We make car curtains: curtains and frames - no worse than store-bought ones

Every responsible car owner should take care to protect the interior from the burning rays of the sun. Tint film is the most popular, but problems may arise with it due to stricter legislation.

Recently, administrative liability has increased for improper tinting of windows, so it is advisable to look for other options for protection from the penetrating sun and prying glances. The easiest way is to purchase ready-made curtains for windows. Although making such products with your own hands is quite simple.

Advantages and disadvantages

DIY frame curtains have the following advantages:

  • Providing external visibility with an obstacle to looking inside the cabin.
  • Reduced light transmission.
  • Reducing the flow of air masses at high speed.
  • Prevents insects from entering the machine.
  • Providing air supply in hot weather.
  • Possible decrease in visibility due to fogging of windows.
  • The view of the rear view mirrors is slightly limited.
  • There is poor visibility in the rain.


Sun blinds can be used and installed on any vehicle glass, with the exception of the windshield. This is due to traffic safety and the elimination of obstructed views of the road. High-quality modifications practically do not interfere with the view, and also do not interfere with the opening and closing of the glass on the side doors. Their configuration should exactly follow the shape of the window openings, fitting tightly to them. Since different brands of vehicles have different windows, blinds must also be selected individually.

Factory-produced frame car curtains are high-quality material in the form of mesh fabric, which is stretched over a wire frame. Despite the density, this design does not interfere with lowering and raising the windows, and also ensures ventilation of the interior. The main requirement for such devices is a combination of the ability to transmit a sufficient amount of light and limit the external view. Making such a modification yourself is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

Correct installation

The installation of special light-transmitting structures on car windows is strictly regulated by law. If they are not followed, the driver may face a fine or even deprivation of his license.

Frame curtains are also subject to a number of restrictions. Their light transmission coefficient must be no less than the established one. Also, when using them, the car must be equipped with rear-view mirrors on both sides.

Important! Most often, traffic police inspectors check the curtains on the front side windows for compliance with these standards; they are subject to increased requirements. Therefore, it is best for them to choose retractable options that allow the driver to quickly adjust the dimming level.

Standard equipment

Factory sunshades are usually supplied with the following configuration:

  • A couple of elements for the front windows.
  • Two analogues for the rear side windows.
  • Curtain for rear window and vent.
  • Fixing hooks.

Depending on the make of the car, car curtains can be purchased from 5 to 12 thousand rubles per set. The price also depends on the quality and brand. In addition, this moment depends on additional devices in the form of fasteners.


No matter how tempting the prospect of making the devices in question with your own hands may seem, to do this you need to objectively assess your capabilities. Without the appropriate skills, building them will be very problematic. As a result, an option may arise in which you will have to remove unsuccessful modifications with damage to some part of the interior trim, and then purchase a factory kit. The result is a waste of time, money and nerves.

The essence of the safety and reliability of curtains is that the factory has the ability to test them for strength, tearing and other deformations. It is almost impossible to conduct such testing at home. Since anything can happen on the road, the check is not a fiction, but complements safety when driving, especially over long distances and when the temperature changes.

Manufacturing instructions

A do-it-yourself frame curtain for a car is made in the following sequence:

  1. The wire is leveled and leveled using pliers.
  2. The length of the car glass is measured with a tape measure. Add 30 millimeters to the result obtained.
  3. The wire is cut to this length.
  4. The future structure is bent along the inner perimeter of the window with a margin of 1-3 mm. This can be done manually or using pliers. The main thing is that the reserve left does not significantly damage the interior trim.
  5. The wire is laid on the fabric and secured with double-sided tape.
  6. Use chalk to mark the required length on the fabric so that it can be folded and fixed.
  7. The prepared structure is processed on a sewing machine, after which the cambric is put on.
  8. After trying it on, we can assume that the frame curtain, made with our own hands, is ready.

Functions of car curtains

The main functions of car curtains include:

  1. car curtains protect people in the car from direct sunlight;
  2. car curtains protect passengers and car belongings from the views of surrounding people;
  3. car curtains reduce the temperature in the cabin, thereby increasing comfort and protecting the upholstery and other finishing materials from damage by ultraviolet radiation;
  4. car curtains increase driving safety by diffusing headlight light at night (when installed on the rear window);
  5. car curtains create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness in the cabin and give the car a progressive look;
  6. the use of car curtains increases the efficiency of a car air conditioner (up to 30%;), while reducing its wear and fuel consumption.

Car curtains, unlike tinting, can be quickly removed and installed, so when parked for a long time on sunny days, they can be mounted on all windows for the comfort of passengers.

Considering these functions, we can conclude that curtains for a car are a necessary accessory and the safety and comfort and even the well-being of passengers depend on its properties and quality.


The design in question can often be found on both domestic vehicles and foreign cars. The fact is that according to the law, window tinting should not transmit less than 70 percent of sunlight. This is not always comfortable for drivers and passengers. This problem can be solved by using a curtain in the car, which is easy to remove or install. It is worth noting that domestic legislation prohibits covering any windows on a car with various objects that reduce the driver’s viewing angle. Factory-made and home-made curtains are equipped with a retractable mechanism, which makes it possible to adjust the shading, and also allows you to dismantle the device in a matter of minutes.

Rules of care

In order for frame curtains on your car to last and not lose their attractive appearance, you should follow simple rules for care and use:

  1. To ensure that the structure does not lose its precise outlines, it is recommended to completely remove it as rarely as possible, only in cases of extreme necessity.
  2. In cases of contamination, frame curtains are washed under running water using a soft sponge and a small amount of washing powder.
  3. Also, smoking drivers should not forget that the mesh of these curtains easily melts at high temperatures.

Frame curtains are an excellent option for protecting the car interior from the sun, the views of strangers and insects. In addition, it is a stylish and fashionable piece of car interior.


Experts advise that when making your own, pay attention to the fastening of frame curtains for cars, and also take into account the degree of transmission of light and air. The fact is that often handicraft specimens do not meet factory standards. This leads to reduced visibility on the highway. As a result, the safety of movement decreases. Drivers are still allowed to use homemade curtains, so the choice remains theirs in terms of responsibility for themselves and their passengers. Consider the fact that homemade variations can either help or lead to an accident. It all depends on the quality of the curtains and the correct installation.

DIY protective screens

If desired, you can make frame curtains for car windows yourself. To do this, you will need steel wire (2 mm) to make the frame, a net (preferably not mosquito net) and tools (pliers, electrical tape, needle and thread).

The first thing you need to do is take accurate measurements. Ideally, first make a mock-up of the frame from cardboard, and then wrap it around it with wire. You will need to leave about a centimeter for the joint of the wire, after which it is rewound with electrical tape.

Need to make a frame

Now you can move on to the grid. It can also be attached to the layout. Here you also need to leave a centimeter on each side for reliable fixation. Now we sew the mesh to the frame with threads.

Just remember that excessive tension can lead to deformation of the frame. And if the tension is too weak, the mesh will sag and waves will form.

All that remains is to sew the mesh to the base

It is optimal to grab two opposite sides first, and then the rest. At the very end, after adjusting the frame, use a satin ribbon to sew the edge with thread. The curtain itself can be attached with double-sided tape.

These DIY frame sunblinds for car windows will be relevant for any vehicle. In addition, with this approach, costs can be significantly lower than purchasing new products. But here it all depends on desire and capabilities.

Watch a useful video on how to make auto curtains with your own hands:

Choose any model you like and transform your car!

Curtains for car windows: necessary or not?

If previously it was believed that curtains were installed on a car purely for aesthetics, now their necessity becomes clear. The products will provide reliable protection from bright sunlight. And above all, this is important for the driver, since the sun usually shines in the eyes. And this creates a dangerous situation that leads to an accident of varying severity.

Passengers also experience discomfort when traveling in hot weather. In this case, car frame curtains for side windows can help out.

In addition, if you have to leave the car in the heat, you have to look for a shaded place, otherwise the car interior gets very hot. Especially if the car has large windows and the interior has dark upholstery.

Frame curtains with a shortened version of the screens for the front doors for passing traffic police posts

And certainly no air conditioner will cope if the heat is stuck in a traffic jam with no end in sight. It is also worth mentioning the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on upholstery material. It quickly loses its color and becomes unusable.

Thus, it is clear that curtains in a car are not so much a luxury item, but rather a necessary precaution.

Why are frame curtains installed?

Most car owners are united not only by a love of transport and traffic, but also by the presence of some common problems. Here are the main ones: protecting the interior from the watchful gaze of people passing by, as well as the need to protect from the sun, which in clear weather can turn the interior microclimate into a real nightmare. And frame curtains are a great way to overcome both of these troubles at the same time.

If there are any valuables, documents, money, expensive purchases or even a banal mobile phone inside the car, it automatically becomes an object of increased interest for many scammers and thieves scurrying around. It is enough to make a small mistake and show excessive gullibility, and you will become a victim of robbery. Ultraviolet radiation from the scorching sun also does not add anything good to a hard day of work. If the weather outside is already hot, then thanks to the sun's rays the salon turns into a place where it is simply impossible to stay for a long time. And there is simply nothing else left to do but install tint on the car.

Types of models

We have already decided on the need to use curtains; now it is useful to find out what types exist.

The following types of products can be found on sale:

  • sun protection;
  • plastic;
  • fabric;
  • frame;
  • only for the rear window or only for the side windows and others.

Now a little more detail about each type.


It is very popular among many drivers due to the way they are mounted on glass. There are suction cups for this, so it’s easy to secure this structure.

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