VAZ 2107 gearbox repair - how to do everything in your garage

The VAZ 2107 gearbox is a structurally complex device designed to convert torque from the vehicle’s internal combustion engine and transmit it to other transmission elements. Switching speeds (gears) in such a box occurs in steps.

The specified gearbox 2107 began to be installed on cars since 1982, and to this day this gearbox is considered the most advanced unit among “classical” mechanics.

Box 2107 is a five-speed manual transmission with a total of six speeds: five forward gears and one reverse speed. Next, we will take a closer look at how the VAZ 2107 gearbox is structured and works.

Gearbox device for VAZ 2107

In general, the five-speed transmission has the same functions as its predecessors: it varies the direction and magnitude of torque from the engine. The differences are that the five-speed has 6 speeds, including 1 reverse speed.

Inside the gearbox housing there are:

  • two types of shafts with different numbers of gears - primary and secondary;
  • levers responsible for changing gears.

If any malfunctions are detected, it is recommended to remove the box based on the manufacturer's instructions.

Replacing gears and synchronizers

The work of replacing gears and synchronizers is one of the most difficult when repairing a gearbox. There is a standard repair kit containing all the necessary parts to help cope with the task. It is advisable to prepare a special tool.

Gears and synchronizers on the primary and secondary shafts are changed in almost the same way.

The process goes like this:

  • remove the shaft from the box;
  • clamp the shaft in a vice, wrapping it in something soft;
  • Remove the retaining ring from the shaft using a special tool or a screwdriver:
  • press the bearings off the shaft;
  • remove the shaft from the vice, place it vertically, resting the first gear on two supports;
  • carefully press the gear off the shaft;
  • Carry out similar operations with the remaining gears and synchronizers.

Removing and replacing the fifth gear gear occurs differently.

Work on dismantling the five-speed gearbox VAZ 2107

Installing the car on a lift (you can use an overpass or a pit) is preceded by disconnecting the battery and removing the radio panel:

  1. Remove and disassemble the gearbox rod.
  2. Remove the cover from the gap where the lever attaches and remove the foam filling.
  3. Remove the exhaust pipe from the exhaust system.
  4. Move the starter, disconnect the speedometer wire.
  5. Unscrew the bolts holding the cardan and remove it.
  6. The clutch cylinder is removed using the same method.
  7. After this, the gearbox is removed from the car. To do this, it is best to invite assistants who will support the mechanism while you unscrew the mounting bolts. At this stage, it is also advisable to drain the transmission oil.

After all these steps have been completed, we repair the VAZ 2107 gearbox.

Repair process

When starting to repair or tune the gearbox, try to wash all accessible surfaces with kerosene as thoroughly as possible.

Next, you should carefully unscrew all the fastening bolts, sequentially releasing the parts.

Each gear is disassembled separately, and it is important to carefully check not only the gaskets, but also the seals. Correcting and diagnosing breakdowns includes replacing gaskets, this is a prerequisite; oil seals are usually changed if they are very worn.

The disassembled VAZ 5 mortar box must be washed again, after which all parts are checked again for faults and, if necessary, replaced with new ones. Most often you have to replace a worn gear or bearing.

To replace parts, you can buy a ready-made gearbox repair kit, designed taking into account the most frequently occurring faults in five-speed gearboxes. Also, before disassembling the transmission, prepare the necessary tools: an impact driver, a three-jaw puller, wrenches of different diameters and a torque wrench. Also for maintenance you will need fixing glue, a set of gaskets and seals, preferably a repair kit.

It should be noted that, like any gearbox, the VAZ 2107 5 mortar requires periodic maintenance to prevent malfunctions while driving.

After all the parts have been checked and replaced, you can begin assembling the gearbox, carrying out all the steps in the reverse order. If the parts have undergone too much wear and replacement of individual components no longer helps, a complete replacement of the gearbox on a VAZ 2107 may be necessary.

Thus, it is quite possible to carry out maintenance and repair of the VAZ 2107 gearbox yourself, the main thing is to follow all the requirements of the dismantling instructions and follow the drawings during assembly.

The VAZ 2107 is equipped with two types of gearboxes, one of which is four-speed and the other five-speed. Sooner or later, these devices begin to malfunction, as a result of which it becomes almost impossible to drive a car. In this material, we will find out what the repair of both types of gearboxes on a VAZ 2107 is, what are the differences between these two mechanisms, and when repair work is required.

Signs and causes of box malfunctions

The gearbox on the VAZ 2107 is considered a fairly reliable unit, however, during long-term use, some of its elements may fail for one reason or another. If the first disturbances in the operation of the gearbox appear, in order to avoid more serious breakdowns, it is necessary to diagnose and fix the problem as quickly as possible.

The list of main breakdowns of the VAZ 2107 manual transmission, the causes of their occurrence and methods of elimination are varied. It is important to pay attention to the following signs, as well as choose the right repair methods:

  • The gears are engaged randomly or not at all (wear of the moving parts of the gearbox (spring, hinges), wear of the locking rings on the synchronizers, wear of the synchronizer spring, wear of the teeth on the gears). The problem is eliminated by replacing faulty parts, or by carrying out a major overhaul of the box;
  • The gear is knocked out when switched on, the engine is subjected to heavy loads (the clutch is not fully engaged, the hinge on the shift lever is jammed, the shift lever is faulty, the forks in the gearbox are deformed). The problem is eliminated as follows: adjusting the clutch mechanisms, cleaning the hinge joints, replacing the lever or replacing a whole set of forks;

VAZ 2107 box repair

Taking into account all the design and operational features of the VAZ 2107 gearbox, carrying out repair work independently is only possible if you have extensive experience in servicing and repairing such units. If the box on a VAZ 2107 needs repair, the main stages of repair work are:

  • preparation (availability of the necessary tools, pit or overpass);
  • installing the car on a pit/overpass, draining the oil from the gearbox, etc.);
  • dismantling the box;
  • disassembly and troubleshooting;
  • trouble-shooting;
  • assembly and installation of the box in place.
  • socket wrench at “10” and “19”;
  • Phillips-blade screwdriver;
  • tweezers and two screwdrivers with a thin flat blade;

The general procedure is as follows:

  • install the car on a viewing hole or on an overpass;
  • by disconnecting the wire from the negative terminal on the battery, drain the gearbox lubricating fluid (gear oil);
  • Having removed the radio panel and pressing the lever, insert a flat-head screwdriver into the hole in the locking sleeve of the box to bring it out;
  • Having removed the rod from the lever, use tweezers to remove the elastic rubber insert of the damper from the lever;

Transmission repair: when to do it

Repair of the VAZ 2107 gearbox may be required in the following cases:

  1. Excessive noise is produced when the box operates. This noise is caused by increased wear of bearings, gears and synchronizers.
  2. It becomes difficult to change the transmission. The reasons for this consequence are hidden in the wear of the lever, the lack of lubricant inside the box, and the deformation of the gearbox lever. Also, the cause of this phenomenon may be jamming of the blocking cracks or damage to the coupling splines.
  3. Spontaneous transmission shutdown. The reasons for this consequence are wear of the ball holes on the rods, jamming of the clamps, blocking rings and the synchronizer itself.
  4. Oil leakage occurs. Repair of the VAZ 2107 gearbox must be carried out when oil leaks are detected on it. The causes of leakage can be either serious damage or simple wear of oil seals and seals.

In any case, disassembling the gearbox will be required if one of the above symptoms occurs, which will allow us to identify the exact cause of the malfunction and eliminate it. If even the slightest malfunction of the gearbox is detected, it is necessary to begin repairing it, which will prevent unforeseen consequences in the form of complete failure of the gearbox.

Features of repairing a gearbox on a VAZ 2107

The design of the gearbox is no more complicated than the design of the engine itself, but in order to carry out repairs correctly, a certain sequence must be followed. We will find out in more detail in what sequence the disassembly and assembly of the gearbox is carried out.

  1. Initially, the gearbox should be removed from the vehicle. We will not consider how to remove the gearbox, since there is appropriate material for this. One has only to note that first you need to drain the oil from the gearbox. We will begin repair work immediately.
  2. The box is dirty and oily, so it is recommended that you take your time with the repair and clean the outer surface of the product.
  3. Using a screwdriver, you need to pry off the cover of the fork, which is used to disengage the clutch. The fork is moved to the side. To remove the plug, you need to rotate it 90 degrees and remove it from the hole.
  4. The gearbox disassembly scheme is common for both 4 and 5 mortars. You need to unscrew the clutch housing mounting nuts, then unscrew and remove the spring washers. These washers are located directly behind the nuts.
  5. When the fasteners are removed, you can continue to disassemble the gearbox. To do this, you need to pull the crankcase, disconnecting it from the main device.
  6. There is a sealing element behind the crankcase that also needs to be removed. If the gasket is worn, it should be replaced. There is a spring washer on the shaft, which also needs to be removed.
  7. Using a “10” wrench, you need to unscrew the 10 nuts securing the crankcase cover. After unscrewing all the nuts, remove the spring washers located behind these nuts. The cover also needs to be removed.
  8. Behind the cover there is a seal, which should also be removed by prying it off with a screwdriver.
  9. The photo below shows the nuts that need to be unscrewed. These nuts secure the rear engine mount to the gearbox housing. Behind the nuts there are washers that must be removed, as well as a cushion complete with a cross member.

  10. Do-it-yourself disassembly of the gearbox continues with unscrewing the speedometer drive nut. After unscrewing this nut, it is necessary to dismantle this drive.
  11. The VAZ 2107 transmission is a mechanism with a set of gears and forks through which the vehicle moves. Having turned the gearbox over to the other side, you need to remove the reverse light switch.
  12. The bolt securing the fork, which is responsible for switching third and fourth gears, is unscrewed.
  13. You need to turn on the first transmission using the gearshift lever on the VAZ 2107.
  14. At the same time as first gear is engaged, fourth gear must also be engaged. Using a screwdriver, move the synchronizer clutch to the side to connect it to the gear.
  15. You may ask, why is it necessary to engage 2nd gears at the same time? This is done in order to block the rollers from turning.
  16. The retaining ring is dismantled by prying it with a special puller on the secondary shaft.
  17. Using chisels and a hammer, bend the locking plate securing the flange nut.
  18. The nut must be loosened by 2-3 turns, which will allow the coupling centering ring to be removed. After moving the ring, you need to screw the nut.
  19. Using a special kind of puller, you need to dismantle the coupling ring.
  20. After removing the ring, it is necessary to dismantle the centering ring seal.
  21. Now you can use a wrench to unscrew the nut.
  22. There is a retaining ring behind the nut that also needs to be removed.
  23. Using another puller, it is necessary to dismantle the flange.
  24. The gearshift lever must be set to the neutral position, and then the sealing collar must be pulled up.
  25. Behind the cuff there are nuts that need to be unscrewed. After unscrewing them, the lever or rocker is dismantled.
  26. Behind the scenes there is a seal that must be removed.
  27. The gearbox on the VAZ 2107 is further disassembled by unscrewing the two nuts securing the exhaust pipe.

  28. There is a bolt behind the bracket that should also be removed.
  29. To remove the back cover of the box, you need to unscrew the 5 outer nuts.
  30. Another nut secures the cover from the inside, so after unscrewing the 5 outer nuts, you should proceed to the last one - the inner one.
  31. It is necessary to disconnect the back cover and the box housing, which requires moving the back cover. The fastening nut is unscrewed, and then the washer is removed.
  32. After unscrewing all the nuts, it is necessary to remove the rear cover from the crankcase, rocking it. The crankcase cover will come off on its own.
  33. After removing the cover, it is necessary to remove the inner ring from the secondary shaft. Behind the ring is the speedometer drive gear, which must also be removed.
  34. The cover of the clamps is found, after which the two bolts securing it are unscrewed. After removing the bolts, you must remove the cover.
  35. There is a gasket under the cover that needs to be removed.
  36. The spring clips are removed.
  37. The gearbox must be turned over, thereby removing the retaining balls.
  38. You need to find the drive gear retainer ball and remove it. The oil deflector washer also needs to be removed.
  39. You should continue further if two gears are engaged at the same time. With two gears engaged, it is necessary to unscrew the bolt securing the 5th gear gears. As you guessed, this procedure is performed for the VAZ 2107 5 mortar gearbox.
  40. The fastening of the 5th gear shift fork, as well as the reverse gear, is unscrewed. After unscrewing, you must remove the plug.
  41. By holding the rod of the 5th gear, as well as the reverse transmission, you need to remove the rod from the crankcase and the shift fork.
  42. The gear block of the 5th gear and reverse gear is dismantled manually.
  43. The gear bushing is removed in the same way from the secondary shaft.
  44. Once the bushing is removed, you will need to remove the gear, ring gear, locking ring and synchronizer clutch for the five-speed transmission.
  45. The 5th gear synchronizer clutch hub is removed.
  46. The reverse control gear is also removed.
  47. From the inside, the intermediate shaft bearing is pressed out. To do this, you will need to take a hammer and a punch, and apply light blows.
  48. Next, the bushing is removed from the secondary shaft. It is also necessary to remove the outer ring from the rear bearing.
  49. Using a puller, you need to unclench the locking ring and remove it.
  50. Two gears are engaged at the same time - first and fourth. The bearing securing bolt is unscrewed.
  51. Place a screwdriver between the outer side of the ring and the shaft gear, thus removing the bearing ring together with the balls.
  52. The rear inner ring is pressed out.
  53. The intermediate shaft is removed.

  54. The locking block of the transmission rod 3 and 4 is removed.
  55. Crackers vary in size, so remember their location.
  56. The shift rod 3 and 4 of the transmission is removed.
  57. The 3rd and 4th gear shift fork is removed.
  58. The bolt securing the fork 1 and 2 of the transmission is unscrewed.
  59. The transmission rod 1 and 2 is removed.
  60. The locking block 1 and 2 of the transmission is removed.
  61. The fork for selecting these gears is removed.
  62. The complete input shaft is removed.
  63. The needle bearing is removed.
  64. It is necessary to unfold the locking plate until it disengages from the groove.
  65. The reverse gear axis is removed.
  66. The intermediate ring is removed.
  67. The key is removed from the groove of the secondary shaft.
  68. The intermediate bearing is removed.
  69. The secondary shaft is recessed into the inside of the crankcase, thereby removing it.
  70. Using a hammer, it is necessary to press out the secondary shaft bearing.
  71. The sealing gland is removed.
  72. The bearing from the 5th gear can be removed with a screwdriver, using it as a lever.
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