Instructions for repairing and replacing the heater radiator VAZ-2107

VAZ 2105 and 2107 cars have an absolutely similar design of all components and assemblies. Therefore, this article will help deal with the problem of two VAZ models at once. And what problem will we talk about today – the heater (stove).

Of course, drivers use this device very rarely, only 3–4 months a year. But very often a situation occurs when you need to heat the interior of the car, the heater does not work and cold air blows. Let's look at what could be the cause and what parts may need replacement in this article.


The design of the VAZ 2105 and 2107 stoves is absolutely the same. And they consist of the following elements:

  • Radiator;
  • faucet;
  • Holes for airflow of legs and interior;
  • Stove motor;
  • Radiator pipes;
  • Gaskets;
  • Protective cover.

In case of any breakdown associated with this mechanism, you will definitely have to remove the heater radiator. Since the cause of the breakdown mainly lies in it, for example, a coolant leak, clogged pipes, etc. But sometimes it’s not enough to just clean a part; sometimes you have to replace it. Let's look at how to do this now.

Fault signal

Before thinking about how to change a radiator with your own hands, a motorist should be aware of the signs that indicate an existing malfunction.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the presence of obvious fluid leaks. You can notice this by the puddle of antifreeze that will regularly appear under the driver’s feet.

Some fault signals indicate that it is time to replace the radiator.

The second sign may be cold air blowing from the heater, which is especially noticeable during the cold season.

Most often, the first problem entails an inevitable replacement of the radiator, if the second can only be corrected by replacing the faucet.

Operating procedure

Before you begin removing the radiator, you need to prepare the necessary tools. Namely:

  • Two keys – 7 and 10;
  • Screwdrivers (phillips and flathead);
  • Rags;
  • Two new rubber gaskets;
  • Four liters of coolant.

Before starting work, place a rag on the floor mats. It will protect them from getting antifreeze or antifreeze while the stove radiator is being replaced.

Opening access to the heater

First of all, clear access to the heater casing. This must be done by removing the bottom and shelf of the glove compartment, and also by disassembling the radio panel. Once the casing is released, it must be removed. Now, the stove radiator itself has opened in front of you.

All the work that needs to be done from inside the car is completed, let's move on to the engine compartment. On VAZ 2105 and 2107, there are two pipes from the cooling system to the heater radiator. On each of them there are clamps. They need to be released and the pipes disconnected from the stove. Also, carefully inspect the clamps for corrosion. If these hot spots are found, the clamps will need replacement. Otherwise, the source of corrosion may transfer to the thread, and you will not be able to loosen this part.

Once the clamps are removed, you will need to remove the diaphragm. It is attached with two 7mm bolts to the heater radiator. The last thing that holds the stove in place is the heater control cable. Let's remove the loop from it, and that's it, the radiator can be removed.

You need to remove it carefully without damaging the tubes. Otherwise, after reinstallation, they will leak and will need to be replaced. To disconnect them from the radiator, take a 10mm wrench and unscrew all the fasteners (there should be four of them).

Checking the part for leaks

Now, through the hole on which the pipes were attached, you can inspect the part from the inside and determine whether it needs replacement, or whether cleaning can be done.


Replacing the radiator of a VAZ-2107 heater requires certain skills, however, experienced motorists who have been using domestic cars for many years note that the process on the “seven” is similar to the identical procedure on the “kopek”. When upgrading your car, it is worth remembering that the difference between the two vehicles lies solely in the location of the air ducts.

To change the radiator of a VAZ-2107 stove you need certain skills

To change the heater radiator on a VAZ-2107 with your own hands, you will have to spend time removing the panel with the radio and glove compartment. The material below provides instructions that will help you replace the heater radiator in the domestic “seven” without any special investments or huge labor costs.


Assembling the VAZ 2107 heater occurs in the reverse order. First, we screw the pipes to the radiator and thread the part into the hole between the body and the engine. We put on the loop of the stove control cable and install the diaphragm. We connect the pipes, and be sure to tighten their edges with clamps.

When repairing or replacing this mechanism, it is recommended to replace all gaskets in order to increase their service life. The final step is to reinstall the radio panel and assemble the glove compartment. Replacement of the VAZ 2107 radiator is completed. Now, start the engine, warm it up for 5-10 minutes, and turn on the heater. First, do not forget to open the faucet, which is located under the dashboard, on the passenger side. If warm air is blowing from the vents, then the problem is solved, but if not, then it is better to contact a specialist.

Reasons for replacing the stove on a VAZ 2107

Many car problems occur with the arrival of cold weather, and this especially applies to cars from the domestic auto industry. One of the main problems is the inefficient operation of the heating system, as a result of which the windshield and side windows are poorly heated. VAZ 2107 owners quite often encounter a situation where in winter the car’s interior simply does not warm up. In this case, there is no need to talk about any comfort for passengers and the driver. To understand the reasons and eliminate a possible malfunction, you first need to understand the design of the “seven” heater.

The main elements of the VAZ 2107 stove are:

  • radiator;
  • tap;
  • fan;
  • control cables;
  • air ducts

Parts of the heater and body ventilation of the VAZ 2107: 1 — lever of the air distribution cover;
2 — bracket for control levers; 3 — handles of heater control levers; 4 — air duct for heating the side window; 5 - flexible rods; 6 - heating air duct As the vehicle is used, certain malfunctions may occur with the stove, which reduce the efficiency of the unit or make its operation completely impossible. There are not many signs of major problems and they boil down to the following:

  • heater leak;
  • lack of heat or weak air heating.

As for the service life of the stove, it is inappropriate to give any figures. It all depends on the quality of the parts, the coolant used, as well as the frequency of operation of the car.

Radiator leak

If the heat exchanger is leaking, it won’t be difficult to detect. Coolant in the form of a puddle will be under the feet of the driver or passengers. However, you should not rush to conclusions and buy a new radiator to replace it. The leak may be associated not only with it, but also with leaky pipes or faucets. To do this, you need to get close to these elements and carefully examine them with good lighting. Having made sure that the problem is not in them, only the radiator remains. By the way, sometimes when a leak appears while the heater fan is running, the windshield fogs up and a characteristic smell of antifreeze appears. Having found out that the reason lies in the heat exchanger, it will need to be removed and then repaired or replaced with a new one.

If a radiator leaks, the part needs to be repaired or replaced.

The stove doesn't heat

If the engine is warm, the heater valve is open, but cold air is coming from the heating system, then most likely the radiator is clogged or there is a low level of antifreeze in the cooling system. To check the coolant level, just look at the level in the expansion tank or unscrew the main radiator cap with the engine off. If there are no problems with the level, then you need to deal with the heat exchanger, you may have to flush it or the entire cooling system. To avoid possible clogging of the heater radiator, you should not add various additives that eliminate small leaks. Such products can easily clog the stove tubes.

Cold air flow from the heating system can also be caused by air in the system. In this case, you will need to remove the air plug and add coolant.

Airing is the appearance of an air lock in the cooling system during repair work or when replacing the coolant.

The heater faucet may eventually fail as a result of scale formation.
In addition, the problem is possible with the faucet itself, which over time may become clogged or scale may form if water is used instead of antifreeze. If there is a problem with the tap, the part is disassembled and cleaned or simply replaced. Another, although rare, but possible cause of a cold stove, may be pump failure. In this case, the engine warms up, but the pipes going to the heater radiator remain cold. In this case, the water pump must be repaired immediately. Warm air may also not enter the cabin due to problems with the heater fan. The problem may be with the motor itself or its power circuit, for example, if a fuse blows.

Selecting a new heater radiator

Buying a stove radiator today is not at all a problem. Automotive markets and spare parts stores are overflowing with such products, but making the right choice is not always easy. It's all about the manufacturer and price.

The cheapest radiator from an unknown manufacturer, also made from an unknown alloy, will cost you a maximum of 500 rubles. Naturally, no one will give a guarantee for several years of its productive operation. At the same time, you can buy a high-quality heat exchanger made of copper-brass alloy with a guarantee, at a price of about 3,000 rubles.

There are also compromise options that involve fairly high-quality products from well-known manufacturers at reasonable prices. Below is a table indicating the models of VAZ 2107 heater radiators from trusted manufacturers.

ManufacturerCatalog numberFactory numberMaterial of manufacture
AT2105-8101050AT 1050-005RAAluminum
Extra (Hungary)2105-81010502105-8101050Aluminum
SHAAZ2101-8101060-02 (three-row)Copper
SB OR2101-8101060Copper
Finord (Finland)FN2215Aluminum
Oberkraft (Germany)2105-8101060Aluminum
Fenox (Belarus)RO0003O7Aluminum

Replacing the heater tap

If you have a puddle and an unpleasant smell in your cabin, it means that the interior heating system faucet is leaking and it’s time to replace it. You can do this yourself. Prepare the following tools and accessories for this:

The work of replacing an old tap with a new tap is carried out on a cooled engine.

Disconnect the side deflector

We give away the crane mount

To prevent the bottom nut from falling or being lost, secure it with plasticine.

Remove the pipe from the tap

DIY replacement instructions

Replacing a heat exchanger consists of two stages: removing the old unit and installing a new device.

For the procedure, you should prepare the following tools and materials:

  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • a set of keys;
  • sealant;
  • a container for draining the working fluid, you can use a 5-liter water bottle;
  • new heat exchanger;
  • clean rags.

1. Remove the hoses from the pipes.

2. Disconnect the tap cable.

3. Remove the heat exchanger with tubes.

In addition, you need to stock up on coolant and two rubber gaskets.

Features of dismantling

Before removing the heater radiator on a VAZ 2107, you need to drain the antifreeze from the heating system. To do this, it is better to install the machine on an overpass, inspection groove or other device that will allow you to reach the drain plug. To make the glass flow faster, it is advisable to warm up the engine.

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The dismantling procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. To drain the antifreeze, unscrew the cap on the radiator and expansion tank.
  2. Having gone under the car, you need to place a container under the cylinder block and, unscrewing the drain plug, drain the liquid from the system. When the coolant has completely drained, you can screw the plug back in.
  3. In the engine compartment, use a screwdriver to loosen the fastenings of the clamps holding the heating system pipes. Then disconnect both hoses and heater tap tubes. Wipe off the spilled liquid with a rag.
  4. Further work is performed in the salon. You need to remove the radio shelf. To do this, two self-tapping screws are unscrewed.
  5. After dismantling the shelf, the heater tap will be accessible. Use a wrench to unscrew the cable fastening and move the free end to the side.
  6. The heater casing consists of two parts, which are held together by two steel brackets. Unfasten the brackets and remove the lower part of the case.
  7. Now the radiator can be carefully pulled out along with the heater tap.
  8. Then unscrew the stove tap and inspect the gasket. If it is unusable, then we replace it with a new one.
  9. Having unscrewed the two bolts of the inlet pipe, inspect the gasket. You should also check the functionality of the tap and replace it if it is faulty.

Replacement process

To avoid leaks in the near future, you should replace the pipes and gaskets with new products.

Replacing and installing a VAZ 2107 heating radiator is performed in the reverse order:

  1. After applying sealant to the gasket, you need to connect the inlet pipe to the tap.
  2. Next, the tap is screwed to the heat exchanger. A new rubber gasket must also be installed between them. After installing the cable, it must be adjusted so that the valve opens and closes completely using the control lever.
  3. Now we install the new device in its regular place. Having installed the gasket, fasten the unit.
  4. Then we attach the hoses and tighten the fastening clamps.
  5. After checking that the drain plug is screwed in, pour antifreeze into the system. When filling, the heater tap must be open so that coolant enters the heat exchanger.
  6. Next, tighten the caps on the heat exchanger and expansion tank.

After installing the unit, you need to start the engine and let it run until it reaches operating temperature. Without turning off the engine, check all connections for leaks. You also need to check the coolant level. If it does not meet the standard, add it to the required level.

If there are no complaints about the operation of the heating system, we connect the cable to the heater tap and secure the casing with staples. We install the radio shelf in its original place.

Heater radiator malfunctions

The design of the element and the use of non-ferrous metals and alloys for their manufacture ensures high reliability; there is nothing to break in it. But malfunctions in the heater radiator still occur.

Main faults:

  1. clogging of the tubes, due to which the throughput of the heat exchanger decreases;
  2. loss of tightness due to crack formation.

In the first case, the blockage affects the operation of the heating system - the heated coolant cannot circulate normally in the heater, and therefore cannot transfer heat to the air. Cracks are the cause of antifreeze leakage, which flows onto the floor in the cabin. They can form on the components of the radiator (tanks and tubes) and on the pipelines through which the heat exchanger is connected to the engine cooling system. The antifreeze shut-off valve may also be leaking.

If the stove does not heat up or traces of antifreeze are found on the floor mat, you should inspect the VAZ-2107 interior heater radiator, and this can only be done by removing the part from the car.

Control module

The heating system of the VAZ-2107 is controlled using a special module located at the bottom of the dashboard. Its design includes three levers and a heater fan mode switch.

The topmost lever controls the “stove” tap. In the extreme left position it is closed, and the coolant flows bypassing the heating radiator. If the switch is moved all the way to the right, the refrigerant will begin to flow into it in full, heating the air to the maximum.

The middle lever allows you to close and open the air supply cover. In the left position it will be completely closed and outside air will not be able to enter the cabin. The lid will open completely when we move the switch to the far left position.

The heating system of the VAZ-2107 provides for the distribution of air flows for blowing the windshield and front side windows. This is done using the lower lever. In the right position, the air is directed to the side windows, in the left - to the windshield.

The heater valve, air supply cover, as well as dampers that redirect air flows are driven by cables.

The fan mode switch is located to the left of the control levers. It has four positions in which the fan:

  • switched off;
  • works at first speed;
  • at second speed;
  • at third speed.

Let's sum it up

Even a novice driver can handle replacing the stove on a 7 on his own, the main thing is the desire to work for a positive result. Carry out regular preventive diagnostics of your car's heating system at least once a year, before the onset of cold weather. This will provide you with comfort in the car at any time of the year.


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