolest option, they cost less and they look cooler!

I have a little idea, when I take a photo I’ll post it)

Pull your tights over the headlights))

I bought a film from a company I don’t remember, rolled it up in red, it’s really cool and it shows through clearly! the film itself is transparent for tinting headlights, that’s what I said in the store, they gave me the price of 450 rubles for 1m x 1m! so the simplest and best option)

I don't like red((

Oracal red film looks super.

I don't want red(

Just now from the garage, I was gluing the lanterns) Oracal8300 film No. 73 Spray the lantern, the film with soapy water, apply it, smooth it, and then heat it with a hairdryer and pull it to the sides! It stretches very well! The main thing is to warm it up well! (an ordinary household hairdryer) Light transmission is not much different from the stock! I looked at the sun during the day and everything is clearly visible! About road accidents “in the ass” - it’s already been discussed somewhere, CRAZY!, for ratoseev there is also a 3rd stop under the glass! ))) P.S. When you pull, don’t forget to tighten the side of the light, which is closer to the trunk! It’s visible!


General points

The most common tinting of headlights on a Priora car is vinyl tinting. Colored headlights make the car unique and stylish.

In addition, using a mirror or matte finish can provide scratch protection and maintain the shine of your headlights.

On the practical side, dimming or using a transparent film makes the headlights glow brighter, which is one of the ways to ensure safety on the roads, especially at night.

When tuning headlights, you need to take into account not only the front, but also the rear lights. From a legal point of view, this action is not prohibited if the power and brightness of the light are not violated.

Initial data

To tint headlights, you can use different materials, but regardless of which method is chosen, you should use a stationery knife, a sharp knife, tape and a hair dryer.

Tinting headlights, which are the lighting fixtures in a car, is best done using film.

This method is simple and convenient, and you can change the appearance of the car in just one to two hours. The driver can perform such tinting independently.

However, traffic police inspectors often disapprove of such tuning and issue fines.

All the driver can do to avoid this trouble is to monitor the light transmission indicators when applying the film.

The inspector conducting the inspection of the car must be guided by the technical standard TS 018, which outlines the safety parameters of cars.

Tinting can be installed at the factory by the manufacturer. In such a case, no claims can be made.

Using tuning yourself may result in administrative liability.

It should be taken into account that almost always after tinting the headlights, the light transmission norm is violated. Whatever type of tint is used, it should not absorb more than 15% of the light emitted by the headlights. Otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid punishment.

What's the use of it

There are several reasons why drivers resort to car tinting:

  1. Protects glass from minor damage and contamination.
  2. Giving the car an unusual appearance.
  3. Using film to enhance the light diffusion effect.

It is recommended to use a certified tint film. This will allow you to save the factory settings of the car's lighting system. Non-certified film should be replaced as soon as possible.

The legislative framework

Legal acts establishing the standards for the use of tinting films for headlights and cars:

Government Decree No. 1090 – Traffic rulesContains provisions that indicate how you should not tint or tune your vehicle.
Federal Law No. 195 - Administrative CodeThe code provides types of administrative penalties for violators
Federal Law No. 307The law on the basis of which amendments were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses

There is no prohibition in any legislative act of the Russian Federation on installing tinting on car headlights, however, there are standards that must be adhered to without fail.

Can a demand be issued?

Among drivers who like to tint the front hemisphere of car windows, there is a so-called “requirement” or “prescription”, which in practice can even cause the deprivation of arches. It is based on the fact that a representative of the relevant authorities demands that the car owner stop violating his rights.

More on the topic: What awaits the driver for using special signals on a car: fines and deprivation of rights

This is not legal, but in theory the requirement could relate to tinted rear optics. In practice, cases of receiving such orders along with a resolution in accordance with Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses are unknown. But one cannot help but take into account that, according to the logic of the courts, inspectors are often allowed everything, so the situation can turn out differently.

Considering that the fine for tinting rear lights is relatively small, some drivers decide to do it despite the prohibitions. There are several ways to tint. Special cans filled with paint and varnish can be used. But today this method is almost never used, since the paint can lie unevenly and significantly distort visibility. It is also negatively affected by sunlight and moisture. It will be extremely difficult to remove it if necessary, and, most likely, only replacing the lights will save you.

A more optimal way is film tinting. It is a little more expensive than varnishing, but you can do it yourself, which makes tuning cheaper. To properly cover the lights with film, you need to remove them, otherwise you risk damaging the body. It is important to thoroughly clean them from dirt and dust so as not to spoil the film. It is important to wash them without aggressive agents. It is necessary to work at room temperature. An excessively high one can ruin the film, and a low one can cause cracks to appear on it, which will negatively affect the aesthetic characteristics of the final result.

In general, the law is more loyal to tinting rear lights than tuning headlights. But it also involves a fine and possible problems in case of an accident on the roads. Therefore, the decision in any case remains with the driver. Before carrying out tuning, regardless of its type, you need to study the main regulatory documents that will explain its possibility from a legal point of view and reveal the possible consequences.

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